This blog post was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Martin Oxley, Head, UKTI Poland

Martin Oxley

Director of UKTI Warsaw

Part of UK in Poland

11th February 2013 Warsaw, Poland

Power is GREAT – a week long UK Roadshow focused on promoting Emerging Europe’s GREAT Power opportunity

With this in mind UKTI organised a week long UK roadshow 4-8 February focused on promoting the opportunity and holding in depth meetings with UK companies interested in expanding their business in the region.

The week kicked off on Sunday evening with an inaugural dinner of the Emerging Europe Energy Council hosted by UKTI Business Ambassador and HMA Robin Barnett, British Ambassador to Warsaw and Director of the FCO Emerging Europe Network. Over the course of the year the Council will be organising a range of high profile events across the region culminating with COP in Warsaw at the end of the year. For more information contact Patrick Ney, Director, UKTI Energy Unit, British Embassy Warsaw.

On Monday morning the British Embassy Commercial Diplomacy team lead bilateral meetings between representatives of DECC and Poland’s Ministry of Economy and Board Representatives of the country’s energy company which is engaging in nuclear power, PGE – a broad agenda and a commitment to work together on sharing synergies on opportunities, Contract for Differences and financing energy facilities.

Ambassador Robin Barnett opens Emerging Europe Nuclear Forum
Ambassador Robin Barnett opens Emerging Europe Nuclear Forum

Monday afternoon saw a high profile Emerging Europe Nuclear Forum right in the heart of the City of London. HMA Robin Barnett opened the forum with a pragmatic, delphic review of the region’s energy opportunity – coal; nuclear and gas. Excellent opener followed by a series of working sessions which were focused on understanding specific countries’ opportunities and sharing UK experience.

Monday evening Lord Hutton, Chairman of the UK Nuclear Industries Association and HMA Robin Barnett hosted a Nuclear Energy Dinner at 1 George St. A Great opportunity to network with experts and focus on the significant energy potential in Emerging Europe. A commitment from the UK NIA to work together to deliver high value projects in the region.

Tuesday and Wednesday saw the UKTI Global Nuclear Showcase. Countries from across the world meeting in Central London to highlight the UKs global competency in civil nuclear. A rich programme of plenary meetings and most importantly active business development programmes for representatives of UK business and authorities contracting nuclear projects.

Thursday and Friday – a series of meetings with OFGEM, the CBI and financial institutions aimed at cascading the regional energy opportunity and attracting companies to engage in our GREAT region.

1 comment on “Power is GREAT – a week long UK Roadshow focused on promoting Emerging Europe’s GREAT Power opportunity

  1. Good afternoon Martin,

    Looks like what you are doing, your appraoch and enthusiasm. Over the last thirty years we have developed a process inspired by time with indigenous tribes and expeditions which enables employess to understand, own and take responsibility for deilvery of their mission. Most of our work today has been in Japan and China but we have recently opened an office in Nairobi and will be running an event in Turkey next month. It would be great to speak to you and hear your wisdom and thoughts on opportunities in Poland – my mobile is 07939 042 266 and i am besed in Guildford – yours Anthony

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About Martin Oxley

Martin Oxley joins the Embassy team in Warsaw, building on a 15 year business career in Central Europe. An expert in the healthcare and life sciences sector, he has led a…

Martin Oxley joins the Embassy team in Warsaw, building on a 15
year business career in Central Europe. An expert in the healthcare and
life sciences sector, he has led a number of the leading blue chip and
regional pharmaceutical companies in Poland and the broader Central and
Eastern European region.
Most recently he was CEO of the British Polish Chamber of Commerce.
Under his leadership the Chamber grew to be one of the most prominent
international business networking organisations in Poland receiving a
number of awards  for excellence and partnership development.
Martin retains a keen interest in digital media, communications,
cultural relations and enterprise development. He is very enthusiastic
about his new role at the Embassy and honoured to have the opportunity
to play a leading role in championing the development of British
business in Poland.
He is married to Małgorzata and has two children Jaś and Nati.

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