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Matt Field

British Diplomat

3rd May 2021

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by Matt Field

British Diplomat

A price for freedom

Of the many freedoms that make up a democratic and fair society, the importance of freedom of media is one of the most often overlooked. World Press Freedom Day is a chance to remind ourselves of the crucial work being done by independent journalists, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and all over the world, and to […]

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22nd March 2021

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by Matt Field

British Diplomat


Ambassador Matt Field and General Masovic looking at a UK donation to BiH Armed Forces

No country in the modern world can alone face the many security challenges of today – from climate change to pandemics, transnational crime to cyber-attacks. We all need partners and friends. We all need the chance to improve ourselves through cooperation. That’s what a relationship with NATO offers. And the nature of that relationship is […]

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17th March 2021

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by Matt Field

British Diplomat


What does the future hold for us all, and what will be the UK’s role in in? This week the UK has published its first Integrated Review. This is a public document, the fruit of a long period of analysis and reflection by many parts of the UK Government and our partners, at home and […]

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18th January 2021

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by Matt Field

British Diplomat

2021 – a year of action?

U.S. and UK flags on the mast

Joint blog by Matt Field, British Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina and Eric Nelson, U.S. Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina 2020 is over. Many of us have been counting the days until the end of the strangest of years. Of course the simple change of a calendar does not fix the problems we face, but it […]

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19th November 2020

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by Matt Field

British Diplomat

A floor not a ceiling

Dayton. The very name evokes both peace and division. This 21 November marks the 25th anniversary of the accord secured in Dayton, Ohio, and then signed on 14 December in Paris. How do we mark this moment? The agreement reached on that distant air-force base has had a profound impact on the shaping of Bosnia […]

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23rd October 2020

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by Matt Field

British Diplomat

The UN at 75

Amongst many less pleasant events, 2020 also marks the much happier 75th year since the founding of the United Nations, and a series of commemorations is being held throughout the year. I congratulate UN Resident Coordinator in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ingrid Macdonald, and all of the UN staff for their open-ended commitment to BiH’s citizens, […]

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14th October 2020

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by Matt Field

British Diplomat

Visible Women

“Women belong in all places where decisions are being made” (Ruth Bader Ginsburg) The campaign for local elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina is about to begin. While there are many things we do not yet know about how those elections will run, we can be confident that women – as candidates, as decision-makers, and as […]

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8th October 2020

Adnan Muminović

Adnan Muminović

Chevening Scholar

When things appear too good to be true, they usually are. Except for when they are not…

About a year ago, I decided to quit my job in Sarajevo and move to London in order to pursue my second master’s in something called Psychology of Economic Life. Inevitably, as part of that decision, several others had to be made as well. Those included, but were not limited to, the decision to trade […]

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30th August 2020

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by Matt Field

British Diplomat

The Search Continues

International Day of the Disappeared is not an abstract commemoration of a far off event. Many around us are living with a terrible curse, not only of losing a loved one, but of not being able to put them and their memory to rest. In my time in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), I’ve met many […]

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21st August 2020

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by Matt Field

British Diplomat

PRIDE (In the Name of Love)

Last September, I counted myself lucky to join hundreds of others in the first ever PRIDE march in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Despite security concerns beforehand, it was a happy and joyful event, a celebration showing that this country is a home and open to all. This year there will be no physical event – a […]

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