This blog post was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Martin Oxley, Head, UKTI Poland

Martin Oxley

Director of UKTI Warsaw

Part of UK in Poland

10th June 2013 Warsaw, Poland

Did you know just how easy it is to sell GREAT British Food and Drink to Poland?

There’s lots of people who ask me where can I get a good range of British food and drink brands in Poland. The answer has always been – well nowhere really, unless you want to have a quick look in a range of supermarkets or the odd online shop or deli. You know we’ve fallen really behind the French Cheese or the cured meats and sausage which you can see in abundance in LeClerq or the excellent Portuguese, Italian and Chinese delis.

We’ve got more brands of cheese than the French, we specialise in matured beef and we love lamb- nowhere to be seen. Did you know that the French drink more whisky in a month than they do cognac in a year. Did you know that the hand-made British sausage is a great rival for the Polish Kielbasa? Yet our Great British Food does not make it over here. A few line ends; some special imports but in general the lament is ‘Where is all that GREAT British Food and Drink?’

I am exceptionally pleased to tell you that this is all about to change and not before time. My son born in Poland doesn’t know what a Great joint of Roast Beef looks like. He has never eaten a Great British Pork Pie let alone sample the delights of a Great British pickle or the award winning Mushy Pea – that’s a bit surprising because he loves Grochowka a close Polish cousin.

I’ve pulled together a group of partners who have a similar, very simple and straightforward ambition; here’s what it looks like and from now it’s going to be easy for you to find Great British products in Poland in abundance:

Introduce GREAT British Food and Drink to Poland


Heart of England Fine Foods promoted by the British Polish Chamber of Commerce and UKTI Poland and delivered  to market by Fresh Logistics from Raben Group and available on a special Heart of England Fine Foods International Sales Desk E Commerce Platform in Polish made available to hotels, wholesalers and YOU if you wish in Poland right to your door all the way direct from GREAT Britain. Wow that’s a long sentence.

If you are a wholesaler, a deli, a supermarket, a connoisseur or just want to try some GREAT British food get in touch.

Smacznego as we say in Poland or Bon Appetit as we say in the UK. GREAT British Food and Drink – direct from the UK just 4 U.

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About Martin Oxley

Martin Oxley joins the Embassy team in Warsaw, building on a 15 year business career in Central Europe. An expert in the healthcare and life sciences sector, he has led a number of the l...

Martin Oxley joins the Embassy team in Warsaw, building on a 15
year business career in Central Europe. An expert in the healthcare and
life sciences sector, he has led a number of the leading blue chip and
regional pharmaceutical companies in Poland and the broader Central and
Eastern European region.
Most recently he was CEO of the British Polish Chamber of Commerce.
Under his leadership the Chamber grew to be one of the most prominent
international business networking organisations in Poland receiving a
number of awards  for excellence and partnership development.
Martin retains a keen interest in digital media, communications,
cultural relations and enterprise development. He is very enthusiastic
about his new role at the Embassy and honoured to have the opportunity
to play a leading role in championing the development of British
business in Poland.
He is married to Małgorzata and has two children Jaś and Nati.

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