This blog post was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

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Martin Harris

British Ambassador to Ukraine

Part of UK in Romania

15th January 2013

January – the month of GREAT writers

Today I marked Mihai Eminescu’s birthday, Romania’s national poet, by reading one of his iconic poems and talking about Romania’s national heritage and the embassy’s ‘green agenda’.

You can read more about Eminescu here.

13 comments on “January – the month of GREAT writers

  1. Marin Sorescu speaks to a lot more people these days. And Nichita Stanescu is worth introducing to a wider audience. And hopefully, before the month is over, you will mention Robert Burns, our Scottish bard, since his birthday was 25 January!

  2. Hello, Mr. Ambassador! This is a very beautiful present to Romania, to Romanians, to Mihai Eminescu and to those who love Romania and Eminescu. I don’t live in Romania, I live In Budapest, and actually I am not Romanian but know a lot about it and love Eminescu and his poems, I started to read them 2-3 years ago. Last year, on 15th of January, I woke up in the morning because the poem “REVEDERE”, on of my favorite ones, was repeating in my head, and like all the night it was somewhere nearby, and I even couldn’t stop it 😀 Some hours later, I opened internet and got to know that this day was the day of Mihai Eminescu’s birthday 🙂 This year I have got another surprise, when I have found your video message 🙂 I see it is not only my favorite poem of Eminescu 🙂 I am a musician and maybe one day I will make a song on this poem 🙂 I think everyone who saw this video, is very deeply impressed! Mee too 🙂 Best wishes with new year and upcoming Robert Burns’ birthday! Felicitari!

  3. Bravo!!! You make me proud to be roumanian and you did it with few nice words from Eminescu. You deserve our respect. Thank YOU so much !!!

  4. Felicitari pentru aceasta initiativa! Si multumiri pentru sentimentele denotate de ea!
    Pe vremea liceului, facand profil filologie, exista obiceiul de a spune colegilor “La multi ani!” de ziua lui Eminescu, un fel de a face urarea romanismului, prin scriitorul care reprezinta o chintesenta a ceea ce este valoros in noi.

  5. Domnule Ambasador, ne-ati amintit noua romanilor ca azi trebuie sa ne cinstim poetul national!
    Mi-as fi dorit sa vad un gest similar din partea oricarui om din politica noastra.

    Grijile trec, grijile vin, reperele culturale si morale raman. Cinste cui le recunoaste si le aminteste natiei.

    Va multumesc.

  6. Felicitari pentru acest gest simplu dar totodata foarte incarcat de sentiment… Sunteti un bun “britanic roman”…

  7. Ce dragut! Atat gestul in sine, ca ne-ati reaminti noua, romanilor, ca azi e ziua lui Eminescu, dar si faptul ca ati recitat in limba romana din Eminescu. Felicitari!

    Sincer, in grijile mele cotidiene, uitasem ce inseamna 15 ianuarie.

    Si inca ceva: nu-mi amintesc sa fi auzit vreun roman facandu-i urare lui Eminescu pe 15 ianuarie, spunandu-i direct la multi ani, adresandu-i-se ca si cum ar trai, ar vedea si-ar auzi. Mi-a placut mult asta.

    Felicitari inca o data si toate cele bune!

    Cu respect,
    Alexandra Alexe

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About Martin Harris

I took up my role as His Majesty’s Ambassador to Ukraine in September 2023. Previously, I was Minister and Deputy Head of Mission at the British Embassy in Moscow, Ambassador at the Briti...

I took up my role as His Majesty’s Ambassador to Ukraine in September 2023. Previously, I was Minister and Deputy Head of Mission at the British Embassy in Moscow, Ambassador at the British Embassy in Bucharest and served at the UK Delegation to the OSCE in Vienna.