3rd May 2013 Toronto, Canada

3 May: World Press Freedom Day

World Press Freedom Day is a UN Observance which “celebrates the fundamental principles of press freedom; to evaluate press freedom around the world, to defend the media from attacks on their independence and to pay tribute to journalists who have lost their lives in the exercise of their profession.” While science journalism is rarely dangerous, […]

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29th April 2013 Toronto, Canada

29 April: Day of Remembrance for All Victims of Chemical Warfare

“The Day of Remembrance for All Victims of Chemical Warfare is an occasion to mourn those who have suffered from these inhumane arms and to renew our resolve to eradicate them from our world.” – UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon On 29 April 1997, the Chemical Weapons Convention came into force. Its broad aim is to […]

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19th April 2013 Toronto, Canada

GOV.UK wins Design of the Year 2013

GOV.UK is the new digital home of everything the UK Government does. Every government entity will eventually have its online presence at GOV.UK, giving people who need information a single place to go and get it. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (SIN’s parent departments) are already there, helping […]

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12th April 2013 Toronto, Canada

New cleantech investment across Canada

Back in February, Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) announced the latest round of SD Tech Fund investment. This round released $61.8 M to 23 projects across the country, many of them highly relevant to SIN: Anti-bacterial pesticides that are less damaging to the environment ($1.5 M) A biomass-derived coal (torrefaction) demonstration plant ($2.7 M) A […]

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2nd April 2013 Toronto, Canada

QC, UK team up to fight obesity

I was recently over in the UK for a Québec-UK symposium on cardiometabolic disease in Cambridge, followed by meetings with researchers at various universities. We’ll follow up on potential joint projects this year, but for now here’s what I was tweeting during the trip: [View the story “QC-UK cardiometabolic disease symposium” on Storify]

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14th March 2013 Toronto, Canada

Scott and the Machine

This is a guest post by Dr. Srivas Chennu of the University of Cambridge, a nueroscientist who visited Canada last year as part of a SIN project. Scott and the Machine: International collaborations in the study of disorders of consciousness It was a busy 2012 for Scott Routley. For a while last year, he shot […]

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11th March 2013 Toronto, Canada

11 March 2013: Commonwealth Day

The second Monday in March is Commonwealth Day, a celebration of the Commonwealth of Nations and a brief reminder of why it’s one of the nicest intergovernmental clubs to belong to. Opportunity through Enterprise is the Commonwealth theme for 2013, an apt choice given the ongoing financial turmoil in wealthy nations and the continuing rise […]

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8th February 2013 Toronto, Canada

Making the most of scientists and engineers in government

The UK government employs a lot of scientists and engineers, often in positions not directly related to their professional training. In order to take advantage of possibly-underused skills and push evidence-based policy, the Government Science and Engineering (GSE) community was set up in 2008. It is open to any civil servant with a science or […]

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4th February 2013 Toronto, Canada

Up-Goer Five: Land-to-other-lands-thoughts-and-ideas-person

Can you explain a hard idea using only the ten-hundred most used words? One well-known try is “Up-Goer Five“. You can try it yourself here. Here, I try to explain my job (land-to-other-lands-thoughts-and-ideas-person): Very few people have a job that is like mine. It is quite hard to explain, even using words that are not […]

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About John Preece

I cover science and innovation for Ontario (excluding Ottawa), liaising with all relevant research institutions and companies. In 2015 I expect to be working on future cities, high-perform...

I cover science and innovation for Ontario (excluding Ottawa), liaising with all relevant research institutions and companies. In 2015 I expect to be working on future cities, high-performance computing and innovation in healthcare, as well as continuing prior work on dementia, regenerative medicine and science outreach. In the free time that I have after managing multiple small children, I enjoy home improvement and board/computer gaming. You can follow me on Twitter at @jcpreece