This blog post was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Caroline Makropoulos

Caroline Mackropoulos, British Embassy Athens, focusing on defence matters

Part of Greek Blogyssey

15th January 2014 Athens, Greece

We’re all stories, in the end

How can defence possibly be interesting?  For me it can be if it’s about people – the people behind events, their roles and lives.  How they think.  What they think and what inspires them.  What they do and how they work with others.

I’ve never been a great fan of Doctor Who.  But I like what the Doctor says about there being a story behind everyone: “We’re all stories, in the end.”

So what I want to look at in this blog is the individual lives and often extraordinary experiences of ordinary people – whether they are in front-line or so-called background roles.


And for me defence can be interesting if it’s about stories, whether history or history-in-the-making.  (Here I find inspiration in the Greek word istoria, which can mean both story and history.)  Along the way I’ll be exploring some fascinating and little-known historical figures and events.

Greece and the UK have a long history as allies, and I’ll be looking at commemorative events, including WWI Centenary events in both Greece and the UK.  Greece and the UK continue to work together, whether as part of the EU, NATO or bilaterally. Anti-piracy, maritime security, peace-keeping missions, joint exercises and training – these are just some of the exciting areas of our work, and I’ll be looking at the stories and individual lives and experiences behind them. And in telling stories I’ll try to bear in mind Dr Who’s request: “Just make it a good one, eh?”

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About Caroline Makropoulos

I joined the Defence Section in 2012, and focus on the areas of Commemorative events, Defence media and the press. I moved to Greece in 2005, having read Modern Languages…

I joined the Defence Section in 2012, and focus on the areas of Commemorative events, Defence media and the press. I moved to Greece in 2005, having read Modern Languages (Greek and Russian) at Oxford. The Defence blog will give an insight into British-Greek military co-operation past and present, and delve into unique accounts of living history and work behind-the-scenes.