This blog post was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Matt Baugh

Ambassador to Somalia

Part of UK in Somalia

17th January 2012 Nairobi, Kenya

London Conference on Somalia: Building Momentum

So far, we’ve had an overwhelmingly positive reaction to the British Prime Minister’s announcement to host a Conference on Somalia in London next month. After 20 years of sliding backwards, it’s clear – and welcomed by many – that Somalia needs a step-change in effort, both from the international community, but also Somalia’s political leaders.

This is what the London Conference is about – bringing together in London senior representatives from over 40 governments, multilateral organisations and Somali authorities to agree how the international community can step-up its efforts to help tackle the root causes and effects of the problems in Somalia.

Twenty years of civil war in Somalia have had a dramatic effect on Somalis. Somalia is the most affected by the drought in the Horn of Africa – the UK estimates that 50,000 to 100,000 people may have died in Somalia, half of them children, since famine was declared almost six months ago. The UN estimates that 250,000 Somalis remain at risk and almost 2.5 million Somalis are displaced in the country and across the region. And if that wasn’t reason enough to act, an entire generation of children – Somalia’s future – has grown up with guns, not school books. Somalia is one of the worst countries in the world to be a woman. And while some Somalis are thriving financially, not enough is being invested in Somalia’s future.

And it’s clear from my meetings with many Somalis, that the people of Somalia want change. So the London Conference is about making the most of the opportunities in front of us:

  • The opportunity to support a more inclusive and representative political process when the Transitional Period ends in August 2012;
  • The opportunity to help people return to Mogadishu and rebuild their lives in that city;
  • The opportunity to take further action against Al Shabaab and piracy;
  • The opportunity to reinforce the relative stability in areas of Somalia, such as Somaliland and Puntland and in the south.

To realise these opportunities we need more effective international and Somali leadership and a more coordinated approach focused on actions. The UK aims to act as a catalyst for this new approach.

Together with colleagues in London and in British Missions around the world, we continue to consult widely with our Somali and international partners. These consultations will continue over the next weeks.

From these early discussions, there’s growing agreement on a series of measures to support Somalia, including: providing sustainable funding for AMISOM; support for Somali security and justice sectors; agreement to what should succeed the transitional institutions in August 2012; a package of support to Somalia’s regions; a renewed commitment to collectively tackle the terrorist threat emanating from Somalia; breaking the piracy business model; a renewed commitment to tackling Somalia’s humanitarian crisis; and improved international handling of Somalia issues.

So, the momentum towards the Conference is building. We’re realistic enough to know these are complex issues that will not be solved overnight. We will need to build on and support the work of the UN, AU, NGOs and the vital role of civil society in Somali and we will require sustained political commitment and concrete action, including from Somalia’s political leaders. But what’s agreed in London will be an important step.

Please let me know what you think. Whether you agree or disagree with this emerging agenda – your comments are always welcome, either below or on Twitter using #LDNSomalia.

1,086 comments on “London Conference on Somalia: Building Momentum

  1. Hello everyone, it’s my first pay a visit at this site, and piece of writing is in fact fruitful designed for me, keep
    up posting these types of content.

  2. London Conference on Somalia.The control EastAfica.Thinka Afica as the damig they don.The most severe drought in decades is threatening the lives of more than 12 million people in the Horn of Africa, with the people of Somalia facing the greatest risks resulting from armed conflict and lack of sustainable security and governance. This confluence of famine and conflict is particularly devastating for women and children. While attempting to save their children from starvation, malnutrition and disease, women in Somalia are subject to conflict-related security threats including sexual violence. As they make the long journey from what was once their home to the refugee complexes either in Kenya or Ethiopia, women and children’s vulnerability is exacerbated.

  3. President Sillanyo’s speech in London conference on somalia has put last nail on the coffin in any hope towards a future reunification between Somaliland and somalia, period!

    Osman Qaal,
    Ottawa, Canada

  4. British Government BRAVO !!! …On article # 6 of the communique says” The Conference recognised the need for the international community to support any dialogue that Somaliland and the TFG or its replacement may agree to establish in order to clarify their future relations.”

    There is no any pre-condition for recognition , this is a real acknowledgment and reward of almost full recognition with out declaration only !!!

    In addition, thanks your for political and financial support of creating huge and especial fund for Somaliland developments in five years coming according to the official statement following the two important of different meetings between President Ahmed Mohamed Silanyo of the Republic of Somaliland had discussed in LONDON with UK International Development Secretary Andrew Mitchel on Wednesday after prior meetings with Mr William Hague the foreign minister about exclusive of Somaliland affairs.

  5. i would like to tell you , Mr bought to avoid British government to give an opportunity Kenya and Ethiopia because they are interesting somalia to fail down and never build back ,, they killed hundreds and thousands

  6. First, I would like to thank Mr. Matt and the British Government for their generous initiatives and efforts in bringing the Somalis together.I believe there should be several points on the table at this meetings.
    1. The north-south issue
    2. The 4.5 which has no basis. The majority rules minority phenomena.
    3. The foreign enemy interventions in Somalia – Ethiopia & Kenya who occupy our lands from the colonial era and the fact that the world has forsaken us with outside interference.
    4. The Sub division of Somali into Mini- States by warlords who claim to show the world their bright face.
    5. To bring the as much elites/diaspora as possible in the meeting and get rid of tribal minded people.
    6. To tell these people that Somalia is one, that Somalis are one, in the eyes of the world, and they should manage their affairs alone.
    7. That our ocean has been robbed by bigger nations and that those 1000 ships around it do nothing but fishing under the pretext that they are fighting pirates which doesn’t make any sense since pirates are hunting as far as India…
    8. That Somalia can not stand alone on its feet without without help from the world, with out economy, without calling the right politicians, educators & experts, without strong Somali force that keep security both inside & outside. They are struggling for existence.
    9. The problem of the radicals who suppress their freedom with unimaginable threat and executions. Who install fear in people’s hearts. This issue should be a top priority.
    10. The problem of hunger, poverty, disease which befalls on women & children and the aged who don’t receive the aid intended for them. Who take the greatest share of the Somali plight.
    11, Egad was established for economic reasons. After the fall of the central government, we see them as political entity and we all believe they are the part of the problem in Somalia. We need nations which have no binding issues with us to engage in our future reconciliations.

    We all hope something good will come out of this meeting and we thank the British Government for taking this great step.

    A concerned Somali who just wanted to say his share.

  7. Who among you is not Somali ? I believe we all are Somalis. What does Somali-Land mean. It means the land for the Somalis (no more no less). I believe every Somali should know that there is no benefit for any of us if we as a nation tell the world that we need Somalia to be divided among us. let us say 2 kilometers per head. I believe only a fool would accept that offer but if it comes for any division then let us opt for complete division, , the land for all people (God forbid & I hope this would never happen) and I guarantee that when it comes to the point, there would be nothing called Somalia. Let us be wise. Let us unite. This is a chance for all of us. What have you gained through divisions. Each region is under the control of Ethiopia, south, north, Hiiran Etc. One word to your so called leaders – you all serve our enemies. Shame on you……. Greater Somalia is what we need.

  8. Dear Matt
    International community attending London conference will likely to discuss issues such as pirates and Alshabaab. Let us not forget that pirates were result of over fishing Somali coast by bigger ships belong to countries in Asia and Europe. European Union ships along take fish from coast of Somali annually an estimated 300 million dollars worth of fish, It is important this issue to be a addressed. Alshabaab and pirates can be dealt with only by strong Somali government which has strong arm forces. Please support rebuilding Somali arm form instead spending millions of dollars to AMSOM, Kenya, and Ethiopia. Also as Somali scholar leaving outside the country I am worried the timing of this conference, we already have road map, Garawe agreements, first Somali government is on the way in next few months. Why London conference in this time, I hope this to be positive conference supporting road map and Garawe agreements.

  9. No one on this forum should be speaking about Somalia and it’s finances since Somalia has absolutely no income. There’s a huge civil war, famine and poverty because Somali’s are against each other. The ‘so called government’ has failed, once again. Is this surprising? No. Every Somali person who has stepped up to the plate for their country only does it for power and respect. There is no one who has done it for their nation since the late Aden Abdullah Osman. Since the government is a huge fail we have the clan ‘Al-Shabaab’ and the Somali pirates who are making it even harder for people to live without fear. The government is full of people who have no significant reason to be apart of it. These men and women come from all around the world and don’t have no solution in structuring a nation and providing necessities for their people. This is a government that has physical altercations with each other and we read in the news that they beat each other with chairs. If they cannot agree on little decisions for a country do you think they can reunite them?…Although Somalia has been colonized in the past, us Somali people do not want that to happen again. Not only is this embarrassing for our nation, its embarrassing for the people who are fighting for it. Somalia does not need another country to tell it how it should be ran and how they can unite again but they need everyone to agree on how to help it. Everyone meaning: al-shabaab and the others. The Somali government needs fresh youths who have been educated and are not stubborn. They also need youths whose pride will not get in the way of making decisions. Politically and economically Somalia is in dire need of help. Somalia has had a big sign saying: S.O.S. since 1991. Somalia has been stripped from it’s rights and freedoms and cannot be fixed anytime soon. Debating and arguing what is good for a nation does not make any sense because while we are typing away people are dying and children are crying due to hunger. The Somali people destroyed Somalia. The Somali people asked foreigners to come into their country. The Somali people give the United States a reason to invade our country. The Somali people allow other nations to degrade them. No one is causing more harm to Somalia then it’s people. The unstable political situation in Somalia is horrific and beyond controllable. The conference happening in the U.K. will not benefit Somalia because it is going to be one of the many conferences that failed to provide the Somali people with freedom at the least. How can a country that has absolutely no idea what is going on in Somalia tell the people how to fix their problems?

  10. It’s funny how everyone has conveniently forgot that Somali has been ignored for decades. Are we really supposed to believe that this conference is for the benefit of Somalis ? Wake up people, after years of abandonment, and supporting our neighbours to attack us, why all of a sudden are they interested in helping us. The fact is the British government do not care about our nation and never will. We do not need their interference , what we need is to do is realise that we alone ( by the will and grace of Allah swt) can solve our problems. Strength will come through unity. All this conference will help us distinguish between the hypocrites and those who genuinely care. After reading these post, it’s appears that there are more of the former amongst us. What a shame.d

  11. Thank you UK and other nations for this conference and positive outlook after 20 years

    Terorism and Piracy can only be defeated when education and enlightement is brought upon young men and women in somalia’s education institutions

    knowledge is power

    Somalia’s entrepeneurs without knowledge only understand short term gains not medium and long term opportunities coming from a stable Somali governement (Governement and Taxes= Security,Banking, Health, Education, More Profit inside and outside Somalia etcccc)

    Let us look at globle trade not local tribal trade

  12. This conference is an opportunity to see if we are ready to rebuild Somalia in peaceful manner instead of the last 20 years of blame culture

    We should explore every avenue in order to restart a somalia which will trade and collect (taxes) peacefully and leaves tribalism behind to build a nation acceptable to Somalies, our neighbours and the whole world.

    We need a Governement to collect the Taxes which will pay for our security, education , health and all the key services our nation needs to rebuild again provided by the private sector because the government will be able to reach the whole nation quick enough

    We need to look at South Sudan, ethiopia, kenya and uganda which are ready to trade globaly and we need to be part of the east african economy instead of this narow view of interal tribal differences

    peace in Somalia = bigger and better opportunities for the Somali Entrepeneurs

    Lets us join the global trade has a nation again called Somalia

  13. Hello Mat,
    I am among many Somalis who are really worried about the timing of London conference.
    We are really perplexed about the upcoming conference when Al Shabab is defeated, when Somalia is slowly starting to emerge from the abyss it went for the last 20 or so years.
    Why call now a conference outside Somalia/ Why let Kenyans invade Somalia one month after Al Shabab left Mogadishu? instead of 1 or 2 years ago’ when Al Shabab was at its heyday? Why Ethiopians entered after Al Shabab were weakened?
    Why UK calls a conference on terrorism and piracy now instead of 2 or 3 years ago?
    Why now now that we see a light at the end of the tunnel? Why call a conference in London that is based on the security of the UK?
    I and many of other Somalis have many unanswered questions about the London conference, that among many questions will last for 5 hours and will gather the representatives of 40 countries? How can a meeting of 5 hours address the problems of 21 years of Somalia? or it is ready made announcement which doesn’t care about the plight of 15 millions of Somalis?
    I said we are really worried about the aim and the timing of London conference.
    I hope you can reassure us on the intentions of said conference. We really hope.

    Please let us know about your real goal.

    Thank you

    1. Abdulkadir Dalel I am so happy about all the important points you made and brining up all these unaswred questions. please read this gabay that will cover more of my feelings

      Midnimadii Soomaliyeed Magacyada 5taa Markuu Nagu Maquuneeyay
      Middii soo Hartuu Rabaa Inuu Micida Saaraaye
      Waxba yuusan madal shir meel dheer igaga maamuusin

      Miro Labaatana Colaadan Mararka Sii Dhaaftay
      Masawir Buu Nala Kortaagnaa Siduu Moowdku Noogalaye
      Ma Maseeyr Baa Kagalay Turkiga Malabka Noo Daadshay

  14. I welcome and support the London Conference on Somalia. I also want to thank for British government and their people for acceptance and help to many Somali refugees in their soil. I hope the conference will be different, fruitful and the last one for Somali problem. The writer of the topic said ‘Somalia is one of the worst countries in the world to be a woman.’ I want to correct this, Somalia used and it is now the best place for women. Historically Somali tribes used to fight a bloody fight because of some one raped their girl or said something inappropriate to them and still now families, friends and community at large still defend them. Our women go to school, do business, travel alone, and marry alone without their family. Our women are brave, proud and free more than any other women is this world and I am proud of our girls. Please check and read our Somali Women History.

    Thanks all
    Abdirizak Sheik Dhaay Sayid Ibrahim
    Alberta Canada

  15. Soomaalia used to be for Somali people. This is not true anymore; our enemies had succeeded to make as not trust each other and most importantly our Islamic religion (because we have Qabiil and so call Alshabab). I will say. “Be very cautious Somalis”, Britain always knew our problem and they contribute some of the problems we are facing behind doors; while paying over $500.000 to Ethiopians invasion to Somaila and many more. It seems to me that we are either have a short memory of what happen to us or we don’t look back the short history for us. Britain has more knowledge in Somalia then we do ourselves. I know Britain have a strategy that is not good for Somalia; I wonder how corrupt it is? Will they bringing back their colonial idea, now than we are morally and mentally being destroyed? You may think I am pessimistic, but I haven’t seen anything to be optimistic last 20-years. We must be careful, not just be excite whatever we being told!!!! (Nin Bukaa Boqol u talisay)

  16. Hi every one, I have been reading through every one’s opinion and yet there are still disagreement between the ideas been displayed that requested by Mat. As the central Government collapsed as of course every one knows, we are still suffered by unrest political situation. We have had more than 15 reconciliation conferences held by many different countries. No crops came out after words because there was hidden interest working behind the scene
    that Somalia never gets a solution to rebuild their confidentiality and form any government. To day we have got an outstanding opportunity to come to the desk again and talk. I personally think this is an amazing moment to express our thoughts before the British authority because they know deeper than any other country and they can do something about it. I am proud of that.
    Dear mat, as we are aware of that Somalia since the central government collapsed; Somalia Clans started to build Self-sufficiency which means almost every clan built its own administration. such as Somaliland, Awdal state, khatuma state jubaland etc.
    I would highly suggest that all the parts those who established an Administration and reached to stable their territory are worth to be invited all of them to this conference . Because sir, these can help Somalia to come back online.
    The other thing is Somalia does not worth to break away into north and south. Somalia is Somalia and never be two borders.
    thanks Matt.

  17. Hi Everbody
    I believe a lot have been said so far. And if I could wrap up what I see as the core issues are: Somali integrity and independence; Building the pyramid from the Bottom – UP involving the civil society at grass-root level upto intellectual and politicians; building the capacity of the basic institutional infra -structures and correspondingly diminshing the role of foreighn countries including Kenya / Ethopia, etc
    and finally, embarking on development projects to engage people and create windows of work and future aspiration.

    I am an expert in all these areas and I am ready to offer advice if needed. Abdi Ismail.

  18. Dear Matt,

    Thanks for this opportunity to contribute Somali Conference in London; we do not need international Community to be observers but we need action towards Greater Somali Unity, we’ll urge Arab League, OAU, China, Russia and Muslim Countries to participate London Conference.

    North Somalia; Nasa Hablod Administration, “So called Garadag State” they should Stop greediness, shame on you; Garadag, you do not need to hijack other clans in North of Somalia, such as Khatumo State, Awdal State and Saylac State of SOMALIA.
    Garadag State, do not fulfil legal requirements of statehood; it is ONE CLAN based administration. Genocide was committed by SNM Militia in Buhodle “Khatumo State of SOMALIA”, Genocide in Seemal “Awdal State of SOMALIA”
    Khatumo State, Awdal State & Saylac State are the outcome of your inequality, injustice, greediness, and genocide committed.

    You need to advise Silanyo “Killer, blood on his hands” to stop genocide, where is ICC? If you don’t, we’ll take him & SNM Militia Genocide leaders like Nuuh Tani “Canjeex of North Somalia” Jidhif, Muse Bihi, and others to International Criminal Court.
    Somali people need Unity and British Government to support this, particularly new brave North Somalia States” Khatumo State, Awdal State & Saylac State of North Somalia Administration. It is necessary British Government to support them States.

    At the same time SNM Militia are Denying the existence of Khatumo, Awdal & Saylac States at the expense of Somali Unity.
    Warning: All SNM Militia should leave from Awdal , Salal & Sool Regions before August 2012, otherwise they’ll face stiff resistance “Alshabab syle”

    Economy: So Called Somali Pirates is result of over fishing Somali coast by bigger ships protected by Worships from European Nations. Also dumping of Chemical waste from Western Countries.

    See you in London Conference with all North Somalia States [Khatumo State, Garadag State, Awdal State, Saylac State]
    LIVE LONG SOMALIA, Khatumo, Awdal, Saylac States “New Bridge of Somali Unity”

    P.S. Garadag; former so called self declared Somaliland, now GARADAG STATE.

  19. Dear Matt,
    In your statement above, you mentioned stable areas in somalia, like punt land and somaliland. With all respect you haven’t been reading the news. Somaliland is not stable at all. They are sending war machines to SSC region to kill indiscriminately children, women and old. Also, they staged camps out side Borama to see if people Awadal move muscle.

    In future reference please reframe your self using words like “stable somaliland”. Because, you are belittling the lost lives of inocent people.

    They are doing all these killings with aid your government gives them without oversight. They are slaughtering the people of Awdalstate and abusing their rights everyday.

    I urge the government of Britain to reconsider their approach on Somaliland and the people of Awdalstate and SSC and ask them their sand against Somaliland.

    All the people who glorify Somaliland are from one tribe called Isaaq aka SNM. Who are cancer to somali society.

    We support and stand for one somalia. My Allah help us.

  20. To
    His Excellency Matt Baugh
    The British Ambassador to Somalia

    Your Excellency,

    It is an honour to communicate with you and extend my grattitude to the British government officials among them are the Right Honourable David Cameron, the Right Honourable William Hague, and the Honourable Henry Bellingham. Mr. Hague has raised several topics at Chatham House, London, about the Somali consultation on London Conference, especially the issue of hearing the views of all Somalis including the Somali Diaspora. It is a realistic view that a more stable Somalia is vital not only to the Horn of Africa but to the world at large including Europe and North America. Personally, I support the British led conference on Somalia crises, but it seems that the conference has been handled as an ad hoc form, i.e. there is a flavour of undecipherable urgency. This kind of conference is full of multiple expectations and it would have been better to give it enough time to prepare and gather scholastic input. Let us underline first that the London Conference is about bringing together senior representatives from over 45-50 governments; multilateral organizations, and Somail political actors to agree upon a unified form of how the international community can organize itself and prioritize its efforts of tackling “the root causes and effects of the Somali crises.” The expectation of this magnititude, it seems that time is not our side. Nonetheless, I will raise three topics in this short note:
    1) The end of TFG in August 2012. A functionable parliament must be selected by Somalis. The newly selected MPs must be not more than 125 members. They must be highly educated, technocrat and young. They must not being selected on 4.5 method or system. They must be selected for their honesty, hardworking and really want to see a peaceful Somalia with good relations with its neighbours and the rest of the world. Once the Parliament is carefully selected, to form the government structure would be easy.
    2) The Security structure: Building a sizable Police force; effective courts and Jails and due to the security in Somalia, a temporary capital punishment should be permissable. Following this should be building the military and marine corps up to 18-22 thousands. While the Somali military and marine corps are in professional training, the Amison should be strengthened to the point where they can secure Mugadishu atleast.
    3) Pirates in the high seas: It is a piece of cake. Once there is an absolute law and order all over Somalia, the pirates will either be captured or evaporate into the thin air. Focus on the land as the Somali proverb says that every bird that flies comes down to the land.

    I am the author of “the root causes of the united nations’ failure in Somalia – the role of neighbouring countries in the Somali crisis published in October 2011.

    Sincerely yours

    Othman Mahmood.

  21. external actors has to realize, strong and stable Somali is there interest.
    I think London conference will be different from previous conference because now there are golden opportunity to bring Somali in to peace and stability.
    also external actors has realized that shabaab will over take the country unless they form strong and stable government.

  22. Since the collapsed of the Somali central government we heard many conferences about reconciliation and discussion on Somali politics but sadly no one achieved the ambition of the Somali people and bring it back .The International community will not settle Somalia until they Somalis work out the ambition of the Somali society and the external actors will not bring Somalia peace and stability and there is no difference this London conference the previous conferences.

  23. Stability, security and economic growth in Somalia must involve women at all levels. Women’s rights and roles must be protected. As you said Somalia is one of the worst countries in the world to be a woman. In order to achieve stability, security and economic growth women must be involved in the decision making and leadership of Somalia’s future. Somali women must be represented at this conference from the grassroots to the national level.

  24. The problem in Somalia dosent happen in one day or week or months,
    why now?????????
    Uk did they forget what they did to Somalia dividing in V part, we never forgett, and it was very painfull………
    Pls dont follow US policy Why its failure…………. .
    Pls take what ever u whant from Somalia but fare way, dont ever undestament human,or you will be failure

  25. 23-February London Conference
    The big chance for Somalia’s
    Waxaan salaan daaran u dirayaa Madaxda Dowlada Ingiriiska.
    Waxaan aad ugu faraxsanahay soona dhaweeynayaa takista Wasiirka arimaha dibada uu tagay Muqdisho iyo Magacaabista Safiirkooda, runtii waa astaan rajo soocelita qaranimadii Soomaaliyeed.
    Shirkaas Muhiimka ah ee doowlada Ingiriisku ku casuuntay Aduunka iyo Soomaliadaba waxaan rajeeynayaa inuusan fashilmin, noqdana mid tayo u leh Ummada Soomaaliyeed oo eey mahdiyaan.
    Sidaas darated waxaan ku talin lahaa in nuxurka dhibka Somalida la taabto laguna daweeyo, kaas oo ah Caddaalad daro, Faqri iyo Jahilinimo.
    • Somaliland Waa ka soo qeeyb galeysaa waxeeyna sheegeeyneeysaa Cadaalad-Daro.
    • Puntland waa ka soo qeyb galeeysaa waxeeyna sheeganeeysaa Cadaalad-Daro.
    • Gal-Mudug Wee ka soo qeeyb galeeysaa waxeeyna sheeganeeysaa Cadaalad-Daro.
    • Ahalusana-Waljamaca weey ka soo qeeyb galeeysaa waxeeyna sheeganeeysaa Cadaalad-Daro.
    • Dowlada hada jirta weey ka soo qeeyb galeeysa waxeeyna sheeganeeysaa Cadaalad-Daro. Iyada ayaana looga fadhiyay ineey soo celiso, soo celin iska daaye iyada dhexdeedii ayaa is aamini la’ oo aduunku kala celinayaa oo ciidamada AMISOM ayaa kala ilaaliya.
    • Shacbi weeynaha Soomaaliyeed ee dulmanaa waligiis labaatan-kii sano ee la soo dhaafana dhibaatada dilka, barakicinta iyo boobka lagu hayay ee aan jirin cid matasha oo shirarka uga qeeyb gasha iyaguna waxeey sheeganayaan Cadaalad-Daro.
    Hadaba Cadaalad-Daradaas dadku wada sheeganayaan isuma keeni karno, hadii aan isla ogolnahay labaatan sano ma soo gaarteen, ee Dowlada Boqortooyada Ingiriiska waxaan ka codsaneeynaa in codkeena eey kor u qaadaan Aduunkana u sheegaan Soonaaliya waxaa ka Maqan eey raadinayaan waa Caddaalad ee halagu taageero.
    Cid diidi karta ma jirto cid waliba waa waxa eey la careeysan tahay ee kaligeed eey meel uga soo jeesatay.
    Caddaalada soomaaliya yaan cidna cid loogu dhiibin muddo, inta la hubinayo in wax waliba si sax ah u dhaceen dadkuna is aamini karo.
    Sida loo keenayo iyo farsamada shaqo ee lagu dhaqan galinayo waa sidaan.
    Caddaalad darada soomaaliya ka dhacday waxeey sababtay in aan dib danbe la isku aaminin qabiilna uusan ka ogalaan qabiil kale in xukunka iyo awooda helo, gobolna uusan gobal ka yeelin inuu ka yeesho muhiimad gaar ah, taasina waligeeda waa jireeysaa hadaan xal loo helin. Xalka loo heli karo waa in la dhisaa hey’ad ka madax banaan dowladda oo aan ka amar qaadan haba yaraatee xakuumad iyo dowlad iyo baarlamaan midna ee ku xiran Jamciyada Quurmaha Ka Dhexeeysa, lehna ciidan u gaar ah iyo maxkamado madax banaan waxaana ku talinayaa ineeysan Soomaali ku jirin maamulkeeda sare laakiin ciidanka iyo shaqaalaha hoose eey noqon karaan , sidoo kale waxaan ku talinayaa in qofkii hey’adaas shaqaalaheeda ka mid noqoda siyaasda soomaaliya laga mamnuuco toban sano inuusan ka qeeyb qaadan Karin.
    Somali Refugee Lonodn UK
    Sheegaha Xaqa Qarsoon

  26. The somali people have never listened to each other. I do not think people would read all these rubish. Matt if you want somali listen to each other and develop good listening skill please limit the word they can post here. I do not want to come here and read a book size comment. I would not have mind if it contain some meaningfull discussions. They simply show hatred and tribalism. Look at any social network, there is always a word limit. Somali has to learn from the world. Sometime you do not have to say anything to convey your opinion that is what they have to learn. As Somalilanders we have stopped to deal with Somali for the last twenty years. The world do not understand that why we have done so. This people would never sleep a wink to destroy any discussion. If you want to see that do not go anywhere just visit this blog. full of rubish. I do not think British tax payers money should be spent on Somalia. It is a failed state and it will continue to be for the for the forseeable near future. Thanks.

  27. dear Hassna Abdi international community will not accept two or three Somali governments we are very lucky if we get one fully functional government.

  28. Somaliland: To go or not to go to the London Conference.
    By Mohamud Tani
    Feb. 03, 2012

    Never trust the British with your fate. Never! From Palestine and Israel to Kashmir and Pakistan to Rhodesia and South Arica, all the way to Haud and reserved Area the Foreign office and its bureaucrats were all throughout history on the wrong side of issues. Britain always left a legacy of trouble. It has no history of ever solving one. Did you ever detect the true colours of Tony Blair before the Iraq war? Jomo Kenyatta once said “My British friends came to our land with a Bible in their hands. They told us to shut our eyes for a moment. When we opened our eyes, they had the land and we had the Bible.“ Such is the British treachery. They are telling us now to shut our eyes. Trust the Americans. They always mean what they say. Do not ever get caught by the hypocrisy that built an empire through sheer cunning and deceit.

    Well, all this would not have happened had the Somaliland government gave to the British officials the standard answer that we had for the world since the first day of the existence of Somaliland – Somaliland will only negotiate with a one government in the South. Our present government tried to be clever. They also needed some assistance for our cash strapped little country. They went to London and to the horror of everybody in Somaliland our Government was in the same table with Puntland and Gslmudug. Silanyo and his Government did in one step to reduce the standing of Somaliland from a De Facto country to the status of a clan or subclan. They accepted to be In the same protocol with Majeerteen (Puntland), Habar/Gidir Saad (Galmudug) Habar/ Gidir Ayr (Ahlu Suna Wa Jamaa). They again did the same in Nairobi. Then all disaster followed. Our clever government were not so clever after all. It was a classic case of the hyena dating the wrong guy. Maybe they got a little cash, but they threw away the demand that we be treated as what we are: a NATION and no other way. Nobody took us seriously after that. Now we are being expected to come to London again and the President t himself has to appear and sit in the same line with Puntland and Galmug presidents as a representative of a region called Somaliland that is in Somalia. Sh. Shariif will be seated among the world leaders. Siilanyo being a member of other regional delegations from Somalia will be sitting behind him. What a disgrace!! Imagine seeing that picture in the CNN and the BBC.

    Apart from the external affairs fiasco it caused, the downgrading of Somaliland to level of Majeerteen, Saad and Ayr has also caused an internal disintegration. Every political opportunist now wants to go to the Conference of the clans in London. This would not have happened had we not participated two of the first four preparatory meeting. Had we stayed out altogether as we always used to (before we started to be clever) , no one from Somaliland would have dreamed neither Khatumo nor Awdal nor Makhir nor others that are in pipeline. By downgrading the status of Somaliland Mr. Silanyo has opened a Pandora box. I Quote here Faisal Waraabe commenting when on the first time that we participated the London preparatory Conference. He Said “Mr Silanyo Listen .You are My president only in the context of Somaliland. Outside that you are not . If you go again to a table where Somali clans are meeting. Yes Listen . You only represent your sub-clan ,and I will go representing mine” That is what Faisal said that day. Now are you surprised at Ali Khaliif ? In the name of fairness let us give the devil his due.
    Now what we need is sobriety and level headedness. Qualities we lack so much now in Somaliland. Let us weigh arguments for or against going to London.

    Those who say let us go are stating their case like this. Forty or more world leaders are coming. Somaliland will have a golden opportunity to state its case to the international audience and it’s a chance we cannot miss. That would have been a very strong argument if the question of Somaliland and its future was in the Agenda. World leaders who are coming where not made aware of a discussion about Somaliland. How different it is, how good it is and how it needs to be recognized? The Agenda is clear. It is about Piracy, Shabaab , Famine and the formation of a National inclusive Government. Nowhere in the Agenda is Somaliland mentioned good or bad.

    On the contrary the preamble of the Agenda stated that the Territorial Integrity of Somalia will be maintained. Sh. Shariif and his Government will be speaking to the delegates representing all the Somali delegates there including us. Regional presidents will not speak. If World leaders give Regional presidents a photo op that is the best they can get out of the conference. I hope that is not what our leaders want. A picture with Dave Cameron.!! That can be arranged by one Somalilander who is a resident at the Prime Ministers riding in UK.

    Now let us look at the other side of the coin. I believe if we do not go to the conference in London, the British Prime Minister will not be happy. He will be angry at his lower officials that they let him down. That the International community will see that the conference that the PM lent his name has a great hole in it. The PM will see the lower British officials misrepresented the case of Somaliland and did not give it the weight that it was due. The World will ask themselves who is that who did not come. The answer readily comes to our advantage. The entire international friends and journalist supporter that we gathered in these twenty years will fill the void. Look who is not being accommodated here? The most peaceful, the most stable, the most democratic, the only people that defeated Shabaab, the only people those Pirates are afraid of, the best is missing. Only then will our demands be listened to. That is the way we should play the game.

  29. Best and good luck for appointed UK ambassador for Somalia, as Somali scholars outside Somali we do welcome your appointment and we hope that you improve Somali and UK relationship. What is important is to give priority in rebuilding Somali security and army and Somali institutions, instead spending millions of dollars to neighboring countries and African union forces. Somali forces will be able deal with piracy and insecurity posed by Alshabaab.
    Also , I do ask Somali people participating this discussion (scholars) to welcome Matt for his new job. what’s more, please it very essential to show unity, provide ideas that may contribute solution for your county. Talking same speak in 20 years will solve our problems, please only provide positive argument that may bring Somali together. We can see in our eyes that very Somali state is diving again and again in every year. Its very essential every Somali to know that his region or his village will only get services such security, education, infrastructure and health if only when Somalia gets full functional government. Let all unite and contribute only one goal ‘ to gains fully functional Somali government that give all Somali citizens the right, services and respect they deserve. Please give us your feedback.

  30. Hi All

    First of all, may i congratulate Matt for his new post. Secondly, i would like to take this opportunity to make clear for every one that with out peace and stability there is no life. let us admire and respect for those province which have enjoyed peace and progress over the last decades, including Somaliland and Puntland.

    Furthermore, If we take look at the Somali peop;e’s History, we can conclude the following:

    1. The Language of Somalis is Somali Languge
    2. The religion of Somalis is Islam

    But when it comes to the politics there differences which includes:

    1. Somalia and Somaliland once were two different countries but fortunately or unfortunately become united under no official agreement under the name of Somali Republic (not Somalia)

    2. After 30 years being one government under the name of Somali republic, Somaliland reclaimed its own name Somaliland and once again called Somaliland republic. it managed to build all the government institutions and infrastructure from scratch.

    If you want to refer to the history please read the following Act of union which never has been materialized:

    SOMALILAND & SOMALIA: THE 1960 ACT OF UNION – An early lesson for Somaliland



    Prior to attaining independence on 26 June 1960, Somaliland was very much interested in pursuing the dream of a Greater Somali State encompassing all the territories inhabited by people of Somali ethnic origin. After discussions in 1960, Representatives of Somaliland and Somalia agreed that an Act of Union will be signed by both states on independence and that this document will be in the nature of an international agreement between the two states. The Legislative Assembly of the independent STATE OF SOMALILAND therefore signed the Union of Somaliland and Somalia Law (set out below) on 27 June 1960. The Law was immediately effective in Somaliland, but as set out in the recital, it was supposed to be signed by the representatives of Somalia, as well. In fact, this never happened. Instead the Legislative Assembly of the Somalia Trust Territory met on 30 June 1960 and decided to approve “in principle” an Act of Union (Atto di Unioni), which was significantly different from this Act of Union. According to Contini, (The Somali Republic: An Experiment in Legal Integration, Frank Cass & Co. Lt 1969: London), the Assembly requested the “the Government of Somalia to establish with the Government of Somaliland a definitive single text of the Act of Union, to be submitted to the National Assembly for approval”.

    What happened instead was that on the morning 1st July 1960, the members of the Somaliland Legislative and those of the Somalia Legislative met in a joint session and the Constitution which was drafted in Somalia was accepted on the basis of an acclamation, with no discussion and a Provisional President was elected. This step was taken whilst relying on an additional clause inserted on 18 June 1960 in the draft Constitution to the effect that

    “immediately after the signing the Act of Union of the two Somali Territories (Somalia and Somaliland), the new National Assembly shall elect … a Provisional President of the Republic…”

    Presaging what was to happen again and again in the relationship between Somaliland and Somalia, the newly elected provisional President than issued on the same day a decree law aiming to formalise the union, but even that was never converted to Law as presidential decree laws always required to be presented to the National Assembly for conversion into Law under Article 63(3) of the new Constitution within five days of their publication, otherwise they “shall cease to have effect ab initio” i.e from their date of issue. In any case, the reality was that there were two different versions of the same “law”.

    Thus, although the clear plan and agreement between Somaliland and Somalia was that the same Act of Union will be signed by both states, the legal formalities, as agreed, were not completed properly and, according to Contini,

    “ the Union of Somaliland and Somalia Law did not have any legal validity in the South (Somalia) and the approval “in principle” of the Atto di Unione was not sufficient to make it legally binding in that territory.”

    Cotran [(1968)12 ICLQ 1010] comments that the legal validity of the legislative instruments establishing the union were “questionable” and he summarises the reasons as follows:

    “a) The Union of Somaliland and Somalia Law, and the Somalia Act of Union were both drafted in the form of bilateral agreements, but neither of them was signed by the representatives of the two territories.
    b) The Union of Somaliland and Somalia Law purported to derogate in some respects from the Constitution of the Somali Republic.
    c) The Somalia Act of Union was approved “in principle” but never enacted into law.
    d) The decree law of July 1, 1960, did not come into effect since it was not converted into law in accordance with the Constitution.”

    It was only on 18 January 1961 when a new Act of Union was put to the National Assembly, and was promulgated on 31 January 1961. This Law entitled the “Act of Union” was made retrospective even though there is a generally accepted principle that laws should not be retroactive. The new Act of Union was different from the one signed by the Somaliland Legislative and re-produced below. The Law of Union passed by the Somaliland Legislature contained some guarantees about the laws applicable in Somaliland, the rights of Somaliland serving officers, which should not become less favourable than was applicable to them at the time of the union, the establishment of a special Commission on laws and its composition etc. These were, in hindsight, the only rather half hearted, demands that the Somaliland made at the time of the union. But the 1961 retrospective Act was very clear in repealing anything which was inconsistent with the 1960 Somalia Constitution, and specifically repealed “the provisions of the Union of Somaliland and Somalia (Law No.1 of 1960)” except for Article 11(4) which, as you can see below relates to agreements entered into by the independent Republic of Somaliland (see Article 9(2) of the 1961 Act of Union).

    This was a clear indication that Somaliland was an independent state with a Government of its own, however short that period was, and under Article 11(4) of the 1961 Act of Union, it was confirmed that

    “all rights lawfully vested in or obligations lawfully incurred by the independent Governments of Somaliland and Somalia … shall be deemed to have been transferred to and accepted by the Somali Republic upon its establishment”.

    What this confirms again is that there was a union of two states, but more importantly, that Somaliland was an independent state before the union and has entered into treaties with Great Britain during that period. This is of considerable legal significance because so many people, specially in Africa, still think of Somaliland as a region seceding from the now defunct Somali (Democratic) Republic rather than a former independent state withdrawing, albeit unilaterally, from a union of two states – a position which is currently unique in Africa as there is no other territory or even region in a similar position.
    Finally, no one is contesting that the independent State of Somaliland and its people sought to unite with Somalia on 1 July 1960, and Somalilanders are still counting the cost of that precipitate decision, But the issue is that the way the legal formalities of this voluntary union were dealt with and how the Constitution was drafted for Somalia (and not Somaliland) were early harbingers of the tragedy that was to follow, because later even the Act of Union formula of a Republic Legislative consisting of the Somaliland Legislative Assembly (of 33) and Somalia’s Legislative Assembly (of 90) was jettisoned a few years later. © 2006

    LAW OF UNION BETWEEN SOMALILAND AND SOMALIA: Law No: 1 of 1960 – Passed by the Independent State of Somaliland Legislative on 27 JUNE 1960

    Whereas the State of Somaliland achieved independence and ceased to be under British protection or within the jurisdiction and sovereignty of Her Britannic Majesty on the 26th day of June, 1960, being Muharram 1st 1379, and Whereas the State of Somalia achieved its independence and ceased to have the status of a Trust Territory of the United Nations Organisation administered by the Republic of Italy on the 1st day of July, 1960, being Muharram 6th 1379, and Whereas it is the will of the peoples of Somaliland and Somalia that their States shall unite and shall forever be united in the Somali Republic.

    Now we the signatories hereof being the duly authorized representatives of the peoples of Somaliland and Somalia and having vested in us the power to make and enter into this Law of Union on behalf of our respective States and peoples do hereby solemnly and in the name of God the Compassionate and Merciful agree as follows:

    1. (a) The State of Somaliland and the State of Somalia do hereby unite and shall forever remain united in a new, independent, democratic, unitary republic the name whereof shall be the Somali Republic.
    (b) The Capital of the Somali Republic shall be Mogadishu.

    2. Subject to the express provisions of this Act of Union the Union hereby constituted shall be upon the following conditions:
    (1) That the component administrative units of the government of the Somali Republic until more suitable administrative arrangements are made, shall be firstly the region comprising the territories contained in the boundaries of the presently existing State of Somaliland [hereinafter referred to as the Northern Region] and secondly those presently existing territories which comprise the six Regions of Mijertein, Mudugh, Hiran, Benadir, Upper Juba and Lower Juba all in Somalia (hereinafter collectively referred to as the second-named Regions).
    (2) That the existing laws presently in force in the Northern Region and in the second-named Regions respectively shall remain in full force and effect within the respective territories where the same presently apply and shall not have force or effect beyond those respective territories where the same presently apply.
    (3) That all persons now serving the Somaliland Government in the Northern Region and the Government of Somalia in the second-named Regions respectively shall continue to serve the Government of the Somali Republic upon terms not less favourable than those at present applicable to them.
    (4) That the Courts as presently constituted in the aforesaid Northern Region and the aforesaid second-named Regions shall continue to exercise within their respective territories the jurisdiction which is conferred upon them by presently existing law and shall be Courts of the Somali nation;
    (5) That all rights and obligations vested or accruing, whether public or private (including any status of legal personality acquired under law by corporate or non-corporate bodies) shall continue to subsist in accordance with sub-clause (2) hereof, be recognised and enforced by the Courts of the Somali Republic referred to in sub-clause (4) hereof and by the Government in the Somali Republic.
    (6) That in the Somali Republic the national languages of the Republic shall be as to the spoken tongue Somali, and as to the written language Arabic, English and Italian, which shall have equal status.

    3. (1) All persons who upon the date of this Union possess the citizenship of Somaliland and Somalia respectively shall by this Union now become citizens of the Somali Republic.
    (2) All persons who hereafter would, but for this Union, have become citizens of Somaliland or Somalia respectively under the law of either of the two uniting States as presently subsisting, shall hereafter become citizens of the Somali Republic.

    4. The Head of State of the Somali Republic shall be the President of the Republic chosen in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution referred to in Article 7 hereof.

    5. The Executive Authority of the Somali Republic shall be vested in the Council of Ministers appointed in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution referred to in Article 7 hereof and shall be exercised as therein provided.

    6. The legislative power of the Somali Republic shall be vested in the National Assembly constituted in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution referred to in Article 7 hereof and shall be exercised as therein provided.

    7. The Constitution of the Somali Republic shall be the Constitution of the State of Somalia with such adaptations as may be necessary to bring it into conformity with this Act of Union but notwithstanding the provisions thereof relating to amendment, no amendment of that Constitution shall derogate from the conditions of Union set forth in clause 2 hereof unless made in accordance with the procedure and provisions set forth in clause 10 hereof.

    8. (1) Upon this Act being made the presently subsisting Legislative Assemblies of Somaliland and Somalia respectively shall cease as such to subsist: but the existing elected members of the said Legislative Assemblies shall constitute the first National Assembly of the Somali Republic. Immediately upon the National Assembly of the Somali Republic being constituted under these provisions, the members thereof shall each before the person presiding over the National Assembly make an oath of allegiance to the Somali Republic.
    (2) The existing President or Vice-President of the Legislative
    Assembly of Somalia shall preside over the National Assembly of the Somali Republic for the purpose of taking the oaths of allegiance in accordance with sub-clause (1) hereof and for the purpose of electing the first President of the National Assembly only.
    (3) The members of the Council of Ministers after being appointed in accordance with the Constitution shall each make an oath of allegiance to the Somali Republic before the President of the National Assembly.

    9. (1) Notwithstanding anything in clause 2 hereof, the citizens of the Somali Republic shall have the right freely to move for lawful purposes throughout the territory of the Republic subject to the provisions of any law relating to public order or human or animal health.
    (2) Notwithstanding anything in clause 2 hereof there shall be no customs, excise or other tax imposed upon the movement of goods (including animals) between any parts of the territory of the Somali Republic, providing such goods originate from the Region from which they are proceeding.
    (3) Until unification of customs tariffs is achieved, goods imported from foreign countries, land moving from the Northern Region to the second-named Regions and vice versa shall be subject to the customs laws at present in force: in the Northern Region and the second-named Regions.

    10. (1) There shall he established a Special Commission the members of which shall be persons who were immediately prior to this Act of Union either members of the Legislative Assembly of Somalia or members of the Legislative Assembly of Somaliland together with a Chairmen being a member of the National Assembly a pointed by the members of the Commission.
    (2) The members of the Special Commission (other than the Chairman) shall be appointed by the President of the Somali Republic acting on the advice of the Council of Ministers and shall consist of an equal number of former members of the Legislative Assembly of Somalia and former members of the legislative Assembly of Somaliland.
    (3) The Special Commission shall examine into and make recommendations (which in the event of the Commission not being unanimous shall be the recommendations of a majority of its members to which a minority report shall be attached) as to the provisions to be made from time to time by law for the purpose of establishing uniformity between the laws, institutions, public services and social services presently existing in the regions referred to in clause 2 (1) hereof.
    (4) The Special Commission shall for the aforesaid purposes be empowered to establish sub-commissions or committees, the members whereof may include other persons, and to engage or call for assistance from any person by way of advice or otherwise.
    (5) A Special Commission shall from time to time report to the Council of Ministers as to its recommendations under sub-clause (3) of this Clause and the Council of Ministers shall thereupon with all reasonable dispatch lay such report before the National Assembly together with the proposed legislation to be made to give effect thereto.
    (6) The National Assembly shall thereupon decide by a majority of the members thereof present and voting upon such proposed legislation whether the same shall be enacted.
    (7) Upon the National Assembly so deciding then the President shall assent to such legislation and upon the same coming into operation any condition set forth in clause 2 hereof shall so far as it is inconsistent with such legislation be abrogated.
    (8) The Special Commission may with the approval of the Council of Ministers make rules regulating its procedure and
    providing for the duration of the appointments of its members, the remuneration of any persons whose participation or assistance is called for under sub-clause (3) hereof, the filling of vacancies in membership and all other matters as may be required for the performance of the functions conferred upon the Special Commission by this clause: Provided that if the Special Commission fails to make rules under this sub-clause in accordance with a request made to it by the Council of Ministers, the Council of Ministers may make the said rules.
    (9) Any rules made under sub-clause (8) may be added to, amended or revoked in the same manner.

    11. (1) Any property (including any rights arising from contracts or otherwise) that is immediately before this Act of Union vested in the Government of Somaliland or in the State of Somalia shall upon this Act being made vest in the Somali Republic or In any such person or authority on behalf of the Somali Republic as the Council of Ministers may direct.
    (2) Any liabilities or obligation (whether arising from contract or otherwise) incurred by the Government of Somaliland or by the State of Somalia and subsisting immediately before this Act of Union shall upon this Act of Union being made be a liability or obligation of the Somali Republic or of such person or authority on behalf of the Somali Republic as the Council of Ministers may direct.
    (3) For the purposes of the preceding sub-clause, any property which immediately before the making of this Act of Union was vested in, or any liability or obligation which at that time had been incurred by, any person or authority on behalf of the Government of Somaliland the State of Somalia shall be deemed to be property vested in or a liability or obligation incurred by the respective Government or State.
    (4) Without derogation from the foregoing provisions of this Clause the rights and obligations arising from agreements entered into – between the Government of Somaliland and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and between the Government of Somalia and the Government of Italy and other States and International Organisations which are set out in the Schedule (2) to this Act shall be binding upon the Somali Republic.

    12. (1) For the time being the provision subsisting immediately before the making of this Act of Union for the expenditure of public monies of the Somali Republic hereby constituted within and upon the Northern Region and the second-named Regions shall as far as practicable continue to the intent that those monies which have been authorised to be expended within and upon the respective Northern Region and second- named Regions shall continue to be expended upon the public service and upon the development and welfare and in the service of the said Northern Region and the second- named Regions and the inhabitants thereof respectively.
    (2) For the time being the presently subsisting provision for the expenditure of public monies (including such monies as may be provided by way of assistance from foreign States) upon the development and welfare of the aforesaid Northern Region and second-named Regions and the inhabitants thereof respectively shall as far as practicable continue to the intent that those schemes of development and welfare which are now current shall be completed and that those schemes of development and welfare which have been planned shall be proceeded with within the respective Northern Region and second-named Regions hereinbefore referred to and for the benefit of their respective inhabitants.
    (3) The Supreme Court of the Somali Republic shall have appellate jurisdiction in relation to decisions of the Courts
    now constituted and which will continue to subsist in the aforesaid Northern Region.

    Abdirahman Ahmed BSc (H) ABMS

  31. Hi Matt,
    Communities in the Central, North East and North west Somalia are overly represnted, be it TFI instituitions, regional governement, regional adminstrations, Civil Societies, NGOs, etc. and now from what I read, your conference omitted representation of Marginalized Communities between the rivers, not minorities, but marginalized. All previous conferences failed because the violent was rewarded to reach peace at the cost of the peaceful. Some clans will really dominate as they will be represented by TFI, Civil Society, Selected Regional admins and ASWJ, similarly there are MPs in Puntland, Somaliland, Gal Mudug, etc. while majority of TFI’s MPs are from those same region promoting the intrests of those same communities that come from nomadic and like the hyenas they are by nature loyal to their clan for survival. The IC encouraged fight against shabaab without assistance to qualify recognized regional admin as Galmudug, however, when in Beletweyne that was eventually achieved, the TFG appointed who they wanted.
    My request, let the conference target for the people to get what the people want, and doesn’t allow their voices hujacked. A clear reward and punish on anyone that abuses your assistance, and bear in mind Somalis dont fear death, poverty, or the like, but a travel ban or cell confinment is the worst nightmere of a nomad. Let the outcome be one that eventually leads to the wish of the people, if Somalilanders, i.e. the people of Somaliland, want to succeed, every other Somali will agree, let them have it, but appointment of leaders to fertile Southern regions south of Mogadishu by TFI, Kenya, Ethiopia, etc., will only lead the region to future conflicts.
    Thank you for this opportunity

  32. London Somali Conference is a unique opportunity and Something very significant is expected to end the country’s ‘quarter of a century old conflict!.

    It has to address the very nature of the country’s cycle of mutating conflict, e.g. Siyad Barre’s time of armed clans has mutated to a full scale civil war, then to Warlords’ rule mutated to Islamic Courts. Again Islamic Courts mutated to find itself affiliate with Al-Qaeda ‘Al-shabaab’).

    Well over 15 Somali peace Conferences have failed to delivery any tangible result. All attempts relating to form some sort of national governance including current the TFG were doomed to failure.
    Behind all these failures and mutations – including piracy at sea – is ‘Poverty and Clan mistrust’ combined. London conference is to face both.

    After August 2012: Ending the transition and adapting country’s constitution and restoring security and normalcy in Somalia is a premature project.

    *You can’t possibly achieve that where most of southern and central regions of Somalia are occupied by one of deadliest groups on earth – AlQaeda.

    *You can’t possibly dream to achieve that when country’s population in their millions are in refugee camps in Kenya, Yemen and Ethiopia.

    *You can’t possibly be right when the country’s institutions are virtual non-existence.

    Under these circumstances, the ‘Roadmap’ in the form of Garowe principles possibly is a fantasy at best if not another ‘mutation’ in the making.

    However good intention they might be, the ‘signatures of TFG, Puntland, Galmudug and Ehlu Sunna’ are perceived as a self-interested individuals!.

    Without affecting its sovereignty and territorial integrity, Somalia needs from the international community to provide an ‘Interim authority’ to run the country at least in the next 3 years, with tasks – including:-
    – Complete the process of defeating Al shabaab and restore full normalcy in the regions liberated, delivery of humanitarian assistance
    – Deal with poverty by launching a full scale programme of reconstruction and economic development.
    – Restore fully functioning state institutions.
    – Train formidable army and police to maintain law and order.
    – Create conditions where refugees in the neighbouring countries can go home confidently, help them re-integrate.
    – Prepare the country to complete the constitution, free and fair elections to elect its leaders.

    Running Somalia by an ‘Interim authority’ ‘after August 2012′ might sound as if Somalia is losing its sovereignty!. But ask yourself: what sovereignty Somalia has at the moment?

  33. Hi Matt,
    Best of all luck to your appointment for such conference. There shall really be no Solution to the Somali problems and thereby costing the global communities in Piracy, Lives, and so on so long as it will be dominated by the Awdal, Somaliland, Puntland, etc. as the real problem is the injustices of Mogadishu and South. Whether, it is those Somalis that are engaged in Piracy, Al Shabab or Warlods; all of them are nothing but shirts and rags with titles to loot the marginalized communities of Southern Somalia. The real but masked rotten wound is as a result of who loots the souths. You should take notice of the increase in Piracy after Shabab forced out central regionites from the south. You should wonder where did they appear from, or what were they engaged in beforemath? Again, Shabaab was a divine intervention and a blessing to many from these regions that were victims of looters from Siyad Barre to Aideed and Hassan Dahir Aweys, Indha cadde, A/Qassim, you name them. So when were these communities ever heard or represented; Not in ASWJ, NOT in TFG, NOT in Civil Society, Puntland, Galmudug, etc., and now in the making Jubbaland by Kenyan Somalis…..
    If this is meant to be a sincere conference it should guiniuinely seek those marginalized Somalis that they are all proud of their history and resources; i.e. well Somalia we have fertile land, well Somalia we fought years for independence, well Somalia we got this we got that. My Somalis never object Somali unity, but it must be a unity of all resources for all, or my resources shall be my resource and you manage your own; but NEVER, what is yours is mine and what is mine is unquestionably mine. I am surprised that the same individuals that were crying triblism, are now, after defeated by shabaab crying for Somali unity.

  34. I only wish that we Somalis can forgive and forget the past, because that’s the only way we can move on and rebuild our lives. I and so many young somalis who grow up in the UK and educated here would love to work and live in somalia. but with the current situation i fear for the lives of educated people. British Government should include young educated Somali British to there conference because i think we can bring something new to the table.

  35. Dear Matt
    I hope success for the upcoming conference; I would like to mention to UK gov, that there is good chance for stable Somali government since Somali people support their own government. However, the government should one that is controlled by Somali citizens. The government that is controlled by Somalis will work and it will get support from Somali people. In contrast if UK, UN, turkey, or{ IGAD/ Kenya and Ethiopia} attempt to govern Somalia government, the government will not work and Somalia will not have another alternative option( only to support those them self shabaab. We know that UK had and will have interest in Somali, we as Somali people we are ready to have neutral relationship with world citizens. We do welcome turkey, UK and USA but we need to have fair and stable Somalia. I hope UK interference this time to be a positive one. Rebuilding Somali army and security should priority one. Dear MATT when I go UK or USA I wish them all the best and I like the way they treat for their citizens, please treat Somali people same as you would treat your people, we are all citizens of world and global is small village today. I hope this year to be the end of Somali conflict.
    aslo somali is one country and should remain one country reality is that every somali tribe will have government if they can get one.

  36. hi every body, as we know Somalia has been in a turmoil in such long time, and many efforts has been make by some neighbouring countries whatever the aim was, however for me this conference in London will different from the earlier ones, because it involves about more than 40 nations and I hope the outcome will be good and useful. In the other hand, in my opinion, there is nothing wrong to have federal government in Somalia as long as they are working together and have same objectives and aims which are to bring this country and its people in peace and prosperity. Some could argue about the independence of Somali region of Somaliland, there is one thing that no one can deny it which the stability that region had in past 10-15 years, that achievement is about to be lost now because the aggression and that Somaliland has on people of Khatumo state of Somalia who wants to have their own state which will be part of Somalia. And people should understand that there no happiness in killing one another to satisfy others. Surely, in the past we have lost huge number of our population and loosing more will be disaster. Finally, Somalia can not be divided into little fronts and all of us should participate and support this conference.

  37. I am surprised surprised how the issues to be addressed by the conference is hijacked by Somaliland Vs Somalia. Atrocities by Siyad Barre’s regime, when the real problem remains with marginalized communities in the southern regions that conflict is as a result of waves of attempts to loot farmland and fertile resources. From Modishu southwards, has been suffering the looting, kidnapping, piracy, eyc. long before it turned global and as result of the necessity to such conference at the international level. I would like for the innocent Somalilanders to know that people in the my region were fasting every Sunday and Thursdays for Allah to lift the warth, infliction etc., by the wards of the late 1980s; the few that were in the military turned their commands to SNM, they raised money global to support them and the Southern Doctors in the region deserted Siyad Barre’s regime and assisted the SNM.
    The actual problem here is not about borders, it is about the communities south of Mogadishu being taken turns over by Shabab, Pirate minded outsiders, armed warlords; that all ahve one thing in common, they receive IC funding directly and indirectly to prepetuate the wars. As Mario Puzzo puts, Behind every fortune, there is a crime.
    I conclude that need global assistance from the marginalization that we suffer to an extent that Al Shabaab may be the closest we have seen to justice as demonoid as they may seem, for Allah SWT impose every tyrant by bigger a tyrant. If this conference is just to take us back to 1991 warlord days, we pray that it too fails. The conflict is not ending, NOT because of Somaliland vs Somalia, it is because of the injustice that was never addressed to. The same people that crave for ships and families in the high seas for monetary are sucking blood taking turns on peace loving agro-Somalis in the South. IC, it is only now that you have felt the pinch that you are addressing to the issue, but it has been a daily live with it for us, I do not want to see it overshadowed by Somaliland….

  38. as I heard the conference hosting UK gov. will be good opportunity for Somali people and I hope that it will be successfully complete and the results will come Somali people would build their own government free from foreign gov.

  39. Dear Matt
    The regime of Moqadischo- Somalia – practiced genocide attacks on Somaliland. The bombing and shelling of two cities in the North Hargeis and Burao alone killed 50,000 and another 2,000,000 fled to Ethiopia. African Watch reports that inhuman practices were committed on woman and children. Most of the people killed or displaced were Isaaq. The government forces also looted everything and laid over a million land mines in the North ” Somaliland”. Several U.S. government documents including the State Department’s Human Rights Reports attest to the massive violations of human rights such as rights to life and habeas corpus. Under these circumstances the SNM and the people in the North ” Somaliland” had a legal right under international law to at in their self-preservation.
    There are sound reasons why the right to self-determination should be conceded to Somaliland. First, one of the reasons behind Somaliland’s assertion of Independence is the incompatibility between northern and southern regions. The incompatibility arises from distinct colonial experiences, which contribute, to a unique identity. Where the reason for self-determination claims lay in historical experiences that are grounded in colonialism, there is no reason to deny the right to the people who wish to exercise it. Second, when the assertion of self-determination does not result in changes in international boundaries and does not pose a threat to inter-state peace, it ought not to be denied to achieve the short-term goal of doctrinal uniformity. Somaliland has expressly stated that it accepts the boundaries of the British protectorate in 1960. Third, when the assertion of self-determination is more conducive to inter-state peace, its validity is strengthened manifold. It is to be noted that Somaliland has the potential of solving longstanding regional disputes with Ethiopia, Kenya and Djibouti, due to its acceptance of colonial borders and close ties with Ethiopia. Four, legal right of self-determination arises upon the abuse of the political principle of self-determination. In this connection two related issues have to be remembered. First, North ” Somaliland” had overwhelmingly rejected the unified constitution in a referendum. Second, the U.N. practice of conducting plebiscites prior to desalinization, as in the case of British Togo land. Under these circumstances, right to self-determination appears to be applicable to Somaliland. The exercise of such a right should also enable it to claim its independence.
    Five , reunion of Somaliland and Somalia would restart war between Somaliland and Somalia and revenge for those who lost beloved family members . Recognizing Somaliland will halt revenges and wars that may arise from union between Somaliland and Somalia
    Finally , Somaliland is at this moment is very stable fighting against piracy and terrorists without outside help. Union between the two countries will result the birth of piracy and terrorists in Somaliland so as Somalia.

    Furthermore, the acceptance of colonial borders is in accordance with the OAU policy. Fears of balkanization as a result of the recognition of Somaliland are unfounded since no new border is being created as in fact, for the first time colonial borders troubled borders are those of Somaliland. Lastly, the International community is under an obligation to recognize because of the obligation to protect and promote human rights under Articles 55 and 56 of the U.N. charter. Only international attention can assist the fledgling state to stand on its own feet.

  40. somali people don,t need reconciliation or somaliland doesn,t need recognition, they just need out of foreign interference and of course they will reunite as they did before. Secondly,
    I believe that london conference is similar with the djabuti conference in 1991, in which hounorable prof samatar said, that this is a – shimbirayahow heesa( hey, birds come and sing a song!) who cares those who don.t care themselves?

  41. Matt congratulation more once
    I hope if Allah say that one day is come that Britain will appoint new ambassador to republic of Somaliland if Allah say if Allah say and my country of somliland Sovereignty

  42. Congratulation matt hope you will succeed your job we hope as you know somaliand and Somalia two different country so please respect our issue and don’t somliland is like puntland

  43. Hi Matt. Regarding the London Conference on Somalia – I think today no somalism, neither culture, nor even religion does not UNITE us Somalis, but what only UNITES us is the Somali Language (Af Somali). It will be wise to underline in the Conference that there is still one HOPE what makes us Somalis connected, united and attracted to each other (no matter which trip/ clan one comes from, but still the other one can not stay away from using Somali Language to contact to ask help “if she/he is lost or wants to be supported by the other one) Therefore “afsomalism” works… or something like “somalophonic” … similar to “anglophonic or francophinic”.
    Best regards
    Yahie Haji-Ali, President of Andrzejewski Foundation

    The foundation is named after the late British Professor B.W.Andrzejewski
    We organized many scientific sessions: “Somalia: script – identity – development” to commemorate the achievements of Professor Bogumił Witalis Andrzejewski (1922-1994), world famous scholar of Somali Studies, Professor of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, researcher on Somali language and author of the original orthography based on Latin alphabet, as well as a prominent expert on oral tradition (especially poetry) of Cushitic peoples of the Horn of Africa.

    Recalling Professor B.W. Andrzejewski’s achivements, we presented the current social, political and cultural situation in the Horn of Africa, especially we drew attention to educational issues in Somalia.

  44. I would like to answer to Borama boy:
    my friend Dahir Riyale is a good man and a good politician as you know he use to be the right hand of Siyad Bare ” the body guard of Siyad Bare” he always wanted to be a minister or ambassador but never been appointed. One thing i would like to tell you i believe in the near future he will be the Awdal State president.

  45. my dear brothers and sisters who posted on this page pls stop talking about the dirty word,clan, clan is what destroyed us,and after 22 years we still talking about it,we are the ummah of mohamed scw best example of mankind we can fellow his foot steps, implement his teaching his wisdom and we will find peace prosperity in our country,unfornuatly many posters here shows how weak how ignorant we are appealing international community to recognise us or to reconcilite us ,,they are behind voilence in somalia and they will never let us live in peace ,,london conference will create more states and we are heading to dark way,, our issue is very simple to solve,,but we cant solve it untill who put foriegn intervention aside,,we speak one language we share one religion we can solve problems between us and if dont i dont a man who doesnt language religion or culture can solve our problems wake up guys our landing is being taken by kenya and eithopi and this conference will legalise theor stay for ever

  46. if somaliland wants overnight recognition then do couple of simple things.. 1: denonce your muslim religion 2: create new language and culture. then you will be deferent from other somalis.. ofcourse you will be called defferent name.. after that you will get the recognition you want..

  47. i wonder what kind of solution that london conference on somalia will come up with,,while there is troops from african countries are based in somalia,lets not be fool our enemy will never reconcilite us weather its ethopia ,kenya or united kingdom ,,in my opoinon this conference will destroy the small hope we had,this conference will give countries like kenya and eithopia power to claim more somali regoins and we will be rulled by foriegn power ,indirect colony,our enemy will nt reconciliate us london conference will divide us more then we are now,,why we need london conference? it was better to invite alshabab and amison in this conference cos they are the two parties who is killing children and women in somalia,,last but not least cadowgeenu nama heshiisinayo

  48. British colonial messed up Somalia by dividing so called, Somali ethio and somali south…thus the peace conference is duty upon British government not must universal welfare.

    ismail london

  49. Matt,
    I have a dream, when all somalis come together and rebuild our country. I have not heard the somali song which is known to all somalis —– Somaliyee toosoo, toosoo isku tiirsayey hadba kiina taagdaranee taageera weligiinee.
    In english this means. All the somlis stand up and come together, help each others.
    Now I can feel a little bit of hope is on the way, and I hope that the up coming conference will bring hope and peace to all somalis.
    God bless all of us

  50. hellow matt
    Somaliland people need only recognition not reconciliation so matt please stop to call Somaliland like puntland , puntland have not stability daily explosion occur also it is the centre of pricy while Somaliland enjoying peace and progress in 20years without piracy or terrorist

  51. Congratulation Matt Baugh for your appointment as the first U.K ambassador to Somalia since the collapse of our nation over twenty one years ago. As a concerned Somali citizen, I welcome you to this seemingly impossible job and wish you all the luck in the world. Though as your resume states you have worked in many hot spot of the world, I am sure Somalia will me very unique experience. And what a place to start as your first full ambassadorship! Of course you represent a government that was involved in Somali affairs for very long time and some of the problems we face date back to colonial time. I hope you do your job diligently and professionally and I hope with the help of the international community, united, free and prosper Somalia will join the international community. Mogadishu is my city it was a beautiful city but I am sure it’s no longer. It was very cultured and metropolitan city. When the dust settles and things get to normal, I am sure you gonna have a plenty of time to enjoy it. And don’t forget the beaches, you can take your kids there and they can have all the fun. I am being optimistic there, but I think it is about time. Once again thank you and welcome and I wish you all luck again.

  52. Salaam:
    I think its not pretty idea that useless diaspora members living in Canada did what they do not know the consequences of what they called Awdal state which is a mere dream, It was Awdal itself that contributed the strengthening of somaliland and they are part of somaliland, first elected president of somaliland was from Awdal Daahir Riyale kaahin,and they are the leading community in Somaliland: clan leaders, politicains, intellectual and members of Awdal were the once who signed the independence of somaliland.

    So those of you who are Saying Awdal state, Kaatumo and what so ever are day dreaming. and For somaliland that is drop of sea water, and I sure that every one who write here knows the stability, development, democracy, in somaliland doesn’t exist even some developed countries in Europe, so do not fool your self

    if the international community is willing to compensate somaliland civilians about the brutality of Siyad bare ragime then, somalilad will unite somali with very strong conditions about power sharing,

    on the other hand if UK wants Somaliland to unite with Somali. this will show that international community has no interest in the Somali speaking people. because somaliland a stable counry in Africa will turn into unstable and endanger regional security.

    What can be good for Somaliland is to show Somali people how make peace. and that can not be done any conference held by international community. even if the make millions of decisions and governments. and only if they sit inside three and discuss their internal affiars than i am sure they will be recognised

  53. Waxaan salaan iyo mahadnaq u dirayaa Dowlada ingiriiska iyo wakiilka arimaha Soomaaliya, sidoo kale waxaan salaamayaa dhamaan akhyaarta fikradohooda dhiibtay.
    Waxaan u gartay in nuxurku yahay in qof waliba siduu u arko xalka soomaaliya uu soo sheego.
    Aniga waxeey ila tahay in asalka ciladda soomaaliya la baaro waxeey ku bilaabatay markaasna la xaliyo waana sidaan.
    1. Cadaalada daro.
    2. Faqri.
    3. Jahli.
     Caddaalad darada soomaaliya ka dhacday waxeey sababtay in aan dib danbe la isku aaminin qabiilna uusan ka ogalaan qabiil kale in xukunka iyo awooda helo, gobolna uusan gobal ka yeelin inuu ka yeesho muhiimad gaar ah, taasina waligeeda waa jireeysaa hadaan xal loo helin. Xalka loo heli karo waa in la dhisaa hey’ad ka madax banaan dowladda oo aan ka amar qaadan haba yaraatee xakuumad iyo dowlad iyo baarlamaan midna ee ku xiran Jamciyada Quurmaha Ka Dhexeeysa, lehna ciidan u gaar ah iyo maxkamado madax banaan waxaana ku talinayaa ineeysan Soomaali ku jirin maamulkeeda sare laakiin ciidanka iyo shaqaalaha hoose eey noqon karaan , sidoo kale waxaan ku talinayaa in qofkii hey’adaas shaqaalaheeda ka mid noqoda siyaasda soomaaliya laga mamnuuco toban sano inuusan ka qeeyb qaadan Karin.
     Faqriga waa midka sababay in qof walba oo soomaaliyihi ku kaco wax aan dhaqan hore iyo mid danbe noo aheyn isla markaasna danbi noqon kara, waa midka sababay in cid waliba eey dhageeysataan warkeeda, faqrigu waa midka sababay in dhalinyaradii soomaaliyeed maskaxda laga dhaqo oo aragagixiso looga dhigay, burcad badeed looga dhigay waana naxdin xanuun ku heeysa dhamaan soomaalida iyo aduunkaba. Sida looga bixi karo waxaan ku talinayaa in aduunku soomaalida caawiyo si la taaban karo oo qof qof ah. Cawinada soomaaliya la caawiyo waa ku filan tahay hadii si sax loo qeeybiyo waxaan ku talinayaa in cash loo siiyo soomaalida eeyna maamusho Hey’ada aan kor ku soo xusay, soomaaliada la tira kobo kaarar loo sameeyo loona dhigo xaafiisyo loo sameeyay ee lagu koontaroolo lana hubinayo qof walba inuu helay waxa uu xaqa u leeyahay soomaaliya waa sagaal malyan qof walba waxaa ku filan Maalinkii $3*9000,000= $27000,000 waa hubaa cawinada soomaaliya gasha ineey intaas ka badan tahay celcelis hadii la qeeybiyo meel walba eey ka timaado ama ha isu diraan iyagu ama aduunku ha siiyo.
     Jahligu waa midka diidan inaan barano labada dhibaato ee aan kor ku xusay ee soomaalida heeysata, waxaanse rajeeynayaa hadii labada hore xal loo helo in midkaani uu iskiis u xalismi doono, laakiin waxaan ku darayaa waxaa dadka la barayo in eey noqdaan wax sax ah oo aduunka wax ka taraya een caruurta la barin waxeey dadka iyo dalka ku dhibaateeyaan.
    Gunaanad. Soomaaliada dharagsan ee fursadaha Nabad-galyo,Waxbarasho iyo caafimaad ka heshay wadamadda eey u haajireen, walaalayaal si sax ah u fakara ee dadka aad ka soo takteen u damqada, qof walboowna qiyaas inaa tahay qofka halkaas jooga ee dhibaateeysan.

  54. London Conference Somalia Hope Restore
    British offer to Somalia to fight were the crisis started from.

    1. Cadaalada daro. (Injustice)
    2. Faqri. (Poverty)
    3. Jahli.( Ignorance)
    Ummad weeynta soomaaliyeed waxeey baahi weeyn u qabaan sadexdaas arimood ee aan kor ku xusay, waxeeyna ka sugayaan aduun-weeynaha ingiriisku u horeeyo ineey ku kaalmeeyaan helida arimahaas si eey u helaan nolashooda aas-aasiga ah.
    Hadaba waxaa nasiib daro noqoneeysa kuwii u diiday arimahaas kor ku xusan in lagala tashto soo celintooda, hadaba waa kuwee kuwaas u diiday soomaaliada cadaalada,faqriga iyo jahligaba baday.
     Siyaasi jaga doon ah.
     Dalaal hotel jiifa oo hey’adaha samafalka iyo soomaaliada u dhexeeya.
     Af-miinshaar qaad ya cun ah oo maalinkaas calooshiisa waxuu ku shubo iyo majin qaad ah ee uu cuno siisanaya dadkiisa iyo dalkiisaba.
    Sadexdaas waa in nalaka qabataa lagana mamnuucaa talada soomaaliya ineey arin ku yeeshaan.
    Waxaa kuwaas la mid ah calooshi la cayaar-ka soo dhoofay ee wadamada horumaray yimid ee fursad shaqo nolol iyo amaan helay ee hadana jahawareerinaya soomaalidii dhibaateeysneyd kaasi dalkiina waxba kama galo dalka uu joogana waxba ku soo kordhin maayo inuu cunada iyo ceyrta qaata maahane haduuse sida fiican u shaqeeyo waxuu sameeyn karaa Isfahan fiicahan iyo bulshada hormartay ee uu la nool yahay waxa uu ka soo bartay inuu dalkiisii u gudbiyo, hadii sidaas laga waayo kaasna hanalaga qabto.
    Waxaan ku darayaa in shirka London sharciyo laga soo saaro intuusan dhicin.
    1. In hoosta laga xariiqo geedi socodka nabada soomaaliya qofkii ka horyimaada iyo tala sooo jeedinta Britain inuu la mid yahay qof ka hor yimid amaanka Britain, waxaan sidaas u leeyahay amaan darada soomaaliya ku fida, aragagixisnimada ku korta soomaaliya waxeey soo gaari kartaa aduunka intiisa kale.
    2. Qofkii lagu arko dacaayad ka dhan ah shirkaas iyo geedi-socotka soomaalida inuu la mid yahay qof raba ineey sii jiraan Al-shabaab iyo Burcad badeed
    3. 300,000 ee soomalida ee ku nool UK waxeey diyaar u yihiin ineey arkaan saaxibadoodii wanaagsanaa ee ku soo dhaweeyay UK oo kala shaqeeynaya nabada dalkooda waxeeyna haminayaan iyagoo Somali British ah ineey nolol ka sameeyaan Dalkoodii hooyo arkaana saaxiibadood oo la jooga, cidii ka hor timaadana waxeey wax u dhibtay xuquuqdooda aas-aasiga ah.
    4. Sidoo kale soomalida Guddaha iyo soomaaliada dibadaha u soo dhooftay waxeey ogyihiin 20-kii sano ee la soo dhaafay cida wax tartay ee qaxootigooda daryeeshay. Hadaba waxaa is weeydiin leh dhibaatada soomaaliya ma bilaaban 2011 ee xagee jiray Turki waa kan hada ku sii socdee, tan kale wadamada carabta waan ognahay in dagaalo sokeeye oo socda meydkuna daadsan yahay jidaska eey soomaali maras ah oo dumar iyo caruur iyo waayeel-ba leh oo aan waxba ka dhimin dalkooda, oo masaakiin magan-galyo doon ah tarxiil lagu keeni jiray maalin walba Muqdisho oo dagaal ka socdo Xanuun aan la iloobi Karin.
    Wadamadaas arimaha soomaaliya marna wax lagama weeydiin karo xuquuqda bini-aadamkana hala baro iyaga marka hore.

    Boqortooada ingiriiska waxaan ka codsaneeynaa in dadkaas aan kor ku soo sheegay ee dacaayada wada iyo hadala khiyaaliga ah midna aaneey wax u dhimin ee hadafka Britain ee ah ineey dadka soomaalidu nolol cadaalad barwaaqo iyo aqoon leh helaan ugu dadaalaa.
    Taasi waa abaal lama ilaawaan ah.
    Waxaana u baahanahay saaxiib weeyn iyo walaal na garab istaaga

    British please could be our big brother and friend forever.
    Mr Osman Somali refugee in London UK

  55. We the Somali men need to pursue a parliament consisting of 50% Women parliamentarians

    A balanced Parliament is surely an effective parliament a healthy parliament and a progressive parliament , thus we hope the London conference sets the foundation, for hat everyone is aware is the healthiest plan for a healthy country.
    the Somali Women Street Sweepers have been targeted Since 2008, and many intelectuals Minister and head of NGO’s and yet they prevail, Many a times Our Heroes Our Somali women (our mothers and sisters and daughters) have comeback and risked their lives, only to be targeted by extremist maimed and murdered, thus far they still persist and prevail equipped with their intellect, Energy and ambition for peace they arm us (the Nation) with Hope, in a country where they hardly get their fair share. Many of them sweep the streets, while many of us shelter in anti-mine vehicles crossing them as these streets get safer today, it is a must, we remember those who fought with their hearts and smiles, those who paved the way for normality to return without resorting to violence.
    Our women tended to these streets, tended to our wounds and tended to programs to prevent war and underpinned all reconciliations, with their courage and hopes, which mended our hearts, our Somali women are everything to Somalia. They are our hearts and our minds, we have tied their hands yet they free us, we have tied their tongues and yet they speak for us, we have deprived them of education yet they teach us and heal us, we have striped all rights from them yet they defend us with their minds, hearts and smiles, we surely have shot ourselves in the foot as men, when we chose not to recognize the better halves of us, and an important half of us, we have to thank the Somali Women ,our women, apologize to them and allow them to take, their rightful chair in our decision making process, they have more than earned it, they died for it and they have given birth to it, and yes they are over half of the population, however our Somali women don’t even have 10% of the parliament, in our future plans it may be worse, for example:
    over 500 self-pay Somali students in China 90% medical student the female students are less than 30 students, that’s less then 6% of the overall students hopping to become doctors graduating from china in the next six years.
    we have to understand not allowing over 50% percent of the community to participate in all aspects of decision making is not only a present crisis but future obstacle to progress, if we don’t change our current way of thinking we will be a society intentionally inducing a type of stroke to themselves.
    We have to change this, not because of our women alone but because of the nation thus this cause is not a women’s cause but a nations pursuit to progress and happiness, What we need to do is, We need to balance our Parliament, not for the reason to be fair alone but to utilize the strength we have, to utilize the diversity we consist of as a nation, the have a parliament that serves a nation represents a nation and therefore can be the cross-section of the nation it represents.
    So it’s the duty of all to seek such a balance, it’s the duty of all to pursue these changes, and currently it should be the responsibility of us (the Somali men today) to understand the reasons for the balance of the parliament and to free over half our minds and hearts, and allow over half our society to inflict Change and to contribute to leadership which is long overdue from our women, it’s time for the men to seek this change to welcome it to nurture it and to protect it.

    So thanks to our women and sorry to our sisters because we have not fought for them as they have done for us. For this reason all men have to celebrate the mother’s day the women’s day because it’s time to stand by them as they always stood by us, and balanced the parliament with 50% women parliamentarians because we the Nation need them.

    Mr. Awale Ali Kullane
    Deputy Chief of Mission
    Embassy of Somalia in China

  56. i am greating all i would like to thank the uk goverment about trying to solve somali problems , and thats good for every one in this world espcialy somaliland , i dont like to tell british who we are they know as what we are they know enough about us somalilander we are strong wariors hard workin people smart and creative people we know we can resist any invaders and we never give up so we are teling somali people to solve there internal disputes problems and crisses don,t wait westerns,africans or arabs thnx to all

  57. I will thanks British Government for facilisting this conference that will occure in the days coming. I’m a somalian, who born and grow up here is USA. I have been following issues since I was in high school, but now I’m graduate as a political science degree here in USA; my top focus was somalia issues; to get to the point I will says the following Objcective. Let me start Q/ Who are we? Do we know ourself very well? I have been pay attention who we are as somalis. First , As somlia, when one groups start some positive or negative we all follow that, simple we amatate each other weather its good or bad events. example of this was: when the former communist government fail, Autonomy called Somaliland emerge, then next several Autonomy occure afterward.My above thesis collaprate this example that I give you( Autonomy). The second object is pertaining to British Government. Who are a British government? Going back history we know who they are; back in Sayad abdule hussein. In simple formate, they the one who greate “Divide & Rule concept”. As I speaking somalis voice, outside intervention will never bring any productive outcome!!! we all agree on that as somalia. To the Bristish government, If you planing to advocate for Somaliland to become seprate country, then the rest of Autonomy state will follow up, and that is the end of somalis existing. In the event that this happend, then somalis will be part of neighbouring country.It a logic that small state can not exist by itself in the long run. Suggestion to Bristish government, this conference has to be focus on how to win over the alshabab group, how to get out the TFG into a permenant government. The best strategy to win alshabab is to change the Amisom into Turkisome,and othe middle eastern army, by doing this you win alshabab politicaly. this can explain that, right now where the Alshabab administrating,humaniterian Turkish are working. You need to win the heart of Youth people by teling them this is not a war against Islam but it’s a war to find a better way life for somalis people.once the security of the country come back. All the steak hold can have come together and find the common interest for all somalia. The last but not the least, like i say , outside intervention will neve bring any productive outcome; and this can prove how Matt, collect information by creating Daram between the North & South, which is not the issue right now, THE ISSUES NOW IS CREATING SECURITY AND GETING BACK OUR COUNTRY INTO OUR HAND, SO THAT WE DECIDE WHAT WE WANT.!!!!! THX.

  58. No participation, no involvement what they call Somali reconciliation conference in London.
    It is a mystery to be invited a conference with ambiguous agenda as we live a world that requires transparency and accountability no more abstract ideas. In regard to this lack of clarity, I recommend the real Somali actors not to participate this conference. Once more, I would like to emphasize not to be the ones who sign the agenda that is against the sovereignty of Somali state.
    No more peripheries at this time, we can’t accept a new way of colony after being sovereignty state for more than sixty years. On the other hand if you are showing any interest of Somali people let them negotiate themselves and stay away for your bare intervention. It is for sure that Somali people based on their long cultural pattern, they are more familiar better than anyone else how to solve their problems.
    We have seen the consequences of holding reconciliation conference outside the country that ended up the establishment of pro- government which only services the interest of other nations not the Somali people. Isn’t it the time to hold the reconciliation conference in Somali territory to get overwhelming participation of every sector of Somali community like civil society organizations, traditional leaders, political figures, women, educated people, youth, religious scholars and as a result of this broad participation, the coming government can easily obtain the voice of the Somali people. What is more, these days Somali people are well-informed about the importance of having abroad- based government born in their territory to end the era of anarchy and foreign intervention.
    Truth must be told; we suffered a lot due to this foreign intervention: our marine resources were depleted with the name of fighting piracy, our state quo was humiliated because of the endless transitional period and now our sovereignty is on the verge to be stolen. I am wondering why Somali people are kept quiet for this issue. Why don’t we show our categorical rejection to this conference? Why don’t we make demonstrations against such evil? Aren’t we tired of the foreign influence? And finally I am writing in capital letters that the SOMALI GOVERNMENT IS OF THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE AND BY THE PEOPLE.

  59. The comments here omg! I don’t know if i should cry or laugh. This is about bringing peace to the south, what are you northeners arguing for? You have peace, and we wish you more peace and prosper. Most of you are grown ups and therefore should know Matt can’t give you anything. He’s just an employee asking for suggestions for a planned conference. Get a grip!

  60. I think the UK government should be held accountable for the plight of Somalia. I would like to see participants of the up comming conference discussing and asking David Khamran who gave his country the right to dived somalia? I am sure part of the somali problem is the divide and rule polocy this country and its allays. somalia we need no humanitrian aid from nobody. can this government leave alone our affiars. for the the somalis I would like to say to them. look xariga hada aad heeysataan waa kan reer galbeedka iyagana danahooda idinku fushada. Somali south and somali north (reer waqooyin ama reerkonfur (hawiye)) waxaa noqoteen labo daba dhaba dhilif wadanka kaliye aad leedihiina waa ()(the Hell Jahanama Land). marka waxaan idin oran lahaa goormaad tuugsiga deeyn doontaan. inagu waxaan sugeeynaah marka xariga silciska ah aad ku nooshihiin ee idin ku xiraya the west go, kadib biidni laaah shaqo culus baa la idin ka qaban doonaah.

  61. Hi matt, the main reason as to why all the 20 previous confrences for Somalia failed, was soley due to the fact that the international community has been mixing the republic of Somaliland with that of the failed state of somalia(former Italian colony). These two countries’ unity was dessolved in 1991 and today Somaliland is thriving both politically and economically.The Somalilanders have done their bit and the only thing that remains is the part of the international community like UK by according it the diplomatic recognition that it so righty derserves.
    On the other hand, the south is mirred in all sorts of political chaos and instability so the London community should not put the 2 on a simalar scale but rather Somalilland should be on hand to accord them the ”formular” for making and sustaining stability. On reciprocal, the south must cease their claim on Somaliland at once and accept the selv determination of Somalilanders. It is only through this criteria the London meeting can survive the fate of the previus once and achieve its desired goals.
    Thanks Mr amb

  62. Somali people should be united and forget about tribes. you men stop land land land. women an children are tired to hear this Somali land putland land land land. I do not think this coming London conference could lead prosperity if Somali people still thinking this way of division and disagreement. however,
    Somalia needs strong leadership with support from interenational communities. so they can tackle thier problems by themselves.

  63. Hi matt
    I am Somaliland citizen and I want tell you that Somaliland is not part Somalia we are independent in 20 years hoping and waiting international recognition to day if Britain trying to get the Somaliland let first understand what made somalilander peace full in 20years what made them to made low and order what made them to to be democratic country on the other hand what made Somalia failed nation why they killing themselves in 20 years why always dependent in intervention why they did not solve their problem what made Somalia to be home of piracy and terrorist and warlords for all this question first Britain must understand and only one who able to solve Somali problem is somalilanders because they know the characters of Somali people anyone else so first recognize Somaliland and Somaliland should solve Somali problem immediately

    1. What Somaliland are you talking about? You guys never stop to amaze me. There is no such thing as Somaliland. The sooner you get that the better.

  64. It is interesting how all these respondent are trying to convince this white guy one is correct while the other is wrong.

    It is sad how all these men have taken the time to write long respond! this is like “fadhi ku dirir” at the net. This is not about a regional issue or which region is best at managing their territory. Can you see you are still asking the white man who once created this mess!! wake up Africans!!

  65. Religious and sect differences are the major causes of human tragedies… and that is the case for Somalia.
    The Somali tragedy has nothing to do with politics or geographical borders, it all about education. We are a lost generation already. Let us concentrate on educating our children… maybe they can build a better future

  66. I am hanan from sool region of Somaliland matt I have question aren’t you are diplomatic man because I surprised that you are British and you can’t clarify republic of Somaliland and failed Somalia of if you are honest and want our opinion ok me and most of our people support independent and to be recognized no one like to back the failed and hapless country of Somalia viva Somaliland

  67. Hi
    It could be very late my comment, but, swede man said” late better never”
    WITH MUCH RESPECT , I have asked my self why britten involving somali affair so late/nooow while they blindly watched somalis proplems over 2 decades. I did not believe the aim of the conference is the so called piracy or al-shabab.I do believe ,gest what, it is a puntland petrolium or other menarlis in Galgudud, shilabo.

    It is looking for resource/energy .

  68. Isaaqs? Tell how is there going to be a recognised Somaliland without the region of Awdal behind you. Sool and Sanaag are already disputed? Look at th map, look at what will be left of the so called Somaliland as the those regions have nothing to do wiht the this faux state.It is nothing but a dream. Stop forcing the peopleof Sool, Sanaag and Awdal and stop massacering them for your slefish, desperate, and with the declaration fo Awdal diminshed state. It is over. Matt I plead, you must acknowledge by inviting Adwal state to the conference otherwise it will be a shambles to all Somalis,including those Somalilanders even if they dont know it.

  69. Matt, Somaliland has fought its indepence and if this conference is about ignoring the wish of the somaliland people, we will fight until the last man, because millions have sacrificed everything. I hope Uk will not be fooled by the state pirate called puntland and the two face tfg. We do thank the Uk governtment and its wonderful people and her majesty the Queen for the support that they gave us for so long and I hope things wont change

  70. This conference should only deal with the problems of Somalia. Somaliland a separate country for the past 20 years with functioning democracy, peace and stability should refuse to be dragged into this guagmire.

  71. The Uk sponsored conference is a chance for all Somalia and above all for somaliland state , reason being the fact that clans in the north have started to organize themselves shows that the isaq clans will not be immune to break up into smaller Independent regional authorities . Therfore it is vital for the somaliland administration to preserve the unity of the Isaaq clan and act fast . Why waste time khaatumo and awdal states, mine your bushiness before it is too late . This is a new realities of changes in the region so do not let your people left behind helplessly , because UK knows the problems facing somalia that is why they decided to organise this valuable talks.
    thanks for the people and the government of UK for helping us when needed most.
    Ifrah Abdi
    security and counter-terrorism consultant

  72. Shame on you all. No one can resolve Somali problems until and unless you Somalis decide to reconcile and forgive one another. Why don’t we wish one another the best? Why we hate one another? Why the success of a Somali region/individual/group is the painful humilation of another?
    What you have shown here in this public forum is nothing but how you hate one another. No power on earth can resolve the problem of people who want destroy one another!!!!!!!!

  73. The London Somali conference raised high expectation among Somalis who have at heart the concern of their country.
    Somalis are well aware that Great Britain( if there is will ) knows how to tackle the Somali problem. Recent experiences are in troubled Africa parts like ivory coast have proven this ability.
    Unfortunately, the circulated document by Mr Matt Baugh and his partners have dealt a blow to the naïve expectations of the Somalis. Here the Italian position, which is not far from that of the rest of its international partners is eloquent and in equivocal: Somalia is to be put under trusteeship, plunged into more chaos and pushed back to partition and colonization. It is a malicious project conceived to weaken further Somalia , fragment it and finally dissolve the Somali state;
    whether the project is designed for the aforesaid purpose or not, I believe any attempt to realize the so –called non-papers contents will meet the rejection of the Somalis and will end up in clamorous failure. Simply because the non-papers are not answer to their genuine problems which are: freedom from Al-shabaab warlord and unity in peace and justice.
    Somalis are constantly and unjustly blamed by the “internally community” representatives for being unable to settle their problems and some Somalis echo uncritically this view .
    Is this true ? yes only partially , otherwise we would not be at this point and so allowing anyone to meddle in our business . is this enough to put us under trusteeship and degrade us to colony? No, no
    Has the international community ever tried to contain the undermining meddling coming from other countries?. In other wounds, has the international community done its duty properly or has Somalia been a cow to milk for criminals of all sorts and generally mediocre and sometimes corrupt international staff? No,
    The magnitude of the collusion between the international staff and Somali profiteers has eroded the trust of the Somalis in the international staff.
    Didn’t the international community, under the pretest of national interest of the neighboring countries, give more weight to Kenyan and Ethiopian rulers, wishes than restoration of peace in somalia. Yes, the international community has served illegitimate the interests of our neighbors and nothing shows that it dropped that .
    Haven,t been the interlocutors of the international community warlords and profiteers ? yes
    It’s all these that hindered the search for a genuine solution and sidelined the honest Somalis.
    For the umpteenth time, we put forward some suggestions hoping to contribute to the success of the London conference in the interest of the Somalis :
    • The trusteeship proposal must be immediately withdrawn. Somali unity and sovereignty limitations are not negotiable. Per direct off the table.
    • Measures must be taken to prevent the re-emergence of warlords
    • The fight against Al-shaab must be intensified, timely financed and better coordinated.
    • All groups fighting the terrorist must be sustained.
    • The government must grow up to a national government and seek indirect contacts with the people even in areas not directly under its control. Now it’s besieged not only in Mogadishu ma also politically. Somalis want the government to produce ideas, to show leadership.
    • Law restoration must be seen as the most important task of all parties operating in somalia: government , UN., men and money contributing countries.
    • A trust fund must be created for Financial management
    • Local institutions (including regional governments ) must be adequately financed to enhance their institutions, offer basic services, be in position to enhance security and ,more important , rise themselves as a better alternative to warlords and al-shabaab . centrifugal Attempts of these local authorities should be contrasted by the international community. All international efforts should lead to a unitary state. The appropriate guiding principle is to let Somalis decide through fair and free election the form of government they desire after peace restoration . Our convictions is that Somalis want e democratic unitary state.
    • A Somali core group to assist the international community must be created. Members of this group must be selected on personal capacity, leadership experience , integrity and their history of non-involvement in sectarian politics. Further they must be ready to abstain for the coming 10 years from any sort government responsibility, even in subordinate functions.
    • A parliament of none more than 100 representatives is appropriate.
    • The task of the parliament must be confined to lawmaking; not the present murky interference in all state branches, tasks.
    • People with criminal records(even economic one) must be barred from entering the parliament. For this purpose, to avoid subjective judgments, a profile of who can be MP must be laid down in advance. Further a minimum level of education must be required.
    • A Somali government with limited number of ministers and president must lead the country in strict cooperation with a core group of the international community.
    • Corruption must be fought on all fronts and at all levels(Somali institutions side, UN side, Somali businesses connected with both sides). This will help eliminate private economic interests as well as conflicts stemming from competions for resources. It’s a public secret that some businesses retain good working relation with government members, with the terrorist and enjoy contracts of the UN. and other international agencies funneling in this way money to Al-shabaab and its affiliates . ways and means to be tackled this problem need to be found.
    Abdi abas

    1. I absolutely agree with you. I hope the International Community takes notes. Somalis have been complaining about the neighbouring countries as well as the UN support to the damage that has culminated into distrust and fragmantation of Somalia. If the British want to make this a legitimate effort. Then they should first remove the burden of Somalia by its neighbours. Ethiopia and Kenya have larger issues that is manifested on to Somalis only. Such as the famine and poverty which spills over to Somalia. As well as the tensions between Eriteria and Ethiopia which has created a large humanitarian pressure. All of which meant Somalia has been weakened by larger countries which aren’t able to manage their population as well as the many problems. This resulted in black markets where Somali goods are cheaper and business moved towards these countries which intern finances profiteers and warlords. This must be a priority. Somalis are a minority in the East African region and have been blamed for all problems this regions brings. This is against their human right and they have been used as cash cow to hide the neighbouring countries denial of their continued problems. Whilst they prop up their military and build only thier cities to the nines leaving the larger population living in indicent state. Somalis are named as the largest group to face famine, poverty and migration in the western media but this false. This causes many Somalis to distrust the internation community intention when they NGO, official repressentatives and media potray them in such false manner. Especially since looking at Somalia and state of Somalis you can see no benefits reach them but when you look at their neighbours it is obvious the corruption and who benefits not Somalis. This must change and be corrected otherwise I am afraid Somalis will not trust UN or their neighbours nor appreciate this opportunity. African Union should also respect Somalis like Somaliland who have achieve so much and either grant recognition or face a couple of million against Somalia to re-enter and disturb the peace they maintain with its neighbours for near enough 20 years. Signs of the disturbance have already been seen with the clashes between Pro Somalia groups in the diaspora disturbing the peace in Somaliland and malinging their hard earned work bring low down tactics such as threats to bring former General of Said Barres regime Morgan. Who directly gave the order to committ genocide against the indegineous people of Somaliland in hargeisa and berbera. This shows the level of hostility already calminating as a result of this conference and dissatisfaction Somalis have with what is happening in Somalia as well as Somaliland. All of which is due to current increase of Ethiopia insurgence within Somalia that is causing discontent and eventual hate for Somalilanders by those who call for Somali Unity who have always believed their main foes Ethiopia is supporting Somaliland and breaking up Somalia. As a Somalilander I have no interest in rejoining Somalia. Simply because we have no place their. Much of the Pro Somalia may give lip service of Somali Unity but history shows Somalia is not integrated. Thus, no one can expect the United Somalilanders who do integrate into all of Somaliland to be part of Somalia. Not realistic.

      1. dear abdi,
        we are not on the same page.i am for one somalia, but not at any cost.
        according to my few the follwin is the only right path to follow.

        1-peace must be restored in the whole country.
        2-fair and free election must be held to see:
        who is for secession
        who is for some sort offederation
        who wants 4.5.
        you talk about Morgan and siyad barre’s dictatorship while you campaign for worse. it seem that your idea of somaliland is not shared by many of the stakeholders there. the whole world sees that. would you like to gag and oppress them. I hope no. what concern the international community regarding somalia I have my doubts about its fairness and dertermination to help us.

  74. We welcome any conference that will pave the way the restoration of Somali government. Somali people need it, the neighbors need it and certainly the wold needs it. It’s time the world commits the necessary means to make this possible.
    Another thing i want to add is, the massacre going in Norther Somalia. People of Buhodle are being massacred as we speak by the so-called Somaliland. These people are being killed using the resources given by British government and other international communities. They are being killed because they want to keep intact the unity of Somali government. The so called Hargeisa administration oes not represent people of Sool, Sanaag, Cayn and 80% of Awdal people. And yet, they are spreading lies and fabrication claiming people in the north are in agreement for secession. That is manufactured fabrication with no bases.

  75. dear matt baugh
    may name is Adam Hashi I am from Khatumo state of somalia,
    And I live Britain uk.
    I would like to take this opportunity to show my support to the British Government for organising the up coming meeting ,to bring together All somali states,groups,and parties towards reconciliation ,establishment and functioning government.
    However I opposse any Idea’s or action which will result in dividing the country,such as the break away self decleared somaliland are only minority clan called Isaq.
    furthermore they only live two province which are togdheer and north west somalia.
    Other tribes of the area like samaroon clan {Awdal state} dhulbahante clan {khatumo state} Warsangeli clan {Makhiri state} all of the states and tribes i mentioned obove are all oppose to divided country,having said That they all support and welcom a united somali.

  76. Dears:ALL

    Having read your comments I found grim pictures of how Somalis are lacking bridge which connects to all of us LOVING OUR COUNTRY, and helping our communities living together peace and respect. I still feel we are 1800 you seem to be scholars and civilize and still missing the core values that can bring us together.

    My point is not to support division of Somali; unity is the best although we all know what had happened into our brothers from North.
    I do not believe that coming conference will bring lasting peace in Somalia and it not design to, my fear is it may cause more problems and seems to me international community is ill advised and ignoring real causes of Somalia crisis.

    May I take this opportunity to say that the problems of Somalia are mainly created by what is called international community therefore before talking this meaningless conference?

    Can we get ways we can control these countries that are meddling Somali problems? particularly Somali neighbours I believe statement of former Kenya president Mio saying that Kenya and Ethiopia will never except any valuable government in Somalia.Interenational community is well aware where the problems are coming from I do not meant to attack specific country but Somali problems are mainly created by foreign intervention who are always misleading Somali people

    This conference seems to me meaningless also create more problems

    Thanks to my government in their attempts, but lacks more research and understand reality of Somalia problem, may be just may be, my government is driven by piracy problems or petroleum who knows.

    A Mire

  77. What I expect from London conference?
    The London conference has created great expectations after longtime political stalemate which many organisations and countries (IGAD, AU, UN, border countries, etc) has failed to find a solution. At the same time, has involved important countries which was absent from the Somalia scene (Turkey, China, etc).

    How British Government is different from the above approaches, how serious and honest is on this complicated case?

    Did they have the support of US Government, which become one of the obstacles of Somalia’s final solution through its completly endless “war on terror” strategy?


  78. Somalia is not failed state but it need intra help for rebuilding
    support unionist dont support seperatist

  79. Somali people are one nation, in fact they had civil war, now they many of them want clan based government. as long as they can get good government none wants to be independent,we have look for good government and for sure our brothers in somaliland be happy to be part of their nation because for last 20 years they could not achieve to get independent.

  80. Like Communism, the “Idea” of Somaliland is Dead.
    Aman H.D. Obsiye

    The winds of unity are blowing in the Northern Somali territories. Since the fall of the Siad Barre’s regime, there have been two fighting ideologies in the territory that was known as British Somaliland. The first ideology was the belief in one unified Somali Republic, led by Northern Unionists. The second ideology was the belief in dividing the Somali Republic on early European imperial boundaries, led by the SNM, also known as the Secessionist. The Secessionist strong holds are Hargeisa, Berbera, and Burco, what can be called the SNM triangle. The western and eastern regions, of what was known as British Somaliland, have decided to join the Somali Republic in the forms of two federal states: The Awdal State and the Khaatumo State. These new federal states, within the Somali Republic, are following international law and policy towards the Somali territories which explicitly dictates that the Somali nation is one and that it must be federated. With the emergence of the Awdal State and the Khaatumo State the idea of two Somali nation-states, the idea of secessionism, is dead. Like Communism, the idea of Somaliland is dead.

    Today the SNM military apparatus has decided to send hundreds of troops to the western and eastern regions to conduct armed suppression on the innocent Somali populace. There are currently 400 troops on the outskirts of Borama to violently suppress the emergence of the Awdal State. There are currently many hundreds troops on the outskirts of Buhodle to violently suppress the emergence of the Khaatumo State. Currently, the Somaliland Army (the SNM Army) is committing crimes against humanity against the innocent Somali populace in Buhodle. The only crimes these people are committing are to be Unionist. The Awdal State and the Khaatumo State have declared their territories to be unionist territories, within the Somali Republic. Therefore, the international community must recognize the breach of sovereignty the Somaliland Army is committing against the sovereign territory of the Somali Republic. Sovereignty is the main pillar of international law, and de jure sovereignty of the Awdal State and the Khaatumo State are solely with the Somali Republic, and not the illegal secessionist entity known as Somaliland. Like Hungary and Czechoslovakia during the Soviet era, the Somaliland Army is seeking to suppress the will of the people, but like Communism, the idea of Somaliland is dead. With the emergence of the Awdal State and the Khaatumo State, the winds of unity are blowing in the Northern Somali territories.

    The idea of a federalized central government for the Somali Republic is the widely accepted logical option. The Awdal State, Galmudug State, Khaatumo State, Puntland State, and an executive federal state of Benadir (Mogadishu), will be the foundation for the new Somali Republic. These five states, with the emergence of few more federal states in South-Central Somalia, will collectively provide personnel for the new Somali government that will emerge after August 2012. The post August 2012 Somali legislative and executive branches should be firmly inclusive to insure an organically accepted central government.

  81. dear matt

    We Somaliland people our dream our hope and what every person yung or old man or waman like to see is that our flag our beautiful flag stand the united nation and our country is recognized country that is our goal that is what makes us happy really that is our feeling so please matt support our case also please hope the Britain pm support our issue any one who stand our shoulders and support us is our best friend and we will respect him all our life so we need recognition we don’t like Somalia we don’t like to back in Somalia never

  82. Hi matt
    Iam somalilander from lasanood sool region let me tell you that in 19960 the British government give us our independent and recognized us as independent that time our people did not know more thing the south Somalia people they were think that time they are good people so they united south Somalia but they only faced problem that unity now after we retain our independent one again our people wait British and the USA and African countries to Re recognize us as sovereignty nation
    Thank you hope my massage reached you

  83. What the very big astringent wit step from UK! I’m sure the goverment (s) and the politicians of any age of UK knows the reality of Somali history. If the London Conference is heartfelt matter from UK and the International Society, two things are very necessary to do without delay and compromise, otherwise new virul groups that can not be dealt with shall emerge due to day in day out of confrences and external interests that cannot be alligned ever. Number One, is you (UK, AU, EU, USA, IGAD, Arab league. and etc) are all aware that Somaliland has constructed national stability, peace, stability, and goverment structures with elected parlaiment and president, without significant or none external help, this has eventually created ecenomic development to the extent of its level and measures. This does not come from joke, but brutal and opressions inherited from the irrational unity of 1960. Thus, Somaliland should be recognized as an independent state, otherwise it will suffer and yet not going back to so-called Somali whatsoever, and the consequence is the spread of piracy and extremism to the Gulf of Aden and Red Sea maritime. Number two, is to put all the effort of the International Society to rebuild South Somalia from the grassroots as Somaliland did before 21 years. Let Puntland to be stronger, but with good relations to its next neighbor Galmudug and Ahlu-sunna Wal-jama, Azania should also be reinforced and build their capacity in line with expedient for searching calm South Somalia. After this is being achieved, you can ask/search whether Greater Somalia can be re-unified or not. I did not yet understand the productive discussions and comments expected from abroad-born, half-Somali, who can write more english but did not expecting to come back one day in their country of origin, and their blatant liers (parents) whom have at least three documented passport names whom always loot the aid from International Community to Somali people by pen and paper, Those are: (Ali Khalif Galaydh, Ismail Hurre Buubaa, Ahmad Ismail Samatar and his brother Abdi. and Others).

    One last suggestion is please use Somali language comments space, I’m sure you will recieve more valuable comments than English ones.

  84. DIYA payment – my uncle the songwriter Abdi Bashir Indhabuur

    Are the British now able to pay blood money? My advise is to refrain any SOMALI CLAN CLAIMS.
    My uncle was a thetrical poet, bright and was killed by the Siyaad and the Marehaan clan.
    So I grief, grief,grief

  85. Dear: Baugh

    I would like to thank the UK for attempting to address Somali problems. It is a great opportunity for what was formerly called Somalia and is now called Somaliland and Somalia.
    In order to get a solution the UK should consider why fourteen previous conferences ended in vain. It is clear that all previous conferences have generated new problems rather than developed strategies.
    These conferences have definitely ignored Somaliland’s existence and treated it as a part of Somalia that is why they ended without success. It is time the International Community corrected their mistakes which were made in the last conferences. If the UK wishes this conference to end in success it should respect Somaliland’s desire and focus to reconcile the South of Somalia must be respected , otherwise this golden chance will fail as did the previous ones.

    Yours sincerely.

  86. It seems to me, we (Somalis) need to listen to one another and respect by looking back what happened for your love country,Somalia.justice is need with traditional in Somalia.everybody of you need peace and respect life of mankind.tribalism and religious groups can come as Somali national because they are same.because it is not good to come as a stockholders.Vote those have somalia!!

  87. Dear Matt,

    This conference is doomed to fail like all other conferences that is been held by the so-called International Community. Given the history of Britain, we know this country has done Great Injustice in handing off Somali territories to our neighbors who continue to violate our people for the last 100 years. To further complicate the matter,

    By probing corrupt regime which has committed Human Rights violations against its people, Along with AMISOM and Alshabab.

    By Blindly ignoring the suffering of the people in the Ogaden region.

    By helping former Warlords escape justice when there is an evidence of War crimes committed by these thugs (eg. Abdulahi yusuf, Former TFG) and whole other players….

    I believe Abdi has truly articulated the Separatist issue of the so-called Somaliland region. Every Somali supports Somali Unity with the Exception of Issaq tribe( or a tiny radical elements of the tribe) and it should be treated as such.

    I believe a UN headed peacekeeping troops should replace AMISOM which is made of neighboring countries that do not have the interest of the Somali people at heart.

    In order to win the hearts and minds of the Somali people, Stop funding these corrupt Warlords in Mogadisho and encourage honesty and transparency in its dealing with current or future TFG.

    Lastly, foreign interventions have only worsen the Somali Problem. Somalis should be left to sort out their own issues.

    Thank you!

  88. Matt, We are overwalmed the opportunity of the conference and the management team of Somali community Regeneration organisation interesting to participate and contribute the effort of resolving the problem of Somali. We would like to suggest that the Somali communities in UK should play great role as this will help the British government to have is element in the future Government of Somali. This will facilitate the UK interest in Somalia to achieve successfully. We are expecting to invite us the conference.
    Somali community Regeneration organisation
    18 Alison Street G42 8NN

  89. Hi Matt

    I think the key crucial point that must not be ignored in relation to this Somalia meeting is the current situation in North Somalia, particularly the town of Buhodle which is under constant attack by the Somaliland Clan (Isaq), who are trying to not only kill all those supporting the Khaatumo State of Somalia but also trying to kill villagers (death toll from the last attack which was yesterday is said to exceed 20 majority of the death are villagers trying to defend their town from being taken by the Isaq militia headed by Siilaanyo.

    Please look into the situation of Buhodle and understand that the people in Buhodle are unionists (i.e. SSC people) who now have an elected local government called Khaatumo State of Somalia, the SSC people oppose the notion of a divided Somalia and are only trying to protect their villages.

    Yesterday was the second unprovoked attack on the village of Buhodle in the last three weeks, this second attack yesterday has killed many unarmed civilians and people acting on self defence after their village has been attacked by the orders of Siilaanyo and the Isaaq administration in North Somalia (known as the Somaliland Clan).

    I am unable to give you comprehensive answer to the issues you highlighted above for the meeting in London because I see an imminent escalation of problems in the Sool Sanaag Cayn regions, in particular Cayn (Buhodle).

    The Somaliland clan (Isaq) is desperately trying to prove its support in North Somalia (e.g. Awdal State of Somalia, Somaliland Clan Regions, Khaatumo State of Somalia)… however, due to the mix of clans in these regions support is limited to a single clan (Isaq), this lack of unanimous support has increased frustration on the Isaq clan and is escalating the unprovoked attacks on towns and villages that do not support the Isaq administration.

    How long will the attacks subjected to the people of Cayn (Buhodle) and regions of the Khaatumo State of Somalia continue? how long will it take for the international community to intervene in this situation? How can we comment on the agenda that does not highlight the key issue in North Somalia today?

    Please do something about the Buhodle situation, the attacks by the Isaq clan headed by Siilaanyo on the village is anticipated to escalate further, without your intervention many people will be displaced and I have no doubt more will be killed. Due to its severity it is not a matter to wait for the London meeting as by than there will be no peace to discuss but an endless cycle of clan fighting.

    I have high hopes in the London meeting and I am glad that the Somaliland Clan administration is included to attend as they are creating a lot of the problems on the people of the Sool Sanaag Cayn regions who do not accept a single clan ruling and do not want a divided Somalia.

    I trust that you will read every line above and will take appropriate action to calm the situation facing the villagers supporting the Khaatumo State of Somalia (people from the Sool Sanaag Cayn regions who support the central government of Somalia).


  90. Dear Matt,

    First of All we appreciate the effort of the British Goverment, As Somali British who hails from the North of Somalia by Birth. I strongly beliveve that we take this oppurtinity seriously and see the wider picture. Our peole are suffering all over the world i.e. the ones inside the Country, in Europe, USA, Australia and ASia. you hear people dying for hunger, some dying wihile trying to cross the sub saharan, some dying while trying to use a make shift boats and die along the way.

    Please I am urging all my Brotheres and Sisters to Open their ayes and work together and resolve their differences in amicable way.

    Remember that in unity we strong and divided we are weak. I have a dream that we can all live like the Golf States and enjoy live to the full. Refering to the Wealth that our Country has.

    We share One Language (different dialect), One Religion and One Culture.
    In Europe the Eurpian Union in working hard to Unite all the Countires in Europe. who share less in common i.e. Wealth, Language, Religion and so forth.

    I wish that all Somalians were able to think ouside the Box. and focus for Greater Nation.

    May Allah lead us into the right bath for paece and prosperietsy which our people badly in need.

    Bless you all.

    1. Osman brother European seeking now unity but as somali people we tested before 21 years ago that unity but we failed and it is impossible our unity succeed once again because we are different character as somalillander we lose 500.000 (five hundredth thousand ) of our people died because of that unity we faced genocide so if we shared same language same religion aren’t Arab people shared same language same religion and the same time different countries aren’t Syria unite Egypt and same time separate it I think brother Somali in south must understand reality and respect the choice of Somaliland people because the unity of north and south in 1960 come the choice of north people and now the separation of north Somali people come their choice so brother it is good to south people respect their brothers

  91. Somaliland is well on its way in being a soverign nation. Not only is it autonomous on a economical level but it also exhbits a full functioning and democratic government. Somaliland has proven itself and should not be hauled to the starting point of how to achieve stability and development. Somaliland needs to be recognized for its success and be granted soverignity. In the near future the success of Somaliland could serve as blueprint for the rest of Somalia.

    1. How do you define Somaliland? How can you make that blanket statement when we know Khatumo people, Awdalland people & Makhir are all against this? You can’t just build web of lies and sell it to the world and hope they will accept it. There is not gonna be Somaliland why don’t you think something meaningful and find other solutions?

  92. Dear Matt,

    It’s time that the UK and the World supports the Somali Intellectuals. Somalia today has not educated leaders. The president of Somalia and the members of the parliament are not educated. How in the hell u can work with them? I think its really time to give a change to the Somali intellectuals (most of them lives in the Western World).

    I know that UN is working on a new constitution for Somalia. I think that the new constitution dangerous is for Somalia. Why? Because every Somali clans is making his own state. Right now there is a war in the Sool Region. This Region is clamed by Somaliland, Puntland en the new socalled Katumo State of Somalia. Three clan states are claiming one region, thats really crazy Matt. How can u support this? The UK is support a civil war in Somalia. I think its better idea that the UN, UK and the rest of the world support the 18 regions of Somalia. So please stop this Federal system it is not working for Somalia. Because the clans. The Federal system is working in countries like US, Germany and Ethiopia. But it will be not help in Somalia. Look at the situation in Sool, Sanaag, Togdheer, Mudug, Benaadir, Gedo (Azania).

    And the end Matt, I think that Somalia has three big problemens. One Leadership, two non educated politics and three the international policy of Somalia (federal system, Mahiga, Ethiopia, Kenya, etc.)

    Pleaseeeeee Matt safe Somalia. Let the International community now that Somalia needs good leadership, educated politics and stop with the bad international policy for Somalia.

    Somalia = Awdal Region, W. Galbeed Region, Togdheer Region, Sool Region, Sanaag Region, Bari Region, Nugaal Region, Mudug Region, Galgaduud Region, Hiiraan Region, Bay Region, Bakool Region, S. Hoose Region, S. Dhexe Region, Jubba Hoose Region, Jubba Dhexe Region, Gedo Region and Benaadir Region!

  93. I am one of the many Somali Unionists who loathe seeing our country disintegrate into a plethora of mini-states that can potentially lead to perpetual divisions and conflicts. Professor Ahmed Samatar, a Somali Unionist recently voiced his opposition to the creation of new States such as Awdal State and the Khaatumo State of Somalia. While I can understand his stand and sympathize with it wholeheartedly, I would like to argue that the two new states cannot be compared to the multitude of Diaspora based one-man show entities inspired by hidden agendas and self-interests.

    Both States are determined to defend the Somali Union from highly motivated and determined secessionists who will stop at nothing to achieve their goal of dividing the Somali nation even to the extent of using violence.

    The Khaatumo State did not see the light on 12 January 2012 as many would like to believe. It was created in the early 1990s after the collapse of the Somali government in a town known as Boame. The State was meant to fill the vacuum created by the absence of a credible government in Somalia. Unfortunately, the State could not function at that time for lack of financial support since the Khaatumo Diaspora at that time was almost non-existent. It also failed because many believed in the quick emergence of a functioning Somali government. In contrast, Somaliland and Puntland became successful administrations as a continuation of well-organized clan-based militias that contributed to the overthrow of the Somalia government. The Khaatumo regions did not participate in the disintegration of the Somali State and did not have any clan-based agendas or organized militias that could be converted to security forces.

    The new Somali State of Khaatumo is actually meant to preserve Somali Unity and not to weaken it as feared by some. It is also meant to eliminate the conflict that has raged between the two neighboring States of Somaliland and Puntland over the regions that have now adopted the Khaatumo brand. These regions had been unfairly labeled as disputed territories by the UN and other International Aid groups and were therefore denied any development aid for the last 20 years. As a result of such wanton neglect, these regions lag behind all Somali territories in terms of social and economic development.

    On my recent trip to Taleh to attend the Khaatumo congress, I was shocked to see the gaping disparity between these regions and those in Puntland and Somaliland. To illustrate this point further, Yagoori, a village where I spent my formative years and remember as a vibrant and growing place, showed signs of economic stagnation and social decline. I could not help but Compare yagoori to Oog, another village along the same highway from Burao to Las Anod as Yagoori, but established much later than yagoori. Oog is a growing town with signs of progress compared to yagoori. People in Yagoori live on salaries paid by the Somaliland administration to phantom soldiers. Powerful warlords get paid 3 times the number of actual soldiers they have under their command. The money does trickle down in the form of Kat purchases, a powerful drug that prevents people from thinking or doing any form of productive work. This can be compared to the free liquor supplied to indigenous people by the white settlers in the Untied States and Australia. The tactic is meant to buy the loyalty of the local population who do not subscribe to the secession agenda being pushed by the Somaliland administration. Were these salaries to evaporate, so would the Somaliland clan militia based at strategic locations along the highway from Burao to Las Anod. Somaliland believes that the control of the highway could determine the fate of Somaliland and its dream of becoming an independent country.

    The lack of actual loyalty to the Somaliland cause in the Khaatumo regions can be graphically illustrated by the failed attempt to apprehend the author and a member of the G62, the group that is behind the Khaatumo concept, on our way back from Taleh. The whole village of Yagoori where we stopped for the night stood up to the heavily armed militia deployed by the Somaliland administration from Las Anod to apprehend us and ship us to the infamous Mandhera prison. To preserver life and to avoid punitive retaliatory action by the Somaliland militia against the village, we decided to leave Yagoori on foot to areas outside the control of the militia, and we were eventually whisked to Galkayo in Puntland where we were welcomed with open arms. We traveled through hundreds of miles of unpaved roads and our 4X4 driver could only be compared to the best world class rally drivers for his dexterity at the wheel.

    Unfortunately a few other delegates were not as lucky and got arrested in Berbera on their way back to their adopted countries. One of these delegates is a British citizen who entered Somalia with his British passport. His only crime was to attend the Khaatumo Congress. The British Government that provides generous aid to the Somaliland enclave needs to take note of the way its citizens are being harassed and jailed without due process.

    As if the harassment of the Khaatumo delegates were not enough, the Somaliland Administration mobilized its meager resources to invade Buhodle, another Khaatumo city near the border with Ethiopia. The main tactic behind the attack was to force the Buhodle delegates at the Khaatumo Congress to abandon the Congress. Such tactic failed since there were more than enough men and women on hand to stand up to the aggression of the Somaliland militia. After the Yagoori incident in which the S/L administration failed miserably to apprehend us, we went to Galkayo, a major town in Puntland to catch a flight from there. While in Galkayo, we managed to visit the wounded that were brought from Buholde for treatment. They were all innocent civilians who were caught in the crossfire between the defenders of the city and the invading Somaliland militia. With rudimentary medical facilities, most of the wounded could have been treated in Buhodle instead of being ferried across hundreds of unpaved roads to Galkayo. This fact again illustrates the neglect and abandonment of all the Khaatumo villages and towns: more than sufficient reason to establish the Khaatumo State of Somalia which is expected to cater to the basic needs of its residents.

    The Khaatumo State is a Federal State that strongly believes in the Unity and Integrity of the Somali Republic. It is the product of a democratic forum where all the stakeholders of the Khaatumo regions assembled under the now famous Khaatumo tree (Berdaha Khaatumo), debated, and voted for the creation of a State that caters for their development needs. 345 delegates representing all the sub-clans of the Khaatumo regions unanimously voted for the autonomous state. The vote was resoundingly ratified by all the traditional leaders who have been refugees for 4 years in Puntland after the capital of their State was illegally invaded and occupied by the clan-based militia in Somaliland.

    Both Somaliland and Puntland have no choice but to welcome the new State as an equal partner in the long road towards rebuilding the Somali state. Instead of wasting another 20 years chasing an unrealistic dream of dividing the Somali people, Somaliland has to prove to the world that its democratic claims are for real. Democracies do not use violence against unarmed civilians. Democracies do not arrest innocent civilians for expressing their opinions. Democracies do not arrest citizens of foreign countries for attending Congresses in territories outside their controls. Democracies do not use bullets to suppress peaceful demonstrations such as the one in Las Anod where young men and women were killed in cold blood for no other reason than supporting the Khaatumo declarations. It is unfortunate that an Administration that tries so hard to build a façade of democracy, stability and good governance should favor violence over dialogue to resolve its differences with the Khaatumo delegates and architects.

    The language of clan hatred pouring from Hargeisa can only plunge the whole region into unpredictable consequences. Somalis can ill afford another protracted civil war in an area that has so far escaped the carnage in the South of the country. The recent statements of the oldest statesman in Hargeisa, Haji Abdi Warabe, should alarm all Somalis. He recently called for genocide and the ethnic cleansing of those opposed to the Somaliland secession. “Dhulku ma guure, dadkaa guura” is a Somali statement that calls for the forced evacuation of hundreds of thousands of Khaatumo residents from their land.

    The men and women chosen to lead the Khaatumo State are ready for cooperation and peaceful dialogue. They are also ready to defend their regions and residents against any aggression. Self defense is a God given right and is a Universal value. Somaliland has no legal claim over the Khaatumo State. Old colonial borders that disappeared 52 years ago are no justification for coercing others to adopt a wrong cause. While dividing the Somali people is morally wrong and reprehensible, it is a well documented fact that the Khaatumo clans never signed any protection agreements with the British and are therefore outside the colonial borders used by Somaliland to justify its secession.

    Let us hope that reason will prevail over the language of hate. At the same time, the world community needs to closely watch and monitor the area if it is to avoid another Rwanda.

    Ali H Abdulla


    * Khaatumo is a Somali word with an Arabic origin. It is often used to denote a good ending for a long-running problem. The word was also used to name the place where a number of Somali clans in the North joined forces in a political party known as the United Somali Party (USP) in their quest for independence from Great Britain. Hopefully the Khaatumo State will become the nucleus for a re-born United Somali State

  94. For 1000’s of years these two entities ( Somaliland and Somalia never match or across in history except from 1960 to 1996 for unification under name of Somalia Republic, then 1996 Military Regime Coupe came into power revoked that unification with its draft constitution ( It was not permanent one ). So, in legal basis no legitimate of so called united government that based on draft constitution.
    75 % Somali speaking population born after Military Rule and they don’t aware history background of the big Somalis slogans caused Somali people in many wars under illusions of liberation from Kenya, French and Ethiopia and only Djibouti realised. Now, because of bad leadership of 40 executive years these young became immigrant in western world and now waking up with emotions of unifications sentimentalism.

    But this the facts of history….WarII agony will emerge again if Somaliland and Somalia mixed or forced together that probably never happen as political records telling us. read here …

    1. For 800 yrs somalis had their own undivided territitories , British somaliland and Italian Somaliland were a 70 year affair and a foreign decamation that was abolished after independence. Somalia is a default position, anyone calling for dismembering of somalia into clan fiefdoms is doing Somalis a great diservice.

  95. Hi Matt

    As we all know it, Somalia is one country. Who ever wants to split the country is dreaming. The situation we are currently in Somalia, to get back on our own feet, we must reunite and discus the future and stability of our country. In order to do that, Great Britain must invite everyone to the London Conference. And who ever refuses to come will suffer the consequences of Somalia being divided. We appreciate the job Great Britain is doing. Somalia has been established into tribes since the past 20 years. Every tribe should not miss the opportunity.

    As Awadalstate, we are peace lovers and in the unity of Somalia for the past 20 years. Our regions were peaceful and were well established with knowledge whilst our other brothers were suffering. We feel with them, if they have problem, so do we. For the meantime, we are ready to take our role in a peaceful transition to establish a new Federalism government. We believe that Somalia is one and nobody can deny that. As Awadalstate, we must be present in that conference in order to place our input.

    Those who call themselves government, don’t dream it. There is so such thing called as Somaliland. Awadlestate and Khatumostate is now ready to join to Somalia and they left you behind. So wake up and don’t be blind. If you miss this opportunity, you will never get this chance again. Don’t deceive the young generation, remind them that Somalia is one. One day, you will regret it. Khatumostate and Awdalstate are your neighbours, show them some respect in order to keep the region peaceful. Remember, if there is no peace, there will be no life

    Great Britain should force Somaliland to be present, as it is their interest.

  96. Hi Matt
    There are currently confirmed reports suggesting that Israel wants to deploy submarines in the Somaliland port of Berbera and possibly establish a military outpost. Also, UK & USA + Ethiopia are backing this strategic while International working on recognition for Somaliland is almost in hand, so to waste a time on this clannish based and dictators war-lording mentalities is fruitless efforts …. check out here what Mercy Corps’ Neal Keny-Guyer: Says
    ” In failing nations, it’s all about community ”

  97. Seeing how much hate is going towards Somaliland I can see they are doing something right. I wish them all the best and hope they get away from those idiots in Somalia. Good Luck and Gods Speed

  98. Somali Women and Leadership

    Dear Mr. Matt Baugh,

    Thank you for your and your government’s effort in searching solutions to the Somali dilemma.

    I wish to point out that the issue of investing in Somali Women and Leadership in local governance ought to be included in the agenda of the upcoming London Conference. The ultimate solution in rebuilding the fabrics of the war-torn society will emanate from local authority since all efforts to reconstitute the failed Somali state from the top-down has had limited results

    Throughout the civil war, Somali women have shown resilience in seeking peaceful ways to settle local conflicts and productive means to sustain meagre community development projects.

    The past six months Somali women have assumed greater responsibility in local administration by becoming mayors of the following towns/district councils: Ms. Khadra X. Gaydh (mayor Gabiley town, Somaliland), Ms. Zeynab Osman Aato (mayor Galkacyo South, Galmudug State) and Ms. Deeqa Cabduqadir (Wardighleey-Howlwadaag – Banadir region). These pioneer ladies need to be multiplied, supported, trained and their efforts included in the London Conference.

    Thank you and I remain,

    Amina Abdi Mohamud (niece of the 1st Somali Prime Minister during the Trusteeship 1956-1960)
    MA, LLM (Merit)

  99. Mr. Ambassador, I’d like to thank the British government for hosting this conference. Also, I’d like to encourage your government to invite the newly born Khaatumo State of Somalia to your conference and support the people of the region. After 52 years, we need to co-operate.

    Thanks again.

  100. It is very clear to everyone that Somalis can’t agree to resolve anything. Therefore, it is vital to understand that the Somalia issues aren’t just to roll a dice. I suggest to the government of Britain to dictate the whole agenda forcefully one way or another so that this conference will produce a fruitful result for the Somali children.

  101. Republic of Somaliland is democratic republic which has long historical Somaliland was bririth protectorate Somaliland now waiting international recognition so matt it not good to sat stable regions like Somaliland and putland coz they are not same Somaliland different putland historically and issue so matt respect our issue

  102. derst matt
    first my name is warsame ali dahir i live awdal somaliland express my few
    the only way that the conconference will succeed is if the participators especially Britain and other countries recognize Somaliland as sovereignty state

  103. Sorry forgotten to mention my last comment of President’s Obama’ State Union Speech that was referred to real Somalilander, others nothing to loose and they don’t share similar aspirations or life value historically.

    The reason of referred that speech was, as we Somalilander share with Americans some similar values and way of thinking.

    1) Standup together in warring and difficult times. Example in last week was one of the biggest demonstrations campaigned from Las Anood to Awdal in every village and every town the most effective means supporting Somaliland unity.
    Secondly, when how everybody in combined houses and the congress were supporting the President’s speech from first moments to the last minutes regardless of different views in respect of among the political parties and people about the current government policies.

    2) We freed our country with unity and encouragements similar to American history of freedom struggles.

    3) More importantly USA is most single super power supporting and backing strategically the Somaliland security and its independence in the back yard. and listen with care what’s he says and that’s applies to Somaliland only, because others have nothing to loose and they aren’t sharing life value and similarity of struggle history . This video again

  104. i am somali student
    the efforts of uk government about somali issues can be a productive if an actions has taken a place at the back of the conference , not like former formulars ((((( i beside with you just in a words not for action and that will be the like privious similar efforts from the last 20 years

  105. I cant belive the sick people absent there jobs here hey come on piracy and gunges or alshaba terorest please you must this page is only intended to a helth idea so don’t think that this page is for piracy or terrorist of south Somalia
    If you cry or no Somaliland well became independent nation it will be if allah say in foming month the the nest new recognized nation in Africa after south sudan so if you say hahahah matt Somaliland is clan hahahaha matt Somaliland is isaaq that is no sens because allah and world know that Somaliland is beautiful democratic peaceful country so same your safes piracy and gangs

  106. helo matt
    may iam abdirahman from laas anod som region I hope the conference will be positive in Somaliland side and the republic of Somaliland will get more friends if allah say matt once more thanks and keep in your mine our issue plz

  107. @ Matt and @ All Somalilanders

    Israel says ready to recognize Somaliland….
    I think, we have to be a realistic on the issues to differentiate Somaliland from Somalia in this Conference, in case, Somaliland chosen to attend. Then no need to waste a time for fluff stuff and parroting comments and here is the historical facts. Check out

  108. matt
    The somalilanders shared many things with their former British protectorate they know how to lead and manage the policy they are so civilized people they are respect their leaders and the same time like freedom they are active at side of building and coordinate the systematic of good government they are people who very rich nationalism somalilanders after the independent 1960 when they unite south Somalia the official that lead south region did not more active they were very poor in English language they only know Italian language while the young educated leaders who lead the independent of British Somaliland we well active educators and more attractive leaders unfortunately the southern politics took all the official positions so for example the minster is south and the vice is north but the vice of minister do all task of the ministers like meeting connecting and negotiating as well planning this was surprises even the ministers shame their selves and say it is unfair that this active and educated polices will be take this position while we are take high position somalilanders or north Somali politics that time made had work to increase and build the new nation they were not care their position but there objective was Somalia to be succeeded country most of official army was northern and the most of official that participating training out side the country was north somalian officials because they were active in language as well educated but even that the north somalian faced un justice the major cities of north remained undeveloped because of central governments un justice 1969 people of north well coming military cup of said bare and his flowers expecting that he change the situation at begging we made somewhat but everything change in after the war between Somalia and Ethiopia 1977 most of army that fighting were from north Somalia in 1978_80 the arms of said bare beginning to kill the people they do many bad action they were double taxation any one arrested 1981 the student make demonstration after 12 young educated who back in abroad were arrested because they help the general hospital of hargeisa so rather then to thanks the regime arrest them say how they made that 1982 the national movement announced in London 1988 bar regime made genocide to Somaliland people killing 55% of hargeisa resident and 49%of buro city 30% erigavo city and the other cities so after the clops of said bare regime the repels that capture north regions announced conference which meeting all the traditional elders of north somalian clan and they decide this points
    1)They decide to retain their independent from Somalia beginning 18 may 1991
    2)they decide to forgive each other and live peace each other
    3)They elected abdirahman ahmed ali to be a president of republic of Somaliland in 2 year
    After the 2 year of ander the control of repels in the country the another conference were hold in borame awadal region 1993 that was elected by new president and the repels smooth transmitted the control to the new president Mohamed haji Ibrahim egal the time was first time in Africa that rebels transmit the control to civilian government president egal controlled the country and prepared a constitution in country and malty political parts after the death of president egal in 2002 in south Africa military hospital the vice president took the control as the constitution say any way Somaliland held 4 smooth and fair election which is rear in Africa and third world
    While the south still suffering civil war and terrorist and not be able to solve their problem
    That is clear that somalilanders inherited good character of administration to their formal British colony and more civilized in south Somalia
    so the only solution is to recognize somaliland as independent state
    after that somaliland will recon ciliate them

  109. salaam Matt
    somaliland is not part of somalia we are country full and we have government such as par-lament, Alders, president, minsters and also we have peace full country so we need our recognize soon or later…tnkx

  110. dear Matt
    somaliland is a country including horn of africa
    and somaliland announced it’s segmentation in 1991 and we need to give our recognize and also peace full country

  111. hi math if you can see somaliland is one tribe alot conflict there north somalia it will be going to be last sivil war hapen to somalia becouse, awdal state ,and khatumo,state inculude makhir state they don’t need somaliland you can see utube borama city riot the people who dispaly their idea to support somali unity north east province like SOOL ,and SANAAG still they support somali unity

  112. Hi matt hi all somalilanders
    Matt I think you realized why somalilanders refused to unite Somalia look their comments you I sadly this dark comments they hated Somaliland clans as you know before 20 year when we break away the reasons we break away was their bad character and their dictator leading action that killing the people and separate them as well they don’t like the Somaliland people somalilanders know discipline they don’t know tribalism they like and respect their nation with out dividing Somaliland to any clan so I think matt you take good picture how the south somalian people hated Somaliland an like to sow the distraction of our beautiful nation

  113. HI

    How comes somaliland can be part of somalia solution

    Somaliland are Good for example other somalia

    somaliland goverment from the people ONE MAN ONE VOTE




  114. matt good moring
    I am bashe I live awdal Somaliland and I am student of amud university here we live peaceful our country waiting recognition long time so why Britain will not recognize Somaliland and Britain know the history of Somaliland even the history of Somaliland steel in Britain this is unfair absolutely did the British want to in force Somaliland to unite the failed state of Somalia all in all we wait 23 February and the we will wait how Britain host our delegation and our president hope good news and recognition hope the world will reword our effort

  115. Hello
    Mr. matt I read your article although I am not liked how you talk Somaliland we congratulate UK government to solve the south Somalia problem in 1991 up now we were not attend any Somali reconciliation conference we sow British government at closer friends of republic Somaliland so we respect the invitation and we hope as somalilander that British government will not injure our dignity and will respect our issue my Allah bless Somaliland and great Britain
    Siham daud from Somaliland

  116. bonsoir , disant je sais pas somaliland protectorat veut pas dire le clan issaq seulement et un clan peut pas devenir un pays. somaliland protectorat sait des signatures fait par les anglais et les autres tribus du nord de la somali-gadabursi,issa,issack,dhubahante etc… Dans le territoire dit somaliland y’a une frontiere avec l’autre protectorat italien.y’a aussi d’autre frontiere dans disant le protectorat somalilandais , mais voyant n’oubliant pas les frontieres entre les tribu vivant dans ce protectorat comme pour le dhulbahante sool sanag et cayn,pour les issacks de burao jusqu’a une petite part de gabiley et a 11 kilometres de au nord de berbera,enfin pour les gadaboursis de lä grande part de gebiley jusqu’a loyado frontiere avec djibouti et a 11kilometre de berbera. s etait diviser en 3 grandes paries et chacun avait sa propre signature avec les anglais.

    i hope you gonna understand me mister. or translate lol thanks

    Dr jacque
    docteur en histoire

    1. Those pushing for a breaking away republic are majority Isaaqs from the Hargeisa,Burco and Berbera enclave….majority of Dhulbahante,Warsangeli dont want to cede from the Somalia Republic.

  117. Dear Matt,

    I write to you about Awdal State and its very recent yet blooming successes in becoming a recognized political entity within Somalia. Their achievements have been well documented in the Somali media. The President of Awdal State attended this week a meeting with the Federal Government in the Mogadishu upon invitation.
    As an Awdalite I would like to show my support for Awdal State. The Gadabuursi clan have a rich and old history, and recent history has demonstrated the Gadabuursi clans diplomatic and peaceful nature, in helping to attain and lead the North Western region to peace, with the Gadabuursi clan hosting the Boroma conference which led to the cease fire between Isaaq clans in the 1990′s. This lead to the self-declaration of independence of Somaliland. Since then the region has enjoyed relative peace and security, which is to be commended. Off course this could not have been achieved without a coalition of clans from the North. However as an Awdalite we have always felt discontented by what the Somalialnd establishment stands for. The Gadabuursi have an affinity with the Somali nation that the Isaaqs do not share. This is in part because of Siad Barres attacks on the Isaaq clan in the late 80′s early 90′s. However as an Awdalite I see the establishment of Somaliland as being lead by and dominated by the Isaaq clan, which under President Silaanyo has manifested into violence against the Gadabuursi in Saameel, Dila and Gabaley, as well as in Hargeisa. If the government who’s jurisdiction we are under is letting killings go on without interference, then they are surely as guilty as the killers. Furthermore, the equal clan representation tradition of the government has been abandoned by President Silaanyo’s government. It seems the discontent felt by Awdalites as well as their affinity with the Somali nation has been realized and manifested in the form of Awdal State. Awdal State has sincere ambitions and does not seek to demonize or challenge any group, Awdal State simply seeks to provide legitimate leadership and guidance to the people of Awdal who thus far have felt marginalized under the Somaliland administration.
    The seriousness and strength of this honest endeavor has been demonstrated by the steadfastness of Awdal States achievements. I ask that you take notice of and recognize our achievements. We will not be marginalized when we could rule ourselves. Awdalites simply wish to peacefully rule for themselves, and take control of their own lands. We do not seek to take from our neighbors. Simply our aspirations of a united Somalia are challenged by Somaliland’s efforts for recognition, and we cannot stand by it.
    Are we to be forsaken by being ruled by a government which seeks to isolate us in pursuing interests which coincide with our core identity that is in belonging to the Somali nation. Thus I hope and request that you acknowledge our achievements and ambitions in the London Somali Conference next month.

    Kind Regards,

  118. Dear Matt,

    I write to you about Awdal State and its very recent yet blooming successes in becoming a recognised political entity within Somalia. Their achievements have been well documented in the Somali media. The President of Awdal State attended this week a meeting with the Federal Government in the Mogadishu upon invitation.

    As an Awdalite I would like to show my support for Awdal State. The Gadabuursi clan have a rich and old history, and recent history has demonstrated the Gadabuursi clans diplomatic and peaceful nature, in helping to attain and lead the North Western region to peace, with the Gadabuursi clan hosting the Boroma conference which led to the cease fire between Isaaq clans in the 1990’s. This lead to the self-declaration of independece of Somaliand. Since then the region has enjoed relative peace and security, which is to be commended. Offcourse this could not have been achieved without a coalition of clans from the North. However as an Awdalite we have always felt discontented by what the Somalialnd establsihment stands for. The Gadabuursi have an affinity with the Somali nation, that the Isaaqs do not share. This is in part because of Siad Barres attacks on the Isaaq clan in the late 80’s early 90’s. However as an Awdalite I see the establishment of Somaliland as being lead by and dominated by the Isaaq clan, which under President Silaanyo has manifetsed into violence against the Gadabuursi in Saameel, Dila and Gabaley, as well as in Hargeisa. If the government who’s jurisdiction we are under is letting killings go on without interference, then they are surely as guilty as the killers. Furthermore, the equal clan representation tradition of the government has been abandoned by President Silaanyo’s government. It seems the discontent felt by Awdalites as well as the their affinity with the Somali nation has been realised and manifested in the form of Awdal State. Awdal State has sincere ambitions and does not seek to demonize or challenge any group, Awdal State simply seeks to provide legitimate leadership and guidance to the people of Awdal who thus far have felt marginalised under the Somaliland administration.

    The seriousness and strength of this honest endeavour has been demonstrated by the steadfastness of Awdal States achievements. I ask that you take notice of and recognise our achievements. We will not be marginalised when we could rule our selves. Awdalites simply wish to peacefully rule for themselves, and take control of their own lands. We do not seek to take from our neighbours. Simply our aspirations of a united Somlia are chllanged by Somalilands efforts for recognitoon, and we cannot stand by it.

    Are we to be forsaken by being ruled by a government which seeks to isolate us in pursuing interests which coincide with our core identity, that is in belonging to the Somali nation. Thus I hope and request that you acknowledge our achievements and ambitions in the London Somali Conference next month.

    Kind Regards,

  119. dear matt
    iam abdi nasir from awadl somaliland my few is the If UK PM went London conference to succeed let Somaliland be a nation free from the south Somalia and recognize as sovereignty state
    That is the only way Somali to be peace full
    Thanks nasir from borama awadl Somaliland

  120. We support Republic Somaliland to participate London conference our president will told big voice the world that what Somaliland people want is international recognition that is our massage that is our decision that we decide before 20 years ago until now our decision is we never back Somali ever

  121. Dear Mr Matt
    Thank you for your sharing with us. Certainly there is no doubt that the UK government now is playing its role, and i am very keen to that Historic Conference for somalia, its a time to construct and rebuild the nation in which all basic resources has been destroyed. the reality is not just saying that this conference is good for somalis, but this is obviously bigger than that, its an opportunity that such conference being organized by the one of the most Influential Nation in this World ( Great Britain). an UK which is masterminded by this Thought of calling all somali stake holders including TFG, States like Puntland State, Somaliland State,Khaatumo State, and so on will be actually remembered for what they did for somalis.
    For somali PEOPLE, certainly being just in-quarrel, and so and so . is not something that can be read by the world who is really mad at us and, its a time for us to relocate and change what we thought to what we can fruitfully get from this Conference, we hope that all somalis will take into account that this is opportunity for them. Hence, Please let us wait the fruits of this Memorable Conference For Whom ..? of course for Somalis!
    Last but not least, i would like to remind Mr Matt, that the People of ssc or newly called Khaatumo State Of somalia , which is comprising the regions of SOOL, EAST-SANAAG, AND CAYN, are really fully supported by this conference, those PEOPLE of that aforementioned Regions are really believe the unity of great Somalia! not dividing, splitting, and any actions that can be damage the unity of Somalai Republic , the So called somaliland are part of somalia not de facto Nation , they are not recognized by the UN, the only people who are advocating to split from somalia is just minor clan which is ISAAQ CLAN, the other Major clans are not agreed with that clan to split the nation and divide the people of somalia!
    Somalia is One People , One Nation, One religion, and and Flag which Blue and his placed white stars ! No split, and no Division but yes Unity and democracy For whole somali regions by west to east and north to south.

  122. hello matt
    we somalilanders we want recognition of british govwrnment otheir poeple must help us to reach our point Mr. matt please we respect British gov and British people we sow Britain as our best friend so please we need the voce of British Pm to support Somaliland as declare that British recognize us independent country

    1. In case you have not learned that, begging is not part of the diplomatic world. You are emotionally driven just like SNM guards in Hargeisa. This conference is for Somalia and that means -Somalia. You can’t fabricate a new country within the borders of Somalia.

  123. Dear Mr Matt

    Thank you for your sharing with us. Certainly there is no doubt that the UK government now is playing its role, and i am very keen to that Historic Conference for somalia, its a time to construct and rebuild the nation in which all basic resources has been destroyed. the reality is not just saying that this conference is good for somalis, but this is obviously bigger than that, its an opportunity that such conference being organized by the one of the most Influential Nation in this World ( Great Britain). an UK which is masterminded by this Thought of calling all somali stake holders including TFG, States like Puntland State, Somaliland State,Khaatumo State, and so on will be actually remembered for what they did for somalis.

    For somali PEOPLE, certainly being just in-quarrel, and so and so . is not something that can be read by the world who is really mad at us and, its a time for us to relocate and change what we thought to what we can fruitfully get from this Conference, we hope that all somalis will take into account that this is opportunity for them. Hence, Please let us wait the fruits of this Memorable Conference For Whom ..? of course for Somalis!

    Last but not least, i would like to remind Mr Matt, that the People of ssc or newly called Khaatumo State Of somalia , which is comprising the regions of SOOL, EAST-SANAAG, AND CAYN, are really fully supported by this conference, those PEOPLE of that aforementioned Regions are really believe the unity of great Somalia! not dividing, splitting, and any actions that can be damage the unity of Somalai Republic , the So called somaliland are part of somalia not de facto Nation , they are not recognized by the UN, the only people who are advocating to split from somalia is just minor clan which is ISAAQ CLAN, the other Major clans are not agreed with that clan to split the nation and divide the people of somalia!

    Somalia is One People , One Nation, One religion, and and Flag which Blue and his placed white stars ! No split, and no Division but yes Unity and democracy For whole somali regions by west east and north to south.

  124. Sir Matt Baugh

    I hope everything is going as planned for this remarkable conference for Somalia.

    To get a solution for the ongoing conflict in Somalia the international community needs to understand the tribal difference in the Somali community as in Afghanistan.

    The conflicts root came from when the dominant clans Hawiye, Digil Mirfle, Isaaq was treated with injustice, torture and even killed by the former Siyaad Barre government that became predominantly Darood in mid 1980s called MOD rule.

    Since 1991 after the Civil War all tribes fled to their region Isaaq clan proclaimed Somaliland and Harti Darood created semi-autonomous Puntland.

    The largest tribes in south-central Somalia Hawiye and Digil Mirfle didn’t created effective administration. The only effective administration was under the Islamic Courts Union that was formed with support of Somali business community in Banadir region and in the Diaspora.

    The Somali Diaspora that immigrated to North America and Europe in the past 25 years, It is estimated 65-70% are from south-central Somalia due to the civil war.

    Matt Baugh you can’t expect a leader from Somaliland to get huge support from the people in south central Somalia or vice versa.

    It was the biggest reason people didn’t support former President Abdullahi Yusuf from Puntland and Ethiopians invasion to have huge impact over the people in South-central Somalia.

    Most of the leaders in Islamic Courts Union, Alshabab extremist against peace and dialog , The biggest companies in Somalia, The Somali Diaspora, The Media, Former military commanders in every field they are either Hawiye or Digil Mirlfe. The reason is 2/3 of the Somalia population is populated in South-Central Somalia.

    Darood tribes are dominant in Puntland, Kenya (NFD) and Ethiopia (Ogaden) but some are found in southwest Somalia.

    The one person that real understands the solution in Somalia is:
    Professor EJ Hogendoorn International Crisis Group.

    Somali Youth In North America (SYN)
    Eng Mahdi Abdiwali

  125. mr silaanyo take FUAAD SHONGALE and GODANE you send THEM to terrorize us all alshabab blood sucking leaders are from the so called peace loving isaqs they think keeping us in havoc will grant them recognition

  126. are u somalilanders AKA isaaq think u will get recognition from ur old master? you having a LAUGH somalis are somalis for the UK get reality check no matter how much u beg u are not country never will be never was stop being delusional stop listening to males zinawi he only wants to use ber bera port he knows tribe cant be nation SSC don’t want u AWADAL don’t want nothing to do with u always bragging about crap peace in somaliland do u see wars in puntland? no do you even see wars in some part of central somalia no cuz they are one tribe corners like u so called somaliland if the south was home to one tribe it would have been peace infact heaven on earth but the south is home to different ethnics and tribes and we have suffered enough for the past 21yrs more than any group in somalia my advice to the london Conference is no division to our nation somalia is one the root cause of the conflict in somalia is ethiopia nothing less nothing more u should deal with ethiopia somali leaders have no say in somali matters

  127. i forgot to mention mr camroon if you are honest stop ethiopia and kenya from interfering somali affairs especially ethiopia which is the biggest bully in the region arming and using tribe against tribe ethiopia sees stable united strong somalia threat to it’s existence i’m sure most somalis will agree with me we are tired of war we want to live peace with our neighbours…..i think i’m the only HAWIYE posting here we are always late and big time misunderstood lolzzz

  128. omg i cannot believe what i’m reading here 2012 before the eyes of the international community we cannot differentiate nationalism patriotism tribalism this is the sickening you are Violently scribbling for what? anyways i hope the so called somali leaders dont show this kinda of immaturity as for somaliland it’s part of somalia and will always be it no question britain divided somalia enough gave our territory to our enemy still ethnic somalis suffer great deal and britain is partly responsible of our misfortune today please somalia might be weak and war torn but still we are sovereign nation and must be respected btw i love UK my second home god bless the uk and god help somalia

  129. I am very delighted that the UK is seriously trying to contribute to the solution of the Somali problem by mobilising the international and Somali efforts in the London Conference.

    The opportunity to reinforce the relative stability in Puntland and Somaliland suggested by you is essential. In this respect disarmament in Puntland and perhaps in South Somalia (after the defeat of Shabaab) is imperative. Formation of political parties and elections are expected in Puntland in the near future, but i can not imagine how these will be possible when clans are armed to the teeth.

    One can not and should not turn a blind eye to rampant corruption in Somalia. The Country, as whole, is No. 1 in the corruption league table in the world. There is a need for an urgent action against this.

    For Mogadishu to be the capital of Somalia once again, there must be a special law governing it and clear pledges to return the assets of the former inhabitants.

    There have been many war crimes in Somalia since 1991 such as genocide, clan cleansing and mass killings. Criminals should not get away with the blood they have shed and the sufferings they have caused.
    Somali victims also deserve justice like other human beings.

  130. As Prime minister said his speech that Somalia is failed STATE. Britian finally released they were dealing the wrong party in Somalia namely so-called Somaliland who recently attacked buhodle city and massacred innocent people and also Las Anod when demonstration took place to show their support Khatumo State of Somalia four people have shot 14 injured. there was a consultative conference of Dhulbahante intellectuals organized by the Horn Economic and Social Policy Institute (HESPI) and independent, none- profit think-tank consultancy firm was held in London on april 21- 24 2011. The conference has been centered on the issues of peace, security, profession of humanitarian assistance to those adversely by the war campaign waged against our people and ravaging drought which envelops Sool Sanaag and Ayn, (SSC) Regions of Somalia namely now Khatumo State of Somalia. It is hard to believe the British government still supports financially Somaliland.

  131. Hallo matt thank you UK Govenment to host this conference of somalia. you see our grievences and hardships to solve somalias problem. the true clor of somalis is this Somali-land, puntland, fluandland Daroodland Isaaqland, hawiyeland mareexaanland aniga land Britishland, americanland, or maraykaanland, alshababland, alqaidaland. i think UK government should wait until august this year why the country is changing termandously. every tribe now is using we are a government of our own as you can see. But the only true Government is Puntland Governt and that is the only government that needs to be recognized i dont know why they wait mogadishu to comeback so long because hawiye tribes or Irir tribes they like Daarood tribe, and Darood tribe is the only tribes that is systamatically genocide by those tribes. I dont know why puntland government not start to do same like the Isaq tribe so call Somalailand to ask the world to be recognized we are tired of being with Hawiye damsters to say let as work togather to have Somalia back togather they will never understand. iam puntlander and proud to be Somali first Somalian.

  132. First of all I would like to thank you for all your efforts in providing the public with the information and keeping us updated. In regards to the upcoming conference, I think it’s a great starting point towards change. Government and people, regardless of who are taking a step in the right direction in trying to bring improvement to Somalia. It’s true that Somalia has been very undeveloped for many years and has experienced a great deal of loss, but any help in trying to bring change and improvement regardless of when, is very welcome. In regards to tribalism, I think for now it has to be dismissed. I’m still just a student (currently studying at Kingston University) and may still not know much about it, except only knowing my own family ancestry, but I think that tribalism is very unrelated to the current issues. There are people suffering every day, and efforts should be made in helping them. Gabil is not going to help people, bring change or improve Somalia. Efforts for change and unity will. Therefore I fully appreciate the upcoming conference. Also I hope that the Awdal State government (which I didn’t see mentioned above) will be part of the conference as it is currently one of the only government parties which is thriving for immediate change and improvement, and they have also achieved a lot in the short time since they have been established. Thanks again 🙂

  133. hi matt You have been greeted
    my name is nawal hamud from somaliland Especially borama awdal region in my opinion I think the conference will only succeed if UK and other country that participate the conference recognize the republic of Somaliland

  134. Dear Matt

    First and foremost, thanks for your dedication to the Somali Region. United Kingdom has always been a friend of Somaliland and Somalia. I hope this will continue in the future. I hope the upcoming conference will not be a failure as the other conferences previously held in Somalia and other areas in the world. I hope the United Kingdom and other nations do what they can to bring peace to Somalia.

    Concurrent, I also hope that United Kingdom respecting the people of Somaliland and their desire for independence. In most democratic manner, they voted for independence and this should the rest of the world respect. The people of Somaliland wanted earlier in the ’60s to be a part of the so-called Great Somalia. Now the people of Somaliland wish to be independent and the United Kingdom and other nations should respect and give some support. Somaliland has in short time achieved democratic rules which the rest Africans have achieved in over 40 years.

    The only solution for peace is two state solution where people can live in peace as neighbors. I hope United Kingdom will take this into their consideration and give some respect for the people of Somaliland and its desire to protect its people.

    I hope the best for you and the conference. Good luck with it.

  135. Are we done! Are we done with all the whining. Because frankly speaking all those who call for a Somali-LAND State are just a bunch of whiners who doesn’t see the reality of the situation. Please understand you have so much to lose than gain by isolating yourselves from the political process that needs to take place now. There is a great need to discuss the whole Somali agenda from intellectual level, political, social and economical. There is a great need from all Somali clans both outside the country at diaspora and inside the country including our brothers/sisters at the North of Somalia. Yes they are our brother and sisters and those who call we are from a different nation, different people, we can’t mix and we can never have a long term solution to (ONE!) Somalia are just few minority maybe a one clan out of so many clans who are based in Somalia LAND. Somali-LAND is the land of Somalia which also includes North+South even the name they called their new country the so called few elite who control North gives you confirmation it is a LAND that belongs to Somali people and the Somali people are (ONE) people who speak the same language, share the same culture, religion, share the same history etc etc.. I can go on on but that is not the point of this post.

    The whining few who call for separate state called Somali-LAND, what is their argument for this call of separation:

    1. Please don’t begin with Victim card – ie – we have been abused, our women and children raped etc etc.. Yes I am not a fool! I accept our brothers of North of Somali were victims of the previous dictator regime. Yes they were oppressed. Yes they were prosecuted. Yes they were killed. Yes they were victimized and had no post or common share for power. However are they saying they were the only once! Are they saying the previous regime singled them OUT!.. C’mon please stop with nonsense. This was systematic discrimination of people was done to whole of Somali people both North and South. The previous regime was so power hungry it stopped at nothing. They looted wealth, killed innocent women and children, took the rights of others, imprisoned political leaders etc. My point is all the injustice that happened to our brothers in the North also happened to the poor people of the South and they are not alone in this. It was collectively shared abuse among all the people of Somalia. No one escaped the horrors that followed before clinching days before the collapse and after the collapse of the previous regime. ALL somalis suffered tremendously. So please spare me the whining and crying that the people of North were abused and therefore they claim that they can’t co-exist with rest of Somali people as if what happened was Southern people were killing North. It was the Military regime that claimed the lives of innocent women and children just like they did in the South.

    So I now pose a serious question to those who like to be isolated, call themselves SOMALI-LAND and say they want to be independent and the question is what is the real reason why you want to be independent? Why you feel you have no stake or can share political avenue with the rest of Somali people who are as just as you humiliated, tortured, killed, their innocent women raped and children displaced as homeless for the past 20 years and so what makes your cause so different that you can no longer share a life of existence with the rest of Somalia. This is a serious question and please give me a credible sensible answer without the whining of previous regime excuses without the victim card propaganda nonsense! I want to know what makes people of the north different from the people of the south? What makes your so called SOMALI-LAND (LAND of Somali people) different from Somalia Republic?

    2. I read so much nonsense with this forum that people of the North were a separate country before they joined reset of Somalia. What a false statement to read, there was never a country called Somali-LAND, there was never a declared administration that governed its people, there was never a president, an army etc etc everything that makes you a country. There were never recognised by the reset of international community. Was there a Somali-LAND embassy open at least just 1 country before they joined the rest of Somalia? The truth is NO. Please bring your historic evidence that Somali-LAND was a country before they joined reset of Somalia. There was always an urge from our the elders of the North to never go alone and join with reset of Somalia. That is also the reason why there was a co-ordinate withdrawal of our colonial powers namely Britain and Italians. Hence the argument that Somali-LAND was separate state is just foolish and laughable matter.

    Also the notion that Somaliland’s leadership claims ownership over Somali-LAND territory based on defunct colonial-era boundaries drawn up by long-departed British colonialists are a false paradigm, we must understand ownership of LAND is based on kinship, which existed centuries before the advent of European colonialism in Africa. Therefore Somali-LAND belong to somali Clans who lived there for centuries and those people have a right to chose whether they want to be part of Somalia or separate state including Sool, Sanaag regions, Buhodle and Dhulbahante clan territory. Just last year Somali-LAND so called government tried to LAND grab. The same government that claims victimized and blame the former military regime [of Gen. Siyad Barre] as they were the only once who were abused are today committing civilian massacres themselves against people of the North those that don’t agree with their ideology of separatism. It is a proven fact that non-Isaaq clans who live in northwestern Somalia do not want to join a separatist Somali-LAND. Hence they try to force them through military intervention to accept their way and join the hopeless cause of the so called SOMALI-LAND state!

    3. The so-called Somali-LAND state that exists today since the collapse of the former military regime [of Gen. Siyad Barre] in 1991 are still waiting inline for recognition. Waiting inline until the cow’s come home! with no prospect of hope of recognition, isn’t it time to call it a day and forget this hopeless dream which can never became a reality. This so-called of recognition comes only with 3 stages, if they are really serious and want to break-away:

    a- Establishment of federal government in the South of Somalia with Somali-LAND! Ofcouse if Somali-LAND is not recognised then they are part of reset of Somalia
    b- Central federal government forming a committee of elders, intellectuals, clans to look at a solution for Somali-LAND can there be a possible way to have Somalia and Somali-LAND co-exist with this new formed federal government charter?
    c- Based on the outcome of that committee + referendum vote from all the populous people of the North to be considered. If the committee failed to establish a common ground that would satisfy the grievance of the people of the North. Also if referendum vote gives over whelming majority vote for a new separate state than I for one will accept the peoples choice and the international committee will have no choice but to also accept this outcome as it happened not long ago with the people of south of Sudan very recently. However the so-called Somali-LAND government begging international community for recognition is not only pathetic but it is un-constitutional in the world of governance. There has to be a over-whelming vote and the government of that people who want to be separate state must accept. For-example can south of Sudan be a separate nation without the blessing of North of Sudan? No the people must have the consent and support of their federal government. In the case of Somali-LAND it is Somali Federal government. Once this is formed and we eradicate the so-called extremist elements Al-Shabab then a serious debate whether Somali-LAND can be a separate nation can start. Somali-LAND must follow protocol on this. They can wish and shout, beat the ground like infant children to call for a separate nation but there is protocol on this matter. You claim to be educated, intelligent, advanced than reset of the Somali people and you always look down on rest of Somali as if they are backward people but you fail to realise to accomplish this dream of yours it must be done through proper channels and done with diplomacy.

    4. We urge our brothers and sisters all people of the North to re-consider at least to hold off their plans of separate state until a Somali Federal Government is formed. Be part of the solution to Somali people crises. Don’t Isolate yourselves into corner a political stalemate, isolated with no gains what so ever. You have tried that approach for 2 decades and you gained nothing, no independence, no recognition absolutely nothing what so ever. On the other hand, I commend the work you have done in the North, achievements you have made at difficult period of Somali history. You deserve to be commended and saluted for the achievements you had done thus far. However for the interest of all Somali people we need to be united for once in our life. We need unity and a federal government. We need our brothers and sisters side by side supporting the rest of Somali people both at good times and bad times, this is not the time to abandon the ship! Somali people need you and need your support NOW not tomorrow. Please come to this conference and take your rightful place, your seat in the political process. You deserve to be on the table. This is my advise, if you have hopes and aspiration to be separate for sure there is no denying of that hope but let it be known this is something that needs to take process and a referendum is needed as well as the blessing of the rest of the Somali people. However that discussion and that political separation needs to happen at later stage as I discussed earlier. You can’t chose to go it alone without any political healing process that is needed for all of Somalia.

  136. Dear Mr. Matt Baugh,

    I read your blog with interest and I wish to commend your effort and concern to assist the Somali people in their quest to bring order to the chaos that reigned Somalia for so long. Similarly I wish to caution all concerned to carefully consider the course of achieving this vitreous goal so as to avoid the drawbacks of many such conferences in the past that did not result in a lasting solution to this protracted turmoil in parts of Somalia.

    A major weakness of previous conferences was to conceive one-size-fits-all solution generally imposed from outside with no regard to addressing fairly intricate concerns of the various constituencies of that country or reflecting unique the historical background considerations and perceptions of past injustice in some. Silent majority may be apprehensive and unwilling to commit themselves into a conference, if they expect the outcome to be more of the same past failed trials. On the other hand, minority opportunists will be energized to use it as vehicle to attain impracticable dreams that otherwise may be beyond reach. Therefore, carefully considering the agenda of the conference is important so that assurance of a balanced and more encouraging road-map of the future can be seen.

    One of the major issues that need to be dealt with initially is the situation of Somaliland which believes its legitimacy as a state emanates from the aspirations of its people, as underpinned by its constitution and an internationally-accepted referendum on self-determination. Believing that sole determinant of Somaliland’s existence as an independent country is a decision for its people, which is not for negotiation.

    As far as they are concerned, it cannot be undone by any decisions taken by any other nation and/or regional, international body or conference since decisions dictated by others against their own free will would not be fair on its people as it would not, by international law, be legally binding on Somaliland as an independent country to accept it. The manner of handling this issue may adversely impact with serious repercussions in moving to other more pressing and complex issues in the rest of the country.

    Another issue of concern to many folks may be how the seat of any future government would be decided. Returning to the historical capital of Mogadishu may be traumatic to many and may not even be a secure location where a unity government could be based. The conference may not be the venue to decide this matter yet the future seat of the government would have implications that can change the dynamics of the conference. The net result of not properly considering such issues may be alienate many and may thwart a new model of government of the new Somalia that is being bolstered up with the AMISON efforts.

  137. I would like to thank the British government and specially Cameron and his counter parts in organizing such conference for Somali people inviting all stake-holders including Somali-LAND.

    It is my understanding, Britain sent a delegation to Somali-LAND, UK Deputy Ambassador to Ethiopia Chris Allan visited the Somaliland capital on Wednesday to discuss the upcoming London Conference on Somalia. The British ambassador held a press conference in Mansoor hotel in which he briefly presented the agenda of the conference and Somaliland’s role.

    “I would like to stress that I am pleased with my visit to Somaliland. Today I met with senior government officials and we deliberated on matters relating to the international conference on the issue of Somalia scheduled to be held in London. I presented them with the agenda of the meeting,” he said.

    “The scheduled meeting will address the issues of development and Britain’s humanitarian aid for Somaliland and Somalia as well as socio-economic and political development,” he stated. Mr. Allan added that Britain was Somaliland’s largest supporter and its biggest donor and reaffirmed the strong and long-standing friendship and historical ties between the two. With more than 40 senior government officials and multilateral organizations expected to attend, the British Ambassador said the meeting presented a golden opportunity and venue for Somaliland to present its case to the international community.

    He further added, he was notifying the Somaliland authority and its people about the upcoming forum on behave of the British Prime Minister David Cameron and Britain’s Foreign Secretary William Hague. He said both officials were keen on President Ahmed Silanyo to lead the Somaliland delegation to London. “The Prime Minister will soon send an official letter of invitation to President Silanyo while the Foreign Secretary is expected to have a telephone conversation with President Silanyo to discuss the matter further,” he told local media.

    This is how it should be. This will now be a full house with all somali representatives both North and South. With International Community. This has never happened before and it is a golden opportunity for all Somali people. If a deal is struck at this meeting, Somali people will no-longer have 2 voice to Somali crises but a 1 voice. This is how a federal government should be built on the basis of all not just a collective of a few. Also it is to be considere the ills of Somalia nation has always been lack of resources which many clans, groups fought over because there was few to go around and not enough for everybody. This lead to injustice and Military coupe which lead to a dictatorship government. Now with the finding of OIL in Puntland and confirmation that 2/3 of Somalia has other untapped resources as well as Uranium, Gas, Iron ore, even more OIL resources. It will give our country another reason to celeberate and also present the people with more than enough to go around including with brothers from Somali-LAND. Long gone the days of isolation and lack of resource and binging of common good of the people.

    Looks like exciting times ahead!

  138. I think that the upcoming London conference is another 14th conference which is failed to solve somalia problems.

    The root cause of somalia problem is neighboring countries like Ethiopia and kenya who interfering somalia affairs for more than 21years. both countries trying to destroy somalia by arming different militia and know they invaded somalia and do what ever they want which against international laws if their one.

    The reality is ethiopia and kenya don’t want to see peaceful and united somalia because they see somalia is their biggest enemy and is threat to them. if i remind you a little history

    Ethiopia occupying ogaden region illegally more for than 60 years and kenya is occupying illegally NFD (northern front district) for more than 60 years both countries are occupying somalia lands for more than 60 years the somalis who live under those countries is been treated second class citizen on their own land and they suffer a lot.

    This problem is created by colonist of Britain and they give this land to ethiopia and kenya illegally unless Britain correct it’s mistakes 60 years ago and give somalia land back from ethiopia and kenya i think their will never be a peace in Horn of africa and this conference is west of time and money.

    i blame somalia problem for tribalism and ignorance

    I hope somalia will recover and stand it’s own feet once again

  139. we wish the PM David Cameron will ever be remembered by Somalians for the conference he indicated and I personally believe it will be fruitful that will also help tackle East African crises as the country goes exterimism unless this conference and the government of Somalia is morally helped by the EU and US anAfrican nations wouldbe very tough for the economical side but the biggest issue is how can we save the country falls the hands of unkind terrorists? and how can the UN have a powerfull representative to control the country? which I mean a powerful government that destroys and prevents regrouping of terrorism and out least issue is to reconcile somalian tribes and factions whose purpose of getting the peak of govenment adminstration though thet comes from Somalians themselves how to solve the domestic political difference and violences but the main point is that the terrirism must have a graet measure of weight in the global and be wiped off forcibly

  140. I firstly would like to the UK government who gave to Somalians many chances, such as refugee status, walfare and to help entire Somalian people and it also wants our country to be recontructed again so we must not lose this greater appotunity given to us by our beloved government of Graet Britain that we will never forget the most sbread hand from Britain to Somalian regugees ih UK and also paid multimillion pounds in helping to our nationals to rebuild their government and we wish all Somalian to treat British white/Black or all other categories of races whose the British Nationality as a Somalaian native and we wish to eradicate our country to Alshabaab Groups who are the envoys of Alqaida network

  141. Dear matt
    I appreciate the effort of British PM to solve the problem of south Somalia and make reconciliation for them but as somalilander really we dislike to participate any Somali reconciliation because it is not directly concerned us s any way we hope British government to give as chance to discuss our issue we hope our president Mr. silanyo will told the massage of Somaliland people to international community and that is we want recognition

  142. Asalam’Alykum,

    Are we done! Are we done with all the whining. Because frankly speaking all those who call for a Somali-LAND State are just a bunch of whiners who doesn’t see the reality of the situation. Please understand you have so much to lose than gain by isolating yourselves from the political process that needs to take place now. There is a great need to discuss the whole Somali agenda from intellectual level, political, social and economical. There is a great need from all Somali clans both outside the country at diaspora and inside the country including our brothers/sisters at the North of Somalia. Yes they are our brother and sisters and those who call we are from a different nation, different people, we can’t mix and we can never have a long term solution to (ONE!) Somalia are just few minority maybe a one clan out of so many clans who are based in Somalia LAND. Somali-LAND is the land of Somalia which also includes North+South even the name they called their new country the so called few elite who control North gives you confirmation it is a LAND that belongs to Somali people and the Somali people are (ONE) people who speak the same language, share the same culture, religion, share the same history etc etc.. I can go on on but that is not the point of this post.

    The whining few who call for separate state called Somali-LAND, what is their argument for this call of separation:

    1. Please don’t begin with Victim card – ie – we have been abused, our women and children raped etc etc.. Yes I am not a fool! I accept our brothers of North of Somali were victims of the previous dictator regime. Yes they were oppressed. Yes they were prosecuted. Yes they were killed. Yes they were victimized and had no post or common share for power. However are they saying they were the only once! Are they saying the previous regime singled them OUT!.. C’mon please stop with nonsense. This was systematic discrimination of people was done to whole of Somali people both North and South. The previous regime was so power hungry it stopped at nothing. They looted wealth, killed innocent women and children, took the rights of others, imprisoned political leaders etc. My point is all the injustice that happened to our brothers in the North also happened to the poor people of the South and they are not alone in this. It was collectively shared abuse among all the people of Somalia. No one escaped the horrors that followed before clinching days before the collapse and after the collapse of the previous regime. ALL somalis suffered tremendously. So please spare me the whining and crying that the people of North were abused and therefore they claim that they can’t co-exist with rest of Somali people as if what happened was Southern people were killing North. It was the Military regime that claimed the lives of innocent women and children just like they did in the South.

    So I now pose a serious question to those who like to be isolated, call themselves SOMALI-LAND and say they want to be independent and the question is what is the real reason why you want to be independent? Why you feel you have no stake or can share political avenue with the rest of Somali people who are as just as you humiliated, tortured, killed, their innocent women raped and children displaced as homeless for the past 20 years and so what makes your cause so different that you can no longer share a life of existence with the rest of Somalia. This is a serious question and please give me a credible sensible answer without the whining of previous regime excuses without the victim card propaganda nonsense! I want to know what makes people of the north different from the people of the south? What makes your so called SOMALI-LAND (LAND of Somali people) different from Somalia Republic?

    2. I read so much nonsense with this forum that people of the North were a separate country before they joined reset of Somalia. What a false statement to read, there was never a country called Somali-LAND, there was never a declared administration that governed its people, there was never a president, an army etc etc everything that makes you a country. There were never recognised by the reset of international community. Was there a Somali-LAND embassy open at least just 1 country before they joined the rest of Somalia? The truth is NO. Please bring your historic evidence that Somali-LAND was a country before they joined reset of Somalia. There was always an urge from our the elders of the North to never go alone and join with reset of Somalia. That is also the reason why there was a co-ordinate withdrawal of our colonial powers namely Britain and Italians. Hence the argument that Somali-LAND was separate state is just foolish and laughable matter.

    Also the notion that Somaliland’s leadership claims ownership over Somali-LAND territory based on defunct colonial-era boundaries drawn up by long-departed British colonialists are a false paradigm, we must understand ownership of LAND is based on kinship, which existed centuries before the advent of European colonialism in Africa. Therefore Somali-LAND belong to somali Clans who lived there for centuries and those people have a right to chose whether they want to be part of Somalia or separate state including Sool, Sanaag regions, Buhodle and Dhulbahante clan territory. Just last year Somali-LAND so called government tried to LAND grab. The same government that claims victimized and blame the former military regime [of Gen. Siyad Barre] as they were the only once who were abused are today committing civilian massacres themselves against people of the North those that don’t agree with their ideology of separatism. It is a proven fact that non-Isaaq clans who live in northwestern Somalia do not want to join a separatist Somali-LAND. Hence they try to force them through military intervention to accept their way and join the hopeless cause of the so called SOMALI-LAND state!

    3. The so-called Somali-LAND state that exists today since the collapse of the former military regime [of Gen. Siyad Barre] in 1991 are still waiting inline for recognition. Waiting inline until the cow’s come home! with no prospect of hope of recognition, isn’t it time to call it a day and forget this hopeless dream which can never became a reality. This so-called of recognition comes only with 3 stages, if they are really serious and want to break-away:
    a- Establishment of federal government in the South of Somalia with Somali-LAND! Ofcouse if Somali-LAND is not recognised then they are part of reset of Somalia

    b- Central federal government forming a committee of elders, intellectuals, clans to look at a solution for Somali-LAND can there be a possible way to have Somalia and Somali-LAND co-exist with this new formed federal government charter?

    c- Based on the outcome of that committee + referendum vote from all the populous people of the North to be considered. If the committee failed to establish a common ground that would satisfy the grievance of the people of the North. Also if referendum vote gives over whelming majority vote for a new separate state than I for one will accept the peoples choice and the international committee will have no choice but to also accept this outcome as it happened not long ago with the people of south of Sudan very recently. However the so-called Somali-LAND government begging international community for recognition is not only pathetic but it is un-constitutional in the world of governance. There has to be a over-whelming vote and the government of that people who want to be separate state must accept. For-example can south of Sudan be a separate nation without the blessing of North of Sudan? No the people must have the consent and support of their federal government. In the case of Somali-LAND it is Somali Federal government. Once this is formed and we eradicate the so-called extremist elements Al-Shabab then a serious debate whether Somali-LAND can be a separate nation can start. Somali-LAND must follow protocol on this. They can wish and shout, beat the ground like infant children to call for a separate nation but there is protocol on this matter. You claim to be educated, intelligent, advanced than reset of the Somali people and you always look down on rest of Somali as if they are backward people but you fail to realise to accomplish this dream of yours it must be done through proper channels and done with diplomacy.

    4. We urge our brothers and sisters all people of the North to re-consider at least to hold off their plans of separate state until a Somali Federal Government is formed. Be part of the solution to Somali people crises. Don’t Isolate yourselves into corner a political stalemate, isolated with no gains what so ever. You have tried that approach for 2 decades and you gained nothing, no independence, no recognition absolutely nothing what so ever. On the other hand, I commend the work you have done in the North, achievements you have made at difficult period of Somali history. You deserve to be commended and saluted for the achievements you had done thus far. However for the interest of all Somali people we need to be united for once in our life. We need unity and a federal government. We need our brothers and sisters side by side supporting the rest of Somali people both at good times and bad times, this is not the time to abandon the ship! Somali people need you and need your support NOW not tomorrow. Please come to this conference and take your rightful place, your seat in the political process. You deserve to be on the table. This is my advise, if you have hopes and aspiration to be separate for sure there is no denying of that hope but let it be known this is something that needs to take process and a referendum is needed as well as the blessing of the rest of the Somali people. However that discussion and that political separation needs to happen at later stage as I discussed earlier. You can’t chose to go it alone without any political healing process that is needed for all of Somalia.

    Wa’alykum Salaam.

  143. Its a great credit to the government of Britain to take this bold initiative. For too long, the international community has stayed on the sidelines while irresponsible and immature political actors in collaboration with Ethiopia destroyed much of life in Somalia. One suggestion I would have would be to have entities such as Azania that are occupied by Al-Shabaab be supported and invited to the conference. There are many other parts of Somalia that Al-Shabaab forcefully occupies and having representatives from those regions are a key to success. The current actors such as Puntland, Somaliland, TGF already exist but the problem is still ongoing. The positive voices have been silenced. Britain has the expertise to make this a successful initiative.

  144. hello Mat

    I would like to encourage you to go and visit Somaliland,, visit every city/village/town,, meet the different levels of the society,, for sure you will get the real picture or somalilander’s point of view of South Somalia problem solving solutions.

    thank you

  145. The human being can understand each other when they are talk rationally to each other, but when they are using and think emotional their achievement is zero. Mr. Sheikh Sharif and his colleagues are not thinking rational. Why I said that? They know very well what is going on in Somaliland. They are witnessed when the population of the Somaliland overwhelmingly voted the withdrawal the unification of Somalia. 97% were vote to withdrawal the union.
    Somaliland people were voluntarily unified with Somalia which they are looking to achieve the unification to all Somalis and finally get the great Somalia. However, the Somaliland people were suffering with the unification and finally reach the point that their airplane was bombarded within their cities such as Hargeisa, Burao and Berbera. More than 50, 000 were killed and millions were fled into overseas. They are not going back to unification anymore. They are reach the ultimate decision which means Somaliland will be Somaliland for ever.

  146. Dear Matt!:
    let me cite to you and the rest of the people a valuable statement said by president A.M.Siilanyo in 18 May 2011 at the ceremony held at liberty garden in main town Hargeisa commemorating the day Somaliland separated from the rest of Somalia; and i quote “Somaliland will gain its recognition from the international community even if this journey will take us a 100 years”. Somaliland has what it takes to be a full nation. It has a full functioning governmental institution, its own parliament, judiciary system,army, currency, air and sea ports, passport, you name it. The problem is why is the international community is not recognizing Somaliland? Are we being punished for being too good?. Let me enlighten you people with some facts about Somaliland that many people are constantly ignoring them
    1. Yes, Somaliland was a protectorate under the British colony which gained independence in 26 June 1960. Five days later Somaliland united with Somalia to form what was then called the “Republic of Somalia”. Please note that before unification Somaliland was independent for five days, and it was Somaliland who went willingly to South Somalia to form a country. Just think of it as an investment or stock exchange market where by you take your money and buy some shares. You may either gain or, in Somaliland case, lose. It’s up to you to withdraw your money any time you see it fit. Somaliland was independent, back then, for five days (5days=120 hours=7200 minutes=432000 seconds). Somaliland will fight for its rights even if it means being independent for only one second, as the great actor Mell Gibson said in his great film Brave Heart, which is about the Scottish people seeking their independence from Great Britain, “you may take our lives, but you’ll never take our freedom”. This is what the SNM movement where fighting for “freedom”. The SNM movement were not terrorist they were just normal people fighting for what is rightfully theirs, reclaiming their land and toppling back then a failed government led by the dictator Siyad Barre. The same thing that is happening today in the middle east, the arab spring, is a typical of what happened back then.
    2-The Berlin conference and the partition of Africa (1884-1885). This conference laid the groundwork for the now familiar politico-geographical map of Africa. According to this conference Sool and Sanag are part of the British protectorate of Somaliland i.e. they belong to Somaliland.The colonial borders saw the separation of families, clans, groups into two territories. its just how things are .Some people may say that people living in these regions are not Somalilanders which is totally wrong. let me give you an example, people living in the north western parts of Kenya are ethnically Somalis living in Kenyan territories. This leads to my third fact
    3- Somaliland comprises not of only one clan, but a number of clans (mainly Isaaq, Gadabursi, Dhulbahante, Isse, Warsangali, etc) who came together at Borame Conference in 1993 and agreed to live togethere peacefully.
    4-Since 1991 Somaliland was on its path towards democracy. After the collapse of the central government of Somalia and Somaliland reclaimed its independence the country was ruled by SNM under the first president of the Repubic of Somaliland Mr Abdirahman Tuur, two years later the power was transferred to the parliment which elected the late president Mr. M.I.Egal. At that time Mr. Egal made drastic and crucial steps during his term and made many historically brave decisions including:
    -making a nation wide referendum where by people were asked to choose between reuniting with Somalia or remaining independent. As expected 90%+ voted for independence which clearly shows that Somaliland does not want to be a part of Somalia (Similar to the status of South Sudan).
    -the opening of multi-party system
    -and the gradual shift of power from the hands of the government to the hands of the people.
    later on we saw successive elections at every level; local house elections, parliamentary elections, and lately presidential elections which was not only free and fair but also saw a peaceful shift of power from a ruling party to an opposition which is something that is considered a miracle especially in our region
    5-People in the far eastern (Sool and Sanag) and western(Awdal) regions of Somaliland who are claiming of being and independent state, Khatumo and Awdal states respectively, are being miss guided by the diaspora who live outside and are in no contact with the status quote. In addition, they are trying to stir-up problems in a peaceful Somaliland. Somaliland is a peaceful loving nation and always works for resolving conflicts in a peaceful way. Mr. Siilanyo current president of Somaliland in his inauguration speech said that he is extending a peacful talk to everyone who wants to live in peace with Somaliland.
    6-Somaliland is at the same side with the international community in their fight against terrorism and piracy
    7-freedom of speech: some bloggers claim that 20 or so reporters were arrested and brutalized for loving “Somali”. This is totally nonsense, these reporters yes were arrested but the were not arrested for “loving Somalia” on contrary they were arrested for some other matters that had nothing to do with Somalia. I’m a living example. I can criticize the resident any time i want without being arrested. So i would love for the bloggers to stop spoiling Somaliland’s name.
    For these facts and more Somaliland deserves to be Recognized. South Sudan separated from Sudan, Eritrea separated from Ethiopia, Bangladesh separated from Pakistan, South Korea separated from North Korea. Why not Somaliland?
    Yes we love our southern brothers and wish good for them but this does not mean putting behind our cause
    As Mr. Martin Luther King said in his famous speech “I Have A Dream” well i have a dream to:
    -I have a dream to see one day Somaliland being recognized by the international community and stop ignoring the peoples will”
    -I have a dream to see Somaliland’s flag being side by side with the rest of the countries
    -I have a dream to see Somaliland being treated equally in a similar status to any independent nation
    -being a Somali doesn’t mean that a person is from Somalia
    -From here i would like for the British government to understand that Somaliland is not and will never be Somalia. Please help Somaliland be recognized and stop wasting time in reuniting them because like it or not this will never ever happen.

  147. Very interest comments and opinions. But one thing that most of you missing are you can’t fix any problem without asset based. Meaning that we need to focus what Somalia and Somalis have and what they are missing. We have more good and medium size Business than before the civil war , we have more Somalis in the developed world then before the civil war, we have more university graduates from a respected universities around the world who understands the rule of law, equality, Justice and purpose of live then those warlords and terror breeders of Alshabaab. Therefore international community has a big Somali asset right next door to their home, and its time they need to make use out of it and a glimpse of it is the current prime minister of Somalia and the one before him, no doubt that they both did an outstanding job . the sooner Somali diaspora is activated and empowered the sooner Somalia will recover the mess its’ in the more we talk about conference after conference the more the status quo to remain the same.
    Second thing is Somalis need to understand the impact of Trauma and how it effects their daily live and their decision making. More emphases also is needed in that area in order Somalis to recover from the prolonged trauma and start a new live.
    That is my opinion mates

  148. am Abdisalan From Lasanod.. Let me share u something related to this conference. I am from a place called Sool, Sanaag and Hayland and Bari regions of Somalia which is S.H.B and the people called WARSANGELI people and my State is maakhir State of Somalia. My clan is warsangeli , We believe the people of Somalia are united and we are not accept any thing regarding separation of same people. We are same language , same rice, same religion, and united…but the people of Isaaq Clan believe something else which is Somaliland..Us we are North Somalia together, my People of Khaatumo State of Somalia and Awdal State of Somali which is Borama will never agree the dividing of the country.. If Isaaq clan they don’t want the other somalis they have to take to their two cities Hargaisa and burco.. The president of Isaaq clan which is Siilaanyo was killed a lot of Khaatumo Lander’s in the last week..he is a murder of thousands of Laascaanood, Buuhoodle, and Ceerigaabo people.. If you want to help somali people, to change something in their future you have to keep the union of the country and secure all the people. STOP giving a lot of budget to ISaaq clan to fight the people of SSC otherwise support both sides and give same money..

    Warsangeli is a part of Solution in the Country.. If you solve the problems of maakhir State and ISaaq State somaliland , and Awdal State khaatumo state you solved half of the problems in somalia which is to keep the peace and secure the environment….

  149. After 21 years of attempt and knocking every door Somaliland intellectuals should realise this is not viable project. This is cul-de-sac, be brave and tell your people this is not working. International communities are not interesting, Somalis are not interesting, Arab League are not, African Union tell their stories concerning Somaliland, no one is eager to listen this nonsense . Somalia is one nation, one people and one entity. London conference would be one of many opportunities we missed, let us put the difference aside and safe our nation.

  150. Somaliland has the option not to attend the meeting. Since there are many non-Somali world groups specially nighbouring regional groups, Somaliland should attend with condition of not mixing themselves among Somalia groups. Britain has an option to narrow down the problem and recognize Somaliland or atleast distinguishes it from the rest of Somalia who have no problem in building a nation they share.

    Doctors only treat the sick patients and they don’t prescribe medical procedures to healthy ones. Somaliland doesn’t have any health issues, they just want to divorce a troubled or stranged spouse with irreconcilable difference. Brithish governmet needs to deal with only Somalia (South) and Solve its misery. Problem will be reduced to 50% by just RECOGNIZING SOMALILAND. SOMALILAND THEN HELPS FIGTH TERRORISM AND PIRACY LIKE ITS NEIGHBOURS.

  151. my names ali I live north somalia SANAAG province district of Baran

    today city council have conference the maine point was development and peace that website we can see CITY COUNCIL OF BARAN that Regions are north somalia but their plotical region is STATE OF PUNTLAND and somali unity vert important for them

  152. Six Elements for the Success of Somali Conference in London

    1. Complete abandonment of the failed formula of 4.5. No tribal representation of any kind. If Somalis should have learned one thing from the last 20 years it should be this: You cannot build a nation with tribes. You can only create havoc, rivalry, mutual annihilation.

    2. There is a distinct possibility that this conference will be about the ultimate absorption of Somalia by its neighbours. Only a united Somali position can abort the desire on the part of some to make this the conference of final Somali partition.

    3. Neighbouring states of Ethiopia and Kenya must accept during this conference to transfer any militia they have created to the full control of the Somalia National Army. Ethiopia and Kenya must forcefully disarm these militias if they refuse complete and unconditional and unquestionable absorption into the Somali army. This will help us believe that Ethiopia and Kenya are not preparing militias that will allow them to slowly absorb different parts of Somalia with full funding for their project of “Somali Afro-Colonization” utilizing for this purpose funds from the international projects of war on terror and war piracy (these two issues, one must see, are central to the London conference, the issue of Somalis is an afterthought).

    4. There should be only 2 Somali sides participating in this conference; Somaliland and Somalia. Somaliland will be represented by its elected leadership. Somalia will decide who should represent it with the help of its TFG and its allies using any mechanism of selection ( other than 4.5 or tribal representation, or determination by others eg Ethiopia and Kenya)

    5. The only issues discussed in this landmark conference should be: peace, and good governance and collaboration between Somalia and Somaliland. The issue of one country or two countries cannot be central to this conference for people have to learn to talk to each other in a calm and civil manner and to concentrate the common challenges they face to gain trust and to find collaboration instead of confrontation.

    6. Residency requirement. The leading Somali participants in the London conference should have lived in Somalia or Somaliland for at least 8 months in the past one year. The travelling sales men of Diaspora Somalis who are not personally affected by Somali chaos in any way have caused much more harm than good to Somali society. They together with the bureaucracy of various organization are driven primarily by greed, corruption, search for personal power and aggrandizement. They must stay live with the people or stay out of their affairs.

    Dr A Jowhar

  153. wow the first comment & person wrote are both in Dark,how can somaliland be a problem in the somali reconciliation impossible but somaliland is the closest medication that can be treated Somali people who need to have peace and order.somaliland can succeed if the first fulfill our right that is full acceptance and recognition fully as we deserve.You those who like union or unification in Somalia always try to be aware of the reality and don’t miss inform others too if you don’t exactly want to discover what exist in Somaliland and how systematically it brought peace & order.
    wow he say somaliland is a problem, think an other problem particularly your personal problem that you never liked somaliland be an independent infront of the world community & may be your other problems like severe complexion of having a trible or individuals that build or work very hard for somaliland nationalism.

  154. somaliland is somalia iam from north somalia especiallly SANAAG province begest region of north somalia the name is somaliland is one clan of norh west somalia they made their own state ,,flag , and malasia but still other clans who live north somalia like WARSANGELI. DHULBAHNATE AND GODABIIRSI those clans don’t accept their idea and they are part of somalia

  155. dear Mr. matt,
    i only want to view my point,
    if we go under Somali wayn, we will be FEDERAL and its good for us. but still we ain’t sure if we’re ready to sacrifice our country again.
    so Somaliland will always be Somaliland but,
    how can our country will be recognized?
    it’s not a easy thing to proclaim Recognition of Somaliland? so
    we need to focusing at Barbara beach and study there how can we make best place for tourists in Africa…….. with time tourists people will come and with time everything will clear………………..

  156. What really upsets me that after twenty years of civil war instead of coming together as united and rebuild our country instead we r dividing to small regions that based on tribes shame on us ,

  157. Hi matt
    We wellcome any attempt of British government to solve south Somalia problem but indeed what I can’t steel understand is why British government invite Somaliland this conference because it is not concerned republic of Somaliland I hope that the British prim minster and other international community that attend the conference will listen the address of our president and hope they will take forward step and will recognize as independent nation

  158. somaliland is not somalia and has never been apart of somalia .
    somaliland deserves to recognize , somaliland is self declared country which needs to recognize .
    surly somalland is not apart of somalia , somaliland get pack it’s freedom in somalia in 1991 .
    Just after the end of Somaliland civil war strife (1981-1991), which was ended with the formation of the self-declared “Somaliland Republic” to the land that known formerly, during the colonial period, as “The Somaliland British Protectorate”. The state that once obtained its dependence (1960) from the British Colony and within 4 days time, voluntarily unionized with the second state of South Somalia that colonized by Italy colony, without official charter union entered between the two states.
    In accordance to the Conference of the Somaliland Communities held in Burao on 27th April to 5th May 1991, which reaffirmed (our) independence with effect from 18th May 1991. The Conference was attended by the Somaliland Elders, who were representatives of all the Somaliland Communities. The second National Community meeting held in Borame from 24th January to 25th May 1993 adopted National Charter which:
    • Laid down that a national constitution, which will replace the national charter be prepared and consulted upon within a year; (and)
    • Set out clearly the constitutional principles and the governmental structures, confident in their communities’ unchallengeable right to decide their destiny;
    According to Somaliland people and its leaderships experienced different consequences of the constitutional applications, which were not grounded on the nation’s beliefs, culture and aspirations, as was the case for a period of thirty years or more. Somaliland citizens had experienced total devastations fashioned by a regime based on dictatorship and a policy of divide and rule to which the country was subjected to over twenty years. Since then, the Somaliland Republic had been alerted and vigilant about the return of the old regime as the result of unified Somaliland and Somalia in the same way as before on the 1960. Their freedom and independence has slipped under-the-power of cruel leadership, which has led the nation into un-returnable and ill-timed political road map in the years of (1960-1991).
    Somaliland public have still remembering and suffering from series of struggles waged by the people, such as that of the “Darawiish”, the Mad-Mullah” led by religious leaders and political parties, which have taken the life of the Somalia President in 1969. Consequently this had caused the national military to overthrow the civilian government. The military led government had been oppressing its people till the whole state had run into anarchy and disruptive statehood conditions.
    Mindful of the vigorous campaign led by the patriotic organisation, the SNM, which culminated in the reassertion of (our) independence which was achieved through sacrifice of life and property so that the nation can enjoy a governmental system which meets its needs. Eagerness of leadership and its people which are to fulfil the aspirations of the nation thereby appreciated by all, and which is founded on equality and justice for the people of Somaliland.
    The self-declared Republic of Somaliland had recognized the potentiality of creating tranquillity-nation with long-lasting stability/peace that can be achieved through widely participated democracy exercises. This had required putting up total synergy of economic system and the aspirations of the citizens.
    . The people and the national leaderships have proved the confidence that the Somaliland people can stand alone as a nation to save guide their independence and things they have in common, such as religion, culture, customs and language; and whose members are no different from each other. Somaliland citizens had agreed to make their choice by voting for a separate state casting yes marked ballets to the white coloured containers. The choice was coated on a drafted national constitution and voted in 2001 to build together a state in which everyone has equal status.

    Having in mind the preparation of the National Constitution, has gone through various stages and hands of committees, such as the Constitution Working Party which was enjoined by the third Grand Conference on 26th November 1996 to sieve through the two draft versions of the Constitution; and more recently, the corrections and amendments made by the two Houses of Parliament on 30th April 2000; and that the Constitution was based on the following issues:

    • The Islamic Sharia.
    • Conclusions from the various consultations.
    • The separation of the powers of the state as between the legislative, the executive and the judiciary.
    • The decentralization of the administration of the government.
    • Guarantees of private property rights and the protection of the free market.
    • Sanctity of human life through the entrenchment of fundamental rights and individual freedoms.
    • Peaceful and proper co-existence with the states in the region and worldwide;

    2. Problem Analysis on Somaliland Democratization Constraints

    Thoroughly considered the spirit and words of the preamble and the rest of the Constitution, the people of Somaliland hereby approve and proclaim to the whole world on the 31st May, 2001 that this constitution has been adopted as the nation’s constitution.

    In relation to the pertaining national political on the ground, national economic conditions, the general political environment surrounded to the current Somaliland democratization exercises prompts number of unforeseen delays. This is due to the inability of the government to raise its contribution in full on time, which has made the national funding availability impossible to cover the basic operational costs of Registration Committee for Political organization and the certification of the illegible political parties.

    Since the inception of the public voting that endorsed the national constitution, there has been improved participation of public in democratizations process and good governance. As said earlier, there have been number of democratization exercises that participated by the public at large. So far, there had been tested and implemented democratization events which were:
    • Local government elections held in 2002
    • Presidential elections held in 2003
    • Parliamentarian elections held in the year
    • Second presidential elections held in 2010.

  159. Hi Matt!

    I some times ask my self what type of history school some people I read their argument came from? and who to complain if some of us are wrongly and intentionally interpreting the conventional written into their own interest. No matter history is history and the world are witnessing it. |To come my point Somaliland as part of the argument has been a British entity before the sixths and later on gained its independence from the British after a bloody struggle. Since then the unification of the two states the Italian Somalia and British Somaliland joined to make a unified Somalia comprising the Five Somali regions- that is the Somaliland, Somalia, Djibouti, Hawd & reserve-under Ethiopia area and North Eastern Kenya. Unfortunately that dream failed and the only solution become to have a power sharing with our brother in the South. This power sharing resulted the exploitation and misconduct against Somalilanders. After that in 1991 Somaliland declared and returned its lost indpendence to form a new nation. I wounder why people seeing on such clear history are ignoring the reality…finally I urgue the Britons and their government to look close the issue and understand the right of Somalilanders to determine and choose their destiny above any one else. Many thanks

  160. Dear all

    What ever happens in the on coming meeting will never change the people of somaliland.

    If the British government want to solve the problem it should accept the independence of somaliland to be a separate nation.

    We are ready to defend our country as we did before and we never same mistake we did it in 1960.

    unless somaliland is recognized, the somalis will never think of their own problems.

  161. Once again read the history very carefully and forget negatively known results from this conference when it comes to South Somalia problem solutions and don’t lost ample valuable time and tax payer’s money any more like previously 15 conferences those held in every where the World since 1991. While no country helped nor spent any money or political assistance on the self sustained, democratic and peaceful Somaliland that requires your over due recognition in this right with help of this gatherings including Somaliland friends UK, USA, Kenya and Ethiopia.

    HISTORY OF SOMALILAND AND SOMALIA Between British and Italian, Colonial competitors since 1922′s,

    Wake up UK for real sustainable peace solution in Horn of Africa and look Djibouti case as it was part of big Somalia but now it’s not part that Somalia problem, because French it’s former colony kept it away from this longer distraction chaos of big Somalia as independent entity. So as British don’t forget the 1945 WarII when Somalilanders fought with British and alliens side by side from Libya Tobruk desert to Burma againest italian fascist party.After 1922 – Benito Mussolini and his Fascist Party came to power in Italy. 1935 – Following border disputes between Italian Somaliland and Abyssinia, Italy invaded in Somaliland. British Somaliland was briefly occupied and annexed to Italian East Africa from ….
    Giovinezza – The official hymn of the Italian National Fascist Party, regime, and up to moment Italian are supporting the Southern Somalia with any measurement help regardless their political chaos that principally sponsoring the South Somalia politically and financially in all conferences since the collapsed Ziad Barre’s Regime because just their Ex-colony .
    While Britain, as Somaliland’s ex colonial power entering non productive nightmare of political draging feet approaches such as this conference so call for Big problem solution without immediately recognizing the strategically located Somaliland as independent country. Why UK is listening the nonsense from ” African panadora Box conditions” from the 70 years old dictatorship’s house called Afican Union named and financed for many years by Ghaffi, whom can not feed their populations for whole years of the post independence from 1960′s

  162. I thank to the government of GB for its effort to save the Somali people in this difficult time. I think this is a new level of effort to tackle the Somali issue that Somalis do not want to miss or mess up! However, those comments posted on this site are bad reaction far beyond the peace and reconciliations tone expected. Unfortunately, it has been already misused and abused the whole idea! I remind everyone that this is not a Somali website.

    I believe the Somali issue is coming to the end and the good example of that are the creation of more regional state administrations such as Azania and others to resolve the core problems in the South.

    My recommendation to the government of GB is to put its power to ensure the time and the money invested in this conference will not be wasted, so that the people of Somalia will remember the people GB for the generations to come!

    Adow Nurow

  163. Matt,

    The participation of HiilQaran Party is very very important in this conference. because I beleive this party has enough Somali people and support inside and outside of Somalia who would like to serve their people. The party also has clear agenda for peace and political normalization for national reconciliation process

    Really it is necessary to think carefully about the Somali transition between now and August 2012 and to avoid the repeat of the fake peace and reconciliation processes in the past

  164. Hi matt

    thanks for uk for organizing this conference on somalia, but let me tell you that only piracy, Alshabab , lack of democratic institutions exist in south somalia. therefore, so, this conference must emphasize the problems in south somaliam, which is a failed state with in a corrupt warlords. so, somaliland must be separated and be mixed and dealt with like a democratic country which deserves to be recognized for these reasons:
    1. in somaliland, there is no piracy
    2. there is a democratic leadership and elected representatives
    3. freedom of speech
    4. free and fair economy
    5. no corruption and free press both tv and radios
    6. no terrorism
    7. education like universities and colleges
    8. multi-party system.
    9. military and police
    10. currency, flag and functioning local governments
    11. good governance and transparency.

    lastly, somaliland achieved all these with out international help and finally help this conference will address the somaliland people aspirations , and result a two state solution in somalia ( Somaliland -former british somaliland protectorate & South Somalia- former italian somaliland).

  165. Hi Matt
    If Britain try to force somaliland to the union of somalia,it will be irreparable mistake.there will be another civil my sugestion is to tell your leader not to be mislead by the people who led somalis in to this situation who ether have connections with Alqaida or benafeted the piracy of the high seas like puntland.
    bye for now

  166. Written by Mr M Affi
    Foreign Intervention is not the best option for Somalia
    I am British originally from Somalia and I sincerely congratulate and fully support the British Prime Minister’s announcement to host a Conference on Somalia … but there are critical challenges ahead.
    Despite all efforts of the international community under the United Nation’s body in cooperation with the Organisation of African Union, the League of Arab States and the Organisation of the Islamic Countries, the tragic situation in Somalia is alarmingly disintegrating into total extinction from the face of the earth.
    However, there are widely diverse opinions as to what are critical factors that are not conducive to establishing peace and stability in Somalia. Broadly the most over-hyped argument advocates the “interventionist” approach that grossly relies on “we know the best cure for all your ills … although it lacks populace support and local accountability. Non direct interventionist approach where the Somali within their traditional structures to guide and seek ways to build confidence and trust among themselves within their agreed defined territorial demarcation, there would be very good chance that they will undoubtedly draw all inclusive and fairer government.
    The idea for foreign countries to intervene the situation in Somalia is an alien concept for every Somali individual regardless of their educational background or level of sophistication. They all remember vividly to dismemberment of the Somaliland peninsula during the scramble of Africa and the legacy inherited as a direct result from such policy is reverberating loudly and will indeed re-ignite old wounds from the past.
    The ever-worsening situation in Somalia is often fuelled by the diverse sphere of interests which are ominously critical factors associated with the lack of coherent, concrete and tangible efforts geared towards building and empowering viable Somali government.
    Under the United Nations’ and African Union’s flagship initiatives lack credibility and doomed to failure as their efforts largely depend for the mercy of the very few powerful countries in terms of resources required. It is my humble opinion that the predicament of the Somali nation can be reversed as fast no-one can imagine with minimum cost provided that genuine holistic approach and meaningful courses of action are taken with financial provisions and technical assistance:-
    •Readdressing and repealing the United Nation’s Security Council Resolution No. 733 (23rd January,1992) regarding general and complete embargo on all deliveries of weapons and military equipment to Somalia, in order to provide real and substantive assistance for building effective Somali defence force and police for the Somali transitional government
    •Ceasing immediately all forms of interference from outside Somalia, including by USA drone aerial attacks, units of Ethiopian and elements from Kenyan army incursions, and taking swift action to end such interference and respect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Somalia
    •Abandoning the unwarranted advocacy of the principle of a federal system of government where several states or regions defer some powers, e.g. in foreign affairs, defence etc to a central government while retaining a limited measure of self-government for Somalia as there is no division of colour, religion, or ethnicity or language.
    •Marshall plans for re-establishing all civil services and institutions that are pre-requisite for better and functioning government that the rule of law as the sole precedents over other non-conventional dictates.

  167. #Somaliland’ is not viable as an independent state, 3/5 of it’s territory belong to people who don’t want to cede from Somalia. A recognition will bring war in the region as people who don’t want to break away are forced into a state they don’t wish to be part of. Hargeisa will use force to impose it’s hegemony and people will have to defend themselves from clan cleansing. The Buuhoodle people know what i’m talking about.

  168. ‘Somaliland’ is not viable as an independent state, 3/5 of it’s territory belong to people who don’t want to cede from Somalia. A recognition will bring war in the region as people who don’t to break away are forced into a state they don’t wish to be part of.

    1. you are talking about a baseless points and most of it you are busy for responding people expressing their admire to be a country like south sudan. so, you should be realistic and talk about problems like piracy, terrorism, lack of democracy, poverty, droughts in south somalia.
      you know and britian knows as well that somaliland is a democratic, functioning government, has multiparty system, elected government & representatives, no corruption, freedom of speech, free & fair elections, currency, flag, military & police & gives every somalilander the chance to learn, do business and live peacefully.
      so, there is no way, that you can advocate a failed union ( greater somalia), which is now you see that south somalia has no chance to come back again.

      1. The battle of Buuhodle is a perfect example of what awaits ‘Somaliland Republic’ as it asserts it authority of over people who don’t share their break away desire.
        My advice to the Somaliland Militia, stay in your land. [Hargeisa, Burco and Berbera triangle and leave other clans to determine their future]


  169. Thanks UK Government for hosting the most Somalis in eurobe including silanyo my president. Somaliland was build to wait the national govt of Somalia just like Puntland. We did not want to get involve civil war we had our own civil war at that time so order to live with peace we called it republic of Somaliland. To tell you the truth we have enough Ethiopians already that we can deport them Oromo is taking our land for the fear that we might be just like southern Somalia. Our people don’t like ethiopians roaming our streets. We all want to see STRONG SOMALIA. Why? The answer is clear because we are less than two million in reality talk, they more than sixty million, and the Aids in Hargaisa, and Boroma is unbelievable, there is no other tribe that wants Somalia back than my tribe of SAMAROON AWDALITE. if we run away our brothers Alshabab will be here very soon to take the fight to the Oromo Ethiopianz. Don’t wary isaq brothers we Somalis knows each other very well, don’t isolate as from the rest of our brothers that is shame. Strong SOMALIA IS OUR INTEREST our Somalilands interest all Somalis interest. I shoulnt write this but Puntland they are DAAROODS Hawiye massacre them in Southern Somalia we never come to rescue them, we watch. After being created Puntland they sent their kids to southern Somalia to overcome all Somalis to have a viable Government. Yes Ehiopia is enemy that wants Somalia’s division so simply that they can have Berbera port easily. Let as help each other Somaliland that belongs Daarood Issaq Samoron, and others is strong Somalia. We can achieve a lot because we are an educated people standup brothers, and deny you soul. Thanks UK GOVERNMENT.

  170. Hi matt
    We wellcome any attempt of British government to solve south Somalia problem but indeed what I can’t steel understand is why British government invite Somaliland this conference because it is not concerned republic of Somaliland I hope that the British prim minster and other international community that attend the conference will listen the address of our president and hope they will take forward step and will recognize as independent nation

  171. Allow me to greet you with the utmost respect.
    I’m only expressing my ideas with deep feelings to the British Government, entrusted with the responsibility to bring back peace and normalcy to the poor and long suffering people of Somalia.
    As you know Galmudug is one of the state government that the international community is recognised and it is not included on your list, why?

  172. Dear Matt,
    Allow me to greet you with the utmost respect.
    I’m only expressing my ideas with deep feelings to the British Government, entrusted with the responsibility to bring back peace and normalcy to the poor and long suffering people of Somalia.
    As you know Galmudug is one of the state government that the international community is recognised and it is not included on your list, why?

  173. good morning every matt
    in my idea I think it is good to to talk Somaliland case in a conference and recognize as independent country from Somalia that will help Somalia because Somaliland government will participate the reconciliation of Somalia people that is my opinion

  174. Dear Marc

    First and foremost I would like to praise PM David Cameron for his tireless efforts in bringing peace and stability in many countries around the world. Secondly, the Somali conference in London is a true testimony on how the British government is concerned with the suffering of the Somali people.
    We do welcome this move and we are behind it. However, I will like to draw your attention to the so called Somaliland one – clan entity in Northern Somalia which has occupied some cities that oppose the one clan entity. This regime is committing murder, detention without trial and ethnic cleansing.
    Few days ago Khaatumo State of Somali was declared in the town of Tlaeh in Northern Somalia. The following day the occupying forces of Somaliland attacked the town of Buuhoodle for no apparent reason. The town was attacked simply because they did belong to non- Isaq clan. Yesterday the Somaliland occupying forces in the town of Las-Anod killed 12 unarmed civilians who were demonstrating peacefully in support of Khaatumo State of Somalia. For the last 21 years neither development aid nor relief aid reaches non -Isaq northerners in the so called Somaliland. This one clan entity has lied to Britain for long. Our tax payer’s money shouldn’t be used to finance clan wars and other non- democratic practises.

    The UN officers are always denied access to our areas. The one clan entity used terrorism or insecurity to use food and development as tools of war. This shameful practice has to be stopped once and for all. Please send fact finding missions to the towns of Las- Anod and Buuhoodle. I wouldn’t be surprised if Somaliland denies this to happen. You are also more likely to will hear inventive and imaginary smear campaign about these towns and their people the only way to get a true picture is for you to visit those towns un-announced. If you announce it they will send truck load of their clan’s members to those towns and distort the true picture. I hope this meeting becomes a success and I hope to see the representatives of Khaatumo in London.

  175. somaliland represent only isaaq tribe, so invite others northern officials such as khatumo state and awdal state. other side i wish british goverment will review its supports of somaliland becouse somaliland is tribe who kill and toture others tribes if you need evidences look for what happened samale near borama city,buhodle and last one in las-anod 21/01/2012, everyday they kill innocent people.

  176. Dear Matt
    I know that you yourself have got the reality condition of Somaliland Democradic Republic is stable, peace, well developed, and progressed in every site, also has parlimentary, constitution, so that s/land stayed since 1991 without recognized state and help of progressive states, you know somali south people trying to make any kind of propaganda to ignore of somaliland independency, it is obvious that s/landers combined together in one nation, no other existence state, s/land believes deeply thier issue they support independent of somaliland since 1991 they voted 98% to separate somlia, for that sake s/land population hope the london conference to talk our issue and same time to recognize our freedom.
    Thanks a lot.

  177. Dear matt
    Let me tell you what so called south Somalia people they are jealous people they only know tribalism because they killed them self’s as clan that is why they are hopeless and that is why they became failed people they only know how to killed the people they don’t like development because they sow them self’s as clan and they divided each other to a little clan to little clan and this made them to be behind the world and made their city s to be destroyed because they don’t know how to manage them self’s that is why they depends on interventions of neighbour countries that is why their children become without future so now as you see here they continuously repeated the word Somaliland is clan because they want to give the people wrong idea as you see what they write most of it you can see that they are jealous because they only write meaningless words they are refused to congratulate their brother of Somaliland who made peace and successful democracy which rear in Africa
    And to take good example for them but unfortunately as you see they only trying propaganda against Somaliland people any way as somalilander we don’t care what they say because we know their reality we know that they are jealous people know only how to kill the people that is why we don’t want to unite anther time we don’t like ever to back in Somalia we will continue to struggle our issue and we will reach our objective if Allah say we are very happy and proud to be somalilander and our hope to be sovereignty nation is very high long live Somaliland long like our friends who support our issue long life freedom viva Somaliland if Allah say we will get recognition because our hope from Allah is high
    Best regard

  178. London Conference of Somalia
    Building Moment
    That announcement is more than enough for Somali community and we thanks British Government to stand Somali Rebuilding and called Building Moment. It is amazing opportunity for Somalia’s.
    So what I worry to this chance is to be a failed like before conferences took place for Somalia peace process.
    To avoid that Please and please British Government, International Community and all about involved this chance conference for Somali Building, don’t consider any one running to get position.
    Please target to the venerable people like elder, women and children. Give them chance to receive what world supported them.
    Could you please make sure Somali people to have rights to get their essential life?
     Justice
     Antipoverty
     Fight with a lack of knowledge
    To improve this I suggest launching independent organisation to do this mission to create reliably situations for Somali hopeless people.
    Osman Londn UK

  179. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the people and government of Great Britain for this latest effort to bring about lasting peace in Somalia. History teaches us that there will not be lasting peace without justice. My first and most important request/advice is to establish war crime tribunal for Somalia as it previously done in Rwanda. The culture of impunity must be put an end. Perpatroters must know they will be redressed. Minority rights must be recognised and respected it should be writen in the future constitution of Somalia. The much hated 4.5 must be scrapped unanimously

    Secondly Somalias problems can’t be solved in one conference therefore the Government of Great Britain must start this initiative with sending a clear signal to neighbouring countries that from now on Britain will take the lead and will not tolerate more meddling in Somali affairs. Also the purpose of the conference must be clear, yes we shall respect admistrative regions and what they’ve acomplished so far but the end result of this conference or the following conferences must be unified Somalia where we have a government like any other country in the world.

  180. We need Somalia to stand back up peacefully and then we can do referendum for Somaliland. All Somalis should have a say if their land is to be divided. Lets work on getting Somalia back first.

  181. The somalia war overstaged but the right time to build a Somali Federal government has reached the budget overall budget for a Somali federal government is 8, 000 220,000 for Somaliand and the rest devided to the rest the central ast norh and the south. no harrasment will continue. in the case somaliland tries to rober amalgate the meeting outcomes the federal government has rifgt to close all the ports , airports and the incomming posts of the every junction. as the federal governnment has the coins of the racism since great britain that has proposed the The greater Unity of Somalia. which cant be denied now this yime the Americans has accepted president sillanyo has made the deal already and britain has no opther joice but to accept the cequences to build up tate to the stateless so far seen as they are. with all the shouits in t5he regions and the world of Somalia.pasports are mentioning both eyes of the somalia people are black the anlly difference is hat star is black for Africa and the whithe for together let us explore the stars and the russians are so keen behind Ethiopia where the African love as a place of pilgrimage against the European clonies. yet too bad to show up an african pride that hosts no goodness but fratality.

  182. HI Guys,

    We need to be realistic, we don’t want to fight and be enemy to each other since we share so many things, we are from same ethnic, we are all Muslims and we have only one language.
    We need to respect our differences.
    Let Somaliland be a nation and let the South be a nation, then two Somali owned states will make a sense, even if Puntland wants to be separate from the rest of Somalia let it be a nation.
    We can’t achieve greater Somalia because of the our foolishness so that let us first be realistic, you are the people( Southern people)who destroyed Somalia because of clannish, nepotism, partiality and still you are spreading hearted speeches, writing.
    Shame on you my brothers and sisters from the south, you need to congratulate your Somaliland brothers and sister for what they did for their country and you need to come up with your new idea to rebuild your country.
    You have the worst country on earth and you are still talking, fighting, chatting, eating, drinking and not really feeling shame.
    To our former colonial master, you are the one who divided our people, 100 years ago and you are saying I am doing well for the Somali people, you are still lying and we are still listening your lies. Grown up please and don’t start neocolonialism.

    1. hello Abdikader
      you are right for what ever you commented about the London conference. i agree with you this conference will be fruitless. the somalis are not mature enough to solve thier problems, the only thing they are good to talk is about the tribalism. the reality is those from the south are those who distroyed the country and still they are not ready to make a peace but they feel sad about the peace in puntland and somaliland. if thgey are honest of seeking peace let them first sort out thier things inside the country and then with clean hands come to other somalis. all in all this conference will be friutless but it paving the way to declare the colonazation of the country by another officially by the so called UN organizations and that will be the consequences. but brother abdilkadir gave the truth but all the truth which they need to listen particularly those from the south somalia.

  183. My name is Dr. tahbib Farah Jimcale I live in Malaysia i am from Hargeisa somalia, in my opinion I think that conference is very important chance because Somalia need Unity, Somalia cannot be two different countries.
    they are same religion , same culture same people . For example i am from Hargeisa Somalia I am ISAQ clan and My mother is from the capital city of Somalia Mogadishu she is Hawiye clan we can see this example somalia is one. So I am advising the world wide somalia is one country…………………….

  184. Today I want to tell the world what is known as Somaliland , Somaliland is two Northern Somalia regions Burco and Hargeisa where Isaq clan lives so it cannot be dependent country as we are somalia we are requesting from the united nations, african union, Arab countries, and all over the world that somalia cannot be divided sub-clans like what they called Somaliland so please be attention because that can be caused the worst civil war which is based clans and tribalism ………………………… By Jimcale…………….

  185. Dearest Matt Baugh
    We appreciate you for the efforts of the Great Britain and for the chance of the upcoming conference,
    that recognising Somaliland is out of question, its only Isaaq clan the rest Clans
    Dhulbahante, Warsangali,Gudebiirsi, all they want Great Somalia.
    It is time that the UK stops giving aid to Isaaq clan only (Hargaysa and Barbara) because this aid is used to kill people in Sool, Sanaag ,Ayn and.Awdal.
    If Isaaq people want independent they have to win referendum Against The whole Great Somalia stop dreaming you can’t hijack other people Freedom.

  186. Hi,
    My name Dahir A. Ahmed, I am a Somalilander who live in the capital city of the Republic of Somaliland Hargeisa, my comments relate to the upcoming Somali conference that will be held in London in February 2012.

    Somaliland People are not expecting from the British Government to destroy our hopes and fruitful expectations, we are now appealing the UK government not to invite us in the Somali peace building conference but rather to assist our growing economy and recognize our undeniable independence. We don’t need any kind of reconciliations, because this face had been completed in Somaliland before 20 years and no need to go back in 1991. We are not even ready to have meetings with the failed Somali leaders in the South as UK is suggesting. The so called TFG and semi autonomous regions are completely fake and worthless, therefore, the only place you can have a potential peace and functioning government is in the Republic of Somaliland.

    The International Legal experts notes that order is supposed to be the defining characteristic of a state. If indeed this were the case, Somaliland’s claims to sovereignty would not be contested at all. Since its second declaration of independence in 1991, Somaliland has gradually restored peace and order to its land, and steadily developed its own political, administrative and economic institutions and arrangements.

    The Somaliland government’s adoption of democratic value and practices is undeniable. The government carried out an in May 2001, an internationally observed referendum in which 97.9% of Somalilanders endorsed a new constitution and confirmed their wish to remain apart from the rest of Somalia. The world also witnessed Somaliland’s internationally monitored municipal elections in 2002 , Parliamentarian elections in 2005 and the presidential elections in 2003 and 2010 .

    While Somaliland’s accomplishments are admirable, in determining its eligibility for international recognition, international law lays down certain requirements that a country needs to comply with before statehood is proclaimed. The basic requirements established in international law are:

    – Permanent Population
    – Defined Territory
    – A stable government
    – Capacity to enter into relations with other states.

    In fulfillment of the above requirements, Somaliland has all the above mentioned characteristics.

    Thanks a lot

  187. My sincere advice is you arrange travels to Somalia. Visit Mugadishu, Garawe, Hargeysa, Dolow and all other accessible places in the country and meet with the different Somali groups including Traditional Leaders, Sivil Society, Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama, TFG and other influential groups. Listen to their ideas on the conference agendas and please build your agendas on the real outcome of the official Somalia meetings with the right Somalia people. Be careful to base your agendas on the PURE ideas of UN, AU, IGAD and other external entities without considering Somalia people’s opinions and advices. The great UK’s initiatives should have very positive result, different from the brevious failed Somalia conferences hosted by other governments. I have other useful advices, but can not share them here publicly.

    Thanks for your great assistance to Somalia!

  188. hellow matt
    my name is xawa from lasanod Somaliland I am absolutely against the agenda of conference because Somaliland must be attend as independent republic I am sorry matt coz I supersized how you confused Somaliland and Somalia Somaliland is not part of
    somalia is independent nation which elected their leaders they have flag currency two house of parliaments they have military they have border I think Mr. matt before you asking the people their opinion it is good for you to correct the different between republic of Somaliland and Somalia coz Somaliland is not like putland stete it is republic and we hope the conference to discus the issue of Somaliland and recognize as sovereignty nation

  189. I think the Isaq clan is missing the point. The blog is asking for suggestions of how to rebuild Somalia not ISAQ LAND aka Somaliland.

    My Somali Isaq people, please snap out of your dreams and share your ideas how to rebuild the whole nation.

    1. Muse, you’re on your own. You can not disrespect me and at the same time ask for my help. If I am the bad apple, then why do need me for?

  190. somalia need to build up the security sector for explain the police need the military without of the military somalia will be lawless country for decade to come we know all the clan somalia the are all equipment with heavy weapons so in order to disarm them or join in the security force and we need to independent courts no interfering politician or even high rang of officials
    I notice European union has been training the new army of somalia put the lack payment and lack equipment all the military basis camp in somalia has been destroyed do to civilian wars. the have accomplice killing recently most wanted al Qaeda operative without a high-tech equipment one think should be noticed America police dual track is fall other USA police it only increased the hostie rivals clans semi-autonomous region and can erupt war

  191. Thanks to the British Gov. to put effort to the last solution of Somali Problems. I will remmend to high light three point that i think will work on to get somali functioning goverment.
    1- Federalism..
    2- To relocate the capital city to Hargeisa or Bosaso. the reason is mogadishu is beyond repair and it needs safe area to be captal of somalia.
    3- NATO peace keeping forces that help somali gov. to put law and order.

  192. Dear Matt:
    First and foremost, thanks to the UK for even undertaking a difficult case like Somalia. Second, these so called secessionist somalilanders are nothing more than a bunch of ignorant isaak tribesman who claim their separateness based on the fact that they are one clan, or , that the former regime of Siad Barre has committed atrocities against them. Neither being a clan, nor, old grievances against a long gone dictator entitles anyone to be their own nation. If tribalism is the root cause of what destroyed Somalia, the Isaaks are the most tribal minded Somalis. If we leave them to own devices, the so called “Somaliland” would collapse on it own. No one in Somaliland with the exception of the Issaks want to separate from Somalia. If one ever recognizes “Somaliland”, one will surely start the next 30 year of civil in that part of Somalia, because, none of the non Issak clans who live in Somaliland would accept to live with them in a state called Somaliland. There are already massacres in Las Anod and Buhoodle where the Dhulbahante are fighting to cede from the non existant Somaliland. It wont be long before the Issaks start massacring the Awdal State folks because they do not want to be part of Somaliland,

  193. Hi Matt
    We all know very well that more 200 years old history of relationship between Britain and Somaliland existence but lost 20 years of unification with South Somalia from July 1960 til the date of Somaliland regained it’s independence once again May 19,1991 after Dictatorship ruling.


    Dear Sir
    It looks like the topic has been hijacked by some people who are advocating for the terrorist group by the name of SSC which operates in Buhoodle District. This terrorist group was existed when Somaliland was under British Protectorate. This group of terrorists had been a well known terrorist group who fought with the British forces led them by Mad Mullah. So please do not entertain the gentleman with incidents that he knows more than you lot in this blog.
    There have recently been reported some incidents in the area of Buhodle as it was believed that it was orchestrated by the violent Alshabab affiliated group, SSC.
    The Somaliland Diaspora in the United Kingdom has already condemned the terrorist group by the name of SSC which has affiliation with Alshabaab and Al-Qaida. One week ago, the terrorist group of SSC is reported to have committed atrocity and killed civilian people in the area of Buhoodle District. They wounded civilians and are currently treated in Garowe. The terrorist group then attacked a few Somaliland military personnel officers after them approaching to the area in establishing and assessing the security after it had been alerted to them by other personnel from Somaliland who was already in the town of Buuhoodle. One of the Somaliland personnel confirmed this to the local news papers.
    The personnel reported that the aim of the violent and Alshabab affiliated group SSC was to create a havoc in the area in order to divert attention of the Somaliland Army Force who had been closely watching the conference held in Taleex by some of the main SSC funders who came from Canada and America. The Somaliland Security Personnel had been made aware that Alshabab and SSC were having a meeting in Taleex too for discussing how to destabilise Somaliland since Alshabab told the conference that they will be moving from Southern Somalia to Buhoodle as some of their strategic territories had already fell in the hands of AMASON and Kenyan Forces. It was also conformed to the media by locals that Suleman Essa Ahmed (Hagal tosiye), and others who had been visiting Telex via Ogaden with the aim of carrying covert operation against Somaliland. Suleman Essa Ahmed (Hagal tosiye), from Columbus, Ohio. Mr. Ahmed is the leader of the violent Al-Shabaab-affiliated rebel group named SSC or PSS , a warlike group bent to destabilize Somaliland at any cost. It was reported that Mr Ahmed and his comrades were having a meeting at Taleex with Alshabab but Somaliland Security was aware of their movements. Reliable sources of Information confirmed to the media that the aim of the meeting was SSC and Alshabab to form a new strategy for destabilising Somaliland to see the recent article explaining this, please see (
    For those who are living in Europe and America, you should know by law that you should not be advocating for terrorists like SSC and Alshabab.
    Thanks, Cabdi

  194. HISTORY OF SOMALILAND AND SOMALIA Between British and Italian, Colonial competitors since 1922’s,

    Wake up UK and don’t forget the 1945 WarII when Somalilanders fought with British and alliens side by side from Libya Tobruk desert to Burma againest italian fascist party.After 1922 – Benito Mussolini and his Fascist Party came to power in Italy. 1935 – Following border disputes between Italian Somaliland and Abyssinia, Italy invaded in Somaliland. British Somaliland was briefly occupied and annexed to Italian East Africa from ….

    Giovinezza – The official hymn of the Italian National Fascist Party, regime, and up to moment Italian are supporting the Southern Somalia with any measurement help regardless their political chaos but up to principally sponsoring the South in all conferences politically and financially .

    While Britain, as Somaliland’s ex colonial power entering non productive nightmare of political draging feet approaches such as this conference so call for Big problem solution with out immediate recognizing the strategical located Somaliland . Why UK is listening the nonsense from ” African panadora Box conditions” from the 70 years old dictatorship’s house called Afican Union named by Ghaffi, whom can not feed their populations for whole years of post independence from 1960′

  195. We, Somalis, have never agreed positive agenda because tribal plan weighs over nationalism. We stood for negative resentment and destruction forever and we still continuing. Even those of us who experienced western style of life are forced to accept nomadic ideology. We don’t have a capacity to negotiate, comply and share positive issues. A group of people could refute something, but do they have an alternative. Nothing is perfect; everything starts from somewhere followed by step by step correction. Born children don’t walk immediately; allow positive processes to take its route if you don’t have a better plan.
    Trusteeship is in the pipe if nothing positive comes out from London conference. Number of mistakes has been made by Somali leaders. All Somalis ought to support nationalism and liberate motherland. Tribal states and centralizations are not a solution for Somali unity. Contributions from donors with no accountability as to where money spent will never bring a solution for Somalis. It will remain a lucrative business for big fat cats. Somali Youth need to stand up and reject the notion of tribalism and subdivision and liberate their country.
    Mohamed Moallin

  196. It is incomprehensible to invite one side of the Somali equation, i.e., the failed TFG & its allies including ASWj, while the other side of the equation, i.e., the opposition groups, specially those who belief in political resolution rather than seeking power through gun point, such as; ARS (Alliance for Re-liberation of Somalia) which is the biggest national political platform, Hiil Qaran and their likes of the Diaspora organised groups.

    If that is the case than, it seems to me, the conference is dead before it started.

    My advice to you is that HM Government should balance the process by including credible organised Somali stakeholders to make the conference representative including minority Somalis who have been greatly oppressed by the major clans in Somalia, if your intention is to achieve long lasting success and a productive results from the conference.

    by Concerned Somali in London

  197. Dear Matt,
    Allow me to greet you with the utmost respect.

    As a Somali and British citizen, I’m only expressing my ideas with deep feelings to the British Government, entrusted with the responsibility to bring back peace and normalcy to the poor and long suffering people of Somalia.

    There are so many good reasons in doing so. Nor only the current humanitarian disaster neither the long term potential resource in both countries, but there are over 250,000 Somali people living in the United Kingdom. Until now, let alone to organize such as incoming London Conference, but I believe that the British Government did pay least attention to the role of the Somalis in the Diaspora in order to play a pivotal role in helping institutions in Somalia in bringing peace, security and stability in the country.

    The world got tired of repeated change of the government’s top leadership for nearly last two decades. As result, they are pursuing two different options simultaneously. One option is the US State Department’s dual track approach to Somalia. In this approach, United State of America will no longer focus its previous single track approach, a method which did not work. Instead, they will pursue dual track approach to Somali where international community will work with local governments mainly Somaliland, Puntland and Galmudug from the north and Central of Somalia as well as any other administration in order to end 20 years armed conflict. Now, it looks that the British Government is looking for a better way to bring stability in Somalia and connecting together the two tracks.

    However, before I convey my message to you I would like to tell you what most Somalis think your country, United Kingdom. The Somalis never felt as being aliens among the British who always welcomed them as brothers and friends. They consider UK as a great country whom its leaders are capable to help them in the search for solutions of their problems. They greatly admire British role in international conflicts and their successful resolution in many countries of the world with many of them equally complex problems that Somalis experiencing. They admire the high stature that the last British Envoy, David Stephen has acquired in late 1990s.

    Given these genuinely positive sentiments that the majority of the Somalis nurture towards Britain, what they may reasonably expect from outcome of the London Conference could be summarized as follows:

    1. That Britain will fully and unreservedly commit to help the Somalis solve their problems in all possible ways, and assist with fair, realistic and acceptable approach to solve Somalia’s political crisis.
    2. That Britain will be honest and resolute with all concerned including the Somalis, neighbouring States and the other international community, and he will direct all to the right path.

    Finally, in my view, the proposed plan could not be the only realistic chance to find a peaceful and lasting solution to the prolonged political crisis in Somalia, but a long term potential interest in both countries, Somalia and the United Kingdom.


    A. Nur

  198. Dear Matt Baugh,

    Let me take this opportunity to congratulate British prime minister and his government for not only hosting this historic conference on Somalia but enormous support that Britain offer to the good people of Somalia. Its worthy to mansion that Britain is the home of the largest Somali Diaspora on earth and so long being positive actor about the Somali issue.
    It seems we are not there yet to donate an accurate advice and plans to the world in order to end the horrible era. We should be good to find out better way to proverb, wiser to halt abhorrence and use all tools possible to accept the facts on the ground. Let us all remember that Britain won’t solve our harms their role is clear facilitation course only. Problem of Somalia’s for us to participate equally, sincerely to come up with rational termination of the past and generate new Somalia that can learn from the past and offer better chance for all walks of life. As we heard of or may be there to remember we had firs democratically elected government in Africa and for sure we have it in recorded history. We also had first presidential (may god give mercy His excellence Adan AbdulleOsman) peacefully power shift in Africa. Fair enough, we can do it again with even very much so or even much enhanced federal foundation to star from (bottom up approach)grassroots’ to the national level. We are all upset but we can make it well within this outstanding moment. As Puntlanders’ we have full of dreadfulness scenarios than our fellow North Westerns (Somaliland) ethnic group but we prefer to stay in accord. We share to a large extent in common not single difference, perhaps political variation wherein collective responsibility is the only way forward.
    There might be Sign of hope if we put all emotional thoughts aside and unlock our brain power by facing reality and the matter in hand. Trying to picture situation in Somalia today is like an orphan who killed both parents and come on the streets to ask people for help because he/she is an orphan with no food and shelter to survive. We need not to condemn to the world organizations because there were not enough food on the ground to feed our people where virgin land of Somalia has enough to offer us and even surplus to the world if we use our brain precisely. Let not to criticize the foreign entities because we fail to have an open dialogue (same language, culture, and religion, intermarriages) to compromise our distinction and stood up for common interest.
    Finally, contributing to the upcoming conference is compulsory for all and I would love to see Somali people in agreement and disagreeing in constructive way and fairly contests which way out of all these in the past for thinking hard of what coming future are hold for us.
    My advices are as follows
    • International community must encourage Somali unity by adapting federal system.
    • Foreign military force is the only solution to defuse Al-SHABAB but our people are too sensitive to bear as such a brutal action. Given that, AL-SHABAB can benefit Ethiopian army on the ground for its religion misinformation therefore, to prevent any propaganda armed forces such as Turkey, Egypt, Pakistan and Malaysia would be an advantage to take the lead in its place.
    • Reinforcing Somali national army is crucial for Somalia and elsewhere (piracy, terror and all ill-actions) in the world. Consequently, huge investment should be made available to bring the law and order, to patrol its borders and secure its citizens.
    • Garowe accord must have vastly, universal support to end the transition period with no wrongly elected parliaments of full of former vicious warlords but energetic intellectuals need to be given confidence to fulfill these roles.
    • Concluding with this equation: No Way out without security and justice sectors powerfully invested, not security and justice without national unity including North West Somalia and no national unity without international political-pressure on all parts including our fellow (Somaliland) North Western.

    Hope my voice is heard

    Hussein A fiqi

  199. us a welecomed londonc conference on somalia. also we are support the somali confernce but if we are somaliland we will wish the only point we need.
    somali if they recongnized somaliland maybe the confilc of south somalia ended and they get peace and stabilaty and development.
    if they will try to ignor somaliland they will dont geet peace so far it take long time to solve problem

  200. This another fact and true history records as United Kingdom was first country recognized Somaliland in1960, Israel the second country and USA was the third with together other 30 countries with four days.

    By sagal mustafe hassan …. The very famous TV Journalist

    “The government of Israel is ready to restore the de jure recognition it has offered to Somaliland in 1960 as it eyes the Red Sea and the Horn, an Israeli spokesman says.
    Below is an article published by Somaliland Press:
    The government of Israel is ready to restore the de jure recognition it has offered to Somaliland in 1960 as it eyes the Red Sea and the Horn, an Israeli spokesman says. According to a local source, Golisnews, Mr. Yigal Palmor, Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman is quoted on the Israeli newspaper of Haaretz Daily saying his government was ready to recognize Somaliland again. He cited Israel was the first state to recognize Somaliland in 1960 when it received its independence from Great Britain.
    However, Mr. Palmor admitted Somaliland government has not contacted the Israeli government to seek ties. When asked a question regarding Somalia, Mr. Palmor answered: “Somalia looks like the Afghanistan of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, historically speaking we know the Somali people have different believes and politics. The Somali people have different political values of which they unified in 1960 that led to the whole misunderstanding and ultimately the collapse of Somalia,” he told Haaretz Daily. While answering to a question regarding Somaliland-Israel ties, he said: “Israel was the first nation to recognize Somaliland and indeed was the first country the State of Israel has recognized, after it received it’s Independence from Great Britain. When it unified with Southern Somalia, again we were the first to recognize it. We always wanted a relationship with a Muslim country in East Africa and which we can share the Red sea with.” Mr. Palmor said his country was ready to restore Somaliland’s old status however currently the two states have no bilateral ties.
    He added Israel has ties with number of East African countries including Tanzania, Uganda and even Djibouti. Many analysts believe Israel has growing national interest in the Red Sea region, a key shipping route. According to well-informed regional sources Israel believes the region is also a key route for arms from Iran for Hezbollah, Sudanese regime and number of other groups in Palestine. The Red Sea gives Israeli ships access to the Arabia Sea and are within cruise-missile range of Iran. Israel also concern about Arab nations such as Egypt blocking it’s commercial shipping lines. There are unconfirmed reports also suggesting Israel wants to deploy submarines in the Somaliland port of Berbera and possibly establish a military outpost. Many Arab states have in the past expressed concerns about the proposed Israeli-base in the Horn of Africa seeing it as Israel surrounding them.
    The region is well known for it’s strategic importance and it was days ago when an Al Qaeda spokesman, Said al-Shihri, said “taking control of Bab El-Mandeb, will constitute an escalating victory: the Jews will be crushed in a vise, because it is through the Strait that the United States brings its support to Israel.” Bab El-Mandeb, which means “tears of gates” in Arabic is a 20-mile long inlet located in the narrowest point of the Red Sea, between the shores of the Horn of Africa and Yemen. It is no secret to Somaliland though, the former president, Mr Ibrahim Haji Egal addressed the very issue in a letter to the former Israeli head of state, Mr Yitshak Rabin in 1995. Fifteen years ago, Mr Egal saw the threat of Islamic fundamentalism and the importance of Bab El-Mandeb.
    Mr Egal, who became prime minister of Somaliland at the age of only 30, wrote: “Today, however, although the West had won the cold war and the threat of communism appears to be vanishing in many parts of the world, we, in the Horn of Africa, are being threatened by a more sinister and pernicious enemy in the form of encroaching Islamic influence.” Mr Egal continues, “my government firmly believes that owing to this region’s strategic geopolitical importance as a result of its propinquity to the oil routes and the narrow Bab El-Mandeb entrance, as well as its proximity to the Gulf, the Middle East and the access to the Indian Ocean.”
    Egal, who was a champion politician, died May 3rd 2002 in the South African capital Pretoria. He was succeeded by the current leader, Mr. Dahir Rayale, who is said to have avoided approaching Israel in order not to harm Somaliland’s current fragile relations with the Arabs and Muslim world, which it heavily relies on for it’s only surviving economic engines – livestock.
    However many of the youths in Somaliland believe ties with Israel is better for Somaliland’s economic environment because of it’s economical and technological achievements. Many argue livestock is not sustainable economy because of health issues, climate change and urbanisation and prefer developing economy based on service and high-tech sector, similar to that one of Israel and Taiwan.
    Somaliland, like Israel, finds itself politically isolated, in the middle of a hostile region and at a thorny crossroads and if anyone is to reach out to the unrecognized republic, it would be Israel. It too knows how it feels to be denied it’s statehood and self-determination. While Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East, Somaliland is the only Muslim democracy in the region. Somaliland has it’s own hybrid system of governance under a constitution was former British protectorate which gained independence 26th June 1960 and was recognized by 34 countries including Israel and the United States. It later joined South Somalia in a union that was never rectified which lasted until 1991.”

    1. The reality of many Somalis from Somalia(South) don’t understand the agenda of this conference. The only thing they can see is Somaliland and they forget their own issues. Some of you need to educate yourself a little bit the latest Moorgan(Hargeisa Butcher) and Gabyow video!. The Moorgan’s mentality is what destroyed Somalia.

      Let’s talk about other items on the agenda.

      1. Somaliland is capable to lead the fight against Piracy. We have every possible ways to eliminate these groups from the entire horn of Africa. Urgently there is a need to establish a Somaliland based and led long term plan initiative to fight these groups. Tell the conference not to waste their time the Uganda/Seychelles agreements. It won’t working in the long term because there are too many politics in that agreements.
      2. Somalia problem – EU and all other players needs to agree that Somalia to be govern and manage at least 10 years by Italy(they can build their confidence and re-educate them how to run a country as they did in the past)
      3. Recognise Somaliland, or simply focus on Somalia problems and Somaliland will help that as well.
      3. Establish an EU Somalia foundation to hold and receive any aid for the OLD Somali Republic people. This foundation must led by British and has representative from Somaliland government and Somalia groups.
      4.Fight against Terrorism in Horn of Africa. Already Somaliand, Djabouti, Puntland and occupied Mogadisho have been working closely with USA/EU and IGAD security agencies. All what you need is to have a strong coordination and may be Establish Three Hubs, Somaliland, Puntland and occupied Magadisho but it will save a lot if you have your major base in Somaliland because it’s more save and secure and already Somaliland government uprooted them from Somaliland(You can learn a lot from Somaliland on this as well).

      Good luck

  201. First, Somalia are one nation no doubt of that as every one knows and can not be several governments by any circumstances predominantly if you look the Somalian people are one nation in terms of religion,language and ethics
    so what we need is justice and development and peace.

  202. Somaliland is a country in the horn of africa which retained it’s independence and statehood in 1991 after a bloody civil war with somalia, somaliland was a former british protectrate until 26 june 1960 it later united with italian somaliland to form the somali republic, and after many years of conflict and mayhem it retained itls long fought independence in 1991, therefore after demonstrating to the world three democratically held elections,peace and tranquillity which are a rarity in that region of the world somaliland is still waiting to be recognized a sovereign nation

  203. British Foreign & Commonwealth Office can’t ignore this fact based on United Nations Chart # 7 Self determination .

    By Muha Farah..

    Somaliland, with a population of about 4 million, is an ex-British colony that willingly merged with the former Italian Somalia at independence in 1960 to form the republic of Somalia. But under the military dictatorship of Mohamed Siad Barre, Somaliland was neglected, although it remained an integral part of the Somali state.
    Following the overthrow of the Barre regime in May 1991, which left behind a country engulfed by anarchy and bloody inter-clan fighting, Somaliland seceded from the rest of Somalia and declared independence on the same day. Since then, efforts at reconciliation between the different Somali clans, drafting a new Constitution and democratisation have helped Somaliland metamorphose into one of a few peaceful, stable and progressive states on our continent.
    In the last two decades the country has made gigantic strides on the socio-economic and political front, though it does not get any assistance from Western creditors to build its economy due to lack of international recognition. It relies for its development, on livestock exports, tourism and remittances from Somalis in the Diaspora, which are estimated at $ 650 million a year.
    Even with its sparse resources, Somaliland has registered striking accomplishments, especially in the health and education sectors. For example, it has registered considerable reduction in maternal and child mortality.
    According to the deputy minister of Health, Nimo Hussein Qawthan, maternal mortality rate has declined from 1,600 deaths per 100,000 women in 1991 to 1,044 per 100,000 in 2006; child mortality rate which was 275 in 1990, has dropped to 166 in 2006. And because of the vigorous fight against malaria, the country is almost malaria-free!
    With regard to education, Somaliland has three world-class universities and several colleges as well as polytechnic schools – all built without foreign assistance. In 1991, according to Prof Ahmed Hussein Essa of the University of Hargeisa, there were a total of 219 primary, intermediate and secondary schools. Today the number of primary schools alone has increased to 506. Literacy rates have gone up from 20 per cent in 1991 to 45 per cent in 2010.
    And, politically, the country’s multi-party democracy experimentation has been impressive; respect for human rights and the exercise of the freedom of expression and assembly are some of the salient features of the democratisation process. The country has successfully held three parliamentary and municipal elections, two presidential elections as well as smooth transfer of power since the death of President Mohamed Ibrahim Egal in May 2002.
    But despite all these successes, Somaliland is still not recognised internationally as an independent and sovereign state. This surprises many an analyst (and infuriates the Somalilanders) because the country, which will never rejoin stateless Somalia, meets all the standard criteria of an independent state.
    Interestingly, Somaliland is remarkably different from Croatia and Kosovo – nations that never had a separate history from Serbia. Yet, the two break-away nations became independent with the support of the Western powers, followed by the rest of the world.
    On the other hand, the republic of Somaliland is not different from Eritrea which had a separate history from Ethiopia, but was allowed its independence. And Southern Sudan, which is historically part of the Sudan, recently decided to secede through a referendum and got international support. Now, why, one might ask, should Somaliland be treated differently? Is it because it has no oil?
    Soon, the Western countries will be falling over each other to open embassies in Juba, as they scramble for Southern Sudan’s oil, while Somaliland, which is well managed compared to most African countries that are endowed with natural resources, remains totally ignored; but for how long? This unique country needs to be recognised so that it can become a member of the international community, do business with the rest of the world and be able to sign international treaties.

    1. Dearest Matt Baugh
      We appreciate you for the efforts of the Great Britain and for the chance of the upcoming conference,
      that recognising Somaliland is out of question, its only Isaaq clan the rest Clans
      Dhulbahante, Warsangali,Gudebiirsi, all they want Great Somalia.
      It is time that the UK stops giving aid to Isaaq clan only (Hargaysa and Barbara) because this aid is used to kill people in Sool, Sanaag ,Ayn and.Awdal.
      If Isaaq people want independent they have to win referendum Against The whole Great Somalia stop dreaming you can’t hijack other people Freedom.

  204. we never ever go back to somalia that movie is end so please don’t west your time and if we recognize or not somaliland is gonna be somaliland one nation one hand and one love we take a big step to the forward and is not gonna happen come back so i wanna tell the another somali people stop hating us and leave us alone and do your thing that waiting you and i think the uk government now who is somaliland well i hope every thing gonna be ok if alla say for somaliland and another somli people good luck

  205. In Somaliland, time for physical violence is long gone and if we are truly going to emerge as a nation of fighters! I think the fighting mustn’t be in the battlefield where blood is the price but the battlefield must be a paper and a pen. Obviously the battlefield must be intellectual exchanges through writing and this is the legacy that I intent to leave behind.

    We need to produce writers who will write about our nation and define it using pen and ideas and not guns and physical aggression. Yes, we’re a fighting nation, we’re fighting for international recognition, we’re fighting for social justice, political representation and this can be achieved with the open and transparent exchanges of ideas thorough knowledge production and intellectual exchanges.

  206. Dear Matt Baugh,
    First, w are very pleased with the effort of the u.k goverment to hosting the upcomming conference on Somalia in Feb 2012. We wish a good positive outcome for the people of Somalia.
    I am one of the Awdalite Diaspora who has lived in the u.k since 1991.
    My worring is, that, this conference will not be inclusive. Awdal and Khatumo states are indeniable, where overwhelmimg majority of the people of the two states are supporting and behind them.
    So please tell the participants, that the choice of the people should be respected.
    Awdalstate is now fully working and the president is in the Mogadisho(Somali capital) in talks with the Somali goverment to bring back the Somali unity. In my conclusion, I strongly urge the u.k goverment to consider and invite all the goverment states to the conference.

  207. Britain for the first time holding a conference on Somalia, After Libya and Iraq looks on the surface good but has a sanister motive behind it. This conference will not be inclusive and representative
    as other conferences before it on Somalia. Somalia does not lack good and able leaders but The international community picks and chooses thugs and criminals to further increase the violence with the view of advancing the interest of big and powerful global actors. In every conflict there are winners and lossers. Can someone explain why there are no winners and losers in Somalia? All sides of the conflict are getting funds from powerful global players which without their support they could not exist. We had the era of Warlords, followed by TFGS, Islamists,pirates and inflation of mini states. All those political events were managed from the outside not the inside.
    Although the era of warlordism died as a matter of policy, all the others are the current policies of the big and powerful players of the international community with the UN being the tool they use diplomatically to justify their actions ( Use of force and sanctions, as well as humanterian interventions for the purpose of controlling economies of stragetic countries with natural resources. They already started looting our resources by deploying their navies to protect their fishing trawlers and now drilling oil in Puntland while the conflict is still on.
    I do not have any hope that this conference will yeild a different result from previous conferences on Somalia. Because the Somalia people have never been free to choose their delegates to represent them at those conferences and in the eyes of Somali people handpicked thugs, war criminals, war profiteers, terrorists and warlords will not enjoy any legitimacy on the ground.
    Those bankrolling the Somali conflict want the conflict to continue untill they can convince the stubborn somali people to allow the looting of their natural resources and accept their chosen leaders plus government.

  208. Clarifications:

    1. The top AL Shabaab leaders in the south of Somalia who are causing the havoc to the Somalis, neighboring countries, and the international community are from the north of Somalia, particularly from the secessionist Isaaqi tribe.

    2. At the time the AL Shabaab delegation was sent from Hargeisa by Siilaanyo (the superior leader of AL Shabaab), the Al Shabaab in Mogadishu was defeated and pulled out of Mogadishu. Therefore, the money transferred from Hargeysa and delivered by Mr. Hadrawi was meant to survive, re-organize, and strengthen the AL Shabaab in the south. The secessionists believe that the end of AL Shabaab is also the end of the secessionist agend.


    1. Well said. ‘Somalilanders’ present 20% of the population and 15% of somalia land mass, it’s just not viable as an independent country.

  209. Are we Somali people want peace, safe our children and women? If you say yes, then first we must understand we are all on single boat that is sinking. We must also understand no Somali region can distance itself from Somalia problems. Understanding what you and your neighbors want, we can solve our country Somalia. Somaliland has some peace between 2000 to 2007 but that isn’t the case anymore. People are dying while they travel, demostrations and asleep. Facts should override propoganda that any Somali region is more safe than others. Since 2007 everything went down-hill for North Somalia.

    Hate crimes are on the rise, colliding idea from Unionist vs breakaway group. For us or Awdal, Somalis it became clear being in Somaliland is worthless given the facts that criminals terrorrizing civilians or Somali times carried out by politicians in North. After so many discussion, we decided to have our own Somali administration where we govern ourselves and share Somali Federal with the rest of Somalia.

    It’s clear that we can’t govern our selves due to clan problems and bad leadership;however, young Somalis have to think beyond clan and clan interest. No matter how loyal you are with your clan, it can’t be granted a nation from the world as long as your clan and you deny the rights of others let alone your neighbor. In my opinion, Somaliland can’t claim British borders by forcing citizens in Sool, Sanaag and Awdal against their will. I would personally support Somaliland garanted interternation recognition as long as my Awdalstate is out of their claim. Questions are if Somaliland want independent why wouldn’t it go one without dragging those who don’t want that? If Somaliland want to break up Somalia why Awdal, Sool and Sanaag can’t do the same?

    I borned and grew up in Borama and do want Somalis to talk to eachother and find solutions instead my way or the highway. Distancing ourselves from Somalia won’t work and the solution is don’t force your neighbors for your clan interest.

  210. Apart from the tribalism, the second most fundamental problem in Somalia is the AL Shabaab trouble. Somalia will not be safe, secure, and stabilized unless this group is eliminated.

    In order to solve a problem, the problem should be understood. Then, who is AL Shabaab?

    AL Shabaab is the so called Somaliland, the greedy Isaaqi tribe. It operates in the north of Somalia, Hargeysa being the capital of Al Shabaab, Siilaanyo the presdent of Al Shabaab. It also operates in the south (the second wing) and it’s led by the Somaliland representative, the AL Shabaab leader in the south, Ahmed Abdi Godane and Ibrahim Mead (Afgani) and others, plus the Isaaq Al Shabaab fighters in the south are countless in numbers.

    AL Shabaab’s objectives:

    1. Keep the south in flames in order to create the impression that Hargeisa is stable and deserve recognition

    2. Keep the northern tribes other than Isaaq terrorized by the Al Shabaab in the north (the tribal Isaaqi milita), rob their land and force them to flee their homes

    Both objectives are impossible and they are cheap tactics known by all Somalis. It’s time now the international community wake up and realize the truth and face to address and stop the dangers driven by the AL Shabaab represented by the so called Somaliland Isaaq clan.

    Recently, Hargeisa the capital of AlShabaab has sougth to take advantage of the famine in the south to send money and logistics to AL Shabaab. Mr. Siilaanyo has sent money that was delivered by a AL Shabaab delegation led by Mohamed Warsame Hadrawi who was quoted saying, “30% of the money is for the TFG and 70% of it is for the AL Shabaab because AL Shabaab are Somalis too”!!! reported the Isaaqi website Qarannews.

    Obviously, it is simple to solve AL Shabaab dangers by addressing the so called Somaliland , the epicenter of AL Shabaab.

    The other strange thing is that the AL Shabaab appears to out smarted Great Britain and the international community, because it is Great Britain’s and the international community’s aid money that is funding the Al Shabaab’s (Isaaqi Secessionists) operations.

    Let the international community try stop the secessionist agenda and see if there be any AL Shabaab anymore and any longer.


  211. i think somaliland and somalia is two different country , acording to the history of colonial, somaliland was british protoctate , while the south somalia so called ( failed state ) was italian protoctrate , somaliland got there indepedence 26,june ,1960 , while somalia got jully 1 1960 ,

  212. We are not under British colony and we will never be. London must be day-dreaming! try your hands to put Somalia under the so-called trusteeship (interim authority formula) and you will see our true colours. We will put London under an interim authority!!

  213. The London conference will not solve somalia problems unless somali people forgive each other and bury tribes for good and build stable and united somalia forget about 35 small states is been created since fall of central government of somalia 1991.

    somalia is one nation one language and one ethnic and the solution is to hold international conference inside the country and sort our problems under tree and re-build our country the solution will never come from outside like Addis, Nairobi, Djabuiti or London this cities is where our country is been destroyed .

    somalia will not be divided 35 small states it’s unrealistic and inconceivably those who dreaming more than 20 years to separate from greater somalia my advice to them is don’t west your time for recognition of 4 small villages in northern somalia spend your time to create peace with your brothers.

    our aim is to unite 5 Greater somalia (North somalia, south somalia, Ogaden, NFD and Djabuiti ) not to divide and create small powerless states,

    soomaliyeey toosooy toosoo isku tiirsada

    by; ahmed mukhtar sheikh

  214. Please the youtube below to see the civilians in Lasanod of Khaatumo State of Somalia demonstrating in support of the newly established state and how these peaceful demostraters are being masscred by the tribal Isaaqi milia occupying the town. The media outlet say there are deaths and injuries of the civilian population in Lasanod today January 21st/2012.

    The repoand sinorder hipped them to Lasanodrters add that the Isaaqi occupiers of so called Somaliland have tried to transport womwn, children, and men in transport trucks from Burco, Hargeysa, and Berbera in order to make them look as the residents of Lasanod and stage a pro Isaaqi demonstration in Lasanod. What you can see from the youtube is the residents of Lasanod expressing anger and opposing this dangerous move taken by the secessionists, that will more bloodshed and tribal wars and conflict.

    1. you are layer stop lying I am from lascanod and Somaliland police is only say to keep security what made this problem are thief’s who want to stolen the shops and market of lasanod we support Somaliland and we condemning what so called khatumo state

  215. I am originated from Somaliland, Awdal in particular and I thought it is a good idea to air my views regarding the imminent Somali Conference which is due to be held in London. After long and hard negotiation, the communities from Awadal, Lasanod, Buroa, Erigavo and Hargeisa agreed to regain their lost independence in 1960 to which they joined with a Mafia group from Southern Somalia. Djibouti sensed the problem at a very early age and it had opted out from the union. There is no discriminarion from one another regardless of one’s gender or clan as my uncle, His Excellency Mr Riyale had ruled Somaliland for almost 8 years. Somaliland has been stable for decades apart from a newly formed SSC terrorist group affiliated with Alshabab and Al-Qaida. This terrorist was event existed when British used to rule Somaliland and it does not worry me, but my point is that we would never ever reunite with Mafia from Southern Somalia. Finally, I was appalled to learn from the media that the Mafia boss, Mr Farole, ruler of Pirates land or Punt land in Somalia was invited to the meeting, rather than him being kept behind bars.
    Cheers, Awdal Boy.

  216. Hi Mr Matt
    Thanks for helding a conference for the somali people.
    My opinion is that, Somali people must recognize them selves first, and get help from the international community later.
    We Somaliland people, we wont accept to unite with Southern Somalia, because of the backwardness after 1960 unite.
    Somalilanders wont accept to be part of somalia and their conferences, where ever it is held, because somaliland wat formed by the loss of thousand of lives and wealth. Right now, we cant accept to be back to 1960 era.
    If any one tries to force Somaliland and its affairs, it will cause alot of problems wich will affect all east african countries, and even the world.
    I think the solution is to recognize Somaliland as an independent country, which I see as a real solution for Southern-Somalia.

  217. It is time that the UK stops giving aid to Somaliland (Noth Somalia) because this aid is used to kill people in Sool, Sanaag and Ayn. The UK can ignore what is happenning there and act as if the money is going to help the needy but in fact it is used to buy weapons and to pay their militia’s. We the people of Sool, Sanaag and Ayn urge the UK government to STOP aiding the seperatists in Norrth Somalia who Call them self in Somaliland.

  218. Dear Matt and all others who may read this piece,
    Please stop hallucinating, wake up and smell the coffee. This conference is no diffent from the many countlless other conferences held for Walaweyn. You could advertise it as many times as you would like and call it whatever you wish, but at end it is what is; an outing picnic for self promoting Somalians, representing no one but themselves. Look no farther than the reply of this article. For sure that is what you should expect from Walaweyn when the outing is commence. Including the Country of Somaliland Republic in the agenda of the conference is not only irresponsible from your part but an insult to the Somaliland people who by referendom opted to part their way and to regain their lost independent. Somalilanders do not need an outside hepl to resolve their problmes. We know how to do it, and done it. We reconciled our differneces, settled our greivances, and solved disputes amoung our people. We don’t need it now, neither did we ever needed in the past an out aide mediator. It is the Somalians who are not capable and requires the others mind and finance to settle their affairs. How come you guys, the outsiders, don’t get that Somalilanders just want to b left alone. Is that so hard to do. We, Somalilanders, don’t run with wolves but soar high with the eagles above the clouds. Our fathers fought for you and supported you when you needed them. We sheld our blood for you in the jungles of Burma; in the sandy deserts of North Africa; and in the fox holes of snowy and cold European soil. And in return wha t did we get? Soamliland is not coming to sit at the same table with unelected warlords. Because we do not discuss our future with someone who can not contribute to the solution. Why should we go with someone who is not going anywhere and has gone nowhere for the last twenty year and so. There is a saying “becareful who to ask for direction”.

    To the Somalians, we do not want to associate with you. We do not share any value what so ever. Let outsiders help you and save you from yourselves. What a wasted mind!!!!

  219. Is your twitter #LDNSomalia working we would like to see it up dated, i don’t think its working or up. Thanks

  220. Dearest Matt Baugh

    We appreciate you for the efforts of the Great Britain and for the chance of the upcoming conference, although we don’t have any thing to do with it while we are Somalilanders for Somaliland Republic but we are ready to support our brothers and assist any friend who is trying to help them.

    All what I will conclude my message is Allah Al-mighty help those who help them selves.

  221. Somaliland is a country in the horn of africa which retained it’s independence and statehood in 1991 and we need to give our recognize

  222. Dear matt
    we don’t like union of Somali we like independent of somaliland British government , united nation , African union , united state ,Arab league , European union, and all international community we coordinate to recognize us that is our massage that is what we want that is our dream we don’t like unification of Somali we will never retain Somalia ever viva somalanders and Somaliland vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

  223. I am fully behind this conference, but one thing you have to remember Matt, Somalis are a clan based community so be aware of that, try to invite every region using by any means or searching community leaders .I am sure yo have enough information for this issue. You can also visit websites and inform people to participate this conference.

  224. DEAR Matt in somaliland
    first am greating you all of you (peace of ALLAH be upon you)
    scnd now i wanna to annunciate they were colonize our people and they don’t mercy at all they compel our mums they molesting our girls they suffered ours and they betray coz we feeling of loving somali unification but they were not allowed happen for this, so the so we need our indepandance if we are somaliland we need our recognize please and please give our right the feeling of somalia get-worse and we talk our sense and they trample -on right and they treat like a animal and we need to assess our peace have a 21 years so why the UN sharg-off our recognize PLEASE AND PLEASE GIVE OUR RECOGNIZE AND RIGHT…………….tnkz all of you…

  225. my names hibo i just want to say few things clear
    somaliland broke away somalia 1991 so somaliland has one flag one people and one’s president has election free and fair. somaliland deserves to recognize somaliland its self declared country which needs to recognize surely somaliland is not a part of somalia in 1991 so we hope now is the time to recognize somaliland and we will be member of unated nation .
    somaliland have 21 years passed and apperently , somalilanders never accept to be part of somaila but i accept somalia is part of somaliland

  226. i’m somalilander i’m agree that UK do we and i hope everything but we can’t union again in south Somali bocouse it’s very had to understand each other and the sharing of the power , somaliland is taken indepedent five day before somalia so we accept about the peace we can’t union we need freedom , if the gov uk is really to do in taking about peace we come but if they taking about state we really sorry in uk,, we need saparate in somalia we need saparate in somalia , arabic people is arabic but is to much goverment, we don’t want again civil war and goniced in somalia we hope freedom but not union , somaliland is peace and goverment

  227. Hi all
    My name is mowlid mohamed form awdal Somaliland
    I think it is a time that British government take forward step and Re_Recognize republic of Somaliland British prim minister must announce the recognition of Somaliland because British government know the history of Somaliland well so it is important to negotiate London conference the recognition of Somaliland
    Good bless Somaliland the sun that rice africa Good bless Somaliland

  228. Hi
    massage from young Somaliland girl to British prime minster and organizers of London conference I am young Somaliland girl I am 14 year all I was born in Erigavo sanaag region of Somaliland I grow up peace and I start my primary school here I feel Somaliland is my heart because I love my country I sow my mom and my father electing their leaders we are democratic and peaceful country I don’t see any bad action or war or migration in my city I am proud to be somalilander so please Mr. prim minster and the comment of London conference to join agenda of London conference to our issue and support the recognition of our country because it is a time to support our effort we reach here to our effort we became democratic government without get any help we made our country peaceful without help in the world why the world closed their eyes us and we made a very rear history in Africa I think it is time that the world support somaliland to held up our future because we miss more thing because luck of recognition so my massage to a prim mister of British we need recognition please we need recognition recognition recognition of republic of Somaliland that is my massage to you Mr. Prime minster and the organizers of London conference long life Somaliland

  229. Dear matt
    I appreciate first the chance you give us I want tell you that iam citizen of Somaliland from awadl region and I surprise the people who say we are awdal state we don’t know what so called awadal state I live borama the capital of awal region of Somaliland we are enjoying peace progress and development of education we are somalilander and their people who say awdal is not Somaliland are jealous people who made propaganda they think that they injure the dignity of republic of Somaliland but that is not possible coz the world know what is Somaliland and how Somaliland is star of Africa
    we support Somaliland to be independent
    viva somaliland

  230. We believe in an independent Somaliland and we the Somalilanders fought in the first world war and the second world war. We the Somaliland people helped remove Japan from Burma in the second world war as we were the foot soldiers and Britain provided us with air support. This is why I beleive Britain should take the first step in recognising us as an Independent Country.

  231. I am surgeon working currently in wales. I was born in Somalia and have connection and regularly go back to provide basic health care in remote area such as the villages in the border of Ethiopia and Kenya.
    I believe that Somalia problems such be tackled from the grassroots level. Commencing from elderly tribe leaders and targeting selective development by providing basic development such as health village workers.
    In the political level I have no idea where to commence. Last year when I went the village I went was control by the Islamist groups. Those village is currently under the so call government and Ethiopian troops. Unlike the islamist groups they shot as they pleased, they torture by own brother and after long and tiring discussion with Ethiopian troops they released him.
    Al-shabaab have no place in Somalia and should be defeated but they can only be defeated by Somalis. Al-shabaab properly will stay till there are alternative solution to fulfill the security vacuum.
    Britian need to focus the resource in long term goals by help so call Somali government to create a variable security institutions to train professional police. The reality is Al-shabaab is far more professional and sensible than the Somali Police.
    The Somali Parliament need serious make over. The parliament which should be the nerve center of the nation consists hand-picked illiterates who uses as punch bags. Anyone who is in the parliament should have standard of education and proven integrity, honesty to deliver and develop the area, the tribe he representing.
    I am asking British Government as I am taxi payer to make sure that our money should to right place and those who in needs not the warlords.
    Finally Britain government should deployed it weight with the Somali population not politician who will be ousted by the people.

  232. hi matt..

    Khaatumo State of Somalia is a new state of Somalia which is being authorized to the Land of Sool, Sanaag and Cayn (SSC) and their capital cities Laascaanood, Ceerigaabo, And Buuhoodle, We are 2 million population where by the other clans such us Isaaq land (Somaliland) is 1.5 million people and puntland 2 million… How ever I don’t believe one clan can became a government… Khaatumo is my State , SSC is my Land , Dhulbahante is my Cland, Somalia is my Country… And I will Somali for ever.. I will fight for ever, every thing against for Somalia..

    Khaatumo Lander

  233. I m fully agree the effort you (UK) provide to solve the proplems in Somali and the conference as well, but one has to keep in mind that Somaliland is not a part of the problem, hence its required to take two approches:
    1. To bring all groups or regional parts in south Somalia to form their adminsteration
    2. To bring Somaliland governmet in the table and discuss with south Somalia with current issues, whether to reunify or separate.

  234. I am from Burco ( North Somalia), my clan is habarjeclo Isaaq, I believe Somalia is one country and I don’t want my clan needs. Somalia is one country one people, one Flag, one Passport, One religion and I am Somali… I am Somali for ever.. I will die us a Somali.. Somaliwayn, I don’t believe what ever he believes Siilaanyo. and he is a murder and big killer.. He only knows how to kill people he announce to kill a lot of people in laascaanood and buhodle, he said in and, I have to fight the people of KHAATUMO STATE OF SOMALIA.. i dis agree for him…


      Introduction . Area . Topography . Climate . Population .
      Language . Religion . Capital City . Political System . Currency . Imports & Exports . Agriculture . Mining . Fishery & Marine . Health . Education

      Somaliland is situated on the eastern horn of Africa and lies between the 08°00′ – 11°30′ parallel north of the equator and between 42°30′ – 49°00′ meridian east of the Greenwich. It shares borders with Republic of Djibouti to the west, Federal Republic of Ethiopia to the south and Somalia to the east. Somaliland has a coastal line to the north of the country which extends 460 miles along the Red Sea.
      (Click map to see it in detail)

      Somaliland is about the size of England and Wales with an area of 137,600km² (68,000 sq. miles).
      The major topography features are:
      The low-lying coastal plains known as the Guban, running some 70 km inland with a very hot summer climate.
      A high escarpment running east-west parallel to the coast and rising to over 2000m at Eri Gavo.
      A plateau to the south of the mountains known as Ogo, extending to Ethiopia, with an average altitude of 1200m.
      Further inland and to the south is the Haud, red sandy plains stretching southwards into Ethiopia, where altitudes fall to some 500m.
      The country has a tropical monsoon type of climate. However, there are four distinct seasons. A main rainy spring season from April to June, followed by a dry summer season from July to September. Then there is a short autumn rainy period from October to November, and finally a long dry winter from December to March. The latter is the most difficult for the animal herding rural population and to the farmers to a lesser scale. If the April-June rains fail the result is a drought that could kill most animals which have already been weakened by the December-March dry season, which also severely hits the country’s economy.
      Annual average precipitation ranges from less than 1000 mm on the coast to 500 mm inland except for a limited areas where it may reach 900 mm. Rain variability is very high. Hargeisa, the capital, for instance, with a long term average of some 400 mm has recorded variations from 209 to 810 mm per annum.
      Temperatures also show some seasonal variations. The winter months are normally cool with average December temperatures in the range of 15 – 26°C, while the summer months are the hottest averaging 26 – 32°C in June.
      The population of Somaliland is estimated at around 3.5 million. The average population growth rate is 3.1%. Population density is estimated at approximately 25 persons per sq. kilometer. Fifty-five percent of the population is either nomadic or semi-nomadic, while 45% live in urban centres or rural towns. The average life expectancy for the male is 50 and for females it is 55.
      Somali is the official language. Arabic and English are the other official languages.
      Islam – Sunni.
      Hargeisa is the capital of Somaliland with an estimated population of 0.65 million. The other main towns are Burao, Borama, Berbera, Erigabo and Las Anod.
      Somaliland has a budding tourist industry and is home to what is often considered to be one of the most interesting attractions in the Horn of Africa which is the Laas Gaal cave paintings. Currently, a small number of tourists travel to the country to see this sight. The paintings are situated near Hargeisa and were discovered by a French archaeological team in 2002. Currently to preserve the cave paintings only a restricted number of tourists are allowed to visit the site at each time. Other tourist attarction include the historic town of Sheikh which is home to old British colonial buildings that have been untouched for over forty years. The near by port city of Berbera also houses historic and impressive Ottoman architectural buildings. Another equally famous historic city is Zeila which was once part of the Ottoman Empire, a dependency of Yemen and Egypt and a major trade city during the 19th century. The city is a tourist must see place so they can view the old colonial landmarks, offshore mangroves and coral reefs and its towering cliffs and beach. Other notable tourist sights include the Freedom Arch in Hargeisa and the war memorial in the city center. Other natural attractions are very common around the country. The Naasa Hablood hills are twin hills located on the outskirts of Hargeisa that Somalilanders consider to be a majestic natural landmark. To travel to Somaliland you will require a visitor visa which you can obtain from your nearest Somaliland Mission Office. You can get the contact details in the Visitor Visa Section on this site.
      The Republic of Somaliland known as the Somaliland Protectorate under the British rule from 1884 until June, 26th 1960 when Somaliland got its independence from Britain. On July 1st 1960 it joined the former Italian Somalia to form the Somali Republic. The union did not work according to the aspirations of the people, and the strain led to a civil war from 1980s onwards and eventually to the collapse of the Somali Republic. After the collapse of the Somali Republic, the people of Somaliland held a congress in which it was decided to withdraw from the Union with Somalia and to reinstate Somaliland’s sovereignty.
      The country has a republican form of government. The legislative assembly is composed of two chambers – an elected elder’s chamber, and a house of representatives. An elected President and an elected Vice-president head the government. The President nominates the cabinet which is approved by the legislature. There is an independent judiciary
      The country has three political parties. i.e UDUB Party, Kulmiye Party and UCID party . The current President of the Republic is H.E Dahir Riyale Kahin and the vice-president is H.E Ahmed Yusuf Yasin of UDUB party who were elected on April 2003 for a five year term. The term of the current government was expected to end in April 2008. Elections were delayed to complete voter registration and next presidential elections are slated to be held by April, 2009.
      The official Somaliland currency is the Somaliland shilling (SlSh). The exchange rate the shilling against the US Dollar in end of December 2008 was:
      US$1 = Somaliland Shillings 7,500
      The backbone of the economy is livestock. The total livestock in the country is estimated at 24 million. In 1998, 3.5 million heads of livestock were exported to the Middle Eastern countries like Saudi Arabia which is the main market for the livestock export. The level of exports dropped after 1999 due to restriction imposed by Saudi Arabia which continued until 2002 when exports started rebounding and close to 2 million head of livestock were exported in 2008. Somaliland also exports frozen meat to the gulf countries like United Arab Emirates and Qatar.
      Somaliland also also exports Hides, Skins, Myrrh and Frankincense in smaller scale. You can obtain additional information from SOMALILAND CHAMBER OF COMMERCE website.
      2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
      TOTAL 996,403 1,177,095 1,125,817 1,558,934 1,857,883
      SHEEP 859,404 1,023,795 1,017,376 1,431,138 1, 725,441
      CATTLE 131,852 148,151 85,631 92,764 101,011
      CAMEL 5147 5069 22,810 35,032 31,431

      Annual imports exceed US$200 million. Principal imports include food commodities, apparel and footwear, fuel, building material, Machinery, vehicles, and chemicals.
      About 10% of the total area of Somaliland is classified as suitable for agricultural production of which 3% of the total area is actually under cultivation, while an additional 7% has potential for development in the future. The agricultural belt (Borama-Baki-Gebiley-Hargeisa) is inhabited by the 5-15% of the population who forms the agro-pastoral group. They farming method is mainly is considered as a complement to livestock production. Average farm size is eight hectares. Maize and sorghum are the predominant crops and are grown in 75% and 25% of land under rain fed farming by widely scattered small holders. Due to variability of weather, extreme fluctuations in production and yield are common. To a lesser extent millet, groundnuts and beans are also grown on a smaller scale. Horticulture (vegetables and citrus) is practiced along banks of seasonal streams and perennial springs although bulk of such foodstuffs have to be imported.
      Mining is limited to quarrying at the moment. There are, however, confirmed deposits of:
      Oil, Gas, Gypsum, Lime, Mica, Quartz, Lignite Coal, Lead, Gold, Sulphur.
      The fishing industry is still underdeveloped, but the country has 600 mile long coast with rich fishing grounds. Somaliland is strategically located at cross roads between Africa, Europe, The Middle East and South East Asia. In 1996 up to 846 vessels called on Berbera port on the Red Sea which has the potential to develop into a major commercial centre.
      In1999 , the number of Health centres was 44 and these can be found in most districts. Several private clinics (some catering for inpatients) are also functioning.
      Currently a new hospital is under construction in Hargeisa specialising exclusively in the treatment of for women & children. This hospital is expected to open in July 2000 and will be run by a Trust Charity. This hospital is initiated and funded by a Somali Nurse with other contributions.
      Education in Somaliland is recognized as a fundamental tool that will not only facilitate long term economic gains, but build the necessary human resource to achieve this goal. The Ministry of Education in Somaliland has a National Education Policy that supports achievement of primary education for all children. Currently, Somaliland has over 450 primary schools with total enrollment of 108,995 students, ( 36% girls and 64% boys). In the years 1996/1997 there were only 163 primary schools with a total enrollment of 33,000 students. Somaliland has 5 universities and 3 colleges that provide higher education in different fields of specialization including medicine, in which the Amoud university provided the first ever Somaliland trained medical doctors in 2008. Though progress has been made in education the issues of access, equity and quality of education continue to be a key challenge to education in Somaliland, and the lack of International recognition contributes to inadequate international funding to support policy implementation. The UN and INGO’s have minimally continued to supplement government and communities in Education.

      ________________________________________Copyright © Somaliland Mission 2009

  235. somalia must recognise somaliland … UK government U know somalia and U know somaliland the different between them so why always make confuse our country …. U know somaliland united somalia 1960 and now we back our independent 1991 … tats the true and tats our decision. ..

  236. dear matt:

    I am Abdisalan From Lasanod.. Let me share u something related to this conference. I am from a place called Sool, Sanaag and Cayn regions of Somalia which is SSC and the people called Darvish people and my State is Khaatumo State of Somalia. My clan is Dhulbahante , We believe the people of Somalia are united and we are not accept any thing regarding separation of same people. We are same language , same rice, same religion, and united…but the people of Isaaq Clan believe something else which is Somaliland..Us we are North Somalia together, my People of Khaatumo State of Somalia and Awdal State of Somali which is Borama will never agree the dividing of the country.. If Isaaq clan they don’t want the other somalis they have to take to their two cities Hargaisa and burco.. The president of Isaaq clan which is Siilaanyo was killed a lot of Khaatumo Lander’s in the last week..he is a murder of thousands of Laascaanood, Buuhoodle, and Ceerigaabo people.. If you want to help somali people, to change something in their future you have to keep the union of the country and secure all the people. STOP giving a lot of budget to ISaaq clan to fight the people of SSC otherwise support both sides and give same money..

    Dhulbahanta is a part of Solution in the Country.. If you solve the problems of Khaatumo State and ISaaq State, and Awdal State you solved half of the problems in somalia which is to keep the peace and secure the environment….

  237. Dear Mr Matt,
    The only thing Britih Government to do in this conference is to pressure all Somali stake holders to accept
    1-Good governance and end of the transitional period
    2-adopt Federal system for all Somalia both North and South
    3-End of hostility in all regions including Khatumo State of Somalia by the Somaliland forces
    4-start direct talks among all stake holders and hammer out long term startigic goals

    Having adopted the above points will end piracy and terrorist activities in Somalia.
    Thanks Mr Matt

  238. Dear Matt,

    I think that, at the upcoming conference the International community should finally wake up and see that ‘Somalia’ was a phenomena that existed from 1960-1991 and that maybe the future of the Somali people does not lie in trying to resuscitate a carcass. It is often said that recognising Somaliland as a sovereign state would set a precedent for other African states. But let’s stop for a moment and consider what exactly this precedent would be. A recognised Somaliland would say to regions contemplating secession: if you can come out of the ashes of a brutal civil war on your own, build a fully functioning country on your own, hold successive democratic elections and can be patient for 20 years, then you may be recognised. I don’t think that this would be an invitation for every ramshackle African region such as Darfur to seek recognition.

    Moreover, Somaliland was once a recognised country with a seat at the UN. Its separation from Somalia is akin to that of Syria from the short-lived United Arab Republic union with Egypt.

  239. Somaliland people don’t need help from the world in promoting democtracy, peace building, good governance, or feeding its people since there is no mass starvation. They have done all that without asking help. Somaliland needs the world to recongnize and give what is rightfully hers. The world infact need Somaliland and will help bring Soomalia in to sanity by employing its experience and unique knowledge they have. They know the people who failed themselves. The people who destroyed thier nation te people who was holding back Somaliland for 50 years more than any other nation.

    The British governmet should contain the Somalia problem outside Somaliland’s borders. Somalia is dependent to the world in every sphare of its affairs such as food aid, millitry aid, protection, education, health, governance, leadership and are still waiting the British to help them envade Somaliland wich is independent in every way. Common sence should prevail. Djibouti is a seperate Somali nation. Somalis live and are major fabric societies in Ethiopia and Kenya. Will the British government enclude thier lands and people into the mix?

  240. Somaliland, with a population of about 4 million, is an ex-British colony that willingly merged with the former Italian Somalia at independence in 1960 to form the republic of Somalia. But under the military dictatorship of Mohamed Siad Barre, Somaliland was neglected, although it remained an integral part of the Somali state.

    Following the overthrow of the Barre regime in May 1991, which left behind a country engulfed by anarchy and bloody inter-clan fighting, Somaliland seceded from the rest of Somalia and declared independence on the same day. Since then, efforts at reconciliation between the different Somali clans, drafting a new Constitution and democratisation have helped Somaliland metamorphose into one of a few peaceful, stable and progressive states on our continent.

    In the last two decades the country has made gigantic strides on the socio-economic and political front, though it does not get any assistance from Western creditors to build its economy due to lack of international recognition. It relies for its development, on livestock exports, tourism and remittances from Somalis in the Diaspora, which are estimated at $ 650 million a year.

    Even with its sparse resources, Somaliland has registered striking accomplishments, especially in the health and education sectors. For example, it has registered considerable reduction in maternal and child mortality.
    According to the deputy minister of Health, Nimo Hussein Qawthan, maternal mortality rate has declined from 1,600 deaths per 100,000 women in 1991 to 1,044 per 100,000 in 2006; child mortality rate which was 275 in 1990, has dropped to 166 in 2006. And because of the vigorous fight against malaria, the country is almost malaria-free!

    With regard to education, Somaliland has three world-class universities and several colleges as well as polytechnic schools – all built without foreign assistance. In 1991, according to Prof Ahmed Hussein Essa of the University of Hargeisa, there were a total of 219 primary, intermediate and secondary schools. Today the number of primary schools alone has increased to 506. Literacy rates have gone up from 20 per cent in 1991 to 45 per cent in 2010.

    And, politically, the country’s multi-party democracy experimentation has been impressive; respect for human rights and the exercise of the freedom of expression and assembly are some of the salient features of the democratisation process. The country has successfully held three parliamentary and municipal elections, two presidential elections as well as smooth transfer of power since the death of President Mohamed Ibrahim Egal in May 2002.

    But despite all these successes, Somaliland is still not recognised internationally as an independent and sovereign state. This surprises many an analyst (and infuriates the Somalilanders) because the country, which will never rejoin stateless Somalia, meets all the standard criteria of an independent state.

    Interestingly, Somaliland is remarkably different from Croatia and Kosovo – nations that never had a separate history from Serbia. Yet, the two break-away nations became independent with the support of the Western powers, followed by the rest of the world.

    On the other hand, the republic of Somaliland is not different from Eritrea which had a separate history from Ethiopia, but was allowed its independence. And Southern Sudan, which is historically part of the Sudan, recently decided to secede through a referendum and got international support. Now, why, one might ask, should Somaliland be treated differently? Is it because it has no oil?

    Soon, the Western countries will be falling over each other to open embassies in Juba, as they scramble for Southern Sudan’s oil, while Somaliland, which is well managed compared to most African countries that are endowed with natural resources, remains totally ignored; but for how long? This unique country needs to be recognised so that it can become a member of the international community, do business with the rest of the world and be able to sign international treaties.

  241. Firts of all, thank you Mr Baugh for asking our feedback for your work.
    Secondly, knowing that you are in this for the interest of your Brithish government and have clear goals and objectives to reach upon the successful ending of the up coming conference unlike the disoriented and idealogically abounding Somali factional groups. If you need history, have look at no other account but your British one. The Somali history is in the Britain’s past. For recet studies, you can refer to these reports:
    international Crises Group’s (Africa Report N°110, 23 May 2006), Time for African Union Leadership

    Brenthurst Discussion Papers: News Release [118058]

    report of AU fact-finding mission to Somaliland in 2005

    Understanding Somalia and Somaliland: Culture, History, Society. Ioan Lewis.

    On the other hand, I would suggest that you go back to Somalia’s history and look way back before it become a nation and how it was come to exist. What was the major factors that lead to its fall into this chaotic situation.

    Somaliland’s major towns were inhumanly bombarded by the last Somalia governmet and its citizens paid heavy price. More than 100000 civilians killed. There was human rights groups such as Amnesty International and African wach who jointly verified publications like “The Government with War against its People”. History should not be repeated.

    In conclution, the majority of Somaliland population(under 30yrs old) which is 70% Know only Somaliland and remember Somalia and its acts of the genocide committed against thier people, distraction of its major towns. They see the on going terrorism, piracy and corrupted TFG that are all in agreement to conspire Somaliland’s peace and democratic stability that it enjoyed. Enough is enough. Its time Somaliland case for full deplomatic recognition be brought forward and the conflic reden Somalia proplems contained and dealth with seperately. That is were British government and the free world’s interest lies.

  242. claims that Kenya is preparing to recognize Somaliland’s independence, which would create another new country in the horn of Africa. “Kenyan Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs Richard Onyonka said during an event held in Nairobi to commemorate Somaliland’s 20th anniversary of Independence that his country will support Somaliland as an independent state” reported Somaliland Press and Iran’s Press TV. Kenyans who have called for their government to recognize Hargeisa argue that Somaliland would help stabilize the region and stop Somalia’s expansionism dreams into Kenya and into Ethiopia’s eastern regions with Somali ethnic populations. Since Somaliland’s ally Ethiopia cannot become the first African country to recognize Somaliland, analysts have often maintained that Kenya and Uganda will be the first nations to officially acknowledge Somaliland as a sovereign country.

    Meanwhile, sources in Ethiopia claim that Eritrea’s President Isaias Afewerki is gathering anti-SouthSudan forces together even before South Sudan officially becomes a country. The Juba government in South Sudan will form an independent state on July 9, 2011 which will create the youngest country in Africa. However, Eritrea wants to remain the youngest country in Africa. President Isaias often justifies not having elections in Asmara and the lack of economic progress in Eritrea with the pretext that Eritrea is still the youngest country. According to the source, Eritrean President Isaias Afawerki has a unique foreign policy of collecting anti-government forces from countries in the horn of Africa (Somalia, Ethiopia, Djibouti, South Sudan, Somaliland and Sudan) in order to be relevant and have influence in the region. By creating instability inside its neighbors, the Eritrean government often uses its ability to mediate negotiations to restore stability among its neighbors as a leverage in its foreign relations with countries in the horn of Africa. Eritrea wants to have leverage against the new Juba government since South Sudan has a long border with Ethiopia that can be used to infiltrate opponents of the Addis Ababa government.

    Since it became a country, Eritrea has been involved in conflicts with Djibouti, Ethiopia, Yemen, Sudan and in Somalia.

  243. The government of Israel is ready to restore the de jure recognition it has offered to Somaliland in 1960 as it eyes the Red Sea and the Horn, an Israeli spokesman says.

    Below is an article published by Somaliland Press:

    The government of Israel is ready to restore the de jure recognition it has offered to Somaliland in 1960 as it eyes the Red Sea and the Horn, an Israeli spokesman says. According to a local source, Golisnews, Mr. Yigal Palmor, Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman is quoted on the Israeli newspaper of Haaretz Daily saying his government was ready to recognize Somaliland again. He cited Israel was the first state to recognize Somaliland in 1960 when it received its independence from Great Britain.

    However, Mr. Palmor admitted Somaliland government has not contacted the Israeli government to seek ties. When asked a question regarding Somalia, Mr. Palmor answered: “Somalia looks like the Afghanistan of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, historically speaking we know the Somali people have different believes and politics. The Somali people have different political values of which they unified in 1960 that led to the whole misunderstanding and ultimately the collapse of Somalia,” he told Haaretz Daily. While answering to a question regarding Somaliland-Israel ties, he said: “Israel was the first nation to recognize Somaliland and indeed was the first country the State of Israel has recognized, after it received it’s Independence from Great Britain. When it unified with Southern Somalia, again we were the first to recognize it. We always wanted a relationship with a Muslim country in East Africa and which we can share the Red sea with.” Mr. Palmor said his country was ready to restore Somaliland’s old status however currently the two states have no bilateral ties.

    He added Israel has ties with number of East African countries including Tanzania, Uganda and even Djibouti. Many analysts believe Israel has growing national interest in the Red Sea region, a key shipping route. According to well-informed regional sources Israel believes the region is also a key route for arms from Iran for Hezbollah, Sudanese regime and number of other groups in Palestine. The Red Sea gives Israeli ships access to the Arabia Sea and are within cruise-missile range of Iran. Israel also concern about Arab nations such as Egypt blocking it’s commercial shipping lines. There are unconfirmed reports also suggesting Israel wants to deploy submarines in the Somaliland port of Berbera and possibly establish a military outpost. Many Arab states have in the past expressed concerns about the proposed Israeli-base in the Horn of Africa seeing it as Israel surrounding them.

    The region is well known for it’s strategic importance and it was days ago when an Al Qaeda spokesman, Said al-Shihri, said “taking control of Bab El-Mandeb, will constitute an escalating victory: the Jews will be crushed in a vise, because it is through the Strait that the United States brings its support to Israel.” Bab El-Mandeb, which means “tears of gates” in Arabic is a 20-mile long inlet located in the narrowest point of the Red Sea, between the shores of the Horn of Africa and Yemen. It is no secret to Somaliland though, the former president, Mr Ibrahim Haji Egal addressed the very issue in a letter to the former Israeli head of state, Mr Yitshak Rabin in 1995. Fifteen years ago, Mr Egal saw the threat of Islamic fundamentalism and the importance of Bab El-Mandeb.

    Mr Egal, who became prime minister of Somaliland at the age of only 30, wrote: “Today, however, although the West had won the cold war and the threat of communism appears to be vanishing in many parts of the world, we, in the Horn of Africa, are being threatened by a more sinister and pernicious enemy in the form of encroaching Islamic influence.” Mr Egal continues, “my government firmly believes that owing to this region’s strategic geopolitical importance as a result of its propinquity to the oil routes and the narrow Bab El-Mandeb entrance, as well as its proximity to the Gulf, the Middle East and the access to the Indian Ocean.”

    Egal, who was a champion politician, died May 3rd 2002 in the South African capital Pretoria. He was succeeded by the current leader, Mr. Dahir Rayale, who is said to have avoided approaching Israel in order not to harm Somaliland’s current fragile relations with the Arabs and Muslim world, which it heavily relies on for it’s only surviving economic engines – livestock.
    However many of the youths in Somaliland believe ties with Israel is better for Somaliland’s economic environment because of it’s economical and technological achievements. Many argue livestock is not sustainable economy because of health issues, climate change and urbanisation and prefer developing economy based on service and high-tech sector, similar to that one of Israel and Taiwan.

    Somaliland, like Israel, finds itself politically isolated, in the middle of a hostile region and at a thorny crossroads and if anyone is to reach out to the unrecognized republic, it would be Israel. It too knows how it feels to be denied it’s statehood and self-determination. While Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East, Somaliland is the only Muslim democracy in the region. Somaliland has it’s own hybrid system of governance under a constitution was former British protectorate which gained independence 26th June 1960 and was recognized by 34 countries including Israel and the United States. It later joined South Somalia in a union that was never rectified which lasted until 1991.

  244. Best way to stop al shabaab and terrortism in somalia is support a national army remove the arms in embargo from the somali goverment TFG. Plus the Ethiopians and Kenyans back to there lands. End AMISOM all equipment be donated to the Somalia National government. Somali’s and British have been friends for a long time in history.

    Support a greater Somalia, the Ogaden is Somalia its worse then Darfur, give them there land. Build Federal states of Somalia, with diplomacy but what can bring terrorism is Ethiopians doing ethnic cleansing. In all parts of SOMALIA.

    Internal Affairs is Internal Affairs. Let the Somali’s solve the rest with opionions from there British and turkish counterparts and the world. thank you

  245. ======================================
    Somaliland is a country in the horn of africa which retained it’s independence and statehood in 1991 after a bloody civil war with somalia, somaliland was a former british protectrate until 26 june 1960 it later united with italian somaliland to form the somali republic, and after many years of conflict and mayhem it retained itls long fought independence in 1991, therefore after demonstrating to the world three democratically held elections,peace and tranquillity which are a rarity in that region of the world somaliland is still waiting to be recognized a sovereign nation

    An old wise man said :“Rise and fall of a nation rests with every one of its citizens.”, so we need all Somalilanders around the world and any one who support our justice case to join us, to make the world hear us saying (Now Now Now it’s time to Recognize the Republic of Somaliland)
    so we need all your voice , all your Courage ,all your Effort and creativity .. to achieve our goal … Somaliland

    In one day , one moment , one time all the somalilanders and who support our justice case we will send a message to the biggest countries, institutions, UN organizations and the media in the world.
    the day and the time , we will announce latter, suggestion r open

  246. ladies and gentlemen,
    here i want to discuss why somaliland republic recognized, because somaliland’s people were build peacefull and stability state somaliland have a own flag,money,parleimentry and president who were elected or voted their people with justice and fairly and there is democratic and have ruler part and other opositional parties (KULMIYE AND UCID), in 1960 somaliland united southeren somalia and build one state but when the president of southeren somalia masacred the north population decide to stand indepedently and make other state, somaliland were save teroriest and slamic malia as well as christan terorist,

    somaliland speak loudly and want their rights and recognize them

  247. Dear creates of the conferences, first and foremost.

    I would say that British have finally woke up, and they will correct the mistakes of the past, there has been conflict in Ethiopia and Somalia for years, living in Ethiopia and i believe the Somali government should have the land that is inhabited by Somalis as there somali state of the ogaden then can bring peace in the regime better future and resources in that land of somali will be shared by the somali goverment according the Somali goverment.

    Please be just, don’t steal wealth from orphans, and somali people that been living that god bestowed on them.

    Plus Somali’s are peaceful people, they live everywhere in the world without problems, and those Somali’s that were arrested for fighting with the Ethiopians to defend there land should be freeed thank you very much, its a national issue, ex if London your family were being mistreated wouldn’t you fly from anywhere to help them. end

  248. Somaliland has fulfilled the legal requirements for statehood. The only element that prevents Somaliland from receiving recognition and enjoying all the benefits that flow from statehood are the political considerations of entities, which they are unable to control.

    Below is an article published by Somaliland Press:

    The 20th anniversary of Somaliland self-declaration as independent state will be on May 18th [2011]. Somaliland declared independence after the overthrow of Somali military dictator Siad Barre in 1991. Although the international community does not recognize Somaliland, the country has beacon of hope in a region consumed by endless civil war and anarchy.

    While Somaliland appears to fulfill all the requirements of statehood, the lack of international recognition prevents it from establishing its position in the world as an independent nation. Since the act of recognition by one state to another is triggered by political considerations rather than a legal threshold, Somaliland finds itself in a position whereby it must justify its existence against political interests of various entities like superpowers in within the Africa Union, where their self-interests come first.

    The United States maintaining the position that the African Union should be first to recognize Somaliland, while politically safe, also undermines aspects of their foreign policy that claim to promote democracy in vastly changing landscape in the region. President Obama has placed democracy ahead of political interest and regional stability as it had shown through support of public uprising in number of Arab countries.

    The United States should take a more supportive role in Somaliland’s quest for recognition. Somaliland has initiated its own process of creating a democracy that fits within their social framework. By deferring the decision of Somaliland’s recognition to the African Union, the United States is failing to fulfill its asserted position of promoting democracy.

    While the African Union’s concern of recognizing Somaliland is not absolutely without warrant, one must consider the consequences for failing to recognize Somaliland. On one side of the equation is a group of people who have exercised their natural right to be free from war and oppression and determine the direction of their land and way of life. On the other side of the equation is the ambition that all Somalis will unite to form one Somali nation despite the fact that this attempt has never been successful. Moreover, the current situation in Somalia is lawless and has been so since 1991. Gambling the fate of the millions of people in Somaliland for the convenience of upholding borders that were created decades ago is in my opinion is ill advised.

    In the leaked cables the United States acknowledges the Somaliland government is in control of the region. However, they have withheld recognition to Somaliland on grounds that the African Union should determine the question of Somaliland’s independence. In turn, the African Union refuses to recognize Somaliland based on fears that doing so would lead to a series of claims of secession by other territories in Africa. Moreover, the African Union believes that recognizing Somaliland would create further instability in Somalia by introducing “a new dynamic into Somalia and its warring factions, thus threatening current efforts to establish peace and stabilize peace within the country.” Furthermore, the African Union further basis its position on their history of upholding the borders demarked following colonization to deter tribal claims of secession.”

    Other opponents to Somaliland’s quest for independent statehood have continued to argue that the citizens of Somaliland should partake in the unification of one nation and give another chance at forming the country of Somalia, which encompasses both the former British Somaliland and Italian Somaliland. But the Somaliland people have shown strong assertion for independence from the rest of Somalia as results of last election and formation of national constitution that assert their rights as independent country.

    In the wake of birth of Southern Sudan as independent republic, Somaliland people hope that the African Union and international community will follow suit to recognize the efforts made by Somaliland people in maintaining functioning government and flourishing democracy in the region. The Somaliland Diaspora is planning worldwide campaign and rallies to pressure the international community to recognize Somaliland. The Diaspora community in England will hold a rally to mark the 20th anniversary of the birth of the Republic of Somaliland on 18th May 2011. The rally will be held on the said date at Old Palace Yard Westminster (opposite the houses of Parliament.)

    The facts illustrate that Somaliland has fulfilled the legal requirements for statehood. The only element that prevents Somaliland from receiving recognition and enjoying all the benefits that flow from statehood are the political considerations of entities, which they are unable to control. Therefore, Somaliland’s pleas for recognition must be based on policy. There current administration needs to lobby the African Union to recognize the statehood of Somaliland. The situation is ripe more than ever. Strong governments with the African Union are opposed to recognition of Somaliland out of self-interest agenda to keep the Somalia intact, where neighboring countries like Djibouti, Kenya and Ethiopia are realizing that Somaliland people have shown dedication to democracy and it is the turn of African Union to support their efforts.

  249. of course security cannot be sustained with out political process: I thing there is one problem when it comes to political process of Somalia that is 20 years the international community were organizing reconciliation conferences in different countries so as to establish a fully functioning government for Somalia. But that way used by international community was wrong, the best way is that the reconciliation process should be started with in the country, with in the different clans and later the clans them selves will held a great reconciliation conference with in Somalia not out side Somalia. There fore the Somali people can easily establish a clan based government and later on international community is needed to help how this clan based government to be changed in to a democratic government ,were multiparty system will be established and the people will get chance to elect their leaders . This is the way Somaliland does with out help of any foreign intervention. So foreign intervention must be stopped and let Somalis to do their affairs and solve their problems by using the way their culture allows which is the only way they can over come their political and security problems . The last point is that there is one thing which is needed to be care fully considered that is the issue of Somalia and Somaliland. These two countries must be honestly mediated by international community and Somaliland must be given a chance to become a member of international community .if this happens then Somaliland could take a great role for the peace and reconciliation process of Somalia, Somaliland recognition is an important factor for the peace and security of the region in general, so UK government is needed to lead the recognition campaign of Somaliland.

  250. Hollo, all of you. I think Somali peace conference in London will be very important to the Somalians, becouse there is no peacefull region which enjoys complete Low and order in Somalia, even somaliland and puntland. If somalilanders used to complain a bout that the previos central goverment of Somalia forced them to come all of their issues in to Mogadisho, now it is federalisim own your own for example: you will have your own universities, immigration and courts. So please keep what you have in somaliland right now and share what you don’t have in central goverment of Somalia. We also know that two of somaliland’s majer tribes are supporting Somali goverment, so please somalilanders come forword to the point and don’t loose your chance before it is too late.

  251. Somalia need to recognise the Somaliland and referendum of North Somalia or ( Somaliland British protectorate), and then solve the south problems.


    In his speech to the Lord Mayor’s banquet on 14 November, the Prime Minister said that Somalia is a failed state that directly threatens British interests:

    “Tourists and aid workers kidnapped. Young British minds poisoned by radicalism. Mass migration. Vital trade routes disrupted………….”


    Given David’s speech, tell me two good reasons that Hon. Silanyo should attend this conference as propagated by Matt & Chris Allan in Hargeisa the day before yesterday. First, the conference is about a “failed state” called Somalia and the president Ahmed Silanyo of Somaliland should take care not to accept such labels (Somalia, failed state etc). Secondly, issues are being discussed from the perspective of the British interest (see above).


    This isnot a question of whether this is an opportunity or not but it is a question of how best to to get our message (Somaliland’s case) accross and that is by NOT ATTENDING the conference. If you ask him, David Cameroon, will admit the effectiveness of such a strategy (he himself refused to attend the UN climate talks in Cancún, mexico)


    Britain, as Somaliland’s ex colonial power, failed miserably to understand issues at stake. Britain has always betrayed Somaliland and this is one of britains business as usual foreign policy towards Somaliland characterised by broken treaties and lack of good faith since 1960′s and quote the late president Egal’s portrait of this naive sort of politics..

    []“Yet, throughout this long period of unfulfilled promises, of broken treaties and of deliberate lack of good faith, the Somali people have always maintained an inexplicable warmth and high regard for Britain . It is perhaps a great irony that the Somalis, of all the people in this world, should so genuinely and touchingly attribute to the British an unimpeachable sense of justice and fair play. With all due respect, in his own dealings with the British, the Somali was never shown an example of this quality which he so sincerely attributed to the British. ” (Egal, 1968)

  253. It seems to me some people have misunderstood what this blogger was asking for, so I would like to confirm and clarify what he was asking for

    I am sure the UK government would not adopt a foreign policy from comments on a website.
    So if I am not wrong you would like to know if we agree with what you hope to be the result of this conference, namely the below three points.

    “ – The opportunity to support a more inclusive and representative political process when the Transitional Period ends in August 2012;
    – The opportunity to help people return to Mogadishu and rebuild their lives in that city;-
    – The opportunity to take further action against Al Shabaab and piracy;
    – The opportunity to reinforce the relative stability in areas of Somalia, such as Somaliland and Puntland and in the south. ”

    Here I would say it is a good plan that no one would argue against, but the implementation is going to be frustrating to say the least. I think the representation should be passed on state or administration, because the current 4.5 is not true representation of demography in Somalia.

    In order for Somalia out of these nightmare we need competent and passionate leaders not people selected passed on their tribe or the number of arms they have, I know that is not possible for the time being but it should be the aim, or the next best thing is to select competent people from each state or administration.
    There should be a time limit on how long they can stay in office and there should be separation of power.

    The second two points of relocation of people who fled their cities and “Al- Shabaab” or Al-Shaydaan that goes without saying and you would have the support of Majority of Somalis.

    The final point is the peace in the stable regions of Puntland,(Somaliland, Khaatumo State and Awdal State), yes the peace and stability in these regions are as a result of the people who leave on this regions and they should be helped by disarming all the militias so the citizens who brought the peace can keep the peace and decide their future. There should be united nation/African union peace keepers in these regions to replace the militias that have the guns.

    Kind Regards and Thanks

  254. iam from Khatumo State which is newly established in Taleex Conference, we thank British Government their support in somali people, second we strong recommend the British government to invite President of Khatumo State Mr. Ahmed Karash and his cabinets to attend the conference expected to be held in London. We are dhulbahante we are not part of somaliland administration. we have our own state ‘khatumo’ and we have president and parliamentary and ministries cabinet. please visit our websites, like,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, thank you very much

  255. Dear Mr.matt, take care some people from somaliland are trying to give you wrong information about the somalia, we are dhulbahante clan and we did support Isaaq administration, although we have created Khatumo State, we have president and parliamentary and cabinet, somalia is only country, one blood and cultural and one religion, we are not supporting any separation, The isaq clan is maniotry, the somaliland regions consists about 6 regions, and 6 clans are living together, isaaq is less than 30%, dhulbahnate is more than 35% and gudabiirsi is more than 30% and 5% are madhibaan. so you should remember always only Isaaq clans want the separation of somalia while others want somali unity.. On the otherhand, please invite our Khatumo State in the somali conference expected to be held in London the mid of February 2012

  256. If i’m right this meeting in UK is not a referendum on somaliland breaking away from somalia? to my best understanding “This is what the London Conference is about – bringing together in London senior representatives from over 40 governments, multilateral organisations and Somali authorities to agree how the international community can step-up its efforts to help tackle the root causes and effects of the problems in Somalia”.shame on you to those who are trying to make this meeting about Somalia VS Somaliland………UK sees Somaliland as another state in Somalia. UK OR USA will not recognise eberland somaliland…..etc

  257. 21 years have passed and apparently we have learned much more lessons on the importance of nation/state governance functions. We appreciate for your support of giving us the consultancy, resources, advocacy and the venue, but I may advise for Somalia should be approached within the problem solving of the horn of Africa being optimized for Somalia to become a role model for Africa that could be realized through building a democratic society and effective government that abides the rule of law supremacy, good governance and human rights. The undemocratic, corrupted and who violated the rights of people when practicing of personal gains and the legend of clan supremacy should be brought ( the current and old surviving elites) to genuine court trails to shape the societal justice. A better representation of the civil society and their approaches should be given the top priority exclusively the business communities who were ranked as undemocratic groups where supposedly to be development actors, but in contrast now they remain trying to sustain the situation with no in-depth changes as they share no common understanding and interest with the rest of Somalia. There should be an in-depth changes in all aspects for the sake of new Somalia to
    enjoy life as global citizens.

    Somalia has an immense deposits of oil and gas and other natural resources too, but this should be exploited through bilateral interests. You started our socioeconomic development by taking advantage of our vulnerability, but this works if it is from up to bottom, however, we hope to put thing on the right track and ensure for new and greater Somalia to be established. Al shabaab and Piracy, you do not need any comments but you know better than us. Looking for your appreciation


    Jeylani Farah Mohamud
    Puntland Garowe
    Diakonia Sweden

  258. Matt,

    we support the British government’s efforts to help Somalia to unite and build an affective central gov’t again. We, as the majority of Somali people around the world welcome your efforts. BUT, in order to reach a full momentum, the british government MUST invite Khaatumo State of Somalia, which is fully supported and recognized by all somalis except some isaaqs. Awdal State of Somalia MUST be invited as well, if that does not happen, I am afraid this conference will not succeed as many others. Remember, ALL Somalis are paying a full attention to this conference, and they only want the outcome to be UNITED SOMALIA, CENTRAL GOV’T, SUPPORT OF KHAATUMO AND AWDAL as Puntland and Somaliland….THAT IS BASICALLY IT, PERIOD.

    Again, I thank the British gov’t and its citizens for taking on this challenge.

  259. Dear Sir/ madam,

    I came to UK to flee the war in Northern Somalia in the early 1990s, when I was 10years old. I am blessed to have had this chance to make something of myself here in the UK by studying and finishing University.

    However I still feel that something is missing in my life and that is obviously a stable democratic united Somalia.

    I have always wanted for an independent Somaliland, but I am now more in favour of a United Somalia, as both names are quite similar.

    Me and most of the Somali people have all suffered enough and urgently need Somali people to come together and be a strong United Country with our beautiful Blue Flag and white star, so we can compete with our neighbours in East Africa.

    I am sure there will be many disagreements, however I am quite certain the majority of our people would be in favour of a united country.

    I look forward to this conference and believe it is a step in the right direction, so let the talks begin and I want other Somaliland people to come and voice their concerns or support.

    Thanks Very much,

    Mr Jama

  260. europeans divided africa into countries when they were in charge. onething to know is that in 1960 british somaliland( Somaliland) brought an idea which they tried to reunion the somali regions (british somaliland, italian somaliland, french somaliland, NFD (part of kenya), reserve area (part of ethiopia)), but that idea died and seems the whole world including you (englan) impossible, so if you want to return that idea and want to make true, welcome and start the union from NFD, reserve area, jabout, italian somali and somaliland. but if not, why you are forcing to unite only two countries.

  261. Sheekada yey dhaafin fikirka reer Puntland, Anigase waxaan qabaa sidaa:
    Afartii sanoo la soo dhaafay Puntland dhib ay ummadda Soomaaliyeed ula siman tahay ayaa gaaray, ammaan xumo ha ugu darraatee (Shabaab dab hurisay, gal-gala qabadsiisay, Leelkase u gudbisay). Faroole af-lagaadyin geysay, waxaase ugusii darraa xaasid-nimada universalTV-Somali channel, BBC,VOA iyo web-side-yada qaarkood. Waxaas laga soo tag-yey.

    Dhibaatooyinkaas dhacay Puntland xallisay, Soomaali nabadaynteed-na ka shaqaysay(Shirkii Garoowe), Shidaal soo saar-na hawaysatay.

    Shirka London:Dhakhtaradda faraha badan waa lagu wareeraa,bal horta ROAD MAP-kaan halaga warsugo, haddii kale waa hadda iyo kow halaga soo bilaabo.
    Puntland tusaale fiican ha u noqoto(good role model) bulshada Soomaaliyeed. Xornimada Soomaaliya markii horeba imaansha-heeda reer Punland hormuud fiican bay ka ahaayeen.
    Waad mahadsan-tihiin

  262. Hi Matt,
    No Matter how hard Somali south and their supporters try, We (Somalilanders) NEVER accept to be part of Somalia again. If you write here million times and The whole world support you, simply We will not accept it. We tried our best to work and be part of Somalia and the only thing we got from them was 32 years of destruction and hatred towards our beloved country-Somaliland. We love to help and support Somalia as we are doing all the time(thousands of them are in Somaliland and enjoying the peace they destroyed yesterday! What a good people). We sent lately food and money for their famine from our tax-payers money(the tax of cities you destroyed yesterday) and their children and cousins or family members are those filling this page with hatred comments about Somaliland and its people. From those Somaliland regions and claiming false states, please be reasonable and remember you tribal leaders, politicians and every single intelligent of your tribes signed the current declaration of Somaliland. Let’s give some other important issues to Matt and the organisers and not waste everyone’s time a baseless argument. Somaliland is gone for good and British government knows that very well.
    God Bless Somaliland

    In his speech to the Lord Mayor’s banquet on 14 November, the Prime Minister said that Somalia is a failed state that directly threatens British interests:

    “Tourists and aid workers kidnapped. Young British minds poisoned by radicalism. Mass migration. Vital trade routes disrupted………….”


    Given David’s speech, tell me two good reasons that Hon. Silanyo should attend this conference as propagated by Matt & Chris Allan in Hargeisa the day before yesterday. First, the conference is about a “failed state” called Somalia and the president Ahmed Silanyo of Somaliland should take care not to accept such labels (Somalia, failed state etc). Secondly, issues are being discussed from the perspective of the British interest (see above).


    This isnot a question of whether this is an opportunity or not but it is a question of how best to to get our message (Somaliland’s case) accross and that is by NOT ATTENDING the conference. If you ask him, David Cameroon, will admit the effectiveness of such a strategy (he himself refused to attend the UN climate talks in Cancún, mexico)


    Britain, as Somaliland’s ex colonial power, failed miserably to understand issues at stake. Britain has always betrayed Somaliland and this is one of britains business as usual foreign policy towards Somaliland characterised by broken treaties and lack of good faith since 1960’s and quote the late president Egal’s portrait of this naive sort of politics..

    []”Yet, throughout this long period of unfulfilled promises, of broken treaties and of deliberate lack of good faith, the Somali people have always maintained an inexplicable warmth and high regard for Britain . It is perhaps a great irony that the Somalis, of all the people in this world, should so genuinely and touchingly attribute to the British an unimpeachable sense of justice and fair play. With all due respect, in his own dealings with the British, the Somali was never shown an example of this quality which he so sincerely attributed to the British. ” (Egal, 1968)

  264. I have to say thank you to UK Government for bringing Somalis around one Table on discussion of their goodness. UK wanted always that all Somali Speaking people to be united. It is not really first that Britain showed the world the interest of Somali Unity. It was before the independence when great britain recommended to unite the all Somalis where ever they were.

    I hope at this too UK Government will keep sovereignty of Somalia and lead this country to be held together and not divide it as some people of us are looking for. Wishing this conference that will be held in London in nxt month to be successfull and fruitful for all Somalis and Internetional Community.

  265. Dear Mr Matt…
    these somalia losers are ignoring the reality exist in somaliland, you dont have to believe them beacuse somaliland in not in turmoil so somalialand does not need to participate that kind of reconciliation…somalia and its blood suckers need to go there rehabilitate them….
    I see some stale views agains somaliland…you people from somalia are envy of somaliland…somaliland has been stable,peace and progressive for the last 20 years and the whole world is appreciated…but this kind of envy is norm in somalia…you somalians please stop hating somaliland while you dont agree to rebuild your country….i got surprise when you somalians disagree to stop killing your brothers,mothers, raping your sisters,and killing your fathers, distroying your whole country and you all agree on destruction of somaliland…the independence of somaliland lies in the hands of somalilanders…….before you talk about somaliland and anyother country who is successful, stop raping your mothers and sisters….but losers always talk like this………if you try to intervene somaliland independence you will remember what SNM did to you loser guys…Faqash…somaliland and its people destroyed the army of great somalia…….we put them in our mouth within few years and still in great shallow…

  266. All the jealous people from South Somalia, because harsh animals, eating each other, killing each other and back stabbing each other. we are your brothers [Somaliland] we always pray and beg Allah to give peace, prosperity and effective central government because we love to see you living in a peaceful life, and you always like to see Somaliland destroyed and became like your country. Why are you doing this????? We joined together, like many other countries joined together to form one government. if we couldn’t go together we must follow two different roads. Somaliland set up an effective government and the eyes of the world are looking in their side. All the world became fed up by trying to help Southern Somalia and the Pirate state of Puntland but they always fail. this conference were organized to inform all warlords and those representing un existed states that Britain will effectively work with Somaliland and recognizing it in this year of 2012.

    Hey Somalis, there is nothing you can do to weak Somaliland, cleans your hearts, organize your selves and come together, discuss and agree to make a government for Somalia, and be the fist country who recognizes Somaliland, then you will be in the hearts of all Somalilanders.

  267. One of Somaliland Girl says in long comment and said In conclusion summary London Conference on Somalia: Building Momentum

    “We have a been working very hard as a Diaspora community with the national and the international community to address improvement and to address the needs of our community. And not to forget to mention the successfully achievement we had nationally and in the Uk as a Somaliland community
    I can continue to write about the most effective reasons and evidence to make Somaliland a recognized country but I’m confident and I’m aware of your knowledge about this matter,
    Could I Please kidney request you and the British government to respond to this great country and community of Somaliland and be the leading country of the recognizing the republic of Somaliland ….
    Thank you and thanks to the British government.”

    To substantiate that statement here the evidence : Crisis in the Horn of Africa: A Somaliland Perspective

  268. hi first,
    secondly I 18 year old boy live in Hargiesa. The capital city of Somaliland, I never see war and problems. Becasue of our government secured the peace and stabilty. If we are somalilanders we are only peaple who have one vision and one mission. we don’t want to lose our nation. I don’t to lose the the Flag I was born under it. We really like our southern brother and sisters to get a peace and leave the war and problems. But we don’t want to unite with then again. Because still it’s on our minds the problems we had experienced by the time we united them. At least I want urge the international community to reconginze somaliland

  269. Dear Matt,
    Thank you Math for solving Somali issues and understanding Somalia. Here are key important for Somalis to understand : 1) security and development, and fighting for Alshabab 2) Supporting Regions like Puntland State of Somalia. 3) Puntland State has model that worked last 14 years and it is successful now . 4) Somalis should stop blaming others for their own problems. 5) UK should support Puntland State 100% for creating jobs inside Puntland. 6) UK should support for Puntland Marine Force for fighting for pirates. so they can create peace and security in the sea , and Horn of Africa.


  270. Dear Matt.
    I want to tell you that the Rebuplic os Somaliland is not one of the somali regoin
    but the Republic of Somaliland is a Free country The country have border and they have an elected president Mr Ahmed Mahamed Mahamud , is somaliland s President
    not shouth somalia .

    if we are Somalilanders we suporting our Goverment Somaliland and our president Ahmed Mahamed Mahamud .
    No more Muqdisho.
    remmenber Somaliland national day was 1960 6 26 and somalia was 1960 7 1 we where two country befor joined .
    now somalilans have money goverment and international flag .
    we will never reunited south somali or Ethopia or DJabuti , we are free country
    Somaliland viva Viva UK

  271. Greeting Matt Baugh,

    It seems we are not there yet to donate an accurate advice and plans to the world in order to end the horrible era. We should be good to find out better way to proverb, wiser to halt abhorrence and use all tools possible to accept the facts on the ground. Let us all remember that Britain won’t solve our harms their role is clear facilitation course only. Problem of Somalia’s for us to participate equally, sincerely to come up with rational termination of the past and generate new Somalia that can learn from the past and offer better chance for all walks of life. As we heard of or may be there to remember we had firs democratically elected government in Africa and for sure we have it in recorded history. We also had first presidential (may god give mercy His excellence Adan AbdulleOsman) peacefully power shift in Africa. Fair enough, we can do it again with even very much so or even much enhanced federal foundation to star from (bottom up approach)grassroots’ to the national level. We are all upset but we can make it well within this outstanding moment for all. As Puntlanders’ we have full of dreadfulness scenarios than North West Somali (Somaliland) ethnic group but we prefer to stay in accord. We share to a large extent in common not single difference perhaps political variation wherein collective responsibility is the only way forward.
    Finally, my advices as follows
    • International community must encourage Somali unity by adapting federal system.
    • Foreign military force is the only solution to defuse Al-SHABAB but our people are too sensitive to bear as such a brutal action. Given that, AL-SHABAB can benefit Ethiopian army on the ground for its religion misinformation therefore, to prevent any propagandas Turkey, Egypt, Pakistan and Malaysia would be an advantage to take the lead in its place.
    • Reinforcing Somali national army is crucial for Somalia and elsewhere (piracy, terror and all ill-actions) in the world. Consequently, huge investment should be made available to bring the law and order, to patrol its borders and secure its citizens.

    hope may voice is heard!
    Hussein A Fiqi

  272. It is very ironic that some people who subscribe to the elusive and dead idea of greater Somalia have nothing to backup that dream other then say something bad about Somaliland. Denying the existence of Somaliland a state that fulfills all the necessary requirements of statehood: a defined territory, a functional government (democratically elected on one) tells one very little about the merits of a so called Somali state. The Somali issue can only deteriorate when we disregard facts on the ground, Somaliland s here to stay.

  273. Somalia needs no more foriegn intervention least from former colonial power who gave Ogaden and NFD to Ethiopia and Kenya respectively. You could do us a favor by staying out of Somalia. You have done enough damage,

    To Somalis,

    No one will solve your problems and will come to your help-wise up and sit down together.

  274. My name is Mohammed and I have read some of these lines above. I sadly noticed a hattred opinoins based on regions, clans, tribes, etc we really dont need this confrence, because we aint ready yet, we need to grow up. Allah make us different tribes to recognise each other and not to kill each other if we dont agree. we had 16 FAILED confrences, ask your self why we fail, all inclusive is not the answer.
    If your are not part of the problem, you cannot be part of the solution.
    Somalind has gone wether we like it or not, and we are not in a position to criticize them lets be realistic. we have to stop to blame other people for what happen to our country, we left our doors open then we had alot of uninvited guests. let us unite the south first then we will be in better position, let us talk about our business and stop interfere others. lets kick out all politicians from the north to Somaliland they worthless and a pain in the backside. at the end we can sit down with Somaliland Gov. and intl community as witness only, if they still want to we can ask them a referendum with intranational observers presents if they gone we will congratulate them and work out a good brotherly relationship, they are not going anywhere they are there. in the meantime be civilised we are in the 21th century bros. do not lose faith, behave yourself, its not the end of world.
    thanks British gov

  275. Somaliland people will never again go back to failed marriage. The British government and the International community can not fold their eyes from the reality called Somaliland. And if they think the solution of all Somalis is forcing Somaliland people into failed Union, I warn this will backfire on international communities face. Solution for Somali crisis is recognition of Somaliland period. Any thing else as far as Somaliland people are consired is none starter.

  276. I’m still baffled, how does the recognition of Isaaq lands of Torgdheera and Wogoyi Galbeed as a ‘republic of Somaliland’ end somali problems. I see problems when non-Isaaq lands [ Awdal.Sanaag and Sool]become disfranchised with the government in Hargeisa and the reply will be clan cleansing and shelling with like is happening in Buuhoodle now. ‘Somalilanders cannot play victim and bullies at the same time.

  277. like or not UK and interntional community can not force somaliland and its people to join somalia, SO called most power full ragime of Somalia try to use force in our people but it doest work it result 20 years civil war. we are genartion who was born under somlailand flag, am 22 years old.i dont know what is somalia i watch tv as watch it other countires. and I will fight till my last drop of my blood . long life somaliland. 3 million people majorty isaq , say no to somalia .get real , We will live peaeceful to our interntionl community and our nighboorhood ethiopia long life our alies, ethiopia, UK, usa, isreal, friends of somaliland long life peace and love somaliland african best kept secret.

  278. All we need is a peace living Somalis in order to alternate contemporary situation of bloody civil war and obliviousness in the South. The British People knows everything as they have full diplomatic engagement with Somaliland, There is peace and development in Somaliland. A democratic State, an elected Incumbent President and the unprecedented Peaceful Transfer of Power from a losing Political Party to a Winning one. Relying on the common sense why Awdal State established after Rayale and not during his term of Presidency, just a Simple question? Awdal is one of the regions of Somaliland and its people fully support independence. I think this is not a big issue. I recommend to those live in Europe and North America who from this specific region to provide an assistance and upkeep the livelihood of their communities not to lead them hellhole. Those diaspora from Awdal Region of Somaliland are the only useless community who never help their community back, infrastructure, health and social service are a good example. They never support these important issues but animosity, war and uncertainty are what they exactly return instead. Please leave the hostility and support development and stability in Somaliland.

  279. On behalf of the Somali national association in Sweden, we are very thankful and welcoming the recent British announcement on hosting an international conference on Somalia because of the need to overcome both the instability and piracy activities in the country. We are contacting you as represent Somali National Association in Sweden. The Somali National Association in Sweden is a non-profit and nationwide democratic national organization that represents the Somali community in Sweden.
    Again the Somali national association in Sweden is very thankful and welcoming the recent British announcement on hosting an international conference about Somalia because of the need to overcome both the instability and piracy activities in the country.
    The Somali National Association want thank again the British government to their efforts to help Somali people both humanitarian assistance to the famine stricken Somalis in Somalia but also the political efforts to solve the basic problems in the country which is the protracted conflict in the country. The Somalia National Association is very positive to the British initiative to help Somalia to overcome the protracted conflict in the country and to organize a national reconciliation conference in London next year but the Somali National Association calling for restraint and reflection.
    We believe that Somalia needs a careful restraint because we know that there are approximately some 30 self-appointed clan-based presidents in the country today. For example now there are two strong clan-based states, one of the most stabilized area in the northern part of the country which are against a divided Somalia. That is why the Somali National Association in Sweden calling for careful restraint and reflection.
    Somali National Associations in Sweden are interested in attending the conference to express our views and to provide participants with our advice to them and to help the British government to get the conference to succeed. We believe that our efforts will be valuable
    and effective to the conference and if the British foreign ministry accepts our request to attend the conference so we promise that our delegation will be one or two persons who will express our views to the participants.
    Abdullahi Mahamed
    Somali national association

  280. MR MATT
    i must say as a somalian iam ashamed !!
    look what had become my people ONCE proud NATION and people with
    RICH history that dates back at least 1000 yrs are here asking help some dude called ‘MATT’ that is what is wrong with us.
    for those of you who’s fighting somaliland / somalia i have one thing to say to you TIME has come to look your self in the MIRROR that is if you have
    ayes with brain behind it!! LONDON is and will always be the root cause
    of oure ILL from the begening to the END
    isn’t it IRONIC you asking help those who colonized your for fathers AND
    give part of our land away to the ENEMY………………………………

  281. Dear Sir
    It looks like the topic has been hijacked by some people who are advocating for the terrorist group by the name of SSC which operates in Buhoodle District. This terrorist group was existed when Somaliland was under British Protectorate. This group of terrorists had been a well known terrorist group who fought with the British forces led them by Mad Mullah. So please do not entertain the gentleman with incidents that he knows more than you lot in this blog.
    There have recently been reported some incidents in the area of Buhodle as it was believed that it was orchestrated by the violent Alshabab affiliated group, SSC.

    The Somaliland Diaspora in the United Kingdom has already condemned the terrorist group by the name of SSC which has affiliation with Alshabaab and Al-Qaida. One week ago, the terrorist group of SSC is reported to have committed atrocity and killed civilian people in the area of Buhoodle District. They wounded civilians and are currently treated in Garowe. The terrorist group then attacked a few Somaliland military personnel officers after them approaching to the area in establishing and assessing the security after it had been alerted to them by other personnel from Somaliland who was already in the town of Buuhoodle. One of the Somaliland personnel confirmed this to the local news papers.
    The personnel reported that the aim of the violent and Alshabab affiliated group SSC was to create a havoc in the area in order to divert attention of the Somaliland Army Force who had been closely watching the conference held in Taleex by some of the main SSC funders who came from Canada and America. The Somaliland Security Personnel had been made aware that Alshabab and SSC were having a meeting in Taleex too for discussing how to destabilise Somaliland since Alshabab told the conference that they will be moving from Southern Somalia to Buhoodle as some of their strategic territories had already fell in the hands of AMASON and Kenyan Forces. It was also conformed to the media by locals that Suleman Essa Ahmed (Hagal tosiye), and others who had been visiting Telex via Ogaden with the aim of carrying covert operation against Somaliland. Suleman Essa Ahmed (Hagal tosiye), from Columbus, Ohio. Mr. Ahmed is the leader of the violent Al-Shabaab-affiliated rebel group named SSC or PSS , a warlike group bent to destabilize Somaliland at any cost. It was reported that Mr Ahmed and his comrades were having a meeting at Taleex with Alshabab but Somaliland Security was aware of their movements. Reliable sources of Information confirmed to the media that the aim of the meeting was SSC and Alshabab to form a new strategy for destabilising Somaliland to see the recent article explaining this, please see (
    For those who are living in Europe and America, you should know by law that you should not be advocating for terrorists like SSC and Alshabab.
    Thanks, Cabdi

  282. we don’t need other south Korea and north Korea facing each other with war endless and why the do always saying Ogaden region Ethiopian is occupied and Britain did give a away west region somalia to Ethiopian in Berlin 1888 where the divide African to colonised Ogaden region is not a name region Ogaden is tribes not a region name by the away a different clans live in west somalia like isaaq and Hawiya clan like Murusade and Sheikhal Hawiya the population is about of a six million of somalia under control of the regime of Ethiopian how the daily suffering from drought and blocked of Ethiopian regime region of somalia west. somalia a one country and not two country in separated and we don’t need clans regions name we want a working government

  283. Iam a somali man, thanks for those who give us chance to discuss about somalia in general, hard talk but is a long history more than 40 years but still part of somalia i mean south somali including mogadishu.why they coulden,t achieve peace? the answer is easy they don,t have good a leaders,tradionally or politically, that is what we have seen practically the last 22 years.secondly is the al-shabaab satanis who are only hungry for the blood of the young somalis they master minds are not somalis but crimanals who got save heaven in mogadishu and the hole south, but there si save heaven in somalia and this the future hope, that is the autonomous state of puntland since 1998.part of federal republic of somalia. a third of somalis population lives in the territory which contains about a third of the nation,s geografical area with it is capital city Growe, commercial citie bossaso, growe, galdogob, galkao, laskorey—-in december puntalnd hosted the somali road map conference peacefully, it has taken all necessary security and logistic measures alone and managed well , with presence of un representatives and many world ambassador especially those who interests somalia, the last 20 years puntland was peace island in a burning inferno, prasident abdullahi yusuf, prasident adde muse and the current prasident Dr. Abdirahman faroole all came through 1 man 1 vote. but puntland has many enemies who wants to destroy the peace, who are they? Alshabab and their friends we know last years al-qaida man shiek atom attacked puntland with the help of somaliland. what is somaliland? good question? somaliland the word means somali country, which means somalia, but the so called somaliland now is not more the separatist.they we part of somalia nord west region but the world is caming together look EU -look AU- lackly no body has yet recognized, we want to bring africa togther not to serarate again like colonialistis did, the worl will never aceept a small tribe to became a state, who will feed. if this haben. than each tribe wants it,s state choas kkkk. 4 days ago somaliland army attacked buhoodle and killed many people just because they don,t want to sepaarate from somali federal republicat the end iam really very and very happy to hear that puntland got a huge oil and started driling the dharoor one with canadian african oil company this is the end of th war, puntland will fed the hole east africa and will be the the imarate of africa. thanks again

  284. Dear Mr Matt,

    Thank you for your efforts for somalia.

    Somalia is one not two. we locate in the north of somalia and we have our own system which is Khaatumo state of Somalia. There is only one clan which is the ISAQ who wants to seprate from the rest of somalia.The Dhulbahante, Warsangali and Gudebirsi tribes to be part of somalia.

    We want to participate the London Conference and would like to meet you there at the conference.

  285. Hi, I am here to declare that somalia is one country and one people ,also there are alot of sides like KHAATUMO STATE OF SOMALIA, AWDAL STATE OF SOMALIA ,PUNTLAND AND ETC.there is no somaliland but there is different tripes in north somalia like dhulbahante ,samaroon, wersangali they all don’t want s/l the only solution is somalia and there is no need to divide , somalia is somalia and will be somalia no more then that.


    viva somalia for ever.

  286. Dear Mr Matt,

    First, I would like to say thank you and the Uk Government forr helping the somali people. We have heard that the UK Govertment is helding a very important conference for all somalis. This is a good move for the Uk goverment and we Somali are so gratefull for the uk effort for somalia.

    Secondly, I come from the north of somalia Specailly Khaatumo State of Somalia, it is a new state and wants to be part of somalia. If you hear the name of so called Somaliland, don’t trust it. We as Khaatumo state are disagree what the one tribe wants. It is the Isaq tribe who wants to seprate from Somalia. WE don’t want the country do be devided by only one tribe.

  287. Shame on the UK Government for rewarding thugs who are stealing from thier own people. Somalilanders does not support this meeting for obivous reasons and the British government know why!

    Ali Jama.

  288. Dear matt
    Somali people are jealous people they are always trying to made Somaliland like a south Somalia the pro al shabab and other Somali gungs trying to made propaganda what so called (khatuma or awadl stete) which have no existence in Somaliland
    Somalilanders believes deeply their issue they support independent of Somaliland coz they voted 97% to separate Somalia so we hope the London conference to talk our issue of independence

  289. hello ladies and mens

    my neme ist khalif nuur
    I am from Gar-adag Somaliland

    I just want to say a few things clear

    the people are from southern Somalia only opponents of the opposite Somalilanders

    because they have not done what we did as the Somalilanders, so they never want to say the is Somaliland own country, or was own country ,can be ,or wil be own country

    Since 1991, after s the dictator Siyad Barre

    until today we have done our best, so I think we’re even better than many other African countries, because there is almost no country like Somaliland did four times free and peaceful elections

    and we are waiting for recognition from international community

    and we hope now is the time to recognize Somaliland
    and we wil be Member of unated nation

    thanks every body

  290. Dear mr matt
    Some people from Somalia trying to give you wrong idea in Somaliland because they refuse the reality that Somaliland is democratic and peaceful country and full fill all requirement to be a independent nation while somalia is failed country which is famous in terrorists and warlords so even we are Somaliland people our application is we need recognition we don’t like unification of Somalia we want recognition of republic of Somaliland

  291. Dear Matt
    All thanks are to Allah who make us human been and make us different nation s and tribes who have different religions.
    We will thank the nations who were helping us when we needed.
    All thought we haven’t got same help like Kenya and other countries,
    But still we have to be thankful.
    My main concern will be if Great Britain makes the situation worse than we have now.
    USA was the main muscle which could make some differences in all that years but they chose not to.
    We don’t want another 22 years of civil war, and it will be great shame for Great Britain to fellow suit. Which I will doubts, because of the histories of Great Britain’s.
    Great Britain have all most one of biggest Somalia community in Europe, but sadly most of our youths has been criminals’ when we needed that they should be part of community.
    We need help in that area.
    Somalia was as everyone knows without government all most twenty two years,
    And our people are still trying to overcome their two decades of madness.
    We Somalian have to take our own responsibly if we want to get back our dignity and nationhood.
    Ones more we need our united Somalian, we don’t want small houses when Allah give us the biggest and greatest place in earth.
    May Allah bless our people and its great nations?

  292. asma (from borame somaliland )
    hi my name asma i live borame awdal region somaliland We expected to add the agenda of a London conference the Recognition of republic of Somaliland because me made all the requirement we made democratic election as well we have all the systematic of government so its important that the world must understand the reality because its unfair to wait recognition more than 20 years so please British government must lead the recognition of Somaliland

  293. After reading the comments of this page I realized that how low is the self worthiness, patriotism, dignity of the Somali people. It is really very misfortunate that in 2012 all of you would work for a colonialists of 20th century. This page has confirmed beyond doubt that the idoor or isaaq tribe worked for the colonialist and were never patriotic or had any pride or dignity whatsoever. I am really a shamed of sharing same name or speaking the same language. Just a man like you are all of you rushing to snitch one another. Very emberassing indeed.

    I am graduate and hold MSc in economics, very liberal, believe in peace and dignity among humanity, but never will I lower myself to this level or competiting for snitching one another for a british guy.

    I am Darood clan and I will stand proudly high above the sky, and never snitch another Somali or act like a dog and lay on the foot of a man like me. Not now and not ever.

    Somali conflict is better solved if you could believe each other as you are believing this british man. I am not anti britain or any country on earth but I am opposing this inferriority display. Come on guys. “WAAN BAAHANAHAY BAQTI LOOMA CUNO, HADAAD DHIMANEEYSO DHAREERKA AYAA LAISKA DUWAA.” You went on your knees and a man on his knees less than a man. Ask yourself, if you don’t show respect and dignity among yourselves who will respect you? You will be treated according to your category.

    You are what you feel and you can feel what you want. Don’t feel this worthlessness and inferiority feel proud and full of dignity. Wars happen, it happened in Europe, 100 years war between britain and france, 1st world war, second world war, but still kept their dignity.

    Stop this self inferiority and humiliation. Stand up and speak with dignity and not please mr matt, oh mr matt, mr matt we are this, oh the other is this, oh recognize us. Mr matt is not the owner of Somalia and has absolute no say whatsoever except facilitating this plog, and britain to try to stablize, which we are thankful no more than that.

      1. thanks. you r a true Somali . don’t worry about this misleading information given by those Nuts and their claim of independence has and will never make a sense, it will never be realized.. it is like dreaming at day light.. be rational guyz.

        1. oh really i can see you are having problems believing yourself but let me tell you some thing dreams with dedication become reality..and we’ll see the republic of somaliland recognition after few months….

  294. Dear Matt
    All thanks are to Allah who make us human been and make us different nation s and tribes who have different religions.
    We will thank the nations who were helping us when we needed.
    All thought we haven’t got same help like Kenya and other centuries,
    But still we have to be thankful.
    My main concern will be if Great Britain makes the situation worse than we have now.
    USA was the main muscle which could make some different but chose to not.
    We don’t want another 22 years of civil war, and it will be great shame for Great Britain to fellow suit. Which I will doubts, because of the histories of Great Britain’s.
    Great Britain have all most one of biggest Somalia community in Europe, but sadly most of our youths has been criminals’ when we needed that they should be part of community.
    We need help in that area.
    Somalia was as everyone knows without government all most twenty two years,
    And our people are still trying to overcome their two decades of madness.
    We Somalian have to take our own responsibly if we want to get back our dignity and nationhood.
    Ones more we need our united Somalian, we don’t want small houses when Allah give us the biggest and greatest place in earth.
    May Allah bless our people and its great nations?

  295. Dear matt
    I am suahayb hasan from lasanood sool region and i support Somaliland as a sovereignty state which is pant in the world and unites nation some people writing propaganda comments and they pretend they are from in sool region of Somaliland and they are talking what they called khatumo state of Somalia in reality we don’t know what so called khatuma ste we are somalilanders and we support Somaliland independent and we hope British government and united nation to respect our effort and recognized as sovereignty state

  296. DEAR MATT.
    First and for most ı would lıke to thank brıtısh government for thıs necessary conference.I was born ın mugadısho ın1985 ,ı know more about the conflıcts among somalıa groups,ı assume more of thıs people who are attackıng each other by gıvıng theır comments to thıs conference are teenages and they can ımagıne what they see daıly but most of them do not know the secret of somali conflicts.I am southerner and ı know more about our sıtuatıon becouse ıt ıs south where the most wars happen.Most of the comments ın thıs bage are somalıland and khatuma state who are attackınd each other,even they are blamıng each other that the other one ıs terrorısers,but ıam goıng to reveal the sıtuatıon and ı belıeve that thıs way wıll help you if you need to our peace.Brıtısh know that we are clan based communıty but fortunently,ıt seems that we are goıng to pass that stage becouse af states.You know we have aproblem of ALQAIDA lıke alshabaab and other slamıc groups besıdes that there ıs conflıcts ın north somalia between somalıland and khatuma state.It ıs clear that somalıland attacks and kılled more womens and famılıes in AYN regıon and SOOL regıon.I southerner man so,i have more experience about terrorıst wars ın somalıa that meens somalıland invaders looks lıke terrorisers like alshabaab.british should have to understand that somalıland state does not represent depart of somalia were british conquerd by.brirish government only looks the name somaliland,the name ıs the part of somalia were british admınıstaratıon ruled by alrıght,but thıs state ıs based by clan called(ISAQ).ı have another ımportant reason that you can know the sıtuatıon of somalıa,i am southerner,most of the terrorısers ın southern somalia are from somalıland and the leeder of alshabaab ıs MOHAMED AHMED GODANE, he ıs from somalıland espicially BURO town moreover,SİLAANYO the presıdent of somalıland ıs from BURO so. every body can easıly recognıse the sıtuatıon of our country.İ have told you that SILAANYO and GODDANE are cousın that ıs why ALSHABAAB not attack more ın somalıland becouse of the leader GODANE ıs from somalıland and most of hıs soldıers are from northern somalıa espıcıally BURO,BERBERA and HERGEISA .SILANYO ıs just actıng lıke GODDANE, thıs stream seems as plan.İf we are somalı we are bıg famıly we don’t need dıvısıon and seperatıon between southern somalıa and north somalia, we need to have apeace,development and great somalıa.

  297. Dear Mr.Matt Baugh;

    Thank you for the online facility to contribute ideas about the London Conference on Somalia. In line with this, I strongly recommend the conference should be based on regional representations of all Somalia.

    Thank you for the good hope.

  298. Dear Matt. Thanks for the brief information u have given above.
    I am a Somali Citizen originated from Puntland states. indeed it is a big disappointment to see the way my people are thinking and discriminating them selves after all we have gone through. Its like we are in 1991 and we never learnt from our mistakes.. only the fools do their mistakes twice. I am very delighted to see such a bright, pioneer people like Mr. ABDI in the first comment and the way he described the Somali and Somali-land is absolutely genuine and a true fact.

    Thanks to the Prime Minister of Britain Mr. Cameron for this generous invitation. I believe its a momentum for Somalis to address their issues very seriously leaving their echos and evil ideas outside that has destructed our country for the last 2 decades.

    let me highlight the best way we can look into the areas carry the name of Somalia for the time-being. Puntland and Somali land in one side are two areas and they have their own administrations. they have worked to maintain the peace and stability lucked by the rest of Somalia, though the second group claiming an independence since their establishment in 1991. while puntland is the opposite, their administration has always been a shelter to whole Somalis, currently hosted more than 800,000 displaced people from the south most of them in the last year. Puntland has played essential role searching for united Somalia, it has always been supportive to any effort made solving Somali issues. and they have never given up of their hope of seeing One United Somalia.

    The other side is the southern part which is indeed the only place that need a solution. these areas comprise the most important territories the Capital, Moqdisho and Kismaayo. the TFG is working hard to gain a full control of the southern regions with assistance from Amisom backed by the AU. and two other self declared administrations that control some regions in the south. Galmudug and Ahlu Sunna wal Jama’a.

    My suggestion to the International Community is to give a full support to the current efforts led by the TFG and the AMISOM to liberate the southern regions from the Al-Shabab Militia. I believe that International Community is giving much concern on the Piracy issues and the terrorist network organization establishing them selves from Somalia. it is a fact that Pirates has effected the whole world and they have negatively impacted the global economy and disturbed the world marine system. However, I believe now the International Community have realized bringing international coast guards won’t end the piracy attacks on the international civilian ships trespassing across the Indian and the Red sea. the best way is to eliminate the Piracy roots on the ground, the land is where they organize them selves. Thanks to Puntland administration, so far they have succeeded to reduce the piracy attacks originating from Puntland regions across the sea into a very low level, but it is an ongoing process and it requires full cooperation from the International community. Puntland set up marine forces to support their efforts to fight the piracy attacks and they have succeeded to rescue several local ships from the Pirate’s hand with out ransom.

    One day I am very hopeful to see United One Somalia and this conference is one such a chance that our people could reach into an understanding on their conflicts, now we have got the attention from the International community and they are willing to help finding our way back to peace and stability once again. hope something productive comes out from this conference.

    here is how I see the International community addresses the delegates coming to the conference. inviting those already established them selves and the rest can be represented by the TFG.
    Puntland,Somali Land, Khaatumo States, Galmudug, Ahlu sunna, Wal Jama (Expected), Jubba Land, Bay- Bakool region (Expected), Banaadir- Land (Expected) … these states could make up One Somalia and to informally suggest that Since Somali-land administration are the most extreme group claiming independence from the rest .. we the rest should be able to sacrifice either the presidential seat to be given to them or HARGEISA nominated as the Capital City. Thanks

  299. Dear matt,

    My names is Ismail Abdi I’m from Somaliland, Somaliland was British protectorate and has gained its sovereignty 26 June 1960 4 days early then in Italian somalia, before 1 july somaliland has an independent and recognized several countries in the world by making their flag. but unfortunately somalilanders took their independence from Hargeisa to Mugdisho, by making unlawful unification, because it was early to unite another nation without any laws and written documents,and sign, After that former somaliland took another name which was Somalia, after several years the problem appears becouse the somaliland’s share was not given to them, and somalilanders realized that their independent become dark and not working, 1969 Siyad Barre take the rule by military coup, After 30 years of our people were punished and arrested innocent ones, Somalilanders try to find another time their independent from the lion’s nose, after a prolong war, mass of death,huge destructive and great humiliation somaliland people regain their sovereignty which was lost a 30 years ago, and now a nation is 20 years old although we don’t still have an international recognition but we have a great moral and confident, somaliland will be an independent nation even if we can’t get any recognition from the world whether it take 100 years, and reunite is unbelievable in any somalilanders mind, the February London conference will be great opportunity to prove that our nation is not part of Somalia, and asking the international countries to give as an international recognition. SOMALILAND WILL NOT NEVER EVER REUNITE A FAILURE STATE OF SOMALIA, uNTIL THE END OF THE LAST PERSON AND THE LAST DOT OF OUR EXPENSIVE BLOOD,

    THANKS ,,,,

    Ismail Abdi
    Hargeisa, Somaliland

  300. Somaliland is an asset to be good example to follow by the rest of Somalia. if somaliland joins with somalia, is up to its people. Somaliland is a ready system open to entartain new somalia as it did before but not this time. Somaliland was always such mature region for the nation building. This time around somaliland will not be the first such region that create new somalia, it will go along with its way. The international community cant ignore somaliland, and its freedom and its good leadership. the rest of somalia need only to follow Somaliland. somaliland lets its people to gun down and take the pen and the book. The somaliland people are mature enough to have basic understanding if somalia good for them or not. so far somalia is only in the mind of many people but not exist. the beautifull blue flag we rised in Hargeisa in 1960 they burnt for ever and killed many people under it. Somaliland will not threw it self in chaos, piracy and and conflict with other fellow somalis if they don’t harm our peace. For the world, in london Somaliland will be such example, good leadership, political parties and elected local governments. Silaanyo is coming also in the conference.

  301. I am from SOOL especially Dhulbahante Clan I am supported my peaceful country SOMALILAND so please seperate somalia and somaliland and i suggest British goverment to recognize our mother land.

    we didnot believe Khatumo and other regional states

  302. hi my name is sharmake ismaciil abdi and iam a somalilander and i believe that conerence will help the war for somalia to get a peace after 20 years of war but i believe we are a somaliland and we dont like to take a part from another somalia and we hope a british goverment will be the first goverment give as a recognition becouse we was a british protectrate we take our edipendance on 26 june 1960 then we became a union with other somlia and it was a mistake that our politition made it un conditional union
    and i say we will stay until we got a recognition we have full goverment and we have a right to talk about future time to get what we want to be a part of united nations like other country and we blieve we got it if allah say and thanks for british goverment

  303. i am somalilander
    As we know the republic Somaliland has more historty between British government so when UK talk somali affair respect somaliland as indepedence nation. and know somalilanders people will never return what called union somalila, UK and every nation have to know our ambition is to be get recognize so that UK we will hope respect our vision

  304. Dear Matt and all,
    I am very disappointed with all camps of my fellow Somalis who seemed to come to comment with bais and prejudiced line of thought. Simply, I would like to say this is a global issue and surely your tribal hatred, use of words and phrases to demean another human being,clan-sub-clan or region of Somalia is not going to help anyone.
    All you are doing is that to express your hatred and prejudice toward other people. You are inciting , blatant clan hatred. Prejudicing or discriminating another person in Britian and many parts of the world is a crime.
    Come on guys, is this is all you can contribute to the debate by merely showing your true colour -that is playing clan politics. Do not you have a mind to reasoned, your own ideas to express freely rather than simply following your cla desires or organisation?
    This is FCO platform where world decision are made not a polluted chatrooms where cyber bullying is the norms.
    Matt and the world need tangible ideas, they do not need know I am X Land and Y land or A tribe is against B. The globe knows this. I was born Burao, lived, studied and work in Britain most of my life and could not careless about what family, clan, tribe, nation, city, country someone came from, all I care about is how to live in peace and harmony with other human beings. Full stop!
    One more point Matt: As you can see from the comments made the Somali expatriate communities are the greatest problem because they can not simply contribute to this worthwhile initiative without polluting your mind and country with tribal hatred.
    Thus, if they are proud of the anarchy and complete destruction their tribe did to another clan, then surely there is need to educated the expatriate here EU one-by-one, family by family before they start their the dangerous tribal warfare. I will be the first to direct them to the best libraries and historical sources of good old Britain.
    Secondly, this shows that the biggest obstacle to Somali peace is tribal politics, if we can solve that then there is chance of getting somewhere.
    Once again my fellow Somalis please put aside your family, clan, tribe, nation, city and tribal backgrounds and simply help British Gov and the world to find a solution to the problem.
    All the best.
    London, UK

  305. matt i great you for the debat to recog nize somaliland my name is amal and i think that somaliland is an develop country and have peace they dont need any type for help from the somali country and other nations somaliland is a good place with democratic so we need to recognize to our country somaliland

  306. thanks
    As we know the republic Somaliland has more historty between British government so when UK talk somali affair respect somaliland as indepedence nation. and know somalilanders people will never return what called union somalila, UK and every nation have to know our ambition is to be get recognize so that UK we will hope respect our vision

  307. Lets put out our ideological differences aside for a while.

    Don’t we acknowledge the shame our people face everywhere? endless wars, refugeeness, lack of proper and continuous education, sanitation, health facilities etc. Please give this conference a chance.

    If Somalilanders want to leave us, then good luck o them. It is their land, they don’t want to be with us ‘politically’, we can’t force them to love us or share something with us, so let it be. But they should also accept that they also suffer because of the problems in other parts of Somalia.

    The tribes in the North know how to divide their territories, we the Southerners will wish them well if they accept each other and live peacefully. I fully support if Somaliland gets its recognition. I have learn’t that no one can ever stop the will of the people.

    However, what I would like to ask my Somaliland brothers/sisters is this “The people of northern Somalia tried to make their voices heard in the 1980’s but the Mogadishu government did not even listen to their concerns, instead they were imprisoned, killed and their properties confiscated. The uprising did not stop and the struggle simple gained momentum untill the central authority collapsed. Do you feel now that history is repeating itself? When the people of Awdal and SSC chose to leave Somaliland your response seems to be exactly that of Siad Barre. Yes there are some Awdelites and people from SSC in Hargeisa as there were many from Somaliland in Mogadishu in the 1980’s.

    These people are your cousins, in-laws and maternal uncles, they are your compatriots in the culture and accent. The moment you treat them as enemies is when things will fall apart. This is testing time for you. I hope your wise-men, not your hawks, will handle the matter in this critical time of your history. Good luck to all Somalis.

    Abdi Jama, Bosaso

  308. Thanks to UK for sparing no effort on solving problems of the Somali people. Taking such steps needs better understanding of the situation and geopolitical division of Somalia.

    There is two issues with regards to getting solution for Somalia. This two issues needs to be addressed in different approach and different stage.
    In the first stage, let us get solution for Somalia different administrations and parties including Islamic groups, regional administration like Puntland, Galmudug, ximan & xeeb and so on. To solve the problem in Somalia there is a need for local solutions not imposed by international community. A good example is the Somaliland peace and state building process. Perhaps, we can ask our brothers in Somaliland to assist us on this. To do so, Somalia current administration and parties should have to respect the existence and self determination of the people in Somaliland, as well as involve Somaliland to take part the reconciliation process. There is a possibility we can request from Somaliland to offer a venue for reconciliation and facilitation process. I don’t think UN, AU, EU or anybody else can impose plan to Somalia unless local reconciliation process which all stakeholders and local structures are involved is done.
    In the second stage, Somaliland and Somalia can discuss the process of secession or unity – this depends on the wishes of people of Somaliland. What every they agree shall have to be good ends.

    I am wondering why Somaliland was invited to this conference. All other actors invited are from Somalia and believes Somalia. Somaliland is an independent country and issues of Somalia reconciliation not concern them. Even if they are invited, how this conference agenda and expected outcomes concern them. Since they are invited, the international community needs to consider their issue of independence to be part of the conference agenda.

    My personal opinion is that; inviting actors without common interest on such importance conference is contributing the failure of the outcomes. UK knows the situation in the region and have to think about who they are inviting how the agenda fits to them. Building state of Somalia does not concern Somaliland unless we agree and let them to be different state which its secession will be discussed in the future.
    UK and other international community are ignoring the truth. Somalia and Somaliland issues needs to be treated differently. If Somalia became failed state, why Somaliland did not get any respect of their self-determination. If good things and successfully society are not respected with their own wish and failed states get respect and support, this contributing all states to be failure in order to get the attention and support of the international community,
    Referring the comments people are posting here, I am wondering if we Somalis became failed states and discourage the people in the north who build their own nation with stability and democratic institutions as well as host thousands of Somalis from us who flee to their country. If they host our business people who run from war and hostility in south and central Somalia we need to respect them, respect their wishes and stop negative propaganda which we call Awdal land, Khatumo land and so on. Sure Somaliland needs to respect also the stability of tribes in Sool region which part of them are against them while tribes in this areas also forget about hostility and mobilizing civil war.

    As Somali in Mogadishu who loves all Somalis – I love to see Somalis in Ethiopia, Djibouti, Kenya and Somaliland living with peace and developed life and solution for Somalia. We all Somalis and need to love each other, respect the wishes of each other. We need to think about rebuilding Somalia state rather than increasing hostility with other Somalis.

  309. Iam somalilander who live in Kampala, Uganda . i want to talk about the conference which will held in London the coming month . somaliland was colonized by British we are same ethics with Uganda, Kenya and all British protectorate countries who is always stable while the southern Somalia was colonized by italy they are same ethics with Libya and Eritrea who always unstable . somalia was at war for the last 20 years while somaliland was stable and progress their development such the infrastructure of cities , free and fair elections and uncountable things which is development . i can say somaliland is a fortgetting nation

  310. dugsimale qabyaaladi waxay dumiso mooyaane, somali tii daacada wataa diihaalka u dhintee ku wii durdurinayaa waakuwa kolba doobinaaye, siyaasi baa kala dilay iyo niman dan eexeede, haday damiir leeyihin kolba daan maysheegteenee taariikhdii andulus dib may ufiirshaan sidii muslin hore loo dayacay ee loo kala daadshay haday xasuustaan tii darwiish loo dhigay iyo tii saylac lagu dushee marka la dacal marrey intay iyagu isdurayaan miyay diircad wax u qab adigaa dayooyo daawo rabe dalkaaga dhexdiis ku dhamayso danahaaga london dadbaa dhishtoo d waa dhididkii awawgaaye maantana adaa lagaa rabaa kaagan daalaye duul alow ilaahnoo barsha si aan dihaaalkan uga baxno
    by: Hadal wanaage

  311. The AU Fact -Finding Missiion of 2005 recommended that the Sovereignty be endorsed for Somaliland ……….. AU Council has failed , so far , to ratify that Sovereignty for Somaliland . This conference should be the liong delayed Re-recognition of The Republic of Somaliland

    1. thanks mr TOBY Kenyon
      really thanks million times thank you to your support you are talking truth and you know our issue well but south Somalia people trying to hide reality because they are jealous people thanks second time Mr. toby kenyon

    2. The AU position is, borders shouldn’t be re-drawn once Africa countries were given independence. Sudan would have been a single nation if not for the stupid government in Khartoum imposing arabisation and Islamisation on the people of the South of Sudan. They forgot that all languages and all ethnicity comes from GOD.And that Sharia applies to Muslim only. [ Being a military dictatorship made things worse].

  312. The Government , democratically elected in Somaliland , has brilliantly overcome the huge difficulties of poverty , drought and the destruction and genocide of 1988-1991 by winning the confidence of Somalilanders .The part which Somaliland will play at the Conference is showing how well Somaliland has succeeded .The Conference will be the long over due formal de jure political Re-recognition of the Sovereignty of The Republic of Somaliland . Somalilanders are happy and peaceful in their own country . The African Union Council may ( at last ) endorse the recommendation of the AU Fact-Finding Mission which recommended Sovereignty for Somaliland in 2005

  313. my name is shafi’i ali mohamed live in hargaysa somaliland i think that conference will held in london is good for sothern somalia not somaliland because”SOMALILAND DESERVES TO RECOGNIZE, SOMALILAND IS A SELF DECLARED COUNTRY WHICH NEEDS TO RECOGNIZE, SURELY SOMALILAND IS NOT A PART OF SOMALIA, SOMALILAND GET BACK ITS FREEDOM FROM SOMALIA IN 1991″. Haye haye ka kaca Somalilanders-kaw walaalayaal maanta MEDIA ayaa

  314. my name is shafi’i ali. i live in hargeisa somaliland i think that conference will held in london will be good all the somali states except somaliland because “SOMALILAND DESERVES TO RECOGNIZE, SOMALILAND IS A SELF DECLARED COUNTRY WHICH NEEDS TO RECOGNIZE, SURELY SOMALILAND IS NOT A PART OF SOMALIA, SOMALILAND GET BACK ITS FREEDOM FROM SOMALIA IN 1991”

  315. somaliland has achieved undeniable progress since independence and still on tract no one can stop , the british invitation of somaliland to attend the converence with the somali militias and war lords is abuse to somaliland which has showed peace ,stability , democracy , equality and society of equal rights

  316. Somali land come under British control 1884 and England gain again its Independence 1960 and then Somali land was made the union of two Somali after harsh rule including discrimination torjoil hash military orders and allot of incredible actions that faces the the northern regions which is called Somali land before the union the western people formed Somalia national movement which is worked to fight the regime of siyad bare government finally s,n,m was win to defeat the regime,
    then they hold conference all the six regions of Somali land regarded to form the new Somali land government which is called the republic of Somali land and the
    after civil wars Somali land become democratic government which is formed constitution
    Somali land people %97 are voted yes we regard
    then the second president of somaliland was open the democratic parties
    all in all somaliald people are not need second union but they are need a friend which is stand to development of the somililand

  317. Dear Matt.

    Somaliland is in peace. Somaliland is busy fighting against priracy and exrtimists from Somalia without ouside help. Somaliland leaders can’t afford London conference. Great Brittian must not mix the democratically elected leaders of Somaliland with the so called “leaders” of Somalia who are not elected but simply nominated because they are warlords who rule no more than a part of the capital Moqadisho with the help of AMISON, Kenya and Itobia.
    Peace in Somalia is only possible when is recognised

  318. If the British government really means what they’re saying to help Somalia to be a working country, then recognize Somaliland otherwise this stable region, that you know its history so well, will be the next problem.

  319. mhmd ssc

    I would lıke to thank the brıtısh government for thıs opportunıty.fırstly,ıf we are thıs opportunıty would help the world to understand the conflıcts ın somalıa.why we are fıghtıng each other every day.I would lıke thank agaın the brıtısh gevernment and saudı arabıa who are workıng together to have solutıon ın somalıa and we are welcomıng every communıty who lıke the peace and the development ın our country.MR MATT,you have to understand accurately the our communıty ıs clan based communıty.fortunently,last 5 years ıt seems that we are goıng to pass thıs stage fot clans ınto states,although,the states are also based by clans.You know the southern somalıa there are conflıcts among slamıc groups and our federal government besıdes that there are conflıcts ın northern somalıa between 2 state based clans called somalıland and khatuma state.somalılan(ISAQ CLAN)has three regıon called BURO,BERBERA AND HARGEISA also khatuma state(DHULBAHANTE CLAN) has 3 regıon called SOOL,SANAAG AND AYN.But you can easıly recognıse theır mısunderstandıng ıf you look carefully.The name somalıland means the land that brıtısh admınıstratıon coquered by and ıt ıs orıgınally from terrorısm group called SNM.So we should have to understand the mısunderstandıng between thıs clans,somalıland ıs general name whıch means the northern somalıa but the states and the clans are dıfferent.ıISAQ must control BURO,BERBERA AND HARGEISA and DHULBAHANTE must control SOOL,SANAAG and AYN.Thıs states are seperate state KHATUMA STATE AND SOMALILAND STATE.BRITISH can only get the sollutıon of our country ıf they struggle to joın great somalıa .ıam talkıng the voıce of somalı people plz don’t try to dıvıde somalıa becouse just we have only 2 part south and north and brtısh know that we were 5 part NFD,JABUTI,OGADENIA,SOUTH SOMALIA AND NORTH SOMALIA so,we are enough we don’t need another dıvısıon.Somalıland ıs one of the states ın somalıa lıke KHATUMA stat and somalıland must stop the cıvıl wars ın theır neıghbours.

  320. SSE: Response to the London Conference on Somalia: Building Momentum

    This statement clearly indicates that the organization of the Conference is not carefully considered. It indicates …….

    Date: 20th January 2012
    Ref:SSE 20919012011

    Dear Sir and or Madam,

    Somaliland Society in Europe (SSE) is a network of organizations representing about 45 Somaliland Diaspora community organizations from 11 European countries.

    We are writing to you to share with you our position on the upcoming London Conference.

    We welcome that the British government by hosting this International Conference has bravely decided to actively engage in restoring peace and stability in Somalia. It is a noble act and a goodwill gesture on the part of the British government to help Somalia stand on its feet again. As SSE we welcome every genuine effort to end the anarchy and lawlessness in our neighboring country, Somalia, and help her emerge from the abyss of total failure.

    We have closely studied the key objectives of the Conference and are startled to note that one of the key objectives of the Conference is to offer:

    “The opportunity to reinforce the relative stability in areas of Somalia, such as Somaliland and Puntland and in the south”

    This statement clearly indicates that the organization of the Conference is not carefully considered. It indicates a fundamental confusion and misrecognition on the part of the organizers of whose problem they want to address and whose interest they want to serve. The organizers intend to clumsily drag the peaceful and stable Republic of Somaliland into the lawless and chaotic Somalia. This is an ill-advised objective which at best will certainly fail to deliver any positive outcome, and at worst jeopardize the very peace and stability it very much seeks to establish. The organizers have failed to appreciate that the central themes of the Conference (peace and stability) are not relevant to the Republic of Somaliland anymore than they are to the neighboring countries of Ethiopia and Kenya and Yemen across the waters.

    We want to draw your attention to your gross negligence of acknowledging the de jure status of the Republic of Somaliland and mentioning it in the same breath as Somalia’s regional state of Puntland casts doubt upon the genuineness of the Conference. The aspiring Republic of Somaliland may not have secured an international recognition, but one cannot deny what it has achieved over the past twenty years and what it wants to achieve: an international recognition for its sovereignty. It is certainly clear that the organizers of this Conference have on both of these two accounts committed serious miscalculation and misread the political dynamics and developments on the ground.

    We fully acknowledge and trust you will agree that the Republic of Somaliland can play an instrumental role in restoring peace and stability to the Horn of Africa, in the fight against piracy and terrorism, and it can be a strategic partner in curbing the unpredictable and uncertain political situation unfolding in the Gulf of Aden. It can play a constructive role in the wider region because it has established effective and working institutions despite being unrecognized by the International Community and despite being surrounded by extremely violence, terrorism and piracy. However, the Republic of Somaliland will fulfill its role if, and only if, its aspiration to join the list of free nations is fully endorsed. SSE strongly believes that a recognition of the aspiring Republic of Somaliland as a sovereign state is in the interest of the International Community.

    For this London Conference to have any chances of success one should consider the previous 16 failed internationally endorsed Somalia Conferences. They all had one thing in common: piecing the fractured former Somali Republic together. For this Conference not to join its predecessors in the dustbin of history its organizers should seriously consider the dynamics on the ground. Any attempt to revive the failed Somali nation state either federalized or centralized will be disastrous and dangerous; and any attempt to persuade the government of the Republic of Somaliland to participate in this ill-advised Conference will surely be counterproductive. We, therefore, call on the London Conference organizers, the UK government and the International Community to seriously consider a Two-State Solution to the Somali conundrum.

    SSE fully endorses for representatives of the Republic of Somaliland to participate where there is a national interest for that emerging nation. We consider that this Conference is not serving the interest of Somaliland. On the contrary it undermines its aspiration to secure a de jure status. We, therefore, call on the government of the Republic of Somaliland to abstain from attending the Conference and strongly discourage our member organizations or individuals affiliated with us to participate.

    We fully support and welcome the decision of the government of the Republic of Somaliland that it will not be taking part in the Conference. Any change to this position due to pressure from the International Community will be considered as a dangerous move and a historical mistake.

    We sincerely hope that the organizers of the Conference will consider the concerns raised in the foregoing and correct it accordingly in order for the Conference to deliver positive outcome for all concerned.

    SSE Executive Committee,

    – The Presidency, the Republic of Somaliland
    – The House of Representatives of the Republic of Somaliland
    – The House of Elders of the Republic of Somaliland
    – National Political Parties of the Republic of Somaliland
    – Dr Augustine Mahiga, UN Special Representative for Somalia
    – UK All Parliamentary Group for Republic of Somaliland

    SSE is a network organisation for Somaliland Diaspora organisations from across Europe. Drawing on the Diaspora resources and expertise, SSE aims to contribute to the cultural, economic and social development in Somaliland as well as to raising the political awareness of its members.

  321. I am very glad to see so many comments here. I have just written a new blog, so please go and have a look at that, and leave a comment if you wish.

  322. Dear Matt,

    Again, Mohamoud Abdi Abdillahi. I Would like to add some more points to my comments of 19/1/2012. In that comment, I mentioned number of reasons why Somaland withwrawn from the 1960 unity with the South Somalia and taken back its sovereinty from Southeners. To make you understand the Somaliand claim of independence, following need from you to carefully study:–
    1) In 1960 when Somalilanders joined to Southeners and they went to Mogadishu, Somalilanders faced discrimination from the Society living in Mogadishu and other southener districts and regions. For example, the Southeners gave bad named to the Northerners. Those named including: The wrong Somalis (In Somali, the Somali qaldaan), Mad Somalis (In Somali, means (Soomaalida waalan) etc.
    2) There were different accent of Somali language which was creating lack of understanding of both communities;
    3) There two dfferent systems of governance as Somaliland were using the the British system of governance which they inherented from Britain instead the Southeners were using the italian system of governance, which coloniliased them, this problem caused difficulties in harmonising the both systems, which finally influenced by the italian language;
    4) The different Somali government which was influenced by Southeners that exisi ng from 1960 to 1991 had a connection with italian government, instead that governments had no connection with British government or it had little connection with Britain.
    5) In 1980’s when the cvil war broke ou in Northern Somalia (Now Somaliland), the Somalilanders massacred, there properties were destroyed. These crimes we committed by the Recognized powerful government of Somalia in that time which used all its powers and resources. When these things were happenining to Somaliland people, there were no one single person who resigned from the Southener influence government to protest what Somali Government did to Somaliland people. Same to that, the Southener civilian population did not do any protest against what the Somali government in that did to Somalilanders.
    6) In 1960, when Somaliland joined to South Somalia, they were expecting that the five Somalis will be found and will be united but that became impossible;
    7) Some of the people says, the Somalis are same culture, same religion, same language, yes it is true, but these things do not help that somalis to be agreed, be to united. These things do not assisting that Somalis to co-existing peafullly, These things do not help that the Somalis to have same national government.
    8) These points and the reasons I mentioned had been contributed that the Somaliland to withdrawn from the Unity of 1960.
    Dear Matt, I hope that you and your government shall consider all the points of my comment.
    Thank you.
    Mohamoud Abdi Abdillahi
    cell: 00252 2 4423137

  323. iam somalilander living in sweden .ithink we should understand one thing and that is somaliland will never join somalia .Somaliland has showed the world that they are a Country and met all the requirements to be a country, democracy, independency and constant development. and you saying that the Somaliland government is a militia is disgrace and disgusting. even if you do not like/agree the fact that they want separation you can deny what they did for the region and the progress they made to the situation of somalia,

  324. to my think and many other Somalis inside the country have the following comments.
    1. All the agendas sound good and it’s not the first time this agendas are addressed as such many other international community, UN, AU, EGAD and countries who have interest in Somalia had tried those agendas but all were in vain and despite further deteriorated the situation to worse.

    The major problem in Somalia are the Islamist group who have the majority support of the populations and they had convinced the people that the TFG, regional states are all for foreign interests as all are lead by Diasporas.
    IT’s clear the Islamist rebel groups have not been invited so it wouldn’t make meaning !!

    Mohamed ADEN,

  325. Dearest Matt we Somalilander appreciate you in advance, and we hope that you will convince the British government to recognize Somaliland as a Somali land Democratic Republic.
    If I give you a hint about our grand fathers who participated in Camel Court and lost their life, I personally my Grand Father was one of the Somaliland camel Court fighter who lost his life for the sake of the United Kingdom.
    The West has proven a valuable source of democracy-building and development aid for Somaliland, a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it republic in northern Africa. But it is China that has been willing to gamble big on the economic-development projects it needs most.
    “When you talk about infrastructure development, China is one of the leading countries in the world,” said Somaliland Foreign Affairs Minister Mohamed Omar, who is in Washington this week. “You cannot get roads built and bridges done, and ports done and airports, with humanitarian and development assistance.”
    “Contemporary development assistance focuses on what I would call ‘soft sector’,” Omar said: things like institutional development, education, health, capacity building. “Aid is not aimed to build roads—and for the economic development you would need to develop that infrastructure,” Omar said. “The Chinese are very good at that.”
    Chinese oil company PetroTrans plans to turn Berbera port into a modern facility, in a deal with the Somaliland government that will help PetroTrans export the natural gas it extracts from Ethiopia. Modern roads connecting Somaliland and Ethiopia will be part of the deal, which has yet to be finalized, Omar said.
    Somaliland’s democracy is still far from perfect, 20 years in transition from dictatorship, said Ibrahim Hashi Jama, a Somalilander and a lawyer now living in Britain. It also took a long time to build: Clan meetings on the constitution began in 1991, but the document was not finalized until 2001. Building up the judicial system to check government power and make sure that elections happen on time remain major challenges.
    The government is “an eclectic mix of our own,” Jama said in an e-mail: a U.S.-style president and separation of powers, but a parliament that includes a “House of Elders,” a body similar to the U.K.’s House of Lords that has a special focus on traditional issues. Somaliland is an Islamic state, and sharia is the basis of its constitution and legal system.
    Somalilanders themselves were “the ones who decided they were going to have a stable Somaliland,” said Paul Fagan, Africa director for the International Republican Institute. “They came together across clan lines, set aside their differences, and did it with no international intervention whatsoever.”
    The Somaliland system balances Islamic law, tribal tradition, and republican governance with respect for human rights and a commitment to fighting terrorism.
    “There aren’t many places like this in the world,” Fagan said. He called Somaliland an “easy place” to work because the government wants to improve its democracy and eagerly cooperates with capacity-building efforts.
    The institute is helping Somaliland’s legislative branch develop, a project financed by USAID. USAID and Britain’s Department for International Development both set aside unique aid budgets for Somaliland.
    Somaliland’s government believes it can set an example for Arab nations beginning to wrestle with regime change—and it may have something to teach the Western aid world as well.
    “We offer a lesson” for other countries going through a democratic transition, Omar said. “Somaliland did it. Why can’t you do it? And with limited resources and limited possibility and support, we have done it, and we are still working on it.”
    Omar traveled to Washington this week to raise his country’s profile and ask for humanitarian and development assistance. Lack of political recognition has hampered his country’s ability to attract humanitarian and development aid—not to mention foreign direct investment.
    But Omar, Jama, and Fagan all agreed that Somaliland is ready to move to a new phase and that economic investment is going to be vital, if the impoverished, arid country is ever going to develop. Until Somaliland is officially recognized as an independent nation—and not part of Somalia—it will be extremely difficult for foreign businesses to take on the risk of investing there.
    China has increasingly taken a more active role in Africa. As state-owned companies move in to extract African resources, Chinese investment in the continent has skyrocketed. Chinese involvement in Africa has worried some Western observers, but Omar argued that partnerships with China and the West were both vital and would complement each other.
    “The Chinese seem to be taking a bit more risk than any other country,” he said. “And where else would you go in this climate of economic difficulty? China has got the most cash and investment.

  326. Sovereignty the greatest and most important legal right or quality a nation, monarch or royal family can enjoy or possess.
    In other words, Sovereignty is the immediate jewel of a nation, {It is not only} the great vital of a state (it is it glory and independence the most precious thing it has).
    For that sake as of May 1991 Somaliland declared it re gaining it independence of the Somalia with taking revenge from their brothers of Awdal land Soul who was been support the former Government of Siad Barre, and up to the present we dealing with them as brothers, unfortunately they consider our brotherhood as an enemity. Somaliland was not given as a gift we have sucrificed and lost millions and millions of our nation and assets for the sake of our independence as such and we are very proud of it for ever what ever it might be.

  327. Hi all
    I am faisal. I was born in Somaliland 1980 in Burao region, I am going to talk about that Somaliland is an independent country which declared it’s independence in 1991, it is a democratic country that hold four fair and free elections.
    it has all governmental structures, it has a constitution voted in 2002, 98% yes, and also it has its own currency and beautiful flag.
    Finally the people of Somaliland will never ever reunite again with the Somalia.
    we wish them all the best but nothing more than that.
    Thanks UK for its efforts but never think of that Somaliland will be part of it.
    my regards


    I think we should understand one thing and that is Somaliland will never join Somalia again. so the question is where do we go from here?… I am somalilander living UK and I will never except
    somaliland joining somalia again… Now I want our brothers and sisters from Somalia to support us not against us and except the fact that we will not join Somalia again. I support the British government initiative to find solution for Somali issues.

  329. somalia need a strong army doesn’t need conference holding when the army was collapsed country turn into chaos .about Ahmed Mahamoud Silanyo he was first person to opposite Maxamed Siyaad Barre government he did served his government he said I’m opposite reported say Ap associated press
    because of Maxamed Siyaad Barre if he is removed then we can build government in somalia with the other opposition he did’t had any agenda to break the country into piece why are there inviting self interested clan leaders
    how the do not wish to see a strong government in my advice build a strong army

  330. Suggestion to Matt: to hear an all-inclusive aspect of the discussion, please also write your introduction in somali . So whomever wants to say something will not shy away from commenting here. Thanks.

  331. hi all
    I have good news for Somalilanders, today Mr Saleeban Eisse( hagla toosiye)
    told BBC Somali section, that SCC warriors will give up their rebellion against Somaliland forces and clearly welcomed the negotiations President Silanyo has called. This will be final arguments between Somalilanders.
    as a Somalilander, I would say, welcome back Mr: Saleban Eisse to your Homeland Somaliland.

  332. Somali President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed said his famine-afflicted country has undergone significant changes since the arrival of Turkish charities, the Anatolia news agency reported on Wednesday.
    Ahmed, explaining that hunger is a national issue that plagues the Somali people, told Anatolia that the Turkish government has given the country great support in coping with this problem.

    “Before the Turkish officials came here, the people were in danger of dying. Now children who were once waiting in line to die are full of hope and life and are playing in the streets,” the Somali president said.

    “We thank the Turkish president, the prime minister and the people for all they have provided us with,” he added.

    The Somali leader called the Turks the “true brothers” of the Somali people, and said that “the Somali people see Turkey as true brothers who have made and not forgotten their promises.” The opening of a Turkish Embassy in Somalia is an expression of Turkey’s desires and commitment to help their Somali brothers, the president also said.

    Though the Turkish government and people’s outpouring of support is greatly appreciated, Ahmed stressed that the hunger crisis has not disappeared.

    “We want the aid and support from Turkey to continue until we can stand on our own two feet,” Ahmed said. He also pointed to Somalia’s obstacles, namely the al-Qaeda-linked al-Shabaab militants and the decades-long civil war. “Despite this, our people are full of hope and believe that this bad situation will change in the near future,” he said

  333. Hello, Matt
    Im from Khaatumo state. There is one Somalia.
    KHAATUMO state=Sool, Sanaag, & Cayn.Tribe dhulbahante, Daarood.
    Awdal state = Awdal, saleel. Tribe Samaroon & Ciise.
    Maakhir State= Sanaag & Haylaan. Tribe Warsangeli, Daarood.
    Somaliland= Hargeysa & Burco. Tribe Isaaq.

    Somalia peace & unity.

  334. Dear friend
    I am the under signed a somaliland merchant recently residing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, I am deeply appreciating you for requesting a debate to write about somalia for the last 20 years.
    As a matter of fact I am not a somali, I am very proud to be a Somalilander for that sake I am deeply appreciating, and don’t like to write any thing about Somalia while i didn’t belongs to it, and I don’t have anything to say about it anyway.

  335. SNM project is failure its time to joint the rest of Somalia people becouse Isaaq(Clan) Can not be a country But Hargeisa is a provice that consists with Somalia..

    peace and love in Somalia

  336. I don’t think that there is no nation that is familiar with the grass-root of the prolonged problems exist in Somalia other than Britain. It colonized whole the Somalia. Somaliland was under kingdom’s rule nearly century. The politicians of U.K. can understand how to solve most of the problem as simple as recognizing the Republic of Somaliland as an independent country.

    Recognition of Somaliland could give its government more capable to solve the problems of rest of Somalia than any other nation. Lack of recognition brought in Somaliland bad influences from warlords of the south. Now a group claimed what they called Khatumo State in Taleh (the home of Mad Mullah which was a terrorist fighting the Britain more than 18-years) has the characteristics of terrorism and can deteriorate the situation.

    So why United Kingdom should not take a concrete step and recognize the republic of Somaliland that could be 80% of the problem of Somalia solved?

  337. DEAR MATT
    I would lıke to thank the brıtısh government for thıs opportunıty.fırstly,ıf we are thıs opportunıty would help the world to understand the conflıcts ın somalıa.why we are fıghtıng each other every day.I would lıke thank agaın the brıtısh gevernment and saudı arabıa who are workıng together to have solutıon ın somalıa and we are welcomıng every communıty who lıke the peace and the development ın our country.MR MATT,you have to understand accurately the our communıty ıs clan based communıty.fortunently,last 5 years ıt seems that we are goıng to pass thıs stage fot clans ınto states,although,the states are also based by clans.You know the southern somalıa there are conflıcts among slamıc groups and our federal government besıdes that there are conflıcts ın northern somalıa between 2 state based clans called somalıland and khatuma state.somalılan(ISAQ CLAN)has three regıon called BURO,BERBERA AND HARGEISA also khatuma state(DHULBAHANTE CLAN) has 3 regıon called SOOL,SANAAG AND AYN.But you can easıly recognıse theır mısunderstandıng ıf you look carefully.The name somalıland means the land that brıtısh admınıstratıon coquered by and ıt ıs orıgınally from terrorısm group called SNM.So we should have to understand the mısunderstandıng between thıs clans,somalıland ıs general name whıch means the northern somalıa but the states and the clans are dıfferent.ıISAQ must control BURO,BERBERA AND HARGEISA and DHULBAHANTE must control SOOL,SANAAG and AYN.Thıs states are seperate state KHATUMA STATE AND SOMALILAND STATE.BRITISH can only get the sollutıon of our country ıf they struggle to joın great somalıa .ıam talkıng the voıce of somalı people plz don’t try to dıvıde somalıa becouse just we have only 2 part south and north and brtısh know that we were 5 part NFD,JABUTI,OGADENIA,SOUTH SOMALIA AND NORTH SOMALIA so,we are enough we don’t need another dıvısıon.Somalıland ıs one of the states ın somalıa lıke KHATUMA stat and somalıland must stop the cıvıl wars ın theır neıghbours.

  338. Khalif Y. Ahmed, Somali Union ( Wadajirka Somaliyeed) Burnsville, MN, USA

    Comment on Using Satellite
    Imagery to Track the Developmental
    Effects of Somali Piracy
    This paper most probably and most doubtlessly has not been subjected to peer review. The “data” presented and the inferences from the “data” are fundamentally flowed, deficient and do not meet the lowest standards of intellectual integrity(1). The response to this paper from the “Ministry of Puntland” was baffling and different, too.
    Firstly, The satellite imagery presented does not supplement the “non-traditional sources” data where the underlying events that influenced the data were not clearly established. The satellite imagery of Garowe or Bossaso for 2002-2009 could have been augmented with a current ground level statistical analysis of data sampling/collection scheme where the fractions of houses legitimately owned by the right people and/or by the questionable owners could have been established after which the piracy onset period had been established. This kind of experimental design using carefully planned statistical illustration, credible light could have been shed light on piracy and its subsequent effects and economic contributions could have been ascertained. We could have compared likewise the images and data of similar city size to Garowe or Bossaso like Burao, Northern Somali Republic, keeping in mind that the Northeastern region ( Puntland) and the Northern region ( Somaliland) of the Somali Republic have enjoyed similar peaceful conditions, growth and development trajectory for the past 20 years. That kind of well thought experimental design and statistical illustrative analysis coupled with the satellite imagery could have been the minimum requirement to bring to light the alleged Somali piracy case. The gist of the satellite imagery by itself as presented is meaningless and has no merit as presented by the author. The author miserably failed to draw a credible evidence to finger point “the beneficiaries of the piracy” except to wage baseless lumped data, convoluted allegations against the innocent people of the Northeastern region (Putland) of the Somali Republic collectively.
    Secondly, the erroneous “data” presented in Figure 1 as local wages is so disingenuous without stating the effects of the underlying circumstances for instance, the US enabled Ethiopian occupation in 2006, the concurrent CIA money bags for the warlords, the after effect and impact on the trade disruption between Mudug, Bari, Benadir regions and the massive slaughter of the trading civilians and labor. There is no statistical variance analysis if the differences claimed among the regions is significant for different matched month to month time frames rather than the six months selected where substantial influencing effects where in progress. The author showed lack of knowledge of pertinent events relevant to the analysis and the to the misleading recommendations. This paper is a good illustration of the saying, “there are liars and there is damn statistics”. This is a convoluted study, where statistics is not used as an illustration but as a support like a drunkard uses a walking stick. In short, this paper lacks merit to recommend anything of substance to curtail the alleged piracy impact on the economics of the different Somali Republic regions. The coastal villages missing out on the “piracy loot” and to engage the coastal villages to combat the piracy is akin to the poorly thought “dual track” , the pet project of low level US State department bureaucrats to balkanize the Somali Republic. The recommendation to finance the coastline villagers to engage them in an effort to curb the piracy is like the US policy “dual track” clan engagements to curb the mindless Al-shabab on the one hand, and fragment the Somali people, on the other, without regard of the consequence for the cohesion of the Somali State. The US State department proponents of the “dual track” declined to participate in the US Somali Diaspora meeting designed to examine the “dual track” policy in Columbus, Ohio in January-27-28, 2012. This paper is another leg to balkanize Somalia further. The timing of this misleading paper is most doubtlessly to furnish “evidence” for the Prime Minister of Britain’s planned Conference in February, 2011 with the Somalis in London to justify the balkanization effort . This paper lacks intellectual integrity and peer review scrutiny and should be withdrawn from the Chathamhouse. It is equivalent to the report by the discredited gang that formulated the Bush Invasion of Iraq for bogus nuclear weapons.
    Thirdly, the assertion by the Ministry of Maritime Transport, Ports and counter-Piracy in “Puntland” that they have many “pirate” prisoners in their jails leaves one to wonder whether this jailing is to appease the west and lock many innocent fishermen who have no legal counseling. The rule of law in “Puntland” is a big question mark without the Human Rights scrutiny. Furthermore, the ministry has no concern or is ignorant about the toxic, nuclear and medical waste dumping in the Somali coast by the European pirates. The Ministry response is conveniently ill-informed about the lasting effect of the European pirates impact of waste dumping in the Somali Coast. Sadly, the exhaustive illegal fishing in the Somali coast by the European and Asian ships is not in the press release rebuttal. The countless Somali fishermen whose fishing boats were sunk or shot in the back by those fishing European and Asian factory trawlers for being Somalis fishing in their coastline is not even mentioned or acknowledged. The legality of jailing Somali citizens in foreign lands without due legal process is very troubling, although there are Somali criminal Somali elements. It is baffling that the Ministry is more concerned about the input “by a political Somali group” into this piracy bogus paper while the Ministry lacks any knowledge to mention Somali national issues. I hope Putland authorities get counseling before they attend the coming Somali Conference arranged by the UK Prime Minister(3) in February, 2012. This clearly reflects a deficit in leadership for the Somali Nation at every level.
    3) http://localhost:8888/mattbaugh/2012/01/17/london-conference-on-somalia-building-momentum/

  339. A Response to the London Conference on Somalia: Building Momentum
    Last Modified: Fri 20th Jan,2012
    The Republican
    Somaliland Societies in Europe
    360 Great Western Street


    M14 4BY

    Mob: 00447930655099



    Date: 20th January 2012

    Ref:SSE 20919012011

    Dear Sir and or Madam,

    Somaliland Society in Europe (SSE) is a network of organizations representing about 45 Somaliland Diaspora community organizations from 11 European countries.

    We are writing to you to share with you our position on the upcoming London Conference.

    We welcome that the British government by hosting this International Conference has bravely decided to actively engage in restoring peace and stability in Somalia. It is a noble act and a goodwill gesture on the part of the British government to help Somalia stand on its feet again. As SSE we welcome every genuine effort to end the anarchy and lawlessness in our neighboring country, Somalia, and help her emerge from the abyss of total failure.

    We have closely studied the key objectives of the Conference and are startled to note that one of the key objectives of the Conference is to offer:

    “The opportunity to reinforce the relative stability in areas of Somalia, such as Somaliland and Puntland and in the south”

    This statement clearly indicates that the organization of the Conference is not carefully considered. It indicates a fundamental confusion and misrecognition on the part of the organizers of whose problem they want to address and whose interest they want to serve. The organizers intend to clumsily drag the peaceful and stable Republic of Somaliland into the lawless and chaotic Somalia. This is an ill-advised objective which at best will certainly fail to deliver any positive outcome, and at worst jeopardize the very peace and stability it very much seeks to establish. The organizers have failed to appreciate that the central themes of the Conference (peace and stability) are not relevant to the Republic of Somaliland anymore than they are to the neighboring countries of Ethiopia and Kenya and Yemen across the waters.

    We want to draw your attention to your gross negligence of acknowledging the de jure status of the Republic of Somaliland and mentioning it in the same breath as Somalia’s regional state of Puntland casts doubt upon the genuineness of the Conference. The aspiring Republic of Somaliland may not have secured an international recognition, but one cannot deny what it has achieved over the past twenty years and what it wants to achieve: an international recognition for its sovereignty. It is certainly clear that the organizers of this Conference have on both of these two accounts committed serious miscalculation and misread the political dynamics and developments on the ground.

    We fully acknowledge and trust you will agree that the Republic of Somaliland can play an instrumental role in restoring peace and stability to the Horn of Africa, in the fight against piracy and terrorism, and it can be a strategic partner in curbing the unpredictable and uncertain political situation unfolding in the Gulf of Aden. It can play a constructive role in the wider region because it has established effective and working institutions despite being unrecognized by the International Community and despite being surrounded by extremely violence, terrorism and piracy. However, the Republic of Somaliland will fulfill its role if, and only if, its aspiration to join the list of free nations is fully endorsed. SSE strongly believes that a recognition of the aspiring Republic of Somaliland as a sovereign state is in the interest of the International Community.

    For this London Conference to have any chances of success one should consider the previous 16 failed internationally endorsed Somalia Conferences. They all had one thing in common: piecing the fractured former Somali Republic together. For this Conference not to join its predecessors in the dustbin of history its organizers should seriously consider the dynamics on the ground. Any attempt to revive the failed Somali nation state either federalized or centralized will be disastrous and dangerous; and any attempt to persuade the government of the Republic of Somaliland to participate in this ill-advised Conference will surely be counterproductive. We, therefore, call on the London Conference organizers, the UK government and the International Community to seriously consider a Two-State Solution to the Somali conundrum.

    SSE fully endorses for representatives of the Republic of Somaliland to participate where there is a national interest for that emerging nation. We consider that this Conference is not serving the interest of Somaliland. On the contrary it undermines its aspiration to secure a de jure status. We, therefore, call on the government of the Republic of Somaliland to abstain from attending the Conference and strongly discourage our member organizations or individuals affiliated with us to participate.

    We fully support and welcome the decision of the government of the Republic of Somaliland that it will not be taking part in the Conference. Any change to this position due to pressure from the International Community will be considered as a dangerous move and a historical mistake.

    We sincerely hope that the organizers of the Conference will consider the concerns raised in the foregoing and correct it accordingly in order for the Conference to deliver positive outcome for all concerned.

    SSE Executive Committee,


    – The Presidency, the Republic of Somaliland

    – The House of Representatives of the Republic of Somaliland

    – The House of Elders of the Republic of Somaliland

    – National Political Parties of the Republic of Somaliland

    – Dr Augustine Mahiga, UN Special Representative for Somalia

    – UK All Parliamentary Group for Republic of Somaliland

    SSE is a network organisation for Somaliland Diaspora organisations from across Europe. Drawing on the Diaspora resources and expertise, SSE aims to contribute to the cultural, economic and social development in Somaliland as well as to raising the political awareness of its members.

  340. first let me thank to mr matt and his government for their effort to settle somali prolonging luck tranquility secondly let me express my opinion vividly and explicitly if we glance back somali unification history as we all well known somalia where to independent state before they unite and somaliland has being colonized ur country and other was Italy so later after long row and problem we waged to retrieve our independence and every thing back his origin and we r again different countries so my recommendation toward u sir is to treat somaliland differently as nation not as regional state of somalia and u better not to invited somaliland these kind of in vain conference instead to better organize another conference which will be discussing somaliland and somalia issue and how they will separate peacefully …….thank u anyway

  341. It’s really funny how much hate you guys have for somaliland but Don’t worry because that hate you have for us is what makes us stronger. We somalilanders are trying very hard to correct the mistakes our grandfathers made 50 years ago and the good thing we have now is that we have learned you for 30 long years to figure out what u all about which is nothing but destructive and poverty so please stop trying because that manipulation won’t work on us again..

    If i look back the mistakes that our Grandfathers made which was united With Zooland. I am sure that if they waited for about months they would have realized there were nothiing there for them and would have kept their nation just like djibouti did..WE HAVE BEEN FIGHTING FOR SOMALILAND OVER 90 YEARS AND I WOULD LIKE THE WORLD TO RESPECT OUR WISHS AND RECOGNISE OUR NATION….we somalilander are in the middle of HATE Ocean just like the Nation of Isreal…….. GOD bless The Democratic Republic Of Somaliland…..

  342. Simply, the peace in Somalia does NOT depend on Somaliland or unity.
    brothers from Somalia should focus how to make peace and solve their own problems. interfering with Somaliland my further complicate the situation.
    the unity of the country would be goood but unfortunately, this will NEVER happen just because of the Somali people’s nature. instead of quarreling all the time, each must focus on their problems first. don’t lose time and money to where there is no solution. if Somaliland want to separate n develop by their own, why would you refuse it? let them go coz Qabil shit will never end!!
    that is my opinion

    short comments are recommended brother and sisters.

  343. Dear Matt,
    Firstly may I take this opportunity to thank Hon. Matt for giving this platform to the Somali ‘Community’ to share with you their thoughts and idea about the Somali peace process. Warmest greetings to all.
    Secondly, I would like to thank the British government for its wise decision for hosting this much needed debate. It really makes me proud to be Somali-British.
    Having said this, it makes me sad to see many of the people who commented did not get it – that nothing really works without peace.
    Certainly it cannot be denied that some part of Somalia there has been relative peace and stability (SL and PL) and we should all praise them in what they achieved but that is not the point here.
    Let us set the bar high rather than creating clan warfare in here.
    My take is that, EU should not conveniently wash their hands of from their historical role in sowing the seeds of all these problems. The key point is that historically, as you probably know in the latter part of 19th Century Britain, Italy and France made peace treaties with Somali elders in good faith; however without their consent Britain, France and Italy negotiated with Emperor of Ethiopia, (Emperor Menelik 1844-1913) without the Somali people’s consent divided Somalia into five parts.
    In my view, historically, this is where all today problems of Somalia really began. If we can all agree this factual premise then we can start to think the right direction. Otherwise like a headless chicken we will always go around and around a circle.
    Therefore, a good strategy would be surely not empty rhetoric but the European Union to take an active role to solve this puzzling problem. In other words, Britain is capable of solving many problems but in the case of Somalia France and Italy should aslo take the lead to solve this problem they created in the first place.
    To achieve this it would be a suicidal to proceed with sceptical and preconception agenda. In other words, politically, morally and strategically, it would be unwise to not be cautious dealing with or legitimise despots and the very people who caused the destruction and displaced in their families, villages and their communities.
    Words of advice: Britain should not shy away from the fiasco and massive failure caused by failed political leaders who slogans are “corruption is good’, ‘killing is cool’; ‘aid and clan are our keys’. Poverty, ignorance, disease and clan are their best comrade without this they would not last a minute.
    One last point, softy, softy approach will not work put your offensive geo-political-moral hat on and deal the matter head on by simply state that guys this tribal warfare has to stop immediately. To do this we need to start from scratch because for the last 20 years your urban- based clan politics hypothesis is not working. The world will not be at peace until we cannot how to learn to live together in peace.
    Regionally: the African union is useless as they failed to respect its promises of promoting peace and uniting African nation like EU did. Britain should criminalise the corrupt conduct of all African leaders who only think for their own self- interest rather than the common good of their country and beyond.
    Lastly any peace initiative would be fruitless and futile unless the Somali traditional leaders are involved because as you are aware ideologically clanship is the first principle of Somali society. In another words, the Somali vision of the cosmos is based on tribe as you may already sense in this debate.
    Therefore it is important to take this into account genuinely.
    To the Somali people: The world is confused about what to do with us. Please for the sake of humanity and peace let us put aside our cheap and immoral political, personal, tribal philosophical differences and look at how we can be part of this historical moment to build peace instead of building clannish cyber bullying.
    To my fellow Somalis, whether you agree or not, nothing really works without peace; without peace there can be no dignity and that’s fact. Think about that.
    British Gov. thank you, God bless and keep up the noble work. Matt, you can count on me at any rate.
    Warmes Greetings and All the best.
    Daljir, from London, UK.

  344. Dear Matt Baugh
    Confusion is in the word SOMALIA
    Originally and today (and correctly ) Somalia means , ( in the Italian language ) , the Somali territory which Italy colonized .
    The British Somaliland Protectorate is now The Republic of Somaliland
    Somalilanders are NOT AN AREA of the old Italian colony
    “The Somali Republic” was from 1 July to 18 May 1991 , and it was the two areas ( or regions ) of Somaliland and Somalia
    Mis-naming is a UN fault and confusing and wrong .

    1. Somalia was the union of Italian Somaliland and British Somaliland. Northern Somalis don’t have monopoly of the word Somaliland. Djibouti was know as French Somaliland before it was changed to land of Afar and Isa, after independence the gave themselves name, Djibouti.

  345. To my perspective, Somalia is a nation that suffered a civil war, famine for more than 21 years. People of Somalia need to rebuild their nation in economically, politically, security. And it is unacceptable to divide Somalia with two nation such as Somalia and Somaliland. Somaliland is not a nation and it is a small region of a part of Somalia living a small clan (Isaq) who don’t have anything such as agricultural, ecomical depends on Somalia that wants to divide Somalia. If UK wants to make this meeting to produce a good result, they must not create a more difficult to the people of Somalia. And I am encouraging you to stop those millitary funds that you give to the Somaliland because they are attacking their neighbor such as (dhulbahante Clan). I am from South Somalia particular Mogadishu and I believe Somalia is one nation and there is no body can separate us. I support Puntland because they believe Somalia owns Somali. People of Somalia want political, Moral, econommical support rather than division. I want to encourage to those who called Somaliland you better think a right path rather than to divide the nation of Somali. And i see you are claiming that you lost 50,000 people and we are lost more than 2 million people and we still love to be United. Thank you.

  346. I wonder why some people denying the reality of Somaliland, Many people talking about States, but you can understand what Somaliland stands for, our value is democracy, conflict resolution, peace building, respecting human right. Every one know that Somaliland is Only Nation in Horn Africa which Opposition Leader beat the incumbent president and transferred power from incumbent to long time Opposition Leader. The Elected President of Somaliland His Excellence Ahmed Mohamed Mohamud Silanyo cannot share and discuss other self opinionated states he has legal represnetative of people of Somaliland but all other leaders in Somalia they dont have that legal power since they oppionted them selfs or elected few people which reperenst 0.02% of the population

  347. Hello ladies and gentlemen organizers English
    I’m HIIS Mohamoud I was born in Sool region in Somaliland I lived in Switzerland I am originally from Somaliland. I love my country and I am more determined than ever to be borne by all means accession to the sovereignty of my country, I am still the signal is not fully recognized.
    I am absolutely in the fact that the solution to Somali DEPENDS ON THE RECOGNITION OF THE REPUBLIC Somaliland. And I speak as a connoisseur of policies and problems typical Somali and I am convinced that the solution to problems of state failure in Somalia is directly dependent on the political sovereignty 0 ACCESSION AND DIPLOMATIC WHOLE OF THE REPUBLIC Somaliland.
    that’s why we should and that it is high time to take PROBLEM FACING REALITY AND POLITICAL VIEW OF THE REGION SOCIO ECONOMIC, namely that the key to success of intauration of lasting peace in this corner of the planet is directly related to RECOGNITION oF THE REPUBLIC OF tHE Somaliland is a fact and a reality that can not exceed Dear Sirs AS THIS iS THE SOLUTION tO PROBLEMS.

  348. Somaliland is not few figure counted paid actors behind the creating what they called push button states such as Khamtimo State and Awdal Lands only existence in the Cyber Space. Somaliland Incredibly important of the next election coming up very soon. No body can’t ignore that Somaliland independence:

    Long life Somaliland nation, They have nothing to satisfy the problem of other Somali people because we speak almost same language doesn’t any political sense because the Arabs do speak same language too and yet spited our with 22 sovereignty governments. That’s made no political solution for other Somali’s deep problems for last 21 year with help all international communities and held already 15 international conference before this one . Somaliland is independent country needs to be recognized in this gatherings.

    Message to the Conference and Re presenter of Foreign & Commonwealth Office

    Now and urgently the people have aspiration of hope that UK will be the first government should morally unanimously Declare of supporting the Somaliland recognition.

    Matt, we should overlook and must be careful about the World MAIN STRATEGIES that laid down by the super power including UK and the location of Somaliland which is line with western world military and political together with Ethiopians regional control and has very good bi lateral and friendly relations with Somaliland as independent country.
    Means the things are bigger than just conference and blogging comment by depressive public of Somalia people.

    Good luck Somliland for the coming conference held in London and acceptance by the whole World the determination of declared and regained it’s independence in May 18,1991.

    1. he Committee to Protect Journalists is alarmed by the deteriorating press conditions in the semi-autonomous republic of Somaliland after this weekend’s detention of 21 journalists protesting a police raid on a private broadcaster.
      On Saturday, armed police raided Horn Cable TV headquarters after President Ahmed Mahmoud Silyano accused the broadcaster of spreading propaganda against his administration, according to news reports. Officers told the entire staff to leave and sealed the premises without a warrant, local journalists said. Horn Cable had recently reported on a meeting in the disputed Sool region in which the Dhulbante clan announced its intention to form an autonomous state under Somalia–and not Somaliland–according to local journalists.

      On Sunday morning, Somaliland presidential guards dispersed a demonstration by two dozen journalists protesting the shutdown of Horn Cable TV, according to local journalists and news reports. Officers beat journalists with the butt of their guns and detained 21 journalists at the Hargeisa Central Police Station overnight, local journalists told CPJ. Somaliland Police Chief Mohamed Saqadhi released the 21 journalists at around 2 p.m. local time the next day, news reports said.

      “The Somaliland government’s claims of upholding press freedom are belied by the mass arrests of journalists and the arbitrary shuttering of broadcasters,” said CPJ East Africa Consultant Tom Rhodes. “These acts of intimidation seem to be part of a pattern to punish the Somaliland press for its independent reporting of political news.”

      Local journalists told CPJ that Horn Cable TV returned to the air briefly Monday evening and was expected to be fully functioning soon.

      Seven other journalists were arrested in the past week, CPJ research shows. Only one, journalist Ali Ismail Aare, still remains behind bars. Aare took photographs of a petrol station in the northwest town of Borama that was allegedly owned by Vice President Abdirahman Abdullahi, news reports said.

      18 January 2012

      1. if we are somalilanders we are very proud to held a big conference which a negotiating somali state lost , which was anarchy goverment till the dictator
        siyad barre wer remevod the postion od admin of somali natioanal state.
        then after that somalia suddenly went out untherec state which is to split and created different leaders which every one claim that he is the leader of state, so its good to held a big conference in order to revise the default state
        and we are expecting that every thing will go right way if God says amin amin
        in other side the the remours says that somaliland is neccesary to take part
        that is not true somalia and somililand are same in the side of stateness and also govermental way so its alsway people dont mistreat somaliland dignity
        somiland persistence its nation that a flag and get its depence full from the somalia fully and the caller of the conference about the information so somaliland says we are expecting somalia to to regain its calm and we are saying forget somliland ist national exist that now stronger for you and some to you have good .

  349. Dear Matt,

    We thank Britain for its efforts to help the Somali people get together to resolve their differences and reach a lasting peace. However, the Somali problem can only be solved if the root cause is known, I am afraid the AU, EU and US did not carryout proper research in their pursuit for a lasting solution to the Somali dilemma. The remedy to the Somali problem is not in London or Washington, it is neither in Addis Ababa nor in Djibouti, but it is in Hargeysa! How?

    Here is the fact; the root cause is the missing brother which they are hopeful but unsure of his return (Somaliland) once they know the fate of the missing brother (gone forever), they will face the reality and deal with a factual situation.

    Somaliland and Somalia have united voluntarily in 1960, that unity has failed and led to a bloody civil war in the 1980s, this resulted the withdrawal of Somaliland from that UNION and the subsequent collapse of the so called Somalia state.

    The reality of the situation is Somalia has collapsed because it lost the engine that was pulling the cart, they are hoping that engine (SOMALILAND) will be back and start pulling the cart again (a dream that will never come true) Somaliland knows it can help to sort out the Somalia problem but does not want to do so because this will damage the stability of their country as people will feel that the current leadership is misleading the nation. The leadership knows this and will not dare to involve themselves in the Somali affairs with confidence. This will prolong a problem which has already taken 20 odd years.

    The only Solution is to Recognise Somaliland because;
    Firstly, after the recognition of Somaliland, the Somalis will realise that the engine they were waiting to for 20 years is gone for ever, and finding another one is necessary. This will help them to negotiate better without waiting for Somaliland.
    Secondly, Somaliland as an independent state, will engage more confidently in solving the problem of their brothers and sisters in Somalia because they will worry less about the local ramifications.

    In short, recognition of Somaliland is the key to a lasting solution of the Somali problem and the sooner the world realises this, the sooner the Somali problem will be resolved.

    Ali Adam Awale

  350. Hi !
    Yes. I believe that Somaliland can be part of Somalia’s solution. But first and foremost Somalia & its citizens must accept the fact that Somaliland is a country that exists and have existed before the failed union. Each one of them must recognize the other fully, to respect their wishes. Their recognition for each other will certainly create a friendly atmosphere of mutual understanding between the two sisterly countries that existed before, and can exist side by side once more – same like the Arab countries, or the Swahili-speaking East African ones. Their help to each other can start from there. But if we continuously deny one another, our major concerns will be ignored by us, and the rest of the world would be unable to help too. Thus continuous failures of all efforts, whether it is made by us or are orchestrated by international organizations. Thank you for opening that kind of positive dialogue between our successful Somaliland & the ailing Somalia country that needs our help. May God bless you, and may God bless all the positive-minded Somalilanders like you in this world. Once more, thank you & thanks to Matt as well as UK, since they are giving this good chance to Somalia

  351. It seems to me that most of you area touching the issues that in a way it suites you and whether you favour of having Somaliland or not that is not how to solve a conflict if Somaliland want independent away from Somali. Therefore they need to take a referendum and ask everyone that includes awdal people if they won the vote then i dont see why they cannot have their own but when snm overthrown Somali government their intention was not form country so called Somaliland letter it became their objective. .could anyone please tell me why it took so long to act from Somali conflict from UK governments prospective bear in mind what happened in 1992 many Somali dead as result war conflic and lettre hanger why now n and why not before although Aim welcoming the British Prime Minister’s announcement to host a Conference on Somalia.

  352. Mr. Matt, thank you again and your government, As I am Khatumo Lander and UK Citizen, we are kindly requested you to invite our newly born which is ‘KHATUMO STATE’ and also Gudabiirsi have their own state, which state which is AWDAL STATE, do not invite only somaliland, because we are living in somaliland but we are not a part of their government, we created our own state ‘khatumo state’ we have president and ministers and parliamentary, therefore if the British government wants the solution of somalia they must invite all parts in somalia. As i stated to you earlier, firstly you should understand our problems, specially, we are Dhulbahante, we are not part of somaliland govertnment ,,,, thank you

  353. Thank you Mr. Matt and your government for trying to solve Somali problem, My dear Mr. Matt do not forget and always you should remember, there is no fuctional government in somali and the central government was callapsed in 1991. but all others like Puntland, Somaliland, Galmudug and Xin iyo Xeeb, Khatumo State and Awdal State are local governments, so if your govenrment wants to solve the problem of Somali, they should inivite all. Thirtly, Somaliland consist 7 clans, Isaaq, Gudabiirsi, Dhulbahante, Ciise, Warsangali and Others, you should remember the Isaq family which is less than 36% of the puplication of somaliland are want separation, but others like Dhulbahante and warsangali and gudabiirsi do not want any saparation, they want to united in Somalia. Fouthly, Dhulbahante have local goverment called KHATUMO STATE AND we are as

  354. somaliland is one who want problems in somaliland please leave as alone must of them live outside somaliland like jabuti and canada and usa and uk. if we are somaliland we do not want to go back to somalia we lost 30years we have peace and love somaliland 85% want somaliland 15% makeing problems long live somaliland we want somaliland to be free from somalia and war

  355. You guys, you still keep complaining to Matt about your brothren country men.
    The site has become a platform where clans complain against each other as such that a British governor is still in control of Somalia.
    Please be decent and stop clannish business here.

  356. Hi all of my bro & sisters. I think this canverance is important to the all of Somali people. So i,ll say we have to seport and see what happens . If we are puntland people and government we are ready to talk all other people face to face. But I think the broplem is a Somaliland because they don’t want samthings that makes piece all of Somalia. I’ll say u guys are Somali and always you guys will need Somali. Thanks all of you

  357. Dear Matt,

    Britain should have ethical and moral obligations and must respect the wishes of the Somaliland people and must advocate the recognition of the Republic of Somaliland,

    If the world is serious about peace, stability and security in Somalia in particular and the world at large, then it should first recognize those who decide to take a bold step for the sake of peace, stability and democracy. The people of Somaliland did just that and must be recognized as a sovereign state.

    Somaliland deserves recognition because they succeeded in saving their people while Somalia has been burning for the past 21 years.

    Article 1 of the Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States (1933) defines qualifications for statehood as follows: (1) a permanent population; (2) a defined territory; (3) government and (4), capacity to enter into relations with other states

    The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the UN general assembly in 1948, specifically declares rights of citizens to resist human-rights violations. This underpins the legitimacy of citizens’ rebellion against oppression, such as the opposition which caused the collapse of the state of Somalia in 1991.

    The continuing denial of Somaliland’s recognition by the international community could result in yet another catastrophe on the African continent.

    Continuing non-recognition of Somaliland’s sovereignty will lead us three possible scenarios:

    A. Civil war with the Islamists. If the latter advance north as far as Somaliland, this may result in an exodus of refugees, millions of internally-displaced people and the further destabilization of the entire Horn of Africa. At the same time, Somalilanders would fiercely resist an attempt to end their independence, as they did when they defeated Siad Barre’s strong army

    B. This would demonstrate the international community’s denial of economic empowerment and development, and give an impetus to poor governance, corruption and instability in Somaliland. The current lack of recognition acts as an impediment to receiving international reconstruction and development aid, as well as to bilateral agreements with governments and the international financial institutions such as the World Bank and IMF

    C. A combination of civil war and non-recognition it will lead to a collapse in democratic government

    The recognition of Somaliland would bring stability, prosperity and a vibrant state with much to offer. Its continuing progress on developing the private sector, democracy and human rights (particularly those of women) makes it a model for other African states.

    The Only option for this International conference is to recognize the Republic of Somaliland, a peaceful corner of Africa with one of the continent’s few democratically elected governments. There is no hope left for Somalia, Somalia is dead and you cannot resurrect dead person

    Thank you

    Kaysar Maxamed
    Bristol. UK

  358. am welcoming GB effor, and i wont somaliland to participate this conference not as a part of somlia but to told the delegate of this conference what the somaliland people wont, am not condeme idea of person but shere with u may idea if you ar with my idea welcome if u dont its up to u

  359. I understand Somali people over abroad have the right rice issues important to them but you have to be careful not to contradict the points you try to make for instant there are plenty of comment in here attacking Somaliland without facts specially these ones making out is one tribe country (isaq) these guy making States in a Western Mijilis Awdal/Khaatumo etc. who possibly have not seen Somalia last 30years there are no any facts of your claims but the people of Somaliland have facts and evidence for what they stand for (you are claiming Somaliland is for Isaq and the majority of the country then how come longest serving president was not Isaq). looks like they using these peace conference to gain some individual interest which I think is pretty sick because if have any consciences there are Somali children dying out there who need this conference to be used step stone for sustainable peace ……………….


  361. we welcome any country that could make peace (southern of somalia)

    but, I told any one, Somaliland never,ever unite the rest of somalia

  362. Dear all,

    We should be grateful to Britain and the International Community for their efforts in trying to bring the Somali puzzle back together. It is healthy to debate the future of Somalia and what ever form and shape it might look like in the future. Whether it would be “Nation of Federations” “Complete Devolution with full powers or Regional Autonomy with limited powers”. What matters to me now, is to find a peaceful platform in which we can all join and work alongside in re-establishing our identity, dignity and sovereignty. Above all what matters to me is the lifting of the sufferings from those in Somalia whit their daily struggles! A lot of good people said before me that as Somalis there isn’t much of cultural, linguistic and religious difference. The difference is the level Stubbornness and the level of past blame we would like to attribute to each other. For me :
    1) It would be helpful if Britain and others support us in setting up a form of Transitional and Reconciliation Commission, similar to that of ex-Yugoslavia and South Africa a decade ago, albeit with a difference.
    2) Somalia should have Council of Presidents not A PRESIDENT, (maximum of 5 council members and 2 year turn each president) based on Somali Tribe make up
    This Council would act as the Supreme Council for the Country whilst we settle down, draft a constitution; establish normal state funtions etc etc.
    3) Establish only the most needed Ministerial Positions. We seems to be adding more and more ministerial positions every year just to please tribes. This should stop, there will be plenty of other jobs!!
    4) International community to support the funding of Somali Intellectuals going back to support their country (some of them perhaps resigning from well paid jobs) lawyers; doctors; economists; teachers and nurses, and finally for my fellow Somalis: Be united; Be Proud and be Forgiveable.
    5) Re st

  363. hi first,
    secondly I 19 year old boy live in Hargiesa. The capital city of Somaliland, I never see war and problems. Becasue of our government secured the peace and stabilty. If we are somalilanders we are only peaple who have one vision and one mission. we don’t want to lose our nation. I don’t to lose the the Flag I was born under it. We really like our southern brother and sisters to get a peace and leave the war and problems. But we don’t want to unite with then again. Because still it’s on our minds the problems we had experienced by the time we united them. At least I want urge the international community to reconginze somaliland.

  364. thanks u.k
    As we know the republic of Somaliland has more historty between British government so UK respect somaliland as indepedence nation and know somaliland will never return somalia later. and our ambition is to be somaliland get recognize,
    our last dicision recognize

  365. lam somalilander l live city of somaliland repuplic but l want to talk about somaliland only and l say somaliland is countery and somaliland people 100 95 they are belev somnaliland nand l say or l thel the govermanty of uk dont think somaliland is somalia

  366. Somali is an ethnic identity and not nationalities so if you want to describe the people of Somalia please call them Somalians. Somalis are a multinational ethnic group and inhabit in five different countries (Somaliland, Somalia, Ethiopia , Djibouti and Kenya). And i would like in my opinion the name of our country to be changed into another name instead of Somaliland!

  367. Dear ALL


  368. Hi;
    Somebody at Northern Somalia must admit that Somali land is not here anymore after Awdal and Khatumo’s move and settle with Isaaqland.
    If the case is so our 360 degree turn is just around te corner of 20 years or so of living a dream and war.
    Let us go to London and start from Zero as Siilaanyo acknowledged the fact that he has no choice but come to london and ready for a broad based
    Somali government from the scratch and those of you living the dream of the states and lands say S O M A L A…..and hoist the Blue flag every where.
    Do you think Siilaanyo will do it……wil do happily and champagne to become the head of the newly found Somalia.

    Will see.

  369. Dear Matt..
    I am from North Somalia and I am Real Somalia

    Here let me share you how to solve ongoing problems of Somalia..

    Call the conference all leaders of

    1. KHAATUMO STATE OF SOMALIA (sool, Sanaag and Cayn)
    2. PUNTLAND STATE OF SOMALIA ( bosaso, Garowe and galkacyo)
    4. GALMUDUG STATE OF SOMALIA ( galkacyo and mudug)

    if you need to over come the following problems of somalia

    1. Terrorists
    2. Pirates
    3. hanger and famine

    you have to the following steps

    support the government and all states of somalia and respect their freedom which is Khaatumo state and Awdal state of Somalia will need the union of Somalia..

  370. I think Turkey Prime Minister’s moral speech at the last UN general Assembly was a wake-up call for all western countries after they neglected Somalia for the last 20yrs. As a result, Britain firstly felt ashamed and has scheduled a trivial conference for Feb 2012. the conference’s major aim is Britain’s presence in Somalia’s affairs to be felt, although such presence has ever been unfruitful. As announced by the Prime Minister, the agenda is to tackle the menace of Piracy off Somalia coast. This obviously indicates the Britain’s dishonesty in the stabilization of Somalia’s long-existed Political gridlock and security issues, which are the most important for Somali People.
    I think Puntland should strive to properly advice Britain to review the agenda so that the most needed and pressing issues are addressed in the meeting instead of westng time on the perhaps the third priority issues.

  371. I am very thankful for the British government for their endless of Somali people. But what we know so far as Somalian is that the people of Somalia had no chance to resolve locally their internal problems.. due to a great direct or indirect intervention from the neighbouring countries. If this step that the Britain starts is true. then i would suggest very greatly to the British and their prime minister to consider first the Somaliland recognition; which will lead a great opportunities for the other Somali people to get solve their internal while Somaliland people and its government will contribute much more both technically and practically.
    Beside that the recognition of Somaliland will saves the somalia, and safe guards whole horn of Africa as well as the rest of the international communities.
    With this consideration, Somalia has a great chance to survive from further destruction as well as harbouring the international terrorist, if this is ignore, while other somalian are also covering their eyes on the reality on ground then we expect the country to torn apart widely then it is now. and remains and be the Afghanistan of the horn of Africa.

    Best regards


  372. DEAR MATT





  373. Deat Matt

    How ironic Mogadisho gangs are misleading people by claiming Somaliland are tribal Militia and part of Somalia. Let me tell you something, Somaliland facts are well known in the international community and no one on earth can derail the future of Somaliland.

    We have the fastest growing economy in the world, free elections, currency, Passport, police, army, navy, and free press. Not to mention peace, a world without fanatics and terrorist. Now Gangs of Mogadishu, your so called government in Mogadisho cannot even liberate their capital city from Al Shabab terrorist, while at the same time your ragtag government have fights everyday among themselves in the parliament. Whereby every other month government are dismissed and new ones are announced.

    All you do is fighting among yourself of how to control the small hand outs given to you by International community in order to help your starving people. While my Somaliland lives in peace and property, your sh*t hole is no more than doomed house of Hawiye tribe and their hapless minorities who cannot come together to form a decent government since the overthrow of Siyad Barre 30 year ago. For a long time now Mogadisho was a lawless city of crime, starvation, mindless killing, rape, terrorism and extremism, and piracy. Mogadisho tags and their warlords created instability in the whole of horn of Africa.

    I think it’s time Mogadisho regime and its pirate Allies (Puntland) is to be re-colonised, because they’re in a state of total chaos. And as far as Somaliland is concern, we don’t really care whether the world recognises us or not. We are shining light of East Africa and the only viable state in that region. Viva Somaliland and to hell with the rest

    1. The well known fact is the people of the Hargeisa,Burco and Berbera triangle represent 20% of the population of Somalia and maybe 15% of the land. I believe the regions of Awdal, Sool, Sanaag don’t share your break away desire, the shelling of Buuhoodle has shown that you just wolves in sheep clothes.

  374. Dear Matt

    How ironic Mogadisho gangs are misleading people by claiming Somaliland are tribal Militia and part of Somalia. Let me tell you Mr so intelligent, Somaliland facts are well known in the international community and no one on earth can derail the future of Somaliland.

    We have the fastest growing economy in the world, free elections, currency, Passport, police, army, navy, and free press. Not to mention peace, a world without fanatics and terrorist. Now Gangs of Mogadhishoy your so called government in Mogadisho cannot even liberate their capital city from Al Shabab terrorist, while at the same time your ragtag government have fights everyday among themselves in the parliament. Whereby every other month government are dismissed and new ones are announced.

    All you do is fighting among yourself of how to control the small hand outs given to you by International community in order to help your starving people. While my Somaliland lives in peace and property, your shit hole is no more than doomed house of Hawiye tribe and their hapless minorities who cannot come together to form a decent government since the overthrow of Siyad Barre 30 year ago. For a long time now Mogadisho was a lawless city of crime, starvation, mindless killing, rape, terrorism and extremism, and piracy. Mogadisho tags and their warlords created instability in the whole of horn of Africa.

    I think it’s time Mogadisho regime and its pirate Allies (Puntland) is to be re-colonised, because they’re in a state of total failure. And as far as Somaliland is concern, we don’t really care whether the world recognises us or not. We are shining light of East Africa and the only viable state in that region. Viva Somaliland

    1. The well known fact is the people of the Hargeisa,Burco and Berbera triangle represent 20% of the population of Somalia and maybe 15% of the land. I believe the regions of Awdal, Sool, Sanaag don’t share your break away desire, the shelling of Buuhoodle has shown that you just wolves in sheep clothes.

  375. Siilaanyo what they call the president of Somalilan or the Isaaq Clan which is Burco, Hargaysa, and Saaxil Killed more than 500,000 people of Khaatumo State of Somalia and today half of the population of Sool, Sanaag and Cayn are refugees in all over the world. however, these people of SSC Somalia or khaatumo State of Somali is not believe and they will never except the separation of the country.. If these Isaaq clan needs to be independent country they will not take one hand of SSC Land or Khaatumo State land which is Sool Sanaag and Cayn and their capital cities of Laascaanood, Ceerigaabo and Buuhoolde… Isaaq cland land which is Somaliland they only have burco and hargaysa comparing to Khaatumo State of Somali which is Sool, Sanaag and Cayn regions, these regions are double of Isaaq land State of Somalia.. Khaatumo State of Somalia will never Except any think regarding separation of Somalia and my people of Sool sanaag cayn regions of Somalia believe it is an obligatory the union of the country…

  376. Hukun says.

    21 yrs of chaos and misery is enough,what the somali people need now is unity,Somaliland is and will be part of the greater somalia ,we have already lost the Ogaden area and NFD,if we assume that Somaliland be recognised it will create wars lasting centuries,if the UK government is keen in helping the somalia people we need investment now and its urgent we dont need seperation…

  377. Dear Matt:
    I think that the conference should focus on these up-coming issues:
    1. International community must harmonize, review and revise its policy on Somalia; Unified policy approach is better-off For Somalia and for the expense of international community
    2. secessionist or separatist groups must be pressured and communicated clearly that it’s their interest to accept the creation of Somali central government; instead of waging clan based war against unionist clans inhabited in the north of the country; otherwise they think that they can achieve own clan based state in the north..Khaatumo, Awdal state and Maakhir land can be invited to the conference (Unionist groups from north of Somalia): while promoting Hargaisa as the temporary capital of Somalia, because I believe Mogadishu is the central city of conflict at this time.
    3. In the light of the formation of new central government based in Hargaisa as its capital for time being; and the support of U.K. and international community to the new government, then we can reach peace in Somalia and witness the fell of Al-shabab ideology and its organization. Most of Somalis need peace and state hood security where law and order prevails, but yet that requires courage and empathy from international community as well as clear and ratified policy from international community to communicate the leaders and fighting groups in Somalia. I wish you good luck and We promise to support British and UK initiatives on the establishment of Somalia Statehood…Historically, our ancestors failed to recognize that the British leadership under U.N to Somalia was better-off compare to Italian preferences in the days of freedom search; but now we know what went wrong; our society had Superiority complexity, which is not good and less humanity including degree of wilderness, but this has been also accepted as a mistake in the History books. This time the good will of Britain will be supported with Somalians. What we need is not tribal warfare and tribal competition but to enforce the establishment of central government and its functioning institutions
    We appreciate for what you are doing for us (as a British citizens and Somalians ) and wish you good luck in supporting us to become part of world community:
    Lasanod institute for peace and reconciliation

    Farah Ahmed

  378. Hi all!
    It is a great pleasure for me to be here today to post my opinion on London Conference on Somalia: I believe the conference will not move the current efforts forward but instead will back paddle the whole process unless, you respect and recognize the independence and dignity of Somaliland. Somaliland took the first step to establish the united Somali Republic on 1st July 19960. This past history clarified how much Somaliland people wanted to be united with other Somali people. Unfortunately, the price appraisal for Somalilander became to kill many innocent people from Somaliland.
    Britain invited Somaliland to take a center role in the conference, but I am not sure that Somaliland will accept the conference or will reject it.
    Somaliland has nothing to do with Somalia warring factions, why would we want to be part of it? Let them clean their house and stop the killings of innocent people first and foremost.
    This proposed conference will not be any different from the past failed conferences, unless international community recognizes Somaliland

  379. I hope this letter will reach you to learn a lot the people of Sool, Sanaag and Cayn…

    The diaspora from Sool, Sanaag and Cayn (SSC) regions of North Western Somalia,

    Bearing in mind the precarious situation that has prevailed in Somalia since the collapse of the central government in 1990;

    Congisent of the particular cirisi in the North Western region of Somalia in which one clan had unilaterally declared the secession of the region from Somalia, and calling itself Somalialnd (the former colonial name of the area);

    Taking into account the invasion and occupation of Sool region of Somalia and its capital Lascanod on 15 October 2007 by the one-clan based secessionist enclave in the misguided belief that this would enhance their prospects for international recognitgin;

    Responding to the declaration of the Garads (chiefs and traditional leaders) from Sool, Sanaag and Cayn (SSC) regions of Somalia at their conference at Boame town, Sool region of , Somalia on November 2007 in which they called for the liberation of Sool f rom the secessionists and the defence of Somali unity;

    In the light of the above, and effectively from the date carried by this announcement, the people from the SSC regions of Northern Somalia have established the Northern Somali Unionist Movement (NSUM), an umbrella organisation that will represent them and all the diaspora organisations belonging to these regions. The NSUM, whose members are drawn from SSC regions of Northern Somalia, but not exclusively, is mandated to inter alia pursue the following objectives:

    •Defend Somali unity at the international, interregional, and national levels and counter secession and other threats to Somali unity particularly in the NW region where one clan has declared secession from Somalia: •Promote peace within the SSC regions and with other neighbouring clans: •Promote the unity of the people in the SSC regions, strengthen the traditional institutions and assist in conflict prevention and resolution, •Through relevant information dissemination, enhance the awareness of the people in the SSC regions on critical matters relating to their welfare such peace, health, education and good neighbourliness with other regions; •Promote good governance, democracy, human rights and the rule of law at the SSC and national levels ; •Promote the socio-economic and political development of the SSC regions in collaboration with development partners at the national and international level. In pursuing the above-mentioned objectives, the NSUM is to work closely with other partners, in the quest for peace, unity, and development in the SSC regions and the wider Somalia, such as such as the central government and its organs and institutions, foreign governments, international and regional aid agencies, and international and other national NGOs

  380. I am a Somalilander, currently in Hargeisa. I seem confused with the name “Khaatumo, Khaatumo 2, etc. which i have never heard before. can some one help me out if there is a relationship between the emergence of this new name and the timing of this London converence? why Khaatumo now? initially, I thought it was a village near Salaxlay. But someone told me later this week as a new a saga orchestrated to undermine Somaliland Republic – new group who wants to squeez to get space in the london conference! Isn’t this a saddening project to dismental our progress achieved over 20 years of nation-building and finally isn’t that a Khaatumo xumo for some who says I love peace and tranguility?

    1. Because the people of Sool,Sanaag and Ayn don’t the want the break-up of somali nation into mini clan states. The 1991 Burco agreement between the clans of the north was a peace treaty and not a secessionist manifesto.

  381. First, I would like thank the British government for hosting this meeting, and secondly I would like to thank Matt for his effort for trying to bring peace and stability in Somalia.

    We, the Somalis are one, under one God . No one can bring peace and stability to our beautiful country other than us. That being said, we will welcome any helping hand. Somalia is one and can’t be divided into two. I hail from the North of Somalia, particularly Awdal State. We, Awdalites stand for the unity of one Somalia and if anyone thinks that we are part of the de-facto state of Somaliland aka SNM you are belittling us.

    I see this blog has been flooded with comments from the secessionist (Somaliland). They are painting themselves as peaceful people who brought democracy to northern region and that is far from the truth. Who were the people who massacred, slaughtered five hundred fifty of innocent Awdalite civilians in Borama, Dila and Zeila on February 4th 1991? That was SNM, spearheading an entire division of Mengistu’s troops who they mislead to believe that there ONLF fighters in this region. Who were the people who slaughtered broad daylight four innocent travelers on 7/11/2009? That was SNM. Who were the people who sneaked and slaughtered three sleeping innocent people, among them a 16 years old boy? That was SNM. If anyone doubts the facts I stated here, all you need to do is go to Awdal region and ask the people. Also, videos of these heinous crimes are in the internet.

    I would like to urge the international community to stop giving aid to SNM (Somaliland ). With your aid, they are buying guns and bulling their peace loving neighbors like SSC and Awdal State.

    The only solution that is viable now in my opinion and that of many states in Somalia is the notion of state hood.


  383. Somaliland viva, long life somaliland, we wre self declared country which needs to recognize, and we are not a part of somalia, we get back our freedom from Somalia in 1991.
    we hope to support and accept somaliland democradic republic self determination with pride and dignity.
    Thanks a lot.

  384. Long life Somaliland nation, we are vnot satisfy to sit with Somali people, because Somaliland is independent country needs to recognize, so we hope UK will be the first government declaredour freedom.
    Good luck somliland for the coming conference held in London.

  385. Dear Matt,

    My hat goes off to the British Government for trying to help the Somali people to come to their senses. Indeed, the defunct Somali Republic is a tough nut to crack. Good luck.

    Somalia is a quite a misnomer. The country that was born when Somaliland British Protectorate united with the Italian Somalia in 1960 was named the Somali Republic and later renamed the Somali Democratic Republic by Mohamed Siad Barre.

    The annals of history show that the “Union” was never ratified by the two uniting parliaments. As such, for ages now it has been null and void in a court of law. Furthermore, a group of Sandhurst trained officers attempted to undo the “union” in an unsuccessful coup attempt as early as 1961. In my humble view it is not wise to drag Somaliland with its functioning democracy and consensus building into the quagmire and quandary gripping Mogadishu and the so called TFG.

    It is incumbent on the world to reward Somaliland for the harmony and rule of law it has painstakingly established in its lands. After all, isn’t it the intention of the British government to respect what the majority has voted for in a refrendum in 1997? Indeed, there are some dissenting voices promoting Somali patriotism. However, even though I respect their patriotic views, these are the minority.


    Doha, Qatar

  386. Hello Everybody;
    I would like to say this is a very important forward step for the future of Somalis in general and particularly those who love their real identity which is the blue flag with white star in the middle.
    I am suggesting that the British Government has to consider and invite to the conference all state Governments and find solutions .

    Awdal State and Khatumo State are particularly to be invited as they could contribute fundamental ideas for one Somalia. They had made possible the Somali unification after independence

  387. Somaliland is a stable democratic state that respects the rule of law (it even has a pirate prison), but its economic growth has been hampered by its lack of international recognition. Investors, aid agencies and Somaliland`s diaspora have been deterred by Somaliland`s ambiguous legal status.

    The Obama administration implemented a “dual-track“ approach toward Somalia, engaging both the TFG and the governments in Somaliland. This is a good first step, but the TFG should be taken out of the equation as soon as possible. The international community should find a way to combat al-Shabaab without supporting the TFG. Military assistance in southern Somalia should be geared toward providing security while locals are encouraged to build their own government from the ground up.

    Somaliland should be recognized as a sovereign state. It is a model of effective self-governance in a chaotic region, serving as bulwark against terrorism and piracy. The politics of international recognition are complicated, but South Sudan shows that they are not insurmountable.

    Recognizing the reality on the ground and adjusting your policies would do much to help the Somali people. Continuing to pretend that Somalia is one state governed by the TFG will bring more of the same.

    Please Matt listen carefully the voice of the People of Somaliland.
    We need a Recognition,Recognition.,Recognition.

  388. This is an opportunity for Britain to bring together Somalis and unite. It will dilute the long held perception of British division of Somali terrritories in the 19th century. I hope UK government will not be influenced by the separatist mantra and their Ethiopian backers.

  389. Hello every one.

    Please allow me to share with you this short document “Somaliland The Atrocities of 1980s”

    A gain i would like to congratulate UK government for their attempt to restore hope in south Somalia,, but also reminding them somaliland is not part of the factions who fighting in somalia but an independent country instead.

  390. Greeting Matt Baugh,
    Let me take this opportunity to congratulate British prime minister and his government for not only hosting this historic conference on Somalia but enormous support that Britain offer to the good people of Somalia. Its worthy to mansion that Britain is the home of the largest Somali Diaspora in the world which always being positive actor about the Somali issue.
    There might be Sign of hope if we put all emotional thoughts aside and unlock our brain power by facing reality and the matter in hand. Trying to picture situation in Somalia today is like an orphan who killed both parents and come on the streets to ask people for help because he/she is an orphan with no food and shelter to survive. We need not to condemn to the world organizations because there were not enough food on the ground to feed our people where virgin land of Somalia has enough to offer us and even surplus to the world if we use our brain precisely. Let not criticize to the foreign entity because we fail to have an open dialogue to compromise our distinction and stood for common interest.
    Finally, contributing to the upcoming conference is compulsory to all and I would love to see Somali people in agreement and disagreeing in constructive way and fairly contest which way out of all these in the past for thinking hard of what coming future hold for us. Concluding this equation: No Way out without security and justice sectors, not security and justice without national unity including North West Somalia and no national unity without facing reality.

    Best regards

  391. Dear sir,

    I would like to share all of you the Somaliland history and it’s potitical structure.


    The Republic of Somaliland known as the Somaliland Protectorate under the British rule from 1884 until June, 26th 1960 when Somaliland got its independence from Britain. On July 1st 1960 it joined the former Italian Somalia to form the Somali Republic. The union did not work according to the aspirations of the people, and the strain led to a civil war from 1980s onwards and eventually to the collapse of the Somali Republic. After the collapse of the Somali Republic, the people of Somaliland held a congress in which it was decided to withdraw from the Union with Somalia and to reinstate Somaliland’s sovereignty.


    The country has a republican form of government. The legislative assembly is composed of two chambers – an elected elder’s chamber, and a house of representatives. An elected President and an elected Vice-president head the government. The President nominates the cabinet which is approved by the legislature. There is an independent judiciary

    The country has three political parties. i.e UDUB Party, Kulmiye Party and UCID party . The current President of the Republic is H.E Ahmed Mohamed Mohamud and the vice-president is H.E Abdirihman Abdillahi Ismailof Kulmiye who were elected on July 2010 for a five year term.

    God bless Somaliland and God bless who love Somaliland.

  392. It is unclear what objectives Britain expects to achieve from London Conference. Many questions need to be answered by UK Government. Is it an extension of previous conferences in which warlords were brought together and instructed them what they had to do for a period of 3 or 5 years and so on? In my opinion, many Somalis are fed up to hear such conferences held outside Somali for mainly for following reasons:

    • Most participants are not interesting stability and of law and order return to Somali because, simply they are criminals
    • In addition to that, the participants do not represent Somali people, Therefore, they cannot implement any agreement among them
    • Western governments support Somali neighbouring countries at expense of Somali stabilisation project
    • UK is believed to be not impartial as it is partly responsible for the current crisis in Somali because of its colonial legacy including two Somali regions which are still under the neighbouring countries.

    However, UK can change the course if it is willing. There is no doubt Ethiopia and Kenya could not intervene in Somali internal affairs without western support. Therefore your first must be to stop this. Secondly, UK and its allies must stop business with Somali warlords

    We know what troubles you such as pirates; however, there are other pirates who steal Somali fishes illegally that values hundreds of millions annually. The latter is mentioned rarely in the west and UK should address it is seriously willing to help us. These illegal fishers include EU companies.
    UK has a golden opportunity to correct its past awful history.

  393. Dear Matt:
    In my understanding this conference is all about Solving Somalia’s problem after the civil war in 20/21 yrs.
    First personal thanks to British Government to host this historic conference next month:
    After reading your comment “in the global conversation” i put my egg in the basket. This conference is all about how to solve Somalia’s problem after 20/21 years of destruction piracy and terrorism. But one thing i don’t understand is how does the British Government invite the Somali groups? i need an answer, and i need to know as student if i can get a chance to attend this historic conference in London as a student in America.?
    One advice as you can see the Somali diaspora is the part of the problem most of them allieniate with clannish philosophy or interest i may say. the groups in Somalia such as Puntland, Somaliland, Azania, Jubaland, Galmudug, Khatuma Satate, Awdal State, ximan & xeeb, TFG, Parliment group, and many more, while children is dying every second for hunger disease, and destruction. The civil war my be winding down, but there is lack of leadership to unite them. Somalia needs British people’s help economically, to overcome lack of governance particularly southern Somalia because jihads took advantage for the absence of Government, and piracy flourish as well.This conference will succeed …I have no doubt in my mind i have high hopes because the peace loving Somali people will not allow a single tribe or group to destroy the support that the British Government is offering for all Somalis to achieve the goal of Federal stable Democratic government of Somalia. i would be honored to run, and to be the first democratically elected president of Somalia after the civil war. i would like to attend this conference please respond to me back………..i have high hopes for the British Government as a Somali American Student. The solution in the diplomats hands.
    Thank you Kindly:

  394. Hi Matt,

    I am a Somalian in Canada and was practically born here therefore i have never known Somalia as a peaceful city. It has always been difficult for me knowing that i am from Somalia but have nothing to picture when i say this. As you may have read many if not all of the comments on this blog youll notice that the same issues that have plagued us for the last 20 years still exist. All Somali’s have the same culture, religion, language, and love for there country. With that said if this is all true then that poses the question what the issue then. The issue i found is tribal misunderstanding, therefore like any misunderstanding the best solution is to forget about the past and think about the future. This cant happen until the elders and respected leaders of every tribe that exists in Somalia meet and decide that issues us as Somalian have faced over two decades much out way the personal issues tribes have with each other. This is just an opinion and i am a supporter of any talks that can move things forward. As a young adult i hope that one day i will be able to take my family on vacation to a beautiful, culture rich, and peaceful Somalia. Please let me know if there is any way i can be of help to you and thanks for your efforts.

  395. I am a from Khatumo State of Somalia living in the UK since 1985. I live in East London, with a large community of Somaliland sympathisers. There is no doubt that the Isaaqs in the north fuel the war in Mogadisho in that hope that a prolonged war in the south will hasten their recognition as a state. How wrong and wicked they are.

    They are the ones who support Al-Shabaab war against the TFG. The leader of Al-Shabaab is Isaaq man from Somaliland.

    Any good news from Mogadisho, like the recent TFG win against Alshabaab, is bad news for them. They believe that if the south settles, they will be forced to unite with the rest of Somalia.

    My advise to the conference organisers is:

    1. The British government should invite the Khatimo State and Awdal state leaders to the meeting with the rest of other Somali clans and local administrations.

    2. The British government should recognise the right of the non-Isaaq Norhterns, like Dhulbahamte, Samaroon, Warsangeli & Madhibaans who don’t to be part of the Isaaq dominated Somaliland.

    3. Recognising Somaliland will encourage other Somali clans who will demand their separate states.

    4. If Somaliland wants to leave the union with Somalia, who the hell are they to say anything if Dhulbahante, Samaroon or Warsangeli decide that they don’t want to be part of their secessionist one-clan state.

  396. remove so called African soldiers and replace them somalia soldiers with latest equipment weapon like helicopter and tank united nation need to left the army embargo it did’t help the embargo on somalia it all mad somalia lawless country and the country it cant defend itself or neither bring peace where every clan has own militant and the need to be disarming the cant not trust each others nor neither so called African union soldier who doesn’t speak the languages and don’t know the costume of somalia. so Britain can help creating a powerful army of somalia how can secure the borders and high sea.and already the turkey are there so the can train the somalia Britain can give only financial back .of somalia army and the equipment of the army

  397. Ahmed Jama Adam (xoog) says:

    Dear Organizers:
    Specially Matt Baugh I would like to congratulate your endeavour to this hard to unravel issue, I am sure as young in coming Politian this is your opportunity window so do it precise.
    As you already know I don’t want try to lecture you history of Somalia ineptly or Somaliland, the first error I see in your ingenuousness politically you trying to drag The Republic of Somaliland
    The disaster unity marriage that happen 52 year ago okay let us do math together in that 52 years 21 of it Somaliland was free from so call unity marriage, this is fact ground we already know then if we minus 52-21=31, therefore 21 years of peace and harmony, developments, democracy, law and Order, constitution, education, good governing system, army, policing.
    And the rest is 31 years of disaster, genocides, none developments we got it that unity.
    My question to matt and all who make their effort to make it happen this conference is which one would you choose.31 or 21
    I think the answer is loud and clear for health human brains.
    My direct is that UK interests in the significant regions like the Horn of Africa necessitate security and stability, neither of which will be achieved by shoring up intrinsically unlawful and.
    Mr. Matt Baugh Somaliland’s independence is irrevocable and Destiny of the Somaliland is in the hands of Somaliland people its people rights and freedom whatever it costs, Not for the Somaliland hatreds

  398. Dear Matt

    Thank you for fcilitating this on coments and I welcome the conference and its agenda. My view about current situation in Somalia are as following.
    Peace through fair clan and regional based reconciliation and peace building approach

    Somalia has always been a nation of clans. Clans are not only the core units of Somali social stratum but they are also political constituencies that made up and break up Somali state. In the last two decades, they have been the sole internationally recognised entities in Somalia. None of the major Somali clans has succeeded to invade and control another clan since 1960. Any attempt to do so now is a reckless and inhumane political plunder that often backfire and bound to fail.
    Somaliland and Puntland have both born out of individual entities of egalitarian clans, each of which has own members and territories, who reached a voluntary or goodwill agreement to live together, side by side peacefully. The new Somaliland authority could not wait to exploit the clan system to impose its new single clan agenda driven by vested interest to other unaware and uninterested clans. There is no political agreement among northern Somali clans and there has never been one, at least since the collapse of the Somali state. What become atrocious act is Somaliland’s recent misguided and deceptive misinterpretation of that gentleman’s agreement as a legally binding agreement covering political and institutional matters although, satirically, concerned clans (i.e.Dhulbahante, Warsangeli, Gadabiirsi etc) have never addressed, discussed or endorsed any agreement of this nature. This is merely a wishful thinking of clan extremist group united by redundant racist ideology.
    The repeated attacks of Somaliland army to Dhulbahante clan and its territories is cowardly act of forging democracy by force against innocent civilians in their own homes. Somaliland’s recent appalling attacks against innocent civilians in Buuhoodle area were driven by ethnic hatred and fascist ideologies which totally disregard human rights, ethnic or racial harmony and socio-political stability. It exposed a catalogue of lies and deceit that Silanyo regime preached since came to power over a year ago. This pegs the question of – how a regime like this, which is formed and working for few specific clans, can claim to be democratic and get away with serious crimes against humanity.

    The word democracy is comprised of two Greek words, demos (people) and kratos (strength or power). It means “we the people” have the power to create the government and laws under which we shall live.

    Somaliland have recent displayed ideal examples of misuse and abuse of democracy and democratic system. One cannot achieve democracy through gunpoint. Somaliland’s recent appalling attacks against innocent civilians in Buuhoodle area were driven by ethnic hatred and fascist ideologies which totally disregard human rights, ethnic or racial harmony and socio-political stability. It exposed a catalogue of lies and deceit that Silanyo regime preached since it came to power over a year ago. The Somaliland’s gamble of ‘gunpoint democracy` went disastrously wrong after heavy losses in Buuhoodle attack. A secret mission against innocent communities turned into Somaliland’s doomed policy. The only thing it achieved is to destroy trust and co-operation between affected clans and two decades of peace in the region. It is all apparent that the current Somaliland administration is still deploying functional, clanist and post-colonial policies of 20th century. Such outdated practices coupled with equally old my clan first tactic are too biased, too corrupt and too weak to survive in today’s world – in 21st century. In the current situation in Somalia, outlined policies are too risky contemplate.

  399. hi my name is mohamed shakir thank you matt for your support in somalia iam on of the somlia people in mogdisho so i need to uk government give somlialdn recognistion it has peacefull country you must help them as soon as possible

  400. Good efforts, but fruitless since a major discriminatory crucial indispensable factor is not tackled and is missing deplorably in your article which is the Banadiri community.
    The British government should study the position of the minorities in the South region. There should be fully recognition of the banadiri or reer Hamar community, abolition of the pure based discrimination 4.5, property restitution. At last extirpation of dictatorial ideology and totalitarian behaviour. Then debate might have a chance for progress. Only if these items are dealt thoroughly and constructively then the humanitarian crisis and the barbaric baseless ongoing civil war will end.

  401. Dear Matt,
    I belive that All Somali should accept and support Somaliland self determination.
    Thanks to UK gov to called Somaliland Rep a country with Pride and dignity.
    somaliland have stability and peace full country and the people they made
    a vote and democratic election more than three times so i appriciate the meeting the part of somalia but i would like to tell you somaliland is not part of

    1. Dear Matt Baugh,
      First, we are very pleased with the effort of the U.k goverment to hosting the upcoming conference on Somalia in Feb 2012 and wish good positive outcome for the people of Somalia.
      I am one of the Awdalstate U.K Diaspora have lived in the u.k since 1991.
      My worrying is that the conference will not be inclusive.
      Awdal and khatumo state are indeniable and the overwhelming majority of their people are supporting and behind them. So please tell the participants that the chioce of the people should be respected.
      Awdalstate is now fully working and the president is in the Mogadisho (Somali capital) in talks with the Somali goverment to bring back the Somali unity. In my conclusion, i strongly urge the u.k goverment to consider and invite all the goverment states to the conference.

  402. there is a people writes every place I am from hargeisa or another place in somalia and I agree the idea of reunite somalia , this is totally wrong , they make adress name such hargeisa and burao or they are from mogadishu . Reality somaliland people needs to get a recognition in 99.9% even I can not say 99.9 but 100% need to get a recognition from the world. even I am suggested from world please and please visit somaliland regions and ask what they want. you can see the percentage of people that like to be a somaliland not somalia. even if you ask , are you somalia , they will be angry for you and they will answer you NO, NO, NO, WE ARE SOMALILAND. so I am suggested all over the world try how somaliland become a independent country, and consider for the priority people in somaliland. viva somaliland…………

  403. Dear Matt,
    i am proud to be somalilander now and ever
    and my people likes to become iindependent country.
    so please consider what the people want!!!!
    Guleed you are not from somaliland really special
    Hargaysa so it better to tall where you from
    and respect the others who want to become independent country.

  404. We appreciate Britain’s involvement in Somalia’s reconciliation process and help seek a lasting solutions for Somalia’s problems. Surely, the key problem in Somalia is the tribal problem – the tribal problem of Somalia is its political problem and it’s more so in the northern part of the country. I would liked not to mention tribal names here, however, omitting this fact will take us away from realistically tackle the fundamental problem that failed Somalia.
    So, the north part of Somalia comprise of the following communities: the secessionist SNM rebel group had been renamed as Somaliland – the Isaaq Somali Tribe. The unionist Awdal State of Somalia – The Samaroon Somali Tribe, the unionist Khaatumo State of Somalia – the Dhulbahante Somali tribe, and the up coming (in the pipeline) unionist Makhir State of Somalia the warsangeli Somali Tribe.
    Obviously, it’s evident beyond doubt that the bogus claim of the one clan secession who inhabit in a small part of North Somalia that the secession is supported by all tribes in the north is completely baseless. Likewise, your characterization of the one clan secessionist enclave of Somaliland as one of areas that enjoy relative peace is regrettable.
    For example, the unionist Dhulbahante Tribe has come together and held a well arranged grand conference in Taleex town from December 26, 2012 and currently in its final stage to be concluded in just few days. The conference has been attended by representatives of all sections of the SSC communities (Sool, Sanaag, and Cayn) – politicians, traditional leaders, civil society, womwn’s groups, youth, religious groups etc..In this conference the SSC communities who inhabit a territory about 50% of the north of Somalia has established their own Regional Administration that supports the Somali unity “Khaatumo State of Somalia” which they announced to be part of the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia.
    Unfortunately, as soon as the Khaatumo State of Somalia is declared, the one clan Isaaq enclave launched an attack on the peaceful SSC town of
    Buhodle where they killed a number of innocent civilians and injured many others. The SSC people has repulsed the secessionist attack on Bohodle on the 15th of january 2012 and pushed the aggressors about 25 kilometers away of Buhodle. Now, the two armies are still not far from each other and a long and destructive tribal war could break at any moment.. In addition, the Isaaq secessionists keep their daily attacks, killings, jailing, hijacking, torturing innocent civilans population in the occupied city of Lasanod. Even though the Isaaq engage in all the above mentioned atrocities in the SSC land, yet the fact of the matter is that the one clan secessionists loosely control a small part of SSC territory, 95% of the SSC territories are under the control of the SSC people. It’s worth mentioning that the Khaatumo State of Somalia has offered the olive peace branch to the secessionist Somaliland tribe to peacefully evacuate the Khaatumo territories and accept a peaceful co-existence and mutual cooperation. However, the sad part is that the secessionists in their all folks of life including their top tradional leaders, politicians, and religious groups are with no exception united on the aggression, killings, and displacements of the population of the unionist Khaatumo State of Somalia.
    I would like also to point out the false democracy claimed by the secessionists who run everything according to tribal lines within their enclave – just one clan. Case in point is the so called tribal political parties are owned and supported by a specific clan. Thus, the results of all so called bogus elections are fixed (planned in advance). Those bogus elections never took place in the Khaatumo State of Somalia territories, because the unionist population there neither recognize them nor accept them..
    Hence the north of Somalia is in crisis mode, wars, and conflict that could progress very quickly to a situation far worse than the south of Somalia, if not intervened by the international community and the aggression of the secessionist camp on the unionist camp of the north stopped and the secessionist Isaaq tribe advised to pull their tribal militia back to their tribal territories, and away from the Khaatumo State of Somalia territory.
    In conclusion, we hope that we contributed to explain the reality on the ground in the northern part of Somalia, and we suggest that all the stakeholders in the north of Somalia be invited to the conference as equal participants to arrive at an inclusive solution that takes care of addressing the root cause of the problem in Somalia, the rest will take care of itself.

  405. Somalia was created in 1960 when the former British Somaliland united with the former Somali Italian colony. Since then its development has been slow. Relations with neighbors have been soured by their territorial claims on Somali-inhabited areas of Ethiopia, Kenya and Djibouti.
    Britain withdrew from British Somaliland in 1960 to allow its protectorate to join with Italian Somaliland and form the new nation of Somalia. In 1969, a coup headed by Mohamed SIAD Barre ushered in an authoritarian socialist rule characterized by the persecution, jailing and torture of political opponents and dissidents. After the regime’s collapse early in 1991, Somalia descended into turmoil, factional fighting, and anarchy. In May 1991, the northern clans declared an independent Republic of Somaliland that now includes the administrative regions of Awdal, Woqooyi Galbeed, Togdheer, Sanaag, and Sool. Although not recognized by any government, this entity has maintained a stable existence and continues its efforts to establish a constitutional democracy, including holding municipal, parliamentary, and presidential elections.
    The dream of Somalis in that time was to create a greater Somalia (including: Somali-inhabited areas of Ethiopia, Kenya and Djibouti.(Egal: The former Somali prime minster in 1969 and late president of Somaliland). After two very weak and corrupt Governments, Mohamed Siad Barre took over power in a military coup in 21.10.1969, soon after President Abdi Rashid Ali was assassinated.
    In 1977 Siad Barre launched an attack against Ethiopia claiming that Somalia want to liberate The Somali inhabited areas in Ethiopia. but eventually he lost the war. As early as 1978 Siad Barre has started to punish-(killing, arresting and confiscations) some of Somali clans because of the abortive military coup led by Colonel Abdulahi Yusuf Ahmed in that year.
    In the 1980s Siad Barre had launched again an attack against the people in the northern part of Somalia (former British Somaliland) killing,arresting and taking their possessions and assets . This repression caused the establishment of the Somali National Movement (SNM in 1981) who started warfare against Siad Barre’s regime.
    After the collapse of the Siad Barre regime in 1991, the northern part of Somalia unilaterally declared itself the independent Republic of Somaliland. The territory, whose independence is not recognized by international bodies, has enjoyed relative stability.
    “We are not secessionist we have just made a withdrawal of our sovereignty from south Somalia. We did this because they had deceived us, they killed tens of thousands of our innocent people, they have destroyed our cities completely, and they have taken all our assets and properties. “You can see today all we have is the land of our fathers and ancestors, we love it, and so we will build it again. We are starting from the beginning again. We made a big mistake when we united with them” said Ahmed Silanyo (former SNM chairman, currently Somaliland president) in 18 may 1991.
    Somaliland is now enjoying peace and stability. Silanyo is a fourth president since its declaration as an independent state in 18 May 1991. Its political system is: presidential system (elected president&vice president), bicameral legislative (Guurtida/upper house and Wakiilada/lower house of parliament) and an independent judicial system. It has three political parties (UCID;UDUB and KULMIYE/ruling party). According to a European Union study seen by Reuters, the region (Somaliland) has substantial untapped resources of oil, coal and metals such as gold, platinum, copper, nickel and zinc. Somaliland’s 850 km (528 miles) of coastline on the Gulf of Aden also offer potential for a fisheries industry. The backbone of the economy is livestock. The total livestock in the country is estimated at 24 million. In 1998, 3.5 million heads of livestock were exported to the Middle East countries like Saudi Arabia which is the main market for the livestock export. The level of exports dropped after 1999 due to restriction imposed by Saudi Arabia which continued until 2002 when exports started rebounding and close to 2 million head of livestock were exported once again in 2008. Somaliland also exports frozen meat to the gulf countries like United Arab Emirates and Qatar. Somaliland also exports Hides, Skins, Myrrh and Frankincense in smaller scale. You can obtain additional information from SOMALILAND CHAMBER OF COMMERCE website. Somaliland has now five functioning universities.

  406. AMINA

    First Am greeting FOr The government of United Kingdom And The Prime Minister My Name is Amina I came from Sool-lasanod And We Don,t Wan,t Dividing Our Peaple Somalia Is One There no Nothing somaliland i came from The British SOmaliland But now There so nO Nothing The People who are saying we are somaliland is Only SNM that means Isaaq Only We have Khatumo State OF somalia We are the People who were fighting the British Goverment Our Previous name was darwiishland but Now our Name is KHATUMO STATE OF SOMALIA SOmaliland Killed more People in Our COuntry So Please am requesting For the Goverment To Stop Dividing SOmalia Somalia Is One And no somaliland And snm will be somalia SOMALIA IS ONE VIVA KHAATUMO STATE OF SOMALIA ANd SOMALILAND STATE OF SOMALIA WE HAVE ONE PRESIDENT AND OUR PRESIDENT IS SHEIKH SHARIF SHEIKH AHMED SOMALIA ISAAQ ONLY CANNOT BE GOVERMEN THE ARE SNM

    1. DEAR MATT i would like to inform you that the republic of somaliland is on the brink to be recognized as southern sudan does and iam sure that Brittan will take the lead
      so iam requesting you that NOT INVITE SOMALILAND IN the negotiation of somalia

  407. First Am greeting FOr The government of United Kingdom And The Prime Minister My Name is Amina I came from Sool-lasanod And We Don,t Wan,t Dividing Our Peaple Somalia Is One There no Nothing somaliland i came from The British SOmaliland But now There so nO Nothing The People who are saying we are somaliland is Only SNM that means Isaaq Only We have Khatumo State OF somalia We are the People who were fighting the British Goverment Our Previous name was darwiishland but Now our Name is KHATUMO STATE OF SOMALIA SOmaliland Killed more People in Our COuntry So Please am requesting For the Goverment To Stop Dividing SOmalia Somalia Is One And no somaliland And snm will be somalia SOMALIA IS ONE VIVA KHAATUMO STATE OF SOMALIA ANd SOMALILAND STATE OF SOMALIA WE HAVE ONE PRESIDENT AND OUR PRESIDENT IS SHEIKH SHARIF SHEIKH AHMED SOMALIA ISAAQ ONLY CANNOT BE GOVERMEN THE ARE SNM

  408. hello
    I am sorry to understand that instead of supporting Somaliland’s stability and development and recognizing as fully- fledged democratic state. Somalis are still continuing their old jealous and pointless debate against Somaliland. They are trying their best to incite the people of Somaliland by
    encouraging and funding conspiracies against Somaliland peace and stability( eg the last one.Taleeh conspiracy).
    Somalia had never became a State before 1960 when Somaliland united with Somalia. But when they killed more than fivety thousand inocent civilians, destroyed almost all our Cities and Villages, looted almost all our assets and raped our women, we got again our independence in 18 may 1991.
    We decided to do any reprisal against those who did all those abovementioned atrocities, but instead to go ahead and rebuild our country. At this point I would say we will never reunite whit those criminals. Put it breifly, the solution of former Somalia is Ethiopian and Eriterian model or South and North Sudan model.
    Let us be more realistic, the case is no longer about Somaliland, it is about how we solve the problem of Somalia, that is the real question whic needs to be addressed.
    Thanks for UK goverment, we Somalilanders will controbute what ever efforts we can, but You (UK) have to understand that we are not at all a part of that kind of Somalis whom you are reconciling.

  409. Dear Matt

    First and foremost thanks you and ur gov.. (The Great Britian). Secondley we (somali) Great somali are same like UK… Wales, Scotish, England and Irish Live together harmony and Peace.. so why not Somalis live same like UK… We share the name SOMALI, religion, colour and languege so why not forget past and live harmony…

    Dear Matt the world is watching you.. and so we will be historic if British sucseees and Save Somalia.. and united all samalis… I will tell all my grandchildren..


  410. First am greeting All of The People Secondly am from las-anod and somaliland dividing somalia we don,t wan,t am Goverment is somalia Somaliland Is One Tripe and we Are in SOol sanaag And Cayn We don, want SOmaliland Just we Need One somalia Somaliland Every Time The Fought our People In Buuhodle Las-anod and all Of Our land so we Are kHATUMO STATE OF SOMALIA and Somalia Is One Somaliland Is Hargaisa And Burco Borama is Awdalstate OF somalia

  411. Sallaamu Calaykum

    Somaliland is a peace land which locates the horn of Africa it has border with somalia in southern, Djabouti in north-west, Ethiopia in the west and also Red Sea in the east.
    Somaliland was British protectorate and gained its independence in 26 june 1960 , after a few days somalilanders joined and lost their independence for a dream of being with the other 5 somali regions . Unfortunately Somali British Protectorate has been genocided by the dictator Mohamed Siyad Barre “the president of somalia”. In 1991 Somali British Protectorate regain its independence from the rest of Somalia after a civil wars. After that time Somaliland has developed year after year with a peace . In 2003 Somaliland’s first well fare election has been held with ended peacefully and was presidental elections, also in 2005 the parlamiamentary election has also been held wich also has successieded freely and fairly.
    Somaliland is small developing country which is not a part of somalia. We need recognition from the world especially our protectorate, Somaliland has its own flag,government,parliament, etc. its a country not a region in somalia . we need recognition from world especially our protectorate Britian
    Wish all Somalilander’s from all over the world best and also wish my be loved countary to be recognized and be part of the world not part of somalia coz we have already did what we have to, so its great pleasure to be part of this scientifical conversation.

    Thank you for reading my comment

  412. Dear Matt,
    You got the most difficult jop,i wish you your goverment good luck,
    The ilness of the somalis is tribism but i am afraid its also their cure,
    look forexample the isak they begon as rebelgroup SNM now they have isakland(somaliland) its working for them.
    The majerten started as rebel SSDF now they have Puntland,its
    working for them.
    Habargedir rebelgroup USC now Gal-mudug working for them,Abgaal
    was first part of USC they left later that is why they didnot benefit.
    Dhulbahante first SSC rebels recently KHaatumo state i am sure it can
    work for them,and so on and so on.
    If the clans give each other space they can live side bei side together,
    without dominating each other.

  413. I am from Boorame north Somalia, my people are under siege and oppression led by SNM army. We are in a critical condition no freedom no democracy no hope. Moreover only one clan dominated the whole Somaliland politics whichs Isaaq SNM.

  414. somaliland deserve to get an international recogniton from the world, somaliland is a country that consist of many regions such as :sool region, sanag region , sahil region, maroodi jeex region, gebilay region , awdal region , howd region and togdheer region. the population of somaliland are about 4 million, somaliland and somalia are different countries with their different cultures like : somalia there is a play culture called ( istun, dabshid, Nayruus and some other things) while somaliland culture is different from them. somali people says : we are same language and religon. it is true but we know that Djibouti are also somali people they are muslim ,reserved area such Jigjiga is also somali people and they are muslim , more over I can not say we are same religion and culture so we are somalia becouse : qatar is muslim , Bahrain is muslim, kuwait is also like that and all of them their first language is arabic language, so we must classify somaliland and somalia. we must know also that 1988 somalia government commited massacres against the people of somaliland. Now Somaliland is not want to reunite a somalia , somaliland is self sufficient country in the world , Somaliland is self declared country which needs to get recognition from the world, surely somaliland is not a part of somalia . Somaliland gets back its freedom somalia in 1991 and we never reunite from that terrorist and pirate country again. now if some person ask a baby inside a somaliland , what is your nationality ,that baby will answer you easily I am somalilander, this indicates the world that they are as two different and neighbour countries in the world……

  415. I think the President of Somaliland Republic should attend the conference , it’s a very good chance for Somaliland we have to explain to the world why we need to be independent , we have to explain that Somaliland people choose for self determination and we have no interest for Somalia , all Somalilanders living in U.K should come out for million man march with dignity please lets get together outside the conference with a greate number , Long live the Republic of Somaliland .

  416. I am from Hargeysa Somaliland, and I believe united Somalia is the only hope we have so far, so I am appealing to the British government please please unite Somalis and start new chapter.

  417. i am a Somalian girl, is not fair for Somalia to be separated, all Somali people also don’t agree with this. Somalia is a country with same culture, religion and same colour. the world needs to see Somalia is one country ..thank you Bye.

  418. Hi:Idi.

    I think you miss understood this guy matt, becouse what he said was they will invite somali leaders to solve the problems , and you keep saying please mat invite khatumo and aawdale for your information ethier matt or me we never heard these places so called khatumo, aawdale and pudhland, are these states from your pocket or are they tripes names.
    to be honest,you make me lough, i tell you what weather you like it or not somaliland will live longer and this london meeting will never change our minds so don’t wast your time think about some thing much better than to make a flase states.


  419. first I talk about Somaliland peaple views in this isue
    Somaliland have one nation one peaple
    I want tell you history about somaliland
    we do not accept if any body talks in our Somaliland took independent in 1960 before Somalia and there were 34 countries voted at the UN for the support for Somaliland during that time so Somailand existed before Somalia and that is fact.
    After 30 yrs of abuse by Somalia after unification with out agreement with Somalia , Somaliland had enough and decided to claim their independece once again through sacrfice and there is no way Somaliland will ever unite with Somalia.
    Somaliland since 1991 had four presidents and democratic system with many parties today. Somaliland is the key bring peace to Somalia but first the world must reconise Somaliland.

  420. Somaliland deserves to recognize, somaliland is a self declared country which needs to recognize, surely somaliland is not a part of somalia, somaliland get back its freedom from somalia in 1991, somaliland is a full government better to recognize, so we hope you to support and accept somaliland self determination.
    Thanks to UK gov. to called Somaliland Democradic Republic a country with pride and dignity.
    Long life to Somaliland

  421. anigu waxaan halkan ka salaamayaa dowlada dada wayn ee uk waxaan cadaynayaa inaan ahay muwaadin reer somaliland ah oo jecel dalka somaliland kana soo horjeeda group ka doonaya in ay somaliland dagaalka ka ridaan sida 1-ali khaliif galaydh iyo ali abdi esa oo labadooduba u yimi dhulka dhulbahante inay dab kal dhex dhigaan dhulbahaante iyo isaaq oo walaalo ah ilaa 1991kii ilaa maanta wada noolaa oo nabad iyo daganaan ku wada noola oo samaytay dowlad u gaara oo dadka iyo dalkaba ka badbaadisay dhibaatooyinak ka taagana skoonfurta soomaliya iyo puntland ba sida budhcad badeedka iyo argagixisdaba somaliland waxay dhistay ciidan ku filan nabad galyada iyo difaacista dalka oo ay ka difaacaan argagixisad iyo bucadhbadeedka iyo waliba alshabaab oo dhibaatada ugu wayn ah anga hadaanu nahay reer somaliland waxaanu ku talaabsanay dumuquraadiya nabad iyo hogaan lagu soo doorto one men one vote oo halaal ah markaa somaliland iyo somalia waa laba dal oo kala madax banaan markaa waxaan leeyaha dowlada ingriiska ha isku dayina inaad na soo xasuusisaan waxaas oo kale somaliland waa muqadas lama taabtaan ah somaliland ha noolaato cadawgeeduna ha dhaco somaliland guul somaliland guul somaliland guul i love somaliland

  422. as somalilander this wat am teling u Somaliland is situated on the eastern horn of Africa and lies between the 08°00′ – 11°30′ parallel north of the equator and between 42°30′ – 49°00′ meridian east of Greenwich. It shares borders with the Republic of Djibouti to the west, the Federal Republic of Ethiopia to the south, the Puntland region to the northeast and Somalia to the southeast. Somaliland has 460 miles (740 km) of coast with the majority along the Red Sea. Somaliland is the size of England and Wales with an area of 137 600 km² (53 100 sq miles).

    The History of Somaliland encompasses a wide range of historical Somali issues and archaeological sources, which date back to Prehistoric times. It is widely regarded in Somaliland as an important factor and a key significance in the Culture of Somaliland.

    Many scholars and historians viewed that Somaliland’s history dated back to colonial times but with the recent discovery of cave paintings outside Hargeisa, there is now a chance that Somaliland is a successor state to a once great and mysterious civilization.

    The region that today encompasses Somaliland was home to the earliest civilization that roamed this modern day country.

  423. 1.      Hi Matt, Hi All.
    I am very impressed with the UK Somalia initiative. I think it is down to the Somalis to make it work ( return back to viable state). We Somalis know very well that, we willingly distabilised our government and instead whole-heartedly embraced clannism or tibalism which is the biggest enemy of statehood. We withdrew our allegiance from the state in 1991 after the collapse of the last working cental government. We replaced statehood with tribalism and hence placed our trust and loyalty with tribal affiliations to date. This was a collective decison chosen by all the major tribes of Somalia regardless of where they are found in the country. So we lost confidence in the state and shifted our confidence to the tribal and traditional system. We often put the blame on outsiders ( UN , UK , USA , Ethiopia , Eriteria , Kenya , Rwanda , etc….) when 90% of the problem is our own.
    Mogadishu has lost its reputation as the capital city of Somalia and as things stand now is just reduced to a provincial level. It is just the same as Garowe and Hargeisa among other cities. It can be said though that it is the Federal Government’s Headquaters temporarily. The reason why I am suggesting that Mogadishu has lost value is that it has been unstable and it is dominantly inhabitted by one of the major tribes who are using the strategice importance of Mogadishu to undermine any political progress to be achieved if things don’t swing in the way they want. This has to stop for the sake of Somalia . The othertwo cities that I have mentioned also have the tribal dominance factor those cities. The reason why AMISOM forces are in Mogadishu is to protect the TFG as Mogadishu is not a neutral ground for national representatives who are part of the TFG and are from representing areas other than Mogadishu.
    In my humble opinion, I think restoring confidence in the state has to be the primary goal that all Somalis have to work hard to achieve it. This is going to be possible if regional governements such as Puntland, Galmudug, Azania etc and others that meet the transitional constituitional requirement of two or more than two provinces can form a regional government. Mogadishu has to have its regional government as I have mentioned initially and all regional governements then have to send their representatives to a federal National governement. Mogadishu could serve as the Federal governement’s capital for now but ideas for a new capital neutral from any particular tribal influence (where AMISOM or International Forces) are not going to be needed to intervene as people now want to govern their states locally and at the cental government level each states would send its representative to a federal system. I think each states needs to take ownership of its issues as is the case in most federal governements such as USA , UK , Germany , Ethiopia and Kenya after the current government’s term run out as a result of the consitituitional reforms that have favoured federal system of governance.
    My advice to the UK government is to support a federal system of governance in Somalia and to be careful in being drawn into the tribal war between the rival clans that has left Somalia in its current situation. UK exercise its ifluence andcan show leadership in forming a new peaciful, federal and progressive Somalia

    M Hassan

  424. I strongly believe that it is unfair and even insult to the people of Somaliland to be mixed up with what the international community unanimously agrees to be a failed state. Somaliland should be used as an example
    In my opinion this conference will only succeed if the Somalia issue is looked and analysed from all angles. Let Somaliland not be part of this conference first.
    The Republic of Somaliland was founded in May 1991 when the leadership of the Somali National Movement (SNM) and clan elders representing all the clans in British Somaliland met in a conference held in the town of Burco. The conference revoked the 1960 Act of Union that had joined the former colonial territories of Italian Somalia (encompassing the southern regions) and the British Somaliland Protectorate.
    Since that declaration of independence, the people of Somaliland and their leadership have built a functioning political entity that has, in the view of a great many Somalilanders as well as significant groups of international commentators, attained most of the defining characteristics of a state. It has a functional system of government, a defined territory, a stable population and has demonstrated some capacity to form relations with other states. Somaliland has emerged from the bottom of failed state. Somaliland has shown the world that the will of the people can overcome many obstacles. Somaliland has achieved what recognized government with heaps of funds from international community could not achieve.

    1. No man is an island, just because you little enclave is safe it doesn’t mean the world cannot try find solution to other part of the country.

  425. hello
    I am sorry to understand that instead of supporting Somaliland’s stability and development and recognizing as fully- fledged democratic state. Somalis are still continuing their old jealous and pointless debate on Somaliland. They are trying their best to incite the people of Somaliland by
    encouraging and funding conspiracies against Somaliland’s peace and stability( eg the last one.Taleeh conspiracy).
    Somalia had never become a State before 1960 when Somaliland united with Somalia. But when they killed more than fivety thousand innocent civilians, destroyed almost all our Cities and Villages, looted almost all our assets and raped our women, we got again our independence in 18 may 1991.
    We decided not to do any apraisal against those who did all those abovementioned atrocities, but instead to go ahead and rebuild our country. At this point I would say we will never reunite whit those criminals. Put it breifly, the solution of former Somalia is like, Ethiopian and Eriterian model or South and North Sudan model.
    Let us be more realistic, the case is no longer about Somaliland, it is about how we solve the problem of Somalia, that is the real question whic needs to be addressed.
    Thanks for UK goverment, We Somalilanders will controbute what ever efforts we can, but You (UK) have to understand that we are not at all a part of that kind of Somalis whom you are reconciling.

  426. Fırs of all , we’re somalı communıty thıs means we have to know our goals.we have had conflıcts among us sınce 1990.Thıs results to make state for most of the clans .So ISAQ clan made soamlıland,besıdes that,they saıd we’re not somalı people and we are republic fortunently,there ıs other clans ın westren somalia ıncludes DHULBAHANTE who ıs from the most and the greatest clan ın somalıa called DAROOD.They always stuggle the unıty of great somalıa and that ıs why they refused to become on the clans ın somalıland.So, they have made a state called KHAATUMA STATE OF SOMALIA.There ıs also another state(puntland)but thıs ıs dıfferent to somalıland, becouse thıs ıs one of the states ın the somalı government.I am tellıng all over the world that the somalıland communıty(ISAQ CLAN)belıeve that DARROOD clan have kılled more people ın ISAQ 1991 when the cıvıl war happened.You know there was adıctator presıdent MOHAMÖED SIYAD BARRE and hıs government was mılletery not democratıc.Iam sayıng somalıa ıs anly one and there ıs no one who agrees hıs brother to do wrong thıngs or to attack another somalı clan ,ıt ıs completely ımpossıble what they belıeve.we are from one regıon,one culture and one relıgıon.ISAQ need to attack more of KHAATUMA STATE regıons and khatuma avoıds to have cıvıl war between somalıland and khatuma state.ıt ıs meenıngless or unbelıevable to say KHATUMA ıs terrıorısers.KHAATUMA means the last poınt,ıf ıt ıs th last poınt of the war,th last poınt of the conflıcts,the last poınt of the terrıorısers who now adays ıncreased our country,the last poınt of poverty,the last poınt of ıgnorant ,the last poınt of pırates and last poınt of all problems ın somalıa.before tellıng somethıngs you shuold have to know the meanıng and tne symbol of the word KHAATUMA.The socıety ın khatuma state love who love somalıa to have agovernment and development,ıf ıt ıs BRITISH or AMERICAN or ETHIOPIAN or ARABIAN we are ready to welcome every body who has our benefıt.SOMALILAND ıs actıng lıke alshabab becouse they attack they neıghbour and khatuma tolerate every thıngs from ISAQ CLAN.although they don’t need to fıght they arethe most powerfull andthe most greatest part ın somalıa calle DARROOD.every body have to know PUNTLAND AND KHATUMA are DAROOD espıcıally HARTI.Plz somalıland keep your peace .although,khatuma and puntland have more power than somalıland,they lıke to have apeace and unıty of great somalia

  427. Hello Mr Matt. I really support and very optimistic about this proposal of London conference ,while a lot of Somali Tribes such as these Zelf proclaimed Somaliland Repuplic are not ready for peace & reconciliation of all Somalian peoplebecouse In the Last year including one week ago they attacked many times against other tribes ruthlessly who lives in the Reagion(Dhulbahante Clan). Therefore i would like to Emphasis;First of all, If the British Goverment doesn,t make very clear of it,s plotical agenda and says like:We will never allow to change The Somalian integrity etc.,then i am afraid that the London Conference will never succeed !!.

  428. Dear Mr Matt and my fellow Somalis,

    We all know that our problems were endless for the last 20 year, this is a very golden apurtunity and let us take as it it.

    I bleive Somalia’s Solution is lieing in Puntland and Somaliland.
    Let us biuld from that side and come to the big issue which the Southern Somalia.
    I hope The hostes to listen Puntland deligates because they are willing to get the solution for Somalia. They biuld they own semo anotumous from the scratch. They are experinced how to biuld a cauntry were Somaliland are the same but have their own intrest to split the country in two, so we can say they are not ready for peace and developed Somalia.
    Sothern Somalia are not ready yet or they do not have the experinces required for the leadership and the unity of Somalia.

  429. Well,do you think you somalis can deceive mr. Matt and the british govt about Somaliland? Somaliland costs us for several hundred thousans of our beloved veterans,all kinds of material resources we enherited from our forefathers, 20yrs of war to liberate it, 22yrs of building peace and reconciliation, multi-party democracy system. Somaliland today have all requirements of a democratic functioning govt almost all done only by Somalilanders, while somalis eat each other like hungry wolves and still produce new batches of pirates,bandits,abd pro-relegious extremists like Al-shabab.What have you done with all the resources and the money you “Jacks of all trades”have got from the international community for the last 22yrs? What has come out of the last 20 or so conferences held inn and out Somalia so far?
    It is Somaliland that helps Somalia while in need like when the last drought affected most mogadishu,but unfortunately in spite of all these,Somalis would like to destroy the peace and stability in Somaliland though some of them still live there like honourable guests!!!

    If british govt wants Somaliland to be like Somalia,then i dont mind Mr.Matt and british govt hear what Somalis say here about Somaliland, or else british govt would help those first help themselves, and let Somaliland keep going on the right track to be modell to other Somalis.

    1. No body wants your triangle enclave of Hargeisa, Burco and Berbera, we just want your troops out from the land that don’t belong to you. [ Awdal, Sool and Sanaag]

  430. I would thank Government of UK and the world communities to help Somalia and Somalis for given them an opportunity to help themselves. In my opinion, this conference in London will help Somalis if all the problems in Somalia look at honestly an openly for all parts involve. As the world know today, Somalia is out of government for 20 years and had controlled by Somali individuals back by tribal at the sametime misleading the world as inclusive. The issues in Somalia are too deep;therefore, smaller regional states in the North and South will bring more stability in the long term. All these regions including Somalia Interantional Recognized Government in Mugadishu,

    Somaliland, Putland, Jubaland, Gal-mudug state, Awdalstate and latest state declared (Khaatumo) can have positive if they all welcome in London conference. On the other hand leaving out some of these states and land as they all have issues and parts of Somalia, would be a mistake. Each Somali region or state has it’s self-determination and if all Somalis come to the turn they can govern themselves locally and join Somalia Federal States as they wish, there will be last problems for them and the world security as a whole. Federal Somalia where each Somali group can join will help Somalia to be more stable but supporting just regional states when populations in these areas are against them may backfire. Forexample, North Somalia today has three regional political groups and supporting just one won’t stop the problems.

  431. Dear Matt

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank the British government and their initive to invite all of somalia, but if the conference must be successful it is important that the British Government to invite everyone they can deceive some of konferrence. both UN, EU, ​​Arap league, AU, and northern Somali region (Somalilland = Isaac clan) Khaatumo state of Somali( Dhulbahante clan, Awdal state Gadaburis clan, as well Makhir( Warsengeli), Puntland, Galmudug, TFG.Ahlusuna etc.

    We can learn from our mistake, let us look back 1994, doe war between Hutu attack Tustu break out, that’s exactly what could happen if britsisk government does not change their policy surrounding somalia. It must be careful to share A team and B team. It should look long term interest that can sustain fairly.
    Conferece should not be split further Somali population where others have interessse to more country ravaged lawlessness is their benefit to sell fake story that does not really exist similarities.

    Somalia Somali belongs to all, whether you live north or south or central.Vi must work together to build our country we have destroyed.

    If the British Government desire to share the land with small state, so they must be aware that they also take responsibility afterwards.

  432. Hi Matt,

    It is so nice of you and your country to take the burden of mediating between Somali different groups to work out of their bloody differences. However, it is imperative that you follow a different path and strategy that is different than those 14 previous reconciliations had taken. Only and only then might a hope come out of this conference. Don’t forget that Somalia problems need to be sorted out in different steps. Let the Somaliland issue be the last thing you try. Restored Somalia won’t be the same as the one existed before 1991. It will defitnetly be different, but I hope for the better.

  433. magacayga waa siciid hassan waxan deegaan ahaan kasoo jeeda awdal state kuna dhashay kuna soo barbaaray . anigu waxan aaminsanahay somalidu in ay tahay mid aanan laka ajari karin . hadaad dib u jaleecdo somaliland ama qaabka loo qaybsamay xukuumada waxay ku tusaysa in ay somaliland qabiil ay tahay oo isaaq ku cabudhinaayo darifyada si qabyaalad ahaan ah oo ayna waxba u ogayln . waxan ognahay in gobalka awdal mudaharaad weyna ka dhacay lagu tageerayo awdal state marka somaliland wax la yidhahdo ma aaminsani waligayna aamini maayo .

  434. Hello Everybody;
    I would like to say this is a very important forward step for the future of Somalis in general and particularly those who love their real identity which is the blue flag with white star in the middle.
    I am suggesting that the British Government has to consider and invite to the conference all state Governments and find solutions
    1) Support the unity of the Somali Republic.
    2) Support a truly democratic Somalia as the final outcome of the civil war.
    3) Support a judiciary system independent of political and tribal

  435. Dear Matt Baugh
    We as a Somali Diaspora in UK consider this step a very responsive action taken the right moment. The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty. Let’s be optimists without under estimating the reality on the ground. We must be aware of being over confident to hold the peace which just started in many parts of the country.
    Consulting the government of Great Britain, I consider myself a person who has a deep understanding of Somali society. A peculiar country compared the rest of Africa in many aspects.
    The Somalia of today is completely metamorphosed and most of the people are focused on politics, which they have wrong perception. This is not the Somali we knew based on nomadic life style, having well defined property of livestock mainly camel and goat. In fact we used to say that person is rich by counting the number of animal population he possesses. With their limited knowledge they were able to manage their life, and still you can see traces of that life in countryside, where people are famous with their hospitality, and loving each other. When they arrive big cities they are ignored and looked down, despite they have something to offer to the society mainly milk and meat. When they arrive to sell goats or camels they are taxed and they never ask where that taxation goes. The kind of government we used to have since the independence didn’t put enfaces rural development, and people started to migrate to the cities deserting rural area without proper skills
    The rural population of Somalia is the victim of a hostile environment – Semi arid land with frequent drought. Scarcity of water is their main problem. According to water engineering expert there is two types of scarcity: 1) Physical scarcity: Where there are no water sources 2)Economic scarcity: Where there is underground water but people cannot dig wells, because they can’t afford to buy rigs.
    In Somalia there is aquifer system but people are not aware of that, and may suffer continued droughts while they are standing on water. In fact drought resistant farming is possible in many parts of the country
    After I consulted with Petter Westewelt, below there is an email I received from him
    Dear Melmi,
    I tried to call you a few times but couldn’t reach you.
    Thank you very much for showing your interest. We believe as well that this could be a good solution for Somalia and many other countries. We would like to re-green desertified areas as fas as we can considering the capacity, resources and opportunity.
    The Naga Foundation is founded nearly a year ago to develop larger scale project and to ensure a sustainable exploitation of the trenched area. At the moment, Peter is very busy mapping targeted areas and with the start up of our projects in Burkina Faso and Kenya. (watch also the climate engineering film, part 1:

    Please, keep updated through our newsletter.

    Kind regards,

    Ruth van Wieren
    Naga Foundation
    Van: Mohamud Elmi []
    Verzonden: dinsdag 15 november 2011 16:12
    Onderwerp: Message
    Dear Friends of Earth
    I am very pleased the way your organization treated part of Africa, nevertheless it seems that the most crucial part has not been treated yet. That is Somalia which become normal to host many of the most deadly droughts that human witnessed.
    With the help of Peter Westrveld, I believe there are solutions for droughts in Somalia , and East Africa at large.
    I am from Somalia and I studied Geography . I believe strongly that Somalia is the ideal place to run a continuous contour trench projects. I say so because most of Somali land, specially the central and northern parts have more galleys and experienced a lot of soil erosion.
    Personally I would appreciate to see the greatest hero of the century who spotted out the danger of desertification in the future.
    Thank You
    Mohamud Haji Elmi
    Tel: 02074191898

  436. Hi every body I’ve try to get refference which clarifies the main conflict point which I see this forum, people can always says what they like but to profide a proof/reference supporting their case is difficult.

    Mr Matt I cannot contribute a better advice than the following passage which I took from the paper:
    Somaliland: What Somalia Could Be
    Strategic Interests
    by J. Peter Pham, Ph.D.
    World Defense Review columnist

    The official report of an AU fact-finding mission to the republic in 2005 led by AU Deputy Chairperson Patrick Mazimhaka concluded: “The fact that the union between Somaliland and Somalia was never ratified and also malfunctioned when it went into action from 1960 to 1990, makes Somaliland’s search for recognition historically unique and self-justified in African political history. Objectively viewed, the case should not be linked to the notion of ‘opening a Pandora’s Box’. As such, the AU should find a special method of dealing with this outstanding case.”

    Last year, the AU’s special representative for Somalia, Nicolas Bwakira, likewise reported positively on Somaliland to the organization:

    Somaliland has a Constitution that emanated from grassroots consultations…the constitution serves as a fundamental law in Somaliland and does enjoy respect and wider acceptance in the wider political spectrum. It provides for the relevant branches of government (legislative, Judiciary and executive) and the effective separation of powers that go along with it. The House of the Elders (known as “Guurti”) is an additional arm of the system intended to safeguard and ensure the accountability and sustainability in Somaliland. Additionally, there is an Independent Electoral Commission which is responsible for the planning, preparing and conducting of Municipal, Presidential and Parliamentarian elections. This nascent democracy in Somaliland provides a sense of pride and needs to be learned by the rest of Somalia. It is a very encouraging and rewarding socio-political development prevailing in Somaliland compared to the rest of the country whereby insecurity, piracy and insurgent activities are rampant.
    The Burundian diplomat, who has been involved in liberation struggles in Angola, Namibia, and South Africa, astutely noted the reason for this success lay in the indigenous nature of the effort: “Somaliland has achieved peace and stability, using the traditional way of solving problems (known locally as ‘Xeer’) and through a home-grown disarmament, demobilization and re-integration process and internally driven democratization.” Although he did not say so, this local origin and buy-in is precisely what I and other observers have repeatedly argued has been missing from efforts in central and southern Somalia where, as I noted earlier this year, “even by the opera buffa standards set by the fourteen attempts at a national framework for governance since the dictator Mohamed Siad Barre fled from the presidential palace seventeen years ago, the selection of the latest pretender to the leadership of the nonexistent Somali state [TFG “president” Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed] was farcical.”

    Special envoy Bwakira concluded his report with some sensible suggestions for both the international community in general and the AU in particular:

    As a peace dividend, the international community should provide institutional capacity building support to Somaliland infrastructure and facilitate its access to the international and regional financial institutions and banking systems.

    The African Union Commission and [the subregional Inter-Governmental Authority on Development] should explore channels of communication and dialogue with the Somaliland authorities, and establish the best way they could be integrated into the regional socio-economic and political discourses including issues such as migration, illegal smuggling of arms, the fight against piracy and displacement of populations

    Somaliland: What Somalia Could Be
    Strategic Interests
    by J. Peter Pham, Ph.D.
    World Defense Review columnist

    Click the link below to read full text

  437. Somaliland is Isaq, it is one of the clan regions in Northern Somalia same as Awdal State, Khaatumo State and Puntland State… lets hope our British Government recognises and works with all the people in Northern Somalia.


    This conference is about PEACE not about CLAN … so my dear Isaq family ..please focus on speaking for all the people in Northern Somalia .. trying to mislead Matt by flooding the blog with your individual clan’s interest exposes the hate agenda of the single clan-thinking.

    This PEACE conference will succeed …I have no doubt .. because the peace loving Somali people will not allow a single tribe (Isaq) to destroy the support that the British Government is offering in this prominent time.


    I am glad the world can see the extent of hate held by the single-tribe thinking Somaliland Clan (Isaq). I suppose having an educated ruminant of the SNM militia as your clan leader (Siilaanyo) does not help in this day and age.. please note that the world is watching your refusal of PEACE and UNITY… the world is watching your HATE for your fellow Somali clan Northern Somalis… the world is watching your refusal to open dialogue with your Transitional Federal Government headed by Sheikh Shariif.. the world is watching your tribe infested brains…


    PEACE is the offering of the British Government and PEACE is the way ahead .. PEACE is what is in the interest of all the Clan regions in Northern Somalia …. and the need for PEACE by the Somali people is greater than you single-clan interest … if you are still having nightmares about previous Somali leaders such as Siyad Bare.. do not blame us peace loving people.. we are not the ones keeping your head stuck in the dark ages … blame your clan elders for infecting you to think/speak for one clan over the interest of all the Somali people… lets talk about the past but lets keep moving to the future because my friends.. that is where change is possible…



    I hope my speech above goes into all Somalis from all regions especially my brothers and sisters in the Somaliland Clan (Isaq / SNM Militia supporters).


    Life is too short to stay in disagreement …20 years is enough ..wake up my people ..use your own senses and love each other for just being a HUMAN to start with .. than for just being Somali .. goodness me am I lecturing animals or people who are meant to have the same nose, eyes and mouth as me …….

    We are on this planet together and originate from the same region Northern Somalia (Hargeisa) for a reason … for better and for worse we have to help each other and guide each other to seek peace… guide each other to see the bigger picture … guide each other to see the common good … guide each other to love one another. I cannot change my tribal origin and do not expect others to do so, I have learned to love myself and found love for all other tribes ….. I hope my Isaaq brothers and sisters you heed my message ..


    Thanks Matt for the opportunity to keep airing my thoughts on this … the more I write it and read other commentators … the more I realize my message to my fellow Somali Northerners need what I have to say… I will keep repeating and speaking for the common good as I believe without love for all .. we will get nowhere and will see no peace… I will not let my fellow Northerners to stay in the dark… I will speak of Love and Peace .. no matter how long it takes ……. that is the least I can do for Somalia.

    Idil says:
    January 19, 2012 at 4:42 pm

    Somaliland is Isaq, it is one of the clan regions in Northern Somalia same as Awdal State, Khaatumo State and Puntland State… lets hope our British Government recognises and works with all the people in Northern Somalia.


    This conference is about PEACE not about CLAN … so my dear Isaq family ..please focus on speaking for all the people in Northern Somalia .. trying to mislead Matt by flooding the blog with your individual clan’s interest exposes the hate agenda of the single clan-thinking.

    This PEACE conference will succeed …I have no doubt .. because the peace loving Somali people will not allow a single tribe (Isaq) to destroy the support that the British Government is offering in this prominent time.


    I am glad the world can see the extent of hate held by the single-tribe thinking Somaliland Clan (Isaq). I suppose having uneducated ruminant of the SNM militia as your clan leader (Siilaanyo) does not help in this day and age.. please note that the world is watching your refusal of PEACE and UNITY… the world is watching your HATE for your fellow Somali clan Northern Somalis… the world is watching your refusal to open dialogue with your Transitional Federal Government headed by Sheikh Shariif.. the world is watching your tribe infested brains…


    PEACE is the offering of the British Government and PEACE is the way ahead .. PEACE is what is in the interest of all the Clan regions in Northern Somalia …. and the need for PEACE by the Somali people is greater than you single-clan interest … if you are still having nightmares about previous Somali leaders such as Siyad Bare.. do not blame us peace loving people.. we are not the ones keeping your head stuck in the dark ages … blame your clan elders for infecting you to think/speak for one clan over the interest of all the Somali people… lets talk about the past but lets keep moving to the future because my friends.. that is where change is possible…

    Short sightedness and clan-thinking will take you nowhere… the world these days is interested in peace, unity and progress



    I hope my speech above goes into all Somalis from all regions especially my brothers and sisters in the Somaliland Clan (Isaq / SNM Militia supporters).

  438. We appreciate Britain’s involvement in Somalia’s reconciliation process and help seek a lasting solutions for Somalia’s problems. Surely, the key problem in Somalia is the tribal problem – the tribal problem of Somalia is its political problem and it’s more so in the northern part of the country. I would liked not to mention tribal names here, however, omitting this fact will take us away from realistically tackle the fundamental problem that failed Somalia.

    So, the north part of Somalia comprise of the following communities: the secessionist SNM rebel group had been renamed as Somaliland – the Isaaq Somali Tribe. The unionist Awdal State of Somalia – The Samaroon Somali Tribe, the unionist Khaatumo State of Somalia – the Dhulbahante Somali tribe, and the up coming (in the pipeline) unionist Makhir State of Somalia the warsangeli Somali Tribe.

    Obviously, it’s evident beyond doubt that the bogus claim of the one clan secession who inhabit in a small part of North Somalia that the secession is supported by all tribes in the north is completely baseless. Likewise, your characterization of the one clan secessionist enclave of Somaliland as one of areas that enjoy relative peace is regrettable.

    For example, the unionist Dhulbahante Tribe has come together and held a well arranged grand conference in Taleex town from December 26, 2012 and currently in its final stage to be concluded in just few days. The conference has been attended by representatives of all sections of the SSC communities (Sool, Sanaag, and Cayn) – politicians, traditional leaders, civil society, womwn’s groups, youth, religious groups etc..In this conference the SSC communities who inhabit a territory about 50% of the north of Somalia has established their own Regional Administration that supports the Somali unity “Khaatumo State of Somalia” which they announced to be part of the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia.

    Unfortunately, as soon as the Khaatumo State of Somalia is declared, the one clan Isaaq enclave launched an attack on the peaceful SSC town of
    Buhodle where they killed a number of innocent civilians and injured many others. The SSC people has repulsed the secessionist attack on Bohodle on the 15th of january 2012 and pushed the aggressors about 25 kilometers away of Buhodle. Now, the two armies are still not far from each other and a long and destructive tribal war could break at any moment.. In addition, the Isaaq secessionists keep their daily attacks, killings, jailing, hijacking, torturing innocent civilans population in the occupied city of Lasanod. Even though the Isaaq engage in all the above mentioned atrocities in the SSC land, yet the fact of the matter is that the one clan secessionists loosely control a small part of SSC territory, 95% of the SSC territories are under the control of the SSC people. It’s worth mentioning that the Khaatumo State of Somalia has offered the olive peace branch to the secessionist Somaliland tribe to peacefully evacuate the Khaatumo territories and accept a peaceful co-existence and mutual cooperation. However, the sad part is that the secessionists in their all folks of life including their top tradional leaders, politicians, and religious groups are with no exception united on the aggression, killings, and displacements of the population of the unionist Khaatumo State of Somalia.

    I would like also to point out the false democracy claimed by the secessionists who run everything according to tribal lines within their enclave – just one clan. Case in point is the so called tribal political parties are owned and supported by a specific clan. Thus, the results of all so called bogus elections are fixed (planned in advance). Those bogus elections never took place in the Khaatumo State of Somalia territories, because the unionist population there neither recognize them nor accept them..

    Hence the north of Somalia is in crisis mode, wars, and conflict that could progress very quickly to a situation far worse than the south of Somalia, if not intervened by the international community and the aggression of the secessionist camp on the unionist camp of the north stopped and the secessionist Isaaq tribe advised to pull their tribal militia back to their tribal territories, and away from the Khaatumo State of Somalia territory.

    In conclusion, we hope that we contributed to explain the reality on the ground in the northern part of Somalia, and we suggest that all the stakeholders in the north of Somalia be invited to the conference as equal participants to arrive at an inclusive solution that takes care of addressing the root cause of the problem in Somalia, the rest will take care of itself.
    Abdi OMAR

  439. This conferance is about how somalians can come with better ideas in order we create peace and sustainability in Somalia. Its not a CLAN, its not Somaliland – country, and its not bringing more troopes to Somalia. I would like Matt understands that Somalia based on Clan, and one clan cannot become a government. Thanks to Allah and people who gave time to create peace in Punltnad and Somaliland. We should not ignore that there is peace in these regions.

    let me give some important ideas and what every somali thinks:
    1. Cut all aid money to tribal leaders, presidents, and other greedy politicians. When dont get aid money, then they will sit under three and build government. But there is aid money, there isno solutions in somalia.
    2. remove all troops who destroyed somalian sea and its nature. You say troops are fighting with pirates, but they are making and creating more problems and more pirates.
    3. Let clans in South Somalia think their future in south like their brothers in Puntland and Somaliland thought and created peace in their regions.
    4. Let african troops out of Somalia. They are problem, because we are muslims, we dont want non-muslim troops on our soil.

    i hope better peace in Somalia

  440. It is really good opportunity for somalis to have such a fantastic conference, but what i would suggest is to give more chance to somali intellectuals who are abroad and also inside somalia. What i mean is that those guys who are now playing the somali role of politics cannot represent the overall somali communities. They are just htere for their own interest. So i kindly request to the respected organisers to give chance to all somali intellectuals wherever they are.

  441. A Abdi what you think is UK Goverment? stop the foolish propaganda British Goverment doesn’t need your lie. I think that you know where they came from th top leaders of the Alshabaab terrorists they are all from Somaliland and Isaaq Clan. and they have many suporters in Hargeisa and Buroa region. That is the fact. Every body knows the british citizens and innocent people they kill those extremists in that region Somaliland read here

    A British couple who dedicated their lives to teaching in Africa were found murdered yesterday at a school in Somaliland.

    Richard Eyeington, 63, and his wife Enid, 61, were shot dead in their house on the school compound in Sheikh, in the east of the breakaway republic.

    The attack was the second on westerners in a fortnight, raising fears of an Islamic terror campaign in a country the United States has previously linked to al-Qa’eda.

    At his home in Cromer, Norfolk, John Eyeington paid tribute to his murdered brother, a man who had spent more than 30 years teaching in Africa and was one of the “good do-gooders”.

    “I was very worried when he decided to go to Somalia,” Mr Eyeington said. “I knew it was dangerous, and we thought he’d done enough already. But he was determined, and now he’s paid for it with his life.”

    so which state is a terrorist safe heaven?
    I hope you learn something today.

  442. We welcome that very imprtant and we encourage the UK goverment to welcome the two newest state KHAATUMO STATE OF SOMALIA and AWDALA STATE OF SOMALIA who represent the majority of the people f Northern Somalia. from now on Somaliland and Puntland can’t claim to represent the people of KHAATUMO STATE OF SOMALI and AWDAL STATE. we wish you good luck for that conference. thanks

  443. Khatuumo or Daarwiishland are made up of anti British, jihadists or worriors who believe themselves to be brave fighters but in reality are terrorisers to any Somali who don’t support their anti western views. They wish to be seen as uniters and pro Somali just as long as that Somali isn’t critical of their backward dark age racist views. The area they claim at the moment isn’t the end of their ultimate goal. Which is to alienate Somalis from the rest of the world and use them to prope up their image which they believe to be honourable despite how they got it? The means to an end does not matter as long as their reach their goal. They have made it quite clear that they will do whatever it takes to make others who reject their view on how Somali should fight westerners will be brought misery. Both Somaliland and Puntland have made efforts towards these people to help them but alas their determination to make Somalis accept them as their rulers is fuelling them to do anything including joining extremists like Alshabab and pirates to bolster anti western groups. All Somalis should not have to feel their peace and freedoms threaten yet this group will not rest until they bring themselves above any other no matter what the cost?

    1. “Khatuumo or Daarwiishland are made up of anti British, jihadists or worriors who believe themselves to be brave fighters but in reality are terrorisers to any Somali who don’t support their anti western views.”

      This is utterly ignorancy and an insult to the intellegence of the participants of the blog. Of course it is naturally Somaliland’s way to spread haterate among the tribes and the oppressor tribe’s people support the oppression of their soldiers because of propaganda.

      Khaatumo State of Somalia is built by world famous academics lead by former prime minister of Somalia, a PhD holder and a professor at American univeristy, Dr Ali Khaliif Galaydh, who clearly said the aim of creating Khaatumo is bring peace and prosperity to the people of three major provinces which are Sool, Sanaag and Cayn, he also send peaceful message to both the somaliland and puntland and asked peaceful neighbourhood and stability. here is the link of his message

      The real terrorizer and human abuser of both Awadal and Khatumo states is Somaliland oppressing tribe. in fact the upcoming conference will shed light on this issue.

    2. We are not living in the stone age era, where, if someone speads propaganda is accepted as facts based on reality.

      Khaatumo State of Somalia is defined by Drs, Professor Ali Khaliif Galaydh here is the link to listen and hear from the mouth of the who created it.

      It is shame that the oppressors are calling the oppressed as terrorist.
      The real terrorists is Somaliland who support Al shabaab and send one of their tribe member to lead al qaida in Southern Somalia in the hope that they can gain recognition by putting Somalia into turmoil situation. Every one knows Godane the leader of Al Qaida somalia wing is from Somaliland and belongs to the Isaaq clan.

    3. Dhubahante are certainly not racist, they only want to be part of united Somalia and a federal government that supports devolution of power and regional parliaments. All Hargeisa needs to do is pull it’s troops from Las Canood so they can have there capital for the regions of Sool, Sanaag and Ayn…..hopefully the formerly Maakhir state will join in their efforts of a viable SSC regional governance.

      1. Sool is the only region the Dhulbahante aka Daarwiishlanders aka Khaatumoians are a majority. Whilst Sanaag Togdheer has a majority Isaaq inhabitants. Thus, the Somaliland army are protecting their citizens from agression and land graping by these groups. Who have threaten them for a long time and tensions are fuelled by their anti Somaliland retoric via various media outlets. These groups also play underhand methods as well as violent actions against the Isaaq. All due to their objection to the name Somaliland because they still have an issue with pre Independence Somaliland being excised by the Egyptians to the British who they believed had a war with resulting in their genocide. Thus, Somaliland after Independence still isn’t acceptable unless it included the Somali region in Ethiopia.

        Infact, the single most objection towards the British is that they blame them for dividing their tribe the Darood which Dhulbhante and Ogadens are part of. They are never going to be satisfied until they get the Somali Ethiopian region back and have decided to make Somalilanders pay for it again and again. It is simply racism and hate that fuels this group. They don’t care about other Somalis but the Darood tribe of which they believe they are the clear warriors.

        The Somali Ethiopia region has a terrorist group who called themselves ONLF who they use to help them attach Somalilanders like the Seemaal killings to disturbe their peace. Despite their being many other tribes living in that Somali region. They only recognise the Ogaden clan. Which highlights the obvious racist anti Somali agenda. They wish to dominate all the Somali tribes and have blackmailed the South Somalis as well as the North Somalis forever over this by claiming many different regions like Jubbaland, Azania, Maakiir, Puntland, Hobyo, and Ogaden. Even though their population isn’t any greater then other big tribes. They spread themselves all around the country demanding the most. Whilst other tribes have contained themselves in the same areas they want to control each tribe by claiming lands on the outskirts of others to gain Strategic influence. This is not lost on many of us who simply will not see peace for a long time if this matter is not brought a better solutions then allowing continual friction by this particular tribe.

        1. Somalia is the consensual union of 2 Somali lands , Italian Somaliland and British Somaliland. There was no forceful coercion in that union so stop re-writing history.

          Stop your lies, no dhulbahante is fighting the Ethiopia. If SNM was around today they would have been called terrorist. SNM/SL Army is the one terrorizing Buuhoodle today.

  444. Dear Matt
    gratings ,as somalilanders we well come the effort of the international community to stablise the war torn somalia,i think the British Government knows very well about the difference between somaliland and somalia because somaliland was a British colony while somalia was an Italian colony,somaliland got her independence on june 26 1960 and 32 countries recognized,so the name somalia consist the union of those two states but the name somalia was the first trick that those in the south used against us and still they continue to mislead the world, the people of somaliland was deeply influenced the dream of uniting the greater somalia which means uniting all the somalis in the region under one flag, but that dream died and is not possible in the current international era and the somalis in jabouti got their independance while those in kenya and ethiopia are seeking their destiny in their countries .as the international community knows the people of somaliland suffered alot during that union in every way ,their identity ,history,traditions and culture were destroyed,the mogdisho regimes dominated by the corrupted southern leaders commited genocide against somaliland people,the cities of somaliland were all raised to the ground,and in 18th may 1991 the people of somaliland decided to reclaim their statehood in the self determination conference held in Burao town,today somaliland is an African success story, somaliland is a constitutional state , held three democratic elections in wich the international observers called free and fair, while somalia is a failed state and home for piracy and international terrorist groups,so in the right of self determination somaliland people are not ready to go back to confusion and chaos ,it is up to the people of somalia and it actually their responsibility to bring peace and stability to their home ,but we are ready to talk to them about the issues that concerns us both but let them forget about somaliland……….i hope British Government will respect the wishes and aspirations of the

  445. We appreciate Britain’s involvement in Somalia’s reconciliation process and help seek a lasting solutions for Somalia’s problems. Surely, the key problem in Somalia is the tribal problem – the tribal problem of Somalia is its political problem and it’s more so in the northern part of the country. I would liked not to mention tribal names here, however, omitting this fact will take us away from realistically tackle the fundamental problem that failed Somalia.
    So, the north part of Somalia comprise of the following communities: the secessionist SNM rebel group had been renamed as Somaliland – the Isaaq Somali Tribe. The unionist Awdal State of Somalia – The Samaroon Somali Tribe, the unionist Khaatumo State of Somalia – the Dhulbahante Somali tribe, and the up coming (in the pipeline) unionist Makhir State of Somalia the warsangeli Somali Tribe.
    Obviously, it’s evident beyond doubt that the bogus claim of the one clan secession who inhabit in a small part of North Somalia that the secession is supported by all tribes in the north is completely baseless. Likewise, your characterization of the one clan secessionist enclave of Somaliland as one of areas that enjoy relative peace is regrettable.
    For example, the unionist Dhulbahante Tribe has come together and held a well arranged grand conference in Taleex town from December 26, 2012 and currently in its final stage to be concluded in just few days. The conference has been attended by representatives of all sections of the SSC communities (Sool, Sanaag, and Cayn) – politicians, traditional leaders, civil society, womwn’s groups, youth, religious groups etc..In this conference the SSC communities who inhabit a territory about 50% of the north of Somalia has established their own Regional Administration that supports the Somali unity “Khaatumo State of Somalia” which they announced to be part of the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia.
    Unfortunately, as soon as the Khaatumo State of Somalia is declared, the one clan Isaaq enclave launched an attack on the peaceful SSC town of
    Buhodle where they killed a number of innocent civilians and injured many others. The SSC people has repulsed the secessionist attack on Bohodle on the 15th of january 2012 and pushed the aggressors about 25 kilometers away of Buhodle. Now, the two armies are still not far from each other and a long and destructive tribal war could break at any moment.. In addition, the Isaaq secessionists keep their daily attacks, killings, jailing, hijacking, torturing innocent civilans population in the occupied city of Lasanod. Even though the Isaaq engage in all the above mentioned atrocities in the SSC land, yet the fact of the matter is that the one clan secessionists loosely control a small part of SSC territory, 95% of the SSC territories are under the control of the SSC people. It’s worth mentioning that the Khaatumo State of Somalia has offered the olive peace branch to the secessionist Somaliland tribe to peacefully evacuate the Khaatumo territories and accept a peaceful co-existence and mutual cooperation. However, the sad part is that the secessionists in their all folks of life including their top tradional leaders, politicians, and religious groups are with no exception united on the aggression, killings, and displacements of the population of the unionist Khaatumo State of Somalia.
    I would like also to point out the false democracy claimed by the secessionists who run everything according to tribal lines within their enclave – just one clan. Case in point is the so called tribal political parties are owned and supported by a specific clan. Thus, the results of all so called bogus elections are fixed (planned in advance). Those bogus elections never took place in the Khaatumo State of Somalia territories, because the unionist population there neither recognize them nor accept them..
    Hence the north of Somalia is in crisis mode, wars, and conflict that could progress very quickly to a situation far worse than the south of Somalia, if not intervened by the international community and the aggression of the secessionist camp on the unionist camp of the north stopped and the secessionist Isaaq tribe advised to pull their tribal militia back to their tribal territories, and away from the Khaatumo State of Somalia territory.
    In conclusion, we hope that we contributed to explain the reality on the ground in the northern part of Somalia, and we suggest that all the stakeholders in the north of Somalia be invited to the conference as equal participants to arrive at an inclusive solution that takes care of addressing the root cause of the problem in Somalia, the rest will take care of itself.

  446. I’m congratulating British Government. Second I want to say something for this issue. First there is two different parts in Somalia (Somalia and Somaliland) the first one (Somalia) is a failed state for the sake of there is open ended Violence since 1991 after siyad’s Regime collapsed, for the last two decides there was a war based on different issues such warlords, tribes, islamists militia, pirates and so many others, the most popular participators for this things was two Somali Claims (Hawiye And Darood), hence the first thing is needed for this conference is to reunite the different regional government of South Somalia (Somalia).
    The Other part of Somalia (Somaliland) first let us look back the background of this region, this region was British protectorate since 1960. Somaliland gets its independence from British Government in 26th June 1960, 4 days after Somaliland political leaders amalgamated in Italian Somalia in order to form what is called SOMALI REPUPLIC and also to search for the other Somali regions such Djibouti, Ogaden and NFD. But this become a failed dream. After 31 years of struggle and genocide against Somaliland people, in 18 MAY 1991 Somaliland Society agreed freely to be a independent Government such other Somalis (Djibouti) and they have a right to choose their future.
    So in conclusion my advice is if the British Government interesting this conference to be successful must respect the root of the Somali dilemma. Also the British Government must share Somaliland society how they solve their internal problems without external participators.


  447. First of I want to thank the international community including UK for respecting the integrity of Somalia as ONE NATION, it is a wise and strategic move to not and never recognise any part of Somalia that try to secede and seek recognition. So called Somaliland is a tribal fiefdom lead by one tribe and oppressed the clans of four major provinces, it is main existance is based on terrorizing minority tribes, militarily occupying their towns, put them under curfew, exiling, jailing the politicians, academics and tribal chiefs of these tribes. Somaliland or as internationally called Northern Somalia shall be treated as a Somali province and never as equall state to Somalia. Supporting Somaliland means supporting human right abuse, oppression and bloodshed, it will also means creating eternal enmity with Somalia. It is to the benefit of the international community and Somalia to boycott Somaliland, and let them come to the conference as a province of Somalia and one of the tribes of Somalia. Any nation that recognize or support Somaliland harms only its interest in Somalia for Somalia will never accept it and makes sure the unity of Somalia. The upcoming conference will shed light on the oppression of the people of Awdal, Sool, Sanaag and Cayn provinces of Northern Somalia which only one tribe forced them by means of terrorizing to be part of Somaliland.

  448. my name is osman mohamed and i living in.
    I’ll tell you this draft.
    I think Somaliland is a country the same as EGLAND.
    so I think if Somaliland because I’m Somalilander.

    Somaliland is located west called Hargiesa.
    Somaliland has about 4 million people.
    Why not say un Somaliland is a country the same as Italy or another country
    thanks Osman.

  449. I belive that All Somali should accept and support Somaliland self determination.
    Thanks to UK gov to called Somaliland Rep a country with Pride and Dinignity.
    Long Live to Somaliland



  451. We appreciate Britain’s involvement in Somalia’s reconciliation process and help seek a lasting solutions for Somalia’s problems,first of all mr matt north somalia is not isaaq or so called somaliland only they have no right to talk behalf of the unionists awdal(samaroon)khaatumo state(dhulbahante the darwiish ppl)makhir state coming soon(warsangali ) as dhulbahante my clan led the darvish struggle or revelution in 1899-1920 we lost 1000s of our beloved grandfathers we were the first clan in africa been bombed my british war airplanes .our grandfathers fought to unite all somalis under one flag one name one goal one idea and country,and today we created khaatumo state on 10-1-2012 after being ignored and neglected from the somali policies and policy makers,somaliland(isaaq) attacked buhodle three times in two yrs last one few days ago killing innocent ppl women children eldry,its hate they using their tribe and british tax payers money to kill our ppl they lie to int community about so called somaliland republic,its dream and it will be a dream ,we believe a clan cant be a country,isaaq says siyaad bare killed us in 1988 but that regime gone so why they killing innocent ppl in cayn district of khaatumo state ,we heard their top clan leaders threatening our nation they still occuping our beautiful city laascanod and killing its nation im sure u are aware of siilaanyo crimes in ssc or our new born khaatumo state,i cant understand why they hate us ,their top cleric or shiekh adan zero said it clearly we should be treated as slaves,all that is not enough zubair awal is clan of the isaaq their leader declear a jihaad on us just coz we declear a khaatumo state,their home minister declear a war on khaatumo state,we are peaceful nation but we wont accept somaliland or puntland to rule us again they never being fare with us our khaatumo state we have lack of education no hospitals no streets no health services no airports no schools today we are united and we will never allow to use our name or talk behaf of us we are the darwiish we are khaatumo state and out new elected leaders must represent us only somalia is based on clan and the darwiish must get their chance to represent their ppl,i think the best solution for somalia every clan to rule its nation and uk to help us in searching oil and natural resources and somalia will calm dowm its poverty which cause the problems thanx

  452. Hello Matt

    Thanks for giving us the opportunity to air our views and recommendations about this up coming conference.
    First, I am sorry to reed that many of us (Somalis) are still spending more time writing about the past rather than the future and what should be done for this conference to succeed.

    Here are my recommendations;

    1) First and the foremost, the main emphasis of the conference should be not to further deepen the political crises in Somalia by inviting Somaliland and Puntland as a separate entities from Somalia.

    2) Rebuilding of the Somali security forces (capable of defeating pirates and terrorists) and not relying on AMISOM or any other foreign forces.

    3) Creating job opportunities for the youngsters in Somalia by a way of creating peaceful environment.

    If that is followed, I am sure that the conference will be success and will be remembered forever, unlike its dozens or so predecessors.



  453. Hello, Dear Matt

    My solution to Somalia is to incourage regional or tribal state of at least 15 years till most Somalis would be ready for political mature, to create peace among themselves and with others to have federal Somalia that everyone has his individual rights and properties respected and rule of law restored.
    All political groups participate and contribute ideas.
    ONE Somalia united peace for all Somalis.
    Thanks Matt

  454. Dear Matt
    to begin i will like to thank the Britain government for her effort to start these conference ,,,secondly i will like to take these opportunity to ask fever to unite all states in Somalia so that they can take part and to be hard their views, let these Peace conference to allow these 2 new state Khaatumo state of Somalia and Awdal state so that they can take part these peaceful conference and the rest of Cultural leaders, the women organisations are the most Majnalyze people lastly the learned Somali Youth must take part also.
    and i welcome these conference and i fully support .all the best .

    by .Abdi fatah Yasiin

  455. Somalia and Somaliland are not compatible at momant.becouse Somaliland has progressed peace and democracy.somalia there are chaos.conflict,violence and so on

  456. would like to say this is a very important forward step for the future of Somalis in general and particularly those who love their real identity which is the blue flag with white star in the middle.
    I am suggesting that the British Government has to consider and invite to the conference all state Governments and find solutions .

    Awdal State and Khatumo State are particularly to be invited as they could contribute fundamental ideas for one Somalia. They had made possible the Somali unification after independence.
    thank you.

  457. Somaliland has had other constitutional documents of historical importance which range from the international treaties signed by the various Somaliland communities with the British government, and the various constitutional arrangements prior to independence in 1960 to the Declaration of Re-assertion of Sovereignty in 1991 (in Burao) at one of the earliest grand conferences of the Somaliland communities. Although the Republic of Somaliland was independent for a short period in June 1960, it later unified with Italian Somaliland to form Somalia. During that short period no comprehensive constitution was adopted. The State of Somaliland had its own Constitution which was drafted in early 1960, and was briefly in place.

    The first main Constitutional document of the independent Somaliland was the National Charter (Axdi Qaran), which was signed by the Conference of the Somaliland Communities in 1993 in Borama. This was followed by the first Somaliland constitution, which was adopted at the conference of the Somaliland Communities in Hargeisa in February 1997. Under article 151, the constitution shall be implemented for a period of three years from its approval in February 1997 and shall come into force fully once a referendum has been held. There was a provision for this interim period to be increased by the two Houses of Parliament, and in early 2000, the two Houses voted that the period be increased by one year. This was primarily to give more time for the completion of the revision of the constitution (before its submission to the nation at a Referendum) and for putting in place the laws and mechanisms for changing the current “representative” democracy in Somaliland to a popular democracy based on the direct elections of the President of Somaliland and the Parliament of Somaliland.

    Although initially the Somaliland government proposed fairly extensive amendments to the constitution in 1999, the final revised constitution is not very different from the last one and the reduction of the number of articles from 156 to 130 has been largely achieved by the amalgamation of some articles, rather than by extensive repeals. Unlike the earlier draft proposals, the parts of the constitution relating to directive principles and to human rights have all been retained. On the whole, the revisions tidied up the constitution and no fundamental changes have been made.

  458. long live somaliland we hope to get soon recognised soon international community,omaliland embarked on a new path to decide on its own destiny as a sovereign state and against all odds successfully managed to overcome the aftermath of brutal war and the seeds sown by a brutal regime to build an enviable young thriving democracy dubbed by some as beacon of stability and a model for Africa. Unfortunately, despite fulfilling all legal requirements for statehood, its search for sovereignty is yet to materialise. of somaliland

  459. The Republic of Somaliland, formerly a British Protectorate, gained independence on 26th June 1960 which it inadvertently lost four days after it went into a merger with the Italian Trusteeship of Somalia to form the Somali Republic. Somaliland withdrew from the union on 18th May 1991 after it proved unjust, unsuccessful and dangerous to the aspirations of her people.
    we want to international communti to recognised soon There are two traditional doctrines that provide interpretations of when a de jure sovereign state should be recognised as a member of the international community. The “declarative” theory defines a state as a person in international law if it meets the following criteria: 1) a defined territory; 2) a permanent population; 3) a government and 4) a capacity to enter into relations with other states. According to declarative theory, an entity’s statehood is independent of its recognition by other states. By contrast, the “constitutive” theory defines a state as a person of international law if it is recognised as such by another state that is already a member of the international community

  460. Dear Matt:
    With all doing my respect:
    I’m a Citizen of 21 year old government that is Somaliland.
    Somaliland fulfilled all the requirements of an independent state. Including:
    Its own president
    Its own Flag
    Its own Money
    Its own Army
    Its own Parliament
    Its own borders,,,,,, and every thing which an existing government should have.

    somaliland have been living in a piece and prosperity for 21 years while other South Somali have been living in destruction, war and Non stop conflicts.
    Somaliland people choose d piece instead of War, they are piece loving people. They solved their entire problems and established their own effective government with out getting any help from the international community.

    I can confidently say Somaliland is the Only Lamp glowing in a region of pirate,war, and prolonged conflicts.

    On the other hand the international community have been supporting every new government which was established in the South but the RESULT IS STILL UN PRODUCTIVE.

    Having mention all those progresses which is done by Somaliland Government, I’m here to say Its Absolutely unfair to look down upon the piece,development,democracy and stability in Somaliland.

    Its not fair the INTERNATION COMMUNITY to deny our rights to be a part of the International community, with out doubt we deserve it.
    We hope Uk which is a close friend to Somaliand to be the first country to recognize Somaliland.
    The fact is that if Somaliand is recognized We can play a key role to stabilize the South.

    Some people are talking about The independence Of Somaliland, I’m telling you that decision was reached 21 years a go, today is not the day to be discussed. Do your work I have done mine.


  461. Dear sir,

    Yes I agree of course, especially that we have our own Government in North Somalia which called :Khaatumo State in three regions in Sool / Saanag /Cayne.

    I hope that Somalia at end will have one government by all the tribes in North and also in the South, and we will not any more hear that Britain support the Isaaq Tribe in Hargeysa , because since 20 years they are insiting showing the wrold that they are government., while in the North Somalia so many other tribes live there,

    Thanks and hope that we are not anymore will hear what was called “Somaliland”

    K I Ali

  462. Dear Matt,

    We have been a failed state for 21 years, the world have ignored us till our country became the home of terrorists. there was so many conferences around the globe for somalia, but nothing change the situation was getting worse day after a day. after 21 years most of Somali people are ready to build their country. coming to the point when we heard London conference we are very pleased and we hope this conference to fruitful to all parts. we know ENGLAND has big influence and support to our neighbour country like Kenya and Ethiopia so that wont exist peacefully if somalia is flaming so save ENGLAND interest in East Africa they should support Somali people to get their peace back.

    on other hand we urge this conference not to give a door the secessionist SNM called “SOMALILAND” who played part the destruction of somalia and their day dreaming ideology. we are one people one nation one religion one flag, we were and will be for ever!!!

  463. …. thanks All of U.
    my dear Somali people else of U……..
    the somali people are same with their Blood, region, culture, tongue, and else things..but there is a whole question about what they are not understand each other….
    simply this can solve it…. there something as i think and basically two old reasons . only Hungry and uneducated people majority… may be 87% as somali people are write and read… But are also muslim people 100% nut they did not understand ….
    there few people who gradguates b

  464. Britain ceded Ogaden and NFD to Ethiopia and Kenya respectively. Somalis should never ever trust UK. Please leave us alone.

  465. Dear Matt
    There were ONE Somalia, and There is still ONE Somalia.
    there were huge killing of civilian in fake towns of Somaliland. for exampe l, 1991 there murdered innocents in Hargeysa and Berbera and later, Awdal region that now Awdal State.
    example tribal wars of Habar Jeclo and Habar Yoonis in Burao in 1992 and again in tribal wars of Gadh Hajis and Awal in Hargeysa in 1995. There were NEVER been really peace in Somaliland.

    Khaatumo State of Somalia,

    There were also wars and murder of Laascaanood, Sool and two times in Buuhoodle in Cayn in 2011 and 2012.
    Somaliland Should STOP wars in Somalia.

  466. Thanks Mr. Matt for your encouragement to share the debate with the Somalis for their affairs. And I am also clearing out misconceptions and illusion of fake claims of so-called Somaliland (Single-tribal leadership of Isaq tribe).

    First, Self-destruction of Somalia was going on last 21 years and more than MILLION plus lost their valuable life and refugee and hungry became Somali career. Results of this forced communities or regions make their initiative and doing things on their own of building political structure to restore law and order such as Khaatumo State, Awdal State, Puntland, Galmudug and other states. (Sool, Sanaag & Cayn of Khaatumo state.)

    Secondly, Somalia’s roots problems is Tribe (Just like the new state of South Sudan now). What we see in Somalia is result of Clan-Wars and perception of Tribal identity that became what defines these people in terms of security, state building, reshaping Somalia’s politics and all aspects of a life, death and nation. And most importantly the Somalis are concentrating about the symptoms its effect of the CLAN-War rather than talking the Solutions that is needed which a looks long shot. One thing is certain those careless people who started Somalia’s problems and their supporters did Not discuss enough the Endgame and they don’t have enough lessons about themselves and Somalis, they thought it would be a short ride to dictate the nation. Now, the concept that destroyed Somalia changed the colors, surprisingly the discussion points of Somalis are Wow new issues.

  467. I think its Very Important to know that,Britain isnt gonna allow to seperate somalis from the rest of somalia and its not their Policy. but rather Facilitate to Bring peace or some Kinda Agreement
    they know more than us the collection of Somali Tribes and So called Former British Protectorate or somaliland some of You Put it , wasnt country or even close to an adminstration was just Colonail names,
    North somalia wil remain part of Somali Territory as Scotland is part of Great britain..

  468. If United Kingdom wants to see this Somali peace conference bear any useful fruit, I would advise them to be neutral to the politically opposing Somali sides. As we are all aware of the situation in Somalia remains critical exacerbated by ill-fated external factors.

    I would advise the British Government to invite the newly elected regional state of Khaatumo whose leaders have only been sworn in today in the historic city of Taleh. This entity has its undeniable significance to any peace initiative in Somalia proper, If her majesty’s government wishes to seal the protracted Somali instability once and for all, it should invite all the Somali stakeholders including the recently inaugurated Khaatumo State of Somalia which by the way controls huge junk of northern Somalia or what is now known as SSC regions.

    We the proud people of Khaatumo state of Somalia are fiercly against any attempt what-so-ever of division and separation in Somalia, and call upon the British government to respect the teritorial integrity,unity and sovereignty of Somalia.Khaatumo State of Somalia also wants to remind the hosting kingdom to bear in mind that not all the people in northern Somalia prefer seccession from Somalia,on the contrary,Khaatumo State of Somalia which is 45% of what is now Somaliland are against that tainted idea and are in favor of Somali unity therefore,they should and must be invited into this conference.

  469. Hi Matt.
    Somalia had been wars since last twenty years, despite the worst wars happened in Central and South Somalia. Although I agree the agenda of the meeting to help Somali people I would like to see the meeting to be divided into two stages:
    a.the North of Somalia
    b.the South of Somalia
    lets talk to make a federal goverment(unity of Somalia), if that will be the base thinks will be okey, otherwise it will be zero.

  470. hey matt
    Thanks for giving us this golden oppounnity for expressing our opinion.
    Am a somali citizen but currently residing in sweden.i mst say thanks to swidish goverment for this.Am from kismayo south somalia and i must admit that i run away from alshabaab.the leader of alshabaab in lower juba is sadly from somaliland who are claiming to be independent………….somaliland is sending half of the money they get to support alshabaab inorder to create mayhem and make it unstable in south of somalia inorder for them to get recognition,Somalis are now tied and they want peace.the solution of somalia is to fight alshabaab and piracy.for alshabaab the internation community should not only focus on alqayda but also stop funding somaliland and also stop dahaab shill money transfer,,,,,to me i see this to be a major problem which is hidden and somalia will never be peaceful if somaliland issue is not resolve,somaliland is part of somalia and am not in support of somalia to be divided into pieces,,,,,,,,i support all somalis,they are one tribe ,same religion and same language therefore it they have to stay with their brothers and sisters,i support china in their bid to stop international community funding somaliland separetely,,,they should be told that they are part of somalia as they have m,p inthe somali goverment.thanks matt and i hope uk will be where the somali solution will be found.thank

  471. As Somalis whole we are very pleased the announcement of this conference in, this conference should be constructive not destructive. we need PEACE and GOVERNMENT soon then latter, UK Government and UK PM should stand to give all they can to get Somali people PEACE. UK and other country they should support the new administration region of somalia AWDAL STATE and KHAATUMO STATE these two are more important then other regional administration because unity of somalia is solution to all somalis and the region as well. division of republic of somalia is disaster to all Africa.

  472. I believe united Somalia is the only way forward to participate all the State and consider Somaliland as a state. Somaliland politics is based on clans system only Isaaq those believed Somaliland while other clans denied Somaliland and created States.
    After 20 years Somaliland not go anywhere and collapsed.

  473. I would thank MATT and all the British government for bringing all Somalis together. I think this is a great opportunity for all Somalis to understand each other and forget the conflict we had the past 20yrs. Somalia (Awdal State, Somaliland, Katumo State and Puntland) I believe that they are all one nation and at the end of the day they come under Somalia republic.
    I hope to see peace in somalia.

  474. Finally, British goverment quite on listing few and well connected in British politics who always provide false information to UK policy makers in regarding geopolitics of northern Somalia. Many of your diplomats paint Somaliland as sucess story. But let me give you facts on the ground unfiltered.

    Somaliland and their foreign donor are commuting genocide in SSC regions of Somalia. Somaliland is using money they recieve from your goverment to arm tribal army from “Isaq tribe or Somaliland”. For the past five years, the Isaq army created conditions that made live imposible in this region. They killed, raped and tortued to force the local population to abondon their homes as result half of the people in this region now lives in refugee camps in Kenya.

    They have been commuting crimes agains humanity for the past five years that warants investagation of human right violation, because this part of the world recieve little or no attention from the main stream media this issue can be hiden as long as the personal friendship excist between UK diplomats in horn of Africa and Isaq elites. With out using diplomatic language “UK goverment is patrnerin this crime”.

    The British people have been on the right side of the history when they are called to stand on the side of disadvantage people starting from aboloshing slavery to Feering Libayan people from Gadafi family. However your diplomats in this regions doesn’t display the high moral ground people in other parts of the world associated with your foreign diplomats.

    People in the SSC region gathered in Taleh district to discuss their futre and protect their peolple from Isaq “Somaliand” continue agression on the inocent people in SSC. Khatumo state was conceived in this meeting which will create political frame work where the people in this region voice their rights within the content of Somalia and reach out to International community.

    I hope British goverent reaches the leaders of the Khatumo to learn the reality on the ground. I would like to see your diplmats on the ground in SCC for fact finding mission. Khatumo should be invated to participate the up coming conference in Landon so they can pressent their case to international community.

    Every story has two sides and the it is you should invest time to find the facts. I am sure you will agree with me and many other who are critical of your involvment with Somaliland. I don’t mean to offend your staff but I have to tell the truth the way it is.

    Best regards

  475. The diaspora from Sool, Sanaag and Cayn (SSC) regions of North Western Somalia,

    Bearing in mind the precarious situation that has prevailed in Somalia since the collapse of the central government in 1990;

    Congisent of the particular cirisi in the North Western region of Somalia in which one clan had unilaterally declared the secession of the region from Somalia, and calling itself Somalialnd (the former colonial name of the area);

    Taking into account the invasion and occupation of Sool region of Somalia and its capital Lascanod on 15 October 2007 by the one-clan based secessionist enclave in the misguided belief that this would enhance their prospects for international recognitgin;

    Responding to the declaration of the Garads (chiefs and traditional leaders) from Sool, Sanaag and Cayn (SSC) regions of Somalia at their conference at Boame town, Sool region of , Somalia on November 2007 in which they called for the liberation of Sool f rom the secessionists and the defence of Somali unity;

    In the light of the above, and effectively from the date carried by this announcement, the people from the SSC regions of Northern Somalia have established the Northern Somali Unionist Movement (NSUM), an umbrella organisation that will represent them and all the diaspora organisations belonging to these regions. The NSUM, whose members are drawn from SSC regions of Northern Somalia, but not exclusively, is mandated to inter alia pursue the following objectives:

    •Defend Somali unity at the international, interregional, and national levels and counter secession and other threats to Somali unity particularly in the NW region where one clan has declared secession from Somalia:
    •Promote peace within the SSC regions and with other neighbouring clans:
    •Promote the unity of the people in the SSC regions, strengthen the traditional institutions and assist in conflict prevention and resolution,
    •Through relevant information dissemination, enhance the awareness of the people in the SSC regions on critical matters relating to their welfare such peace, health, education and good neighbourliness with other regions;
    •Promote good governance, democracy, human rights and the rule of law at the SSC and national levels ;
    •Promote the socio-economic and political development of the SSC regions in collaboration with development partners at the national and international level.

    In pursuing the above-mentioned objectives, the NSUM is to work closely with other partners, in the quest for peace, unity, and development in the SSC regions and the wider Somalia, such as such as the central government and its organs and institutions, foreign governments, international and regional aid agencies, and international and other national NGOs.’

  476. It is not something new to organize a conference aimed to solve the Somalia crises as more than 20 conferences were previously held in the last two decades, but what is new is the government (UK) hosting this meeting which is one of the existing great powers in the world. Let us first think why all previous peace initiatives meant to re-establish Somali nation were failed but instead the outcome has always been a disastrous? A good example is the 2004 so called reconciliation conference that took place in Kenya which finally led to the birth of the current transitional federal government which was and still is responsible for the crises in the past 7 years by inviting foreign hostile troops particularly Ethiopia and indirectly encouraging the emergence of insurgency and Islamic extremism and finally to a situation where the country seem to be a battleground for globalized conflicts.

    To not repeat the same mistakes contributed to the failure of past peace initiatives UK government should make possible the following:
    • Seek the consent of all Somali people particularly the educated and intellectuals with strong moral values and conducts.
    • Unarmed movements including civil society activists, new opposition political parties, legitimate community representatives such as traditional leaders, youth groups, and business communities should be given great consideration. The assembly should create an environment where their views and demands are loudly heard.
    • Education networks and umbrellas particularly higher education institution administrators should be, for the first time, part of the process. Remember youth are the center as well as the victims of the problems, higher education providers mainly deal with them and are in a better position to provide recommendation on the way out.
    • I suggest warlords and other criminal gunges who have committed crimes against Somali people not to be allowed to hijack the meeting from the main aim to their personal benefits. The UK government to make sure the assembly brings all sides together.
    • My last important suggestion which is for me the most important is the reinforcement of the outcome by the UK government as well as finding international consensus to whatever was agreed in the meeting.
    This meeting stands a good chance for number of reasons. The first one is the hosting government which is one the five great powers in the world as well as permanent representative of the Security Council and close ally with US. This brings the focus of international community and reinforces the outcome unless UK government is not willing to go that far. Second there is an increasing awareness among the Somalis that now it is time to fight for their freedom and regain their territorial integrity whatever it might take for them to do that. Third is Ashabaab hugely losing the public confidence for their cause of fight and experiencing daily defections with decreasing military capabilities. Assessing all these with UK government playing a mediating role, I belief the outcome shall be positive.

  477. Somaliland is Isaq, it is one of the clan regions in Northern Somalia same as Awdal State, Khaatumo State and Puntland State… lets hope our British Government recognises and works with all the people in Northern Somalia.


    This conference is about PEACE not about CLAN … so my dear Isaq family ..please focus on speaking for all the people in Northern Somalia .. trying to mislead Matt by flooding the blog with your individual clan’s interest exposes the hate agenda of the single clan-thinking.

    This PEACE conference will succeed …I have no doubt .. because the peace loving Somali people will not allow a single tribe (Isaq) to destroy the support that the British Government is offering in this prominent time.


    I am glad the world can see the extent of hate held by the single-tribe thinking Somaliland Clan (Isaq). I suppose having uneducated ruminant of the SNM militia as your clan leader (Siilaanyo) does not help in this day and age.. please note that the world is watching your refusal of PEACE and UNITY… the world is watching your HATE for your fellow Somali clan Northern Somalis… the world is watching your refusal to open dialogue with your Transitional Federal Government headed by Sheikh Shariif.. the world is watching your tribe infested brains…


    PEACE is the offering of the British Government and PEACE is the way ahead .. PEACE is what is in the interest of all the Clan regions in Northern Somalia …. and the need for PEACE by the Somali people is greater than you single-clan interest … if you are still having nightmares about previous Somali leaders such as Siyad Bare.. do not blame us peace loving people.. we are not the ones keeping your head stuck in the dark ages … blame your clan elders for infecting you to think/speak for one clan over the interest of all the Somali people… lets talk about the past but lets keep moving to the future because my friends.. that is where change is possible…

    Short sightedness and clan-thinking will take you nowhere… the world these days is interested in peace, unity and progress



    I hope my speech above goes into all Somalis from all regions especially my brothers and sisters in the Somaliland Clan (Isaq / SNM Militia supporters).


    Life is too short to stay in disagreement …20 years is enough ..wake up my people ..use your own senses and love each other for just being a HUMAN to start with .. then for just being Somali .. goodness me am I lecturing animals or people who are meant to have the same nose, eyes and mouth as me …….

    We are on this planet together and originate from the same region Northern Somalia (Hargeisa) for a reason … for better and for worse we have to help each other and guide each other to seek peace… guide each other to see the bigger picture … guide each other to see the common good … guide each other to love one another. I cannot change my tribal origin and do not expect others to do so, I have learned to love myself and found love for all other tribes ….. I hope my Isaaq brothers and sisters you heed my message ..


    Thanks Matt for the opportunity to keep airing my thoughts on this … the more I write it and read other commentators … the more I realize my message to my fellow Somali Northerners really need everything that I have to say… I will keep repeating and speaking for the common good as I believe without love for all .. we will get nowhere and will see no peace… I will not let my fellow Northerners to stay in the dark… I will speak of Love and Peace .. no matter how long it takes ……. that is the least I can do for Somalia.


    1. TO Idil .
      Hey come on your repeated many time Somaliland is isaq clan kkk if Somaliland is isaq clan why the samaron clan lead Somaliland 8 years aren’t president riyale was samaron clan I think it is good for you to shame your self because today the world civilized its 21 century and anyone who try to talk tribalism is like someone who is ignorance so don’t west your time to more comment that you are continuously repeated this empty words Somaliland was republic and independent country before unification and now after the genocide that said bare regime made Somaliland people
      Somaliland people decided there future which is to be independent state no one will not return us in Somali and we never return in Somalia
      Somaliland people hope British government and other western countries to RE-RECOGNIZE Somaliland as independent nation

  478. I would like to thank to the Preminister for UK and his government for his attempts to hold a conference in London for Somalis to restore peace to Somalia. Such attempts is important but in order this conference not to become like other many conferences which had been held before, but not bear fruit, I think the following things to be considered:-

    1) The government of UK should keep in mind that the defferences between Somali Political Groups are not the same, for example, Somaliland case is defferent from other problems which the other Somali Political Groups may have becuase claim for the Somaliland People is going back to the 1960. The Somalilanders believe that they made wrong in 1960 when they joined to the South Somalia and you remember that Somaliland was under British Protectorate instead South Somalia was colonialised by the Italy.

    2) Somaliland People benefited little from the Somali Sovereinty during the time of the unification. That Means, the Somalilanders were politically marginalised and economically exploited by the Southeners. In addition to that, The Somalilanders were massacred in 1980’s when the civil war brough out in Somaliland (Former Norht Somalia). At that time, The civil properties were destroyed by the Somali Regime, The civilian people who were not involved to the war were intentionally killed, the civilisation which was exisiting more than two centuries where destroyed by Somali government at that time, which was influenced by the Southeners.Therefore, the combination of political marginalisation and economic explaitation on Somaliland people by the Southeners influenced government and the Massacre on Somaliland people in the civil war in 1980’s resulted that Somalilanders to declare to withdraw from the unity of 1960. Some minority people may claim unity but the majority of the people are willing to be an independent state.
    4) The Unification of the two states of Somalia in 1960 was not based on legality. This means, the legal requirements for the Unity were not fulfilled at that time, but they were only a people come together and staying together without legal basis. Somali Southeners who refused fair distribution of the country’s resources and who took all the resources, who forgotten the sense of nationality during the unification claims now unity but I am sorry they did not serve how the unity would exist for long time. On the basis of the above mentioned facts, Somaliland is not seperatist but it withdrawn its sovereinty from South Somalia.

    5) The other Somali Political Groups are Southeners and they were under Italian colony and either of them is not claiming same to what the Somalilanders are claiming. To my point of view, their deffence is lack of agreement of Government power sharing.

    Understanding the reality on the ground, the defferences between the Somalis, will help the forthcoming london conference to be held and to produce a solution for Somalis.
    This is my personal opinion.
    Thank you for inviting me forward my opinion to you.
    Mohamoud Abdi Abdillahi
    Cellphone: 00252 2 4423137

  479. Somalia Must recognize somaliland. somalilanad people will not accept again united somalia. i rather be under the rule of british protectorate.

  480. I think twenty years is far too long to remain in disagreement, Somali people all over need to understand that differences need to be ironed out for a better tomorrow. I hope all the Sub-regions of Somalia whether it is North or South people will open their hearts and minds and change their ways in the name of peace and unity for their beloved country Somalia,in my view the best solution of Somalia will be to make a federal goverment, which means we have to consider all the regional adminstarators like, puntland,Somaliland,Awdal state, Khaatumo state, Galmudug, and so on.

  481. Hei, I am very hapy to hear Mr Silaanyo to Uk London and this is the time Somali people to unite. Somali is Somali and this meeting will be posetive all somalian people. My idea is maybe new presendent of Somalia is Mr Silaanyo and i will hope somalia good Goverment in this meeting. Thanks

  482. DEAR MATT BAUGH :somaliland will take part the confrence but why????
    we are going to request the world an international recogniton because we are not party of somalia and full peace,stabilty,development,education,health,and democracy and also there is good justice and more you can ask the intelligent man MR.JAMAL ALI HUSSEIN!!!!!!!!!

  483. i think the Somalian people can get the best solution for their problems if they trust in Allah and listen to each other, so don’t count on these imprialism ajendas, if they are right why they didn’t do anything since 1990.

  484. Somaliland is Isaq, it is one of the clan regions in Northern Somalia same as Awdal State, Khaatumo State and Puntland State… lets hope our British Government recognises and works with all the people in Northern Somalia.


    This conference is about PEACE not about CLAN … so my dear Isaq family ..please focus on speaking for all the people in Northern Somalia .. trying to mislead Matt by flooding the blog with your individual clan’s interest exposes the hate agenda of the single clan-thinking.

    This PEACE conference will succeed …I have no doubt .. because the peace loving Somali people will not allow a single tribe (Isaq) to destroy the support that the British Government is offering in this prominent time.


    I am glad the world can see the extent of hate held by the single-tribe thinking Somaliland Clan (Isaq). I suppose having an educated ruminant of the SNM militia as your clan leader (Siilaanyo) does not help in this day and age.. please note that the world is watching your refusal of PEACE and UNITY… the world is watching your HATE for your fellow Somali clan Northern Somalis… the world is watching your refusal to open dialogue with your Transitional Federal Government headed by Sheikh Shariif.. the world is watching your tribe infested brains…


    PEACE is the offering of the British Government and PEACE is the way ahead .. PEACE is what is in the interest of all the Clan regions in Northern Somalia …. and the need for PEACE by the Somali people is greater than you single-clan interest … if you are still having nightmares about previous Somali leaders such as Siyad Bare.. do not blame us peace loving people.. we are not the ones keeping your head stuck in the dark ages … blame your clan elders for infecting you to think/speak for one clan over the interest of all the Somali people… lets talk about the past but lets keep moving to the future because my friends.. that is where change is possible…



    I hope my speech above goes into all Somalis from all regions especially my brothers and sisters in the Somaliland Clan (Isaq / SNM Militia supporters).


    Life is too short to stay in disagreement …20 years is enough ..wake up my people ..use your own senses and love each other for just being a HUMAN to start with .. than for just being Somali .. goodness me am I lecturing animals or people who are meant to have the same nose, eyes and mouth as me …….

    We are on this planet together and originate from the same region Northern Somalia (Hargeisa) for a reason … for better and for worse we have to help each other and guide each other to seek peace… guide each other to see the bigger picture … guide each other to see the common good … guide each other to love one another. I cannot change my tribal origin and do not expect others to do so, I have learned to love myself and found love for all other tribes ….. I hope my Isaaq brothers and sisters you heed my message ..


    Thanks Matt for the opportunity to keep airing my thoughts on this … the more I write it and read other commentators … the more I realize my message to my fellow Somali Northerners need what I have to say… I will keep repeating and speaking for the common good as I believe without love for all .. we will get nowhere and will see no peace… I will not let my fellow Northerners to stay in the dark… I will speak of Love and Peace .. no matter how long it takes ……. that is the least I can do for Somalia.


  485. Somalia emerged into exsistance in 1960 as a result of the union of two countries: 1. Somali Italia( now called Somalia), 2.Britisch Protectorate of Somaliland( now called Somaliland). From the beginning it was clear the union is a failure. The union of the two systems with different values and morals were irreconcilable. There were much corruption by Somalia.All presidents of the union were from Somalia. Moreover Somalia leaders were warmonger. In 1964 attacked Keniya. in 1977 invaded Itobiya. Our Somaliland’s previous existence, history and everything else has been eliminated and erased. Somaliland demanded their lost sovereignty from Mogadishu, Somalia, administration in 1963, and regime responded with indiscriminate killing, displacement, ethnic cleansing and bombardment. Between 1979 and 1991, Mogadishu regime used all means of force to silence freedom demands of self-determination. The citizens of Somaliland were not given their share in power and public services, as they were regarded “Second Class citizens” just like South Sudanese counterparts. The regime air-bombed the cities and villages in Somaliland leaving 500,000 people dead in less than 6 months during 1988. The militias loyal to Mogadishu regime committed rape, killed children and displaced more than 2 million civilians. UN received the displaced people from the major cities like Hargiesa, Burco, Berbera and Erigavo in refugee camps in eastern Ethiopia, who fled the indiscriminate killing by militias loyal to Mogadishu administration. Thousands of children died from dehydration and other diseases in the camps, where an estimated asset worth millions of dollars was destroyed and looted by the militias. Somalilanders formed an armed freedom fighting group called SNM (Somali National Movement) in 1979; they continued fighting Mogadishu administration until Dictator Mohamed Siyad Barre was terminated in 1991. SNM headquarter was located in Addis Ababa nearby the office of SPLA. Both SNM and SPLA were fighting for freedom. Finally, SNM defeated the regime and re-declared Somaliland on 18th May 1991. Somaliland is facing growing hostile by terrorist groups and piracy. The terrorist group Al-Shabab claimed responsibility of bomb attack on Somaliland Presidential Palace, UN Office and Ethiopian Embassy in Hargiesa. Somalia pirates are another threatening factor to Somaliland’s sea trade. Somaliland is cooperating with AU, USA and Britain over ending the piracy on high-water, and thousands of pirates are in Somaliland jails. Finally, recognizing Somaliland will benefit the region, Africa and international community on security, good governance and promoting democracy. Somaliland established one of the best democracies in the region without outside help. Somaliland will help the world in ending the anarchy in Somalia. Somaliland donated 1 million dollar last year to the somalis suffering famine in Somalia and Kenya. Somaliland has built a modern state with two House Legislative and Executive bodies headed by an elected President. It has judiciary system. A national constitution was adopted after a referendum in 2001 which nearly 97% of the votes approved. Somaliland was struggling to survive without help from outside the last 20 years, all time fighting against terrorists, pirates at golf of Aden. Surely the world will be unsave if somaliland don’t get soon recognition.

  486. It is good to hear all different opinion about this issue , but we have differentiate certain points. when we are talking about Somalia we have to focus our discussions southern somalia , where there is no law and order for the past twenty years, and put a side Somaliland Issues because there is no problem in Somaliland and they got every thing other states have except international recognision which can reached sooner or later .
    I’m from Borama Somaliland We us Somalilander believe international community neglect us , we reached so far tangible progress little outside help personally I believe if British government first take step to recognize our country , other problem in south can be easily solved.

  487. I support the political help international community giving to rebuild. Somalia has been with out government for llong time , since it was divided into many region states with different ideologies and lost the in the interest to make an effort to reconstruct one Somali state. Dealing with politicians who their people believe that do don’t represent them will not bring good result. Alshabab is part of the problem, therefore they should be given their part to solve the problem in the dialogue and pushing to the corner won’t help the situation as they have most support of the Somali people and control the largest part. This is opportunity for the somali people to put their their fifference aside and work together to give their people peace and staility once.

  488. Dear Matt, You know as we know the root of the dangerous terrorist in Somalia Al-Shabaab Came from The Northern Region the So called Somaliland, because all the top leaders are From the so called Somaliland, and as we know and most somali believe they were created and founded the Isaaq people who inhabit the so calle somaliland to distabilise the Southern Somalia so they can get recognition from the international community. It is time to tell Somaliland Administration and their SNM leaders to stop funding and supporting those terrorist. I hope the UK and the international community would support the peace loving people of Khatumo State of Somalia and Awdal State of Somalia so they can contribute the fight against terrorist and their backer like Somaliland administration in Hargeisa.

  489. Are you surprised why the majority Somalis are not commenting here?
    Because they think its another plot by the British to divide our country.

    Its only a handful of cessessionists that commented so far.

    1. Let’s give then a chance, but remember we are the problem here, especially those Somalis who have sold the interest of Somali people for a few dollars.

  490. Mr. Matt, we thank the Goverment og Great Britain for helding this very importan meeting. I hope and Requested to you and Your goverment to Invite the newly elected president of Khaatumo State Of Somalia. Khatumo State of Somalia is a very important state in the northern of Somalia like the Somaliland which most somali Call ISAQLAND and Awdal state. Khatumo State and Awdal state Represent the majority of People in Northern Somalia. we condemn the agression and the violent attack which the so called Somaliland or Isaqland militias lunched to the peace loving people of Buhodle after they named their own state Khatumo. We want the human right organisations and your goverment to invistigate the violation of Human Rights of Somaliland or Isaqland as we called it. All the Somali people wish succes for your effort to return peace and stability in United Somalia. Somalia without Terrorist and succesionist who are jeopardising the stability in Somalia and the whole East Africa. Thanks

  491. Bashir Elabe says:
    January 19, 2012 at 3:13 pm
    Ahahahahaha Abdillahi you made my day walaahi. Awdal is not Somalia and will never be and I bet u r dreaming. I agree with you you can come Somaliland but not as a federal territory but rather as an Independent state and hence you are required to posses some sort of visa otherwise blv me behind the bars will be your ultimate home. And when it comes to the issue of Federalism, I dont know walaahi coz we never involved one and we are not willing if you may in case think so kkkkkkk. However, the people of Somaliland are enjoying with peace, security, stability and prosperity and unlike Somalia, the people rule not the government thats why if you visit for instance borama or buhodle you will be told to take a deep breathe and f*** urself kkk. Boy, the people decide, the people chose, the people the people the peole Maansha Allah kkkkkk. You need to focus your problems and stop running after Somaliland, 20+ yrs is enough I guess.

    1. My Brother Bashir (please stop the single-clan thinking and poisnous laughs … if you were infected by your elderly clan-thinkers please spare us all ..including your Somaliland Clan (Isaq) the chance to seek unity ….

      Please follow the Somali media not a single-clan media or interest….

      Lets agree that tt was great to see last week ( the president elected by the Awdal State of Somalia making prominent visit to Mogadishu having meetings with Dr Abdiweli the Prime Minister of Somalia… I support peace, unity and love all regions of Somalia.

      Being a Northerner to see any good progress in North Somalia brings great smile to my face… I hope the unity and peace sought by all regions of Northern Somalia (Awdal State, Somaliland, Khaatumo State and Puntland) continues to flourish and all peace loving Somalis support the upcoming conference offered by the British Government.
      Unity is the coolest word… and Peace is the way forward … lets keep them close to our chest.


  492. I support the political help international community giving to rebuild. Somalia has been left without governmentfor long time , since it was divided into many region states with different ideologies and lost the in the interest to make an effort to reconstruct one Somali state. Dealing with politicians who their people believe that they don’t represent them will not bring good result. Alshabab is part of the problem, therefore they should be given their part to solve the problem in the dialogue and pushing to the corner won’t help the situation as they have most support of the Somali people and control the largest part.

  493. Is Britain still intrested in dividing Somalia and Somalis after you partitioned our country and people in the early 19th century into 5 pieces?

    Whats the secret of British animosity towards Somali people?

    Why dont your government help us unite instead of dividing us for 2 centuries?

    Why do you always support one side minority in the Somali politics?

    If GB answers these questions, then we can make our minds.

    We never trust you!

  494. Dear Matt,

    Iam sure the British goverment would not be fooled by the Impersonators
    like Alshabab and othe warlords who are writing some comments here
    like they are from Somaliland and are in favour of being united with Somalia.The British geverment knows for sure that no sane Somalilander
    would ever say something like that.They want to spread the terror to our
    country.Just look at what we have acheived and look at them after same
    20 years.We hope from The Almighty God that He leads the wise British
    goverment to recognise the unshakable will of the Somaliland people to
    fulfil their determination and be fair to them once.If a quarter of what was
    spent on the feuding warlords in the South would have been put into
    Somaliland, it would have been a paradice today.The warlords and other
    terrorists there does not want any peace.Thay don’t care the suffering of
    their own people.It will be a crime on the part of the British goverment if
    they put Somaliland on the same equation of that of Somalia.If you want
    to help them, fine,but it is upto them to grab the opportunity.Help Somlailand by granting them one opportunity and they will jump on it.
    They have been given countless opportunities and they wasted them all.
    I hope they will grab it this time,but if history is any guide,Iam not optimistic.

  495. Dear Matt,

    Thank you very much for this information, I don’t think that a one day conference will bring much to the Somali problem which started before 20 years. I welcome the conference and be very happy if UK government wants to honestly seek a solution to the Somali Problem.

    My advice is that this conference to preserve the Unity of Somalia, and not to derail the roadmap which we are following.

    Yours Sincerely,

    Dr Abdi

  496. Somaliland was not a part of Somalia and will not become a part of Somalia. This for those, who confused with terminology. The Somaliland-Somalia union was called Somali Republic and not Somalia to start with. This is for historical and legal clarification.
    Somaliland was annexed in 1960 by Somalia and that union was never ractified by the democratically elected Somaliland assembly. After thirty years of oppression, ethnic cleansing and genocide, the citizens of Somaliland agreed irrespective of their tribe affiliations have agreed to reclaim their independence from Somalia.
    Somaliland has achieved a lot since it left that union with Somalia and is not ready to waste all that by joining the chaotic Somalia. I think no sane person will propse for Somaliland become part and par

  497. Are western nations and the international community really seriuos or seeking their own interests- piracy, war on terror, illegail migration, toxic dumping, aid, supporting uneducted Sherrif and Adan Hasan ( speaker of parliment and president).

    Somaliland should be recognised, Puntland should manage their own affiars, and as for southern Somalia, it is a lost cause.

  498. Somaliland: Case for Recognition

    Somaliland fulfills all the requirements of Article 1 of the Montevideo Convention on the rights and duties of a state. These requirements are:
    1) a permanent population;
    2)a defined territory;
    3) a government;
    4) capacity to enter into relations with other states
    Somaliland’s case is one of voluntary withdrawal from a union between two countries and not a cessation of land area incorporated into a sovereign state. , such as Gambia and Senegal and Cape Verde and Guinea Bissau.
    An African Union fact finding mission sent to Somaliland in 2005 reported Somaliland status was “unique and self-justified in African political history’,
    We the people of Somaliland have had our fate hanging in the balance for too long. We have been held hostage to the will the world for the past 17 years. We must take our fate into our own hands. We need to take our case to the International Court of Justice, and remind the world, as Martin Luther King, Jr. so eloquently put it that “justice denied anywhere diminishes justice everywhere.”

    1. Defined territory ? i think you will find a large section of your territory is disputed between three different entities, any independence will make matters worse. Buuhoodle which is bang in the middle of your ‘republic’ wants nothing to do with your secession.

  499. my messege is a somali peaple is one nation,one culture,one leanguege, and one religion so i think somali peaple canot be dified,world wide know one country which has somali republic.
    And world wide don,t know two coutries those are somalia and somaliland it,s very wrone at brittish country and athar country says somalia and somaliland.Northern of somalia live many clanes forexampel Gadabuuris,Dhulbahante,Isaq, Warsangali,Issa,Gaboye and many athar subclanes all those clanes need somali fedaralism system whithout Isaq clane how can we say somalia and somaliland it,s very wrone idea.And I say the Brittish country shuld be suport of Somali united that is write opinion.

    Many Thanks,

    Ibrahim Sweden

  500. macayga waxaa la yidhahda mahamed abdi muuse waxaanan joogaa wadan swedan waxaan lee yahay shirka london lagu qaban doono february 2012 waa guul soomali u soo hoyatay waanan arin ay soomali oo dhani u aragto guul wayn wayna ka soo qaybgalayaan dhamaan muumul goboleedada ka jira somaliya oodhan sida Awdalstate puntland, galmudug, khatumo state, iyo maamulka hargaysaba way ka qaybgalayaan dhamantood eee nasahablood loo yaqaano

    1. my name is mahamad abdi muuse and i live in norway esp oslo and i graudauted amaud university years 2002 and 2006 in education fulcalty i think that peace conferance will held in london feb 2012 it will be the good chance somalia to come united government i think all somalian sides and states of somalia welcoming this conferance like awdalstate putland galmudug and khatumo state will take part this conferance awdalstate will be the first state to welcome this conferance

      1. Somalia need to recognise the Somaliland and referendum of North Somalia or ( Somaliland British protectorate), and then solve the south problems. norway oslo 96994360

  501. Welcome to Somali Chaos. Welcome to the basic reason why Somalia has no state. So far in this forum No one has a said a word so far about how to safe Somalia. No constructive common themes have emerged. People are taking at each other and not to each other.

    Other than the idea of Somaliland as a separate and distinct state (an idea that has saved many Somali lives we must add) no thoughts have emerged that are not essentially a variation of the primitive idea of stop this tribe or the other tribe.

    The fear of Somalilanders that there is desire on the part of some to destroy their peace, stability, democracy and good governance and to melt them into the Somali chaos of tribal hate is clear in these pages.

    Destroying Somaliland is of course not in the interest of any Somali, anywhere. Bigoted individuals blinded by tribal revenge and counter revenge are however impervious to reason. These breed of tribal warriors and flag bearers have destroyed Somalia. And they will destroy Somaliland too given half a chance.

    The organizers of this attempt of helping Somalis have the moral responsibility of finding explicit ways of preventing the temptation of many to turn this conference from one of helping Somalia to one of destroying of Somaliland.

    And for Somalilanders we must remember we have legitimate governance that has the popular mandate of speaking on our behalf. While we are all free to express our thoughts here, in Somaliland and elsewhere in the world the official voice of our people is our elected parliament, our traditional Guurti, our political parties and our administration head by our elected president. We will follow their leadership in all matters and this matters of the Somalia problem.

    We will live as a free nation and we will help deliver, next to us, a sister state of a Somalia that is free democratic and prosperous and that is at peace with itself, with us and with the rest of the world.

    1. Dr Jowhar, are you willing to force the clans of Sool, Sanaag and Ayn to be part of Hargeisa hegemony against there will? While Hargeisa and Borama might be peaceful, i haven’t yet seen any solutions you have to offer to the people of Mogadishu and it’s surrounding areas other than how peaceful Hargeisa is. I sometimes feel you seem to enjoy the misery of fellow ‘Somalilanders’ from South Somalia.

      1. Mario,

        I want the people of Sool, Sanaag and Cayn to live in peace, in freedom, in prosperity. I stand against war. I stand against 4.5, against every tribe. I support the cause of Somaliland. But more than anything else I support the cause of freedom. In my mind this includes the freedom to support the cause of Somali unity in peace, in full day light without resorting to tribal battle cries and tribal warfare. Why do we have to kill each other? because we have different opinions? We can not be defined as humans if we do not have different opinion. Why can’t we all live in peace? Why can’t we disagree in peace?

        I believe we can come together and solve our problems as human being. We can never solve our problems as tribes. Tribes blind us from our commonality. They make us define each other as the “other”, “the enemy”. They make cruel, inhuman and thoughtless. Tribes made us live at the bottom of the human totem pole for many a millennium. And now tribes will finish us off altogether. I want the people of Sool, Sanaag and Cayn to liberate themselves from the idea of tribe against tribe. Mario we can do this together.

        Dr A Jowhar

        1. OK, if you believe your words then can call on your ‘President’ to stop the shelling of Buuhoodle and allow the people to fulfill their wish to maintain the unity of Somalia.You could also tell him to pull his troops from Las Canood a city that was captured in 2007. Unlike you, i believe the Somalia saga is not hopeless and can be saved.

          The three tribes/clans that have ruined Somalia with their rivalry are Isaaq’s,Darood and Hawiye[ who make about 60%-65% of the population roughly] and if they came together tomorrow and sincerely embraced each other with genuine affection and love in the name of Somali family and worked together, all our problem will go away, I mean all our problems 1.Piracy 2. Al shabaab, 3.Hunger, 5 Famine and lack of governance[ the main solution] but they have chosen to undermine each other in order to maintain their little ‘fiefdom’ or to be the top dog in Somali politics.

          We also suffer from extreme haughtiness, it’s the disease of the Somalis today, God hates pride, but he hates it even more when it manifests in those who have nothing to be proud of.We are the poorest nation in the world [not in terms of resources] but we have kibir in abundance, this is the time to humble ourselves before the Lord. Even Atheist hate arrogant boastful people……i believe our salvation lies in our humility to the Lord and to his creation[ Humanity].

          And the servants of (God) Most Gracious are those who walk on the earth in humility, and when the ignorant address them, they say “Peace!” (Quran 25:63)

  502. Salad Ismail
    It is a great opportunity for the Somali people to take this British led conference as the last resort to put behind the the past tribalism that resulted to our people so much misery and labelled our beautiful country as a Failed State.however I would like to put my point of view how I see the solution for the Somali problem.
    as a Somalian I know enough about the Somali culture and the deep rooted tribalism that wrecked the whole Somali nation at this moment and the last twenty years plus.
    firstly the Somalis have to understand that the federal system is the only way forward because when each region have their own representatives in the federal government the problem will be less and the regional states will run their own affairs locally supported by the federal government and the country’s resources will be shared by all Somalis and help the poorer states ,so local people elect their own government locally,on my understanding every Somalis will be happy to have a federal system rather than this circle of violence and confusion of authority. as far as I know the only people whom will not be happy with this is only the Isaaq tribe whom are the only secessionist for the whole country and all Somali and the British government knows that as well and let me remind you Sir that this secessionist tribe lives only in one quarter of all so called Somali-land or northern parts of somalia.
    Sir as you are aware the northern part of somalia is populated by four major clans and other minorities as well but majority of the population in the north of the country want somalia to stay united as it should be. Somalia despite of it’s prolonged civil wars Somalis are unique in Africa as they share a common language -religion-ethnic- so the people who are beating their drums for a recognition and secession has no case and this claim is based on a false and unrealistic ideology.long live the unity of Somalia.
    In democracy the majority rules so the northern part of somalia the Awdal State -the Khatumo State want somalia united under the federal system
    while the isaaq clan want Somalia devided.

  503. The Solution to the Somalia problem is simple if the British Government is sincerely looking for a real solution to the Somalia curse.

    1. Recognize Republic of Somaliland as sovereign country.

    2. Look no further, follow the foot steps of Somaliland and learn from the Somaliland experience. Invite all Somalia clan elders (Italian Somalia) to a grand shire (meeting) in Hargeisa capital of Somaliland and then listen to the concerns of each and every clan. Solve the inter-clan problems first then proceed to nation building from grassroots upwards. These meetings can be moderated by Somaliland clan leaders and the Somaliland Gurti. The democratization part and formation of government will be spear-headed by the Somaliland government and nongovernmental Somaliland institutions with technical assistance from the international community.

    3. Stop all forms of payments to the warlords including Puntland, TFG plus all the other participants of the conference. Because these people thrive on international payments and lavish hotels all paid by the international community. Everyone attending the conference must pay his own money including airfares and accommodation.

    4. Do not invite all those who committed crimes in the former Somali Republic, the TFG, Puntland and Alshabaab and the other self-appointed so-called political leaders. these are undemocratic and illegal in the eyes of decent Somalis. Invite only the traditional clan elders. If you invite every wannabe Somalia politician then this conference will not be different from those expensive and multiple conferences that were held in different countries for the last 2 decades. The last two decade experience tells us not to trust self-appointed political leaders, simply because they represent no one but their fat bellies. That is a wrong approach that is way all previous conferences did not work.

    I think this will be a win win solution, Somaliland will get its sovereignty and will become a vehicle to Somalia problem solving. At the same time Somalia will get its first ever democratic government and peace will be established in Somalia for more than two decades.

  504. Hi Matt, Hi All.

    I am very impressed with the UK Somalia initiative. I think it is down to the Somalis to make it work ( return back to viable state). We Somalis know very well that, we willingly distabilised our government and instead whole-heartedly embraced clannism or tibalism which is the biggest enemy of statehood. We withdrew our allegiance from the state in 1991 after the collapse of the last working cental government. We replaced statehood with tribalism and hence placed our trust and loyalty with tribal affiliations to date. This was a collective decison chosen by all the major tribes of Somalia regardless of where they are found in the country. So we lost confidence in the state and shifted our confidence to the tribal and traditional system. We often put the blame on outsiders (UN, UK, USA, Ethiopia, Eriteria, Kenya, Rwanda, etc….) when 90% of the problem is our own.

    Mogadishu has lost its reputation as the capital city of Somalia and as things stand now is just reduced to a provincial level. It is just the same as Garowe and Hargeisa among other cities. It can be said though that it is the Federal Government’s Headquaters temporarily. The reason why I am suggesting that Mogadishu has lost value is that it has been unstable and it is dominantly inhabitted by one of the major tribes who are using the strategice importance of Mogadishu to undermine any political progress to be achieved if things don’t swing in the way they want. This has to stop for the sake of Somalia. The othertwo cities that I have mentioned also have the tribal dominance factor those cities. The reason why AMISOM forces are in Mogadishu is to protect the TFG as Mogadishu is not a neutral ground for national representatives who are part of the TFG and are from representing areas other than Mogadishu.

    In my humble opinion, I think restoring confidence in the state has to be the primary goal that all Somalis have to work hard to achieve it. This is going to be possible if regional governements such as Puntland, Galmudug, Azania etc and others that meet the transitional constituitional requirement of two or more than two provinces can form a regional government. Mogadishu has to have its regional government as I have mentioned initially and all regional governements then have to send their representatives to a federal National governement. Mogadishu could serve as the Federal governement’s capital for now but ideas for a new capital neutral from any particular tribal influence (where AMISOM or International Forces) are not going to be needed to intervene as people now want to govern their states locally and at the cental government level each states would send its representative to a federal system. I think each states needs to take ownership of its issues as is the case in most federal governements such as USA, UK, Germany, Ethiopia and Kenya after the current government’s term run out as a result of the consitituitional reforms that have favoured federal system of governance.

    My advice to the UK government is to support a federal system of governance in Somalia and to be careful in being drawn into the tribal war between the rival clans that has left Somalia in its current situation. UK exercise its ifluence andcan show leadership in forming a new peaciful, federal and progressive Somalia.

  505. Somalis are nomads. It was a big mistake to create an independent state for Nomads. Nomads don’t have a history in the civilized society. the outcome of the London conference will ZERO.

    1. Mongolians are nomads, it did stop them having a state, what destroyed Somalia was a military dictatorship that give no room for civil institutions and clan mobilisation was a means to fight back but it unfortunately ended up being an end into itself.

  506. I live a city called Baran Sanaag Northern Somalia, I believe the unity of Somalia is untouchable view people who belongs to Isaaq clan believe the idea of Somaliland, the rest and the majority of the a northern people believe united Somalia, therefore Mr Matt do not ignore our rights and the rights of the majority of the Somalis unity is what we seek.

  507. I am from Somaliland and I believe united Somalia is the best way forward, we have been seeking independence for many years so far we haven’t achieved that, therefore we have to forget independence and work with our brothers in the south.

  508. What a crocodile tears, Somalilanders have made mistake in 1960 for sharing there entity such people, that bloody era is over Somaliland is gone, for those of you who are jealous about Somaliland my advice to you is get your bloody act together and save the remains of your destroyed country and get your people from the refugee camps of Kenya and the rest of the world, the world is sick and tired of you people

  509. Dear Matt,

    We really to advocate more intervention in Somalia to address and eliminate all kind of extremism/fundamentalism. We also need to mobilize more International Community i to be intervene i Somalia. We need a collective strategy from International Community. The global enemy is Terror, Pirates, Famine and lack of governments. We are confident that British has a ong history in Eastern Africa so they can address on appropriate intervention.

    If Somalia gets Sustainable government and good security and durable peace than British Government and American Government can sleep well.

    We need an Action.

  510. as somalilander i think the world must recognize somaliland ASAP the world can not ignore us more then 20 years..

  511. To: British Government

    My best wish and best regard for this year is peace and prosperity to all over the world special to my brothers & sisters who suffered for the last twenty something years and still suffering who lost their lives and their love ones in the war zone of Somalia. The beginning of not ending problems in between Somalis were cause by the British, Italian and French colonies, they were the master minded of the division caused this big caos, having said that they can also bring on the table the cure of this disease if they want to or see in their best interest wich I believe it is the best interest to each and every one who love peace to stabilize the horn of Africa. Therefor the British government own us this opportunity to show us another ways to think or to lead because it looks like our minds are still stuck in the colonial time as if were hypnotize by them as you can see in this comments Somalilanders can not be bother to define Somalia and Somaliland and past the stage of confusion they act like ty still under the British Protecter, I hope the British government will solve and differentiate this problem is the key of the communication to understand the common interest in between this two words and give them again freedom of their trapped minds.

    I wish the Somalians take this advantage and end the shame full history and belief they can change the way of thinking and decide to have better future together to rebuild what have been destroyed. In order to have that, the British government should pay attention and consider every Somali State to be part of this conference including Somaliland State, Puntland State, Awdal State and Khatumo State of Somalia they are the back bones of Norther Somalia. Better Somalia is the unity of all Somalis, we all know what the division caused us. If by any chances the British government blindsided real problem of Somalis it is going to be just another meeting with no outcome to no one.

    I suggest to the British government to read all this comments very carefully and consider to each and every comments to psychoanalysis because it represent the big picture of Somalis.

    Peace, Love & Harmony is the way of life.

    Brampton, Ont. Canada

  512. UK 23 Feb Conference should :–

    1 …….. FREE prisoners of pirates
    2 ……..REVERSE famine in East Africa
    3………. DESTROY pirate land bases and craft and mother ships
    4 …….. STOP foreign factory ships stealing fish in Somali waters
    5……… PROSECUTE dumping waste by rich nations in Somali areas
    6…….. COOPERATE with forces to end terrorism
    7 …….. RE-RECOGNIZE The Republic of Somaliland

    from : –The British Somaliland Development Organisation

    1. Am I mistaking or there are people who are oftrack and keep saying somaliland and isaaq? we are talking about somalia in general not some cities which are party of somalia and I think whole world know that there is no such a call is party of somalia and they killed everyday thousands of inocent children and mothers near B uuhoodle and lasanod without reason. Therefore, these people should be repent and stop acting like a counrty

      Thank youu

    2. I am From North Somalia which Sool, Sanaag, Cayn, Burco, Hargaysa, and Borame.. I do Believe the union Of Somalia which is (midnimo).. The People Of Khaatumo State of Somalia will never accept any separation that occur inside of Somalia.. I hope this conference will encourage and enhance the development and the union of the country..Some people said we are not Somalia that very Sad.Furthermore, if British government needs to do something better to the Somali people they have to give priority for the Union of The Country…

    3. i support the londond conference on somalia but the So called Somaliland was
      never a country and Britain knows
      about that. It seems that you aren’t
      talking to someone who knows you
      better but Britain does. My suspicion is that this conference will not be
      inclusive if Britain don’t invite
      nationalist states in Northern Somalia
      such as AWDAL STATE, and KHAATUMO
      STATE OF Somalia. I am not sure if
      Britain is aware of but most Somalis believe that Britain is actively seeking
      or gathering support for the SNM
      militia group who control Hargeisa to
      gain independence. Most Somalis
      would like to see Britain doing the
      other way round meaning encouraging Somalis to come together

    4. Dear Ambasador And Fellow Somali Citizen’s.
      I belive the Coming conffrence on Somalia That will be Held By The Brittish government in UK should be Diffrent From all the previous One’s. Primarly due to the fact of the Long history between the English and Somalis and secondly Due to the failure and fruitlesness of all The previous meeting’s.
      I would Like To add their was an Old fashion way Somali’s used To always resolve their conflict’s prviously. Under The tree used to gather the head of Tribes without any influence what so ever and peacfully conclude any arguments They had openly. That system still works and can work as proven By The Khatumo2 meeting in the Historic city of Taleeh. The system and How the Tribal elders, politics and Society leaders of that region Held their meeting and Decided to and united on very crucial topics could very much serve as a lesson to the rest of Somali’s and Be a Milestone that put us on the right Path to wich our country regains Its Unity and Hopefuly end’s or our very Long lasting conflict.

      Thank you

    5. Thanks to the people and the government of the UK, we as somalis appreciate these efforts payed by the UK government that is entended to bring different somali parts together to seek lasting and sustainable solution to the problems of this war torn country suffering the last two decades. we presumably know that any positive outcome depend on how the somali politicians respond to these issues in the aforementioned article in one hand, and how the UK administration accomplishes to stand the same distance to the somali different parts attending the conference.
      thanks Mr Matt.

    6. Dear Matt

      I would lıke to thank the brıtısh government for thıs opportunnıty . i am from somalia specialy from khatuma state. which is sool, sanag and cayn region this region is for dhulbhante people. The people of the SSC have chosen to live as free men and women. They have chosen to be part of the great Somali nation, to live in dignity in their own homeland.However, their right to determine their future is being denied to them by the secessionist driven Somaliland, which is waging a war of aggression against the people of the SSC. The secessionist Somaliland has invaded and occupies many parts of the SSC homeland. Built around a secessionist ideology the Somaliland entity, aims to dismember the Somali Republic and to divide the Somali nation. so,we are enough we don’t need another dıvısıon.Somalıland ıs one of the states ın somalıa lıke KHATUMA stat and somalıland must stop the cıvıl wars ın theır neıghbours.

      This is contrary to the position of the people of the SSC, who have chosen to live freely in their own homeland, to determine their own future and to be part of the Somali Republic. Their aim is the subjugation of the people of the SSC and to take the land of these people away, to take advantage of them and to compel these people to serve them and they want to do this by force.

    7. there is no peace in Somaliland ,and Somaliland is three provinces which are part of greater somalia . somaliland has invaded Buhodle and has killed many civilians in LasAnod .

    8. hi
      first of all.i would like to thank governmental of london..
      khaatumo state of somalia is one of historical part of somalia .the people life there is Blevins unit of somliweyn…does one day it is not choice part of somaliland…somaliland is the regime not make Democratic part…. to day try you wotcha wat is the go in lasanod . …..the people make dispelling it is killig are arms of somaliland if u wanna to see live you can watch .the website of sool region ……somaliland it is has bad region………………..

    9. SOOL says:

      January 20, 2012 at 7:12 pm

      I am from SOOL especially Dhulbahante I am supported my peaceful country Khaatumo state of somali so please seperate somalia and khaatuumo state of somali and i suggest British goverment to recognize our mother land.

      we didnot believe somaliland and putland


    10. SOOL says:

      January 20, 2012 at 7:12 pm

      I am from SOOL especially Lasanod I am supported my peaceful country so please seperate somalia and Khaatumo state and i suggest British goverment to recognize our mother land.

      we didnot believe somaliland and isaq


  513. I would like to thank first British government led H.E David Cameron to hold this historical Somali conference due to held in London next month.
    It time internataional community help needy Somali people mainly in south and , encourage sustainable development so far succeeded in Somaliland for the past twenty years, and listen what nothern people like whether to be independent state from rest of Somalia or be United agian .
    unless people’s voice are not heard no peace and stability be reached in the near future .


    ahmed siilaanyo rejime arested 23 journalist ,tv and rebort he,s on civil war ssc buuhoodle, laascaanod , kalshaale,seemaal , administaration every day uk know siilaanyo,s history

    1. Thanks for that important information LAYLA…

      To just to reiterate some of the issues LAYLA has mentioned above ….

      See the following video showing a demonstration that happened in the North Somalia recently … in the centre of the town of Lasanod (Laascaanood) on Tuesday.

      The civilians of Lasanod… have all come out to the streets to show support to the Khaatumo State of Somalia…. and to reject the ongoing attacks of the Somaliland Clan (Isaq) on the Khaatumo state civilians. Lasanod remains on high alert.. and innocent civilians continue to be imprisoned all because of their tribe.
      (( see video here … ))


  515. Thanks to British Government: We all know Britain for their tough resolve in the worlds most dangerous places like Somalia. My advice is simple & clear, one thing we all know Britain is no joke; however clannish Somalia is not easy to solve either. So here is my advice we don’t you try to recognize all clans of Somalia as a clan Governments simple and easy. Majerteen Government SSDF “Somali Salvation Democratic Front” the first rebels in Somalia first they got oil, Issaq government SNM “Somali National Movement” Second there first clan users in Somalia. USC “United Somali Congress” Yes there is a big problem in southern Somalia. Yes there is clannish problem in northern Somalia, and all of Somalia there is Shabab and Alqaida jihadists. Look the population of Somalia is hurting big time. Hurry Britain before it’s too late tell the truth it’s all over period you know the facts on the ground Somalia is failed State the country decended in to a civil war in every corner you see, and every single year when we thought things are getting better the outsiders, and United Nation are creating on other mess because the donors like Britain is not solving the problem directly or in directly. Let me give you one simple example, UNDP Somalia is in Nairobi. Nairobi is not Somalia Galkacyo is Somalia Hargeisa is Somalia Garowe is Somalia Boroma is Somalia kismayo is Somalia they have offices to drop one box loaded one airplane, I believe Britain should look how and where their resources were spent every cent counts there is a child today dying for hunger, and malnutrition. British Government is not joking, and serious for hosting a conference for Somalia, and people like me a Somali citizen are thankful for the UK governments efforts. My fellow Somalis specially Northwestern Somalis Stop the bad names you giving as, and please let your “Godone” STOP terrorizing your southern brothers we know he is in hargaisa last few weeks that is the fact STOP we already in danger the entire world for terrorism for the lack of central government. There is a name that world knows better Somalia, Somalis, the land of Somalia. Today’s names of Somalia ” Somali-land, Punt-land, Azania State of Somalia, Awdal State of Somalia, Galmudug State of Somalia, and there is more will come if British Government fails because we fail our selves for a clannish purpose. Let me give you a senerio let as say Britain will accept one of tribes as a government of their own how long we will stay clannish piracy, and terrorism. The answer is simple for a long time to come. Thanks Matt you are diplomat please don’t fail there is a serious things going on to deal with remember British people always make history.

    1. Mr Punlanders We are talking here daarod,isaaq,Hawiye and all Somali Clans but yuor talking about subclan your tribe is branch of Darood so folow Darood, Mejerten is bart of Darood . Dont talk your selv talk general. Darood is big clan, example i cant say Harti-Dashiishe because is not good. thanks

  516. Dear Mr. Matt

    Your statement here” The opportunity to reinforce the relative stability in areas of Somalia, such as Somaliland and Puntland and in the south.” is totally misleading about the facts on the ground in Horn of Africa, and you are as diplomat quite aware what costs the self determination of Somaliland , It is not a dream it is reality we have built our country based on citizen and our government cooperation in 20 years , we have built responsible democratic country. Are you telling us to go back to civil war ? what kind of Agenda we can share the failed Somalia?

    Somaliland will stay independent for ever that is our will.

  517. Dear Matt
    gratings ,as somalilanders we well come the effort of the international community to stablise the war torn somalia,i think the British Government knows very well about the difference between somaliland and somalia because somaliland was a British colony while somalia was an Italian colony,somaliland got her independence on june 26 1960 and 32 countries recognized,so the name somalia consist the union of those two states but the name somalia was the first trick that those in the south used against us and still they continue to mislead the world, the people of somaliland was deeply influenced the dream of uniting the greater somalia which means uniting all the somalis in the region under one flag, but that dream died and is not possible in the current international era and the somalis in jabouti got their independance while those in kenya and ethiopia are seeking their destiny in their countries .as the international community knows the people of somaliland suffered alot during that union in every way ,their identity ,history,traditions and culture were destroyed,the mogdisho regimes dominated by the corrupted southern leaders commited genocide against somaliland people,the cities of somaliland were all raised to the ground,and in 18th may 1991 the people of somaliland decided to reclaim their statehood in the self determination conference held in Burao town,today somaliland is an African success story, somaliland is a constitutional state , held three democratic elections in wich the international observers called free and fair, while somalia is a failed state and home for piracy and international terrorist groups,so in the right of self determination somaliland people are not ready to go back to confusion and chaos ,it is up to the people of somalia and it actually their responsibility to bring peace and stability to their home ,but we are ready to talk to them about the issues that concerns us both but let them forget about somaliland……….i hope British Government will respect the wishes and aspirations of the peace loving people of democratic somaliland .

  518. The word secession comes back now and then in this forum. Let me put this forward, who seceded from whom? Was it not Somalia that formed its own government without consulting SOMALILAND just after the Siyaad Barre was ousted? Yes, it was Somalia that seceded from Somaliland and not the other way round. Therefore, Somalilanders had no choice but to find a solution to the predicament they were in. SOMALILAND knew what Somalia was to become decades before Siyad Barre was defeated badly. Those who deny Somaliland independence are burying their heads in the sand and just displacing their problems on Somaliland. Yes, the do not want to colloid with their problems head on and are instead running to the opposite direction – Somaliland.

    1. Until four years ago, only war lords controlled Mogadishu, i don’t remember an inclusive gov being formed prior to that, in the last 7yrs the people of Hargeisa have refused to be part of Somali reconciliation, claiming all southern Somalis bear the burden of Dictator S Barre crimes.

    Point No. 9 should read:

    9.Those who shed crocodile tears for Somali unity if they are sincere about Somali unity, they should not only ask for unification with Somaliland but union with Djibouti, 5th Ethiopian region and The Northern region of Kenya (NFD) and then find out the reactions of Ethiopia, Kenya and Djibouti that will not be much different than that of SOMALILAND GOVERNMENT. The condition of the Somaliland-Somalia union was to unite all Somali inhabited regions in the Horn of Africa. Therefore, if the other 3 regions are off the table and they are off the table then Somaliland must also be off the table as well. FACT

    10. I will repeat SOMALILAND independence and territorial integrity are non negotiable. FACT

  520. Dear Matt,

    The British Prime Minister initiatives is positive one, and we hope it would the time that the somali crises will be ending. Amison needs a lot support interims of to increase the number and also to expand their base in other region of Somalia. If the name of amisom to be change into UN intervention it would be more great and attracting more donor to respond it. I and the rest Somali community will support and contribute the next month conference in London towards Somalia stability. Europian National Security, American National Security and African National Security will be depending on Somalia’s stability.

  521. The somalis were meeting every now and then whilst results have always been unsatisfactory, so my question is: Why and how this meeting will be different? and my other question is:Who are the real stake holders when it comes to solving the Somali crisis?.

    I personaly expect no major outcome of the meeting, thus no remedy to Somalias’ chronic political and security problems unless the world is ready to view the Somali problem from a totally different perspective. We need to be given the opportunity to deal directly with our issues because the international community has its differences over the instability in the region, which has also prolonged the misery.

    let us Remember that Somalia is practically disintegrated and deeply devided. We know the issue in Somaliland which declared independent from the rest of Somalia is also an other very sensitive matter. of course most of the Somalis are for the notion that Somalia must be one strong nation, but i am asking how? shall we ignore the will of the people in Somaliland? shall we pave the way for even more dangerous conflict in the whole Somalia.
    I personally share the idea of many of my friends that Somalias’ problem is not conventional and thus needs unconventional solution.
    I very often read news items and comments that follow, and what i discovered is that even the so called Somali intellectuals be they inside or outside the country possess no common ground when it comes to discuss the future of the aforesaid region. To my surprise they tell one thing to the international community and an other to their respective clans, and i strongly trust that is one of the reasons why we lack peace and stability.
    Inconclusion, the fate of the region will remain the same if the rule of the game is the same.

  522. Its good the Somali People and their Governments to recognise Somaliland ( Somaliland British protectorate) as a state , and then solve their problems.
    1546 Ottoman occupation.
    1546 – 1548 Rule of the Adal Imams.
    1548 Zeila part of Ottoman Empire.
    1630 – 1830 Under the Grand Sharifs of Mecca.
    1830 – 7 Sep 1874 Ottoman rule, under de facto hereditary governors.
    7 Sep 1874 Annexed by Egypt (Egyptian Somaliland)
    (both under Ottoman suzerainty).
    Feb 1884 British take over former Egyptian Somaliland (British Somaliland).
    20 Jul 1887 British Somaliland Protectorate subordinated to Aden until 1905.
    19 Aug 1940 – 16 Mar 1941 Occupied by Italy.
    26 Jun 1960 Independence of British Somaliland as State of Somaliland.
    1 Jul 1960 Unification with Italian Somalia to form Somali Republic.
    31 Jan 1961 Act of Union of Somaliland and Somalia is passed
    and signed into law (retroactive to 1 Jul 1960).
    18 May 1991 Secession of former British Somaliland (regions of Awdal,
    Woqooyi Galbeed, Togdheer, Sanaag and Sool) from Somalia
    (not internationally recognized).
    24 May 1991 Republic of Somaliland proclaimed (not internationally

    1630 – 1830 the Grand Sharifs of Mecca (see Saudi Arabia)
    1830 – 1841 Sayyid Muhammad al-Barr
    1841 – 1855 `Ali Haji Sirmaki ibn Salih (1st time) (d. 1861)
    1855 – 1857 Abu Bakr ibn Muhammad (1st time)
    1857 – 1861 `Ali Haji Sirmaki ibn Salih (2nd time) (s.a.)
    1861 – 1874 Abu Bakr ibn Muhammad (2nd time)
    Egyptian governors
    1870/74 – 1878 Rauf Pasha
    1878 – 1880 ….
    Jan 1880 – Dec 1883 Muhammad Nadi Pasha
    British Political Agent
    1884 – 20 Jul 1887 Frederick Mercer Hunter (b. 1844 – d. 1898)
    20 Jul 1887 – 1888 Frederick Mercer Hunter (s.a.)
    1888 – 1893 Edward Vincent Stace
    1893 – 1896 Charles William Henry Sealy
    Mar 1896 – 1897 William Butler Ferris
    Jan 1897 – 1898 James Hayes Sadler (b. 1851 – d. 1922)
    1898 – 1901 James Hayes Sadler (s.a.)
    1901 – 1902 Harry Edward Spiller Cordeaux (b. 1870 – d. 1943)
    1902 – 1905 Eric John Eagles Swayne (b. 1863 – d. 1929)
    8 May 1906 – 1909 Harry Edward Spiller Cordeaux (s.a.)
    Jan 1910 – 1911 Sir William Henry Manning (b. 1863 – d. 1932)
    Jul 1911 – 1914 Horace Archer Byatt (b. 1875 – d. 1933)
    May 1914 – Oct 1919 Geoffrey Francis Archer (b. 1882 – d. 1964)
    Oct 1919 – 17 Aug 1922 Geoffrey Francis Archer (s.a.)
    (from 5 Jun 1920, Sir Geoffrey Francis Archer)
    17 Aug 1922 – 29 Nov 1925 Gerald Henry Summers (b. 1885 – d. 1925)
    26 Jan 1926 – 18 Jun 1932 Harold Baxter Kittermaster (b. 1879 – d. 1939)
    (from 4 Jun 1928, Sir Harold Baxter Kittermaster)
    18 Jun 1932 – 2 Mar 1939 Sir Arthur Salisbury Lawrance (b. 1880 – d. 1965)

    2 Mar 1939 – 18 Aug 1940 Vincent Goncalves Glenday (b. 1891 – d. 1970)
    Italian military governors
    19 Aug 1940 – Oct 1940 Guglielmo Nasi (b. 1879 – d. 1971)
    Oct 1940 – 16 Mar 1941 Carlo De Simone (b. 1885 – d. 1951?)
    Military governors
    29 Mar 1941 – 3 Mar 1943 Arthur Reginald Chater (b. 1896 – d. 1979)
    3 Mar 1943 – 3 Mar 1948 Gerald Thomas Fisher (b. 1887 – d. 1965)
    3 Mar 1948 – 15 Nov 1948 Gerald Thomas Fisher (s.a.)
    1948 – Feb 1954 Gerald Reece (b. 1897 – d. 1985)
    (from 1950, Sir Gerald Reece)
    Feb 1954 – 1959 Theodore Ouseley Pike (b. 1904 – d. 1987)
    (from 2 Jan 1956, Sir Theodore Ouseley Pike)
    11 Jul 1959 – 26 Jun 1960 Sir Douglas Hall (b. 1909 – d. 2004)
    Prime minister (de facto head of state)
    26 Jun 1960 – 1 Jul 1960 Muhammad Haji Ibrahim Egal (b. 1928 – d. 2002) SNL


    Hussein Mohamed Ali

  523. Somalis have independent thoughts and are very different (READ ABOVE COMMENTS). I think nation building is expense (Hence, U.K is broke) I propose this conference should let the Somali Government do its job. NGO’s are undermining the Government and also AU is undermining its authority. U.K cares first about U.K so since this is your conference, Plan a “how to share bread” conference (where you relinquish some powers to the indigenous people. Colonialism is the reason Somalia failed (So yes its your fault, a public apology will be anticipated) The dreaded Pirates; now come on, a bunch of hungry kids on boats? (find a land based economic solution to this) I hope you read this laugh and know there are those that know our history and are taking names. PS: All this X-Lands be very careful with them you are creating more headaches in the future. Weak but dysfunctional spoilers, but hey that’s why we are resilient right.

  524. i mr omer as a somalilander i think that the conference of somalia that will held in london does not concern somaliland becouse somaliland is an independent state and succeded from somalia in 1991 after a bloody war of massacre and genocide as great brithian and david cameron is aware of
    dear PM iam suggesting not to include the agenda on the issue of somaliland
    the other thing that i would like to mention is not to equalize the issue of somalilland republic with the other regional states
    lastly iam concluding that republic of somaliland did a lot of development since it was established and britain did a lot to somaliland and there is great relationship so iam suggesting to britian NOT TO UNDER MINE THE DEMOCRACY AND DEVELOPMENT OF SOMALILAND
    FINALLY IAM EXPECTING that if we are not covering the factuality from our eyes somaliland will not re unite wiyh somalia again

  525. It is an open secret that somaliland deserve to recognize, the somaliland society don’t want to get back the dark history that they met.So I strongly say somaliland need to recognize nothing else.

    Long life Somaliland

  526. According to many ways somaliland have to partake that conference and submit their voice because when want to break a country it’s compulsory to talk directly until you reach your goal. Also I have many thanks all the campaigners of this conference.

  527. Hello Matt,

    Thank you for all your efforts in organizing this important conference. Unfortunately, some people from the northern tribes that advocate for secession ( always Isaaq from Somaliland) have been spamming the web, particularly social network sites like facebook, paltalk, and other forums with a link to your blog and encouraging negative feedback. This is something you will have to anticipate when dealing with individuals from “Somaliland.” They will try to bully you into agreeing with their extreme and unilateral views on Somalia sovereignty. If bullying does not work, they will try to insult you by claiming that you are not familiar with Somali Affairs.

    Please stay focused on your mission and focus on peace and reconciliation and avoid the blog flames. I hope all Somali regions can live in peace alongside each other and avoid unnecessary violent attacks like the one recently instigated by Somaliland Presidet Silaanyo on their neighbor Khaatumo State particularly city of Buhodle.

    Good Luck with your efforts.

    1. I seconded to Kamal’s comments. Dear Matt, please stay focused on the real issues. I can see that people from Northeren Smalia are completely obsessed with the Somaliland vs Somalia issue.

      I would think that the relationship between Somalia and Somaliland will be discussed on an other conference when time is ready. The international community are now focusing on the issue of establishing a stable and alshabab free Somalia. After that we can come back to the question of Somaliland I think.

  528. dear Matt
    The people of Somaliland are questioning the world community’s action as it also contradicts Articles 15 (1) and (2) of Human Right which states that “everyone has the right to nationality” and that “no one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the rights to change his/her nationality respectively.” The action runs counter to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural rights -Article 1 which states that “all peoples have right of self-determination. By virtue of that right, they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development”. In the absence of codified rules, it seems that the conventional wisdom has been that states recognize or do not recognize other states on the basis of their selfish interests

    Somalilanders’ pleas for international recognition for their country must be heard. The right to self-determination for all peoples is a fundamental principle enshrined in the UN Charter. Indeed, it is an anomaly that Somaliland is still denied recognition by the international community.

    Somaliland has rebuilt its country without international assistance. It has acted totally on democratic lines, and the demand for independence was supported in a referendum by more than 90 percent of the population. The level of stability is impressive

  529. i would like to inform British government that what so called agreat somalia died and not to waste its time for nothing many conferences were held since 20 years , today somaliland is an independence state seeking an international recognation sooner or later somaliland will never participate any conference being discussed about somalia

  530. Hello Mr. Matt

    I am not expecting much for the up coming conference because unfortunately international community still putting the cart before the horse!!

    The only hope left for Somali people is to recognize Somali land and work together for rest of Somalia restore peace and stability.. Somali land can help a lot for restoring Peace in Somalia but recognition of it should be first step ,,, My advice is do not mix up Somaliland for rest of Somalia.

    Thank you and good luck for the British government.

  531. “Will the International Community respect the choice of the Somaliland people? Will Britain do its moral duty to influence and lead the international community to respect the choice of Somaliland people as it once did back in 1960? Will Somaliland be considered as a SOVEREIGN STATE during the upcoming meeting?

  532. I am here to state few facts and it is up to the reasonable people to decide for themselves:

    1. SOMALILAND is the only Somali entity that has a democratically elected government. FACT.

    2. In 2001 all SOMALILAND population representatives agreed to reclaim their independence from the union with Somalia. FACT

    3. NO matter what, Somaliland the majority of citizens will never ever accept to rejoin Somalia in a union and anyone who entertains that idea is wasting his time. TRY INTERNATIONALLY MONITORED REFERENDUM AGAIN OR ACCEPT THE PREVIOUSLY ONE.

    4, SOMALILAND people will seek compensation for the loses of live, properties and time wasted during 30 years union with Somalia. FACT

    5. Somaliland government is the sole representative of Somalilanders, since it was democratically elected and will not participate in that conference if unelected failed politicians are invited to the conference. FACT

    6. Like any other democratically elected government, Somaliland has the full right to keep law and order. It has all the rights to fight sea piracy, terrorism and human smuggling, these are supported covertly or overtly by Puntland, Somalia TFG and Alshabaab. FACT

    7. The integrity of internationally demarcated borders and Somaliland territorial integrity are nonnegotiable. FACT

    8. Somaliland will not accept anything short of FULL independence and anything less will further further worsen the problems in the region. FACT

    9.Those who shed crocodile tears for Somali unity should not only ask unification with Somaliland but union with Djibouti, 5th Ethiopian region and The Northern region of Kenya (NFD) and then find out the reactions of Ethiopia, Kenya and Djibouti that will not be much different than that of SOMALILAND GOVERNMENT. The condition of the Somaliland-Somalia union was to unite all Somali inhabited regions in the Horn of Africa. Therefore, if the other 3 regions are off the table and they are off the table then Somaliland must also be off the table as well. FACT

    10. I will repeat SOMALILAND independence and territorial integrity are non negotiable. FACT

    11. SOMALILAND has all the rights to fight armed insurgency within its territory. FACT

    12. The International community must take all these FACTS into consideration if they really want to find a solution to the Somalia disaster.

  533. magacaygu waa cabdirashiid cabdi kabadhe waxaan kaqaybqaadnaya ray uruurinta shirka kafurmaya london waxaan leyahay shirkas somaliland danweyn ayaa uugujirata waayo waxaan fursad aan uhelaynaa in aan shirka gudihiisa aan kacadayno gooni sikutaaga somalilad unasheegno u,fuuda kasooqaybgalaysa waxaan kulatalinayaa madaxweynaha somaliland mr siiranyo inuu kaqaybgalno shirkaas dadka somaliland waxaan leeyahay si,khalda yaan loojurtumin danweyn ayaa inuugu jirtee

  534. belief Somalilanders deserve full defacto Recognition, they made everything possible while no international help was their for them, I will urge the british government and this Conference organisers to give a hand Somaliland’s recognition, Somaliland deserved before southern Sudan and Britain must take the lead to recognise Somaliland.

    qoutes from (Andy Beaton, political science and international relations lecturer at Warick University in westmidlands)

  535. Today, somaliland is not similar with Somalia we have peace and good administration the only think that we seek international community is to recognize as independent county. we like to participate the conference which will hold in UK in Feb to Enlighten the participants our issue and to inform them that we broke away what is called great Somalia from 1991.
    we hope our brother Somalia to get peace and stability. after that we become two separate countries that has border and good manner relationship.
    in short somaliland will not reunite Somalia.
    in addition our president will attend that conference to debate about somaliland issue .

  536. Hello dear friends I think No way to turn on to Somalia. Because if your home is peace, you can’t go a violence one. And recently events will be end as soon as.

  537. today, somaliland is not simirlar with somalia we have peace and good adminstration the only think that we seek international community is to recognize as independent county. we like to participate the confrence whci will hold in uk in feb to tel the participant our issue and inform them that we broke away what is called great somalia from 1991.
    we hope our brother somalia to get peace and stability. after that we become two separate countries that has border and good manner of noighbourhood.
    in short somliland will not reunite somalia.
    in addition our president will attend that confrence to debate about somalialnd issue .

  538. if we carefuuly think that somali conference in uk government its not reality and solution.say why b/c every western government dnt like to get the point of the somali conflict and where the problem is in.

    so that problem is somalis not for interferance every somali person became a politition and that is problem, the uk conferen will be like previous conference. like arta indjabuti.itobiya.asmara. uganda.kenya. that is reality
    and we wll see inshalla

  539. Somaliland should be recognised. Somaliland should not be ignored as it is at the moment the best example for Somalia. Puntland has already made use of the peace and stability it offers as a neighbour.

    Somaliland recognition will give a clear example to others on what is required from that region.Thus, all those who thwart good governance and democracy will not be able to show the benefit to lasting peace in the region.

  540. In short, I totally disagree with the Agenda:
    The fact that this meeting is considering Somaliland, a completely independent country, as part of the somalia is a clear indication that it has been mislead.
    I thought GB is aware of the reality on the ground, that the problem of Somalia is to be addressed while appreciating Somaliland and its development.
    Those who are using this page to spread hatred and propaganda, let me remind them that the main reason why you kept Somalia slip deeper in to the hell of chaos and civil wars is that you are not trying to solve your problems internally, but keep criticizing Somaliland which have nothing to do with your problems (and plz GB not that). Let GB lead the way to recognized Somaliland, then the problem of Somalis will be solved, and there must be a separate point for Somaliland in this conference.
    We won’t accept any conference which does not acknowledge the sovereignty of Somaliland.
    It is also quite funny that what the deputy Ambassador GB’s Ethiopian Embassy was telling us in Hargeisa yesterday, is completely different with what Matt is telling us here. By the way, do you have two different agendas for the conference?!

  541. Dear Matt,

    I am afraid that the UK government is following its interests and is not motivated by the suffering of the Somali people because for 20 good years the suffering was there and because UK is partially responsible by helping the SNM and dividing the Somali people in the firt place.

    Most Somalis. educated or not will never trust OK government. However, I wonder what happened ti Italy which used to check British predatory on Somalia.

    In 2001, British Ambasador in Kenya advised the Puntland president not to claim SSC regions and the Italian Ambassador countered that UK should respect the choice of the Somali people snd should not meddle in thier affairs. We need the Italians now more than ever and I would advice them to organize a conference after the British one.

  542. I would like to thank the British government how to try to host a conference for the United of Early Somalia governments; therefore, British and other countries and communities must consider the New State in North Somalia like Awdal State and Khatumo State. There is no Somaliland
    I believe united Somalia is the only way forward to participate all the State and consider Somaliland as a state. Somaliland politics is based on clans system only Isaaq those believed Somaliland while other clans dined Somaliland and created States.
    After 20 years Somaliland not go anywhere and collapsed.

  543. Hi Matt,Somaliland deserve a recognition nothing else and i am telling you if you are looking for better peace and stability you should act as i say.
    Long Live somaliland people and may gob bless the people of Somaliland and their Beaufiful country of Somaliland

    1. First, it is interesting to see UK Gov trying to solve the Somali Problem,but Iam not optimistic about the outcome for the following reasons.

      1.Matt howmany times have travel anywhere other than Somaliland?

      2.Then ask yourself how many times you travel to Somaliland?

      3.Does this say alot or less?

      4.British lobby Somaliland to be given by EU why not anywhere in Somalia?

      5.In reality, Britian culturally is not sincere and never become sincere so good lucky for your drums.

      6.Somalia went through all kinds of problem,UK never even help so do I expect Uk to do more than aid, I doubt?
      7.UK have been trying to separate Somalia into two ever since and most Somalis aware, what changed Britain now is the reality on ground.

      8.If Britian is helping Somalis we could have seen on the Ground or on the government aid.
      9.Somalis seas dumped all kinds of toxic and one of leading of Nato is British but instead of helping prevent Somalis from looters and dumpers, they become participants
      10.Have ever heard the Brirish commender cought lootersor dumper on the sea of Somalia….
      11.I,m sick and tired of hearing britian is helping somalia but it is my Joke of the day.
      12.Conservative Government in Britian is helping Somalia?
      Finally, Britian is trying to gain the credit from the Federal government when they have achieved most of the Road map.

    2. First, it is interesting to see UK Gov trying to solve the Somali Problem,but Iam not optimistic about the outcome for the following reasons.

      1.Matt howmany times have travel anywhere other than Somaliland?

      2.Then ask yourself how many times you travel to Somaliland?

      3.Does this say alot or less?

      4.British lobby Somaliland to be given aid by EU why not anywhere in Somalia?

      5.In reality, Britian culturally is not sincere and never become sincere so good lucky for your drums.

      6.Somalia went through all kinds of problem,UK never even help so do I expect Uk to do more than aid, I doubt?
      7.UK have been trying to separate Somalia into two ever since and most Somalis aware, what changed Britain now is the reality on ground.

      8.If Britian is helping Somalis we could have seen on the Ground or on the government aid.
      9.Somalis seas dumped all kinds of toxic and one of leading of Nato is British but instead of helping prevent Somalis from looters and dumpers, they become participants
      10.Have ever heard the Brirish commender cought lootersor dumper on the sea of Somalia….
      11.I,m sick and tired of hearing britian is helping somalia but it is my Joke of the day.
      12.Conservative Government in Britian is helping Somalia?
      Finally, Britian is trying to gain the credit from the Federal government when they have achieved most of the Road map.

  544. we re always so thankful for the efforts the GB govermment .uk govermment must unite somalia in order to restore peace in the region united somalia is the best .becouse isaaq was fighters and has theyr own history that have not worked the ather clans
    isaaq sub-clan blieve to shed and fight snm history while the rest don,t inculding like awdalstate, khaatumostate maakhircost,issa, gahayle, gabooye, fiqishini uk know more somali culture uk govermment must support ather clans only isaaq-sub clan need to be govermment and use the power an ather clans like ssc and awdal they called terrorism

  545. my name is Andy Beaton I am political science and international relations lecturer at Warick University in westmidlands, I recently travelled to horn of africa and choosed to see and visit Somaliland, Somalilanders have achieved an enviable peace, progressively disarming and demobilising thousands of gunmen, while in Somalia militias still run amok, looting, extorting and terrorising the local population. Many of Somaliland’s former clan fighters have also been successfully incorporated into the disciplined national army. And unlike many of her neighbours, the armed forces stay out of politics.

    Moreover, Somaliland is country committed to the rule of law, upheld by an independent judiciary. Discrimina-tion on the grounds of ethnicity, gender or opinion is prohibited, and human rights abuses, such as torture, are criminal offences. The right to protest is protected by law.

    Somaliland is fully fledged democracy nation, and its unwavering . Somaliland has a multi-party system but only three political parties are allowed under the constitution though every ten years their is window of opportunity for the multi political system. Islam is the state religion, and while non-Islamic faiths are tolerated, their promotion is prohibited. Muslims are not permitted to renounce Islam, and the legal system is based on Sharia law. Although rarely enforced with harshness,

    Yet Somaliland remains unrecognised as a sovereign nation. While the United Nations and the international community focus their attention on the civil war in Somalia, Somaliland’s achievement in building a stable, harmonious nation is unacknowledged and unrewarded. Betrayed by the Arab League and the African Union, it stands alone.

    Instead of singularly condemning Africa’s failures, isn’t it time the West did more to recognise and support its successes?, what I have seen and witnessed for two weeks I spent in Hargeisa, Boroa, Lasanod, and Borama was amazing, they are people who are united one thing to get a full recognition, I have never seen in my life a country which have been isolated like that but its people are making tremendous effort, Somaliland got their own currency (Somaliland shilling), their Passport, their Flag,an elected president for five years, an elected house of Parliament consist of 82 Mps, and elected local councilors, an elected judiciary system.

    I belief Somalilanders deserve full defacto Recognition, they made everything possible while no international help was their for them, I will urge the british government and this Conference organisers to give a hand Somaliland’s recognition, Somaliland deserved before southern Sudan and Britain must take the lead to recognise Somaliland.

    1. Beaton, the situation in ‘Somaliland’ and ‘Punt-land’ is well known, what solutions do you offer for the people of the southern regions?

  546. Dear matt

    The real problem with somalia will be sovled only if the international community are ready to stand side by side with the somalis who in time of need were nelected and forgotten.Hoping 2012 will be when somalia stand on her own feet and decide thier future by them self.For too long somali were being under false pretence where NGOs and neibouring countries who were pulling the strings.

  547. Hello Matt Baugh,
    First and foremost, I want to thank your efforts and that of your government.
    I am Somali-Canadian who hails from Khaatumo State of Somalia. Today, the people of Sool, Sanaag and Cayn regions have spoken loud and clear. They have established their own government and dubbed it Khaatumo State of Somalia.
    On January 15, 2012 Somaliland Militias attacked the city of Buhodle, Khaatumo State of Somalia, the same day the people of Sool, Sanaag and Cayn announced the great news that they have been waiting for 21 years. Somaliland militias killed innocent folks inside the city of Buhodle. Fortunately, the local residents defended their properties, lives, and removed them inside the city of Buhodle, Cayn. However, the Somaliland militias are mobilizing their militias outside of the city and are planning to attack it again.
    They already occupy several cities in Sool, Sanaag and Cayn regions. Khaatumo State of Somalia is facing an enemy that is claiming ownership of its land, enemy occupying parts of her land. Four years ago, to be exactly Somaliland have forcefully occupied Khaatumo State of Somalia territory and have violated the rights of the citizens. Since then they have killed many people, they forced so many people out of the Khaatumo State of Somalia and within the country as refugees. As we all know, all politics is local. Khaatumo State of Somalia is representing her people and it is working from a bottom up approach to empower the people of Sool, Sanaag, and Cayn.
    Khaatumo State of Somalia’s objectives meets that of the United Nations bottom up approach mechanisms that has been implemented throughout Somalia proper. The United Nations agencies are operating in a similar fashion in Hargeisa, and Garowe based on the United Nations – Bottom up approach initiative. The United Nations initiative should be extended into Khaatumo State of Somalia as well. All UN Agencies should immediately start their operations in the Khaatumo State of Somalia territory, as they currently do in Somaliland, the secessionist entity and Puntland, which supports the TFG administration in Mogadishu. All receive assistance from the United Nations, even though they are based on tribal/clan homelands.
    Khaatumo State of Somalia wants neighborly coexistence with neighboring clans, trading with them and co-operating with other Somali clans and other entities that exist on Somalia soil. Khaatumo State of Somalia’s objective is to make their territory peaceful and prosperous and to be part of a federal government of Somalia that respects rule of law, and constitution, which is based on decentralized structures and a system that empowers the localities that promotes democracy, consultations and due process.
    The main reason the Somali clans destroyed the central government was lack of decentralization structures.
    As you know, the chaos and anarchy continues throughout Somalia. But the real question Matt Baugh we need to ask ourselves is who is behind the chaos in Somalia. In the South of Somalia, it is the warlords, pirates, and Islamic extremists. However, in Khaatumo State of Somalia, it is Somaliland militias who are occupying Khaatumo State of Somalia territory and claiming ownership of the land and the people of Khaatumo State of Somalia. Therefore, Somaliland is the one who is forcing the Khaatumo State of Somalia to defend her people from Somaliland’s aggressions and occupation. As we all know, Somaliland invaded on October 15, 2007 in Lasanod, the capital city of Sool region of Khaatumo State of Somalia, and is still occupying other parts of Khaatumo State of Somalia territory.
    Khaatumo State of Somalia should be encouraged to administer and run their own affairs in Khaatumo State of Somalia, as the United Nations and United Stated of America is looking into new approaches of solving Somalia’s crisis. Empowering regional governments, and allowing regional administrations throughout Somalia to work together in a more respectful way that encourages peace, equality, cooperation and a better reconciliation that benefits everybody. And it should be told Somaliland and Puntland to leave alone Khaatumo State of Somalia, and respect their wishes of governing themselves. Khaatumo State of Somalia best represents their interest and what is best for her people and that should be respected by all including other regional authorities in Somalia. Democracy should be encouraged everywhere including Khaatumo State of Somalia in particular and in general the rest of Somalia proper.
    London Conference should focus how to help Somalia became more decentralized structures that help regional authorities. It should look answers a federal system that is decentralized from Mogadishu is the way to go about solving Somalia’s crisis. Mr. Baugh, this is how I see Somalia today and its solutions. It is way forward and a reality on the ground. Central government is not going to work.
    Khaatumo State of Somalia should be invited in this upcoming meeting in London, The United Kingdom. And I am confident that you will invite as they will propose an excellent ideas to solving Somalia’s crisis.
    Thank you for your great work and look forward to hearing from you.
    Faisal Hassan
    Radio Journalist and Writer.

    1. if we want to reach the and come to end with the conflicts in somalia we have to recognize the republic somaliland as an independent state as it was 1960 when somaliland took it,s independence from great brithian
      and i believe that somaliland republic will play a vital in terminating the long lasting conflicts and hostilities in somalia

  548. Dear Matt

    We all know Somalia has been through a lot of pain and the international community never wanted a strong and stable Somali government. It was the western powers who supported USC (mainly Hawiye), who overthrew former regime Mohamed Siyad Bare? who killed thousand somalis in mogadisho in 1992 in the name of operation restore hope? what did Hilary Clinton said when she met President Sharif in Nairobi if I am not wrong she said she will help Somalia and her first help package she sent was ammunition so we can finish ourself off.

    If the British ever wanted stable Somalia they could do so when we most needed. I think let the somalis decide their future.

    thnk you

  549. Somalia arguably is the most anarchic and ungovernable place in the world and a graveyard for many UN’s unsustainable policy initiative, costly and bloody foreign military interventions.

    Next month, Great Britain is hosting a conference to discuss Somalia’s chronic instability. But if you really want know how the west is fumbling its handling on Somalia for long time– just look what the US and Great Britain back theoretically as government of whole Somalia— a fictional Somali government, which has no popular support among ordinary Somali people, offers no governance, security or even reconciliation and is led by highly corrupted and ineffective leaders., who spent most their time squabbling; and itself depends on its protection for a contingency of African troops.

    While Somaliland, the northern territory of Somalia is peaceful, democratic functioning entity–with political institutions that are organic—having built by the indigenous clans rather than imposed by the United Nations or donor nations. With all these achievement, Somaliland deserved diplomatic recognition, but for political reasons, the British Government has even refused to offer support in the areas of economic development, and basic infrastructure ,let alone recognize a source of strength in the area—Somaliland, which stands for freedom and democracy .

    Great Britain’s current policy toward Somalia of propping –up the useless TFG, and concentrating mainly in Mogadishu—-the ground zero of the failed of Somalia has also been abject failure.

    Last month, Kenya has become the latest country that decided being suck into the quagmire in southern Somalia. According to Kenya military spokesman, Kenyan mission into Somalia is to dismantle Al-shabab ,set up a clan based regional administration in Upper Juba region in southern Somalia bordering with Kenya, to secure and act as buffer zone its borders with Somalia. So far, the Kenyan forces have not made any headway into Al-shabab territory other than bombings Somali women and children.

    American and British diplomats, particularly those who are experts on Africa are either ignoring or denying to let proven facts or realities on the ground change their approach or thinking toward Somalia.

    America and the west strategy of relying heavily on Ethiopia, Uganda and Kenya to stabilize Somalia, has been a mess because in reality these frontline countries are the ones who are actually perpetuating and benefiting the Somali conflict for the last two decades .

    Last time Ethiopian troops invaded Somalia; they left behind trails of death, destruction, destitution and disease; they also clearly created the environment in which Al-Qaeda ideology flourish today.

    As the past experience of US, United Nations and African military intervention suggests, there is a little chance of stable functioning authority emerging from Mogadishu, without any reliable, indigenous political partners for governance and reconciliation; and as long as southern Somalia’s rival clans and warlords fight among themselves, even if the US/Great Britain openly support the war casualty resistance Ethiopian, Kenyan and Ugandan troops are waging.

    What is missing the debate of how to stabilize Somalia is the urgent need to address the long term needs of the ordinary Somali people, who are desperate for peace and stability, and an organic, genuine and sustainable political solution for the Somalia’s recurring disasters and chronic instability, which would ultimately give a better option for the Al-Qaeda infected population in Somalia.

    I really doubt the London conference would address any of those issues. But it might deal with issues of piracy, which is very important to keep the Gulf of Aden open for shipping.

    With US presidential looming, I do not think president Obama would not deeply get involve into Somalia’s quagmire. Maybe it is time Prime Minister David Cameron to show some leadership to come out new Somali approach, which reflects the reality on ground in Somalia—that reality includes understanding that Somalia is a place in which home grown, grass-roots and bottom-up reconciliation solution for its problems offers more chance of success than do quick UN imposed political fixes and costly military intervention.

    Ultimately, options for US or Great Britain are limited because everything would depend on how Southern Somali clans run their own affairs.–compromise, sort out their differences and reach out former adversaries in the interest of their own citizens

    At least, Somaliland although is not perfect but provides the best hope for the rest of Somalia because it proven to the rest of the world that Somalis have the ability to manage their own affairs–reconcile various clans, compromise and govern themselves– with little or no outside help.

    Somalia itself needs Somaliland as an example that could provide the rest of southern Somalia’s rival clans an incentive to stop fighting among themselves in the interest of their own citizens, to reach out adversaries for the sake to end the civil strife, and to begin moving toward good governance.

    Alternative would mean more terrorism, chaos and more agony for ordinary Somalis that could threaten the whole region. And for democratic Somaliland would mean unjust delay for its diplomatic recognition and less resources to develop its economy and to fend for itself from Al-Qaeda ideology.

    May Allah bless Somaliland and Somalia

    Ali M.
    Co-founder Horn of Africa Freedom Foundation

  550. I think many people have completely misunderstood the agenda of this conference. The isaaq clan think this is a campaign for lobbying Somaliland and have notified every one in their websites to come this page and as much comments as they could to show their support for somaliland. It is indeed ridiculous that they are still in the deep dream and drama that has continued for twenty years. Recognition of a nation does not depend on international community but very much depends on the community that reside in that area. Somali people are absolutely against this seccesionist idea that somaliland always claims. In addition, many tribes in the north of somalia including my region, Awdal in which I currently live are fully against that idea. Great Britain is very much aware of the condition in somalia and where the origin of the problem lies. Thanks to Awdal state and Khaatumo state of somalia who are now committed to bringing the unity back. Despite somaliland’s threats, they will keep on until the unity is achieved. A single tribe cannot be a nation and somaliland proved to be so. I am sure that this conference will lead success and victory. Those who still believe what is called somaliland have put the cart before the donkey and have a chance to reverse now. Long live somalia. Unity is Strength.

  551. Thanks to the efforts of the UK for the Somali reconciliation conference in London. Just I want to clarify like many people addressed previously that Somaliland needs recognition and development from the international community in order to build their country’s infrastructure while Southern Somalia needs reconciliation from the root. Keep in mind if Somaliland is not benefiting these above mentioned things, the conference will be useless for them. So that my advice to the UK and other involved goverments to make Somaliland issue seperate.
    On the other hand, I beleive that southern Somalians need help to solve their problems because of ongoing war, conflict and many other involved hands. However, if UK is trying that it will be a long road and will depend how Britain approaches to the issues.

    thanks again

  552. There are two major problems blocking the creation of peaceful shared Somali Government.

    1) Tribalism and the so called Somali-land which is part of tribalism and they are very selfish, narrow minded people who don’t see or think beyond their selfishness of Isaqiisam, as well as refusing the co-existence with the other tribes, it is something they have to deal with it, if not it is too bad….

    2) Al-Shabab who are really confused, and lost their mind and all they know is killing innocent Somali people. let us pray for them.

    I personally believe, the solution is create united states of Somalia, every tribe including Isaaq can have and rule their own territory/tribe only.

    Sanaag beauty

  553. Hi every one
    Republic of Somaliland needs Intertional recognition only but we need nt to unity Southern Somalia Muqdisho or Ethopia, .

    No more Mugdisho
    Viva Rebublic of Somaliland
    Big Thank you to… David Cameron our British Prime Minster .

  554. The Republic of SOMALILAND

    The Republic of Somaliland known as the Somaliland Protectorate under the British rule from 1884 until June, 26th 1960 when Somaliland got its independence from Britain. On July 1st 1960 it joined the former Italian Somalia to form the Somali Republic. The union did not work according to the aspirations of the people, and the strain led to a civil war from 1980s onwards and eventually to the collapse of the Somali Republic. After the collapse of the Somali Republic, the people of Somaliland held a congress in which it was decided to withdraw from the Union with Somalia and to reinstate Somaliland’s sovereignty.

    Political Systems
    The country has a republican form of government. The legislative assembly is composed of two chambers – an elected elder’s chamber, and a house of representatives. An elected President and an elected Vice-president head the government. The President nominates the cabinet which is approved by the legislature. There is an independent judiciary The country has three political parties. i.e UDUB Party, Kulmiye Party and UCID party . The current President of the Republic is H.E Dahir Riyale Kahin and the vice-president is H.E Ahmed Yusuf Yasin of UDUB party who were elected on April 2003 for a five year term. The term of the current government was expected to end in April 2008. Elections were delayed to complete voter registration and next presidential elections are slated to be held by April, 2009.

    Economic Data and Currency
    The official Somaliland currency is the Somaliland shilling (SlSh). The exchange rate the shilling against the US Dollar in end of December 2008 was: US$1 = Somaliland Shillings 7,500

    Imports and Exports
    The backbone of the economy is livestock. The total livestock in the country is estimated at 24 million. In 1998, 3.5 million heads of livestock were exported to the Middle Eastern countries like Saudi Arabia which is the main market for the livestock export. The level of exports dropped after 1999 due to restriction imposed by Saudi Arabia which continued until 2002 when exports started rebounding and close to 2 million head of livestock were exported in 2008. Somaliland also exports frozen meat to the gulf countries like United Arab Emirates and Qatar. Somaliland also also exports Hides, Skins, Myrrh and Frankincense in smaller scale.

  555. Thanks idil I think it’s clear every thing Somaliand they don’t need peace in Somalia , Somalia its one nation one peaple one flag never ever be divide I am supporting khaatumo state of Somalia and awdal state of Somali they like Somali unity ,

  556. How ironic this guy called Abdi misleading people by claiming Somaliland are tribal Militia and part of Somalia. Let me tell you Mr so intelligent, Somaliland facts are well know in the international community and no one on earth can derail the future of Somaliland.

    We have the fastest growing economy in the world, free elections, currency, Passport, police, army, navy, and free press. Not to mention peace, a world without fanatics and terrorist. Now Mr Abdi Your so called government in Mogadisho cannot even liberate their capital city from Al Shabab terrorist, while at the same time your ragtag government have fights everyday among themselves in the parliament. Whereby every other month government are dismissed and new ones are announced.

    All you do is fighting among yourself of how to control the small hand outs given to you by International community in order to help your starving people. While my Somaliland lives in peace and property, your shit hole is no more than doomed house of Hawiye tribe and their hapless minorities who cannot come together to form a decent government since the overthrow of Siyad Barre 30 year ago. For a long time now Mogadisho was a lawless city of crime, starvation, mindless killing, rape, terrorism and extremism, and piracy. Mogadisho tags and their warlords created instability in the whole of horn of Africa.

    I think it’s time Mogadisho regime and its pirate Allies (Puntland) is to be recolonised, because they’re in a state of total failure. And as far as Somaliland is concern, we don’t really care whether the world recognise us or not. We are shining light of East Africa and the only viable state in that region. Viva Somaliland

  557. Hereby are stated some facts about the intricacy of politics in northern Somalia. The demography of population in northern Somalia is composed of 40% Harti which includes Dhulbahante and Warsangeli, 40 % Isaaqs, and 20% Gudabiirsi. The politics in this area of the world is based clan desires. The Harti and Gudabiirsi clans desire to remain to be part of Somali Republic. The Isaaqs need to separate from the rest of Somalia. It is very difficult to explain the main differences and reasons in the desire of the people. It may a natural phenomenon. However, the desire of the majority of people could not be over ruled; the integrity of Somali nation is mandatory; the International community must respect the Somali nationhood. Somaliland, Khatumo State, and Awdal State are three independent entities and should be allowed to operate beside each other peacefully. Somaliland must confine its militia into to the borders of Isaaq area, because that is their land. Khatumo State and Awdal State are not parts of Somaliland. These are similar autonomous states like Somaliland.
    Sadly, it has been twenty years and the situation in Somalia is becoming worse. The point is that the main issue in Northern Somalia is tribal conflict and the force, oppression, and propaganda Somaliland(Isaaq) has on its neighbors Awdal State and Khaatumo State. As I write this to you Matt, these people (Awdal+Khaatumo) are desperately trying to break free from Somaliland(Isaaq)’s iron fist and join a UNITED SOMALIA. The main issue in Southern Somalia is youth hopelessness where Al-Shabaab and piracy are all they have left to turn to, along with major tribal conflicts, and the famine that was due to global climate changes and underdevelopment of agricultural techniques due to the civil war. The majority of the SOMALI people (85%) excluding Isaaq are tired of what is going in Somalia and want the situation in Somalia to change for the better. I am deeply saddened by all of the SOMALILAND propaganda that is on this page. Somali people want CHANGE NOW and an end to Somaliland, AL-Shabaab, and piracy. These are the major issues in current Somalia.

    Thanks Matt.


  558. The British government should start by doing the honorable thing and recognize the democratically elected government of Somaliland. It should also ban the terrorist organizations like the SSC and the ONLF from operating in its territory where they fund raise and undermine the efforts of this peaceful oasis in the Horn of Africa. The British know full well that Somaliland was a state before 1960 and that it decided to withdraw from the union with the South after that union has failed to work.

    So far, the London conference appears to be heading in the same direction that all the conferences before it headed. The Somali issue needs a new thinking and nothing less than a complete paradigm shift. Reinventing the wheel will not lead to any tangible results. As long as the international community continues to ignore the Somaliland issue, their efforts will be seen as futile simply because of the contradictory messages that the international community is sending. To ignore stability and democracy and to claim that you are trying to establish one is a contradiction in terms.

    The British government should know better and do the honorable thing and recognize Somaliland’s indelible right to self-determination. It knows the history of the region better than any other international entity.

  559. To Tobby Kenyon. If your honest and willing to support Somalia, do not divide Somalia. How dare you came up this conclusion, I don’t understand why a foreigner advocating succession?? or your part of the ongoing crisis that’s taking place in Somalia. Please Mr Toby leave us alone, I mean we Somalis.

    1. His is not advocating but he is pointing the truth which is obvious Somaliland is already a de-facto state without recognition and with recognition it will become de-jure state

      1. ‘Somaliland’ is about to implode, unionist who didn’t sign up for secession are being gun down every day in Las Canood.

  560. Somaliland will attend the conference because we have faith in the British leadership, mediation efforts and their sincere honesty to resolve Somalia’s crisis. We trust no body else. Our two countries share longer relationship than Somalia and Somaliland share. Having common language, religion and like physical features isn’t enough argument to form one state. If that was the case all Arabs would have one Arabia. Nonsense. Somaliland has nothing in common with Somalia. No shared goal, values, principles or ideologies. Britain is well aware what matters in the world are those factors not religion, language or physical features.

    Somalia is into violence, dominating each others, killing one another, Somaliland is the total opposite. Somaliland has more common values with Britain than its southern neighbor.

    What unifies the people of Britain ain’t language or religion—its the common values, principles, ideologies shared by the English, Scotsmen, Irish and the Walsh. Somaliland believes in the same.

    We will attend the conference for our friend, the British Prime Minister and the government of UK. In Somaliland, Hon. David Cameron is the closest thing to Sir Winston Churchill. Like Churchill, Cameron is building a stronger and viable Great Britain and is not shy of reaching out to his friends. Churchill visited Somaliland in 1907 and in the 40s when he was a Prime Minister, he defended this nation from the Italians, today Cameron would indeed do the same. Britain thrives under the leadership of the Conservative and Liberals. The Labor Party is only good for refugees for instance the ones from Somalia.

    Today, we have to stand together not on top of hills as we did 70 or so years ago but in diplomatic offices.

    We have to keep in mind the so called khaatumo is the same very dervish terrorists we bombed, very soon, they would be asking Great Britain for “holocaust” handouts if we open that chapter, keeping them silent is the only option. No voice for terrorism and mad Mullahs.

  561. First I would like to thank British Government their effort to make peace in Somalia and I would like to say my voice loudly Awdal State of Somalia is stand for my people who signed agreement British government 1884 in Saylac District
    I am proud to be Awdalies and I am strongly support Somali union

  562. First I would like to thank British Government their effort to make peace in Somalia and I would like to say my voice loudly Awdal State of Somalia is stand for my people who signed agreement British government 1884 in Saylac District
    I am proud to be Awdal State and I am strongly support Somali union

  563. Hi, all
    We need to face the reality, this conference should be held for Somalia and to invite to Somaliland republic as observer and later on the British goverment should facilitate again the two states in 1960 Somalia and Somaliland sit together and discuss the issue if there is any posibilty that they should reunite once again. My advice to Britain is don’t go the trible side…you will never finalise that subject…if you go that direction you will end up clan after sub-clan, every clan there is sub-clans and there is where they will end………all Somalis are one big clan call Somali, so go the political side Somaliland and Somalia, go easier one first Somalia and second face Somaliland and Somalia

  564. To sister Idil. I am from Somaliland and I believe united Somalia, those who believe Somaliland are 10% of our population, if you look at Awdel State Sool Sanaag and Ayen region we advocate and want united Somalia.

  565. Thanks to British government for making this conference, as I am from Somaliland, I believe Somali unity is very important for the past decades we have been seeking independence and so far we haven’t achieved. Therefore Mr Cameroon must listen to us people from Somaliland are ready to join and work with their brothers in the south.

    1. People of Somaliland have no desire whatsoever to reunite with Somalia, therefore, the best possible way forward is to solve the problem of Somalia first and then try to create a conducive atmosphere to mediate them and encourage them to reconcile their differences and explore the possibility of coming to a common ground.

  566. I am from Hargeysal and I believe United Somalia, therefore British government must unite all-Somalis regardless of their clan and province. I believe united Somalia can bring peace and harmony, therefore PM Divid Cameron and his team must be aware of so called Somaliland, whichs in valid and irrelevant to the majority of Somalis.

  567. We (Somalilanders) are allowed to flood this forum to voice our issues because Somalilanders gave their blood to Great Britain unlike you refugees from Somalia. Who burnt down Somalia and Somaliland and now your crying here. Somalilanders took part in the construction of Great Britain such as Wales renowned canals, shipyards and waterways that powered the British economy. We lived in Great Britain since 1900s while you lot flooded this nation in 1990s via the Netherlands and Italy coming in the back of lorries.

    We, along with Great Britain, silenced you during your fanatic war led by the Mad Mullah, I find it funny now your begging the very ones that ended your extremism and today Great Britain is well aware that Somalis in Somalia cant get along nor can they leave Ethiopia, Somaliland or Kenya alone.

    Britain is worried you lot would carry out suicide attacks. Thats all you bring with you to Britain, welfare and fear.

    God bless UK and Somaliland. Go to Italian foreign minister’s blog if you dont like this website.

  568. Dear Matt..

    Let me clarify one thing

    1) Why this blog is flooded by Somaliland Clan individuals… who are acting unhappy with this conference?


    This blog was circulated in the Somaliland Clan websites and readers were encouraged to voice against the conference, even in the Isaq clan facebook groups people are advised that they should plea with you to not put the Isaq Clan (Known as the Somaliland Clan into this meeting)
    2) I guess by now you are wondering ‘Why the Isaq tribe headed by Siilaanyo would want to stop this amazing conference of peace and long term plan to unity?’
    There are many issues some I mentioned here already.. but to cut a long story short.. the clan elders of the Isaq tribe sadly do not want the international community to intervene / support to bridge the differences of the different states within North Somalia (namely… Awdal State of Somalia, Khaatumo State of Somalia and the Puntland State of Somalia)… which all have different tribes to that of the Somaliland Clan (Isaq).

    As I write the above lines I am filled with saddness… because I am a dreamer of unity, peace, equality, justice …all Somalis look the same to me … I see no difference and the tribe thing is something that one should use to identify themselves in a positive way .. but sadly, as my Isaq brothers and sisters have displayed here …Isaq is currently under the influence of well known ageing tribal dictator (Siilaanyo), their beautiful minds are poluted by the notion of tribal allegiance rather than the joy of all tribes in Northern Somalia living side by side in peace.

    Also the current ongoing conflicts in the Sool Sanaag Cayn regions of Somalia (Buhodle/ Lasanod) and the backlash that the Somaliland Clan (Isaq) is currently facing from other Northern Somalia States (e.g. Awdal State of Somalia, Khaatumo State of Somalia and Puntland State of Somalia) is fuelling the already-embedded tribal hatred by the Isaq elders of the Somaliland Clan.

    I am sorry to continue commenting on this blog, but the truth is always a vital ingrediant and sharing is caring.

    I hate all kinds of injustice and love all my fellow Somali people both North Somalia and South Somalia.. I want to see an end to the headaches we have endured over the last two decades..

    I welcome this conference and I hope the British Government will succeed in bringing all tribal regions in Northern Somalia as well as the Alshabaab fighters, all Somali patriots who are ready for peace to the table. I also hope that clan regions who refuse to partake in this peace talk.. will be forced into joining for the benfit of all its neighbouring states and for the interest of Somalia as a whole.

    Peace is our only option at this point and this conference brings an opportunity to change Somalia in the interest of Britain and the international community who are threatened by its never ending instability and tribal chaos.

    Big Thank you to… David Cameron our British Prime Minster for this amazing opportunity which has the potential of bringing Somalia back to its feet. Thanks to our Somali TFG for their ongoing efforts to unite Somalia and voicing to highlight the problems of feuding tribal regions.

    I hope my message helped you understand more about the Somaliland Clan and the why only one tribe (the Isaq clan also known as the Somaliland Clan) is dominating the conversation of this important conference for Somalia.
    ‘if one cannot see peace.. one needs to be shown’

    .. thanks Matt
    Idil (proud British Somali)

  569. I am very sorry to say this but this conference once again it will fail just like others conferenes failed in the past and the reason is very simple. Somali problem can only be sloved by Somali people sitting under Somali tree inside Somalia. The outsiders who their interest is not the well being of Somalis but for the their own political interest can not slove Somali issue. The UK main purpose for this conference is defeating piracy and Alshabab and not to solve Somali issue . Only Somalis can slove their problem. Good example is Somaliland

  570. Hello Maatt,

    Firstly, Iam apraciating you helping our neighborhood brother in south somali getting opportunity to rebuild their divastated country,
    Secondly, it is incredible for somaliland peolpe to hear such political view from a representative of their closest second country ,as your statement that says creating opportunity to reinforce the relative stability in areas of Somalia, such as Somaliland and Puntland deeply hurts people of somaliland and we do bleave that such generalasation of somalia politics is far from reality on the ground and what really going on in what is called former somalia.
    Despite, Somaliland is not just a new emerging state but it is one of the world’s oldest states colonised by British protectorate with it’s internationally recognised borders, population with diverst clans and historic traditional governance system before British clonial.
    After we voluntry united with other part of somalia ( South somalia) Somalilad people were ( the heros of second world war) reclaimed their statehood by prolonged bloody war with former somali government, after with it become one of the leading democratic and stable countries of Africa and no single sound minded plotician can deny this fact.
    In adition to that, somaliland people decerved hestorical success in British sovrienity as somaliland peope were part of 100,000 African soldiers were taken from British colonies to fight in the jungles of Burma against the Japanese. They performed heroically in one of the most brutal theatres of war, yet their contribution has been largely ignored in Britain even disappointed them rather than rewarding for their lost of lifes.
    In the cities of Somaliland , these veterans are known as ‘somali scotts ‘. They brought back terrifying tales from faraway lands. Few survived, even fewer are alive today.
    In sumarry , were British, we are somalilanders, we are united , we are comitted for independence , we are heroes of second world war yet and we gone die for our independence so pls be carefull for deal with somaliland as one of regional states of somalia rather than independent strong state in horn of Africa and finally it is not my own view but the views of millions of british somalilanders

    thanks u for readind this comment

  571. Dear All,

    If any one wants to resolve the issue of somalia, they must go back to the roots of the problems in-order to reach a very wise conclusion. I urge Mr Matt to revisit the history of somalia also.

    In my humble opinion under no circumstances, we should talk about the issue of Somaliland in this conference. why it meddles the water further.

    Since Somalia and Somaliland are regarded as a separate country at least by its people and the problem we are talking about does not concerns them, Let us talk about Somalia not somaliland for one moment. please remember if we lamb all the issues and we talk about the whole, not dealing with the current problems specifically, we are dreaming and it is not going to work.

    please remember Somaliland is not part of Somalia but the people share and have lots of things in common and no one can deny that.

    It is wise to be fair and just and remember although we are Somalis we are also British and have right to contribute to the foreign policy of this country, please listen and consult the expertise from both Somaliland and Somalia Countries.

    Finally, please feel free to e-mail me at any time if you need very valuable advise as i am very keen my both countries to prosper.


    Mr Ahmed

  572. This is to educate those who were born during Siyad Barre:

    HARGEISA, Somaliland, June 26 (Reuters) – A blue and White starred flag was hoisted here today after all-night celebrations ending seventy-three years of British rule in this East African Territory at the south end Red Sea.

    Mohammed Haji Ibrahim Egal took an Oath on the Quran as Premier of the new nation of Somaliland.
    Nearly 1,000 British-trained Somali troops were handed over to him by the retiring commandant; Brig. Gen. O. G. Brooks.
    Mr. Egal welcomed a delegation from a neighboring Italian Somalia, scheduled to unite with Somaliland to form a republic of 2, 000, 000 population when Italy gives up her United Nations trusteeship Friday.

    British Rule In Somaliland IS Ended
    The Times
    Monday, June 27, 1960

    HARGEISA, Somaliland, June 26, 1960 (Reuter): British rule ended here at midnight last night as fireworks and singing crowds heralded the Independence of Somaliland. Celebrations continued throughout the night. A big electric sign on a hillside carried the message: “Long Live independence.”

    Celebrations in the capital were repeated in settlements and outposts throughout the territory. The rejoicing will continue tomorrow, which has been proclaimed a public holiday.

    Early this morning crowds thronged the polo ground for the final act of independence. Mohammed Haji Ibrahim Egal, the Prime Minister of independent Somaliland, took an oath on the Quran to the new state and hoisted the blue and white, starred flag.

    Nearly 1,000 British-trained Somaliland Scouts were then handed over to the Prime Minister by Brigadier O. G. Brooks, the Colonel Commandant. After the ceremony, the crowds swarmed into the town, cheering and shouting freedom slogans. At dusk last night the band of the 1st Battalion, the Royal Highland Fusiliers, beat retreat and the Union Jack was lowered.

    The last toast to the Queen was proposed by Mr. P. Carrel, who was acting Governor until midnight, at a reception. He said: “This is the last occasion on which we British can offer best wishes for the future of the people of Somaliland and Somalia (the Adjacent Italian trust territory). May they have a happy life and prosperity for the rest of their days.”

    Union with Somalia

    The Prime Minister responded with a tribute to the British association, saying: “We have not always seen eye to eye, but we share a Common ideal in the simple things of life. This is not the end of British-Somali relations. These relations are simply taking another shape for the better.”
    Somaliland plans to unite with Somalia on Friday when Italy gives up her United Nations trusteeship there.
    A delegation from Mogadishu, including Adan Abdullah, who is likely to be the first President of the new republic of Somalia and Somaliland, has been greeted warmly by the crowds here.
    Adan Abdullah was met by the Prime minister on his arrival at the airport. Police and Somaliland Scouts lined up to give a general salute and he was greeted by a fanfare of trumpets.
    Adan Abdullah told the crowds that the people in Somalia eagerly awaited their independence on Friday. He said that there was no major obstacle in the way of union of both countries. There were difficulties in detail, “but there is no doubt that these will be resolved”.
    The Queens Message
    A message from the Queen was delivered in Hargeisa yesterday by Mr. T. E. Bromley. British Consul-General in Mogadishu, on the occasion on Somaliland Independence Day. The Message said: “I, my Government and my people in the United Kingdom, wish you well on this day of independence. The connection between our people goes back some 130 years and British administration of the Protectorate for 60 years. I look forward to a continuing and enduring friendship between our two countries.”
    Somaliland Marks Independence After 73 Years of British Rule
    The New York Times
    Sunday, June 26, 1960
    HARGEISA, Somaliland, Sunday, June 26, 1960 (Reuters): Crowds danced in the streets here, bonfires blazed from the hills and fireworks burst in the sky as last midnight spelled the end of Britain`s rule in Somaliland.
    The country became independent after seventy-three years as a British protectorate. Political parties gave receptions to guests from all communities. The rejoicing was to continue tomorrow, a public holiday.
    Newly independent Somaliland plans to unite with neighboring Somalia Friday when Italy gives up her United Nations trusteeship there.
    The five-day hiatus between independence and merger was seen as a period of potential danger. There was fear of possible clashes with Ethiopian tribes along Somaliland`s ill-defined borders. [Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia said Friday he hoped for peaceful border adjustment with free Somalis soon.]
    Thousands of Somalis turned out to say farewell to the British Governor, Sir Douglas Hall, and his wife. They flew to Aden.
    A delegation arrived from Mogadishu, the Somali capital, led by the President of Somalia Legislative Assembly, Adan Abdullah. He said the people of Somalia were eagerly awaiting independence.
    Somaliland`s Vote for Union
    The Times
    Tuesday, June 28, 1960

  573. Rest assured this upcoming conference will definitely be doomed like the countless failed conferences held before in different foreign countries, because same old dishonest and clueless Somalis and foreigners with vested interests will chit chat, produce meaningless conclusion and will leave everything to remain the same.
    I suggest the conference to be held in Mogadishu solely by the people of Somalia, even the Somalis who hail from Kenya, Eithiopia, Djibouti and Somaliland should be excluded.
    The people of the South should learn how to leave together and manage their affairs like the rest of the human in the world.

  574. International Communities need to support the Peace and the Democracy in Somaliland by recognising Somaliland as a Sovereign State. The British Government could ask the United Nation to held in Somaliland a Independence referendum like in the South Sudan so people in Somaliland can decide themselves if they want to be Independent or not Somalia.

  575. thanks matt i appreciate you and every body seeking long life peace uphold in somalia but here m telling my truth opinion which is
    first and formost i m somalilander and one thing that is never possible to be joined or reunited with somalia is we saw already what was the unity and it consequence and here everybody from somali land likes to be another government as it was in the colonies so i m remembering our somali bothers do not ever never thing that again that we will get united again. this is true and it wont stop for ever thanks

  576. First wold like to thank the British Government to try to help to the poorest communities around the globe the people of what so called the republic of Somalia a failed state and now the home of international terrorists and the masterminded of cross border crimes

    I believe any agenda regarding Somali Recociliation Conference Without priortising, first the issue between Somalia vs Somaliland will not result lasting peace in the former Somali republic territory.

    The true solution will come out when the orgnizers of the conference are aware the current facts on the ground in the territory of former Somalia. Thus don’t mixed Somaliland with the other parts of Somalia whather it is Puntland or south and central Somalia. this is the inevitable reality in the ground. Somalilanders had decided not to be part in Somalia any more. So neither the international community nor the organisers of the forthcoming London conference cannot overlook the wishes and self determinantions of the people of Somaliland.

    The Republic of Somaliland is a free and peace-loving state, and its democratically elected government is the only one that represents the interests and wishes of the people of Somaliland.

    Somaliland is the only nation not represented in the global assembly. The African Union’s exclusion of Somaliland violates the principles and spirit of African Charters as well as the United Nation and, in particular the fundamental principal of universality, and of the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights and Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

    Somaliland and its three and half million people are capable of making significant contributions to many African Union and UN efforts in and around the African continent particularly in the Horn of African region. According the rich civilized culture and jeopolitical stratigic location of Somaliland will be intrumental tool to do its part to combat such international problems as poverty, regional conflict, terrorism, drug trafficking, organized crime, and environmental degradation.

    Somaliland enhances the security of the African continent, UK, US, Europe, Asia including Middle East and that of the globe.

    The nascent democracy in Somaliland needs support against those who hate freedom, democracy and universal human rights. It is time the UK grants economical and technical assistance to Republic of Somaliland before the fundamentalists Islamic terrorists groups linked international terrorists of Al Qaida come to ruin the peace, democracy institution, human rights culture and stability Somaliland has achieved during the past two decades.

  577. Dear Matt. take my word for granted, I have the feeling that the upcoming U.K conference will be a total failure – i forsee! simply because of your limited background info on Somaliland Republic and your illegal mix with Somalia is a sign that you are informed on the situation. Hence, if you mind get educated. Somaliland has nothing to do with such conference. We are however, more than ready to help them end the unnecessary killings and hostilities.

  578. Good day Matt,

    I’ve worked in Somaliland, the former British protectorate in North Somalia from 2002 to 2006, and witnessed the profound democratic, political and economic developments made on the ground, in contrast the civil strife in the rest of the country.

    I hope this upcoming conference puts much emphasis on the status of Somaliland as an independent state and its quest for recognition. The United Kingdom should take this opportunity to pave the way for full international engagement with Somaliland which will ultimately bring peace and stability to a Greater Somalia.

    1. The recognition of ‘Somaliland’ will bring the disintegration of the whole Somalia and probably war in Northern Somalia. The people of Awdal region,Sool region and Sanaag region will not be happy with Hargeisa consesus that makes them second class citizen in their own lands. They will rebel and i fear the outcome will be clan cleansing. Things are already deteriorating in ‘Somaliland’ with the closure of independent media and detention of Journalists. The attack of Buuhodle in the past 3 days i’m afraid will be the norm as Isaaq’s try to impose their hegemony on the Dhulbahantes, Wasangire and Gadarbusi.

      1. On one hand you preaching hater of one clan and on the other you calling for that clan the distruction of the same clan. To make the matter worse you crying of dead horse which neither d. cameroon nor sarkozy cannot revive that horse to life through have baked solution.
        If you corner any living creature into a corner that creature will fight for survival. When landers tells the international community to recognise for lasting peace to be achieved in the somali speaking pennisula, what they mean recognition will take war out of the equation.
        Somalilanders are ready sacrifies their collective lives while defending the hard earned achievement. So if encourage those people you mention take arms against somaliland you are encouraging them to become canon foders

        1. I hate no clan, i just don’t like ‘clan republics’. I also don’t like your indifference to the rest of Somalis.

  579. It is a very important and much needed initiative from the British government, which has always been good to Somali people. Somalia needs the help of the international community to solve the longest running conflict in Africa. Security of the region is paramount as the consequences are too grave to ignore. However, long lasting solution can only be found in two state solutions. Piracy and extremism are not the causes of the Somali civil war but they are the product of it and that should never be forgotten. I was sceptical about Somaliland attending this conference but I have changed my mine due to a press conference given in Hargeisa, the capital of Somaliland, by the deputy British Ambassador in Ethiopia, Mr. Chris Allan. Now I think it is only right for Somaliland to attend and present her case.

    Thanks for the British Government on its efforts to get solution the Somali overdue problems. We believe the British puts is very important so that the Region will achieve the long waiting stability. Also this occasion will give an opportunity the Awdal State, Khatumo State and Somaliland to meet on side and discuss their internal affairs as well as the Somali Conference in London.
    The UDUB Party in the Diaspora supports the Conference and wish good outcome for the people of Somalia. Further we congratulate the success of the foreign policy of the current government in Arab Spring in the North of Africa and this is the time for the Sub-saharaha Africa.
    Thak you
    H. Abtidon
    UDUB Diaspora

  581. My sincere advice to you and your government, stay away from Somalia. Your predecessors have already done enough damage. Have you forgotten how you divided our land? Or perhaps to you that’s nothing, it was long ago and all of Africa was chopped up, wasn’t it?
    Mr. Baugh, before the Europeans came to us we were Somalis living on the motherland. We had everything we needed for our life style, we were trading with the outside world, we had great life-stock, and farmlands, rivers, sunshine, starry nights and cool evening breeze. Better still, we had our dignity, and a sense of self-worth. We depended on ourselves and God for our livelihood. Today, we are beggars, and some of us became so good at it, that they really don’t want to get out of this lucrative business. Hence the endless chaos that’s become the in thing with Somali men.
    In the old days things weren’t always a bed of roses, and we did have our little squabbles every now and then, but we were free spirits. We made wars at will and made peace at will; we were masters of our own fate. There was no one dictating to us. Our grown-ups were adults then; not Children.
    Before the Europeans decided they couldn’t take their own sunless continent anymore, all of Somalia was a Somali-territory. We were a nation of tribes, clans and sub-clans, living side by side as God intended, with our own natural boundaries; natural resources and boundaries that needed neither policing nor armies or flags. And we did have our own system, our own rules and regulations that governed our lives.
    Come the British and their brethren, then before we knew it, we became British Somali land, we became Italian Somali-land, French Somali-land, before we knew what was happening a huge chunk of our land was gifted to Ethiopia, a Christian state, another chunk became an extension of what’s today Kenya….The rest is history. We now have Somalis who are Kenyans, Somalis who are Ethiopians, Somalis who are Djiboutians, Somalis who are refugees in the four corners of the world; Somalis who are British, Somalis who are Americans, Somalis who are Dutch, Scandinavian, Australian, Canadian, you name it, and the list could go on. There are also paper-less Somalis who roam the wilderness in Africa and Mideast. There are also those who could neither board a plane or boat; the poor farmers who were stripped of their farms by marauding warlords; Known as IDPs these people are refugees in their own country, paper-less, without proper roof over their heads.
    If you ever wanted to come face to face with a human being in limbo, visit a refugee camp. Talking of dislocation; did you know that the biggest refugee camp in the world is in Kenya? And this is populated by none other than Somalis who fled from Somalia? There are also those who simply melt away into the high seas, without a trace.
    There are also those Somalis in the North who actually think they’re still under the British Empire….they call themselves Somali-landers, and they want out of the Somali fold. Don’t know how feasible that could be since the name Somali is still attached to the land? And the clans in the neighborhood aren’t agreeable to the deal? As we speak there’s war and terror campagins agains unionist tribes in the North and unless sense prevails and the secessionist lead administration listens to reason then expect more bloodbath.
    Good luck!

    1. Aww, that was poetic, keep the good work.
      Isn’t ironic that most somalilanders/isaaqlanders, who were given asylum in UK and the rest of Europe by claiming to be persecuted minorities i.e Shanshiil, Ashraf, Barawani, Tuni, Banaadir and Midgaan from Mogadishu and and surrounding areas i.e when in reality they were diaspora Somalis from Hargeisa who were residence in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain,Egypt, Kenya, Tanzania etc should now claim they can’t share a country with fagash want a fagash free country called ‘Somaliland’.

      I cry for all the genuine refugees who had to walk for months in the wilderness of somalia’s harsh terrain running from different warlords, religious extremist, land pirates and rapist while watching their families get decimated by hunger and disease. To all Somalis, let us stop Somalia’s clan power politics and instead take care of our most weakest, the voiceless and the countless orphans.

      My abiding memory of Somalia of the last 21 yrs is the human suffering and pain etched in the faces of people of Baydhoba, probably the most disfranchised and defenseless people in Somalia, that was 20 yrs ago… their children could be the ones in Dhadaab, Dollo Ado, Afgoye and IDP’s of Mogadishu. The world needs to end this human suffering for the sake of humanity.

      Britain and it’s allies should help Somalia build it’s institutions i.e military,hospitals, schools, police, judiciary, tax collection capabilities etc this institutions will hopefully help eradicate the only functioning political system in Somalia, clannism.

      1. Aww, that was poetic, keep the good work.
        Isn’t ironic that most somalilanders/isaaqlanders, who were given asylum in UK and the rest of Europe by claiming to be persecuted minorities i.e Shanshiil, Ashraf, Barawani, Tuni, Banaadir and Midgaan from Mogadishu and and surrounding areas i.e when in reality they were diaspora Somalis from Hargeisa who were residence in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain,Egypt, Kenya, Tanzania etc should now claim they can’t share a country with fagash want a fagash free country called ‘Somaliland’.
        I cry for all the genuine refugees who had to walk for months in the wilderness of somalia’s harsh terrain running from different warlords, religious extremist, land pirates and rapist while watching their families get decimated by hunger and disease. To all Somalis, let us stop Somalia’s clan power politics and instead take care of our most weakest, the voiceless and the countless orphans.
        My abiding memory of Somalia of the last 21 yrs is the human suffering and pain etched in the faces of people of Baydhoba, probably the most disfranchised and defenseless people in Somalia, that was 20 yrs ago… their children could be the ones in Dhadaab, Dollo Ado, Afgoye and IDP’s of Mogadishu. The world needs to end this human suffering for the sake of humanity.
        Britain and it’s allies should help Somalia build it’s institutions i.e military,hospitals, schools, police, judiciary, tax collection capabilities etc this institutions will hopefully help eradicate the only functioning political system in Somalia, clannism.

        1. 50,000 Somalilanders will killed practically over night. Whilst 300,000 left to flee the bombarment. Prior to this they were subjected to rape and incarceration by the faqash/fashists whilst their main source of income the port was blocked for trading before they had the civil war against this oppression. Your crocodile tears for the Baidoba people and the litte people doesn’t ring true when you so casually dismiss others who suffered for near enough 30yrs now. From demining of their country to rebuilding slowly and burying the dead. You only see the refugees that left but not the many that were left behind to pick up the pieces. Racial Empathy is what this is called? Somalilanders have been offering their support to other Somalis since 1995 but of course that isn’t mentioned. Their charity is expected and taken for granted but their wishes dismissed and ignored all in the name of Brotherhood Somalianism.

          1. 50,000 killed overnight? Do you really believe those lies? You must live in a fantasy world. The Siad Barre dictatorship enslaved all Somalis with the exception of maybe Marehan clan. it’s bizarre to think that Isaaq’s are the only ones who have monopoly of suffering.

  582. Hold on a second. May I ask why cant we get an ideal solution for the problem then? or may be u need to go back to prof. ahmed ismail and ask him “Prof, Do we have a plan B coz Plan A does not seem to be working very good?. and FYI, there is no secession between Somaliland and Somalia, coz the so-called failed principle of unity was never existed and will never ever happen. How many times do u guys need to be told that, the people of Somaliland are now fully become state and you should concentrate solving your problems rather than running after Somaliland. They have made their own choice, they are demanding to be left alone to decide their own destiny. And by the way, do u mind asking one more question to your prof. ahmed ismail when you meet him, tell that the people of Somaliland are wiling to join a unity of Somalia only after you successfully unite the other four somali ethnics (Djibouti, East Ethiopia, NFD and somali-italian). So, it seems like you are your prof. have alot of things to do kkkkkkkkkkk and good lucky with that dear.

  583. hello every one!
    Somaliland is indeniable Country.So please tell to trhe world that the choice of the people of Somaliland should respected.We have two choice either to go to hell with al shabab or stay democratic and respect of rule of law.
    no more mogadisho…
    somaliland is old country from 1960 6 26 dont forget the real History of Somaliland.

  584. Dear Matt,

    The Conflict in Somali and the Horn of Africa has a source and I am sure Britain as the old empire is well aware of it. The Somali government was overthrown by Ethiopia and Somali help overthrow the Ethiopain regime and that conflict is not yet resolved. The source of conflict is the Ogaden and if that is not resolved there is very little chance of the Horn of Africa becoming stable as the Ethiopian policy towards Somalia has been to divide and rule for the past twenty years as she does not want see a stable Somalia which she sees as a threath. An Example of this was the 1964 and 1977 Ogaden War. Unless a Referendum or a Political Peace Settlement is achieved in the Ogaden, Somalia will not become a stable nation. We need to understand this and all the other disputes are the knock-on-effects or the symptoms of the Somali Desease. I don’t suggest that the Ogaden becomes part and parcel of Somalia but since the Ogaden is inhabited by ethnic Somalis who also have trible links across the border, there has always been trouble and the Human Rights violations by succsesive Ethiopian goverments means there will be insurgency which in turns affects the whole of Somalia. The Pirate Issue, Extremism, and all the other Somali ills are the by-product of the source.

    I would urge the British government to address this issue first by solving the Ethiopia and ONLF deadlock and if that is achieved, the government of Ethiopia will stop interfering with Somalia and I am certain then Somalis will solve their differencies.

    I hope this Confrence will be a meaningful one and the British government takes the credit for this. As a British citizen myself, I hope we have a long term strategy to safeguard our interests in the Horn of Africa and do our best to make a stable region.

    Thank You.



  586. “Peace”.
    I would like to thank firstly GOD the “one and only” that has given us the opportunity to held meeting and discuss what the Somali people are facing now. Secondly for all the people who left their comments and showed their expression but I would like to remind that we are in the 21st Centaury and that nobody or no family has the right to control another family and at the same time I don’t know what is good for you neither do you know what is good for me.

    In my conclusion I would like to say KHAATUMO STATE knows what is good for them self and that no one would tell what is good for khaatumo therefore the only way that the Somali people can live peace and have love for each other is to give decision to the people meaning every group, tribe and etc in which they can make decision without any interference in which would bring all Somali (Somali Wayn) people together if god wills.

  587. Born out of terror, the one-clan secessionist enclave calling itself “Somaliland” has espoused terror as a means to achieve its ends from the moment it declared its secession.

    A reconciliation conference held in Burco in May 1991 among Somalia’s northern clans, including those from Sool, Sanaag and Cayn (SSC) regions, was hijacked by armed extremists belonging to the secessionist clan’s Somali National Movement – a misnomer for a ruthless terrorist organization responsible for the collapse of the Somali State and much of the ensuing woes that befell the Somali people since then. Under duress, and as was dictated to them, the SSC delegates had little choice but to sign up to the secession declaration from Somalia. This treacherous background is the basis for this illegitimate “Somaliland” entity that remains to the present day a scourge on Somalia’s unity, peace and revival.

    The fact that the SSC delegates repudiated the secession once they were safely back in their regions is neither here nor there as far as the secessionists are concerned. From their perspective, and in their peculiar self-righteous reasoning, what counts and is binding is the declaration signed in Burco, albeit at gunpoint, and not the true stance of the SSC participants of the conference, or the fact that the overwhelming majority of the SSC people have nothing to do with the secession and are sworn to Somalia’s unity and territorial integrity.

    Availing themselves of the massive military arsenal left over by the disintegrated Somali national army, the one-clan based secessionists had sought from the outset to bring to heel all the unionist regions and clans in the north (former British Somaliland). Hegemony over others, and the misguided belief that full control of the area would lead to a certain recognition have been the rationale behind the enclave’s chauvinistic warmongering. Towards this end, force and terror have been their principal tactics against recalcitrant unionist regions.

    The peace-loving people in the Awdal region were the first to fall victim to this later-day incarnation of empire-building modelled on the ways of their former colonial master. After Awadal, it was the turn of the regions of Sool, Sanaag and Cayn (SSC), whose unshakeable commitment to the union has kept the secessionists at bay for many years but in the end succumbed to their overwhelming superiority in military hardware. Other than overall control, land grab and ethnic-cleansing have been the secessionists’ main objectives of their SSC invasion and occupation.

    The plight of the regional capital, Lacanod, captured in October 2007, sums up the scars that the secessionist invasion and occupation have inflicted on the SSC regions. In the wake of the terror unleashed on the hapless population, over 100,000 of Lascanod’s residents were forced to flee the city and seek refugee in the bush or even as far away as the Somali refugee camps in NE Kenya. This appalling picture, entailing human rights abuses and humanitarian crisis, has been replicated in varying degrees in all the areas occupied by the secessionists with little concern from the international community who appear to have been mesmerized by the secessionists’ public relations razzmatazz.

    The need of the SSC people for an end to the occupation and their suffering by peaceful means was dashed when Ahmed Mohamed (Siilaanyo) took over the “presidency” of “Somaliland”. Those in the SSC who were vainly hoping him to have outgrown his bad old days as leader of a terrorist organization and metamorphosed into a visionary statesman in his old age had a rude reckoning before he even had time to settle in his post. As if he was back to his former job in the NSM, Siilaanyo’s new marching orders to his militia in the SSC regions was to bring the whole SSC under their control. The realization that Puntland had no wish to defend SSC areas still technically part of it, or to liberate those that are occupied by the separatists have undoubtedly emboldened Somaliland’s predatory appetite.

    The town of Buuhoodle has acquired a do or die importance for the separatists, seeing its capture as completing their control of the whole SSC. And for this reason, they mobilized not only most of their occupation militia but also their clans as auxiliaries. Land grab, ethnic cleansing, and indiscriminate slaughter of unarmed SSC nomads unconnected with the fighting and the capture of others as “prisoners” are now the order of the day of their on-going campaign around Buuhoodle. Rather than surrender to the enemy’s genocidal onslaughts, Buuhoole’s SSC civilians are equally determined to defend their territory tooth and nail.

    The current struggle between the secessionist invaders and SSC unionists is a replica of the struggles in the early 20th Century between the British colonizers, supported then by the forbearers of the present-day secessionists, and the nationalist Derwish movement from the SSC defending the country against alien occupation and partition. This time once again, the descendents of Britain’s collaborators are fighting the offspring of the Darwish, using tactics reminiscent of the worst practices of the British colonial era aimed at dismembering Somalia just at the British played a leading role in the partition of the Somali home land in the Horn.

    In the current battles for the soul of Somali unity, the separatists are using body count of the casualties they inflict on the occupied SSC people as an indicator of their military success and prowess. If such a measure could determine the outcome of this struggle, they can certainly consider themselves successful bearing in mind the number of innocent SSC civilians they killed throughout their occupation, not least in the recent clashes in Kalshaale, near Buuhoodle. But they are wrong on this count as they are on others. In reality, the separatist have dismally failed to achieve their primary objective of capturing the town, thanks to the gallant resistance of the civilian defenders who, through their sheer numbers, were able to repulse the invaders and inflict heavy losses on them.

    The gulf between the jingoistic bloodthirsty political class beating war drums in Hargeisa and their miserable militia in the SSC could not have been so wide. Often unpaid, and away from their regions and families for long periods, Somaliland’s militia have no stomach to perish in what they rightly see as a pointless colonial-like campaign aimed at conquering, suppressing and subjugating other clans who have no wish to be part of their secession and will never embrace it under any circumstances. Given the chance, most of the militia would have returned back to their homes and regions, and indeed many of them are already deserting in increasing numbers.

    What is keeping the “Somaliland” militia in the SSC is a blinkered political class chasing the mirage of recognition and unwilling to face the realities. In a joint statement issued few days ago, leaders of the three political parties in the enclave are baying for more SSC blood, as if enough blood has not already been shed to no avail. How many more innocent SSC people do they need to kill to assuage their thirst for blood? What makes their stance incomprehensible is that they represent the very clan which had been orchestrating for the last 20 years the atrocities and injustices that former president Siyad Barre had committed against their people. And yet, they are doing the same thing to their SSC victims for no crime other than that they are condemned for being “agitators” and “rejectionists” (Somaliland diid) – in other words for remaining unionists.

    No where else in the world other than Somalia does the international community tolerate, if not condone, an outlaw rebel clan not only to secede but in addition to unleash terror on peace-loving law abiding unionist clans and force them to join its criminal secession, and despite all this reward it as a de facto separate entity almost on equal footing with Somalia. No doubt the stance of the international community would have been different had there been a functioning Somali government. But then, the clan’s secession and its “Somaliland” edifice would not have been around for so long if Somalia had such a government in the first place – which shows how much we need it for all sorts of reasons.

    The absence of a functioning Somali government is no excuse for the international community to look the other way and ignore the separatists’ crimes against humanity committed in the SSC regions. Their political and military leaders deserve to be indicted and tried by the International Criminal Court just as it did others from Kenya, Sudan and Sierra Leone for similar crimes. This is a matter for the SSC people, the TFG and human rights defenders to pursue and take the necessary action when its time comes.

    Human rights violations in Somalia generally had become an accepted commonplace occurrence since the collapse of the Somali State. Its worst violators, those notorious warlords, are members of parliament or even held or hold the highest positions of the TFG. The time for impunity is over and a strong message should be sent by the international community that those who commit such crimes, whether in the north or south, would be held accountable for their actions.

    Equally, the time for the international community to give serious consideration to the secession issue and in particular what the secessionists are doing to the SSC people and their regions is long overdue. It should do so now, not because human rights abuses are unacceptable but because what is happening in the SSC regions is going to adversely impact on the rest of Somalia and the stability of the wider Horn of Africa. The struggle between the unionist SSC people and their secessionist occupiers (Somaliland) is a theatre where three important issues in Somalia, namely the union, religion and clan solidarity all arise and conflate. Since one or more of these three issues touch the rest of Somalia and even neighboring countries, they are likely to be drawn to the conflict the longer it lasts.

    For the benefit of the international community and outsiders, it is essential to grasp the clan dimension of the fighting in the SSC regions and see for what it is: It is purely a fighting between two clans who are both recognized by the international community as part of Somalia, notwithstanding “Somaliland’s” self-serving pretensions to be a separate independent country. The first clan, Dhulbahante, hailing from the SSC regions, belong to the wider Darood clan, and want to remain in Somalia. On the other hand, the second clan, the Isaak, from the western and northern regions, claims to have unilaterally seceded from Somalia and is forcing the Dhulbahante and other unionist clans in the region to join the secession. For their part, the Isaak would like the world to believe that the fighting is between a government (“Somaliland”) and some of its “dissident” regions (SSC). It rejects as unacceptable interference in the internal affairs of “Somaliland” anytime the TFG exercises its legitimate right to concern itself with the SSC affairs. This preposterous posturing has not won it any converts, not even Somalia’s worst enemy.

    The SSC is technically part of Puntland, a body whose raison d’etre is to protect its related clan members. Even if no help is forthcoming from the current Puntland administration, its clan members are most likely to come to the defence of the SSC people. Other related Darood clans in the rest of southern Somalia, or even in neighboring countries, could also easily get sucked into fighting in one way or another. As such, the clan dimension is a powder keg that could easily ignite the conflict into a wider conflagration. Proactive action now, requiring Somaliland’s immediate withdrawal from the SSC regions, is the best insurance to contain the conflict.

    Religion also has an important part to play in the conflict. For al-Shabaab jihadists, secession and the break-up of the Somali nation are cardinal Islamic sins and therefore an open invitation to the jihadists to intervene. Al-Ashabaab has strong followers and sympathizers among the Isaak, so much so that their leader, Ahmad Abdi Godane “Abu Zubayr”, and many of his lieutenants are from the Isaak clan. It was al-Shabaab extremists under his orders who were responsible for three suicide bombings in Hargeisa in October 2007 that targeted the presidential palace, the Ethiopian trade office and the regional UN offices in which more than 20 people were killed. What the secessionists are doing in the SSC is not only terrorism but creating a fertile ground for al-Al Shabaab’s own terror.

    In addition to clan and religion, threats to the union could attract unionists across the clan divide. These three issues, namely religion, union and clan bonds and solidarity, are what bind Somalia and hence are the factors that are most likely to be at play in the conflict in the SSC regions. And it is for these reasons that the international community ought to intervene now before it is too late and address the fundamental problem in the north which is secession and the mother of all the problems in the north and wider Somalia.

    The SSC people are not only fighting for their inalienable rights and land but above all to defend Somalia’s unity and territorial integrity. It is a cause that calls on all Somalis, irrespective of their region or clan to play their part. Even if no such help materializes, the SSC people, true to their Derwish heritage, are determined to defend the unity of Somalia on their own, knowing that the longer the struggle in the SSC continues, the more Somaliland’s position on the ground becomes untenable. There is no doubt that the SSC regions will be the graveyard for secession. Once defeated here in the SSC, it will never rear its ugly head again in Somalia or for that matter anywhere else in the rest of Africa.

  588. as a 27 yrs old Somalilander lives in Dubai ,
    My Comment will be in two Parts :

    1- First , I dont know for how long Somalia will represent me and my Future and my Kids Future and My HomeLand Somaliland .. since i born Somalia was kelling my perople and representing them too .. and I’m Ready to Give my Soul for the sake of Somaliland to be recognised to represent myself onetime in my life .

    2- We in Somaliland Worked very Hard , and we Deserve to be recognized , UK Goverment knows alot about Somaliland Stability and its Developing Society , Why Dont You Take The Lead and Introduce Somaliland to the World and Recognize it , Where you will have the Support of 5 Million Somalilanders for the whole life .

  589. From 1899, the British were forced to expend considerable human and military capital in a bloody struggle to contain a decades-long resistance movement led by the Somali religious leader Sayyid Mohammed Abdullah Hassan, leader of the Dervish State. Referred to colloquially by the British as the Mad Mullah, repeated expeditions were unsuccessfully launched against Hassan and his men before World War I.
    On 9 August 1913, the “Somaliland Camel Constabulary” suffered a serious defeat at the Battle of Dul Madoba at the hands of the “Mad Mullah.” Hassan roamed British Somaliland and had already evaded several attempts to capture him. At Dul Madoba, 57 members of the 110-man unit were killed or wounded, including the British commander, Colonel Richard Corfield.
    In 1914, the British created the Somaliland Camel Corps to assist in maintaining order in British Somaliland.
    In 1920, the British launched their fifth and final expedition against Hassan and his followers. Employing the then-new technology of military aircraft, the British finally managed to quell Hassan’s twenty year-long struggle. The aerial attack on the Dervish capital, Taleex, killed many members of Hassan’s family who had been lured there by the British for an official visit.[14] Hassan and his Dervish supporters fled into the Ogaden, where Hassan died in 1921

  590. In 1991, after the breakdown of the central government of the Somali Republic, parts of the area which formerly encompassed British Somaliland declared independence. In May 1991, the formation of the “Republic of Somaliland” was proclaimed, with the local government regarding it as the successor to the former British Somaliland. However, the Somaliland region’s self-declared independence remains unrecognized by any country or international organization

  591. i will keep it simple and leave out any political jargon and what ever else is used to justify somaliland still being mentioned as part of Somalia. its simple somalia and SOMALILAND are not the same. in my generation, i have ever only known somaliland. and to tell the truth have no need to know any were else(somalia) because, truth be told i just don’t identify my self with them. i think what ever is happening in somaliland today should be left to us to handle we took care of our selves for 21 years, am sure we can do that again.this meeting should be about SOMALIA. we didn’t need a sit down before with or with out Somalia about our issues, we don’t need or want to do it today. i am a second year university student, when i graduate my first target to change is somaliland, the new generation of somaliland is here to take care of their country. please leave it to us, and leave our name and our business out of somali affairs. i guess what i am saying is our name (somaliland) shouldn’t even be in here.their country their business simple!

  592. Hi ,,my point is frist off all i will say thank you for british government for this meeting and this meeting will be emportant for somalia country, its some thing makes laugh for many somali people. when when clan say i will seperate for the somali nation its really dreaming the small state who is between Awdal state and KHatumo state and who named him self somalililand. actually they taked wrong name somaliland means somali and the land they have. so idont see any thing british government will be confused ,, thanks mr Matt

  593. Thirty-five years ago Sado Ali Warsame joined Waberi, Somalia’s foremost music group that existed before the collapse of the central government of Somalia and today she is still indisputably one of the best and admired of her ensemble. Sado became a household icon in 1975 when she appeared on the stage dressed modestly and astonishingly beautiful with a romantic song called Cunnaabi (amber), a song that up to the present time, is evocatively listened by millions of Somalis. Sado´s popularity is not only due to her magnificent voice, but her pro-unity stand, political courage and outspokenness against injustices make her renowned. Unlike many of her counterparts, and with out hidden agenda she objectively opposed the practices of Somalia’s last totalitarian regime in 1980:s and for this she had been jailed twice by the then NSS, a notorious secret service organ, existed in Somalia. The first time was when she had, through a poem criticised the brutal oppression against the people of the central and northwest regions of Somalia. The second time was in late 1980:s, when she sang a song called land cruiser.

    This song made her, an epitome of struggle against the injustices and corruption that prevailed in Somalia. As someone whose heart belongs to the well being of the Somali people her song depicts the huge gap between the lives of the ordinary people and that of the corrupted top echelon of the last Somali government who misused aid donations from donor countries. The message of the song was very clear as the words of the song painted how these corrupt officials went, with the donated funds, on expensive and brand-new glittering Toyota land cruisers, albeit the ordinary residents of the capital of the country had no water, electricity and other indispensable amenities.

    For the last week or so a new song by the name libdhi maysid Lascaanood (Lascaanood won’t vanish) by Sado Ali has been airing in the Somali musical world. The song is so absorbing not only for its touchy lyrics and pleasant music but its content is redolent and remindful of Somali nationalism and historical facts that had delivered the Somali independence. It similarly portrays the significance of Lascaanood as the cradle of the Dervish movement, the Somali struggle against the British rule. The song expresses that pro-unity SSC regions of Somalia and Lascaanood, which has been occupied in 2007 by a secessionist militia clan, called itself Somaliland would not be part of a pretend state.

    Although the song, Libdhi maysid Laas Caanood has been welcomed and almost all Somalis are moved by it, yet the song has irked and became ants in the pants of those who want to dwarf and destroy the unity of our country, specially the so-called Somaliland politicians.
    This is the second time in less than a month that Sado´s appearance in the Somali media has been lambasted by the Somaliland authorities. Prior to the emergence of this song, Sado has participated in a Somali gathering in the US, where thousands of Somalis had to come in a show of support for a former Somali Vice President, Mohamed Ali Samatar, and one of the most respected personalities, Somalia ever had who has been accused of war crimes by some Somalis. The accusations against Samatar are familiar rehash of fabricated stories, driven by ultra motives of “Somaliland”, a clannish entity that has been relentlessly seeking international recognition for the last twenty years through all sorts of propaganda. Privy to the aim of those who accuse Mr Samatar, Sado stood up in the Somali gathering and once again has spoken powerfully and eloquently for justice, arguing that it was a hypocrisy to single out Mr Samatar for what had happened in Somalia while other members of the regime are protected in else where such as in Hargeisa, the capital city of “Somaliland”.

    Abdillahi Cirro & Faysal A. Waraabe

    Sado´s support for the former vice president and her new song, Libhdi maysid Laas Caanood have obviously stirred up a hornet´s nest of the politicians in the so-called “Somaliland”. The politicians, there have been furious to the extend that militia’s interior minister, Mr Abdillahi Ciro warned his clan entity that Sado´s new song is to foment uprising in Laas Caanood´s people against the presence of Somaliland militia. Another clannish hate-monger, Faisal Ali Warabe and the leader of UCID party in Somaliland threatened the people of SSC three days ago with war because of the song and on-going SSC people’s meetings aimed at liberating Laas Caanood.

    what such dissimulators say Sado´s song, Libdhi maysid Lascaanood decodes acrystalclear message from the SSC people and that is – the occupation of Lascaanood will not stand.

    But the paradox here is that while Sado Ali was the one, jailed in 1980:s by the NSS due to her opposition to the oppressive measures of the brutal regime against the people in northwest region of Somalia, these two hypocrites who hail from the northwest regions were part and parcel of the regime.
    Mr Abdilahi Ciro was an NSS officer in 1980:s, responsible for interrogating and torturing innocent people from the very entity of which its militia today is responsible for the ethnic cleansing, killing and jailing of SSC people. On the other hand it is not secret that Mr Warabe was an informer who collaborated with the regime during 1980:s for pecuniary reasons and he too was responsible for the imprisonment of innocent people from his own clan.

  594. Somaliland is indeniable Country.So please tell to trhe world that the choice of the people of Somaliland should respected.We have two choice either to go to hell with al shabab or stay democratic and respect of rule of law

  595. Geneva:-(RT)The reaction of the one-clan secessionist enclave calling itself Somaliland to the opening of the long-awaited SSC conference at the famous fort of Taleex on 26 December 2011 was predictable. Panic and palpable gloom now pervade throughout the enclave and among its diaspora. In their desperation, their media and government have typically resorted to their usual ways of rubbishing anything that goes against their wish, or threatening to use force if provoked. This time, they have maliciously smeared the whole SSC people as terrorists for simply exercising their inalienable right to meet, deliberate over their affairs and decide their future. Somaliland’s reaction sounds as if the SSC people and regions belong to Hargeysa, and as if they had the effrontery to rebel from their owners – the very real rebels from Somalia! That mindset is the ultimate affront to the Darwish descendents.

    Haji Abdikarim Hussein
    (nicknamed “Abdi the Hyena”)

    Upping the ante, their most respected senior citizen and a member of the house of elders, Haji Abdikariim Hussein (nicknamed “Abdi the Hyena”), spoke for most of the secessionists in the enclave in delivering his apocalyptic ultimatum to the SSC Taleex conference. Unless they remain faithful to Somaliland, he warned, they will find themselves stateless refugees outside the SSC regions just like the Palestinians. Not mincing his words, he added that “land does not move but it is its people who are liable to displacement and ethnic-cleansing”

    Their minister of the interior, not one to be outdone by Abdi the Hyena, also warned of the dire consequences that would follow if the SSC people had the temerity to establish their own regional administration, reckoning rightly that this would usher the end of their occupation of Laas Caanod and some parts of the SSC. The fact that his own clan (and others) had organised similar conferences in the past and subsequently established their own clan administration, albeit one masquerading as national and independent, is beside the point. Do what we tell you and not what we do is their motto.

    If there is one thing the secessionists have faithfully emulated from their venerated British colonial mentors, it is their arrogant posturing, their self-righteousness, their use of the language of diktat and domination, and their readiness to resort to force in order to bring other clans to heel unless they get their way. That is what they did to Awdal in 1991, to Sool in 2007, but failed to do to Kalshaale in 2010.

    For the SSC people, at home and abroad, Somaliland’s sabre-rattling and smear campaign against their conference will be dismissed as the last gasps of a doomed secession that is on the ropes. Far from acting as a deterrent, the enclave’s ranting will, if anything, only serve to galvanize the resolve of the conference to declare the SSC regions as ones under the control of its people through whatever administrative arrangements they choose to establish but an order that will at all times uphold the unshakeable unity of Somalia.

    Mohamed Nor Arale Dur, Somaliland’s
    Minister of Interior

    Since the minister realistically does not expect the SSC conference to heed his threats, the audiences he has in mind are his own secessionist clan and the international community. For his clan, his speech is meant to sooth their anguish. For the past 2o years, they were made to imbibe brazen unfiltered propaganda about their independence, imminent recognition, and lies that all the clans in former British Somaliland were on board. Much to their horror, they now sense in the SSC Taleex conference the beginning of the end of their dreamland.

    All the more then that the international community is the other main target of the minister’s speech, entailing a plea for support in two ways: firstly, it is an appeal to the international community to accept, if not recognise, Somaliland’s “sovereignty” and “territorial integrity” vis-à-vis their preposterous claim to the SSC regions. And secondly, it is a plea to them to accept as legitimate any force Somaliland may have to use in order to keep the SSC regions under its control in line with their claimed “sovereignty” over the SSC.This is a request symptomatic of a people who live in a cloud cuckoo land.

    For the international country, there is no such a thing as a “separate independent and sovereign” Somaliland but only one Somalia in which the secessionist enclave, the SSC and all other regions are part and parcel. The upshot is that the international community, or more precisely those member countries that matter, would not intervene in Somalia’s internal affairs and support one clan against another clan(s).

    Of all the other four clans and their regions in former British Somaliland, it is the SSC regions (preferably without its people as Abdi the Hyena would wish) which the secessionists consider existentialist for their cause. This is because the SSC regions are the only ones contiguous with the rest of Somalia (former Italian Somaliland). And as long as the SSC people are determined to remain part of Somalia, the unity between former British Somaliland and Italian Somaliland would remain intact. Without the SSC regions, the puny residual secessionist enclave would stand even less chance to win recognition. This precarious situation would become more untenable when all the four clans in the unionist regions – SSC, Awdal and eastern Sanaag – make a common front against their secessionist occupiers. This is already happening.

    The consistent stance of the international community on Somalia’s unity has now been given an unchallengeable legal underpinning. An important development in this respect is the recentsubmission of China to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the Hague to rule that Somaliland is an integral part of Somalia. There is no reason to doubt that the court will not confirm China’s position which is in line what the United Nations, the African Union, the League of Arab States, the Organisation of Islamic Countries and regional organisations have been saying all along since the collapse of the Somali State. Always defiant, the secessionists’ bizarre counter claims was that the union of British Somaliland and Italian Somaliland was not legally ratified(not true), or that Somaliland’s colonial borders remain valid (ridiculous and untrue) and a host of other fairy tales. The expected ICJ judgement will put all this to rest.

    Given the stance of the international community and the judgement of the ICJ, Somaliland’s occupation of the SSC regions is in the first place illegal. Its continued occupation, and any force it uses to deny, foil or oppose the SSC people in exercising their inalienable right to be part of Somalia and to manage their own affairs would constitute crimes against their human rights, or, even worse, crimes against humanity, something that comes under the purview of the International Criminal Court.

    The dilemma that faces the secessionist camp is the choice between two painful options:. One is to fight on to the bitter end in order to hold on to the occupied SSC areas as well as Awdal in defiance of the ruling of the International Court of Justice and the stance of the international community. The problem with this option is that occupation of one clan over others is unwinnable and doomed. Not only will they ultimately fail, but they will bring upon themselves untold economic, financial and humanitarian disaster (the SSC are prepared for the sacrifice). And their political and military leaders will be liable to be indicted at the International Criminal Court for the crimes they commit against the SSC people.

    Ahmed Silanyo

    The other more sensible option, albeit a bitter pill to swallow, is to throw in the towel, accept that the secession has come to the end of the road and seek their rightful place in the new federal Somalia that is to emerge. Though hard to stomach it, this is the appropriate occasion to prepare their folk for the inevitable demise of the secession and the need to reconcile themselves with their fellow Somalis in Somalia. This task would be made easier by the ruling from the International Court of Justice and the opposition of all the other four unionist clans in the north to the secession and to be part of Somaliland.

    Giving up the secession would require a very brave, statesmanlike and visionary Somaliland leader who is prepared to confront his people with the painful Hobson’s choice they face. Siilaanyo is certainly brave. But whether he has got the vision to see the inevitable and has what it takes as a statesman to lead his people towards reconciliation with Somalia remains to be seen. This is where the international community, and in particular those countries which wield considerable leverage over them, like Great Britain, the USA and the EU, could weigh in and persuade them to come to terms with the harsh realities and be part of a federal Somalia in which they are bound to play a pivotal role.

  596. TO: UK conference

    British, Italian and French imperialism all played an active role in the region in the 19th century. In 1884 at the European powers’ conference in Berlin, Somalia was divided into five parts to dilute the homogeneity imposed by its language, religion, and race.

    The colonial powers divided Somalia into British Somaliland in the north, Italian Somalia in the south, the French Somali coast in Djibouti, Ogaden in the west and NFD.

    somalia needs a real reconciliation from its people not from abroad countries like EU and USA. We, as somalis will not expect anything from UK and others and we believe that Shabab, pirates and all evil groups are part of foreign intervetion from Europe and USA to somalia.

    We always remember, the role of Britain’s influence in 1945 post 2nd World War settlement- foreign secretary Ernest Bevin defending the cause of the Somali Nation in a simple just.

  597. ithink the International Community and the UK Government want still ready dont want to fully understand and solve the agonising problems paralaysed the somali statehood for the past twenty one years.
    What makes me shocked and I didnot still understand is how Matt Baugh confused Somaliland to Somalia and if this so called conference’s agenda have been drawn like I can see now it almost seems unsuccesfull.
    My point is that UK interests in the critical regions like the Horn of Africa require security and stability, neither of which will be achieved by shoring up inherently illegitimate and, in fact, destabilizing regimes constructed at some international conference center. If one seeks the domestication into international society of the former Somalia, recognize well-deserving (and de facto independent) Somaliland, so let me make clear Somaliland to Mr. Maut Baugh Somaliland’s independence is irrevocable and its people will fight for their rights and freedom what ever it costs.
    Somaliland was a separate British Protectorate, with clear internationally delineated boundaries until 26 June 1960 when it became the independent State of Somaliland. Of the 18 African countries, which became independent in 1960, Somaliland was the fourth country in that year and was welcomed by 35 nations including 5 United Nation Permanent members. Somalia[1] (former Italian trusteeship) was the seventh African country to become independent that year (with Madagascar and the Democratic Republic of Congo receiving their independence in between).
    3. The people of the independent State of Somaliland were at that time imbued with a desire to create a union of the Somali inhabited territories, which were French Somaliland (now the Republic of Djibouti), the Ethiopian regions inhabited by Somalis, Italian Somalia and the Northern Districts of Kenya. The State of Somaliland therefore promptly and hurriedly, without any pre-conditions, formed a union with Somalia on July 1st, 1960 presuming the affection they had for Somali nationalism would be reciprocal.
    The ill-fated union
    4. The folly of this ill thought and precipitate union became clear to the Somaliland people almost immediately when the legal formalities of the union were never completed properly; a constitution which was unacceptable to Somaliland was pushed through by the in-built majority of Somalia; and Somaliland was quickly reduced to the status of a far flung region in a country governed by and from the Somalian capital city of Mogadishu.
    5. Worse was to come, however, when a Somalia dominated dictatorship ruled the whole country with an iron fist and set out to obliterate what was left of the distinct nature of Somaliland well before it started the torture and killing of the Somaliland people. Other Somalis have suffered under the Dictatorship, but the Dictatorship declared a war on the Somaliland people which led to, as documented by Amnesty International in 1990, “ the deaths of 50,000 people, the aerial bombardment of major cities and the exodus of nearly million people to desolate refugee camps.” To this day, the seasonal rains expose the mass graves of Somaliland women, children and men.
    The end of the union
    6. With the collapse of the dictatorship and the clear attempts by Somalians to carry on business as usual, the people of Somaliland exercised their right to self-determination in the light of the genocide that was visited upon them. In May 1991 the union of the two states ceased to exist after Somalilanders waged a liberation front to reclaim their independence. All the communities (clans) in Somaliland were represented at the meeting in which the decision was made and at the subsequent peace making conferences organized by Somalilanders on their own. History is replete with examples of unions of states that have not worked. The people of Somaliland therefore reasserted their sovereignty and the second independent Republic of Somaliland was re-born.
    Building a peaceful & democratic country
    7. For the last 15 years, Somalilanders have established peace in their country, and without much help from outside have built a democratic state with a two House legislature, an executive headed by a President elected on a national vote, and a Judiciary. Somaliland held a popular national referendum in 2000, which endorsed the Constitution, nation-wide local councils election in 2002, presidential elections in 2003 and parliamentary elections in 2005. There is a free press and Somalilanders value and exercise their rights of __expression and assembly in a region where such rights are not so readily allowed.
    The unique case of Somaliland
    8. Somalilanders therefore emphasize that the case of Somaliland is unique and the recognition of Somaliland will not set any precedent or infringe any AU/OAU rules. There is no other former independent state in Africa, which is now wishing to leave that union. There were territories, like the Cameroon and Eritrea, governed by different colonialists that may have merged or were annexed before or at independence, but that is not the case of Somaliland. However brief the life of the independent State of Somaliland was, it was juridical and, as a matter of fact, a separate state with a constitution, a prime minister, an elected parliament, which under the Constitution was to serve for 3 years (see Article 18), a judiciary and a fully functioning police and civil service. More importantly, Somaliland entered into international agreements with Great Britain that deposited at the United Nations under Article 102 of the UN Charter. Even the final Act of Union which was passed by the national assembly of the Somali Republic a year and half (31 January 1961) after the union of Somaliland and Somalia took place makes it clear that the only treaties and obligations that will be adhered to by the Somali Republic are the obligations set out in sections 57 and 58 of the State of Somaliland Constitution and the treaties entered into by the independent governments of Somaliland and Somalia. As Somalia had no independent government before 1 July 1960, this clause applied only to treaties entered into by the independent State of Somaliland, yet, time and time again, this simple fact is unknown to many Africans and is deliberately overlooked by Somalians opposed to Somaliland independence.
    Somaliland boundaries
    8. The significance of the existence of the independent State of Somaliland in 1960 is also that its international boundaries became, on its independence on 26 June 1960, the boundaries, which were in accordance with the OAU’s 1964 Cairo Declaration calling for respect for international boundaries on independence. This principle of “respect of borders existing on achievement of independence” is again enshrined in Article 4(b) of the Constitutive Act of the African Union. It is a re-statement of the principle of uti possedetis which simply provided that states emerging from de-colonization shall presumptively inherit the colonial administrative borders that they held at the time of independence. An argument advanced by Somalia is that the borders referred to in the 1964 Declaration are those of the united Somali Republic in 1964, but that flies against common sense and the simple words of the Declaration and Article 4(b) the Constitutive Act unequivocally say boundaries on independence i.e. in the case of Somaliland, on 26 June 1960. In any case, it is ironic that the Somali Republic never accepted this Declaration because of its irredentist policies towards all its neighbors, and it is so incongruous that those in Somalia who are now against the recognition of Somaliland pray in aid the Cairo Declaration which is not applicable, at all, to the border between Somaliland and Somalia and was not even accepted by Somalia. In contrast, the Somaliland position is that it supports fully the Cairo Declaration and the doctrine of uti posseditis for not only its boundary with Somalia, but also, for its other international boundaries with Ethiopia to the south and the Republic of Djibouti to the east.
    Boundaries in unions of states
    9. Indeed the international boundary between State of Somaliland and Italian Somalia remained as an internal administrative border [2] during the democratic period of the Somali Republic, when the territory of Somaliland became known as the “Northern Region” which was sub-divided into Hargeisa and Burao regions, the latter covering the eastern parts of Somaliland right up to the international boundary, beyond which was Majertenia, the first of six regions comprising the “Southern Region” or Somalia. This boundary at the 48th Meridian continued to remain as the administrative line that separated the Sanaag Region of Somaliland and the former Majertain region of Somalia, which was renamed “Bari” (I.e. Eastern) region until the end of the Siyad Barre regime and the re-assertion of Somaliland sovereignty in 1991. The importance of the continued use of the international Somaliland/Somalia border as an internal administrative border during most of the period of the existence of the union, is that the practice of the Eastern European states (in the former Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union) on their dissolution and emergence of new states has been to extended the doctrine of uti possedtis[3] to the former internal administrative lines of the dissolved unions or states as international borders of the new states[4].
    10. The Republic of Somaliland is committed to peaceful co-existence with its African neighbours, and having laid to rest the irredentist Greater Somalia tendencies, believes that genuine co-operation and closer relations between the states in the Horn and also within the wider region and throughout Africa is actually better served by the recognition of the Republic. Somalilanders are painfully aware that the Greater Somalia dream died when the Northern Districts remained with Kenya on its independence and French Somaliland remained an independent country on its independence from France in 1978. Somalis as an ethnic group now live in five different countries and that is no different from other ethnic groups, like Arabs who, for example live in a number of North African countries. The fact that in some of the countries, ethnic Somalis are a minority, whilst in others they are a majority is no different from the situation in many other African countries, where some ethnic groups are scattered over a number of neighbouring countries. Recognizing Somaliland formally will, at one stroke, lay to rest, for ever, Somali irredentism which has brought so much chaos and bloodshed to the Horn, and will send a message to those in Somalia who are still hankering after Greater Somalia that their efforts will be better spent in building peace and stability in their own country.
    Somali Clans and boundaries
    11. Just in the same way that people of Somali ethnic origin straddle the boundaries of the countries of the Horn, it remains the case that Somali clans in each country are also likely to straddle the borders of two or more countries. Somalilanders in the far west of the country have kinsfolk in the neighboring Republic of Djibouti and almost all Somaliland clans live and move across the Somaliland/Ethiopia border. In the same way, in the east of Somaliland, some of the clans have kinship links with others across the border in Mijertenia (Puntland). These links do not, in any way diminish the sovereignty of either Somaliland or its neighboring countries over their respective territories and indeed Somaliland’s commitment to peace and co-operation with its neighbours will ensure that these kinship links and traditional nomadic(s) are dealt with in a modern and conflict free manner. Recognition of Somaliland is more likely to engender such cross border co-operation than an inevitable fall back to “Greater Somalia” nightmare. The invasion and occupation of parts of eastern Somaliland by the current non-elected Somalia President Colonel Yusuf, when he was President of “Puntland” is an illustration of what is in store for other neighboring countries if Somaliland is restrained from exercising her right to defend its borders. Allowing such naked aggression to succeed or to diminish the right of Somaliland to recognition and its territorial integrity will send a wrong message to all the ethnic/clan groups that straddle the many “colonial” borders of Africa.
    Criteria for statehood & non-recognition
    12. Above all, Somaliland has shown clearly that it fulfils all the international requirements for statehood [5]. The Republic has a permanent population of approximately 3.5 million; a clearly defined territory over which it has and had control for the last 15 years (bar for an small area which has been illegally occupied by militia from Punland for the last 3 years); and despite the lack of formal recognition, Somaliland has and continues to enter formal and informal relations with other states and international organizations. Also, despite all the constraints brought about by lack of recognition and the imposition of unjustified ban on livestock exports, Somaliland is building its democracy and respects human rights and the rule of law.
    13. Some International jurists have argued that if a state fulfils all the criteria for statehood that this raises an obligation for other countries to recognize Somaliland. Clearly in reality, recognition depends on the practice and, often, the interests of specific states. Withholding the recognition that Somaliland justly deserves is not a neutral act because it has serious implications for the people of Somaliland. Besides the denial of the right to self determination, non-recognition for 15 years also meant that continue to be denied direct access to financial institutions, direct aid between countries, freedom to travel and to expand the entrepreneurial skills, and among other things access to markets, education etc. It is also means that there are extremely limited resources for re-building a country that has gone through a war and consequently more unnecessary deaths of young and sick people that might well be saved with more investment in basic services. Somaliland has weathered the benign neglect of the majority of the international community, but it is has and continues to face continually the deliberate undermining of its sovereignty by a few countries, which are pursuing their own interests.
    Questions posed by the International Crisis Group
    14. In their recent report titled “Somaliland: Time for an African Union Leadership” (Africa Report N°110 – 23 May 2006), the International Crisis Group posited “four central and practical questions” which we address briefly:
    — Should Somaliland be rewarded for creating stability and democratic governance out of a part of the chaos that is the failed state of Somalia?
    Surely, the answer is yes. This would be very much in line with the principles of NEPAD and would be also be an incentive to those countries that fall into disorder and anarchy that Africa rewards democracy and good governance and abhors the opposite situations given the Continents state of anarchy this past Century.
    – Would rewarding Somaliland with either independence or significant autonomy adversely impact the prospects for peace in Somalia or lead to territorial clashes?
    No. The prospects of peace in Somalia lie with the efforts and actions of the Somaliand people. Whether or not Somaliland is recognized is not going to bring peace to Somalia – peace can only come to that country when its people decide that enough is enough and work together for conciliation and consensus. Peace cannot be imposed from outside and the cause of Somaliland has no bearing whatsoever on the attainment of peace in Somalia. If anything, it is a distraction to them and sometimes the only thing Somalians appear to agree upon is their position on Somaliland – perhaps if that distraction is removed, they may become more serious about peace-making.
    Let me say to Matt please stop confusing Somaliland to Somalia, we will and never will not be part of Somalia and if the UK government lead to make somaliland be part an enda about Somalia we are ready to shed the blood and fight against it.

    1. Dr Nimca,
      ‘Somaliland’ / Isaaqland’ comprises of 2 provinces of Woogoyi Galbeed and Togdheer…you don’t have control of the Sool, Sanaag and Ayn plus i believe Awdal province/state will support a united Somalia. If your two regions wants to break away then fine but don’t add land that don’t belong to you.

  598. After the civil war Somalia has been carved into tribal fiefdoms controlled by tribal warlords. Some rebel leaders and tribal warlords have decided to carve Northern Somalia into their clan fiefdom, the so called Somaliland, a self proclaimed seceded country. Northen Somalia consists of many tribes, Isaaq, Samaroon, Dhulbahante, Warsangeli, Fiqi Shini, Kaskii Qabe, Gabooye and many other minority tribes. The Isaaq tribe forced all other tribes in Northern Somalia to be part of the fiefdom they carved from Somalia. Four major provinces, Awdal, Sool, Sanaag and Cayn all refused to be part of Isaaq tribal fiefdom. As a result these tribes are contantly under millitary occupation, cufews and attacks. January 2012 the tribes of Sool Sanaag and Cayn provinces held a conference in Taleex town, which was attended by all tribal chiefs, politicians, academics, businessmen, and civilians in order to talk about how they find a solution for the oppression. They decided to establish a provincial governing body that will come under Mogadisho and will be part of Somalia. This provincial state is called Khaatumo State. They asked Isaaqs to stop the oppression and killings of innocent people, and withdraw their army from their soil, but the answer they got was the bullet. Awdal state also refused to be part of Somaliland. I suggest to invite all the politicians, tribal chiefs to the meeting in order to see the reality on the ground, and not believe propaganda and false statements. Thanks.

  599. Dear Mr. Matt Baugh

    Thank you very much for your information with regard to the conference in London which is to commence from the 23rd February 2012. I would like to use this opportunity to highlight few issues here.

    First of all, I believe it is high time that something has to be done by the international community about the tragic situation in Somalia and I welcome the British Prime Minister’s initiative to instigate this conference and to seek international attention for the Somalia situation which as we all know has led to unbearable and ongoing human suffering in that country for the past twenty years. The lawlessness in that country for the past twenty years has also undoubtedly led to the rise of terrorist threats from Somalia to its neighboring countries and to the wider world including Britain which is a home to an increasing Somali community. It has also contributed to the piracy in the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean which as we are all aware, has indeed affected the world sea trade routes. The list of concerns goes on and I am sure that you are fully aware of all these issues.

    What I however would like to strongly stress is that the problem in Somalia is complex and multi-faceted. Read the responses here and it gives you clear picture of the deep rooted mistrust and divisions within the Somali people. If you talk to them, they all seem reasonable, rationale and actually wise but their problems are very difficult to unravel, even for me as a Somali person. So be prepared that there is no quick fix or solution here to expect. I may sound pessimistic here but one needs to be more realistic, particularly when dealing with a country that has had no functioning institutions over two decades and its people that have had experienced a lot of adversities.

    Secondly, the British government should treat the Somaliland case separately and sensitively and ensure that there is no space for individuals and groups that are trying to create war and mayhem in a peaceful region that has promoted the principles of democracy and human rights for the past twenty years in contrary to Somalia. The Somaliland people have invested a lot energy and effort all by themselves to achieve this and this needs to be respected by the international community. Somaliland was born out of the will of its 3.5 Million inhabitants. Peaceful and internationally recognised Somaliland is their ultimate destiny, nothing else matters.

    Finally, I have no doubt in my mind that all sensible Somalis in Somalia itself and around the world are grateful for the British government for taking this encouraging step to try to find a lasting solution for the problems of Somalia in partnership and in consultation with the Somalis and Somali political leaders. Let us hope this conference become fruitful and a positive platform for the Somali political groups to re-engage and reconcile with each other in order to regain the respect and dignity that Somali people have been lacking for the past twenty years

    Thank You

    Mohammed Aw-Yuusuf, Birmingham.

  600. Somalia was the the unification of British Somaliland and Italia Somaliland, so when we mention Somalia we are talking of it’s North and South territories.

    In 1991, in Buroa, Torgdheer’s regional capital, after the collapse of the central government all Northern Somalia clans [ Isaaqs, Gadarbusi Warsangelis and Dhulbahantes] committed themselves to peaceful co-existence. The agreement included that none of the clans would create their militias and warlords to prevent the spread of clan militants, warmongers, and violence that crippled the region back then. Power and resource sharing were also part of the agreement.

    Unfortunate the in the last decade a secessionist movement has hijacked that agreement and is using it as a declaration of independence. while regional governance was a worthy call, calling this entity a sovereign state is absurd. Also using the abuses of Siad Barre’s dictatorship as reason for breaking away is not good enough given his military dictatorship abused all Somalis with the exception of maybe his clan [Marehan].

    To all people of Hargeisa, what i would like to say to you is… don’t confuse Somaliweyn [Greater Somalia] with Somali Unity. Because our border with Ethiopia is provisional, let our government [Somalia] end the dispute peacefully…..Siad Barre’s military regime only knew the language of violence given it’s nature but i believe a democratic Somalia representing all it’s people will deal with it’s neighbour in a civilized manner.

    A viable Somalia, representing all it’s clans and regions is possible if all stakeholders took the interest of all Somalis at heart and stopped biding for their particular clan.

    I call to UK government to help Somalia create a more democratic state by helping them to build 18 provisional/regional parliaments from the 18 regions of Somalia while the same time each of this regions sending their federal parliamentarian to federal capital Mogadishu which will be the a city belonging to all somalis.

    This system will help regions like Hiiraan wich has all has all major tribes [ Hawiye,Rahanweyn, Darood] who are at the moment having a power struggle. A regional Parliament will solve this problem as no single clan in Hiiraan can call the shot because of lack of majority.

    Regional parliaments will also bring a shared power in Mudug region between the Hawiye and the Darood. who have the ridiculous position of being represented by to Presidents in Galkayo. [President Mohamed Faroole in the north and Galmudug President Mohamed Ahmed Aliin in South of Galkayo]

    I hope we end up with an elected presidential system with ministers coming from the parliament with real powers. A federal Parliament , regional parliaments with some powers , elected chief ministers/ governors of regions. An independent judicial system both local and federal, local police forces backed by federal police and military forces.

    To all ‘somalilanders’, feel pity for your fellow somalis and stop this propaganda war against your fellow nationals, most somalis today bear no responsibilities for the action of a socialist military dictatorship of Siad Barre, for if you got your way…what would stop the ‘puntlanders’ breaking away with all the oil or the ‘Jubbalanders’ breaking away with all the agriculture land?

    A nation is a good as the sum of it’s people, if we pulled together we can make Somalia work, running away wont make your problems go away !!

  601. Thank you Matt Bough for the opportunity of involving many Somalis and Somalilanders to address the peace and security in the Horn of Africa and ex-Somalia. This blog looks fine but sadly it has totally alienated many Somalilanders as the blog is only designed for Somalians hence the title of the conference and the blog. I’m afraid the failed state of Somalia cannot be resuscitated and there is no point in trying to put humpty dumpty together again.

    So many issues have been talked about on this blog but a golden opportunity has been missed simply because the title of the conference is misleading hence creating a lot of political confusion. No one in their right mind would like to prolong the suffering of the Somalians in ExSomalia but the reality of the situation is that foreign intervention is not going to bring any lasting solution to the chaos in exSomalia be it terrorism, famine or piracy.

    So far the International community has been spoon-feeding and dealing with Mogadisho’s incompetent, corrupt leaders and warlords. The root of the problem must be sorted out if any hope of peace is to see the light of the day. Mogadisho has become the Medusa of East Africa and whoever tries to help her will be stricken with deadly challenges. The solution has been missed long time ago when the problems were lesser manageable and terrorism was non-existent. Sadly the Genie is out of the box now and we need realistic solutions to create a safer world.

    What is the solution and where do we go from here?

    My advice for this conference would be to look at the bigger picture in the Horn and East of Africa and address different areas with different approaches and solutions. That way there will be quicker and faster solutions for regional areas. For example famine has affected many areas inhabited by Somalis who are mainly nomads including Ethiopia and Kenya where there are also large refugees. Equally Somaliland has a golden opportunity to contribute to this important conference in the areas of security, terrorism, piracy, development, health, education and so on.

    My other advice would be to concentrate on how to eliminate terrorism from the Horn and ExSomalia so that Somalis and Somalilanders can live in peace with each other. The conference should stay away from any political agenda as you can see how this debate is going not to mention how the same users are sending multiple comments under different names.

    One of the greatest outcome of the debate on this blog and the conference in general should be for the international community to realise the reality in the ground of the Horn of Africa and to find a lasting solution for the suffering of the Somali people and ignoring Somaliland issue is not the solution either. Somaliland should neither be alienated nor seen as a threat to bring lasting solution to the stability of the Horn of Africa but they should become as a beacon of hope for change before the final agenda of the conference is put forward.

    The majority of the Somali people from Mogadisho and the south are desperate to find peace and are not against the sovereignty of Somaliland in general but sadly those who are filling this blog are not genuine Somalis from Somalia but few individuals who are SSC( terrorist groups ) who are telling the world that Somaliland is divided into 20mini states and are trying to brain wash the British government and the public with their repetitive stories with no solution whatsoever.

    My final advice is don’t be misguided by the dream of the creation of Greater Somalia that has created two wars with Ethiopia and Kenya, the destruction of Somaliland, global terrorism from Somalia and piracy which are all product of the quest for the creation of this fictional dream for Greater Somalia since 1960. Since then Djibouti has been independent and decided to stay away from Somalia, the 5th region of Somali region in Ethiopia will stay with Ethiopia and NFD of Northern Kenya would stay with Kenya. Equally Somaliland would stay a it is as a sovereign state and Somalians we hope would see the reality and rebuild their nation from scratch just like Somalilanders. We hope the horror of the creation of Greater Somalia will never come back to haunt the Horn of Africa again and Somalis would learn to live peacefully side by side like any other people in the world.

  602. Dear Matt,
    May I take this great opportunity to thank you and thank the British government for asking the relevant public to submit and participate in providing constrictive feedback, comments and ideas regarding this upcoming conference.
    As a very proud somalilander I would like to campaign and emphasise for the recognition of Somaliland. I’m sure as you and our Prime Minster have witnessed the successes of Somaliland in the last 20 years. I’m very sure you are aware of the successful milestones Somaliland has taken and how that has been supported by its own community, the world and the of course led by its excellent government.
    This collaborative working lead a to a secure, well established democracy where every single member of this proud community have had a role in civil society which resulted in a peaceful country that is functioning effectively and can be taken as a great example .
    Certainly I and the Somaliland community believe that the Somalia can benefit from the following this great example to hopefully overcome its obstacles.
    Somaliland has shown to the world a great process of democracy and there is no greater example such as the election example that took place where the whole world was a witness of this great achievement.
    This great achievement was not only to Somalialnd but its contributed to the whole of Africa. Somaliland has shown the effectiveness of its government by working very closely nationally and internationally and by working closely with the world leading countries to address terrorism and to piracy in the area.
    We have a been working very hard as a Diaspora community with the national and the international community to address improvement and to address the needs of our community. And not to forget to mention the successfully achievement we had nationally and in the Uk as a Somaliland community

    I can continue to write about the most effective reasons and evidence to make Somaliland a recognized country but I’m confident and I’m aware of your knowledge about this matter,
    Could I Please kidney request you and the British government to respond to this great country and community of Somaliland and be the leading country of the recognizing the republic of Somaliland …. Thank you and thanks to the British government

  603. Dear Matt,
    May I take this great opportunity to thank you and thank the British government for asking the relevant public to submit and participate in providing constrictive feedback, comments and ideas regarding this upcoming conference.

    As a very proud somalilander I would like to campaign and emphasise for the recognition of Somaliland. I’m sure as you and our Prime Minster have witnessed the successes of Somaliland in the last 20 years. I’m very sure you are aware of the successful milestones Somaliland has taken and how that has been supported by its own community, the world and the of course led by its excellent government.

    This collaborative working lead a to a secure, well established democracy where every single member of this proud community have had a role in civil society which resulted in a peaceful country that is functioning effectively and can be taken as a great example .
    Certainly I and the Somaliland community believe that the Somalia can benefit from the following this great example to hopefully overcome its obstacles.

    Somaliland has shown to the world a great process of democracy and there is no greater example such as the election example that took place where the whole world was a witness of this great achievement.

    This great achievement was not only to Somalialnd but its contributed to the whole of Africa. Somaliland has shown the effectiveness of its government by working very closely nationally and internationally and by working closely with the world leading countries to address terrorism and to piracy in the area.

    We have a been working very hard as a Diaspora community with the national and the international community to address improvement and to address the needs of our community. And not to forget to mention the successfully achievement we had nationally and in the Uk as a Somaliland community

    I can continue to write about the most effective reasons and evidence to make Somaliland a recognized country but I’m confident and I’m aware of your knowledge about this matter,

    Could I Please kidney request you and the British government to respond to this great country and community of Somaliland and be the leading country of the recognizing the republic of Somaliland ….

    Thank you and thanks to the British government

  604. Somaliland is democratic and inclusive.Therefore Somaliland is not need to participate Conference on Somalia the British gov. must know about that.. Somaliland is peaceful place. The issue of the borders is a non-starter, since Somaliland is claiming sovereignty of the area within its 1960 border, when the nation emerged from a British protectorate status. Somaliland has no claim on any other territory in the region.

    Secondly, in a stark contrast to many other countries the world (including Africa, Ivory Coast for example), Somaliland has held several free and fair elections, presidential, parliamentary, local government, etc, and even more remarkably in the recent presidential both the defeated incumbent, Mr. Dahir Rayale and the winning candidate Mr. Ahmed Silanyo worked together to ensure a peaceful and orderly transition of power.

    Somaliland is a de-facto state awaiting de-jure recognition, and has a stronger case than Southern Sudan, Kosovo, East Timor, etc. Somaliland was an independent sovereign country in 1960, recognized by no less than 34 nations including, the USA, UK, France, Egypt, etc. After a failed union with Somalia, Somaliland restored its sovereignty on the 18th of May, 1991, a decision supported by the population and affirmed by a national referendum in 2002.

  605. Some southern Somalis are complaining that this forum is fully Somaliland of course what you expect this is a British forum or British government website. Why dont you lot go to the Italian foreign minister website.

    Somaliland and Britain share historical ties and the problem is not Somaliland but Somalia. You have adopted the corrupted culture of the Italian mafia and Britain is now giving you the venue to settle your difference but its already clear your showing your animosity towards Somaliland rather than discussing the burning spot (Somalia).

    Britain should just ignore Somalia and leave it to the Italians.

    They (Somalis of Somalia) want to eat us, see their anger in this forum. We are just stating we can never share a state with them, if the world is unifying, we would rather unify with Ethiopia than Mogadishu. No thanks to piracy, extremism, famine, suicide bombing…

    If you don’t like the Somaliland-Britain forum, go to Italy. You failed like Italy. Culture of corruption, mafia and nepotism.

  606. please ask help for your Somali assistance to translate this: i would like to write my own language (Somali language).

    salam kadib waxaan halkan ooga mahad celinayaa xukuumada uk iyo pm kooda, mahad kadib waxaan doonayaa inaan ka hadlo shirka ka dhici doono london ee somalida looqabanaya.
    waxaana u arkaa in shirkaas loo qabta dhamaan maamul goboleedyada somalia ka jira sida: dawlada kmg somalia: maamulka khaatumo state of somalia ee ka aramiyo sool .sanaag . cayn, puntland, awdalsate. somaliland. galmudug etc
    waxaan u sheegayaa dawlada uk inaysan somalia kala go’i karin oo ay mid tahay maamulkii la oran jiray somaliland wuxuu hada ku koobmay qabiilka isaaqa kaliya wuxuuna beesha camalka ku beerlawaxsada ainuu yahay maamul aqoonsi don ah, waxayna xukumaan kaliya , hargaysa, burco, iyo berbara,
    marka aqoonsi aan sal iyo raad laheen bay doonayaan waana qabiil midaas waxaa daliil u ah
    madaxweyha, labada gole, wasirada , taliaysha ciidanka, wax walba oo jaga muhiim ah waxaa haya beesha isaaq , marmaamulkaas wuxuu la mid yahay , kuwa beelaha ay leeyihin ee , khaatumo state of somalia, iyo awdal sate of somalia camal, marka , dhulkii uk goomaysan jirtay, qabiil, qabiil baa loodaganyahay cidna cid uma dawladeen karto,

  607. Dear Matt,

    I’m a russian man who knows a lot about the somali people.i believe
    what is true can be seen.britain must take the lead on the somali
    issues.let us see if the un can take the first step which i as i have
    been rearching on somalia and somaliland.i would advised that britain
    should not waste money on this somali issue.recognise your colony
    russia will follow and friends of russia will do the same.

    1. Ivan, following your logic i believe Britain should recognise Chechen republic or Dagestan republic which Russian annexed 150 years ago. Just because Mengistu was a communist and got help from Soviet Union in the Ogaden war does mean Russia today should bring back it’s cold war policies in the year 2012.

      1. Twisted logic again? Mario, chechnia and dagestan are Russian control but Somaliland is not controled by somali, as a matter of fact somalia is not in control of itseslf.

        1. I don’t dispute you do control the triangle regions of Hargeisa , Burco and Berbera. Al Shaabab controls Kismayu, i don’t believe the world will be recognizing their theocracy soon or ever. Clan solution wont work in Somalia, it will all end in tears.

  608. Dear Matt

    The agenda is very simple. Let’s find peace for Somalia because it is the interest of both Somaliland and Great Britain. If Italy decided to abandon Somalia, that does not mean Britain should abandon its Somaliland friends. Remember we fought so many wars together, whether be the war on extremism and not the one today but in 1930s against the Mad Mullah and his extremist followers. The war against Italy and Japan (Burma).

    Britain is important friend to Somaliland and like wise Somaliland is an important security ally for Britain like the Prime Minister said himself.

    Today we are facing the same enemies again, while Italy and Japan have given up their extremist and racial views—the Mad Mullah followers and fanaticism is on the rise again. The so called Khaatumo or whatever is just the same ideology as the Mad Mullah by the grandson of the Mad Mullah.

    Somaliland and Britain put them away before and today they have to do the same. In 1930s, in their eyes you were simply and infidel and today nothing has changed, they just hiding their true agenda. Lets keep them in their caves.

    Somaliland is already engaged in a war against them because this region cant host al shabab and mad Mullahs.

    Thank you Britain for allowing Somaliland to have its own voice heard, your a true friend.

  609. Its very nice that Britain is taking this initiative but the role must be very clear the agenda of the UK.As for the entities that are being named here is not something that exist on the ground these are fictional created in mainly the diaspor. When the US state department concluded their foreign policy towards the horn of Africa they made it clear that that they would support clan states in the horn of Africa who oppose the Alshabaab Militants in the south of the country.How ever Somaliland is a genuine democracy a state in waiting for international recognition more than 20 years now it has shown good governance democracy and viable institutions the dissolved former somali republic practically happened 20 years ago and its still is in tact when the people of Somaliland declared it self independent from the south based on the Colonial border prior 1960.Its legal case for separation is than not secession but merely just the union that was dissolved. Somaliland is willing to work with its neighbors Ethiopia Djibouti and even Somalia its neighbor but problems comes most of the time from Somalia but The Uk needs to mediate between Somaliland and Somalia for a long term solution of full separation.

  610. i think somalia is one country somaliland work with like clans state
    in somaliland and unfair to others clan in somaliland i do not think they
    have an indenpendent state in this way all provinces must itself be the boss we would like to present a glimpse of the Khaatumo state and awdalstate somaliland is an clans states Somaliland should respected Please stop wasting your time somaliland never come

  611. Great ! I am supporting this Proposal of Reconciliation of Somalian people where ever they are including the North west region(Hargeisa) of Somalia,which is self proclaimed as Somaliland.Thank you.

  612. Facts Speak Louder Than Words.
    Somaliland is a staple, democratic loving nation with well known International Boundaries love it or hate it. My advice to the the people of Somalia is this: Please put your house in order and stop killing each other. You shamed us all (east Africa) with your Piracy, Hunger, Human trafficking, Al-shabaab, when is it going to all End? God may help you!

  613. The north off somaila diveded three parts which are called Sool Sanaag and Cayn are Khatimo state off somalia.
    Sabilay Awdal and Salal are called Awdal state of somalia.
    hargaysa and Burco are called Somaliland
    there for all are somalia
    I am saport Somali unated

  614. Somaliland is already autonomous and a functioning state. International recognition will only stengthen the moral, determination, economic and social development of the poeple. In the long run, however, unrecognised Somaliland can bring disaster for the whole region. This is because, people of Somaliland had fought a brutal dictator for 10 years untill they had to bring the regime down. They will not accept any union with Southern Somalia in any form or shape. Southern Somalia, as we speak, is even sinking more into lawlessness as the term of the govenment and the pairlaimant comes so close and no transition or compromise is in place.

    While the West advocate ‘democracy’ and the rule of law and invest in acheiving that with billions of pounds both militarily and devlopmental aide, Somaliland is offering and succeeded to show such value in a region marred by conflict and chaos and hunger for power.

    Britain, as the former colonial power has a lot to do with the grave mistake that people of Somaliland had to do in joining Somalia in the 1960. Whereas it was right for the UK government to grant independence to Somaliland 1960, they did very little to prepare the country both in terms of economic and sociopolitical developent, while Southern Somalia had 10 years of trusteeship under the Italians with a UN mandate. It is time to correct that mistake and the UK to be the first country to recognise Somaliland.

  615. Sorry, few corrections for my earlier post, as follows:

    Please read:

    Garad Conference as “Grand Conference”

    Barde is the mane of a big tree as”barde is the name of a big tree”

    ….and surely will be concluded with an imaginable success, as “…and surely will be concluded with an unimaginable success…”

    Take Care

  616. dear i come from buuhodle and i love somaliland my people there are wrong because somaliland they help our people a lot but my people they are so wrong i love somalilan and i dont want to rejoin somalia because somalia distaroy our futher so my self im not happy to go back black history for 21 years mohamed siyad bare leding somalia siyad bare ragim killed my dad and somalia troop riped my sister and kill my brother not only me but a lot of isaaq people because they targeted of isaaq people so when i remanbered that history i m realy craying thats why i dont want see any more somalia
    i m happy somaliland thank you

  617. Dear Matt,

    In response to your citation “The opportunity to reinforce the relative stability in areas of Somalia, such as Somaliland and Puntland and in the south”

    I am very sorry Matt but we have been building Somaliland for more than 20 years. We have started from ZERO. Now we have got everything we were wishing.

    There is no interest for Somaliland to be in that conference at all. Somaliland was and is totally different country than Somalia. We had united which was a terrible mistake of our fathers but we are successfully recover from that horrible time of the union of Somalia.

    We will not let anybody take that away from us. If UK give some aid to Somaliland that doesn’t mean that we have compromise our independence.

    No, we will not compromise our freedom and independence. I hope that UK forget their hope that Somaliland might change their mind. We will not change our mind even if we haven’t get recognition for next 2 million years.

    That is exactly what every Somalilander believes and I hope that the intentional community understand the position of Somaliland.

    Thanks for your understand
    Mu Ali

  618. Good Morning Mr Baugh

    Thanks for the opportunity to express our opinion, hope and wish for the Somalia conference in London.

    As you can see on the comments above Somalis all over the country and across the globe are very keen to find a solution to our beloved country. Among them are individuals that are known to me like A.Jowhar.
    However it seems to me some people have misunderstood what you were asking for, so I would like to confirm and clarify what you were asking for

    I am sure the UK government would not adopt a foreign policy from comments on a website.
    So if I am not wrong you would like to know if we agree with what you hope to be the result of this conference, namely the below three points.

    “ – The opportunity to support a more inclusive and representative political process when the Transitional Period ends in August 2012;
    – The opportunity to help people return to Mogadishu and rebuild their lives in that city;-
    – The opportunity to take further action against Al Shabaab and piracy;
    – The opportunity to reinforce the relative stability in areas of Somalia, such as Somaliland and Puntland and in the south. ”

    Here I would say it is a good plan that no one would argue against, but the implementation is going to be frustrating to say the least. I think the representation should be passed on state or administration, because the current 4.5 is not true representation of demography in Somalia.

    In order for Somalia out of these nightmare we need competent and passionate leaders not people selected passed on their tribe or the number of arms they have, I know that is not possible for the time being but it should be the aim, or the next best thing is to select competent people from each state or administration.
    There should be a time limit on how long they can stay in office and there should be separation of power.

    The second two points of relocation of people who fled their cities and “Al- Shabaab” or Al-Shaydaan that goes without saying and you would have the support of Majority of Somalis.

    The final point is the peace in the stable regions of Puntland,(Somaliland, Khaatumo State and Awdal State), yes the peace and stability in these regions are as a result of the people who leave on this regions and they should be helped by disarming all the militias so the citizens who brought the peace can keep the peace and decide their future. There should be united nation/African union peace keepers in these regions to replace the militias that have the guns.

    Kind Regards and Thanks

  619. Dear Matt,

    I hope the UK stops supporting the secessionist state that calls its self Somaliland. That is right now attacking the people who it call theirs in Buhoodle just because it does not want to belong to Somaliland and does not want to secede from Somalia not now not ever.

    The UK government should stop supporting Somaliland as long as it is killing innocent people in Sool, Sanaag and Ayn. It is not a democracy but a tribal theocracy. Even this week twenty journalist were arrested.

    Thank you.



    1. Sorry for correcting you, ‘Somaliland’ is not a tribal theocracy, its a clan clanocracy. [ single clan democracy]

  620. Good day, Mr. Matt Bough

    Your Excellency Mr. Ambassador,

    Again, as a complement, the British Government and its people are leaders in the civilized world. In the colonial days, they might have done a lot of good and mistakes. However, in this modern day and age, everyone and Somalis in particular are anticipating a positive and fruitful contributions from Britain and its government led by the Prime Minister, honorable David Cameroon. Somalis had suffered beyond imagination and what they look forward from this conference is a perfect solution that ends their predicament..Britain is capable of doing that. But Somalis need to understand that they own the problem and should come up with the solution and use facility and opportunity provided by Great Britain.

    Especially, the Isaaq clan should wake up and heed the reality and the Hobson’s Choice they face (as Osman Hassan, foreign Affairs Commission of Khaatumo Satate of Somalia, put it in an earlier article – Somali Unity, because no one single clan can become a country with 2 -3 barren towns. The world is becoming smaller and smaller with bigger and rich countries forming unions such as, the EU.

    Mr. Ambassador, we would like to present a glimpse of the Khaatumo Garad Conference where the Dhulbahante and other clans have held a very successful traditional meeting in the historic town of Taleex, in which they passed historic decisions and formed the unionist “Khaatumo State of Somalia’. All Somalis in both the north and southof Somalia with the exception of hardline secessionist Isaaqs have all congratulated the conference and its outcome. Even a lot of unionist Isaaqs have sent their best wishes to the conference, honorable Ismail Mohamud Buuba (seasoned politician and previous Somali Foreign Minister is one example)

    The successful Taleex Conference is now being dubbed the real Road Map for Somalia’s reconciliation). The participants in that conference have sorted their differences in practical, realistic, honest, good intentions, and civilized manners that helped the conference to arrive at the desired conclusion – it was a perfect model for a reconciliation process. More importantly, the conference was held, guided, and handled in a perfect Somali traditional manner – under a tree, the Bardaha Khaatumo of Taleex (Barde is the mane of a big tree, as you could see from the youtube link provided here below – it shows the participants under that tree). Currently many Somalis are discussing to replicate the Khaatumo conference for all Somalis and hold it in the same venue – Bardaha Khaatumo of Taleex.

    We could suggest that the Britain Government hold the conference under a tree because it will stimulate the Somali mind and the participants will understand they are negotiating and are required to come to a binding agreement. If the weather does not permit that in London in the month of February, Britain could bring it to Bardaha Khaatumo where Britain and the Somali participants will be received warmly, and surely will be concluded with an imaginable success.

    Thank you,

    Please click on this link to see the Khaatumo Conference

  621. We need to know somalia can not be devided any more so that the north of somalia Somaliland or isaq tripe should recognize that they are somalians they have to stop the occupation and killing to their neighbors Sool Sanaag Cayn, and to respect the newly regional governments Khaatumo State and Awdal State From other neighbor trips Dhulbahane Darod, Warsangeli Darod, 65% Somaliland population and Samaron Said Or Gadabursi, 10% Somaliland Population.

    Thanks to UK 4 hosting this fruitful reconciliation 4 somals

  622. This is really sad and embarassing to see SOMALIS advocating SOMALI ISSUES to a minor british civil servant or whoever he is…lets get liberated and solve our problems the somali way..its high time we realise this only the true selfless somali can realise this..lets all unite against from neo colonialism against this imperialist from ras asyr to ras kamboni…and stop this discusting, shallow, and short sighted local politics and see the greater somali

  623. there is dream about unity of somalia and wat the world call somalia i have not seen a country somalia by name in my advice to uk prime minster i tald u to for get unity of somali becouae its incridble to unite these two counrties

  624. Many Thanks Mr Matt and the Uk Government, I am from North Somalia (KHATOMO STATE OF SOMALIA) where most of the population if not all strongly believe greater Somali, we are greatly supporting LONDON CONVERANCE to find a solution for greater Somalia including Somaliland, Puntland, Awdal State of Somalia, Khatomo State of Somalia and South Somalia. Currently North Somali is in war, conflict that could development rapidly to a situation that is as bad as south Somali unless there is intervention by the International Community.
    We hope that we contribute to elucidate the harsh reality on the ground in North Somali and we recommend that all state in North Somali including Awdal state of Somalia, Khatomo State of Somalia, Puntland be called to the conference as equal applicant. Thanks

  625. The Somali crisis will never end, the mayhem will be there the conflict will remain there and the London conference wont heal the wounds of somalia, my advice to you is Somaliland has nothing to do with this, there is a legitimate government, a long lasting stability, it is a separate entity, country with there own flag, army currency and law and order so why fix if it aint broke?

    If you want to find a solution for the somalia’s problems stick with where the problem is cos Somaliland has nothing to do with this and it doesn’t have a wounds to heal.

  626. matt
    come to visit somaliland and i will give you tea with camell milk.
    viva somaliland

  627. dear matt.
    idont think somaliland will go back to somalia becouse we were to difrent counteres in 1960,Somaliland since 1991 had four presidents and democratic system with many parties today. Somaliland is the key bring peace to Somalia but first the world must reconise Somaliland.


  628. Facts Speak Louder Than Words.
    Somaliland is a staple, democratic loving nation with well known International Borders love it or hate it. My advice to the the people of Somalia is this: Please put your house in order and stop killing each like dogs. You shamed us all (east Africa) with your Piracy, Hunger, Human trafficking, Al-shabaab, when is it going to all End? God may help you!

  629. Hi Everyone,

    There is no doubt that this London Conference on Somali could be the end of Somali mayhem if those participants whether international community or Somalis recognise that this time is different and they have to grab this chance and restore our pride. Somali conflicts and acute famine have claimed many Somali lives for the last two decades which should not have been happening on our watch. We are tired and sick of the continuation and endlessness bloodshed of our Somali brothers and sisters. The stake could not be higher at this stage. We need to recover our dignity and respect in the world which has perished for a long time. Everyone should have in mind that this time is different and we need to put out difference behind us and build Somali nation which accommodates for all of us. As we are one nation and one society, British government should find a solution of our problems that has persisted for too long. We appreciate the UK government’s initiative which seeks lasting solution for Somalia

  630. first of all i wanna thanks ALLAH to be a Muslim and than Somali after that i wanna remmber you i mean international community to understand what’s going on in Somalia and than say how can we solv the problem men they do not get but the truth is UK is the first problem in Somalia becouse they say we wanna suppert Somaliland how can we be united do not talk Somalia please let them do them selv what ever they want.
    i wanna say Somaliland can´t be a country bercouse one clan can´t be a contury so i hope Somalia will peace in 2012 and will be united.
    Somali will rise up as soon as posiple.
    if ALAAH say.

  631. Hi Everyone,

    There is no doubt that this London Conference on Somali could be the end of Somali mayhem if those participants whether international community or Somalis recognise that this time is different and they have grab this chance and restore our pride. Somali conflicts and acute famine have claimed many Somali lives for the last two decades which should not have happened on our watch. We are tired and sick of the continuation and endlessness bloodshed of our Somali brothers and sisters. The stake could not be higher at this stage. We need to recover our dignity and respect in the world which has perished for a long time. Everyone should have in mind that this time is different and we need to put out difference behind us and build Somali nation which accommodates for all of us. As we are one nation and one society, British government should find a solution of our problems that has persisted for too long. We appreciate the UK government’s initiative which seeks lasting solution for Somalia

  632. due to my language barrier i can’t write or say in english all that i wanted to say, so are lot of somalis who would like to say some thing about this confrence.

    But all i can say is that britsh people and its government had halped us a lot and we hope that you’ll help us in stablising our country and rebilding it.

    as a somali citizen i would like to assure you that you have full support of many somali people.

    go ahead and allah bless you.
    thank you

  633. Dear Matt
    I am sure you have weaned some useful information and insights from these comments. Basically, they boil down to two opposing views: On one side, you have the secessionists hailing from the one clan, who are behind the secession and who identify with this so-called Somaliland. These secessionists and their foreign supporters never miss an opportunity to repeat some well-worn and fabricated fibs: that Somaliland was recognised on independence by 34 countries (lie and Matt should confirm this); that their borders are still valid and recognised by the AU (rubbish); that the Act of Union was never ratified (lie); that the northerners rejected the constitution in the referendum (lie- only one clan among the 5 clans in former British Somaliland did so); that all the clans endorsed the declaration of secession in the Burco conference of May 1991 ( lie. It was meant to be a reconciliation conference but the delegates from the non-Isaaq areas were forced to sigh it under duress. In any case, they repudiated it on their return to their homes in the SSC regions); and so the list of lies goes on that have become of the secessionist folk lore.

    The rest of the respondents are the unionists from the rest of Somalia, north and south. They stand by Somalia’s unity. Clearly, recognising one clan is not even in their own interest. Somalis are one homogenous people and mostly nomads wondering across clan traditional territories. Hence, they are no fixed clan boundaries. And if an independent Isaaqland ( for that is what Somaliland is all about) emerges and tries to use the defunct colonial borders as its own, borders that do not conform to its traditional clan borders, that could trigger endless clan wars.

    Britain has historically done unforgettable and even unforgivable injustices to the Somali people. It carved up their land and then dished them out to others as if it was distributing manna from heaven : Ogden was given to Abyssinia and the former NFD to Kenya even after it organised a referendum as to whether the Somalis in this region wanted union with Somalia or remain part of Kenya and over 90 percent chose union with Somalia. To atone for this painful past, Britain should use this conference to persuade the Isaaq clan that there is only one choice for them and that is to reconcile themselves with the rest of Somalia. It should also assist Somalia in organising a national conference for the formation of a truly transitional national government that would prepare the country for a general election with the help of the UN and EU, with Britain and Italy, the former colonial powers playing the leading role.

    1. So low are the Somalis!
      Do you not know that Matt and Britain know more about Somalia than you all do? And you chase this wall!

  634. Somaliland is indeniable Country.So please tell to trhe world that the choice of the people of Somaliland should respected.We have two choice either to go to hell with al shabab or stay democratic and respect of rule of law.

    1. The choice of the people? Four major provinces of so called Somaliland refused to be part of somaliland. Awdal state refused to be part of Somaliland, Warsangeli, Dhulbahante, Fiqi Shini, Kaskii Qabe and Gabooye all refused to be part of Somaliland. Their major towns including Lasanod are under curfew and millitary occupation while other towns are under millitary attack. 15 January it was Buhoodle that was attacked. Choice of the people is that they refused to be part of Somaliland and they clearly and loudly said “OUR CHOICE IS WE WANT TO BE PART OF SOMALIA AND NEVER SOMALILAND.” January 2012 Khaatumo state was established by the tribes of Sool, Sanaag, and Cayn. among them were the Chiefs of all clans, politicians, academics, civilians. Somaliland is a tribal fiefdom that commit human right abuse and constantly bloodshed. I hope those tribal chiefs, politicians, academics of Awdal, Sool, Sanaag, and Cayn will attend the upcoming conference and tell the world the true story.

      1. I would like to tell the ignorant tribalists that there is no room for tribalism
        in the Republic of Somaliland. It is the hope of democracy in Africa. It was
        this country who tried to unite all Somalis under one flag and that mission
        has failed. Let the Somalos in the South make their own flag and put aside the Union Flag meant for all Somalis. So we leave the burden of union seek for the coming generations. It may start at Djibouti or elsewhere, but I am deadly sure the fever for union will not start at Somaliland again. REMEMBER, Recognising Somaliland is the key of solving the Somali Problem. But the question is who wants it solved?
        Wake up, idiots!

        1. The ‘republic of Somaliland’ is clan project, it’s easy to have election when the majority are from a single clan. In my book it’s called clanocracy.

  635. Hello Matt,

    I just want to thank you as well as the British Government for taking the initiative to help Somalia in finding a solution to our 20 year conflict.

    I know it is no simple process but we need to come to the table and put aside our obsession with tribal idiologies and think of ourselves as Somalis first. We need to put the interest of our nation above greed and power.

    As a young Somali woman and the member of the diaspora, I want to see a future where Somalis have a government that is transparent, accoutable and inclusive. We are severely in lack of strong national leadership and we need to choose leaders based on merit instead of tribal affiliations and those who will unite our people.

    I wish peace, prosperty and unity for all Somalis.

    Thats my short take.

  636. dear Mett lets us know first if the fact is not being denied do u (Britain) need to get solution to Somalia or you need to destruct the already managed solved problems like somaliland (the new democratic country) because i see the way you are ignoring the fruitful and peaceful process that somaliland has acheived, my recommendation is that you need to sustain the already peaceful built countries like somaliland

  637. The forum has been hijacked by few Isaaq people arging for Somaliland. They are, I am sure, posting the same messages in different names. Shame on YOU.

    Somalia is ONE country and can never never be divided.

    There is no Somaliland. It is ridiculous to even think about division given that Somalis are one ethnic people, one religion, one culture, one language. It defies logic to divide such nation. I hope the British government will realize that.

  638. To people from lawless Somalia (formerly south Somalia)
    Please stop wasting your time and energy because Somaliland is here to stay. One other thing; Stop using multiple names as ur IP address will be checked.

    1. This thread is full of ‘Somalilanders’ sounding like a broken record, can we please have some depth to your arguments? Somalis are dying but all i here is Hargeisa is ‘peaceful’ it should be recognized as a ‘republic’. This shows how selfish you lot are, full opportunism and taking advantage of the suffering of your brothers and sisters in order to peddle your little clan project. Your indifference is astonishing.

  639. Dear Matt thank you:
    first of all, a lot of people who are comenting here does not know the history of Somali—Lanad we samroons were the people who nogatiated that the British government to leave peacefully that is the fact of the history Somaliland of today is not 1960th today is 2012 janauary. the civil war is starting here in between hargaisa and Borama that is the fact. As you aware Daarood Clan is between the four administrations Starting from Ogaden in Ethiopia, NFD in Northeastern Kenya, Puntland we all know is the only active State in Somalia is daarood adminstration that is the fact some people may not like it. Juba–land or Azania State is daarood.
    we samaroon clan would like have share with our adminstration to darrood wether in ethiopia or Puntland or newly Khaatuma State or darwish state. why? because the ideology of one tribe adminstration can already bring to genocide to other tribes, and the tribal people itself are more civilized than others, that is the fact iam not daarood but boy they are the best in Soamlia, i wish i should’t spoke to this topic in here but overcome ill minded, and ill thoughts towards all Somalis in cluding Hawiye tribe that the knows what done in the begining of civil war in somalia, the bottomline is this we want UK government to understand and to read the rich history of Somalia.
    that all concludes my thought; you are a diplomat you can understand the richness of what it means Somali and land only where it come from who nogatiated with the british whom fought with the british, justice will preveil……..By Samaroon

  640. first I talk about Somaliland peaple views in this isue

    Somaliland have one nation one peaple
    I want tell you history about somaliland
    we do not accept if any body talks in our Somaliland took independent in 1960 before Somalia and there were 34 countries voted at the UN for the support for Somaliland during that time so Somailand existed before Somalia and that is fact.
    After 30 yrs of abuse by Somalia after unification with out agreement with Somalia , Somaliland had enough and decided to claim their independece once again through sacrfice and there is no way Somaliland will ever unite with Somalia.
    Somaliland since 1991 had four presidents and democratic system with many parties today. Somaliland is the key bring peace to Somalia but first the world must reconise Somaliland.

    1. Hi Matt

      As you read all these comments you will understand what are the problems in Somalia. Every tribe is trying to control Somalia and to abuse other tribes. I hope GB can be the country that bring Somalia together but not the country that divided. I want to make clear that so call somaliland or snm are killing poor poeple near sool, sanaag and cayn (khaatumo state) and no one has said anything include UN, USA, AU and UK, we know UK support somaliland but we are not sure if they support to kill poor people. The tribal that live souther somaliland had recent meeting in taleeh and created Khatuumo state. UK need to support Khaatumo State and invite to the meeting.

  641. why on earth all these ill formed comments are made . if u think that this conference will bring somalis mind together and will unite then let it happen
    i will be optimistic what ever the past is . young somalian have fled and gone and they are filled in the jails of almost every country in the world searching for new life and stability while our home land while our homeland became “terrorist tourism ” land . so am suggesting , if intended UK can make difference and that will mean a lot to us. please listen to young educated somalis because those are the healthy mind of somalis and am sure if united they can contribute much to the country .

  642. Hello Matt Baugh.

    As a Somalilander, my view on my country is that of peace and tranquillity. It is important to have a recognition as a country. Personally, I believe that waiting for over a lengthy period of 20 years to gain recognition is ridiculous. As a country, we are independent. We have a democracy that is working and the parliament, house of commons and a overall government that is functioning well with itself and the citizens of Somaliland. We just need the recognition.We cannot discuss with those who cannot change themselves. Change comes from within. That is why Somaliland has distanced itself from Somalia and that is why we can see a great amount of developed change within our community.

  643. Hi everyone.

    I would like to say, that british goverment should know there is not what we can say somali goverment except two clans basing in muqdisho’s southeren somalia, as you know somalia were two regional states before 1960, but when they got independt were as wrongly united.

    But that united was misleading from southerns were made tribel revenge from notherne of supports british goverment war against , the ‘mad mulla” which was begin around 1915 in somaliand british protectorate and they used somali dectator of mohamed siyad bare.
    Becouse of that somaliand regain its independt from 1991 in 18 may, and made good steps for developments as its peace and social programs, its clear southeren is not claimed somali republic of,
    therefore we can say “TFG” is two tribe only as you see how its established, prime minster and president as they only subclan ‘ ‘hawiye and darod’. can they say we are somali represents all parts?, i think it is false claim to told the interanational community.

    We hope that first the goverment of greate britain not give as recognise as they represent for somalia becouse of somalia from 1991 up to now is breaking away and is two states . somaliland and somali southeren, first as regard you have to know as real in somali people and we hope you to recognise somaliland.

    thanks you.

  644. It a postive step that the UK government is looking to help the situation of Somalia and Somaliland. As you state this has been on-going for long enough, with the international community lingering in a haze of apathy.

    While this has been happening Somliland and its people have shown the way for fair elections and stabilty and peace, with very modest foreign assistance. An honest assessment and the right of independence and recognition of the success of Somaliland should also be part of this conference and how best to support Somaliland in it’s rightful path.

  645. This conference should be similar to London peace conference of 27 May 1991, that was held for coalition winners of the Ethiopian civil war. In order to have a lasting peace in this region Somalia should be divided to Somaliland and Somalia period.

    1. It didn’t bring peace to the regions, Eritrea and Ethiopia 10 yrs ago had Africa’s most advanced war. Both countries support rebels from the other side and are technically at war. With Ethiopia using the ‘war on terror’ as an excuse to isolate the government of Asmara. Ethiopia has used the united nation in order to have Eritrea giving Economic sanctions and succeeded.

      Today the Gov of Ethiopia has accused Asmara of the death of tourist killed in Eastern Ethiopia. Like Kenya, will Ethiopia invade in order to save it’s tourist industry ? We will wait and see.

  646. Dear Matt Baugh,

    First of all, I would like to congratulate my felow country men and women
    for overwhelmingly defending their country against be being affiliated with
    Somalia and saying loudly with one voice that they are not part of Somalia and
    will never be part of it.Secondly,we somalilanders are isulted by this:
    -The opportunity to reinforce the relative stability in areas of Somalia,
    such as Somaliland and Puntaland……….which is coming from a responsible person in a democratic country such as Great Britain.How on
    earth can you call us “areas in Somalia”? If that is where you want to start
    things from,then don’t bother yourself,it is a failure before it started.

    1. Sorry Mustafa, not everybody shares your Hargeisa consensus. Certainly not in Borama, Las canood, Buuhodle and Taleex, all towns/cities in ‘Somaliland’.

  647. Hallo you know the people iam to talking to tomorow i will bring Somalia Flag the flag Blue i will put on “beerta xoriyada” in mid day who is with me? otherwise please stop our isaq’s, fail ideology and give a chance to other people to speak oh my god disgusting that is why Samaroon, and Dhulbahante are runing away from as today look Somaliland Somaliland We are Somali that is reality land is somalia our language is Somali our clor is Somali. please do not post any more topic about Somaliland British protectorate British Government is hosting this conference, abd British knows more their history than we do because they write “document facts” they know Soamalia is a tribal country ” that is the fact” we isaaq’s intilectual in Hargaisa were helping all Somalis enemy Ethiopia’s interest that is the fact. let Brirish government do their duities they know everything, and what the hek this webside belongs southern Somalia let them speak……………….dam…………………………….and shut the hell up………..

    1. well said, comrade…these ‘Somalilanders’ with their fictitious ‘republic’ have hijack the thread. Hargeisa needs Mogadishu as much as Mogadishu needs Hargeisa. Tanzania with its 120 tribes and languages have managed maintain a peaceful country, why are we Somalis peddling 18 century clan ideology when we are in a post-modern world ? Somalis are one ethnics group, shame that it’s many sub-clans rivalry are tearing down any peaceful co-existence.

      1. Tanzania with its 120 different tribes manage to maintain peaceful co-existence because its first dictator J.K. Nyerere did not favour one tribe over another. Of which, somalia’s dictator siad barre was tribalist, his policies of favouring his darrod tribe put somalia into morass. But Nyerer was not an angel, even though he was not like barre a tribalist but he was a religionist he favoured his co-religionist the christian most, and now in Tanzania, any a civil war can erupt between the muslim majority and marginalized and the christians minority but who are political overlords.

        1. I’m not here to defend the late dictator and his military socialist regime, i’m just bemused with your clan [Somaliland] solution to our current predicament. We have three major clans in Somalia Isaaq, Darood and Hawiye and the country is divided into 3 [Somaliland,Puntland and South Somalia] accordingly. Do you know how pathetic we look to the rest of the world.

          P.s I know which flag you’re flying, you have been loud and clear!!


  649. the majority of people here agreed and supported Somaliland as independent nation which pervails peace and security and deserve a defacto of recognition, well I am from Mogadishu the capital of Somalia and I am from one of the larget tripes of Somalia Hawiye the clan of President sheikh sharif and I am absolutely welcoming the recognition of Somaliland which will be a vital solution for the Somali people

    Somaliland made tremendous development from every angle and you cannot compare with us today it will be catesterophic for the international community to talk about the unity of between Somalia and Somaliland today, we somalians behind billion miles from Somaliland and our problems need a real solutions where somalilander are more developed many countries in the region, my advice to Matt is to address in the conference how Britain and the leading international community members will re-recognise Somaliland, they are a people who commited and decided their destiny and we have to respect that as the English people are respecting the independence of scotland

  650. Dear Matt Baugh , thank you for this blog . Somali people of the diaspora need to stop the comfortable life away from their Somali home if they are going to give blog advice on what Somalilanders in Somaliland should do or should change . Somalilanders in Somaliland receive excellent and practical help from the diaspora of Somaliland by improving hospitals and schools with their generous donations . Somalilanders are capable of managing life in Somaliland very well indeed for all to see . Advice to Somalis is best given in country , as was done for 21 years by Somalilanders in Somaliland ……..advancing happily in their separation from Mogadishu TFG failed unhappy land .

  651. The opportunity to support a more inclusive and representative political process when the Transitional Period ends in August 2012;

    – The opportunity to help people return to Mogadishu and rebuild their lives in that city;

    – The opportunity to take further action against Al Shabaab and piracy;

    – The opportunity to reinforce the relative stability in areas of Somalia, such as Somaliland and Puntland and in the south.

    Khalif Y. Ahmed, Burnsville, MN USA

    I am a Somali American and a chairperson of the Somali Union- Wadajirka Somaaliyed. We have witnessed over 15 ” Somali reconciliation” meetings in foreign capitals in the past 20 years. They all have failed for various reasons but the uppermost was lack of proper preparation for the contentious issues at hand and the absence of the Somali ownership of the meeting. Likewise, this meeting in London is not different from the previous meetings for there was no serious inclusive preparation by Somalis in collaboration with the British host. This meeting will end with the same fate, failure, but the British interest for curbing the alleged piracy and the Al-shabab components will be rubber stamped. The consequence will be the implementation of the ongoing Somalia Balkanization project , the US State Department low level officials pet project “dual track”(1) . This project is to produce like minced meat mini states of Somalia that will counter the mindless Al-Shabab. Kenya and Ethiopia are the benefactors. The Somali People suffering will persist. The self-appointed British experts in Chathamhouse are publishing nonsensical, fictions counterpart dual track “research papers” promoting to fund another equivalent “dual track” approach of the coastal areas of Putland , Somaliland and Galmudug “states” to fight the piracy (2). No one cares the consequence of such policies for Somalia in the long run. The British Prime Minister will take the high ground on the world stage at the end of this meeting to the effect that we did everything to find a solution for Somalia but we failed.

    Our position is a request to delay this hurriedly arranged meeting in London. Let us have a time line for an inclusive preparatory meeting behind the scenes and set a final meeting in London.

    1) USAID under the Somalia Dual Track Policy


  652. all thnk,s for GOD second dear great uk you know the history of somaliland deeply 26 june 1960 somaliland get their freedom and we join in somalia thn we they lose our hope in 1991 when the somali government clopsed we rebuild our hope and tht is somaliland now its more thn 20 yrs democratic country we elect our govern ment their is no need to join again so we dont need to join again the rest of somalia and we reject the meeting tht u caling our government we can join if alowed in our flag and our voice tht we are not prty of somalia

  653. When The Republic of Somaliland ,…….. the independent , peaceful , democratic nation since 18 May 1991 , is Re-recognized in UN as she was on 26 June 1960 , ……..then Somaliland will once again be a Sovereign independent nation . Somaliland has shown the whole of Africa ( and the world ) the best example of people progressing together sensibly ……… That good state of affairs may be copied by TFG in Mogadishu ….. and Somaliland will continue to advance well by being separate from TFG Mogadishu ( the failed sad state Somalia ) ……… Somalilanders understand how to live in peace allowing people to vote freely as on 26 June 2010 ……….. This blog expresses many different ideas which shows good Somaliland freedom of speech , which was also accepted in a very dignified manner at The Election of the new Presfident . The Conference on 23 February in London will only have maximum success if Somaliland is taking part as an equal Sovereign Nation like the other nations taking part . Thank you Matt Baugh

  654. dear matt
    somalia observed 30 years of unity and the result became zero and not ready to return back to the hell and no one on the earth that will compell somaliand to change it is mind and reunify with there brithers in south somalia,so I hope the UK goverment will give consderation the decision of somaliland.

  655. Somaliland took independent in 1960 before Somalia and there were 34 countries voted at the UN for the support for Somaliland during that time so Somailand existed before Somalia and that is fact.

    After 30 yrs of abuse by Somalia after unification with out agreement with Somalia , Somaliland had enough and decided to claim their independece once again through sacrfice and there is no way Somaliland will ever unite with Somalia.

    Somaliland since 1991 had four presidents and democratic system with many parties today. Somaliland is the key bring peace to Somalia but first the world must reconise Somaliland.

      1. MOOGE , i see u are in denial about the history of Somaliand and as usual u are a typical hatefull person so u are irrelevent.

  656. Since when the plight and suffer of Somalis become an issue for the British government and the fact that its a Tory led is even more surprising. One thing that always saddened me about my fellow Somalis is that they lack the intellectual analysis or comprehension to realise and recognize those half measured and empty promises the West always has to over.

    What’s more saddening is the fact that you are all here almost begging and wishing to be heard by a guy who is probably not that much older than any of us, who is a man just like us who in all likely, will never read or consider what to you have to say. We all know that the situation in Somalia will have to get much worse before it gets any better. We are all well aware that it can only be solved if and when Somalis decide that they want to take the matters into their own hands.
    I honestly believe that even if a conference was held for Somalis in the Middle of the holy hajj, the blessing cities of Medina and Mecca, Somalis would not and could not agree on terms that would be pleasing to all Somalis let alone in stinking London, that’s just the sad fact

    1. Men, you hit the neil right on the head, well said man. For the first time I heard a somali person who had present a viable truth and intellegent one. Somalia need someone like you truthful and honest.
      After having said that, this matt guy, who is a junior diplomat at FCO and the government he represent cannot and will not find a lasting solution for somalia. In this conference, they may cook a half baked solution for prestige and granstanding which after some few days we will be back to square one talking about another conference venue hosted by another inept leader.

  657. Hi Matt Baugh

    I would like to congratulate you and your government the efforts and care you giving the rebuilding of the failed state of Somalia.

    However, as a somalilander I do believe it’s absolutely wrong to include or invite Africa’s best kept secret (Somaliland) in to the London peace conference.

    In my opinion it’s not rational thinking to undermine 20 years of peace building, 20 years of developing democratic institutions, 20 years of respecting neighboring countries (Ethiopia and Djabouti), 20 years of fight terrorism and Piracy, in Somaliland.

    Finally I hope your government will respect the faith and integrity of the peace loving Somaliland citizens.

    Thank you.

    1. hi dear sits iwant thank you you and briiish gov iam sure also will be understand what they want somaliland iam i also remain you somalind is you your freind abdurahman goodir birmingham uk

    2. i think britian is kmow somaliland was freindship britian till second wold war thanks matt and tell my regading queen elisepeth and all british people thanks matt

  658. salaam to every somali on this healthy discussion, the thing is the somali crisis is a somali problem.and either can mr matt baugh or the imperialist britain come up with a solution..WHICH gives me the conclusion that after 22 yrs of misery and suffering of the somali masses both south and north, the u.k
    pops up with this idea that they will bring peace and posperity via a confrence in london…i see a hidden agenda on this my fellow colonial era…typical britain overseas political tool…that history proves right..divide and rule tactics..(somaliland, puntland,azania,khatumo, and etc) all built on sub-clan structure…
    so walaayal unless we realise this the somali crisis would still remain, so lets all come together change the country and something about the conditions, what happend to the dignified somali voice and pride..history will judge us on the choices and inclinations that we make today…

  659. Dear Matt
    I am welcoming the idea to review the actual situation in Somalia
    The main essence of UK conference in my opinion is to know more information about Somalia’s political structure, by consulting those who are already on the political arena. Meanwhile since the announcement of this conference we have seen on going attempts to establish a number of self autonomous mini states, you name it. That is the mentality which has been flourishing for the last twenty years.
    With the exception of the newly created technocrat, the Somali politics is leaded by unqualified personnel whom have a mere idea about the new world order, or doesn’t understand how to cement a good international relation to the rest of world
    On the other hand when something happens against the existence of your people such as repeated droughts, floods, polluted air quality, the great politicians make unscheduled meeting to tackle the threatening situation. That didn’t happen in Somalia, the parliament never made a session to talk about the drought, this is an index that can show you their poor quality. In fact Somalia has human resources that can cover its urgent needs, if they get the chance to be heard, but their presence inside the country will be the key factor and more influential, rather than debating on TV.s to solve their differences

  660. I am from boorama city which is one of the somaliland cities. The former president of somalilnd Mr Riyaale who ruled the country for seven years is from boorama and he is still the leader of the Udub party. After the Udub party lost the election, few people from the boorama or Owdal region can not except the lost and they trying to create problems calling themself awdal state. Those people caling themself Awdal state elected themselves in order to get positions in tfg. I support somalilnd and I am proud to be somlilnder. If you recognize somalilnd is the best solution, becouse these two nations is hard to share a government together.

  661. This Tobby is successionist and eager to split Somalia but he won’t achieve that Inshallah. I am sure the majority of the Brtish people will respect the sovereignty of Somalia. Tobby please do not involve the old polictics and leave us alone.

  662. Hi Mat

    I would like to thank the Brithish government to try to host a conference for the failed governments of what called Somalia; The internationaly community and also Britain must consider Somaliland Republc who was separate state before unification with south somalia 1960; Somaliland is democratic nation and they have been having stability fully functioning government last two decades; Somaliland will never rejoin southern Somalia again and we shall fight our rights to have our own government untill last drop of our blood if the international community not consider our rights. Mr matt you and government government know the history of Somaliland people but we want to remind u the facts. thank u

  663. am sorry to say this but this conference once again it will fail just like others conferenes failed in the past and the reason is very simple. Somali problem can only be sloved by Somali people sitting under Somali tree inside Somalia. The outsiders who their interest is not the well being of Somalis but for the their own political interest can not slove Somali issue. The UK main purpose for this conference is defeating piracy and Alshabab and not to solve Somali issue . Only Somalis can slove their problem. Good example is Somaliland.

    1. Dear Rashid
      North Somalia consists of (Awdal State, Somaliland, Khaatumo State and Puntland) …so I agree with you that the international community needs to recognise and support the tranquillity of all sub-regions. Being Northerner myself (Hargeisa).. the issues in Somaliland are close to my heart and I regard it as an important aspect that needs to be considered for the peace plans of the country as whole.

      Especially in the current climate where there is tribal conflicts (only yesterday the new Awdal State president which main sub-clans of the Samaron tribe have elected has visited Mogadishu to meet with the TFG Prime Minster Dr Abdiweli to gain the support of the TFG and report the tribal-linked mistreatments subjected to some sub-clans of the Samaron/ Gadabursi people in Awdal State and to strengthen the declaration of independence from the Somaliland Clan (Isaq)). Also in Lasanod there is still tribal issues (the Dhulbahante sub-clans in the town continue to complain to the international community for the unfair tribal-linked imprisonments and cruel treatments.. especially the targeting of the youth, boys, men and women in Lasanod based on their clan-root is a concern that needs to be addressed) .. In addition just last Sunday the Somaliland Clan (Isaq) has waved attacks on the civilians of the town of Buhodle by conducting barbaric wild shelling, burning homes and killing of civilians. All this under the watchful eye of the international community – the Cayn region (Khaatumo State)/ Buhodle remains on high alert due to anticipated ongoing tribal conflicts between Somaliland Clan (Isaq) and the Khaatumo State people (Dhulbahante) as I write here today. – Hence why this upcoming meeting is very important and of interest to all peace loving people in Northern Somalia.

      These unprovoked attacks and complaints from Northern Somalia is disturbing to both people living in North Somalia and those in the Diaspora who originate from the region. Also the relations of Northern Somalia sub-regions whether it is Puntland, Khaatumo, Awdal or Somaliland needs to be strengthened to ensure all clans of the region can live together peacefully … this is not just of interest to indigenous Northerners like me but also to the TFG, Great Britain and all our neighbouring countries (Ethiopia, Djibouti and Kenya).

      Hence, why we all need to support the British Prime Minister’s request for all regions to come to the table for peace talks… only through dialogue can consensus be reached and differences be resolved.

      Somalia is being abused by trivial quarrels, unnecessary hate, never ending grudge, terrorist thinking, uneducated tribal leaders who have no vision beyond their tribe, diseased individuals who are obsessed and blinded by clan flags and clan allegiance, refusal to see the common good, and of course the hopeless who never sees no light at the end of any tunnel, who chooses to remain ignorant in the face of enlightenment, who chooses to act deaf to the call of peace.

      Please let us all be the ones who put an end to this madness; let us be the change we all need to see. Let us avoid falling into the trap of another 20 years of tribe and alshabaab news… lets support the efforts of the British Government on this important agenda.

      This is a call to all peace loving Somali people from all regions.

      Somalia Somali Baa Leh (Somalia belongs to all the Somali people).


      1. Dear Idil,

        Somaliland is a country with multi tribal people so for u trying to divide them do not make sense what so ever. I suggest u stick with the truth and realize that Somaliland existed before Somalia. Only when Somalia accept the truth and allow people of Somaliland to decide their faith can be possible to talk with Somalia but as long as they are in denial about the true history of Somaliland then I am affarid the gap will exist between Somaliand and Somalia.

        Every president of Somaliland in the past or current one made a stetment regarding Somalia and they are willing to sit down and talk as long as they stop fighting each other and make peace. Somaliland and Somalia can live together in peace since we share culture ,and religion just like Arab countires do.

        1. Apart from the Isaaqs, i believe the all other clans of northern Somalia [Dhulbahante,Warsangeli and Gadabursi] don’t want the break up of Somalia. Most want a federal system with regional parliaments.

          1. Did you ask the opinion of each and every person in Somaliland or you are assuming, no one is interested in you assumptions.

          2. The people of Buuhoodle have spoken loud and clear only to be shelled for three days from 25 miles with multiple rocket launchers.

  664. I am Somali Born in Hargaisa Somalia not SNM’s Somali-land of today. I am not fully behind this conference for a lot of reasons, and iam not happy to see it happen, but it’s good thing to hear and to know what the #1 enemy of all Somalis have to say.
    Here is why i oppose! the root cause of all Somali’s problem created by British, “that is the fact” Northeastern, and Juba-land to Kenya, Ogaden to Ethiopia, and now whatever SNM’s ill advising is humble, and keen to do so, that is why i completely oppose whatever UK’s government brings to the table. This conference is stink, and shall not been attended; the good Somalis vigilante should not attend, but completely rebuke, oppose this conference, and the war after…
    Another reason why i oppose, and not to trust English people is the history of their background, they fund only and only distractions of Somali people. But they don’t know the world is changing fast that is why UK is yesterdays history not today’s modern history. look if they are or wants to be the friends of of all Somali people they should came with the friends of all Somali people with United States of America, Canada, Italy, France, Australia, and Belgium came in 1991 in the operation restore HOPE! when the civil war started in Somalia that is the fact that is why Uk are not trusted today, but i look forward to hear what all Somalis #1has to say.
    The matter they named are not trust worthy “Piracy is threat for UK’s interest” but didn’t look under the resilience of Somali people for more than 20 yrs without a functioning government, the drought, and tribalism no country on earth have stomach to see a Somali child dying starvation, and disease in southern Somalia while supporting ill advising divisions in Muslim world particularly in Somalia. please stay away Somalia you created piracy the world knows, but not young Somal’s who were stunned by the Chinese- Taiwanese, and as well European trawlers-steeling, and sometimes coming ashore ” that is the fact” from Rass ‘assayer to Rass-ganboni.

  665. I am sorry to say this but this conference once again it will fail just like others conferenes failed in the past and the reason is very simple. Somali problem can only be sloved by Somali people sitting under Somali tree inside Somalia. The outsiders who their interest is not the well being of Somalis but for the their own political interest can not slave Somali issue. The UK main purpose for this conference is defeating piracy and Alshabab and not to solve Somali issue . Only Somalis can slove their problem. Good example is Somaliland.

  666. To late

    Nothing will solve this conference, but it is only another foreign interference to somalia. ex, Kenya, Ethiopia. and UN. Somali only needs to solve their problem it self.

    Thank u

  667. To Toby. Stop lobbying succession if your honest go and support Northern Irerland and Scotlands mission to seek indpenedence. People from North Somalia will always be part of Somalia. Prof Ahmed Ismail
    samatar and other northern academics believe that.

  668. Dear Matt,

    In Somalia, there are many different regions; each region has its own problems. As your mention on your blog, indeed Somaliland and Puntland needs more economic support instead of peace building projects. Please do not waste your time and money from the British people spending on international NGOs who are highly mismanagement and not accountable to the British people. I believe when UK government provides direct financial support to these regions. The money will be used effectively by these regions for example to build the infrastructure, hospitals and education. In return for financial support should British government demand of these regions better governance, democracy and fight against corruption and piracy. The upcoming conference in London is good opportunity to take a different decision than that decision has been taking over the last twenty years.

    1)UK- should have a Somali Oversees Office Representative in Garowe and Hargaisa.
    2)Start bilateral relationship with Somaliland and Puntland
    3)Direct economic and financial support to these regions.

  669. To Tobby. Who told you we voted for separation how dare you said that?? I am from Boorame AMA we never voted for seperation so do people
    from Sool Sanaag Awadel state. Please Toby do not fabricate stories and don’t fool the British people and it’s government.

    1. Hold on a second. May I ask why cant we get an ideal solution for the problem then? or may be u need to go back to prof. ahmed ismail and ask him “Prof, Do we have a plan B coz Plan A does not seem to be working very good?. and FYI, there is no secession between Somaliland and Somalia, coz the so-called failed principle of unity was never existed and will never ever happen. How many times do u guys need to be told that, the people of Somaliland are now fully become state and you should concentrate solving your problems rather than running after Somaliland. They have made their own choice, they are demanding to be left alone to decide their own destiny. And by the way, do u mind asking one more question to your prof. ahmed ismail when you meet him, tell him that the people of Somaliland are wiling to join a unity of Somalia only after you successfully unite the other four somali ethnics (Djibouti, East Ethiopia, NFD and somali-italian). So, it seems like you and your prof. have alot of things to do kkkkkkkkkkk and good lucky with that dear.

    2. I do believe that Somaliland is not concerned for this Somali conference that will be held in London for the next month. Somaliland has reached the right way of getting recognition, its not a time to negotiate for the other rest of Somalila, after 22 years of struggle to build its institutions of peace, governance and a peaceful nation. its the time the international community take a lawful steps to recognize Somaliland.

      My point of view is, if UK government is working the stability of Somalia, why it does recognise Somaliland..because Somaliland has done all required efforts to reach a succesfull nation. You can see there, that there is a special interests the world community is interfering the Somali interests, UK is number one.
      viva Somaliland….Somaliland…Somaliland..for ever…for ever

    3. I do say, If the British Government is seeking peace and stability among the inhabitants of this hostile region of Horn of Africa, with no hesitation it should recognize this nation of Somaliland as it did in 1960. Then Somaliland will be the key to unlock all the non functioning powers in the area. Frankly speaking i dont know why British Government is comparing between the selfish, clanistic and racist so-called states that are appearing nowadays with the long lasted country of somaliland.
      Lastly, I would like to inform for the inhuman and anti-social elements those are denying the true and nature stability in somaliland not to forget that the British Government was the one whom recognized Somaliland in 26 June 1960, and again it is my sincere hope that it will be the one whom will take the lead of recognition of somaliland before the rest of the International community announce its recognition.

  670. i am from afgooye in somalia i support to recognize somaliland as a goverment.
    all the world they know somaliland is not somalia.
    somaliland it is make united to somalia in 1960/7/.
    somaliland it was a british protectorate so why british goverment until now do not recognize somaliland a goverment?
    my opinion for solution to get somali goverment it must to recognize somaliland then we can find somali goverment but if we do not recognize somaliland we can not find somali goverment.
    all in all i am telling you true if the british goverment want to get a solution of somalia please give recognize somaliland.
    thanks all

  671. The independent judge on the referendum in 1961 stated that Somaliland should be free to separate from Mogadisahu at once But that was illegally prevented by Mogadishu

  672. I am lecturer at Qatar University, I am sure Uk government must avoid the old politics whichs dividing Somalis North and South. I have met many Somalis Northerns and Southerns each one of them told me a different story, but they all agree united Somalia is the only way to find peace in Somalia.

    1. Hold on a second. May I ask why cant we get an ideal solution for the problem then? or may be u need to go back to prof. ahmed ismail and ask him “Prof, Do we have a plan B coz Plan A does not seem to be working very good?. and FYI, there is no secession between Somaliland and Somalia, coz the so-called failed principle of unity was never existed and will never ever happen. How many times do u guys need to be told that, the people of Somaliland are now fully become state and you should concentrate solving your problems rather than running after Somaliland. They have made their own choice, they are demanding to be left alone to decide their own destiny. And by the way, do u mind asking one more question to your prof. ahmed ismail when you meet him, tell that the people of Somaliland are wiling to join a unity of Somalia only after you successfully unite the other four somali ethnics (Djibouti, East Ethiopia, NFD and somali-italian). So, it seems like you are your prof. have alot of things to do kkkkkkkkkkk and good lucky with that dear.

      1. I am from Awdal region of somalia. I live in Borama city and completely aware of the situation in somaliland. Peace was made by the people not what you call somaliland. 95% of the population are supporting the unity of somalia and are against the secessionist idea. This idea is only held by the Isaaqs who believe to own somaliland as they always say, I drunk my pee for it
        (Kaadidaydaan u soo cabay). Those who say like this are those who killed thousands of people in Borama including my mom and my younger brother. How could some think Awdal cannot seccede from Somaliland when somaliland itself claims to have secceded from Somalia. Let me reiterate, Awdal region is part of somalia and will not accept what ever you call somaliland. Twenty years have elapsed and you still keep dreaming deeply. Whey would you wake up and feel the reality? Another 20 years?. We will not accept that and hope the unity of somalia to come soon. Our regional state (Awdal state) is committed to bring somali unity back. long live somalia.

        1. ahahahaha 95% of the people support Somalia. No, you are wrong, 100% of the people support Somalia, they are our brother, they are suffering, they should get help not only support, how come then you said only 95% and you should have included yourself. However, to support our brother from the neighbor doesnt mean to go against Somaliland. I, myself support my brothers in Somaliland coz they need and deserve more that just a support. Meanwhile, I respect, protect and support the independence of Somaliland that’s in fact a constitutional right. We’ve said many times that the people and government of Somaliland have no problem to go conference for our desperate brothers in Somalia, dont u see we’r trying our best to find a solution for the 20+ yrs of difficulties but you should very clearly understand one thing; Zero tolerance towards the independence issue of Somaliland. God bless Somalia and God bless Somaliland.

        2. Mohamed Ase…

          Bless your heart my dear for stating the facts… it was great to see last week in the Somali media ( the president elected by the Awdal State of Somalia in Mogadishu having meetings with Dr Abdiweli the Prime Minister of Somalia and other Somali Parliament members… I support peace, unity and love all regions of Somalia.

          Being a Northerner to see any good progress in North Somalia brings great smile to my face… I hope the unity and peace sought by all regions of Northern Somalia (Awdal State, Somaliland, Khaatumo State and Puntland) continues to flourish and all peace loving Somalis support the upcoming conference offered by the British Government.

          Unity is the coolest word… and Peace is the way forward … lets keep them close to our chest.


    2. how can a united somalia help peace and un-united is causing unpeace, my dear lecturer i feel pity for you student. peacefulness is created by the people concerned, in somalia, it is the people down their have acquired a hobby of blood letting which has turn somalia into a slaughterhouse

  673. The Somalilanders in Somaliland voted on 26 June 2010 for separation from Mogadishu TFG the failed state …… That is the democratic overwhelming choice today ………. All the bloggers who favour Sovereignty for Somaliland know that progress for Somaliland is reduced until the Re-recognition of 26 June 1960 happens ; on that day The Colonial Secretary of UK , Rt Hon Ian MacLeod , handed authority to the President of The Republic of Somaliland . FIVE DAYS LATER on 1 July 1960 the temporary trial union started called The Somali Republic which was tested at the Referendum in 1961 . The vote for the ending of the trial union was the clear choice of Somalilanders BUT Somalians in the Somali Republic capital in Mogadishu reneged on the agreement ( which was made at the start in 1960 ) by wrongly claiming that as the greater population of the former Italian colony ( Somalia in Italian language ) was numerically larger so the wish of Somalilanders was illegally ignored .

  674. Somalia at Crossroads: Foreign Intervention, Humanitarian Crisis and Aspirations for Statehood.

    January 27-28, 2012, 9:00AM-5:00PM

    The Ohio State University- Columbus, Ohio
    Hagerty Hall, 1775 College Rd

    This two-day conference will bring together some of the brightest minds in Somali affairs with the aim of deepening public discourse and understanding of the complex situation in Somalia and developing strong, pragmatic, and principled policy recommendations for, post-transition political development in Somalia. Issues discussed include the national roadmap, piracy, humanitarian crisis, frontline state military interventions, Diaspora remittance challenges and community development issues. Key presentations include:

    * Foreign Intervention, Humanitarian Crisis and the Quest for Political Stability in Somalia
    * U.S. Engagement in Somalia: Dual Track Policy Aims and Implications
    * Debunking the Roadmap: A Tool for Statehood or Death-knell for Disintegration?
    * Natural vs. Man-made: The Politics of Famine in the Horn
    * Post TFG Somalia: Political Parties and National Grassroots Movements as Clan Alternatives: Planting the Seeds for Sustainable Social and Political Institutions, and more.

    For additional details, contact: Mr. Jibril Mohamed (614)439-3034 or, Mr. Abukar Osman- Baalle (614) 769-8810 or Ms. Laura Joseph at OSU 614-292-8169.

  675. Thanks you Ambassador Matt Baugh and the UK mission to Somalia.
    When I read most of these comments on this blogg it shows me that most of the Somali Diaspora is supporting peace, solution and unity of Somalia.
    It makes me happy when I see that all the Diaspora are involved in the somali issue, but it makes me sad at the same time when I see that diaspora is also disinvolved in the issue of peace building of Somalia.

    If one tries to put hats on the heads of 90 000 people in a stadium it might take one person to do that at least 6 months, but if each and one put the hat in his head it takes just 6 seconds.

    It is very good that we are all involved in the Somalia peace building conference or discussion, but let us do that together so that it takes less energy and becomes more effectives.

    If this to happen perhabs we will see a safe Somalia the first half of this year 2012.

    At last I hope that the UK mission will continue to carry on the wonderful job and give a chance to peace and democratic nation building of the Somali people.

    But my advise to the UK mission is please do not involve the peace building efforts anyone who want to support their personal and individualitic interest, put instead those who want to give up every thing for the sake of the nation and the people that country.

    Free, democratic and peaceful Somalia will give the world back a reward in a form of co operation and trouble free Seas and the region of east Africa.

  676. To Toby. Your dividing my people so please stay away we don’t want your succession and leave us alone I am from North Somalia and I am happy to be Somali so do not destroy our hope.

    1. Young lady, what did u just said “Hope”, “Awdal state” and “Secession”. You need to grow up, there is no hope for a unity of Somalis, bcoz it never existed and will never happen, that was just part of a long failed dream and regarding the so-called awdal-state, the loud, deep and heavy voices of the people say ” you are a bunch of diaspora who never knew the fact on the ground”. Blv me, you dont even knw what oppression looks like and u never experienced one. And if u, as a Mariam, r willing to join our brothers in Somalia plz feel free to do so and in case if u r somewhere in Somaliland. I, for one, will make sure you reach Mogadisho save and sound. But you seriously need to understand one thing, Zero tolerance for any violence against our peace, stability and security even if it takes every single life.

      1. Elabe,

        If Mariam is in Awdal State she is in Somalia and will not have to go to Mogadishu but you on the other if you have happy with the Somaliland that is part of Federal Somalia will have to go Hargeisa and I will pay for the ticket.


        1. Ahahahahaha Abdillahi you made my day walaahi. Awdal is not Somaliland and will never be and I bet u r dreaming. I agree with you you can come Somaliland but not as a federal territory but rather as an Independent state and hence you are required to posses some sort of visa otherwise blv me behind the bars will be your ultimate home. And when it comes to the issue of Federalism, I dont know walaahi coz we never involved one and we are not willing if you may in case think so kkkkkkk. However, the people of Somaliland are enjoying with peace, security, stability and prosperity and unlike Somalia, the people rule not the government thats why if you visit for instance borama or buhodle you will be told to take a deep breathe and f*** urself kkk. Boy, the people decide, the people chose, the people the people the peole Maansha Allah kkkkkk. You need to focus your problems and stop running after Somaliland, 20+ yrs is enough I guess.

        2. Bashir Elabe says:
          January 19, 2012 at 3:13 pm
          Ahahahahaha Abdillahi you made my day walaahi. Awdal is not part of the so-called Somali-italian and will never be and I bet u r dreaming. I agree with you you can come Somaliland but not as a federal territory but rather as an Independent state and hence you are required to posses some sort of visa otherwise blv me behind the bars will be your ultimate home. And when it comes to the issue of Federalism, I dont know walaahi coz we never involved one and we are not willing if you may in case think so kkkkkkk. However, the people of Somaliland are enjoying with peace, security, stability and prosperity and unlike Somalia, the people rule not the government thats why if you visit for instance borama or buhodle you will be told to take a deep breathe and f*** urself kkk. Boy, the people decide, the people chose, the people the people the peole Maansha Allah kkkkkk. You need to focus your problems and stop running after Somaliland, 20+ yrs is enough I guess.

          1. Awdal is a province in Somalia, so is Woogoyi Galbeed, stop peddling this fictitious ‘republic of Somaliland’….i’t getting embarrassing now, the world doesn’t revolve around Hargeisa.

  677. I am from Boorama city North Somalia, my people are fully behind this conference we are part of Somalia. My people are under oppression against Somaliland regime so please free my people and support Awdal state.

    1. Mariam,
      We, the grt people of Somaliland, are also supporting the conference bcoz it suppose to bring peace and security for our brothers and we dont have aby problem with that at all. What I coudnt agree with you is, the baseless claim of “Oppression”. Awdal is the luckiest region in Somaliland as they have never experienced any sort of oppression not even from the great dictator. We’ll go the conference together, figure out what to do regarding the problem of Somalia and if possible find an ideal solution. However, zero tolerance towards the independence issue of Somaliland.

      1. Awdalites weren’t targeted directly by Siad Barre’s because they didn’t rebel from the Somali state, they did sufferer from the ill advised Ogaden war and directly from the socialist military dictatorship like every other Somali.

  678. I am from somaliland really i support somaliland government we have peace, democracy, education, health and somalia destroyed and only they know how to fight, so we don,t need to fight again we need to be two countries, when we take our freedom in british we done wrong and united other part of somalia so know we never make mistake again and never united somalia. i hope england will be the first government in the world which recognize somaliland

  679. Hi Matt Baugh, The purpose of the meeting must be cleared, first what we are looking for is solution of south Somalia or( Italian Colony) Not Somaliland or (Somaliland British Protectrate). Every one must have in mind this. The Socond British Govt must avoid to allow every so Called State/Land to particapate this meeting. Except. Puntland/Galmudug/TFG. and We are Somalilanders have an elected Govt/ Parliament/ House of Elders. so there is no way to go this meeting Matt..

  680. hi dear matt
    Somalia need to recognise the Somaliland and referendum of North Somalia or ( Somaliland British protectorate), and then solve the south problems.
    thanks.that’s wat we need we don’t need other hand i say viva somaliland 4eva i love somlailand .

  681. I believe united Somalia is the only way forward, I am from Somaliland but I don’t see any change therefore we have think positively and start reconcile our brothers in the south Somalia. Our Somaliland politics is based on clan system only Isaaq sub-clan believe Somaliland while the rest don’t inculding Gudubiirsi clan Dhulbhanante clan Warsangali Clan and Issa Clan.

  682. Dear Matt Baugh ..we met at DfID in London in 2009 when I asked you about the Re-recognition of Somaliland where I was a lecturer at the University of Hargeisa 2006-2008 …….. Dr Kim Howell made a brief visit there : his talk to news reporters included the words …. ” without sovereignty Somaliland is doomed “.or words to that sense I have the newspaper report at home.. UK aid money will be reduced when Somaliland has international trade which is impossible without Re-recognition which we were told by your predecessor at Nairobi when he visited Mansoor at Hargeisa 2008 .. Sovereignty will bring international trade. When is Sovereignty coming , please ? Please reply to my e-mail as supplied Toby

  683. I am from Boroa city near Hargeysa North Somalia, this conference will bring Somalis togather, therefore I am requesting Matt to invite my president Ahmed Siilaanyo. For the last 20yrs we have been campaigning Independence but so far we are unwanted, therefor I beleieve it’s time to unite Somalis.

  684. I am told this conference is for ever Somali, I am from Hargeysa Somaliland and I am willing to particapte in the interest of the greater Somalia. Matt thank you so much for making and facilitating this forum.

  685. I am hopeful this conference will be productive, but as far as I am concern you will invite all Somalia inculding people from North South Puntland Ssc regions.

  686. I am from North Somalia and I don’t believe Somaliand and the fast majority of North people believe that, especial people from Sool Sanaag Awdal regions. So please invite people are who believe in United Somalia. Thanks Matt

    1. Did you count people who believe or not believe about somalia? and by telling matt what will it help you? Do you thing has any capabilities to influence events in favour of what have in mind

  687. I am from Hargeysa and I believe united Somalia, therefore Uk government must unite Somalis in order to restore peace in the region. There are politicians who actually from Somaliland and believe united Somalia is the best, like former Somali foriegn ministers such us, Buubaa Ali Ahmed Jangali former Somali prime minister Dr Ali Khalif Galaydh.

  688. I am from Somaliland and I believe united Somalia is the best interst of the world, moreover we are a one nation and we have been seeking independence for the last decades nothing has changed so it’s time to reconcile and unite Somalis.

    1. Hi Hassan, why are still lying about the somaliland people position in the somali context.Somali is a alanguage but not an identity.You have to wake up.British is an british man but not english man,so somalia as USSR or Yougoslavia are dead.So please don’t post something that you ae not up to understand.Somaliland is the best place to live and to grow.The Somalia politicians are confused when it comes to the international identity or global politics.This area called Somalia is a failed state in the eyes of the International people,so you don’t have to open a dead end door.

    2. dear Hassan why aren’t you said lie, i know you you are from Garowe so be careful somaliland people will not attend this confrence untill England invited as indepedent goverment.

      Awdal, Hargeysa, Togdheer sool, Sanaag people are somalilanders

      1. Awdal, Hargeysa, Togdheer sool, Sanaag people are ‘somalilanders’ who live in Somalia, the recognized sovereign nation for all Somalis in the Horn of Africa. ‘Republic of Somaliland’ is a fictional state.

        1. which is more fictious, Somaliland which is not reconized but is peaceful, democratic and its government controls entire perimeters of its territory or the so called somalia which of it is recognised but it is only vitual state writen in paper and the fictious immagination of people like you. For haven sake, what is the point of having the so called recognition which is toothless. In reality, somalia is a colony of uganda, kenya and ethiopia, this are your overlords. My advice is start learning swahili and amhara it will help you in your future as it will make communication with your colonial masters run smoothly.

          1. Without the help of Ethiopia where would ‘Somaliland Republic’ be, don’t curse the hand that feeds you, most Somalis know where SNM originated from. Once the Somali Army is reconstituted the al-shaabab element will disappear in thin air and some of their leaders will return to Hargeisa, i believe.

  689. I am fully behind this conference, but one thing you have to remember Matt, Somalis are a clan based community so be aware of that, try to invite every region using by any means or searching community leaders like Puntland Diaspora North-Somalia Diaspora Southern Diaspora and Sool Sanaag Region diaspora. I am sure yo have enough information for this issue. You can also visit websites and inform people to participate this conference.

  690. This conference is only for Somalia People but not for Somalilanders, Somaliland is indepedent country and has there own goverment and i hope my country will not attend this conference.

  691. I am from Sool region and my people are fully behind this conference, we are part of Somalia not Somaliland therefore do not invite people who actually aren’t Sool people. Somalia should be united in the interest of the world, moreover Britain should unite Somalis, please do not divide or split Somalia.

  692. I am Somali I would like to add one useful comment, Somalis divide into clans so please be aware of that. Here in London there fast majority of organisations run by Hawiye people, yet they use the name of Somalia, therefore do not invite organisations unless you know who runs. You can hire people who knows those organisations, I am sure if you invite one clan this conference will fail and lose its aim and objectives.

  693. Salaam Matt,
    I’m Somalilander and my father was the British Royal Navy for almost 40 years. He served the whole WW2 and fought from the Pacific, Europe and North Africa…etc. We have been standing side by side with Great Britain when they needed us and we expect you the same now. Recongise our Great country –Somaliland.

    The Agenda of this conference must be only for South Somalia. It’s impossible to talk about a peaceful democratic country like Somaliland in any form or shape in this conference. When they become a normal people who can stand on their feet, govern their own country with no foreign support (they can’t even govern Mogadishu and they want to talk about Somaliland – Shame on You!), then we can talk to them about how we can work together in trades/business or other related matters, BUT not politics at all. Somaliland is gone for ever and we will NEVER be part of the MAFIA REPUBLIC(S Somalia)

    There are some political warlords and extremist/ opportunist, who writing here some comments claiming they are Somalilanders and they want to be part of Somalia but we want to say Somaliland is very democratic country and 99% voted for its Independence (Somaliland referendum) that’s a history, if 1% or less are hanging around the town halls meetings and conferences with their lies- KHAA’IN STATE OF SOMALIA, AWDAL WAREEGTO STATE, and many non-existent so called states (they are all liars), Don’t listen to them please. It’s just waste of time.

    UK and many Europe are struggling financially and tax payer’s money doesn’t deserve to waste a group of political and academia warlords who 99% lives Diaspora like UK. Many of them are part of organized criminal groups like so called SSC. They are killing their own people and 90% the money they buy their weapons comes from UK and they are well related with Al-shabaab and other terrorist groups. The UK government must bring into the British justice those criminals and stop them sending money to buy weapons and kill an innocent people. Any one who is part of criminal an organized criminal groups or actively participating crimes against humanity or its own people must be stop them and please don’t allow them to come anywhere close to the conference because no matter how you justify or entertain them if you allow them to come this conference then 100% millions of Somalis will never trust British government involvement of South Somalia politics.

    I believe is a waste of money and time this conference if you want to talk about South Somalia politics, Please focus on one Item on your Agenda, something like Piracy and extremism because you can’t solve the southern Somali problem when those coming such a meeting doesn’t actually represent anyone but they make a lot of noises here and there.

    God Bless Somaliland and we wish you the best for this S Somali conference

  694. Somaliland’s Case Deserves to be heard by British.

    Matt Baugh
    since London Conference on Somalia would become the solution of the long chaos in Somalia since last 20yrs, we somaliland see important step to finding a sustainable peace in the Somalia problem.
    As Somalia disintegrated into the current crisis weather it famine, or displaced people. so in order to find final and lasting solution.
    But we somaliland believe any agenda regarding Somali Recociliation Conference Without priortising, first the issue between Somalia vs Somaliland will not result lasting peace in this region of Horn of Africa. and British must understand before any thing else that somaliland is not part of somalia, so any conference on somalia issue somaliland will not be a part.
    The state of Somaliland was a British Protectorate under the British rule from 1884 until 26th June 1960 and as a result got its independence on 26th June 1960 from the United Kingdom of Britain and the Republic of Ireland. After gaining independence immediately 35 countries recognised Somaliland including Egypt.
    The bonds of this union had been shattered by the dictator Siyad Barre who had unleashed a campaign of violence bordering on genocide against somaliland civilians,
    At the time of its reestablishment, Somaliland’s towns were destroyed; its infrastructure lay in tatters and much of population were living in refugee camps. Despite the devastation suffered,
    After The state of Somalia has collapsed since 1991 with no central government. The Republic of Somaliland have reclaimed their sovereignty on 18 May 1991. The so called unlawful and political union between the independent Republic of Somaliland and Somalia ( Italy Somalia) in 1960 to form The Somali State was nullified.
    As a result Somaliland reclaimed her sovereignty rights, its territorial integrity and its separate national identity with its original International defined borders inherited from the United Kingdom of Britain and the Republic of Ireland.
    The rebirth of the Sate of Somaliland confirms with the AU charter since Somaliland has reclaimed her independence within the boundaries inherited from the colonial borders of the Ex-British Somaliland. The OAU in its resolution -AHG/REG. 161, provided for a pledge by all member states to respect the boundaries existing on their achievement of national independence. In reality Somaliland was a state within a state.
    Somaliland has fulfilled all the legal and political requirements of statehood. According to article 2 of the U.N. charter, Somaliland has fulfilled the legal requirements of statehood. In addition, Somaliland has a constitution, currency, flag,passport, national anthem, a legislative body, functioning judiciary, military army and a democratic elected government.
    Somaliland has fulfilled all the legal and political requirements of statehood. According to article 2 of the U.N. charter, Somaliland has fulfilled the legal requirements of statehood. In addition, Somaliland has a constitution, currency, flag, national anthem, a legislative body, functioning judiciary, military army and a democratic elected government.
    Somaliland has fulfilled all the legal and political requirements of statehood. According to article 2 of the U.N. charter, Somaliland has fulfilled the legal requirements of statehood. In addition, Somaliland has a constitution, currency, flag, national anthem, a legislative body, functioning judiciary, military army and a democratic elected government
    Somaliland has fulfilled all the legal and political requirements of statehood. According to article 2 of the U.N. charter, Somaliland has fulfilled the legal requirements of statehood. In addition, Somaliland has a constitution, currency, flag, national anthem, a legislative body, functioning judiciary, military army and a democratic elected government.
    Since 1991 the Republic of somaliland have successfully managed to rebuild their nation from next to nothing with minimum assistance from the international community, they have established peace, and the rule of low.
    In May 2001 97% of Somaliland voters approved a new constitution, voting for independence and laying the basis for a multiparty system.
    somalilnd send eyes and hears of the world for that vote, and somaliland gained its Independence with the willing of the people of somaliland,
    so somaliland will not be part of that conformance British must understand that point in Oder to find lasting solution to somalia.
    if they ignore that their will be consequence,
    Finally, we have witnessed the separation between East Timor and Indonesia, Eritrea and Ethiopia, Kosovo and Serbia and most recently Sudan and South Sudan. Whatever the decision taken by the international community regarding about the future of Somaliland republic, whether as an independent country or not, must also seriously take into consideration their total determination for reaching and achieving their ultimate desire. Therefore the will and the proportion of its 3.5 million citizens who despite of 20 years of peace and progress, have thus far been denied the full economic benefits that a full recognition as statehood of their own country would bring.”

  695. Dahir Alasow, A senior Radio and TV journalist, a leader of a press watchdog ASOJ, the editor of,member of European Journalists and outstanding commentator with fearless check on actions of the political groups and others players through investigative journalism, plus defender of the public interest and voice to the voiceless through “the truthful tip of his truth pen”
    Mr Dahir Abdulle Alasow

    1. are lacking some grey matter in you skull here is a forum to comment about meeting for somalia and you come here to brag about you so called fake and not acquired credential, nin is faanshey waa rii isnuugtey.

      1. I’m glad you accept the forum is about Somali, in which ‘Somaliland’ is part it.

  696. Dear Matt
    It is good opportunity to see the Britain after nearly 21 years absence from the Somali conflict, even thought it done some humanitarian, but worse in collaborating with US and Ethiopia against Islamic Courts movements. The colonial history is another set which is part of today Somalia’s conflict, whether is the issue of Ogadenia or NFD, this resulted incompleteness of Somali constitution, because previous regime recognized the Somalia borders as precolonial borders, while current one is micro-managed by IGAD fear such inclusion in the transitional charter or future permanent constitution. That is one thing, which is the legacy of colonization.

    From above threads there is a missing voice, the VOICE of SILENT SUFFERERS. You will discover more on this if you can visit the IDP camps in Bossaso, Hargeisa and Mogadisho and elsewhere.

    The people of Maay speaking communities, Banadiris, Bravanis, Bantu, voices are missing, they are the victims of 20 year long conflict.

    The conference should make a strong point the need for establishing a tribunal that investigates the genocides that occurred in the past 20 years. Not necessary mean referral to ICC but any Somali government should set-up a tribunal that is assisted by international experts on this matter as happened in Rwanda, Sierra Leone and elsewhere.


  697. Dear Mr Matt

    Iam very glad that you “Matt” sharing with us this information, very quickly let me put forward couple of points:
    1) I have never been a citizen for a country call SOMALIA and certainly never will but I was a citizen for a country use to call SOMALI REPUBLIC which died over 30 years ago when the people of French SOMALILAND chose to be a sovereign country better known now as DJIBOUTI.
    Supposed SOMALI REPUBLIC = SOMALILAND + DJIBOUTI + SOMALI-ETHIOPIAN REGION + SOMALIA + SOMALI KENYAN REGION(NFD). The result = FAILED, that is why SOMALILAND + SOMALIA did not and will not work, they(Somalia)tried very hard to hold against the will of the people using every available method like economic sanctions, putting behind the bars and lastly military muscles.
    2) whichever way you”Matt/Britain Gov.” choose I am very glad that you have enough evidence to convince you the truth from the comments above when it comes SOMALILAND case, put on the shelf those are fore SOMALILAND and take those against it to examine their key points vs documented Facts, legal point of views and historical proof etc.

    Now the Somali people who are against the facts and historical documented proof
    1) You are desperately showing that you fed up the destructions, killings and Lawlessness going on your back home for 20 yrs and once again you happy to see a light of hope that at last Great Britain will succeed once for all and find out a way forward yet again and again ignorantly/arrogantly denying 100% well documented FACTS simply because you hated/not your favour, how on earth you want to solve your problems using this kind of formula?
    2) amazingly you telling the world the borders between Somalis in KENYA and Somalis in SOMALIA is RIGHT and same as the one between Somalis in ETHOPIA and Somalis in SOMALIA but when it comes the border between Somalis in SOMALILAND and Somalis in SOMALIA you are claiming it is IRRELEVANT,ILLEGAL and AN ACCEPTABLE and your foolish justification is, it was inherited from British empire and since they were colonial power/enemy to the Somalis and we were fiercely fight with the British for long 20 yrs therefore it is null and void.
    Now let me ask you(a sick Somali Men) question? who were the ITALIANS,FRENCH,ETHIOPIAN EMPIRE and KENYANS? your uncles or your step dads, good GOD be realistic guys before claiming you want a peace,reconciliation and lasting solution, you must and must ready to hear the truth/fact though you hated most and that will be when you ever close to the Goal.

    Good Luck and wonder how many more years to go?
    Ismail Gadiid London

  698. Thanks for the update about the conference on somalia. Somali people are great-full with any sort of method or efforts that can restore their statehood. But I believe the best method of rebuilding is the Turkish model which only focuses humanitarian and redevelopment of infrastructure.


  699. Dear Matt

    I am welcoming the idea to review the actual situation in Somalia

    The main essence of UK conference in my opinion is to know more information about Somalia’s political structure, by consulting those who are already on the political arena. Meanwhile since the announcement of this conference we have seen on going attempts to establish a number of self autonomous mini states, you name it. That is the mentality which has been flourishing for the last twenty years.
    With the exception of the newly created technocrat, the Somali politics is leaded by unqualified personnel whom have a mere idea about the new world order, or doesn’t understand how to cement a good international relation to the rest of world
    On the other hand when something happens against the existence of your people such as repeated droughts, floods, polluted air quality, the great politicians make unscheduled meeting to tackle the threatening situation. That didn’t happen in Somalia, the parliament never made a session to talk about the drought, this is an index that can show you their poor quality. In fact Somalia has human resources that can cover its urgent needs, if they get the chance to be heard, but their presence inside the country will be the key factor and more influential, rather than debating on TV.s to solve their differences

  700. Dear Matt Baught
    I am welcoming the idea to review the actual situation in Somalia.
    The main essence of UK conference in my opinion is to know more information about Somalia’s political structure, by consulting those who are already on the political arena. Meanwhile since the announcement of this conference we have seen on going attempts to establish a number of self autonomous mini states, you name it. That is the mentality which has been flourishing for the last twenty years.
    With the exception of the newly created technocrat, the Somali politics is leaded by unqualified personnel whom have a mere idea about the new world order, or doesn’t understand how to cement a good international relation to the rest of world
    On the other hand when something happens against the existence of your people such as repeated droughts, floods, polluted air quality, the great politicians make unscheduled meeting to tackle the threatening situation. That didn’t happen in Somalia, the parliament never made a session to talk about the drought, this is an index that can show you their poor quality. In fact Somalia has human resources that can cover its urgent needs, if they get the chance to be heard, but their presence inside the country will be the key factor and more influential, rather than debating on TV.s to solve their differences.

  701. Dear United Kingdom people and government…

    its very important to deeply understand that best solution of somalia is recognition of somaliland.

    somaliland is peacefull since 1991 and they can play an important role is peace process of somalia.


  702. Twenty long years have elapsed since the one-clan secessionist state called “Somaliland” was declared unilaterally in Burao in 1991 under the blazing guns of the then victorious SNM fighters, following the collapse of the Somali state led by the late Mohamed Siyad Barre. The real objective behind the creation of this phantom state that would never see light of day was to establish primarily a country dominated politically, economically and socially by one clan, the clan that supported SNM through thick and thin.

    The proponents of this mirage state have never anticipated the consequences of their rather unfortunate decision as they never gave a proper thought to the reactions of unionist clans in the region, or the consequences such a decision may have on the rest of Somalis. Northern Somalia is home to Warsengeli and Dhulbahante in the east, Isaq the SNM Clan in the Centre, Gadaboursi and Issa in the West and several other numerically smaller clans scattered all over the region. Irrespective of the reactions of regional and international communities, it was always going to be difficult for the SNM clan to install their own fiefdom in the midst of formidable strong unionist clans who always banked on the support of other Somali clans in central and southern Somalia to counter such a state.

    Dr. Mohamed Abdillahi Omar, the foreign
    minister of Somaliland
    International recognition hit dead-end

    In a recent interview with, Dr. Mohamed Abdillahi Omar, the foreign minister and the former lecturer of Brunel University in London, admitted rather diplomatically that the secessionist’s endeavor to gain the much-sought after international recognition had hit difficulties. In other words, it is dead in the water. Without exactly saying the word dead, he mentioned his initially hyped trip to China alongside with Ahmed Silanyo in which tripartite trade deals between China, Ethiopia and “Somaliland” were supposed to be signed had ended in failure for reasons Dr. Omar deliberately avoided to explain but believed to be related to the enclave’s status in the international community. The painful fact is that “Somaliland” cannot enter deals with the outside world because, as far as international community is concerned, they don’t exist. The international community, including regional bodies such as IGAD and Arab league, doesn’t recognize “Somaliland” as a legitimate state. They recognize the TFG of Sheikh Sharif Ahmed as the sole and legitimate government of Somalia.

    In addition to Dr. Omar’s candid admission, anyone who observed Ahmed Silanyo’s statements during his recent trip to London, Addis Ababa and Djibouti, together with his body language will tell that the most veteran politician in the enclave, who had seen better days in Somalia during a spell of eight years as being a prominent economics minister, may finally be giving up this unattainable dream that exhausted the enclave’s meager resources. Unlike Riyaale, who used to promise the earth as far as international recognition is concerned every time he returned home from personal trips to abroad, often hyped as official trips by “Somaliland” officials, the incumbent Ahmed Silanyo is at least honest enough to show his frustration and share his lack of progress with the public in the attainment of international recognition.

    His recent after-midnight interview with the “Somaliland” press in which he talked, among other things, the lack of progress in the hunt of international acceptance is another indication that things are not getting better for the secessionists. In fact, things are getting from bad to worse. Despite privately endorsing “Somaliland”, it is an open secret that Ethiopia had never wanted to see another Somali state, albeit “Somaliland”, breathing on its neck, although politicians in Addis are happy to see the continuation of the status quo in the Somali peninsula as it suits them pretty well. Worst of all, Ethiopia has smelled a rat in Ahmed Silanyo’s cabinet and this made things even more complicated than they were under Rayaale’s regime. Zenawi, who was in good terms with Rayaale’s government, sees certain prominent ministers of Ahmed Silanyo’s government, among them Mohamed Hashi Elmi and the the now departed Dr. Gaboose, as staunch supporters of Somaliweyn (greater Somalia), hence a threat to the Ethiopian sovereignty. Ethiopia, believed to be an honest friend of “Somaliland” rather mistakenly, may have finally pulled the brakes on the secessionist’s runaway train.

    SSC and Awdalstate factor

    Baroness Lynda Chalker
    The communities of Sool, Sanaag and Cayn as well as Makhir have always detested the idea of one-clan state being erected in their backyard and declared their intention from the get go that they would not entertain such a notion. But the secessionists, having amassed weapons and believed that nobody can withstand with their might, had gone alone with it anyway and formed an administration called “Somaliland” in the former British Somali Protectorate in Northern Somalia.

    At the height of secession in the early nineties, “Somaliland” supporters in the Diaspora community in the UK were reportedly told by the former British Secretary of State for Overseas Development, Lynda Chalker (now Baroness chalker of Wallassy), that for “Somaliland” project to stand any chance of succeeding, they [secessionists] should bring other northern clans onboard the secession bandwagon, a mammoth task that was always going to be difficult to undertake. Believing that everyone was on their side, the secessionist flatly rejected such a suggestion. So long as SNM had the upper hand militarily, they couldn’t care the feelings of unionist clans. This had created resentment among unionist communities in SSC, Makhir and Awdal.

    Then as expected came Awdal State in March 2011, a Diaspora-inspired regional administration that threw the gauntlet to Hargeisa-based authority. Although secessionists have taken Awdalities for granted for reasons only known to them unlike SSC, a simmering resentment was always brewing in the residents of these two regions, particularly among the Diaspora community toward the secession. Awdal and Salel regions are now buzzing with the news that, at long last, an administration of their own had finally arrived, even though still at its infancy. With both SSC and Awdal State, not to mention Makhir State, challenging the SNM hegemony on former British Somaliland territories, the secession movement that could not manage a single support from the international community in their favor over a period of twenty years is coming to a grinding halt. All diplomatic doors are slammed on their face as far as international recognition is concerned.

    TFG and Mogadishu factor

    After a long and bloody civil war that has decimated more than half of its population, Mogadishu, the war-ravaged capital of Somalia, is finally emerging from its miserable past. A normal semblance of life is springing up everywhere in the city, not to mention people going out and doing their day-to-day normal chores without looking over their shoulders. Even a Turkish man (BBC report) was spotted cycling in one of the Mogadishu streets as recently as this week, a thing that was unthinkable only a few months ago. Foreign countries are re-opening their missions. The Al-Shabaab terrorist group, which brought death and destruction to the residents of Mogadishu, is on the wane although they can still pose a threat to certain areas of the city and its environs. For a large number of northern Somalia population, this is the news they longed for many years. Should peace continue to prevail in Mogadishu (and it is most likely this time round), there is no reason why many northerners would not contemplate going back to their properties in Mogadishu aka Xamar and re-start a new life. A similar situation occurred during the short spell the Islamic Courts Union (ICU) restored law and order in Mogadishu where almost half of Burao’s residents were believed to be on their toes.

    The current situation in Mogadishu will encourage business communities in Hargeisa, Burao, Las Anod, Borama, Erigavo and others major cities and towns in the northern Somalia to relocate their business, or at least partially, to Mogadishu, largely due its higher population together with the fact that Mogadishu is the capital of internationally-recognized Somalia. Consequently, it will have a knockdown effect on the population of Hargiesa, the current capital of the secessionists. The secessionist may think this a fantasy, but believe me you things are turning good for Somalia in general and Mogadishu in particular, and every secessionist doubting this fact is living a cloud in cuckoo land.

    In conclusion, if the recent events taking place in “Somaliland” are to be considered very carefully, the wheels are certainly coming off the secessionist campaign. Nothing is going in their way despite using all sorts of tactics, including hiring foreign mercenaries. Exhaustion and fatigue is showing on the faces of all the major shakers and movers of “Somaliland” project, including the top two – Ahmed Silanyo and Dr. Omar. If tenacity and hard work alone can bring international recognition, which was abundant in the secessionist camp, the one-clan state of “Somaliland” would have been celebrated in Hargeisa and Burao many years ago.

    “Somaliland” politicians had left no stone unturned as far as international recognition is concerned, but what they forgot to understand is the fact that the issue of secession is simply untenable. Nobody is going to buy it, especially when there is no concrete reason for secession is evident. Colonel Ojukwu, who just passed away this week in London after a long illness, tried it before and failed when he had declared a secessionist state called Biafra in Nigeria in 1967. This claimed the lives of more than one million people and ended in failure. After more than decades in the wilderness, colonel Ojukwu redeemed himself and ran for the office of presidency of Nigeria in the 2000s. I hope the current politicians of “Somaliland” will redeem themselves and initiate a constructive dialogue with their counterparts in Mogadishu for the sake of their people as well as for the good of Somali nation as a whole.

    1. what the international community need to see is
      people of somaliland have ther destiny on ther hands and no one can take that away from us we now the hate people in somlia have for us but we are ready to defend this young nation god bess somaliland amiin

  703. Hi Matt,
    It has been twenty years since the Somaliland Government Institutions and Political Parties were put in place. Most of the Somalilanders are ignorant about the facts behind the curtain. Somalilanders are not aware of how the domination prevailing in Somaliland came into being. Some of us who knew the danger of dividing power by the number of regions and not by population but chosen peace over argument and war are not now surprised the complete domination. We knew this has been forthcoming.

    Excuse me if I repeat certain facts over and over again because people have to understand the reason why justice and personal and tribal rights are not respected in Somaliland. Showing the world that you created a nation where democracy, peace, justice, and human rights are assured and at same time behaving a superpower in your country and shutting your eyes, ears, and mind from the once-in-a while brutal murders and injustices taking place in the country and not serving justice enshrined in the so-called constitution is just showing your people that you are the dominant clan who fought for the their freedom. When all Political Parties are emanating from your clan and the others are just followers and at same time have the control over all government institutions that means you have consolidated Isaaq domination over Somaliland.

    The political season has started in Somaliland. In addition to the previous dominant parties, several others are formed. The new parties are also from the same tribe and no other clan in Somaliland has announced their own parties. This is a trap and a death penalty for the rest of the country. This means that certain regions are shunted aside in the power-sharing and becoming underdogs. The leaders of all political parties whether they are new or old are competing in Awdal/Salal regions. The followers are flocking to their sides and even fighting for a place holder in those parties.

    The events happening in Awdal is the result of a campaign imposed on them. Awdal people are fighting over Sultans and Ugaas. The talk in Borama is mainly a tit-for-tat on unreasonable argument based on this clan or that clan, however, people have not realized this fight is not coming from within but imported from Hargeisa and further. The special interest groups among us are aligning themselves into the ranks of imported political parties and giving more strength and teeth to the domination.
    There is no what is so called Somaliland. It is trying to seccede from somalia with no reason. There are many tribes in somaliland but all but Isaaq, don’t want this seccesionist idea. It is incredible for a community with the same religion, the same culture and same language be divided into different parts. They have been in this deep dream for twenty years and cutting its people from the rest of the world. The international community must work to bring all somalis together and form federal government in which every region controls its territory.

  704. DEAR MATT.
    Somaliland is not part of somalia,Somaliland and Somalia are two different countries so we hope u only invite Somali people and not include Somaliland as a part of Somalia.
    Thank you
    God bless Republic of Somaliland


  706. The unholly alliance of the Secessionist One-Clan-Somaliland, Al Shabaab, and DahabShiil Money Transfer Company is the evil behind all that went wrong in Somalia. Nowadays, the evil has started to spill over in neighboring countries and the region with a strong concern that it could further affect other parts of the world, if not effectively contained.
    Sheikh Ali warsame a Somalilander exteremist cleric stationed in the town of Burao in the North of Somalia and the founder of Al Shabaab an offspring of AL Itihad an exteremist religious movement that preceded the Al Shabaab is believed to have very close collaboration with Dahabshiil Money Transfer owner Mohamed said, Al Shabaab Movement, and Ahmed Siilaanyo, the SNM newly elected leader. The three men are very closely related and hail from the Habar Jeclo Issak sub clan. Ahmed Godane, another Somalilander, the leader of Al Shabaab is a junior appointed to represent the interests of the secessionist Issak clan and keep the South of Somalia in ruins to facilitate an international recognition for the Issak tribal enclave in the North of Somalia a.k.a Somaliland.
    In RAND Report, an American Think Tank, on Radical Islam in East Africa the authors wrote, “In mid-2006, Sheikh Ali Warsame, the founder of AIAI (who is based in Bur’o, Somaliland), reportedly sent $250,000 to the courts.” this means the money was sent to Al Shabaab and perhaps through Dahabshiil. Thus, Dahabshiil is suspected to be the financier and lifeline of logistics and money movement in and out for Al Shabaab.
    the Sool, Sanaag, and Cayn Regions of North Somalia are confronted with the Evil Triangle in Somalia and they are determined to defeat it and save Somalia, the region, and the world at large from its destructive consequences. The SSC further appeal to the international community to assist them succeed in this mission of mutual interest

  707. First and foremost the secessionist enclave called “Somaliland” has never been a legitimate state in the eyes of the international community. It exists only in the minds and hearts of its die-hard supporters whose SNM militia had singlehandedly fabricated this non-existent mirage entity in defiance of the will of all the other Somali clans in the northern regions, following the collapse of the last central government of Somalia. According to secessionists, “Somaliland’ was created in Burao by representatives of all clans from the former British Somaliland. This is a pure fantasy as this bogus state was concocted by a gun-toting clan militia which, alongside other armed Somali militias, violently brought down the last functioning central government of Somalia led by the late Mohamed Siyad Barre. In an atmosphere shrouded with secrecy, suspicion, fear and intimidation, the participants of the infamous Burao conference were simply coerced into signing a blank check for outright secession, which they did under duress. The fact that many elders had retracted their statement after returning home safe and sound speaks volumes about the validity and legitimacy of this so-called consensus agreement between former British Somaliland clans.
    A little over twenty years have gone since the invention of this imaginary state, and yet no country in the whole world had bothered in the slightest to recognize “Somaliland” as an independent and sovereign country, including regional bodies such as IGAD and Arab league to which the mother country, Somalia, is a member. If a single valid attribute for statehood was evident in “Somaliland’s” otherwise fake dossier for a separate statehood, it would have been recognized by the international community decades ago in the same way as Kosovo, East Timor, Eretria and South Sudan were recognized.

    In an interview with the Economist magazine in 1997, aware of the mammoth task facing his enclave, the late Mohamed Haji Ibrahim Igal had vainly pleaded the international community to grant “Somaliland” a status similar to that of the Palestinian Authority. This could have, at minimum, granted the secessionists in Hargeisa the legal basis to interact with the international community and mitigate their financial hardships caused by its self-imposed exile. This proposition was rejected by the international community with derision and the hunt for a separate statehood went on unabated. Despite the relentless push for an international recognition by the hardcore secessionists, the bottom line is that nobody wants to see the fragmentation, mutilation and the dismemberment of Somali state along tribal fiefdoms. The mere fact that secession lasted more than twenty years is purely down to lack of an alternative government in Mogadishu, the Somali capital, coupled with the inability of Somalis in the south and central Somalia to put their houses in good order. Had they done that, the secession would have folded ages ago.

    Now, with the establishment of Darwishland state in the lands of brave SSC and the earlier declaration of Awdalstate in the west, “Somaliland’s” unrealistic dream of achieving its own fantasy statehood among the international community is severely dented by Talex announcement and the likelihood of recovering from this massive blow is as remote as ever.

    A confluence of events has gone against the secessionists lately. The biggest one was delivered by Djibouti’s president in a platter. In a frank interview with Jane Afrique, Ismail Omer Gheuleh mentioned in no uncertain terms that the creation of “Somaliland” was a big mistake fraught with diplomatic difficulties. “They put the cart before the horse”: he said. He went on to say: “it was hastily erected without proper consultation with all the concerned stakeholders in the region as well as those in Somalia proper. In a nutshell, what president Geulleh was saying, though difficult for secessionists to stomach, was a fact known already in the diplomatic quarters in Africa and elsewhere that no country in the world is foolish enough to fall for the lies of SNM-backed administration in Hargeisa. As far as the international community is concerned, Somalia is an entity that is inseparable. End of the story.

    Shortly afterwards Geulleh hammer blow, came the announcement of Khaatumo 2, the long-awaited SSC conference that was going to spell trouble for the secessionists. This mortal blow from Talex, a place of great significance in the Somali history, was the last to knock off the secessionists from its treacherous path of anti-Somali. Talex is the place where all have begun; it is the place where the great Somali nationalist, Sayid Mohamed Abdulle Hassan, had dug in to defend the country from the British colonialists. This is the place where the long struggle for Somali independence and pride began and culminated in the creation of Somali republic in 1960. And, hopefully, this is where the Somali renaissance is about to begin now. Ismail Hurre aka Ismail Buubaa, a veteran Somali politician and a former foreign minister of TFG currently based in Nairobi, had compounded the misery of secessionists by declaring “Somaliland” project nil and void. Untenable!

    While penning this article, I learnt the secessionists had launched a bloody attack against the innocent civilians of Buhodle and, as they did previously in Las Anod, left death and destruction in their wake. The sad fact is that the president of the secessionist “Somaliland”, supported by his warmongering politicians in Hargeisa, has sanctioned this cowardly attack following his pugnacious speech in front of the enclave’s parliament in response to the establishment of Darwishland state in Talex. And the reason for this attack according to secessionists is to protect the “integrity and sovereignty” of “Somaliland” from anti-Somaliland elements. Ironically, the anti-Somaliland elements described in Ahmed Silanyo’s bellicose speech are the rightful owners of the very land the secessionists are hypocritically staking claim on. Lacking international legitimacy themselves, how secessionists justify their encroachments on other peoples’ land is beyond belief. The worst hypocrisy known to mankind is alive and kicking in the secessionist camp. Buhodle and the other towns in the SSC territory may suffer at the hands of secessionists now and then, but not for so long. The peace-loving Somalis all around the country, including the emerging TFG, will soon come to their rescue because they stand for Somali unity, whilst secessionists stand for the dismemberment and humiliation of the Somali nation.

    In conclusion, the secession of “Somaliland” is doomed to fail. The days of secession have long gone, whilst the days of Somalinimo are gaining the momentum we lost many years ago. The emergence of Darwishland state is what Somalis in the Northern regions were longing for all those long and agonizing years. It may have delivered the final blow to the secessionists.

  708. Hi, Matt first i would like to appreciate British pm , let me tell you what is somaliland right now , somaliland now is one clan called isaaq, there are two new state like, khaatumo state of somalia which consist three region , sool, sanag , cayn , the bigst clans where they live it, like dhulbahante clan and the other state is awdal state where 2 clans live like gudibeersa and ciise , plz do not misunderstand what somaliland administration said , somaliland is only one clan is isaaq , what somaliland was here is some Facts of the case In the area which became British Somaliland Protectorate in the late 19th century the Somali people
    were traditionally divided into clans, each being separated and independent from the others. Since then
    and until independence of Somaliland Protectorate in 1960 each clan maintained connections with the
    British government separately from other ones as the Protectorate treaties signed between United
    Kingdom and clans recognized that each clan area was a separate Territory. These treaties are the evidence
    that Great Britain prevented creation of a unitary state of Somali people. Somaliland Protectorate had
    never been indivisible and therefore had no experience in governing the state. Nevertheless there were
    common ethnicity, language, culture, Muslim religion, and pastoral life – bonds that were shared with
    other Somali people in all Somali areas in the Horn of Africa including the Italian-administered Somalia to
    the East and South of the Protectorate. These bonds provided an opportunity for Somaliland to unite with
    the same ethnic group and create a national state which would consolidate politically disintegrated Somali
    people. Creation of such a state was necessary to unfairly divided on the colonies Somali people and was
    an important stage in evolution from uncoordinated clans to centralized state.
    5. On June, 26, 1960 Somaliland Protectorate became independent and gaining this independence annulled
    treaties signed with Great Britain. In accordance with preliminary consensus and agreement among the
    northern clans Somaliland merged with Somalia on July 1, 1960 thus forming the unitary Somali Republic.
    The entire intention of gaining independence from Britain was precisely to unite with the rest of the
    country that gained independence in 1959 and to create state which would unite Somali people. It can be
    proved by the fact that the state of Somaliland existed only in the period of six days after receiving
    independence and all the activity of the state in this period was turned to formal preparation for creation
    of the unitary state which was negotiated previously. The willingness of people to create unitary state was
    proved by the results of the referendum held in June, 20, 1961 over the entire territory of Somali Republic
    on the draft constitution of the unitary state. According to the results of this referendum published in the
    African Election Database 1,756,216 people which are 90. 56 % of population voted in favor of the
    constitution. Thus the creation of the state was in the interests of Somali people and freely determined by
    them and abolished previous states formations such as Somalia and Somaliland.
    6. The Unitary state – Somali Republic was recognized by the international community on September, 20,
    1960 when Somali Republic was accepted into the United Nations. Previous states formation such as
    Somalia and Somaliland were a legacy of unfair division on the colonies and stopped their existence after
    unification and entrance into the United Nations. All the governmental institutions of previous states were
    ceased and union government was formed. This united state was recognized by international community
    and became a subject of international law with all the privileges of sovereign state being applicable for
    Somali Republic. Thus entry into the United Nations definitively abolished previous states formations
    such as Somalia and Somaliland because the United Nations resolution formed new sate formation with all
    the rights, privileges in international law.

  709. My Name Is Walid Abdirahman Ali I am In Somaliland , i told u some thing Somaliland is Indepentent Country , We Will Nver Go To Somaliya Incase Our Recognition takes 10 Years After and Every Wise Man can See the Peace and Fair In Somaliland ……..
    Thanks All
    Walid Abdirahman Ali

    1. My Brother Walid…

      Please see the wider picture… what is good for all the tribes in Northern Somalia.. think big not small ..have faith and hope in this great announcement by the British Government. Support peace, unity and dialogue for the benefit of all Somalis.

      Love all your fellow Northern Somalis equally.. despite tribe/root ..we are humans we all want to see a peaceful Somalia… we all need the support of the British Government.. so hale for all Northern Somali tribe regions (Awdal State, Somaliland, Khaatumo State and Puntland) to join hands and seek a better tomorrow and hope that all Northern Somalia states will take advantage of this important conference.


  710. I believe, if Somaliland recognised Somalia will be soon in peace and Somaliland will take part for peace building in Somalia.
    International community must be carefull to give hand and support some terrorist elements those claimed as they are states of Somalia as Awdal State and Khaatumo State but in reality they are terrorist not different from Alshabaab.
    Whole international community and world leaders must know that they don’t ever under estimate the will of the people in Somaliland. We sacrificed more than 150 000 of our gallant boys to rec-claim our independence and we are ready to do the same or even more. as my friends also mentioned above.

    1. My Brother Abdirahman Mo…

      Calling other tribes residing in Northern Somalia ‘terrorists’ or ‘alshabaab’ does not give you a good image in the eyes of the world and in the eyes of your fellow Somali brothers and Sisters. Even babies nowadays know that Northern Somalia states (Awdal, Somaliland, Khaatumo and Puntland) have tribal issues to resolve not alshabaab issues..

      So please understand that in your attempt to mislead Matt.. you’re making your tribal hatred more obvious than you realize ….

      The death you claim were one subjected to and suffered by all Northern Somalis i.e. all tribes.. so lets not mull over a past which cannot change when we can see a future we can shape together.

      So my brother please see the bigger picture… what is good for all the tribes in Northern Somalia.. think big not small ..have faith and hope in this great announcement by the British Government. Support peace, unity and dialogue for the benefit of all Somalis.
      Love all your fellow Northern Somalis equally.. despite tribe/root ..we are humans we all want to see a peaceful Somalia… we all need the support of the British Government.. so hale for all Northern Somali tribe regions (Awdal State, Somaliland, Khaatumo State and Puntland) to join hands and seek a better tomorrow and hope that all Northern Somalia states will take advantage of this important conference.


  711. Dear Matt Baugh 

    I welcome this opportunity that the British Government  is extending to the people of Somalia to address the roots, causes and effects of the problems of Somalia. Successive conferences have attempted to bring  peace and stability in Somalia with no success.  As a British Somalilander, I wish my British Government the best of luck in overcoming the obstacles and the barriers that others who have tried to solve the Somalia puzzle have encountered, but you will need more than luck to conclude this conference with positive outcomes. You need to recognise and admit that while Somalia as you have stated has descended backwards in the last twenty years,  Somaliland ascended forward in the same period by establishing real peace and stability in the country as opposed to the relative stability you have talked about. 

    Somalilanders are always proud of the long history Somaliland had with Britain as a Protectorate   until it’s independence on 26 June 1960; an  independence the people of Somaliland have  surrendered few days later because of the blind love they had with the Greater Somalia ideal. This blind Love  lead to ill thought and illegitimate marriage  for which Somaliland nullified on 18 May 1991 by re establishing its Independebce from Somalia after years of oppression by the Siad Government regime. 

    Since its declaration of Independence, Somaliland had started building the country from scratch. The democracy that Somaliland has built since its re independence  is not only an example to Somalia but to the rest of the African continent.  There are plenty of examples about this:  the establishment of political parties,   fair and free elections, free press, functioning Government and Civil Institutions etc. What the world needs in order to find a meaningful solution to the problem of Somalia is to recognise the achievement of Somaliland, respect its sovereignty and to grant Somaliland the political recognition it has rightfully earned.  

    There is no sense and logic regarding  Somaliland as part of Somalia. If one of the measures of Democracy is about the acceptance of the will of the people,  Somalilanders  have exercised this will through a referendum in 2000 where over 97% of the population supported the independence of Somaliland. It is about time the International community respects and honours this will of the people of Somaliland.

    Politics is sometimes like religion. If you want to learn about a nation’s religion you need to approach that faith objectively by putting aside what ever thoughts and views you had about it. You need to take your shoes off and slip to to the shoes of that religion and walk the walk of the followers of that faith. 

    My sincere advice to you is to study the history and cause  of Somaliland with an open heart and mind without the interference of any external influences; this I’m sure will help you to arrive at fair judgement about the Somalia problem  you are trying to resolve. I’m not requesting from  you to become a Somalilander, I’m requesting from you not to deny and undermine the national identity of the Millions of  Somalilanders in the Globe  for they will exist even if you and our British Government and others in the International Community  deny their existence. 

    I wish you a very successful conference with positive and fair outcomes 

    Mohamed Omer Maigag 
    London – UK 

  712. Dear Matt
    I start in thanking British Government for their effort and I welcome the conference. Please allow me to use a metaphor here to make my crucial point as a Somali poet might have done more eloquently. Somalia is terminally ill patient and a team of doctors, who do not agree and do not comprehend each other, are called to cure the illness. My point is, on the occasion of the conference in London, that International community to sit down and have one common strategy for Somalia. The 40 plus nations attending need to set aside their differences and choose a lead country and other to follow. More than anything I hope and pray that International community takes this opportunity to unite their bilateral efforts and join their forces instead of competing. If I may I would like to end with a word of advice to Somali leaders; please put a side your differences and personal ambition and book yourself a place in the history to be remember as heroes who bring back peaceful Somalia.

  713. somaliland deserve to be a recognised state for many reason indeed.
    its the best interest of all who are willing to see the end of teror in somali people. but why for 20 yrs not yet. infinitive NGS who are glad to keep on writting their project proposal with ways and means of getting budget by hook and crook mainly painting the reality in the ground.second neibouring third worlds who are after fame and economy nevertheless hoping the project to continue and asking for more funding indeed. this UN pinpointed transition to no where and a road map plan to no where is that how far we can go . its time to see the key which was infront of us in all recognising somaliland and it will take care of the rest by dismanteling terror groups and finally help other somali group to find the right path.

    1. My Brother Guled…

      Please see the wider picture… what is good for all the tribes in Northern Somalia.. think big not small ..have faith and hope in this great announcement by the British Government. Support peace, unity and dialogue for the benefit of all Somalis.

      Love all your fellow Northern Somalis equally.. despite tribe/root ..we are humans we all want to see a peaceful Somalia… we all need the support of the British Government.. so hale for all Northern Somali tribe regions (Awdal State, Somaliland, Khaatumo State and Puntland) to join hands and seek a better tomorrow and hope that all Northern Somalia states will take advantage of this important conference.


  714. Dear Mr. Matt Baugh

    Thanks for the great effort from the United Kingdom but I do believe that the agenda should not be included for Somaliland Republic. Otherwise this will not solve the Somalia problems.
    I suggest the conferences shall be talked about only Southern Somali issues and try to reach substantial agreement with in the southern Somalia before it covers the over all Somalia.
    The major important for the UK and the World is to find a peace in Somali but not to create an other problem with in Somalia.
    Somaliland had been an autonomous for more than 21 years now. Somaliland have all the governmental institutions which had been elected by the people democratically

    1. My Brother Hassan…

      Please see the wider picture… what is good for all the tribes in Northern Somalia.. think big not small ..have faith and hope in this great announcement by the British Government. Support peace, unity and dialogue for the benefit of all Somalis.

      Love all your fellow Northern Somalis equally.. despite tribe/root ..we are humans we all want to see a peaceful Somalia… we all need the support of the British Government.. so hale for all Northern Somali tribe regions (Awdal State, Somaliland, Khaatumo State and Puntland) to join hands and seek a better tomorrow and hope that all Northern Somalia states will take advantage of this important conference.



  715. HI every one
    i would like say thank you for great britain but the somaliland
    is peace full and democracy and the people of somalialand
    desaid tobe independent countray and they don,t wont back to
    other somalia NEVER.

    1. My Brother Warsame…

      Please see the wider picture… what is good for all the tribes in Northern Somalia.. think big not small ..have faith and hope in this great announcement by the British Government. Support peace, unity and dialogue for the benefit of all Somalis.

      Love all your fellow Northern Somalis equally.. despite tribe/root ..we are humans we all want to see a peaceful Somalia… we all need the support of the British Government.. so hale for all Northern Somali tribe regions (Awdal State, Somaliland, Khaatumo State and Puntland) to join hands and seek a better tomorrow and hop that all Northern Somalia states will take advantage of this important conference.



  716. Dear MATT.
    Iam from somaliland I born in somaliland iam 23yrs old from that day i born until now the only thing i know is my country somalilnd, I Blve in somaliland ever since i grew up my mother used to tell me one day just one day somaliland will be recognized by the International community. I love somaliland it’s in my heart plse respect our country will. Somaliland is free and fair country, we will not re unite somalia never, never..

    1. Dear iid…

      Please see the wider picture… what is good for all the tribes in Northern Somalia.. think big not small ..have faith and hope in this great announcement by the British Government. Support peace, unity and dialogue for the benefit of all Somalis.

      Love all your fellow Northern Somalis equally.. despite tribe/root ..we are humans we all want to see a peaceful Somalia… we all need the support of the British Government.. so hale for all Northern Somali tribe regions (Awdal State, Somaliland, Khaatumo State and Puntland) to join hands and seek a better tomorrow and take advantage of this important conference.



  717. Hi, Matt:
    One point in your agenda suggests the elimination of AlShabab from Somalia. I believe that it can be effectively achieved NOT through military power ONLY, but also with the help of all positive-minded religious leaders who must dare to express their opinions without any fear from them. The greater Somali religious leaders, except few in Somaliland, are not able to talk freely due to the lack of security in their areas, mostly Eastern & Southern Somalia as well Kenyan regions. By administering & delivering Fatwas against AlSahabab, these prominent Sheiks can clarify their positions and guide the Muslim world in the right direction. A Muslim should NOT kill another muslim. Saving one Muslim is like saving the whole world. Thank you. Omer

  718. Iam a REAL somaliland & I was born in somaliland and i don’t believe what they are talking about those pple
    I believe My country somaliland and i never accept distaping ”
    I Need Three things only , one fore my nation to sport me 2 somalia to leave me alone 3 the would to recognize somaliland plz plz

    1. C/Kani M Hassan

      My Brother please see the wider picture… what is good for all the tribes in Northern Somalia.. think big not small ..have faith and hope in this great announcement by the British Government. Support peace, unity and dialogue for the benefit of all Somalis. Love all your fellow Northern Somalis equally.. despite tribe/root ..we are humans we all want to see a peaceful Somalia… we all need the support of the British Government.. so hale for all Northern Somali tribe regions (Awdal State, Somaliland, Khaatumo State and Puntland) to join hands and seek a better tomorrow and take advantage of this important conference.


  719. Matt,
    Aside from the issue of Somaliland in the conference, the Somalis have had many attempts to restore peace, security and stability by similar conferences and unfortunately none of them was fruitful. Why? I guess that should be the right question to ask. From my point of view, none of the previous summits have never mentioned the roots of the problem. They all have something in common, repeating the same mistakes over and over, ignoring the fact on the ground, lack of seriousness and most importantly never pay attention to the voices of the people.

  720. somalia is of one nation , and there is only one government for somalia. therefore the sovereignty of somalia is indivisible.
    finaly i’m here to support the london conference on somalia for all states of somalia e.g somaliland state, khatumo state of somalia, puntland state of somalia, galmudug state of somalia and including the remaining states equal and equal participitation.

  721. Hi, Matt. we are somalian our country is one nation one people and somalia is somalia no one can make separate there is no need to divide, other hand I see the tripe of isaaq they are traying to say somaliland the meaning of somali is the people and land is the land so are they going to say two city became a country I don’t think so . example if you see the north of somalia there alot of tripes like dhulbahante calan they made KHAATUMO SATET OF SOMALIA, samaroon thay also made AWDAL STATE OF SOMALIA , the only tripe want to somalinad is isaaq .

    thanks matt

  722. first i would like to tell mr matt that somaliland and somalia are two different countries , somaliland come from the willing and aspiration of people of somaliland. so, the international community must accept the demand of 5 million somalilander who have constitutional democratic nation , it also have elected president , parliament and local council which all elected free and fair elections which international observers were present in the election.

  723. i am somalilander a state of somali , writing from hargeisa , I agree london conference and all agenda on that conference including, providing sustainable for amisom, supportin justice sectors,breaking piracy and destroying al-shabab and the rest of agenda in the meeting.
    this meeting will be good chances for somalis to build their future

  724. dea british.
    we are somaliland not somalia we want regonition and briatain must be the frist country who recognize somaliland becouse ur country knows the raelity.

  725. Hi Matt,
    don’t ever under estimate the will of the people in Somaliland. we sacrificed more than 150000 of our gallant boys to rec-claim our independence and we are ready to do the same or even more. The union in the year 1960 with south was unholy marriage and it will never happen again to share something with the people in the south except of being good supportive Neighbor. The dream of the greater Somalia once misled us not again.

  726. Issues regarding piracy there is huge income for puntland, and current puntland authority they do not do anything but they receive huge income. As I am from puntland we live just under one corrupt dictator (Farole), we had neighbours TFG whom are corrupt and they are just tools not sincere what they are doing. Other side we had Somaliland which quite stable but had been udermining terrorist group called SSC which do not want and encourage dhulbahante tribe to take part democracy.

    What need the conference do is that to change capital from MOGADISHO TO HARGEISA, and give Somaliland leadership other wise need to split Somalia officially. Other wise my opinion they will be like South of Somalia. For us South we need to learn how to govern ourselfes.

  727. DEAR MATT.
    Somaliland and Somalia are two different countries so we hope u only invite Somali people and not include Somaliland as a part of Somalia. thank you

    1. That is a strange position to take, i have just goggled all sovereign nations of the world and did not find ‘Somaliland’, but i did find Somalia and Hargeisa, Burco and Berbera triangle were cities in Somalia.

    2. “invite somali people only”

      So what are you? Eritrea lol……Somalilanders suffer from identity crisis, there not Somalis but come from ‘Somaliland’. Ha ha ha

      1. Somaliland by being not a part of somalia means, it has a government of its own which takes care the administrative bussiness of the entire somaliland area. The so called TFG leaders are not the leaders of Somaliland because the do not control even the entire mogadisho. The TFG cannot exert its authority to Somaliland how can you then say Somaliland is part of Somalia. In reality, even pirateland is not part of somalia because they have their own flag, national anthem and a constitution.

  728. Ali /hargeisa somaliland
    as you aware of somaliland is a free government and has special flag, arms ,money and any parts of nation so we will not participate any conference we are saying no Somalia we are somaliland so we are condemning every person who same somalia and somaliland we are two government sharing with boarder

  729. The agenda for this conference as I understand it is to protect western interest in the region & to find a lasting solution for somali piracy along the Somalia’s puntland coast. This conference is not helping anybody (Somaliland or Somalia) except the west which is trying to recover from the EURO crisis & cannot afford anymore ships hijacked by puntland as shipping insurance rocketed to all time high. It’s so obvious to see unless of course you’re a warlord needing some cash in return!

  730. This will just be another wasted opportunity as the people coming to this meeting are warlords and other criminals. These people don’t have a shred of human decency, they kill, rape, murder and yet the Somali’s trust them to lead. This must the 1000th gathering since 1991 and yet I see no change. I think the UK’s government shouldn’t waste their tax payer’s money on what will be another unproductive meeting.

  731. Somaliland was not a part of Somalia and will not become a part of Somalia. This for those, who confused with terminology. The Somaliland-Somalia union was called Somali Republic and not Somalia to start with. This is for historical and legal clarification.

    Somaliland was annexed in 1960 by Somalia and that union was never ractified by the democratically elected Somaliland assembly. After thirty years of oppression, ethnic cleansing and genocide, the citizens of Somaliland agreed irrespective of their tribe affiliations have agreed to reclaim their independence from Somalia.

    Somaliland has achieved a lot since it left that union with Somalia and is not ready to waste all that by joining the chaotic Somalia. I think no sane person will propse for Somaliland become part and par

    1. Did you know that Somalia means the lands of Italian Somaliland and British Somaliland. Following that logic, all somali from Ras Kamboni to Saylac are Somalilanders. Somalilnders are somalis and their coutry is called Somalia. Sorry for busting your bubble, the people of Hargeisa you are just one clan from the many somali clans. You’re not some unique species…..the reason Mogadishu is burning it’s because it’s the seat of government and every warlord, radical group and rogue politician want to have his power there. That’s why AMISON is there too.

  732. Dear matt

    Please do not be misled by some of the silly comments from what I think are young people with little understanding of the real political situation in Somalia. Many people have mentioned Somaliland and presented various arguments. I believe the question of Somaliland is very important to the stability of Somalia but only if you have an insight understanding of the region can you make anything that is even close to a solution. The territory formerly known as Somaliland consists of 6 regions it’s also inhabited by 4 major tribes and many smaller ones. During the days of British influence each tribe had their own agreement with the British, Somaliland was never colony neither was it a country it was protectorate and its official name was “The Somaliland protectorate” the only country that was recognised or anticipated before 1960 was Somalia that is why in 1960 Britain withdrew from Somaliland to allow for the creation of independent Somalia 3 days later and the fact that both Italy and Britain withdrew from Somalia at the same time was no accident this issues was agreed on years ago and planned with UN involvement from the early 1950’s. I am only saying this because a lot people who have no understanding of these facts throw around various claims about how Somaliland used to be a country; Somaliland was never a country and it was never anticipated to be one. But all that doesn’t even matter because if you understand the tribal structure of the region you will know for sure that a country called Somaliland is not possible anyway you look at it. Understanding the tribal structure is very important because in Somalia the tribe is the community, the political party and the power on the ground. In 1991 a few individuals consisting mostly of the former SNM insurgent group from one of the tribes in Somaliland the Isaq and a few individuals from the others declared independence from Somalia and claimed that Somaliland is a new country. All the other tribes who are the majority of the population of the region along with all the tribes of Somalia are aggressively opposed to this one tribe agenda. Therefore the so called Somaliland and its claimed independence is just another problem in a long list of tribal quarrels in Somalia and should be treated with equal light as with all the other problems in south central Somalia. Three autonomous regions that will come under the new federal government of somalia are already declared by other tribes within the territory that Somaliland claims; Maakhir, Khaatumo and Awdal states, so as you can see this entity called Somaliland that so many people are almost spamming you with is just another tribal problem in Somalia. The leader of Awdal state is just on a visit to Mogadishu in talks with the Somali government. I think this conference should make sure that the SNM militia and its leaders understands that their insistence on independence is not possible and the only result from it will be another violent war that devastates the region, which the conference should aim to prevent from happening and make it clear to the militia.. It is also very important to understand that not all the Isaq people support this separatist agenda and that the majority of the common people do not care about the SNM separatist movement, they just want peace and development in their country. However the lack of government in Somalia for the last 20 years meant that the SNM militia was controlling people’s opinions, they have actively supressed people who expressed nationalist ideas; this week alone they have imprisoned more than 20 journalists in Hargaisa for what they called “pro-Somalia news” and this has been the routine for the past 2 decades. The population in the cities that the SNM controls are not free to state their opinions and are in fact prisoners in their country living in extreme fear; many have been killed or tortured just for speaking out. When the united nations or other international community personal visits the region they are only allowed to visit a few pretty neighbourhoods in the city where everything is staged to look like it’s going all too well and that everyone agrees with the militia but this picture is far from the truth.

  733. dear Matt.

    As a somalilander We support any efforts of british Goverment towards finding a final solution of south somalia , but please do not mix somalinad with the southt somalia problems, we somalialnders are very much appreciate for your support of somalilanf democracy and we expect you to Continue , our people has mada their minds , so support us .


    m m jaba

  734. Dear Matt,
    We welcome the UK’s new initiative to solve Somali Crises at this very crucial time. I read about your intentions and agendas in order to ensure smooth completion of the conference. But I found something missing in your agenda: The continuous Toxic dumping on somali Coast mainly by European Companies.
    Please make this topic main agenda.

  735. I am ibrahim, From Somaliland or North of Somalia which every you like just to cut the argument. Still I do not understand what the British Goverment means peace conference;
    1.Do they mean, they are starting from scratch Top down system and they will ignore or abolish all existing systems like TFG and all other autonomous regions under the TFG, and other systems who do not associate with TFG like Somalialnd.
    2. Will they use TFG as political Platform recognized by International community, as a solo political entity of Somalia, and they are trying to bring other autonomous systems including Somaliland under that TFG?
    3. If it is not that case, will the British carry out seminars for teaching peace building for Somali Society where ever they are?
    4.If it is not that case, will they call all political systems to discuss with how terrorists and piracy should be tackled with their help.
    I am really confused, how they gone set up their agenda.

    Mr Matt according to me the peace in Somalia can come into existence through bottom up structure. We know more than 15 peace conferences were held in different places in the world. All of them were held by outsiders with their good intention or bad intention including international community and UN. All of them they used top down strucure and when the solution was brought to Somalia it failed because :
    1.of lack of ownership by the Somali people;
    2. Some powerful independent states such as Somaliand considered they are not part of the solution as they are planning now;
    3. Some autonomous regions such as Putland like Arta Solution they delibrately failed the solution for they saw it was for Hawiye and Dir.

    I would suggest to British Government to split the issue into two. To ask question who does believe, he or she is part of Somalia and who does not?
    1. The TFG and all autonomous regions who believe they are part of Somalia including Puntland have to be given a chance to discuss and process the peace through National TFG Peace Charter not a new innovative peace approach.
    2. Allow Somalialnd to participate the peace conference as a representative of people of Somalailnd who believe they have elected constitutional institutions such as parliament, local government and central government of Somaliland. This will help as start point of dialogue between Somalia and Somaliland.

    I would again strongly recommend to correct what exists now and use bottom up peace building approach not top down approach which became useless in previuos attempts.

    Thanks to British Government to try to help somali people in a time the whole world is fed up of Somali crises.

    Ibrahim Hersi Mohamed
    Master of conflict management and transformation programme at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University of Portelisabeth in South Africa.

  736. It’s been 20 years now since somaliland secceded from Somalia. During this time somaliland has done much progress. It has reached peace in which every one has to shelter under it. But this development is not much compared to other neighbouring countries such as ethiopia. somaliland’s universities remain un recognized and students are not allowed to continue their studies due to the unrecognized certificates. The unemployment is rampant. Therefore, we, somalilanders are welcoming this conference and hope it will lead unity with somalia. Peace itself is not enough, progress is also needed.

  737. HELLOW… MR MATT BAUGH… Good day i am thanking the britsih goverment intiating the debate of consulting the somali people’s and unite.. well your opinions are fruitful……and well come…since we get sick for long time dream so called somaliland country recognition which is only one tribe so called SNM …the somaliland people encourage all the united of somalia poundary from kismayo to lawyado…

  738. i am from somaliland and i would to give my opinion towards for this somali conference… as we know somaliland was not part of somalia ..and in 1960 somaliland was recognize from 38 countries in the world.. and somaliland went to unite with other somalia part and they become rebublic.. so in 1991 somaliland after long fight with the somalian regime siyad bare they get thier recognation from somalia..
    so we can say in one voice somaliland must be indepedent country from other somalia..
    and somaliland must be remain as it is now…. othey way if britain force somaliland goverment to be part of somalia …then in horn of africa there will not be any small peace and the fight go every corner in africa..
    viva somaliland and my alllah bless somaliland

  739. Dear Matt.
    Thanks for the updates.

    I think you dont have to forget the fallowing agendas to be on the confrence agenda.

    1. Every Somali Region of the 18 regions should be allowed to lead themselves and get international aid (if any) not through the current administrations.
    2. The 4.5 system of Paliement will never give us somali political instability
    3. Make sure the participants of the meeting should be the right people who will be able to diliver the outcome of the confrence.

  740. Somaliland was not a part of Somalia and will not become a part of Somalia. This for those, who confused with terminology. The Somaliland-Somalia union was called Somali Republic and not Somalia to start with. This is for historical and legal clarification.

    Somaliland was annexed in 1960 by Somalia and that union was never ractified by the democratically elected Somaliland assembly. After thirty years of oppression, ethnic cleansing and genocide, the citizens of Somaliland agreed irrespective of their tribe affiliations have agreed to reclaim their independence from Somalia.

    Somaliland has achieved a lot since it left that union with Somalia and is not ready to waste all that by joining the chaotic Somalia. I think no sane person will propse for Somaliland become part and parcel of Somalia. What will Somaliland benefit by uniting with Somalia? I can not think of a single reason why Somaliland should go back to that failed union. We have tried this before and have thirty long years of experience in union with Somalia, we have benefited nothing from that union and not ready to repeat that experience after thirty years of nothing but suffering.

    As matter of fact I think Britain is wasting its time by holding this conference for Somalia, because no one in Somalia is interested in peace, they all want to eat one another alive, if possible.

    In conclusion, the recognition of Somaliland should be the bases of this meeting. Somaliland will then be an effective international partener for Somalia peace and stability. The Somalia-Somaliland union will never happen. Please ask the pro unity elements if they are really for somali unity, why don’t the claim Djibouti, The 5th Ethiopian region and Kenyan NFD region as part and parcel of Greater Somalia. We are fed up of the Somalia political hypocrasy and hope the world will understand their motives.

  741. Hello Matt.
    Somaliland should be recognizes by United Kingdom. I think this is the last trial by the international community for somali people, so please and please respect the WILL of somaliland nation becouse we have no appitate for unification with italian somalis.

    1. Many thanks for all of the comments above. We have approved all comments up to now as we want this forum to be open. The voices expressing views on Somaliland have been heard. No doubt this debate will continue. But I would also like to ask for views on other aspects of the conference that I have talked about in my blog as well, so that all views are heard. Please share your thoughts on all of these issues in as open manner as possible, on any of these topics. Thank you.

      1. Dear Matt Baugh, there is a Somali saying that says “nin Durbaan tuntay ilaaq dalbay” and that translates in English “he who beats the Drums, invites trouble”. You have committed a gross error by posting a confusing and quite offensive statement here, so, I suggest you rectify your error before you plea with your readers here on commenting or even considering whatever other issue you have talked about in your article. Salma

  742. thanks mr matt and goverment of UK, iam somalilander, isac clan, i am greatly supporting the london coverance include aal somalis, we have been unrecognised state for the last 20 years we were in wrong direction, most of the tribes in somaliland – dhulbahante, warsangali and gadabuurisi they want to form their own state of somali, for my tribe most of them we beleive somali, we are greatly supportin london converance to find out solution for somalis , for the last twenty years we were under poverty ,war, hate among the somalis–once again thank british goverment for their effor and support for somalis

    1. Kid, blv me, you just come to the wrong place. This place is for the intellectuals who can express their views without emotional feelings. No offense, but u need to restore ur confidence and use ur identity. You call ur self a Somalilander and then Isaq and then blah blah blah. What was ur point of making this comment, let me guess a well-articulated comment against Somaliland unfortunately that could not be achieved due to lack of confidence, poor writing and most importantly not mature enough mentally. Kid, the commentators are very ashamed of your poor writing and the lost of confidence you have just experienced. You should get out before u r busted. What a poor kid!

      1. This kind of bullying it is the norm in “Somaliland”.
        Knowing how to write in English it is not going to make you smarter or wiser. Please, respect your fellow somali to express his or her opinion freely.
        Let’s not lose focus, shall we? Piracy and Terrorism in Somalia. The center-piece of both issues is Youth, period. Our effort has to concentrate on mitigating the misery of their livelihood by giving them hope and practical help. Building fishing communities along the coastland towns, and building small factories in the inland plus education. I cringe at our sorry state of affairs in Somalia, but being passive is not the solution of our problems. Hope, this is going to be the last international-held conference for Somalia and the following conferences will be held by Somalis to Somalis for Somalis in Somalia. Our appreciation goes to the UK government for brotherly effort. Thank you.

        1. thank you very much Haweia,
          This is one of the best commonts I have read in this blogg.
          once again thank you.

  743. Dear Sir/Madam,

    I ideally agree holding this conference by the U.K. Government. I am very much excited how U.K considers the survival of Somalia’s position in the world.

    As regards my thought to this conference; I would suggest U.K. Government consider these things:

    1. external hands should be got rid off if an everlasting solution is desired.
    2. all previous Somali politicians who are of the age of 50 and above should be removed from the field. New faces of youth (including me) can initiate new light and prosperous future without violence for Somalia
    3. new strategies should be arranged for the upcoming negotiation sessions of Somalia such as holding the conferences in some where of the peaceful places like Erigavo in Somaliland
    4. Somalilanders should handle the Somali conferences

    Thanks very much.

  744. Bonjour mesdames et messieurs les organisateurs anglais
    je suis pharmacien en belgique et je suis d’origine somalilandaise. j’aime mon PAYS et je suis plus que jamais determiné à supporter par tous les moyens l’accession à la souverainété de mon PAYS, encore je vous le signale n’est PAS reconnu entierement.

    je sais que le gouvernement britanique souhaite apporter une ou devrais-je dire plusieurs solutions concourrantes aux problemes ACTUELLES somaliens qui à mon humble avis est les pires années sombres qui soient pour les somaliens. je suis sur aussi que le gouvernement britannique veut coute que coute apporter par le biais de ces conferences ne serait ce la fin des conflits civils et externes. MAIS NE FAUT-IL PAS REGARDER ALORS LES PROPOSITIONS DES PERSONNES DIRECTEMENT CONCERNEES ET EN TENIR COMPTE VUE QUE L’IGNORANCE DE LA VOIE DU PEUPLE SOMALILANDAIS N’A JUSQUÀ AUJOURDHUI RIEN APPORTER DE CONCRETS, VOIRE LES CHOSES SE SONT MEMES AGGRAVÉES VUE LA DIMENSIONS CATASTROPHIQUES HUMANITAIRES QUI SE POSENT.

    1. Saleban, how does the solution to Somalia DEPENDS ON THE RECOGNITION OF THE REPUBLIC Somaliland? The provinces of Woogoyi Galbeed and Torgdheere are already peaceful, the conference is about ending piracy, defeating alshaabab, bring a federal governance after the last central government was brought by somali clans.

      I believe, the conference will also address famine, economic development, security in the horn of Africa, education, creating a Representative federal army, creating representative governance for the whole of Somalia. I’m still baffled how the recognition of Isaaq lands of Torgdheera and Wogoyi Galbeed as a ‘republic’ will end somali problems.


    1. I thought ‘Somalinders’ are Somalis too, why can’t they sit with other Somalis? Is this some joke?

  746. Hi all,

    First of all I would like to welcome such a great step towards the right direction of bringing peace and stability to Somalia AND I hope more than anything else that it will be successful. Secondly, those people who are from Somalia, are always too busy of talking about the Self-declared region Somaliland- Yes and yes they are self declared, simply because there is no country on earth that was named by another country, and every country’s comunity agreed to give themselves a name for instance U.S or may be Somalia itself. so why not Somaliland? I believed once -the great Somalia but now its a dead-end lock, to force Somaliland to come under Somalia is a day-dream hope, as the Somalis themselves say their traditional proverbs “Awr kala guurtay uurar kala guurey baa ka xun”. Do those who are from Somalia think that a child who lost his father/Mother/Uncle/brother or sister and was raised that he is from Somaliland and the Somalia dictators killed his parents will just easily welcome the idea of being part of Somalia?, or even if you force them they will do the same as their brave fathers did to protect their humanity? before you jump into the conclusion of saying that Somaliland is still part of Somalia consider the consequences and read the history of those kids that your political leaders who ever they were -slaughtered and massacred their parents with no valid reason, the air-forces that took off from Hargeisa airport and yet still firing the same city, those young School boys who were blamed they were behind revolution– where on earth would you find such an examples and still look after the people that you made them to flee from you though they put all their trusts on you as soon as they got back their independence from Britain. Shame on you those who are still dreaming and claim they are intellectuals, politicians, sheikhs etc. As i said earlier i love to see a fruitful peace and stability in Somalia then we can be a good neighbors. Most of the Somalia-people dont like Somaliland, because they envy them and they want to drag Somaliland into the world of war-lords and that wont happen either a peaceful way or even under pressure. Remember freedom is the mother of peace and stability and even your own religion tells you that, unfortunately you are not good enough to understand it all because of your heart is full of hatred and hate towards my peaceful country and I’m proud to call it Somaliland the self declared country in east Africa.

  747. I don’t why UK is ignoring about Somaliland we have achieved every that is needed from a country?, is it because we are 100 Muslims and our flag written the Tawhiid please be Frank to us

    1. What an ignorant statement to make, Somalia is already independent and has a light blue flag with a star in the middle, any regional ‘flag” should remain,regional. !!

  748. Good planning and being close to the reality may lead to success. You are planning to solve the problem of Somalia. Since you are having the old fashion way of thinking, which is, Somalia is one country, believe me, just you are wasting time and effort, that means, you planned to fail.
    We know many international organizations and even governments makes business from the problem of Somalia. Take my advice and try to do the right approach , if you really want to solve the problem of Somalia ounce and forever:
    -Let the international community realize the reality on the ground, which is there is no country called Somalia, you can use the word the Ex-Somalia. Unless you treat Somalia as: Somaliland and proper Somalia, whatever you do, the outcome of the gathering in Uk in the near future already born premature.
    -The international community never gave real opportunity the people of southern Somalia to solve their problems. Every time the so-called international community shapes and tailors the political future of south Somalia.-
    – conclusion: (1) support Somaliland as sovereign state and we can assist the southern to overcome their problems.
    (2) One time, let the people of the southern Somalia decide what they want, and stop interfering their internal affairs, specially the neighboring countries must do that.
    –Otherwise the problem continue and lack of stability and terrorism will flourish in Somalia and no one will be safe from it. (Look before you leap).

  749. thanks mr matt the effort and support your time and idea , AS youn know somalia faced great problem came new al qaida in horn of africa called AL SHABAB it is Difficult to Destroyed the exterimisted group

    it is important all the world somalia supported how to destroyed in somalia the idea is not making sense unitil somalia alshabab is figting . somalia have many state so state support how to building and to get anew forced armed fighting al shabab , the support gives TFG is not making great sense so my idea , somaliland have get recognization because somaliland have building institutions and good structur government it so important to lost time and idea in somaliland support how to get in recognition if get somaliland get recognition somalia get great exchange thanks all peaples practicpation this conference by ADOCATE ADAM

  750. hey Matt Baugh what are you talking about, I sure as my death that you know the reality so why are beating about the bush.

    The Republic of Somaliland known as the Somaliland Protectorate under the British rule from 1884 until June, 26th 1960 when Somaliland got its independence from Britain. On July 1st 1960 it joined the former Italian Somalia to form the Somali Republic. The union did not work according to the aspirations of the people, and the strain led to a civil war from 1980s onwards and eventually to the collapse of the Somali Republic. After the collapse of the Somali Republic, the people of Somaliland held a congress in which it was decided to withdraw from the Union with Somalia and to reinstate Somaliland’s sovereignty.

    so we are not part of any issue about Somali affairs and we will be independent state until the judgement day.

    Also I am in here suggesting our enemy what ever they are”We(Somaliland) will never show you our shoulders but our chest by iron,and it is must to defend in our be loved country by politically and even ironically.

    Finally We know that our country Somaliland has respect from the international community but not recognition,so We are requesting to UN,AU,EU and our brothers of Arab League to dare the reality which is to recognize Somaliland and respect the rights of four million nation.

  751. i am suggesting to the British government this meeting is for somalia not for somaliland because somaliland is peaceful and indepedent country that means we just regained our lierty before 1960’s at this time this country was called British somaliland so i guess it is crucial to support the southern somalia’s peace and make them to national reconciliation and to support somaliland to make further development .
    I am requesting to listen the voice of somalilanders

  752. this is not really to say Somalia and somaliland are only one nation. and it is enough laughing to say that but with respect i mention the government of uk
    somaliland was protectorate of uk in 1960 and this country was nation which have all instructions of other country . unfortunately somaliand goes south somalia by searching big somali nation and that was not possible .after civil ware in 1990 somaliland return thier own flag and become nation which have more dreams and smaliland steal got recognition from the wide world , and this is cause more obstetrical ,but its is not stop the development of this country ,somalland makes more devolopment that i can’t mention only one bage. by the way, this conference is only for south Somalia People but not Somaliland, Somaliland is indepedent nation which have strong militry forces and will not attend this conference

  753. It made me sick to be told that another blah blah conference is yet to begun soon. When shall we stop this and give the reality a chance? How long will Somaliland remain a hostage for the failed state of Somalia? What are the legal, moral and logical reasons for withholding Somaliland’s sovereignty and integrity? let me guess the so-called failed principle of “Unity”. Well, Somalis apparently misunderstand the concept of “Unity” itself which is no longer valid. Let me say it loudly, the so-called “unity” does not matter anymore even if it supposes to bring peace and prosperity. Shall the ethic similarity of Somali-peoples obligate Somaliland, Djibouti, Eastern Ethiopia and Northern Frontier Districts of Kenya (NFD) to unite under one so-called Somali regime?. The answer is ‘NO’ hence, what’s important is that all should live in peace and prosperity. We need to be very realistic here. More than 3.5 million people with an area of 135,000 km are demanding to be recognized and they have the right to do so. They have obviously managed peace, security and established the necessary institutions of a modern state and the international community have no choice but to accept their efforts. The people of Somaliland are committed to continue their independence with or without Somalia, and nobody will be able to stop Somalilanders from deciding their destiny. And by the way, we, the people of Somaliland do not have a single problem abt attending to such Somali Conferences though it is a waste of time. However, the people of Somaliland should be organized and well-equipped for their part of the entertainment.

    1. Somalia has 18 provinces, the Somali unity entails the unification of these regions, Ogaden and NFD belongs to Ethiopia and Kenya respectively and any border disputes will be solved by the UN. Northern Somalia and Southern Somalia already belong to one country called Somalia and that is what majority Somalis want to preserve.

  754. If we are Somaliland people, we are not part of that Somalia conference because somaliland is an independent country.

    1. Independent? according to whom ? The people of Hargeisa, Burco and Berbera triangle. The real Somalilanders secessionist come from only 2 provicences of somalia. [ Woqooyi Galbeed and Torgdheere] and represent 20% of Somali population. Somalia should not be held to ramson by this crew.

  755. I strongly support Britain’s efforts to help Somalia rebuild itself after 20 years of war, but at the same time, I don’t see the international community has taken the right step towards finding peace and political stability for Somalia as long as Somaliland is not seen as a completely different entity or country. It is like putting the cart before the horse. When we say “Somalia” if we practically mean that Somaliland is a part of Somalia, then, we are not ready to face the reality and that is “why”, every effort made by the international community had failed so far. Whether we like it or not, the truth is every specimen breeds itself again. Since 1991 we have been trying Somalia to be Somalia while Somalia is not Somalia and it will never be again at least the one existed from 1960 to 1991. First step towards the right direction is to see Somalia and Somaliland as two different neighbouring states. Solutions starting from any other political point of view will just be beating in the bush and will have the same fate as before.

  756. Nothing will change this conference, somalia needs them self to solve their problem.

  757. Most Somalis welcomes the British effort to solve the Somali problem since Britain is part of the root cost Somali conflict. For example the fighting between Somaliland and Khatumo State of Somalia (SSC regions).
    I hope the British people are honest about their effort.
    Ahmed M. Dolal
    Buhodle, Khatumo State, North-Somalia

  758. Thanks Matt for sharing with us this information which is a very important meeting fo the people of Somalia , the failed state of Somali Republic consisting of British Somaliland and Italian Somalia. let us see the agenda of the meeting and the problems to tackle. Let us also remember the number of meeting and reconcillaition for the past twenty years. Who attended these meetings? What were the outcome?. Only Somalia attended and not Somaliland; the outcome we all know. And it’s clear from your meetings with many Somalis, that the people of Somalia want change. So the London Conference is about making the most of the opportunities in front of us: I born In Mogadishu, and attended several reconcilliation meetings, but in reality I didnot work rather it get worse all the time.

    – The opportunity to support a more inclusive and representative political process when the Transitional Period ends in August 2012;
    Please do not mix apple with orange. First this issue belongs to TFG and Somalia not Somaliland.

    – The opportunity to help people return to Mogadishu and rebuild their lives in that city; this belongs to people of Somalia and not Somaliland

    – The opportunity to take further action against Al Shabaab and piracy; this belongs to Somalia and not Somaliland

    – The opportunity to reinforce the relative stability in areas of Somalia, such as Somaliland and Puntland and in the south. this name Somalia only covers Italian Somalia, Somali Republic Covers both Somaliland and Somalia. In this respect, we want Somalia problems to be attanded, and please do not bring Somaliland for they have established their governance and state system.
    For politician of Somalia, let us please solve our problems, and let us avoid to talk about Somaliland, at least they have estabished a system of governance, there are parties, elections, constitutions, elected parliment and presidents. courts and police are working, and they fought Alshabab, and Piracy. Where are we? see Mogadishu? see Baidoa, See Kismayo. When we are immersed with Alshabab, Piracy, TFG transitional period, and had more meetings, and reconcilliations and interal confict of our so called parliment who are fighting and divided. I am afraid the British my have good intention, but it could be a futile exercise if we did not put our house in order. Forget Somaliland, they have done their homework. let us do our best the people of Somalia.It is a time we have to acknowledge and recognize them, and ask our brothers in Somaliland to rescue us and help us in reconcillation process; and let Somaliland to be recoganized and reinforce the stability in the Horn of Africa. I see no problem for Somaliland to be recoganized and I will visit as a tourist from Mogadishu to Hargeisa. We must accept the reality and know how to respect one another, The first blue flag was pitched in Hargeisa capital, Somaliland, they came to us as brothers as ethnic Somali , what happen then is no longer a history we all know it , but only few dare to admit. We need a new approach and courageous leaders. and let us move to the right direction with respect. good luck.

    Colleagues in London and in British Missions around the world, I wish you a good luck , we hope this meeting will not be a futile excercise and I thank you in advance

  759. Our country is in danger, and needs your support. These days our nation is facing a concerted crusade by the UN with their front man Mr. Mehiga and the pathetic Sharif government to destabilize Somaliland. They have been plotting this scheme for quite some time with some disgruntled SSE and Awdalite Diaspora to proclaim Bantustan states inside Somaliland with the intention of dismantling Somaliland from within. It is appalling to see that the western countries donation is being misused for such a wicked act.

    Instead of making peace in war torn and hunger ravaged Somalia, they diverted their attention to spread war and instability in the peace haven Somaliland by supporting the Teleex Conference. I call upon all die-hard Somalialnders, especially those residing in the West to come out in full force and demonstrate against this subversion by the UN and certain Western countries to disintegrate Somaliland,. Its the right time that all of you come out in force and show the world that Somaliland is in danger. Britain is one of those countries who are behind this new initiative, paving the way for the so-called Somali Conference taking place in London in February. This conspiracy has been brewing while we have been too busy developing our country. The international community should know that the UN is behind this episode in Somaliland, and we the people of Somaliland must stand together and fight back. They want to destroy what we have built for the past 21 years, instead of helping us to achieve more. This is what is happening my fellow countrymen. I encourage you all to come out and express your feelings towards your country.

    It’s ironic that Mr. David Cameron is now allowing a referendum to take place for the separation of Scotland who has been part and parcel of United Kingdom for centuries, and yet deny the people of Somaliland, the right of self determination which they overwhelmingly endorsed by referendum in 2001, and the outcome was 97%. Our referendum was witnessed by the International Community who declared it’s free and fairness. Our people were in believe that the UK will stand with them, but the double standards of West is showing, every days with unprecedented scale, and equally immoral.

    I hope our people will hear me and support their country every way possible, and heed this call immediately.


  761. Iam Somalilaner and Somalilad is not a part of Somalia it’s Free From somalia and .
    Somaliland needs international de-jure recognition, they are not need Nogatioan of other parts of Somalia -somaliland is Free and Democ, so its not Possible to Meet somaliland and other parts of somalia – if we are somaliand peaple we hope full somlaia is a pbace but we are not part of somalia we are two Goverment and we are Neighb.

    I say Uk or somalilan is Protectorate of Biriths.

  762. live long and prosper somaliland.
    Our fathers,brothers and mothers were killed for our beloved country, just the same we are all dying for our somaliland country…we will never give up…..

    Somaliland is gone from somalia 20 years ago, either recognised or will not change the unanimous decision of somalilanders.Remember the decision to breakaway from the union lies to somalilanders alone, because the power lies to somalilanders and not the leaders or ex somalian leaders who still dreaming of a great somalia.
    But in a forum like this, all I can say is that everyone takes notice of the fact that Somaliland or its people never talk about Somalia, because it is a horrible past that we can never return to.

    1. yusuf mustafa

      If you think looking back to somalia is horrible, you will see once more
      a horrible and darker history, by that time last few of SNM cruels will face the justice in Hague, insha Allah.

  763. Bismillah…

    Dear Organizers:

    The Brits were present at the birth of the 1st Somali Republic that united Italian Somaliland and the disparate northern clan territories that UK coppled together as British Somaliland Protectorate. Prior to that date June/July 1960 and aterwards, the Brits also oversaw the divving up of Somali lands by sedeing Somali inhabited territories to Ethiopia and Kenya as well as exchanging the Somali territory of Jibouti for Gambia, which was then a French held territory. These historic facts not withstanding, the UK can still do the right thing by the long suffering Somali people, by doing key two things:
    1) Facing the reality that there is NO there, there in “Somaliland”; the pipedream of folks who refuse to be bothered with historical facts, in their chauvanistic pursuit of an eldorado that will never come to pass.
    2) Acting in accordance with the interests of the United Kindom. As Churchill once said, “Nations do have permanent friends, they have permanent interests”. Somalia or Somali Republic is a blessed land that is rich in resources beyond the comprehension of its now poor citizens. Great Britain has knowledge-based, developed economy that can participate in the socio-economic development of a peaceful, unified and grateful Somali nation.
    So, I welcome the conference and hope that the diplomatically savvy Brits will be able to succeed in helping bring Somalis closer to their goal of remaking their nation along the lines of democracy and freedom that is fully consistent with Islamic tenents.
    Ali A. Fatah

  764. Somalia instability effected all over the world, Britain and other developed countries put massive effort to tackle the pirates terrorists and all other problems caused by Somalia instability. The developed countries including UK deployed many warships in the coast of Somalia, which is not the solution.
    Why they never think to make stability in Somalia, as they have done many other countries?
    The other thing is to support the staple areas in Somalia such as Somaliland Puntland etc, and try to bring stability in Southern Somalia.
    UK must invite all regional governments to participate the conference and think how they are selecting the candidates.

  765. Dear Matt Baugh, it not a matter of joke how Somaliland nation rebuilt their country and made peaceful nation with free democratic elections, it is not fair to compare Somaliland with Somalia.

    I can accept Somaliland to give lessons their neighboring country of Somalia and how they can create reconciliations among their differences. Even Somaliland is ready to teach other African and non-democratic countries how free and fair elections and referendums is possible without outside interventions. So please the conference must talk about the reality on the ground and Somaliland cannot take any steps back wards.

    Somaliland is out of terrorist and pirates and the only thing we r in need is recognition. Any one who is jealous can’t disturb my home we r a community that ready for the defense of our unity and nationhood.

    In the conclusion our leaders acts our nation for their constitution and decision is for the three and half million of Somaliland population not for a small number.

    Hargeisa Somaliland
    Long life Somaliland.

  766. It is ironic that the UK which is debating its own issues with Scotland’s push for independence wants to try and revive the defunct “Somali Republic” (The unratified union between Somaliland and Somalia in 1960). Mr, Baugh, I am sure that Her Majesty’s government’s intentions are sincere, but, Somaliland has enjoyed twenty years of peace and progress. It is has several free and fair elections, culminating in a peaceful transfer of power, a rare thing in Africa.

    Somaliland needs international de-jure recognition. I would hate to think the the British government is being duped by a lobby interested in regaining power, even though they are unable to resolve the issues facing the poor people of Somalia.

    Like Somaliland, the citizens of Somalia need to come together in Mogadishu or any other city and decided their own fate. No amount of international conferences or summits will help Somalia. This is just another junket for unelected, unrepresentative folks, more interested in filling their pockets, rather serving their won citizens.

    1. saleebaan

      is lying about free election. Everything he said is false.
      The SSC regions never participated any elections and rejected to let boxes come to their regions.

  767. The UK endeavor to bring all warring factions of Somalia to London in February must be welcomed by all Somalis regardless of their regional background and political preferences. Somalia has been left in the political wilderness for far too long. We cannot afford another protracted civil strife after twenty long wasteful years. All Somalis, including regional administrations, should take advantage of this opportunity offered to them by a country that has a great leaverage in the international community. This conference will be different to all we have seen before in Nairobi, Djibouti and Ethiopia. Those reconcilliations were never meant to bring peace to Somalis. This one is. Somalia is indivisible and the the claim by some in here that Somaliland should be treated separately is simply prolonging the suffering and humiliation of Somalis, including those of Sonmaliland that I myslef belong to. We can achieve peace and prosperity if we put our differences aside and come together as one unit.

    The time has come for all Somalis to behave like civilized human beings and take advantage this last chance on offer. We should congratulate the UK government and prime minister David Cameron for this effort.

    1. Mr. Yaab Arag,
      Seek treatment for your hurt which is filled with hatred for the majority of the people of Somaliland. How can you be taken serious when you write the most hate-filled articles in Wardheer.


      1. Dear Matt
        may I thank you for the effort, eventhough I am not optimist because we have seen you lobbying for so called breake-away aka somaliland.
        As people of SSC regions, we do not trust you and we are planning to
        make our voice heard loud at the conference.
        As you might know we have recently created our own Khaatumo State of Somalia. Let us see how you react to test regarding how you deal with us too, but one thing. SSC people do not seed
        to be recognised by international community and we are part of Somali Democratic Republic. Would you let your friends of Hargeysa realise that and everything will be working again for Somalia.
        Warlord siilaanyo is the one who has been responsible the chaos in Somalia for the last 20 years. He and his SNM are the real cause of the horrific war going on in south somalia as well as in the North. Most leaders of alshabab are
        from isaq clan. they trying to distroy Somalia in order to get recognised.

  768. Dear Matt,

    Somalia had been wars since last twenty years, despite the worst wars happened in Central and South Somalia. Although I agree the agenda of the meeting to help Somali people I would like to see the meeting to be divided into two stages. The first stage would reconciliation between people in South Somalia for instance Hawiye tribe; the second stage would be to build a Somali government composed of people of South Somalia and Puntland. The third stage would be reconciliation and negotiation between South and North. If North decides to secede, the should have to follow Sudan Model.

  769. I think the International Community and the UK Government want still ready dont want to fully understand and solve the agonising problems paralaysed the somali statehood for the past twenty one years.

    What makes me shocked and I didnot still understand is how Matt Baugh confused Somaliland to Somalia and if this so called conference’s agenda have been drawn like I can see now it almost seems unsuccesfull.

    My point is that UK interests in the critical regions like the Horn of Africa require security and stability, neither of which will be achieved by shoring up inherently illegitimate and, in fact, destabilizing regimes constructed at some international conference center. If one seeks the domestication into international society of the former Somalia, recognize well-deserving (and de facto independent) Somaliland, so let me make clear Somaliland to Mr. Maut Baugh Somaliland’s independence is irrevocable and its people will fight for their rights and freedom what ever it costs.

    Somaliland was a separate British Protectorate, with clear internationally delineated boundaries until 26 June 1960 when it became the independent State of Somaliland. Of the 18 African countries, which became independent in 1960, Somaliland was the fourth country in that year and was welcomed by 35 nations including 5 United Nation Permanent members. Somalia[1] (former Italian trusteeship) was the seventh African country to become independent that year (with Madagascar and the Democratic Republic of Congo receiving their independence in between).

    3. The people of the independent State of Somaliland were at that time imbued with a desire to create a union of the Somali inhabited territories, which were French Somaliland (now the Republic of Djibouti), the Ethiopian regions inhabited by Somalis, Italian Somalia and the Northern Districts of Kenya. The State of Somaliland therefore promptly and hurriedly, without any pre-conditions, formed a union with Somalia on July 1st, 1960 presuming the affection they had for Somali nationalism would be reciprocal.

    The ill-fated union

    4. The folly of this ill thought and precipitate union became clear to the Somaliland people almost immediately when the legal formalities of the union were never completed properly; a constitution which was unacceptable to Somaliland was pushed through by the in-built majority of Somalia; and Somaliland was quickly reduced to the status of a far flung region in a country governed by and from the Somalian capital city of Mogadishu.

    5. Worse was to come, however, when a Somalia dominated dictatorship ruled the whole country with an iron fist and set out to obliterate what was left of the distinct nature of Somaliland well before it started the torture and killing of the Somaliland people. Other Somalis have suffered under the Dictatorship, but the Dictatorship declared a war on the Somaliland people which led to, as documented by Amnesty International in 1990, “ the deaths of 50,000 people, the aerial bombardment of major cities and the exodus of nearly million people to desolate refugee camps.” To this day, the seasonal rains expose the mass graves of Somaliland women, children and men.

    The end of the union

    6. With the collapse of the dictatorship and the clear attempts by Somalians to carry on business as usual, the people of Somaliland exercised their right to self-determination in the light of the genocide that was visited upon them. In May 1991 the union of the two states ceased to exist after Somalilanders waged a liberation front to reclaim their independence. All the communities (clans) in Somaliland were represented at the meeting in which the decision was made and at the subsequent peace making conferences organized by Somalilanders on their own. History is replete with examples of unions of states that have not worked. The people of Somaliland therefore reasserted their sovereignty and the second independent Republic of Somaliland was re-born.

    Building a peaceful & democratic country

    7. For the last 15 years, Somalilanders have established peace in their country, and without much help from outside have built a democratic state with a two House legislature, an executive headed by a President elected on a national vote, and a Judiciary. Somaliland held a popular national referendum in 2000, which endorsed the Constitution, nation-wide local councils election in 2002, presidential elections in 2003 and parliamentary elections in 2005. There is a free press and Somalilanders value and exercise their rights of __expression and assembly in a region where such rights are not so readily allowed.

    The unique case of Somaliland

    8. Somalilanders therefore emphasize that the case of Somaliland is unique and the recognition of Somaliland will not set any precedent or infringe any AU/OAU rules. There is no other former independent state in Africa, which is now wishing to leave that union. There were territories, like the Cameroon and Eritrea, governed by different colonialists that may have merged or were annexed before or at independence, but that is not the case of Somaliland. However brief the life of the independent State of Somaliland was, it was juridical and, as a matter of fact, a separate state with a constitution, a prime minister, an elected parliament, which under the Constitution was to serve for 3 years (see Article 18), a judiciary and a fully functioning police and civil service. More importantly, Somaliland entered into international agreements with Great Britain that deposited at the United Nations under Article 102 of the UN Charter. Even the final Act of Union which was passed by the national assembly of the Somali Republic a year and half (31 January 1961) after the union of Somaliland and Somalia took place makes it clear that the only treaties and obligations that will be adhered to by the Somali Republic are the obligations set out in sections 57 and 58 of the State of Somaliland Constitution and the treaties entered into by the independent governments of Somaliland and Somalia. As Somalia had no independent government before 1 July 1960, this clause applied only to treaties entered into by the independent State of Somaliland, yet, time and time again, this simple fact is unknown to many Africans and is deliberately overlooked by Somalians opposed to Somaliland independence.

    Somaliland boundaries

    8. The significance of the existence of the independent State of Somaliland in 1960 is also that its international boundaries became, on its independence on 26 June 1960, the boundaries, which were in accordance with the OAU’s 1964 Cairo Declaration calling for respect for international boundaries on independence. This principle of “respect of borders existing on achievement of independence” is again enshrined in Article 4(b) of the Constitutive Act of the African Union. It is a re-statement of the principle of uti possedetis which simply provided that states emerging from de-colonization shall presumptively inherit the colonial administrative borders that they held at the time of independence. An argument advanced by Somalia is that the borders referred to in the 1964 Declaration are those of the united Somali Republic in 1964, but that flies against common sense and the simple words of the Declaration and Article 4(b) the Constitutive Act unequivocally say boundaries on independence i.e. in the case of Somaliland, on 26 June 1960. In any case, it is ironic that the Somali Republic never accepted this Declaration because of its irredentist policies towards all its neighbors, and it is so incongruous that those in Somalia who are now against the recognition of Somaliland pray in aid the Cairo Declaration which is not applicable, at all, to the border between Somaliland and Somalia and was not even accepted by Somalia. In contrast, the Somaliland position is that it supports fully the Cairo Declaration and the doctrine of uti posseditis for not only its boundary with Somalia, but also, for its other international boundaries with Ethiopia to the south and the Republic of Djibouti to the east.

    Boundaries in unions of states

    9. Indeed the international boundary between State of Somaliland and Italian Somalia remained as an internal administrative border [2] during the democratic period of the Somali Republic, when the territory of Somaliland became known as the “Northern Region” which was sub-divided into Hargeisa and Burao regions, the latter covering the eastern parts of Somaliland right up to the international boundary, beyond which was Majertenia, the first of six regions comprising the “Southern Region” or Somalia. This boundary at the 48th Meridian continued to remain as the administrative line that separated the Sanaag Region of Somaliland and the former Majertain region of Somalia, which was renamed “Bari” (I.e. Eastern) region until the end of the Siyad Barre regime and the re-assertion of Somaliland sovereignty in 1991. The importance of the continued use of the international Somaliland/Somalia border as an internal administrative border during most of the period of the existence of the union, is that the practice of the Eastern European states (in the former Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union) on their dissolution and emergence of new states has been to extended the doctrine of uti possedtis[3] to the former internal administrative lines of the dissolved unions or states as international borders of the new states[4].

    10. The Republic of Somaliland is committed to peaceful co-existence with its African neighbours, and having laid to rest the irredentist Greater Somalia tendencies, believes that genuine co-operation and closer relations between the states in the Horn and also within the wider region and throughout Africa is actually better served by the recognition of the Republic. Somalilanders are painfully aware that the Greater Somalia dream died when the Northern Districts remained with Kenya on its independence and French Somaliland remained an independent country on its independence from France in 1978. Somalis as an ethnic group now live in five different countries and that is no different from other ethnic groups, like Arabs who, for example live in a number of North African countries. The fact that in some of the countries, ethnic Somalis are a minority, whilst in others they are a majority is no different from the situation in many other African countries, where some ethnic groups are scattered over a number of neighbouring countries. Recognizing Somaliland formally will, at one stroke, lay to rest, for ever, Somali irredentism which has brought so much chaos and bloodshed to the Horn, and will send a message to those in Somalia who are still hankering after Greater Somalia that their efforts will be better spent in building peace and stability in their own country.

    Somali Clans and boundaries

    11. Just in the same way that people of Somali ethnic origin straddle the boundaries of the countries of the Horn, it remains the case that Somali clans in each country are also likely to straddle the borders of two or more countries. Somalilanders in the far west of the country have kinsfolk in the neighboring Republic of Djibouti and almost all Somaliland clans live and move across the Somaliland/Ethiopia border. In the same way, in the east of Somaliland, some of the clans have kinship links with others across the border in Mijertenia (Puntland). These links do not, in any way diminish the sovereignty of either Somaliland or its neighboring countries over their respective territories and indeed Somaliland’s commitment to peace and co-operation with its neighbours will ensure that these kinship links and traditional nomadic(s) are dealt with in a modern and conflict free manner. Recognition of Somaliland is more likely to engender such cross border co-operation than an inevitable fall back to “Greater Somalia” nightmare. The invasion and occupation of parts of eastern Somaliland by the current non-elected Somalia President Colonel Yusuf, when he was President of “Puntland” is an illustration of what is in store for other neighboring countries if Somaliland is restrained from exercising her right to defend its borders. Allowing such naked aggression to succeed or to diminish the right of Somaliland to recognition and its territorial integrity will send a wrong message to all the ethnic/clan groups that straddle the many “colonial” borders of Africa.

    Criteria for statehood & non-recognition

    12. Above all, Somaliland has shown clearly that it fulfils all the international requirements for statehood [5]. The Republic has a permanent population of approximately 3.5 million; a clearly defined territory over which it has and had control for the last 15 years (bar for an small area which has been illegally occupied by militia from Punland for the last 3 years); and despite the lack of formal recognition, Somaliland has and continues to enter formal and informal relations with other states and international organizations. Also, despite all the constraints brought about by lack of recognition and the imposition of unjustified ban on livestock exports, Somaliland is building its democracy and respects human rights and the rule of law.

    13. Some International jurists have argued that if a state fulfils all the criteria for statehood that this raises an obligation for other countries to recognize Somaliland. Clearly in reality, recognition depends on the practice and, often, the interests of specific states. Withholding the recognition that Somaliland justly deserves is not a neutral act because it has serious implications for the people of Somaliland. Besides the denial of the right to self determination, non-recognition for 15 years also meant that continue to be denied direct access to financial institutions, direct aid between countries, freedom to travel and to expand the entrepreneurial skills, and among other things access to markets, education etc. It is also means that there are extremely limited resources for re-building a country that has gone through a war and consequently more unnecessary deaths of young and sick people that might well be saved with more investment in basic services. Somaliland has weathered the benign neglect of the majority of the international community, but it is has and continues to face continually the deliberate undermining of its sovereignty by a few countries, which are pursuing their own interests.

    Questions posed by the International Crisis Group

    14. In their recent report titled “Somaliland: Time for an African Union Leadership” (Africa Report N°110 – 23 May 2006), the International Crisis Group posited “four central and practical questions” which we address briefly:

    — Should Somaliland be rewarded for creating stability and democratic governance out of a part of the chaos that is the failed state of Somalia?

    Surely, the answer is yes. This would be very much in line with the principles of NEPAD and would be also be an incentive to those countries that fall into disorder and anarchy that Africa rewards democracy and good governance and abhors the opposite situations given the Continents state of anarchy this past Century.

    — Would rewarding Somaliland with either independence or significant autonomy adversely impact the prospects for peace in Somalia or lead to territorial clashes?

    No. The prospects of peace in Somalia lie with the efforts and actions of the Somaliand people. Whether or not Somaliland is recognized is not going to bring peace to Somalia – peace can only come to that country when its people decide that enough is enough and work together for conciliation and consensus. Peace cannot be imposed from outside and the cause of Somaliland has no bearing whatsoever on the attainment of peace in Somalia. If anything, it is a distraction to them and sometimes the only thing Somalians appear to agree upon is their position on Somaliland – perhaps if that distraction is removed, they may become more serious about peace-making.

    Let me say to Matt please stop confusing Somaliland to Somalia, we will and never will not be part of Somalia and if the UK government lead to make somaliland be part an agenda about Somalia we are ready to shed the blood and fight against it.

  770. Hi Mr Baugh.

    Britain has stayed away from the Somalia quagmire in the past 20 years because, in its old view, it has no interest to be a front running member with regard to the question of peace and stability in Somalia. I understand the fact that states are not a charitable organisations, and their movements and decitions are always interest driven. Coming from that basic rule of ‘interest’, Britain is now concerned about the safety of the Somalia waterway and the effects that has on its trade flaw in the region!

    Fine, no problem! You and your government will not be ashamed to pursue your own nation’s interest, and it is extremely good and fabulous if the realisation of your interest opens up a window of opportunity for the Somali people! Having said that, if the British Government wants this attempt to be successful, you should plan and execute this important event differently. You and perhaps everybody else recalls that there where 16 or so various reconciliation conferences which were convened for the sake of the peace and stability for Somalia, and regrettably, all those attempts has helped the situation in Somalia only to deteriorate.

    One of the major and detrimental elements that went wrong in all those various past conferences was, among other things, the fact that the international community has chosen to consider Somalia as one block and disregarded the views of great part of the Somali people. In this sense I mean Somaliland, the hub of peace and stability in the region! So, if the upcoming February conference follows that old and counter-productive strategy of ‘generalisation’ and ‘simplification’ of Somalia’s problem, and ignore the facts on the ground, it will fail before it starts. In my view, no one wants this conference to end up in that destiny, and Britain would not gain anything to hoste the 17th fruitless Somali conference on its soil. Before you craft the fabric of the next meeting, a long-lasting Solution of the Somali people must be in your attention. You should help the former British and Italian Somalia to talk to each other and decide their destiny. If that case is set aside for the first time in the past 20 years, more than 50% of the Somali people’s problem is sorted, and the rest, IE, the multi-dimensional crisis of the former Italian Somalia will be sorted in one way or the other. The Somali competing groups, as well as the international community will have lesser problem to deal with if the question of Somaliland gets out of their way. If not, whatever comes out of this long and protracted effort will be firstly rejected by Somaliland, and subsequently other various groups in the Southern part of the country who perhaps do not see their interest out of this will follow suit! End of the Somalia conference 2012 in the UK!

    Goodluck for the upcoming conference!

  771. We salute British efforts in Somaliland , is high time that UN should organize referundum of self determination for the people of Somaliland . So the world will be the judge . We waited the world more than 20 years .

    1. Bidhaan yes indeed…

      I am glad that the clan issues in Northern Somalia will be taken into account in this important meeting, hence the invitation of the Somaliland Clan to the table as well as the Puntland Government. I have high hopes for the meeting as it come just when the tribal conflicts of Northern Somalia was at its highest (e.g. the current conflict between the Isaq (Somaliland Clan) and the Dhulbahante (Khaatumo State of Somalia)… and the increasing calls from the Samaron/Gadabursi (Awdal State of Somalia).

      I hope this meeting will lead to a road map to peace for all the clan issues we see in Northern Somalia… for the benefit of all clans and most importantly for the benefit of our country as a whole.


      1. IDIL
        It is clear that ur debate is too far from the justice say here u say “Somaliland Clan and Puntland Government” what a messy justice u have!!!

        Britain and most of the oher countries in this wold is not currently knowing the truth about somaliland and its situation, it is now over 20 yrs as Somaliland was an independent State who shined East African policy or let me say all African countries are now learning from Somaliland Democracy and free and fair Elections.

        all in all now it is time to forget the late dream of GREAR SOMALIA and it is time the wold to recognize the INDEPENDENCE OF SOMALILAND.

    2. to bidhaan
      I found very strange these mentality of people call themsleves ‘somaliland’. it is your problem to salute or not, by the way, we are not surprised for the love you have to be a slave for….
      I heard, isaq people had not wanted to be liberated from Britain and took half a year to convience them. Is that why theycall themselves ‘british somaliland’.
      viva Khaatumo State of Somalia and Awdalite State of somalia.

  772. Hullo Matt

    Please carefully consider the concerns and point of views expressed by Hussan Mao and Hussan Gurey over who will represent the Somali Community.

    Regards Lyn Morrish.

  773. Let us clarify who is invited here:
    1. Somalia : Former Italian colony now in major crisis
    2. Somali Republic : The entity created after the unification but was replaced by Siad Barre with Somali Democratic Republic which ceased to exist in19991.
    3. Somaliland: Former British protectorate that voluntarily united with Somalia in 1960 but reclaimed its independence in 1991 after a genocide to become The republic of Somaliland with elected president and parliament.
    Please clarify this because without this clarification, the situation could become worse.

    1. Dear Aden..

      It is really sad to see so many of my fellow Northerners, in particular my brothers & sisters from the Somaliland Clan (Isaq) ..creating unnecessary hate and false messages in this great announcement by the British Government.

      All my Somali people in Northern Somalia (Awdal State, Somaliland, Khaatumo State, Puntland) ….I hope you all understand how important this opportunity explained by Matt is for our country… this is not a time for jokes and tit tats, lets all grow up and see Matt’s message for what it really is rather than what your clan dictators tell you.

      Please Aden…Think of the common good, individualism will not save you nor keep you alive, we are all brothers and sisters… see the differences you hold as your poor imaginations and seek help (counselling) to restore any inner troubling feelings that you may hold for your fellow Somalis (whether it is caused by your clan-dictators or just your ignorance).

      The past is done and dusted, it will not come back to haunt you (I promise)… so please free yourself from hate and seek forgiveness and peace.

      What is good for Northern Somalia (Awdal State, Somaliland, Khaatumo State and Puntland) is also good for Southern Somalia and all other regions of Somalia, hence why this meeting is calling all sections to come to the table.

      …a better Somalia is what we all need not a clan-flag that goes nowhere… so lets join hands and pray for Somalia (at least for the sake of future generations).

      I hope all clan thinking individuals in Northern Somalia who are waving the Isaq Clan flag.. who reject unity and peace will heed my message and thank the British Government for its efforts.

      Also ..I hope you all come to your senses and take this opportunity to thank Matt and all the team who are making this conference possible.

      Idil (proud British Somali)

  774. Hello Matt Baugh,

    We appreciate Britain’s involvement in Somalia’s reconciliation process and help seek a lasting solutions for Somalia’s problems. Surely, the key problem in Somalia is the tribal problem – the tribal problem of Somalia is its political problem and it’s more so in the northern part of the country. I would liked not to mention tribal names here, however, omitting this fact will take us away from realistically tackle the fundamental problem that failed Somalia.

    So, the north part of Somalia comprise of the following communities: the secessionist SNM rebel group had been renamed as Somaliland – the Isaaq Somali Tribe. The unionist Awdal State of Somalia – The Samaroon Somali Tribe, the unionist Khaatumo State of Somalia – the Dhulbahante Somali tribe, and the up coming (in the pipeline) unionist Makhir State of Somalia the warsangeli Somali Tribe.

    Obviously, it’s evident beyond doubt that the bogus claim of the one clan secession who inhabit in a small part of North Somalia that the secession is supported by all tribes in the north is completely baseless. Likewise, your characterization of the one clan secessionist enclave of Somaliland as one of areas that enjoy relative peace is regrettable.

    For example, the unionist Dhulbahante Tribe has come together and held a well arranged grand conference in Taleex town from December 26, 2012 and currently in its final stage to be concluded in just few days. The conference has been attended by representatives of all sections of the SSC communities (Sool, Sanaag, and Cayn) – politicians, traditional leaders, civil society, womwn’s groups, youth, religious groups etc..In this conference the SSC communities who inhabit a territory about 50% of the north of Somalia has established their own Regional Administration that supports the Somali unity “Khaatumo State of Somalia” which they announced to be part of the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia.

    Unfortunately, as soon as the Khaatumo State of Somalia is declared, the one clan Isaaq enclave launched an attack on the peaceful SSC town of
    Buhodle where they killed a number of innocent civilians and injured many others. The SSC people has repulsed the secessionist attack on Bohodle on the 15th of january 2012 and pushed the aggressors about 25 kilometers away of Buhodle. Now, the two armies are still not far from each other and a long and destructive tribal war could break at any moment.. In addition, the Isaaq secessionists keep their daily attacks, killings, jailing, hijacking, torturing innocent civilans population in the occupied city of Lasanod. Even though the Isaaq engage in all the above mentioned atrocities in the SSC land, yet the fact of the matter is that the one clan secessionists loosely control a small part of SSC territory, 95% of the SSC territories are under the control of the SSC people. It’s worth mentioning that the Khaatumo State of Somalia has offered the olive peace branch to the secessionist Somaliland tribe to peacefully evacuate the Khaatumo territories and accept a peaceful co-existence and mutual cooperation. However, the sad part is that the secessionists in their all folks of life including their top tradional leaders, politicians, and religious groups are with no exception united on the aggression, killings, and displacements of the population of the unionist Khaatumo State of Somalia.

    I would like also to point out the false democracy claimed by the secessionists who run everything according to tribal lines within their enclave – just one clan. Case in point is the so called tribal political parties are owned and supported by a specific clan. Thus, the results of all so called bogus elections are fixed (planned in advance). Those bogus elections never took place in the Khaatumo State of Somalia territories, because the unionist population there neither recognize them nor accept them..

    Hence the north of Somalia is in crisis mode, wars, and conflict that could progress very quickly to a situation far worse than the south of Somalia, if not intervened by the international community and the aggression of the secessionist camp on the unionist camp of the north stopped and the secessionist Isaaq tribe advised to pull their tribal militia back to their tribal territories, and away from the Khaatumo State of Somalia territory.

    In conclusion, we hope that we contributed to explain the reality on the ground in the northern part of Somalia, and we suggest that all the stakeholders in the north of Somalia be invited to the conference as equal participants to arrive at an inclusive solution that takes care of addressing the root cause of the problem in Somalia, the rest will take care of itself.


    1. Sadly, you are trying to find a cinch in the armour. What matters most is the reality on the ground and as long as we are in self- denial, any long term solutions to our chronic problems will remain as far as the end of the Universe. The main scope of conference is to find a lasting solution to the madness and mayhem in the old house of Casa Nostra. The issue of Somaliland is completely out of the agenda.
      As British citizen who almost lives next to Windsor castle, I believe, first things first. We all have to contribute positively to render this golden opportunity, at least partially, successful so as to alleviate the suffering of the Somali people. We, all know that Somalis are today nothing but the laughing stock among the international community. It is natural to go through conflicts and civil strife but has there being any nation which suffered so much and so long as we had (more than two decades). This is not only a civil war but we brought shame to our name through piracy, through terrorism, through Warlordism etc.
      In regard to Somaliland case, they say it takes two to tango. So once Mogadishu comes to its sense, Hargeisa will be ready to extend a cordial hand to their brothers in Mogadishu so as to reach a lasting and tangible settlement. However, knowing where the majority of S/landers stand, the most probable outcome is self-determination (like southern Sudan) not a penny less not a penny more. That is will be the beginning of a new Pan-Somalilandism (different from old drums of Somaliweyn). Please remember today,there are already over one hundred thousand southerners in Somaliland who feel happily at home. Also there are tenth of thousands of Harti people who are proudly living in Hargeisa, Berbera and Burco (Even Abdi Bile Abdi was there last week).
      Personally, I believe, the current civil strife in some parts of Sool, and Togdheer (that is what you & ilk called Khatuumo state and which others are already calling Khatummo-seeg) will either evaporate into thin air (because economically is unviable, its population is very small and alas! Its people are divided and more importantly it is land locked on either side). But even if it prevails for a while, it will eventually has to join either their brethren’s in the Somaliland (Oodee ab ka dhow) or their brothers in south (blood is thicker than water).
      They say distortion of facts amounts to naked lies. While it is true there are some grievances in the eastern parts of eastern regions, the people in Awdale/Selal genuinely believe their destiny is interwoven with Somaliland. They are among the most prosperous S/land regions (Just compare Borama with Gabiley). They are part and parcel (apart from insignificant daylight dreamers who lives overseas). The people of Awdale region have invested too much in S/land and therefore have a very high stake in its very existences. So stopping wasting your time knowing the doors and using meaningless names. Everyone can insanely open a coffee shop in London or Washington or in Tornto with the logos like Hargeisa-land, sahel-land Salel-land Makhir land Darwiish-land and even SCC= land etc.
      I wonder what is await you and ilk in Mogadishu. Your unholy alliance with
      the old pariah or the recent blunderer from Puntland is still fresh in the minds of many morians. First you will be lurred and entrapped and then your fate will follow of many your blood innocent brothers/sisters. Alas! the word Somali unit is the allure. Do my blood brothers/siters in Mogadishu has more hatred and contempt than you and Ilk. T

      All in all, it will be foolish to assume the forthcoming conference will solve our current mayhem overnight. There is already severe drought looming in many parts of the Horn. Al-Shabab and their terroraffiliate are just melting away and proving difficult to defeat them easily (check the NEWS of Mogadishu just what happened last night in Karan district). There are deepening rift among the so called transitional parliament and who knows what will happen in August or when the exit strategy of AMISOM becomes closer than ever? So a comprehensive peace including with the moderate elements of Al-Shabab is still a long way.
      Before I finish, please take a leaf from my good book. Be realistic. There is no point of fan the fire. There is no point of adding an insult to injury. Your brethren’s were a separate entity before voluntarily joining your brethren’s in the south. I have no a grain of doubt that they will again hold up their hands together one day. But not and repeat not in old way. So waste time searching a cinch in their armour.
      Whether parts of Sool and Togdheer regions join Mogadishu, Somaliland’s destiny in the hands of its people. And the overwhelming majority of its laypeople (including a good number hailing from Sool) are no mode to start it all over again. So whether we love or loathe it, Somaliland is here to stay. As independent and sovereign and state, it is ready to accommodate the Future of Pan-Somalilandism.
      Just to give a clue, who is in the backseat of this conference. Of course, His Excellency, the prime minister, David Cameron and his right-hand man, Hon. D. Bellham, the minister for Commonwealth and African Affairs but there is another man. Better you find him out. He was here in Nov/Dec, 2011.
      Ahmed (Somalilander by birth, British citizen by choice, and Pan-Somalilandist by convection)

      1. Dear Ahmed..

        It is really sad to see so many of my fellow Northerners, in particular my brothers & sisters from the Somaliland Clan (Isaq) ..creating unnecessary hate and false messages in this great announcement by the British Government.

        All my Somali people in Northern Somalia (Awdal State, Somaliland, Khaatumo State, Puntland) ….I hope you all understand how important this opportunity explained by Matt is for our country… this is not a time for jokes and tit tats, lets all grow up and see Matt’s message for what it really is rather than what your clan dictators tell you.

        Think of the common good, individualism will not save you nor keep you alive, we are all brothers and sisters… see the differences you hold as your poor imaginations and seek help (counselling) to restore any inner troubling feelings that you may hold for your fellow Somalis (whether it is caused by your clan-dictators or just your ignorance).

        The past is done and dusted, it will not come back to haunt you (I promise)… so please free yourself from hate and seek forgiveness and peace.

        What is good for Northern Somalia (Awdal State, Somaliland, Khaatumo State and Puntland) is also good for Southern Somalia and all other regions of Somalia, hence why this meeting is calling all sections to come to the table.

        …a better Somalia is what we all need not a clan-flag that goes nowhere… so lets join hands and pray for Somalia (at least for the sake of future generations).

        I hope all clan thinking individuals (like Ahmed) who reject unity and peace will heed my message and thank the British Government for its efforts. Also ..all should thank Matt and the team making this conference possible.

        Idil (proud British Somali)

        1. After over 20 years of civil war, it is time all Somalians regardles of their clan affiliation seriously think what unites them rather than things that divides them. Somalians should learn and accept to co exist together while disagreeing.

    2. Sadly, you are trying to find a cinch in the armour. What matters most is the reality on the ground and as long as we are in self- denial, any long term solutions to our chronic problems will remain as far as the end of the Universe. The main scope of conference is to find a lasting solution to the madness and mayhem in the old house of Casa Nostra. The issue of Somaliland is completely out of the agenda.
      As British citizen who almost lives next to Windsor castle, I believe, first things first. We all have to contribute positively to render this golden opportunity, at least partially, successful so as to alleviate the suffering of the Somali people. We, all know that Somalis are today nothing but the laughing stock among the international community. It is natural to go through conflicts and civil strife but has there being any nation which suffered so much and so long as we had (more than two decades). This is not only a civil war but we brought shame to our name through piracy, through terrorism, through Warlordism etc.
      In regard to Somaliland case, they say it takes two to tango. So once Mogadishu comes to its sense, Hargeisa will be ready to extend a cordial hand to their brothers in Mogadishu so as to reach a lasting and tangible settlement. However, knowing where the majority of S/landers stand, the most probable outcome is self-determination (like southern Sudan) not a penny less not a penny more. That is will be the beginning of a new Pan-Somalilandism (different from old drums of Somaliweyn). Please remember there are over one hundred thousand southerners in Somaliland today who feel at home. Also there are tenth of thousands of Harti people who are proudly living in Hargeisa, Berbera and Burco (Even Abdi Bile Abdi was there last week).
      Personally, I believe, the current civil strife in some parts of Sool, and Togdheer (that is what you & ilk called Khatuumo state and which others are already calling Khatummo-seeg) will either evaporate into thin air (because economically is unviable, its population is very small and alas! Its people are divided and more importantly it is land locked on either side). But even if it prevails for a while, it will eventually has to join either their brethren’s in the Somaliland (Oodee ab ka dhow) or their brothers in south (blood is thicker than water).
      They say distortion of facts amounts to naked lies. While it is true there are some grievances in the eastern parts of eastern regions, the people in Awdale/Selal genuinely believe their destiny lies within Somaliland. They are among the most prosperous S/land regions (Just compare Borama with Gabiley). They are part and parcel (apart from insignificant daylight dreamers who lives overseas). The people of Awdale region have invested too much in S/land and therefore have a very high stake in its existences. So forget wasting your time using meaningless names. Everyone can insanely open a coffee shop in London with the logo Hargeisa-land, sahel-land Salel-land Makhir land Darwiish-land and even SCC= land etc.
      All in all, it will be foolish to assume the forthcoming conference will solve our current mayhem overnight. There is already severe drought looming in many parts of the Horn. Al-Shabab and their terroraffiliate are just melting away and proving difficult to defeat them easily (check the NEWS of Mogadishu just what happened last night in Karan district). There are deepening rift among the so called transitional parliament and who knows what will happen in August or when the exit strategy of AMISOM becomes closer than ever? So a comprehensive peace including with the moderate elements of Al-Shabab is still remain elusive and a very hard goal to achieve.

      Before I finish, please take a leaf from my good book. Be realistic. There is no point of fan the fire. There is no point of adding an insult to injury.your brethren’s in north were a separate entity before voluntarily joining your brethren’s in the south. I have no a grain of doubt that they will again hold up their hands together one day. But not and repeat not in old way. So waste no time searching a cinch in their armour.
      Whether or not parts of Sool and Togdheer regions join Mogadishu, Somaliland’s destiny in the hands of its people. And the overwhelming majority of its laypeople (including a good number hailing from Sool) are no mode to start it all over again. So whether we love or loathe it, Somaliland is here to stay. As independent and sovereign state, it is ready to accommodate the Future of Pan-Somalilandism.

      Just to give a clue, who is in the backseat of this conference. Of course, His Excellency, the prime minister, David Cameron and his right-hand man, Hon. D. Bellham, the minister for Commonwealth and African Affairs but there is another man. Better you find him out. He was here in Nov/Dec, 2011.


      Ahmed (Somalilander by birth, British citizen by choice, and Pan-Somalilandist by convection)

      1. Dear Ahmed..

        It is really sad to see so many of my fellow Northerners, in particular my brothers & sisters from the Somaliland Clan (Isaq) ..creating unnecessary hate and false messages in this great announcement by the British Government.

        All my Somali people in Northern Somalia (Awdal State, Somaliland, Khaatumo State, Puntland) ….I hope you all understand how important this opportunity explained by Matt is for our country… this is not a time for jokes and tit tats, lets all grow up and see Matt’s message for what it really is rather than what your clan dictators tell you.

        Think of the common good, individualism will not save you nor keep you alive, we are all brothers and sisters… see the differences you hold as your poor imaginations and seek help (counselling) to restore any inner troubling feelings that you may hold for your fellow Somalis (whether it is caused by your clan-dictators or just your ignorance).

        The past is done and dusted, it will not come back to haunt you (I promise)… so please free yourself from hate and seek forgiveness and peace.

        What is good for Northern Somalia (Awdal State, Somaliland, Khaatumo State and Puntland) is also good for Southern Somalia and all other regions of Somalia, hence why this meeting is calling for all sections to come to the table.

        …a better Somalia is what we all need not a clan-flag that goes nowhere… so lets join hands and pray for Somalia (at least for the sake of future generations).

        I hope all clan thinking individuals (like Ahmed) who reject unity and peace will heed my message and thank the British Government for its efforts. Also ..all should thank Matt and the team making this conference possible.

        Idil (proud British Somali)

      2. HI ahmed,
        Can you please give us a hint how what you have said is going to happened???.
        Of course you have rights to choose if you want to be a country but
        that is not going to be beyond Northwest region of somalia!. that is the area, you belong to, so do not belittle yourself. Other people in previous ‘somaliland protectrate’ such as Awdale State and Khaatumo State have made up their mind, do you know that?. if not, open your eyes and hears.

    3. Sadly, you are trying to find a cinch in the armour. What matters most is the reality on the ground and as long as we are in self- denial, any long term solutions to our chronic problems will remain as far as the end of the Universe. The main scope of conference is to find a lasting solution to the madness and mayhem in the old house of Casa Nostra. The issue of Somaliland is completely out of the agenda.

      As British citizen who almost lives next to Windsor castle, I believe, first things first. We all have to contribute positively to render this golden opportunity, at least partially, successful so as to alleviate the suffering of the Somali people. We, all know that Somalis are today nothing but the laughing stock among the international community. It is natural to go through conflicts and civil strife but has there being any nation which suffered so much and so long as we had (more than two decades). This is not only a civil war but we brought shame to our name through piracy, through terrorism, through Warlordism etc.

      In regard to Somaliland case, they say it takes two to tango. So once Mogadishu comes to its sense, Hargeisa will be ready to extend a cordial hand to their brothers in Mogadishu so as to reach a lasting and tangible settlement. However, knowing where the majority of S/landers stand, the most probable outcome is self-determination (like southern Sudan) not a penny less not a penny more. That is will be the beginning of a new Pan-Somalilandism (different from old drums of Somaliweyn). Please remember there are over one hundred thousand southerners in Somaliland today who feel happily at home. Also there are tenth of thousands of Harti people who are proudly living in Hargeisa, Berbera and Burco (Even Abdi Bile Abdi was there last week).

      Personally, I believe, the current civil strife in some parts of Sool, and Togdheer (that is what you & ilk called Khatuumo state and which others are already calling Khatummo-seeg) will either evaporate into thin air (because economically is unviable, its population is very small and alas! Its people are divided and more importantly it is land locked on either side). But even if it prevails for a while, it will eventually has to join either their brethren’s in the Somaliland (Oodee ab ka dhow) or their brothers in south (blood is thicker than water).

      They say distortion of facts amounts to naked lies. While it is true there are some grievances in the eastern parts of eastern regions, the people in Awdale/Selal genuinely believe their destiny lies within Somaliland. They are among the most prosperous S/land regions (Just compare Borama with Gabiley). They are part and parcel (apart from insignificant daylight dreamers who lives overseas). The people of Awdale region have invested too much in S/land and therefore have a very high stake in its very existences. So waste no time using meaningless names. Everyone can insanely open a coffee shop in London with the logo Hargeisa-land, sahel-land Salel-land Makhir land Darwiish-land and even SCC= land etc.

      All in all, it will be foolish to assume the forthcoming conference will solve our current mayhem overnight. There is already severe drought looming in many parts of the Horn. Al-Shabab and their terroraffiliate are just melting away and proving difficult to defeat them easily (check the NEWS of Mogadishu just what happened last night in Karan district). There are deepening rift among the so called transitional parliament and who knows what will happen in August or when the exit strategy of AMISOM becomes closer than ever? So a comprehensive peace including with the moderate elements of Al-Shabab is still a long way.
      Before I finish, please take a leaf from my good book. Be realistic. There is no point of fan the fire. There is no point of adding an insult to injury. Your brethren’s were a separate entity before voluntarily joining your brethren’s in the south. I have no a grain of doubt that they will again hold up their hands together one day. But not and repeat not in old way. So waste time searching a cinch in their armour.

      Whether parts of Sool and Togdheer regions join Mogadishu, Somaliland’s destiny in the hands of its people. And the overwhelming majority of its laypeople (including a good number hailing from Sool) are no mode to start it all over again. So whether we love or loathe it, Somaliland is here to stay. As independent and sovereign and state, it is ready to accommodate the Future of Pan-Somalilandism.

      Just to give a clue, who is in the backseat of this conference. Of course, His Excellency, the prime minister, David Cameron and his right-hand man, Hon. D. Bellham, the minister for Commonwealth and African Affairs but there is another man. Better you find him out. He was here in Nov/Dec, 2011.


      Ahmed (Somalilander by birth, British citizen by choice, and Pan-Somalilandist by convection)

      1. Dear Ahmed..

        It is really sad to see so many of my fellow Northerners, in particular my brothers & sisters from the Somaliland Clan (Isaq) ..creating unnecessary hate and false messages in this great announcement by the British Government.

        All my Somali people in Northern Somalia (Awdal State, Somaliland, Khaatumo State, Puntland) ….I hope you all understand how important this opportunity explained by Matt is for our country… this is not a time for jokes and tit tats, lets all grow up and see Matt’s message for what it really is rather than what your clan dictators tell you.

        Think of the common good, individualism will not save you nor keep you alive, we are all brothers and sisters… see the differences you hold as your poor imaginations and seek help (counselling) to restore any inner troubling feelings that you may hold for your fellow Somalis (whether it is caused by your clan-dictators or just your ignorance).

        The past is done and dusted, it will not come back to haunt you (I promise)… so please free yourself from hate and seek forgiveness and peace.

        What is good for Northern Somalia (Awdal State, Somaliland, Khaatumo State and Puntland) is also good for Southern Somalia all other regions of Somalia, hence why this meeting is calling all sections to come to the table.

        …a better Somalia is what we all need not a clan-flag that goes nowhere… so lets join hands and pray for Somalia (at least for the sake of future generations).

        I hope all clan thinking individuals (like Ahmed) who reject unity and peace will heed my message and thank the British Government for its efforts. Also ..all should thank Matt and the team making this conference possible.

        Idil (proud British Somali)

      2. You can claim all you want and you can seem as objective as secessionist can look, but there is one thing you can’t change. And that is the fact that Somaliland defined by colonial borders is dead. You will never convince people who were never part of your project to be part of it now. You can’t use force to make them accept what they rejected 20+ years of illness in Somali proper. The sooner you understand the limitation of your misguided drive the better for Somalia. If in fact you think one clan can be its own government, I have no objection by all means go and try. But, Somalia and its borders are known you can either build bridges to nowhere or work for the common goal. It’s your call.

  775. Frankly speaking are we ready to end all these conflicts yet?! I don’t think we are ready for it yet. We can talk, dispute, argue, challenge, compete, and discriminate till we die because we have the energy; the ability as well as we all have a roof our head. But truly speaking, let’s be honest and speak from our heart not from the mouth! Thanks for the support, it’s never too late to get such a help! Thanks to Selma, (The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tear hers down).
    Thanks MATT and our UK GOVERNMENT, hosting such conference, weather they think themselves because of the pirates & terrorism, is global issue or to Britain, it’s also concerns us. We know the young men have been manipulated and mislead by the some of business men and the people work for the governments, they’ve been equipped by them and provided weapons and boats in order to hijack other ship, so the people behind them make money out of them, and they don’t even get good paid from the ransom they end up in prison, 10-15 years in New York. Terrorism is not doing any beneficial to our people, whether they are Somali or Muslim, we don’t care. People won’t suffer and won’t experience this terrible feminine if we had peace. We have any sort of Natural resources, farms, food grains, animal and vegetable, rivers, big sea, oils, petroleum products, construction materials, manufactured products and so many other recourses, but the ongoing violence preventing them to utilize it. Why don’t we take advantage of it and let people live in peace. Coming back to my point and as some people commented, at this stage we cannot ignore 4.5 formal, at this stage, and hope not to include the people who already are MP. We can select or elected effective, useful members who can deal with their people (TRIBE), or the regional governments who can take responsibility, we know all these kidnapping and pirates incidents happened under regional governments states, and I hope everyone will be accountable for their action or whatever happened in their territory I hope it’s good starts. As we all know, all the MP’s selected the4.5 formula, based on tribe. However none of them can go back to talk to their tribe/clan they represent, what kind of MP is that? And why is he/she there for? They are not doing any work; we don’t need these people anymore. Personally speaking (am HAWIYE) I cannot go to punt land/Somaliland to represent from other government, at the present time. Who am I to talk about or represent when a native person can deal the situation better? The main problem is HAWIYE now I cannot solve or deal other problem when mine is at hand. I hope people have worm heart and take advantage of this conference and support their people, corruption and money does build our country. I like what Matt said, and I truly hope people will understand this and stop their remote control which we all have power over and given a wrong direction to the unskilled/ illiterate MP who don’t know, who are they getting command from.
    “Together with colleagues in London and in British Missions around the world, we continue to consult widely with our Somali and international partners. These consultations will continue over the next weeks.”
    I am not sure the Somali leader who are coming, but knowing those who are leader they are leader for themselves, we need people who are fair and educated, we had so many conferences,it never went according to plane but this hope it will work as MATT gathering s many thoughts, remarks, idea, comments and hope that will help and gives hints to plan with his missions. I wish you will succeed for your role and will have impact on our nation for ever, in shalaah and good luck MATT

  776. Dear Matt Baugh:

    I believe any agenda regarding Somali Recociliation Conference Without priortising, first the issue between Somalia vs Somaliland will not result lasting peace in this region of Horn of Africa.

    The true solution will be to advise the authorities from prober Somalia to recognize the SOMALILAND’s independence . This is the inevitable reality in the ground. The overwhelming majority of Somali speaking people in the Horn Africa region are in that opinion. Somalilanders had decided not to be part in Somalia any more. So neither the international community nor the organisers of the forthcoming London conference cannot overlook the wishes and self determinantions of the people of Somaliland. Nintey seven per cent of Somalilanders voted in the referendum in which Britain was observor, more than a decade ago to be independent from Somalia. Indeed, the union in 1960 between the two Somali speaking countries was never ratified. And their brief history of toegherness in the past examplies one of oppersion on the part of the South Somalis on Somalilanders and struggle of latter for independence. I sum up: for this conference to succeed Somalia must recognize Somaliland as independent country.

    1. my name is ibraahin i somalilander i suport my country becouse 1960 somalilanders made unit of somalia but somaliland is not get respect and fair that is way somalilanders anouced somalialnd peapole believe somaliwayn they are not the teality iam request british goverment to suporty somalialnd

  777. Dear Sir, Matt Baugh
    This extraordinary conference comes very crucial time, when the leadership of the country is again in their usual in fight, confusion and with no vision to end this senseless war, misery, death and statelessness.
    This conference assesses some of the factors involved in the current luck of instability and doomed peace and reconciliation conferences of the past two decades in Somalia, there is a hope for Somalian people about the outcome of this Conference to be very difference than the past ones.

  778. As a British citizen in UK, though i am originally from Buhodle (Dhulbahante), i take my children to Hargeisa then Buhodle for holidays, I feel as Somalilander, and i do not want to be part of Somalia rather than to be Somalilander because Somaliland is secure, have well established democracy, woman have role in civil society, and i believe somaliland have every right to fight the terrorists other wise it will be failure state like South Somalia, and way forward is referendum under UN. for north of Somalia other wise for long term will be like South of Somalia.

    1. This platform has been hijacked with people trying to misinform the public, especially to spread propaganda in the interest of the semi-autonomous region Somaliland.

      North Somalia has been a conflict area in the last 20 years, particularly in the Sool, Sanaag and Cayn region. This region has always supported Somali unity and recently declared Khaatumo State of Somalia.

      A few days ago Somaliland attacked the town Buhodle (part of Khaatumo State), following the declaration of Khaatumo State of Somalia in Taleex. The unrest in North Somalia should be taken seriously by the Somali community and the international community, and I believe it should be part of the agenda in the conference.

      1. Dear Salman

        Thank you for highlighting the fact that Samsam Noor is trying to mislead Matt by that fake sob story. It is really sad to see so many of my fellow Northerners, in particular my brothers & sisters from the Somaliland Clan (Isaq) ..creating unnecessary hate and false messages in this great announcement by the British Government.

        All my Somali people in Northern Somalia (Awdal State, Somaliland, Khaatumo State, Puntland) ….I hope you all understand how important this opportunity explained by Matt is for our country… this is not a time for jokes and tit tats, lets all grow up and see Matt’s message for what it really is rather than what your clan dictators tell you.

        Think of the common good, individualism will not save you nor keep you alive, we are all brothers and sisters… see the differences you hold as your poor imaginations and seek help (counselling) to restore any inner troubling feelings that you may have for your fellow Somalis (whether it is caused by your clan-dictators or just your ignorance).

        The past is done and dusted, it will not come back to haunt you (I promise)… so free yourself from hate and seek forgiveness and peace.
        What is good for you is also good for me …a better Somalia is what we all need not a clan-flag that goes nowhere… so lets join hands and pray for Somalia (at least for the sake of future generations).

        I hope all those who reject unity and peace will heed my message and thank the British Government for its efforts. Also ..all should thank Matt and the team making this conference possible.

        Thanks Salman

        Idil (proud British Somali)

        1. Hi IDIL

          You misled the platform also,due to the fact that you were claiming to your previuos posts that you hail Isaq clan. So please be positive and calm. you are from Somaliland-stop spreading the propaganda!.

    2. In a cyber world, anyone can claim anyone. You can’t have to emphasis who you are if you were genuine about your point of view. Is it possible you take your children to Hargeisa rather than your hometown because your hometown is occupied territory or there is war going on to force people what they don’t want? Your childish argument proves the overall point of one family’s drive to divide Somalia.

  779. Thanks for the update on the conference. I was wondering whether you can advise on attendance for young somalbritish graduates interested/ active on somali issues. I would be grateful if you can provide info on that. Thanks.

  780. Hi every body.
    Is it yet not the time to support the future of Somalia as a nation? You see that people whom have more problems and differences form nations and unity government and still piont their fingers at our failure.

    Why we have always to support outsiders ideology or the so called Balkanisation of Somali.?

    Just look to our neighbors both Ethiopia and kenya have very diverse of tribes that do not share even language and culture, forget about relligion.

    Yet these governments are claiming and working round the clock on supporting any Somali that is against establishing a unity government in Somalia.

    we just saw what agenda kenya had in invading Somalia and trying to create bufferzones inside the legitimate land of Somalia by killing many innocent Somali people.

    Don,t we are made of flesh and blood like other people? Why we have to give more chances to the enemy of our people?.

    I believe that the time has come that we forget our differences and see the hatrage by others toward our people and unite once and for all just for the sake of our own survival.

    thank you and engage peace with Somalia and the Somalis. We live togethar as brother or we perish togethar as fools! Martin Luther King

  781. Hi Matt Baugh Somalia does not need to half solution but we expect London conference full solution .I think we should take first step ,so the out come of the London conference at 23 Feb…. 2012
    will be helpful hand from UK and world.

    I would like to high light her there is different interests from neighbor country and Somalia’s people I don’t know how UK government and the world to address this issue ?

    Secondly western world their major problem in Somalia is about piracy and Terrorist organization. If London conference focus only this two (piracy and Terrorist) it means Uk is not really want to get solution or help to Somalia .

    I hope UK will tell loudly to Somalia to forget colonial strategy of dividing of Somalia ,
    rather UK calling for Somalia to be party of Commonwealths.
    I remained her we heard world is very tired from us, we my change bad behavior we witness last 21 year in Somalia- so we can get the real help from them.
    Good lucky

  782. I am a Somalilander. I believe in the ideals of this young nation, I believe in its promise.

    We in Somaliland have led a fragile existence over these two past decades within confines imposed by the powerful human imperatives of fear and hope; fear of becoming part of the Somali problem, of being forced to melt into the politics of chaos and statelessness, of turning into feuding tribes massacring each other on the barren lands. This fear and the resulting state of circling the wagons has kept us alive and allowed us to raise a generation in peace and democracy. Fear has been our ally, our savoir. And we have borders with hope too, distant yet alluring hope, that we as Somalilanders might be able to play a constructive role that would allow Somalis everywhere to pursue dreams that are compatible with life, dignity and survival. Hope that commitment of the Somaliland State to solution of the Somali problem may spell the difference between success and failure. I place emphasis here again on the term Somalilander, citizens who believe in the concept of Somaliland and who are willing to pay all costs associated with such a conviction; for self appointed representatives of all the tribes of Somaliland, has been part of all reconciliation conferences in Somalia.

    I wonder what role if any my fellow Somalis see for people like me; die hard Somalilanders, in this upcoming conference in London in particular and in the solution of the Somali crisis in general (except of course wishing us to die or go away to some other terrible fate)? Can Somaliland be part of the Solution or do some see its complete disintegration as part of the Solution?

    Dr. A Jowhar

    1. Hi, Dr. Jowhar:
      Yes. I believe that Somaliland can be part of Somalia’s solution. But first and foremost Somalia & its citizens must accept the fact that Somaliland is a country that exists and have existed before the failed union. Each one of them must recognize the other fully, to respect their wishes. Their recognition for each other will certainly create a friendly atmosphere of mutual understanding between the two sisterly countries that existed before, and can exist side by side once more – same like the Arab countries, or the Swahili-speaking East African ones. Their help to each other can start from there. But if we continuously deny one another, our major concerns will be ignored by us, and the rest of the world would be unable to help too. Thus continuous failures of all efforts, whether it is made by us or are orchestrated by international organizations. Thank you for opening that kind of positive dialogue between our successful Somaliland & the ailing Somalia country that needs our help. May God bless you, and may God bless all the positive-minded Somalilanders like you in this world. Once more, thank you & thanks to Matt as well as UK, since they are giving this good chance to Somalia.

    2. HI
      I belive if you want be part of the solution recognize somaliland If you don”t you are part of the of the prob and in that case our leaders don’t hesitated to walk out.
      The diffreances south somali and us ‘somaliland’ we are loyal to our leadres ,but somali who is their leader alshabaab, suna wal jameca ,pirates or so called TFG.mine telling me why we’re having this conferance.there’s no much British gov can do unless you recognise somaliland.well, If you’ll excuse me I’d better keep watching my border omg I’m hopping the police will catch him(al shabaab) before we we have to go that route somalia took it long time ago.

      1. While ‘Somalilanders’ are busy proclaiming democracy to the world, their kids are leaders of Al- shaabab and are busy wrecking havoc to the poor southerners who have just recovered from years of warlord-ism.

  783. Dear Matt Baugh
    Greetings of Peace . My name is Mohamed Ali Chairman of Somali American Peace Council. SAPC is a grass-roots organization established to help Somalia and its people. We are pleased that British Prime Minister David Cameron is hosting the upcoming conference on Somalia in February 2012. We would like to encourage you and your government to include the Diaspora community. We appreciate you and your government to take this positive step towards Somalia. We hope that UK becomes sincere peace maker. I will recommend the following:
    1- Stop the Ethiopian and Kenyan interference to Somali affairs
    2- Support peace makers from the Arab and other Muslim countries
    3- Abolish 4.5 clan based system
    4- Inclusive peace reconciliation
    5- Do not let Somalia be divided ( Historically the Europeans divided Somalia
    including the UK. However today our enemy Ethiopia is dividing Somalia )
    Thank you
    Mohamed Ali
    Chairman of Somalia American Peace Council

  784. Mr Baugh and his ilk will continue to make good life out of this process, while Somalis will continue to suffer and be a shame on Africa and humanity. I am just wondering why Somalis cannot solve their problem? And as for Somaliland, as long as we are free from international obligations, let us enjoy what we have and think about how one day we could send 200000 well armed boys to Somalia and claim our share, as other nations in the region are doing. And in our case, we shall not abuse any one. Instead we shall teach them how we liberated Somaliland from the likes of Mr BAUGH.

    Boy from Eel Sheikh, Republic of Somaliland

  785. The problem is the Somali authority (Pre.Faroole,Pre.Shariif.The Speaker Shariif Hassan and the Yes man PM Abdiwali) we the Somali People are looking forward for your solution.

  786. I want to briefly share with you what needs to be done to put an end to this protracted Somali suffering once for all. The underline Somali issue is lacking a functional government. That needs to be the priority. Having a functional government will solve most of the issues that international communities, including Britain has in mind. To do that though, we need a genuine Somali strategy that put the Somali interest first but NOT International community strategy that puts its interest ahead of the Somali interest. Time after time, we, Somalis, have witnessed strategies that were developed for us and asked our so called leaders to implement them. Once those experiments fail, we got blamed and a new strategy is crafted and is tasked to our next leader- that vicious cycle continues to this day; that has to top and I hope this conference does the opposite of what we have been doing thus far.

    MN, USA

  787. Welcome friends from UK who will set up a way that we can obtain the existence we lost over twenty years ago. Somalia does not need any more the tribal and unfair quota system 4.5 mechanism. Furthermore, please be aware the MAFIA that is against the Justice and fairness. The rulers who are self-made and who work the jungles of injustice, nepotism, uncountable to their embezzlements and wasting the entrust they have plundered. We need the rule of law and fairness rebirth and shine all over Somalia. Thanks friends of Great Britain and all over the world. Down the injustices that brought the Somalia the Current Mini unfair Establishments. Long live the Raasayrland, Awdal and Khaatumo States. We need a new government and the leaders who are not robbers and delinquents rulers.

    1. Somalia need to recognise the Somaliland and referendum of North Somalia or ( Somaliland British protectorate), and then solve the south problems.


      1. Dear Rashid

        North Somalia consists of (Awdal State, Somaliland, Khaatumo State and Puntland) …so I agree with you that the international community needs to recognise and support the tranquillity of all sub-regions. Being Northerner myself (Hargeisa).. the issues in Somaliland are close to my heart and I regard it as an important aspect that needs to be considered for the peace plans of the country as whole.

        Especially in the current climate where there is tribal conflicts (only yesterday the new Awdal State president which main sub-clans of the Samaron tribe have elected has visited Mogadishu to meet with the TFG Prime Minster Dr Abdiweli to gain the support of the TFG and report the tribal-linked mistreatments subjected to some sub-clans of the Samaron/ Gadabursi people in Awdal State and to strengthen the declaration of independence from the Somaliland Clan (Isaq)). Also in Lasanod there is still tribal issues (the Dhulbahante sub-clans in the region continue to complain to the international community for the unfair tribal-linked imprisonments and cruel treatments.. especially the targeting of the youth, boys, men and women in Lasanod based on their clan-root is a concern that needs to be addressed) .. In addition just last Sunday the Somaliland Clan (Isaq) has waved attacks on the civilians of the town of Buhodle by conducting barbaric wild shelling, burning homes and killing of civilians. All this under the watchful eye of the international community – the Cayn region (Khaatumo State)/ Buhodle remains on high alert due to anticipated ongoing tribal conflicts between Somaliland Clan (Isaq) and the Khaatumo State people (Dhulbahante) as I write here today. – Hence why this upcoming meeting is very important and of interest to all peace loving people in Northern Somalia.

        These unprovoked attacks and complaints from Northern Somalia is disturbing to both people living in North Somalia and those in the Diaspora who originate from the region. Also the relations of Northern Somalia sub-regions whether it is Puntland, Khaatumo, Awdal or Somaliland needs to be strengthened to ensure all clans of the region can live together peacefully … this is not just of interest to indigenous Northerners like me but also to the TFG, Great Britain and all our neighbouring countries (Ethiopia, Djibouti and Kenya).

        Hence, why we all need to support the British Prime Minister’s request for all regions to come to the table for peace talks… only through dialogue can consensus be reached and differences be resolved.

        Somalia is being abused by trivial quarrels, unnecessary hate, never ending grudge, terrorist thinking, uneducated tribal leaders who have no vision beyond their tribe, diseased individuals who are obsessed and blinded by clan flags and clan allegiance, refusal to see the common good, and of course the hopeless who never sees no light at the end of any tunnel, who chooses to remain ignorant in the face of enlightenment, who chooses to act deaf to the call of peace.

        Please let us all be the ones who put an end to this madness; let us be the change we all need to see. Let us avoid falling into the trap of another 20 years of tribe and alshabaab news… lets support the efforts of the British Government on this important agenda.

        This is a call to all peace loving Somali people from all regions.

        Somalia Somali Baa Leh (Somalia belongs to all the Somali people).


        1. Dear Bough

          Let me clarify onething to everybody, We as Somaliland we were enjoying for the last 20 years relative peace. Why UK and other entities are willing to force us the failed notion of great Somalia?..Please call first and formost Djabouti,NFD, Ogaden, because we have watched 50 years ago same edition, I was born and grew up Somaliland 20 years ago. I started of primary school and recently graduated one of the Somaliland Universities I was under the flag of Somaliland, I will sacrifice everything to my country.. and Now it is not the time of the unification somalia and Somaliland.

          Somalia is where we cheated!!!

        2. dear Idil
          i actually very sad about your little knowledge about the Somaliland History!, because you are repeatedly saying Northern Somalia (Somaliland,Awdal, khaartumo and Puntladn) where is Puntlad you are always including as part of the Ex northern somalia.

          ok i thing you don’t disagree with that Republic of Somalia contained Two States or say Countries or Say colonies called British Somaliland Protectorate and Italy Somaliland, so u say Puntladnd was part of somaliland protectorate ?.

          all in all the Solution of somalia is to make two Countries called Somalia and Somaliland who are peacefully living side by side

          1. My learned friend Khadar no tribe can be a nation Somaliland is a trbal state known to the whole world period nothing you say or anyother entity will make it.Hence lets the poeples power have a say wake up

          2. khadar
            you are everywhere!
            still fighting for so called ‘somaliland’ the fake name because the name is right for all Somalia from rasasayr to raskamboni.
            and remember Awdale state and khaatumo state are belong to ‘Greater Somalia’.
            It is the time for SNM to give up and start healing the brainwashed kids of theirs in everywhere.

      2. hi
        somalia is one flag .one country it is not have border .one religion.islam .somalia it is need to solve proplem with out internatiol communite …. somaliland is part of somalia .khaatumo is part of somalia .awdal is part of somalia ….if u try to regocnize somaliland .tomorow it must to again regocnize khaatumo and net year it is must to rocogniz punland ……so.nave be opeing the way of somalia get new proplem …i would like to thank new state of somalai ..khaatumo…….. i am isaaq …but iam not like recognice ….,,,….i hope netx year to see one somali…..

  788. Dear Mr Baugh, I will let you know what I think as you are clearly asking for some guidance and ground facts.
    It is very misfortune that individuals like you have been assigned to involve in the political turmoil in the Horn of Africa. Reading your article her teaches me nothing more than that the West has done it AGAIN; that is failing the region, again, by appointing another, keen but incompetent, diplomat. there is an ongoing political violence in the region due to the interference of misguided and misinformed international community’s envoys like you. If I may correct you about one fundamental fact that you have, consciously or subconsciously, committed a gross error on in your assumption here is the distinct between the two countries; that is Somalia and Somaliland, which you assumed is one unity called Somalia “The opportunity to reinforce the relative stability in areas of Somalia, such as Somaliland and Puntland and in the south”. Fact – there was never Somalia, and for a politically active and British diplomat to make this error, it is damaging for the ageless and rich British international affairs.
    The countries you are referring to here, were known, prior to Somaliland’s withdrawal in 18 May 1991 from the 1st July 1960 voluntary union, the Somali Republic, NOT Somalia as you have repeatedly stated in your article here.
    While the ‘Somalia’ you are appointed to interfere is a “failed state”, Somaliland, which may not be priority assignment is a democratic country that has a democratically elected government just like Britain, the one that has assigned you to deal with that region of the world. Somaliland, a functioning democracy in the Horn of Africa, has population of millions that declared their wish to be independent from the ‘voluntary union’ of former Somali Republic in a referendum. I hope this fact, least, reminds you about the value of democracy and self-determination, which may lead you to understand and respect the distinction between the two countries.
    I congratulate you for being enthusiastic about Somalia and her affairs and for being keen in assisting in bringing about positive change, but Mr Baugh, DO NOT be fooled about realities on ground. Do not be another Boutros Boutros Ghali when dealing with truth on ground in that region of the world. Your job as a British diplomat and/or Civil Servant is very important and as a British Somalilander, myself, I will be very disappointed if you fail either country of mine; Britain and Somaliland.
    Thank you, and I hope my advise comes to you useful in your assignment, which is, I believe, very crucial.

    1. Dear Salma Sheik…

      The purpose of the meeting in London is not to create further unnecessary division amongst the Somali people, 20 years is enough!

      I am sure Matt is very aware of the situation in Northern Somalia (Somaliland Khaatumo and Puntland). As a British Citizen originating from Northern Somalia (Hargeisa) I know that it is in the interest of all those who reside in both North Somalia and South Somalia ..that this meeting is a success.

      Lets all hope that through dialogue we can improve our beloved country and all its regions.

      The British Government is supporting a united peaceful and stable Somalia… We should all be thankful.

      1. Idil, your claim here of being a Somalilander, who supports the failed ideology; Soomali Weyn/Greater Somali Republic, of Dictator and former president of Somali Republic, Mohamed Siyad Bare, is pathetic and probably why the ‘Somalia’ is considered a “failed state” in the world. Your pretence and denial is, my friend, very sad and psychotic. You comparing a country of over 5 million people to a family gathering of one of the many sub clans of Somalilanders in Sool. However, what is more sadder is the foreign interventionists who are trying to deal with the ‘Somalia’ situation and taking advise from, clearly challenged, people, who can not simply comprehend of keep up with changing political and social spheres of our region and/or globe. The world has changed and moved away from ‘expansionism’. If it did not, you would have seen one Europe, one Arabia world, instead of new born sovereigns like that of Southern Sudan. It is a reality that the Somali Republic is no more and ‘Greater Somali Republic’ died with its thinker Siyad Bare. It’s about time the few foreign hopefuls, but yet uneducated about the facts, move onand come up with new ways to rescue the ‘Somalia’ as the Somali Republic will be NO more.
        One last thing for Matt Baugh and his co on February London Conference; as long as you chose to deny the truth and ignore Somaliland’s vital role in assisting rescue the Somalia, and as long as you plan the coming conference on ‘Somalia’ and ignore other major countries in the HoA that ‘Somalia’s’ ongoing problems affect, Somaliland will NOT be part of your initiative as Somaliland’s government is an elected government that acts, purely, on Somalilanders’ wishes, and is restricted by the country’s constitution from participating such conferences. So, if that is yours and your bosses’ plan, go ahead and meet with the TFG, which, unfortunately, was formed outside the ‘Somalia’ by non Somalians, and which is considered a joke by most leaders and scholars due to their inactive role in the ‘Somalia’.
        Please, people of the now ‘Somalia’ wake up and stop pretence and living in denial. Accept facts. Look around you in the world, and accept change. Come up with new initiatives to rescue your country, instead of hanging on to the failed ideology inherited from a former Dictator, because, he wanted to unite the five Somali speaking countries hence the white star with 5 angles on the Blue flag. Two of these countries/regions are occupied and only Allah knows when they will achieve their independence, other two are DJabouti and Somaliland, which neither of them has an interest now of unification. So, AGAIN, accept reality, because since you can not handle the ‘Somalia’ you have now, you can NEVER handle a ‘Greater Somali Republic’

        1. Dear Salma Sheik..

          I must say it fills me with great sadness to see a Somali person refusing to realize the path to peace. This is not a time to explore the tribal mixtures and tropical differences of the people in Northern Somalia whether it is Awdal, Somaliland, Khaatumo or Puntland. It is rather an occasion to find a peaceful resolution to the situation of the country as a whole. We have to appreciate the efforts of Great Britain and our TFG in reaching this prominent time where all have the possibility of conducting an open dialogue.

          I agree there is currently a tribal conflict in Northern Somalia between the Somaliland tribe (predominantly Isaaq) and Khaatumo State (predominantly the Dhulbahante). It is unfortunate that tribal conflicts persist in this day and age, hence why the TFG and Great Britain are greatly concerned and are encouraging all parties to open a peaceful dialogue.

          I am a supporter of peace and unity, I want to see change, I want the intervention of Great Britain as Somalia is clearly in need of assistance. I want to see all regions of Somalia living side by side peacefully, I am tired of any conflict whether it is the tribal situation in the North of Somalia or that alshabaab issues in the South of Somalia.

          I think twenty years is far too long to remain in disagreement, Somali people all over need to understand that differences need to be ironed out for a better tomorrow. I hope all the Sub-regions of Somalia whether it is North or South people will open their hearts and minds and change their ways in the name of peace and unity for their beloved country Somalia.

          I am proud to be British Somali… I am proud to be a citizen of a country that cares for the peace of all regions of Somalia.

          Thank you Great Britain.. thank you Matt for the opportunity to respond and all the hard work you and your team are doing for this important meeting.

          Lets all pray for peace and unity.

          1. It’s funny to hear the fake so called states tribal namely khaatumo and awdal; where do they exist except on cyberspace, where??

          2. And Somaliland exists in a deluded clan, if every village in the world declared sovereignty the world would have thousands independent nations?

          3. Thank you Idil,

            Obviously they don’t have the political maturity you have and their argument shows that. Thanks again and Viva Somalia.

        2. These extreme views about Somaliland’s independence is becoming stale. The fringe secessionists are running out of time and out of ideas. Why are you scolding this diplomat who has no power or authority to recognize your fake republic. After all you are claiming your borders based on British colonialism. As many have commented here, Somalia or Somali Republic (as if there is a difference!) is composed of Clans and Sub-Clans and Sub-sub-clans etc. So to establish a regional State let alone a Republic you need the undivided loyalty of all groups. Apparently, Awdal State and Khaatumo State do not agree with your agenda. It is better for Hargeisa to attend this conference and share with other Somalis what is rightly theirs, instead of isolating themselves. Soon you will not be even eligible to become a State within Somalia let alone an independent country.

        3. Somalia is a failed state because of people like you who have sinister move remember SNM and today the same SNM are claiming to be government will wake up Somalia is ONE and will never be divided by any entities.Divide and rule attitude is over people know what they want and nothing will stop them.I,am sure today if referendum is taken Somaliland as you claim will go down the drain think twice ONE SOMALI STATE and thats how it be

        4. Dear Salma,

          I take your concerns down, and in addition to this, as far as I am aware, Somaliland government has been invited to the conference but President Silaanyo’s government have refused to attend. So putting that in to perspective, i think it is fair to state that the British Government has invited all PARTIES concerned. Remember this is a conference NOT just on Somalia but concerns of Somalia, how it affects the sourrounding countries, therefore, Somaliland should be part of this conference and it gives them the opportunity to show case their concerns and map out to the rest of the world the great achievements that have been made.
          I am not from Somaliland, however, instead of people pointing fingers and blaming each other, I believe this is a unique opportunity for each country/region to let the international community know what they want/concerns and find some form of solution…

          Lets not forget, If somaliland do attend this conference, this will be a great exposure for them in showcasing their agenda for recognition to the international community and people should not view it as us and versus them but look at it from the wider context.

          I just hope this opportunity is caputalized by All sections of Somalia/Somaliland/Puntland etc and do whatever they can to avoid history repeating again, we do not want to see another road-map, another peace initiatives… The time is now, 2012, the year people really want to see real objectives/goals that concerns all parties brought to the table and the International community must then try whatever ways possible in implementing it, no more talk no more dreaming, lets see some action for the love of God.

    2. salma
      Mr Baugh do not need you to guide him of his work.
      your so called aka somaliland is not and never be exist.
      if you wish you can choose better name which could be like,hargaysa land or whatever.
      give up calling SSC part of somali-hargaysa because not!.
      that is why I say, you people from northwest of somalia need rehabilitation. to get the damage done. take lonftime to heal bewitched and brainwashed by your warlords.

  789. Many somalis are looking positively for the upcoming conference at London. The hope is high and the UK is well-known for being serious and effective change-maker. Political party leaders are among progressive people who are encouraging public to the direction of positive change. We wish Matt and other British organizers for the best of the conference and successful outcome. Chair of the People Party.

  790. Thank you Matt for this important update.

    As a British Somali citizen I am glad that Britain is taking the lead in supporting the peace of Somalia and building of dialogue among all regions.

    I am concerned about the situation of all sections of Somalia both north and south and like all Somalis I am fed up of the never ending unrest in Somalia, in particular the current situation in Northern Somalia; Lasanod / Buhodle regions (Khaatumo State of Somalia), which you have not mentioned in the above statement.

    President Shiikh Sharif has spoken about the situation in this region recently, as it is currently of great concern to the peace of Northern Somalia and is detrimental to the stability of all states: Somaliland, Khaatumo and Puntland.

    I have high hopes for this meeting taking place in my city London, I hope the outcome will be a peaceful Somalia for the benefit of both the Somali people in the Diaspora and those in all regions of Somalia.

    1. dear idil :i wonder what you are talking any somali person can`t classify whether you are educated or uneducated.we know that somaliland and somalia are different countries only they share the name of somali.
      AFTER that i want to tell mr.matt baugh that somalilanders never accept if the UK government suggests to unite with somalia we can`t denny that uor leaders will take part the confrence but they are going to tell what tru is .
      every body knows that somaliland was self existed country before the british colony captured the country then we joined somalia but in 1991 when the country heavily collapsed we declared an independence this girl called IDIL i think she doesn`t know nothing about somaliland and she is telling a lie when she said there is AWDALSTATE,KHATUMOSTATE something like that there is no states inside somaliland everybody knows that even MATT BAUGH lives now nairobi and he is seeing the reality plzzz don`t tell any lie about the country of somaliland that is allllllllll

      1. yes nasir you are right there isn what called khatoumo and awdal that false states are used in oder to make desrtuctoin and its used by special persons that wants only money somaliland is somalind there is no what is called states in somaliand and will never be if any one try to say some thing not true about somaliland he is one of the somalia people those dont want somaliland to be paece full they want somalland to be like somalia tha t will never happen somaliland will have its peace and development and will never be part of somalia that is promise

        1. It’s Somaliland that was welfare state for the last twenty years. SNM in Hargeisa can’t force people of Khatumo, Awdal and Makhir for something they don’t want.

  791. the success of the out come of this conference is vital for the future of our people. But the question is who will be representing the Somali people in the conference and how will they be selected?
    As we Somalis aware most of the previous conferences never succeeded because of picked handed by international communities known by Somalis one man part leaders who represent their-selves interests.
    I hope Uk conference organizers will not follow dead ended routs of
    two decades conferences,

  792. Britain and Italy were the two colonial powers before Somalia born as Nation in 1960s. Italia tried to come back and help Somalia during the 20 years and so Somalia disintegrated into the current crisis. But Britain did not bother what happened to Somalia. Instead, Britain was happy to be the passenger for Somalia issues. Many Somalis were surprised the indifferent attitudes displayed by the Britain.

    As the suffering of Somalia continue, its never too late for Britain to come to the rescue and stand for Somalia.

    With regards to the suggested agendas, I think all those topics are important and relevant. However, I would like to make clear for the conference organisers that the discussions toward the political issues are more important. The best this conference can achieve is to agree a formation of inclusive Parliament without former warlords. Put in place an agreeable benchmark for who can become parliamentarian, such as higher education.

    I personally hope the London conference successful and Somalia gets back its place in the world community.

    Musse Ali

    1. first all somali people must know that somaliland will never be part of somalia again all s/landers take their own decision they make every thing in order to get recognistion and international comunity must know thay s/land people have rights they must take what they want i love my country somaliland if britain goverment want to desrtoy somaliland it will listen somalia and if it want somaliland it must give somalianders what they want somaliland will never come back those waiting somalailand never waste your time we get every thing peace goverment also we are developing our country what somalia did somalia is only busy how to destroy peace full countryies

  793. The London Conference should:
    1) Support the unity of the Somali Republic.
    2) Support a truly democratic Somalia as the final outcome of the civil war.
    3) Support a judiciary system independent of political and tribal
    There is an opportunity for the International Community to support the estabilishment of a JUST SOCIETY in Somalia (a future show-case for Africa).

    1. it is really stange, to see that western governments are still willing to waste thier effort again in what was once called somalil Republic. this reminds me One of somaliland old person, used to put the seeds in the river, and still expects to get the fruits. i believe it is the right time, to change the tone, and regonize somaliland. where there is a stability, Administeration, elected government. this will help and share the solution of the othre southern somalia.the problem is when the western nations still get thier feed back from un reliabel sources, and only those personells, who get the benefits of the western support, but keep in mind the somali nation do not get any tangable support, Do wetern nation, believe feeding the hunguary people will solve the criticale case? i do not think so, we have to face the reallity, and devide this case in two different parties, as they used to be, which is south and north, and solve each case seperately, this means regonizing somaliland is the only solution , then somaliland will take its lion share to finalize the southern somali problems. other wise the whole world is just wasting thier effort as well as their support, and the somali problem will arise for ever.

  794. Hi Matt Baugh thanks for your information You give us ,this is what a Somalia need it now ,you are and your Goverment they are right direction keep moving in that right direction .good lucky.


  795. Thanks Matt for keeping us updated about the Somali conference scheduled on 23rd February 2012. It seems to me so far you and your colleague are doing great job to once more to restore hope and future for many suffering Somali’s including women and children. I hope the outcome of the conference will be positive for those people who are suffering through out twenty years and will give them support to go back safely their rightful properties in Mogadishu and elsewhere in Somalia..

    1. Hello Everybody;
      I would like to say this is a very important forward step for the future of Somalis in general and particularly those who love their real identity which is the blue flag with white star in the middle.
      I am suggesting that the British Government has to consider and invite to the conference all state Governments and find solutions .

      Awdal State and Khatumo State are particularly to be invited as they could contribute fundamental ideas for one Somalia. They had made possible the Somali unification after independence on July 1st, 1960.

  796. We the Somali People are pleased with the effort of the government of the UK. Its indeed an important step to finding a sustainable peace in the Somali problem. But my concern as will be many educated young Somalis living abroad (Sweden), is the blind attention given to the one of the most important arm of the Somali structure, The Youth. More then 80 percent of all the warring parts comprise the youth, Alshabaab use them as a tool to enforce their fatal agendas, so as the pirate and other interesting groups. This therefore necessitates the importance of including the youth in all future political landscape in Somalia. The TFG, though there are outstanding individuals who are committed to bringing stability peace to Somalia, have time and again proved to be the only reliable partner in Somalia.

    My humble request to the UK government and the organizers of this conference is the youth be given an opportunity to shape their future and the future of Somalia. Another important element in the Somali way of life is the role of the elders and community leaders, i believe the inviting of some self interested so called leaders into the meeting and calling it the Somali authority will not make desired change on the ground.

    Its my sincere hope that the UK government involvement in Somali’s politics is sincere as mentioned in the report above.

    I wish the Somali people all the success and dignity they have lost for decades.

    Hassan Mao

  797. Matt,

    We’re always so thankful for the efforts of the Great Britain and for the chance of the upcoming conference. The agendas are also fantastic. we lookforward to a good news from there eventhough we know that it wont be a quick solution for the long running conflicts in Somalia. We had seen several reconciliation conference held in Africa and Asia for the Somali politicians, while we all thought that was the beginning of the end to the crises but it turned out to be more worse and only divided politicians further. As far as i can remember this is the first time Britain hosts such a conference in Britain that will bring together most influential Somalis. I would strongly urge that involving parties of the conference pursue any result that comes out of the conference, not to turn their back against the chance. the good news is that after a bitter suffer the Somalis inside Somali and those living abroad are committed now and they want peace and government no matter how and where it comes from.

    1. Dear matt

      Please do not be misled by some of the misinformed comments from what I think are young people with little understanding of the real political situation in Somalia. Many people have mentioned Somaliland and presented various arguments. I believe the question of Somaliland is very important to the stability of Somalia but only if you have an insight understanding of the region can you make anything that is even close to a solution. The territory formerly known as Somaliland consists of 6 regions it’s also inhabited by 4 major tribes and many smaller ones. During the days of British influence each tribe had their own agreement with the British, Somaliland was never colony neither was it a country it was protectorate and its official name was “The Somaliland protectorate” the only country that was recognised or anticipated before 1960 was Somalia that is why in 1960 Britain withdrew from Somaliland to allow for the creation of independent Somalia 3 days later and the fact that both Italy and Britain withdrew from Somalia at the same time was no accident this issues was agreed on years ago and planned with UN involvement from the early 1950’s. I am only saying this because a lot people who have no understanding of these facts throw around various claims about how Somaliland used to be a country; Somaliland was never a country and it was never anticipated to be one. But all that doesn’t even matter because if you understand the tribal structure of the region you will know for sure that a country called Somaliland is not possible anyway you look at it. Understanding the tribal structure is very important because in Somalia the tribe is the community, the political party and the power on the ground. In 1991 a few individuals consisting mostly of the former SNM insurgent group from one of the tribes in Somaliland the Isaq and a few individuals from the others declared independence from Somalia and claimed that Somaliland is a new country. All the other tribes who are the majority of the population of the region along with all the tribes of Somalia are aggressively opposed to this one tribe agenda. Therefore the so called Somaliland and its claimed independence is just another problem in a long list of tribal quarrels in Somalia and should be treated with equal light as with all the other problems in south central Somalia. Three autonomous regions that will come under the new federal government are already declared by other tribes within the territory that Somaliland claims Maakhir, Khaatumo and Awdal states, so as you can see this entity called Somaliland that so many people are almost spamming you with is just another tribal problem in Somalia. The leader of Awdal state is just on a visit to Mogadishu in talks with the Somali government. I think this conference should make sure that the SNM militia and its leaders understands that their insistence on independence is not possible and the only result from it will be another violent war that devastates the region, which the conference should aim to prevent from happening and make it clear to the militia.. It is also very important to understand that not all the Isaq people support this separatist agenda and that the majority of the common people do not care about the SNM separatist movement, they just want peace and development in their country. However the lack of government in Somalia for the last 20 years meant that the SNM militia was controlling people’s opinions, they have actively supressed people who expressed nationalist ideas; this week alone they have imprisoned more than 20 journalists in Hargaisa for what they called “pro-Somalia news” and this has been the routine for the past 2 decades. The population in the cities that the SNM controls are not free to state their opinions and are in fact prisoners in their country living in extreme fear; many have been killed or tortured just for speaking out. When the united nations or other international community personal visits the region they are only allowed to visit a few pretty neighbourhoods in the city where everything is staged to look like it’s going all too well and that everyone agrees with the militia but this picture is far from the truth.

      1. Hi Abdi and Matt,don’t you get it,Awdal State was made here in Ottawa,Canada by a friends who were shewing khat anf it does not represent anybody and Abdi stop all this none sense picture about Somaliland.Somaliand is indeniable Country in the Horn of Africa.
        So for better or worse,Somalialnd should be recognise also i suggest for the British government ,you know Scotland is looking for a country so Somaliland already lost in 1960 but now we don’t miss it.So please matt inform your leader that we pay a big price and lot people blood for this country.

        1. Ali im afraid thats not corrrect. Abdi is right. the So called Somaliland was never a country and Britain knows about that. It seems that you aren’t talking to someone who knows you better but Britain does. My suspicion is that this conference will not be inclusive if Britain don’t invite nationalist states in Northern Somalia such as AWDAL STATE, and KHAATUMO STATE OF Somalia. I am not sure if Britain is aware of but most Somalis believe that Britain is actively seeking or gathering support for the SNM militia group who control Hargeisa to gain independence. Most Somalis would like to see Britain doing the other way round meaning encouraging Somalis to come together not supporting one of the functions.

          1. We need to know our gools , and go forward to somali reconciliation in my few , we want a good goverment to all somali people from north to south, no somaliland ,awdal state, puntland, hiiran land and others , somalia is somalis only .

            I am telling you if somaliland come to the conference its good for somalis ,even we support if somaliland take a capitalcity of somalia and president of somalia next year ….

          2. Mat and Mohamed

            I am very disappointed to see your opinion. I don’t no your background but you are here to argue for the sake of argument. It is fact that Somaliland is stable and progressing both politically and economicly and it is the only place any somalian or foreigner can feel safe. A sensible mind will look a ways to capitalise that for the greater goodness of the region.

            Somaliland is a good example for promoting peace and stability and putting the majority interest first.

            I dont see how British will bring remedy to the problem of Somali people since Britain was the one behind this division in the first place and still doing so when it has it own interest, as we have recently witnessed the independence of South Sudan.

            It is the interest of the Somali people that Somaliland remains independent State, recognised or not and and not change it’s political course as long as Somalia remains as it is now.


          3. Hi everyone

            There is no need to argue about our internal affairs, infact Britain understands all somali parties. let us face the main and deep rooted problem in southern somalia. Britain or any other third party will not solve our problem, our elders can solve this problem only if we give them a chance and I can give you a good example, Somaliland was established in Burao in 1991. lets us ask ourselves who solved their problem, obviously, the elders and tribe leaders, they sat under a tree and dsicussed their internal problems and created reconciliation between the tribes, so they can live peacefully together. secondly they held another conference in Borama (Awdal) in 1993, which was also succesful.

            We can reach and enjoy prosperity, ONLY if we trust Almighty Allah (SW)

        2. Shame on you to describe the Awdallites as such. Don’t you know Awdal community is the most educated people in somalia. Awdallites are respectable people and are the heart of somali civilization. It is SNM (Somalida Neceb Midnimada), Somalis that hate unity, who announced this dream of somaliland while chewing Qat and have been in this euphoria for the last 20 years. There is no what is called somaliland. Awdal state is part of somalia, and is working fully to bring the unity back. We, awdal community are committed to do so. The dream is over and the community have woken up. Long live somalia..

          1. I am a Somalilander living in the UK since 1988. Prior to this we lived in Mogadishu where we had to leave due to the war. I am Isaaq and Can tell you that whilst Isaaq as well as all the tribes in Somalilander did wish for a Union they found it was made possible due to the South Somalis possesive nature over their respective terrorties. We also found that many of the Somalis cannot accept each other especially in the South. Therefore, most Isaaq only lived in the capital as second class citizens and they found it very difficult to be represented equally. Most of my family that still had homes in hargeysa and Berbera in 1988 where subjecated to horrific violence due to our city folk wanting to be equally represented. We don’t want this to happen again. We can all talk about clans or tribes but we cannot ignore the fact that all that Isaaq people want is peace for thier folk in their country. We feel a lot of the misinformation being represented about this issue needs to be clarified. Their has been tribes in Somaliland who have found it easier to belong but many others haven’t and so they where able to come togther again to rebuild their lives whilst the rest of the North East and South Somalis where still struglling.We were able to bring peace and progress despite the few skurmishes we have always supported democracy but it seems a few are still unable to see the injustice to us and so lack empathy. It is this which will make Isaaq as well as other tribes in SOmaliland feel apprehensive and relectunt to trust a union. Finally the main contributor to the difference in ideology is because SOmaliland and SOmalia have different geographical needs as well as differences in exposure to the external eliminates that formed their current positions. This makes the gulf between them apparent. Their past history has paved the way for a long rooted problem. It is your empathy and consideration to many this required who just cannot see a road to union not at this time.

        3. Thats your assumption Ali wake up nothing can stop peoples will not even the terrorist SNM can do that i think you are lost its 21st century and divide and rule policy is over Somali will remain ONE country and every regoin will have its piece of cake from the central Government.If you have no idea what federalism is then read and educate yourself.

      2. the denial and the manipulation in your comment is what caused the current situation of somalia, so please stop that. Somaliland has showed the world that they are a Country and met all the requirements to be a country, democracy, independency and constant development. and you saying that the Somaliland government is a militia is disgrace and disgusting. even if you do not like/agree the fact that they want separation you can deny what they did for the region and the progress they made to the situation of Somalia.

        another thing i would like to say is the majority of the people of Somaliland want the separation and do not want to be part of somalia and being united with somalia anymore. there minority that live in abroad want the unity which does not know the situation and has not experienced. the people that live in the region want the peace and stability that the somaliland provides and do not want to be part of a war zone which can not secure their own safety. Somalilanders built their country believing that they are nation and survived for two decades in fact developed and built nothing from something and a developing country.

        people like you is what caused the hatred and the war in Somali and stop misleading people and giving out false history just because you hate a certain tribe.

        1. First of all, ,may I thank the government of Great Britain for coming up with such a brilliant initiative for the Somali people all around the world. Secondly, May I remind the honourable lady, when you only study about the history of somalia, you will come to a wider comprehensive understanding of the current situation dilemma.I am not quite sure if you heard about this say before; “Don’t ever throw rocks if you live in a glass house”. The tribal based SNM state of Somaliland as I view it, is an oppressive, hatred preacher, hatred planter, History twister, and prejudice enforcing arrogant monster. If you may allow me to shed a light on the democracy you are claiming, in the regions of SOOL,SANAAG and Cayn, may i ask you how many of the residents of those regions have participated and voted to fulfil your good omen of Somaliland’s example of democracy, excluding the recent current government “Alleged” voting campaign participation. It’s very tiny small percentage, and I can never recall in memory of that happening from 1991-2010. Can you tell me, why is the SNM based government, the pinnacle state of democracy according to your opinion, is cracking down journalists who only portrayed the other side of the story and shelling innocent civilians constantly? Mere civilians who are getting shelled and bombarded day in and day out in Buhoodle even at this minute as I type to you right now. Can you tell me why is the SNM government, killed more 12 demonstrators in the city of LAASANOOD last week? On the contrary, ISAAQ people are being allowed to demonstrate in Hargeisa and Barbara in supportive to their own tribal based government. We are recording all of these incidents and very soon SNM will be exposed in an international scale.

          Can we say they are criminals only because they believe in “ALL SOMALIA” and the revitalising process of GREATER, FAIRER STRONGER,BONDED SOMALIA. A somalia of its all tribes, cultures, dialects, diversity and justice. I ask and urge the international community as well as human rights organisations, to not to be mesmerised by the front look of this deceitful manifested mirage. The international community must fetch what lies beyond the horizon and excavate the hidden ugly truth. This beautiful bed time story of the SNM Somaliland “tribal” based state, has a completely and utterly different story to it. I will conclude my comment with, apartheid is no foundation for law, order and democracy sister! Lets all come to the table. Lets all talk and eliminate hatred. Lets all remember that we are brothers and sisters. Lets all remember, our noble nomadic values. Lets all remember, back in the days, when problems occurred, our forefathers never fought against each other. In fact they all gathered around beneath one massive tree and solved the dilemma with a heart full of love, sincerity, brotherhood and fear of committing oppression if things don’t get solved. This is what happens when we forget about our rich history of unionism.

      3. I will repley to your answer you are somali but I am somalilander let us go back to history in 1940’s it is used call british protectrate or a british colony after that we volunterialy join to form what is call somalia in 1960 when we got our independance. our government need to take a minsteral post but that south italian colny somali rules they have not given not even one post even when we made union whoever the somaliland people they suffered from the regime of syed baree the dictator had boombarded the cities and killed 300,000 people and wounded a lot of people and this is a case that the international community to look at it .

        1. Dear all, we are aware that somali civilians particularly women, elderly, children rapidly suffered and died for hunger, unfair killings through false humanitarian aid which only weakened and distroyed the somali nation regardless south Somalia, north somali. Somalia current problems has been caused by outside intervention and used Somalia as battle ground to meet their selfish interest. For example billions funds donated to Somalia did not make any visible differences and the sufferings of the somalis continues whether you are from south and north Somalia. I believe that it is time to convince ourselves and be determined to solve the problems of Somalia without interverence and tribal discrimination and hate to one side to develop our somali land. Iam isaaq clan and lived in Mogadishu were I have been educated as a child and I truly missed the beauty of Mogadishu. One may argue, what, who distroyed Somalia and are we suffering when we have all our natural resources which benefits all somalis. On the hand, we must give huge credit to the success of somaliand and never deny them to have fully functioning united Somalia. Above all, somali needs to drop the AK47 they have been carrying since 1991 using different tactics such as warlordism and misinterpreted islamism to gain self interest which devided Somalia. We must agree as somalis that failure of Somalia came from the Italian, british and French colonism in which we are now suffering from divisions against each other through external donations through the ngo’s and western states. The cold war against Somalia begun after the ogaden war in 1977, after world witnessed the strenghth of Somalia. All somalis disliked mohamed siyad barre government simply because he knew that Somalia was due to be distroyed and became authoritarian to prevent chaos but the somalus did not listen and outcome clear now. God bless siyad for his all deeds. Above all , I believe external intervention to solve somali matters will not help and only further deteriorate the current problems in Somalia. Simply let Somalian people solve their problems alone and retreat all foreign troops from somalia and host international somali conference in hargeisa, second biggest city in Somalia and invite all somali functions including alshabaab representative to have a lasting peaceful solution. Please stop this tribal hate and promote love and peace to develop understanding of international relations. Where ever we go in the world we are known as Somali origin and we must promote unity at all times. Although we ate aware it is difficult at times but its our duty to make a difference with one love. God bless the world and bring less anarchy and pragmatic unity.

          1. Dear Jama and all others,
            I am proud of you Mr.Jama and your wise comment.Additionally,Britain should handle this event with past injustice committed against this people by it;s grand parents in mind.

        2. I pay my utmost human sense of gratitude and condolences to all of those family who have suffered under the Barre’s regime regardless of their tribes or representation . The man is dead for god sake. Islamically, dead people only owe blessing because definitely they are with God and facing their fate undoubtedly. Now, the ethnic genocide the SNM uses as an excuse to be separate from Somali is one of the most bias statements I have ever heard. Barre’s regime was a communist regime and if you studies politics you will know of what I am talking about. A Communist regime does not differentiate between its enemies. The primary priority of a Communist regime is to protect its power by any means necessary . We saw that in old soviet regime in which barre’s old government had a strong affiliation with. We saw that in the old Iraqi government meaning Saddam’s old government and the manner he has even executed his own family members. Only a non-educated person would use such an excuse. I am not here to defend him nor I have the intention to defend him, but Siyad Barre was a communist, and he killed and committed genocide even against his own people (The Daroods). He has killed thousands of Marjeerteens and in fact his first political opponent or rival came from a Darood man who later became Somalia’s president Abdulaahi Yusuf. Siyad barre has even committed genocide and killed thousands of religion leaders.He did not give any flying monkey about race, religion, tribes, elders, politicians, activists ets….. A communist is a communist Mr Hersi. For you to say three hundred thousand people were killed in HG, WOW… I find it REALLY hard to believe that and somehow i can smell a rat and sense of exaggeration in you statement!

      4. Dear Matt Bough

        Common Britain are you serious? you want us do the same mistake our fathers and grandfathers did?, trough our hard earned independence into a failed state? you want us be part of dirty civil and tribe war in east of Africa? force our fishermen to be sea pirates like puntland state of Somalia? create fundamentalist alshabab a like youth in our beautiful somaliland?

        Frankly speaking i felt offended by calling us being part of somalia so please edit your above statement.


        1:- get an advice or study how somaliland succeeded peace building process

        2: Address Italian Somalia problems first.

        3:-include and invite all the stake holders of south Somalia issue fairly and balanced manner.

        Good luck

        1. in reply khadar
          SSC is part of somali Democratic Republic wether you like or not.
          Britain has not bought a land into somalia and fully aware of SSC region and clan who owns it, so be realistic. Means accept to participate the conference, it is the interest of all somali speakers.

          1. It is very sad to see the very people who claim to be unionist and calling for ‘united Somalia’ are at the same time calling for the division of the same communities who live in the same regions they claim unite. Look at what this disgrace claim made in Taleeh village few weeks ago they say they are establishing Dhulbahante based ‘state’. I’m from British citizen whos is also belong to Boohoodleh clan and I’ve never feel so ashamed then ever before as Dhulbahante man. We do not need foreign sponsored conference to sort out our difference. If those crying about Somalia are honest about what they are calling for then they should be realistic and face the truth about what the Somalia situation is. Somalia does not need one solution nor it needs to be imposed on what already failed it, like what Mr. Matt calls ‘road map’. Let us support those who stood up and built their country and brought peace, harmony and stability without outside interference or African foreign troops protecting from one another, and that is THE REPUBLIC OF SOMALILAND where peace and stability is norm. The people who hail what they call SSC are within Somaliland borders and we support Somaliland as one entity. We say to Mr. Matt good luck with the impossible mission you want to achieve, but you can not diminish the existence of Somaliland and its people’s aspirations. Charity begins at home, so if their is no peace and people of Somalia, like Mogadishu and beyond, Mr Matt and British government sponsored conference will not bring peace to Somalia. Just look back in the last 20 odd years.

        2. Dear Matt Baugh,

          Let me take this opportunity to congratulate British prime minister and his government for not only hosting this historic conference on Somalia but enormous support that Britain offer to the good people of Somalia. Its worthy to mansion that Britain is the home of the largest Somali Diaspora on earth and so long being positive actor about the Somali issue.
          It seems we are not there yet to donate an accurate advice and plans to the world in order to end the horrible era. We should be good to find out better way to proverb, wiser to halt abhorrence and use all tools possible to accept the facts on the ground. Let us all remember that Britain won’t solve our harms their role is clear facilitation course only. Problem of Somalia’s for us to participate equally, sincerely to come up with rational termination of the past and generate new Somalia that can learn from the past and offer better chance for all walks of life. As we heard of or may be there to remember we had firs democratically elected government in Africa and for sure we have it in recorded history. We also had first presidential (may god give mercy His excellence Adan AbdulleOsman) peacefully power shift in Africa. Fair enough, we can do it again with even very much so or even much enhanced federal foundation to star from (bottom up approach)grassroots’ to the national level. We are all upset but we can make it well within this outstanding moment. As Puntlanders’ we have full of dreadfulness scenarios than our fellow North Westerns (Somaliland) ethnic group but we prefer to stay in accord. We share to a large extent in common not single difference, perhaps political variation wherein collective responsibility is the only way forward.
          There might be Sign of hope if we put all emotional thoughts aside and unlock our brain power by facing reality and the matter in hand. Trying to picture situation in Somalia today is like an orphan who killed both parents and come on the streets to ask people for help because he/she is an orphan with no food and shelter to survive. We need not to condemn to the world organizations because there were not enough food on the ground to feed our people where virgin land of Somalia has enough to offer us and even surplus to the world if we use our brain precisely. Let not to criticize the foreign entities because we fail to have an open dialogue (same language, culture, and religion, intermarriages) to compromise our distinction and stood up for common interest.
          Finally, contributing to the upcoming conference is compulsory for all and I would love to see Somali people in agreement and disagreeing in constructive way and fairly contests which way out of all these in the past for thinking hard of what coming future are hold for us.
          My advices are as follows
          • International community must encourage Somali unity by adapting federal system.
          • Foreign military force is the only solution to defuse Al-SHABAB but our people are too sensitive to bear as such a brutal action. Given that, AL-SHABAB can benefit Ethiopian army on the ground for its religion misinformation therefore, to prevent any propaganda armed forces such as Turkey, Egypt, Pakistan and Malaysia would be an advantage to take the lead in its place.
          • Reinforcing Somali national army is crucial for Somalia and elsewhere (piracy, terror and all ill-actions) in the world. Consequently, huge investment should be made available to bring the law and order, to patrol its borders and secure its citizens.
          • Garowe accord must have vastly, universal support to end the transition period with no wrongly elected parliaments of full of former vicious warlords but energetic intellectuals need to be given confidence to fulfill these roles.
          • Concluding with this equation: No Way out without security and justice sectors powerfully invested, not security and justice without national unity including North West Somalia and no national unity without international political-pressure on all parts including our fellow (Somaliland) North Western.

          Hope my voice is heard

          Hussein A fiqi

      5. Hello to you all;

        My only request from GB, Somalis and all the respected representatives of nations who will gather in London this February to respect my/our wishes of May 31/2001.

        Those Somalis who have an issue with Somaliland, where were you when i needed you the most? don’t shed crocodile tears now for Somaliweyn it’s dead, you might not believe but that is the reality get over it people.

        There are individuals who are trying to teach the Brits a lesson or 2 on the tribes who inhabit Somaliland, i guess they don’t know the Brits Rule this Country close to a century

        Somaliland Ha Jiirto oo Ha Joogto,

      6. mate u are most silly n deluded person somaliland is a nation n will be for ever weather u like or not today the general army was in gambadha town address his army it does not matter if u or anybody else writte to david camron or his gorvenment it wont change anything, somaliland will be recongised country soon enough so plz try not to have heart attack

      7. In respond to Abdi who may have possibly missed the golden opportunity that was given to all Somalis by Matt asking them to express their views towards the incoming Somali conference and how this can be done differently from the last 15 conference. I believe that our views and our discussions should be evidence based and it should be avoided any speech which may create problems between Somalis who have already suffering their self inflicted wounds.
        Firstly, as being a Somaliander, may I take the opportunity to thank Honourable Gentleman, David Cameron, British PM for taking this bold decision in calling for a conference for Somali people with a view of addressing the ongoing feuds, hatred, and wars among Southern Somalis which led them to have endless fights among themselves despite the world community have been spending millions on them. The money had been wasted as it was certainly not being spent on people. The international community has formed so many ineffective and toothless governments over the years. My view is that, we need to learn from our history.

        I am not here to entertain you with long and meaningless email, but in a nutshell, anyone who has a brain knows that all these previous conferences held in the past for Somalis were unproductive and created more problems to the point that they have been interfering with Somaliland in an attempt to spread the fire in Somaliland with the view of forcing it eventually to join them as this will enable them to re-invent the dead theory of bringing all 5 Somalis in one place. This theory was tested and it is the theory responsible for the genocide committed by Siad Bare regime which killed more than 50,000 people in Northern Somalia or Somaliland. This theory carried out the undistinguishable rape and torture for our elders, intellectuals, children, mothers, girls and it was misplaced millions of my ancestors. This theory should be buried forever as it causes panic attacks, anxiety and fear among my people. The decision for Somaliland to regain its independence was not born out of one family. It was born out because, all of the different communities in Somaliland, including elders, Guurti, Garads and intellectuals came together and called for inclusive conferences one of which was held in Burao and in Awdal in 1991 and the outcomes of their conference were that it will not be in the best interest of Somaliland to remain with the rest of Somalia again and the decision adopted was that Somaliland should reclaim its independence from the rest of Somalia. No one was forced to take this decision; it was taken unanimously among all communities in Somaliland.

        In light of this, I recommending that the British Government should take a strong decision in addressing where the solution of Somali is coming from which is, to recognise Somaliland before the fire in Mogadishu reaches them too. If British Government is not ready for making such this decision in the near future, it should come up with another solution urgently, possibily (Semi-state) which may enable Somaliland to be part of the world club.

        Finanlly, i am urging for Somaliland Goverment to attend this confernece.

        Once again, thank you for giving us this golden opportunity.

        Kindest regards, Saeed

      8. Hi Abdi ,
        I really admire your inspiring writings about the real status of the Somaliland.
        I am a graduate form oxford and worked many national l and international organizations before i moved to new Zealand . your comments on the issue of the Somali political situation is well articulated piece of work and i agree with all your clarifications when dealing with the Somali crisis. For the last week many Khatumo sate residents were miss treated in Lasanod for just expressing their wishes for the unity of Somalia and this will open an all war for the people of Northern Somalia . I would like to share with thee UK Government not to jump the gun but hopefully allow more Independent scholars to attend this important Conference in London so that their contribution will give an inclusive dialogue for all Somalis regardless of their tribal difference.


        1. Dear Matt and other Somali colleagues,
          I hope this finds you well.

          The upcoming conference on Somalia on 23 Feb in London hosting by the Great Britain and invited around 40 key Somali partners and key interests will hopefully bring a bright future and is step change.

          Somalia, Has been an narchy for last decades, Enough is Enough, our people has Experienced from poverty, continuously fighting of massacring innocent, piracy and terrorism brutal killings. today is to stand for our future and peace and stability restore.

          Somalia is only one nation with one language with one religion, regardless the differences of clan and other individual interests , no More Somaliland, Puntland and other so-called administrations it’s about time to move forward and to be united. Thanks for the peaceful efforts made by Somaliland and Puntland Administrations and for the good humanitarian access to their areas ensuring the local community needs meet with international responses.

          Mussa Gelle-Puntland,

      9. Thank you for the points you raised. We are all tired and fed up of what is going on in Somalia; an endless war, famine and devestation. This conference most be decicive in implimenting viable solutions. We must be able to have a government and solve the refugee crisis in Kenya and Ethiopia. Those in Somalia who do not want a Somalia government must be help accountable. The guns must be collected from all these clans and their militia. Lawless warlords must be tried. The list is long but honest and just Somalis with some help would be able to do a great job of this. I am confident that this conference is a way forward. Thank you again.
        A.D Timayare

      10. Abdi,

        You summed up nicely. Thank you.

        Your post gives the right picture of the Norther Somalia

    2. Dear Matt Baugh,
      As a British Somalilander, I do welcome the British initiative to end the endless anarchy in Somalia. Evidently, the problem of Somalia affect many countries, in particular the neighboring countries such as Ethiopia, Somaliland and Kenya. This also affects countries like UK where Somalians live in number. However, to find a remedy for this problem, the British government has to be realistic and not deny the facts on the ground otherwise the London conference will fail as all the fourteen previous conferences failed.
      For your information, the Republic of Somaliland gained its negotiated independence from the UK on the 26th June 1960 as one country and it’s been recognize at that time by 34 countries. However, after five days, on the 1st of July 1960, the new born state united with Somalia and that union gave birth to the former Somali Republic (1st July 1960-17th May 1991). Well, the de facto state of Somaliland withdrew from that union on the 18th of May 1991 and has started building a nation from scratch.
      What you need to understand is also that Somali is an ethnic identity and not a nationality so if you want to describe the people of Somalia please call them Somalians. Somalis are a multinational ethnic group and inhabit in five different countries (Somaliland, Somalia, Ethiopia, Djibouti and Kenya).
      As British Somalilanders, we were following very closely in the last few months your Somaliasation campaign that you have launched at your blog titled SomaliainUK and we feel that our human rights are violated as you have used in this blog events such as Somali Week Festival where Somali speaking communities in London, including Somalilanders and Djiboutians, exhibit their literature and cultures. We will definitely protest about this campaign by the FCO and by our MPs as it is a total discrimination against British Somalilanders who were and are a very loyal British allies for more than a century. We believe that your campaign is in the interest of terrorists who have Islamized the Somali ethnic identity and promote the jihad against Ethiopia, Kenya and Somaliland who they believe are anti-Somali thus anti-Islam.
      Best regards,
      Id Hassan Muse,
      West London Somaliland Community

    3. dear Matt,

      It seems we are not there yet to donate an accurate advice and plans to the world in order to end the horrible era. We should be good to find out better way to proverb, wiser to halt abhorrence and use all tools possible to accept the facts on the ground. Let us all remember that Britain won’t solve our harms their role is clear facilitation course only. Problem of Somalia’s for us to participate equally, sincerely to come up with rational termination of the past and generate new Somalia that can learn from the past and offer better chance for all walks of life. As we heard of or may be there to remember we had firs democratically elected government in Africa and for sure we have it in recorded history. We also had first presidential (may god give mercy His excellence Adan AbdulleOsman) peacefully power shift in Africa. Fair enough, we can do it again with even very much so or even much enhanced federal foundation to star from (bottom up approach)grassroots’ to the national level. We are all upset but we can make it well this outstanding moment for all. As Puntlanders’ we have full of dreadfulness scenarios than North West Somali (Somaliland) ethnic group but we prefer to stay in accord. We share to a large extent in common not single difference perhaps political variation wherein collective responsibility is the only way forward.
      Finally, my advices as follows
      • International community must encourage Somali unity by adapting federal system.
      • Foreign military force is the only solution to defuse Al-SHABAB but our people are too sensitive to bear as such a brutal action. Given that, AL-SHABAB can benefit Ethiopian army on the ground for its religion misinformation therefore, to prevent any propagandas Turkey, Egypt, Pakistan and Malaysia would be an advantage to take the lead in its place.
      • Reinforcing Somali national army is crucial for Somalia and elsewhere (piracy, terror and all ill-actions) in the world. Consequently, huge investment should be made available to bring the law and order, to patrol its borders and secure its citizens.

      Hope my voice is heard
      Hussein A Fiqi

    4. First and foremost, we request the British government to declare respect for the unity and sovereignty of Somalia, because we reject the separation of Somaliland from the rest of the territory of Somalia, and you know that we suffer from the mistakes of the colonial British handover of the territory of Somali west into the hands of the Ethiopian, And NFD region into the hands of Kenya, but we still ask for re-Socotra island into the hands of Somalia, please declare that you are respect the unity and sovereignty of Somalia.

      Thank you
      Ali Abdi

      1. Thank you Ali Abdi. Mogadisho is about to see peace. I shall come back soon. You just saying you are in Mogadisho makes me feel homesick!

    5. Dearest Matt Baugh
      We appreciate you for the efforts of the Great Britain and for the chance of the upcoming conference,
      that recognising Somaliland is out of question, its only Isaaq clan the rest Clans
      Dhulbahante, Warsangali,Gudebiirsi, all they want Great Somalia.
      It is time that the UK stops giving aid to Isaaq clan only (Hargaysa and Barbara) because this aid is used to kill people in Sool, Sanaag ,Ayn and.Awdal.
      If Isaaq people want independent they have to win referendum Against The whole Great Somalia stop dreaming you can’t hijack other people Freedom.

    6. Dear Matt,

      In a nutshell, I support the London Conference in search for possible and internationalized ideas to stabalize the failed state of somalia.

      But, I would like to draw your attention (British Political Calculation) to reconsider the rule of thumb into realities on ground. Somaliland Republic is far more than what other so-called Somalian intelectuals convey during discussion at a time.

      Your government invited our government, and the Governement of SOmaliland is calculating the interest that holds London Conference for our future.

      Let me say, Your are the only governement can change the status quo through diplomatic coordination efforts within and accross your allies and freinds. In addition, There was continues bias and underestimation for our cause and this conference perpetuates the old ideas. Therefore, As Somaliland National, I am not supporting to consider somaliland as a part of Somalia. We chosen to be separate to the somalia affairs.

      Nur Yusuf Abdilahi

      1. How can you say that while Khatumo, Awdal and Makhir state are against secession? This is one family project and the world is tried of it.


      Opinion:- Dear Matt, Congratulations on your new appointment and I welcome you to our country with open arms. With your assistance..

      once Somalia finally solves her problems, I promise that you will be working with one of the most wonderful societies in Africa with great culture and selfless hospitality.

      To capitalise on the recent achievements by the joint Somalia – Amisom armies, Britain is in a unique position at the London Somalia Conference to end the stalemate in the Horn of Africa country. To ensure a successful conference, a comprehensive governance plan is needed in order to put Somalia’s failed state status on the history shelves. Britain has the opportunity to do just that. Britain must apply a Sierra Leone style pressure to spoilers of peace and statehood in Somalia. We can’t afford any more let down in the offensive against the Shabab and others. A new diplomatic offensive on Somaliland must also be waged at LSC. A peace within an area of Somalia is not a just peace without a closure to the political arrangements.

      We know that there are no Habar Gidir clan fighting the Abgaal in Benadir and no Harti clan engages the Mareehaan in the Juba Valley. There are no combat between Habar Jelo and Habar Yonis in Burao and warlords became history long time ago. There is no strong Qanyare manning the check points in the capital anymore therefore, short-listing the Somalia crisis to only two elements is not that difficult.

      I short listed Somalia’s numerous symptoms which prevented her from establishing a functioning governance system to only two sticking wounds: Alshabab and Somaliland. Tell me if there is a major third element which obstructs future Somali central administration in reaching to every region within Somalia. I recognise, however, a third minor frustrating point: The so called Somali Parliamentarians. But this largely semi illiterate so called Parliamentarians can be told to leave the chamber at once – they should not be a problem since we can simply withdraw their monthly allowances.

      At the conference in London however, we need to close the Somalia deal – and close it now. We have never been closer to solving the Somalia quagmire – the wind is blowing towards settlement and prosperity. I strongly believe that peaceful and healthy Somalia – a Somalia without pirates, terrorisms and warlords can come out of the LSC only and only if the final nail is hammered to the Somalia crisis: expel the Shabab and deliver Somaliland to the table.

      In order to achieve this, Somaliland leaders must be told in no uncertain terms that they must join in the final peace process while we open several fronts to keep the pressure on the Shabab to expel them from all the territories they currently hold.

      In fact those who invented the idea of the division of Somalia are equally responsible for the disintegration of the Somali nation. They depressed the Somali nation right from the start with their proclamation of separate imaginary state in some parts of the north. Furthermore, the former warlords flourished in the South of the country and started their long and protracted anarchy from the desperation of ‘where Somalia headed if the country is divided’. Therefore, Somaliland leaders must be told to renounce their false dreams of a separate state and take part in this final peace process – to make Somalia peaceful and united. A Sierra Leone style all inclusive and comprehensive solution must be applied at the conference in London. No more engagements and no more appeasements to those who dream of imaginary states such as the so called Somaliland in the north and the prehistoric Wahabists anarchist across Somalia.

      The Shabab must be wiped out of the map of Somalia – thanks to Amisom this is already happening. But the pressure must be kept on Somaliland – the division of Somalia must be rejected at the conference. If Amisom and the Somali Transitional Government build on the momentum to eradicate the Shabab and the LSC tells Somaliland to join in the peace process, a free Somalia can join the family of nations by the end of this spring.


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About Matt Baugh

Matt is married to Caroline, a GP from South London specialising in pre-hospital care and tropical medicine. They have 3 small children. Matt has been working on Somalia since May…

Matt is married to Caroline, a GP from South London
specialising in pre-hospital care and tropical medicine. They have 3
small children. Matt has been working on Somalia since May 2010, when he was appointed the UK’s Senior Representative and Head of the UK’s
Somalia Office. On 2 February 2012 he was accredited as the first
British Ambassador to Somalia for 21 years. Since taking up his Somalia
appointment, he has been able to travel to Mogadishu, Hargeisa and
Garowe, and has been deeply touched by the warmth of the welcome he has received, but also the scale of the challenges that Somali people face
every day.
Matt is a career civil servant and is currently on secondment to the
Foreign Office from the UK Department for International Development. Now 37, he has spent much of his career to date dealing with conflict,
security and humanitarian issues. Since 1999 he has worked in Iraq,
Sudan, Afghanistan and the Balkans, as well as a number of major relief
operations and protracted emergencies. He also helped to set up and lead
the UK’s Post Conflict Reconstruction Unit, now the UK Stabilisation
Unit. Matt is a graduate of the UK Joint Services Command and Staff
College’s Higher Command and Staff Course (2010) and was previously
Principal Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for International
Development (2008-9).
Away from work, Matt is an avid England rugby fan (although he
refuses to admit his own playing days are long over). He is also a keen
mountaineer and skier and, together with Caroline, was part of a team
that raced to the Magnetic North Pole in 2005. These days he is more
likely to be found teaching his children how to swim and build