This blog post was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

4th December 2013 Ottawa, Canada

Ground Control to Major Tim – What does Canadian Col Chris Hadfield recommend that UK astronaut Tim Peake bring with him to space?

UK Astronaut Major Tim Peake

Col Chris Hadfield has been busy since returning to planet Earth. He has been touring Canada promoting his new book and answering the public’s inexhaustible questions about life in space. On November 17th, at Science World in Vancouver, Chris was taking questions from both the curious public and curious astronauts!

In this unique UK-Canada space connection, Tim Peake, a UK Astronaut destined for the International Space Station (ISS) fellow astronaut and friend Chris Hadfield what he should he should remember to bring with him to space.

Col Chris Hadfield, experienced Canadian Astronaut and previous Commander of the ISS needs little introduction. He brought the world with him to the ISS and taught us all what it is like to go to space with his brilliant use of social media. By tweeting videos about life in space and photos, like this one of London, UK, Col Hadfield let us all experience what the life of an astronaut is really like.

EastEnders: London from space (Picture: Twitter / Chris Hadfield / @Cmdr_Hadfield)
EastEnders: London from space (Picture: Twitter / Chris Hadfield / @Cmdr_Hadfield)

Now, it’s Tim Peake’s turn. In May 2013, after a lifetime of training and preparation, Major Peake of the UK Space Agency was told he will carry out a mission on the ISS. Major Tim Peake will be the first UK citizen ever to live and work aboard the International Space Station. Major Peake is set to lift off in December 2015.

Tim asked Chris:


@scienceworldca food is v important for health & morale on the ISS. Any recommendations @Cmdr_Hadfield for ‘bonus’ food items? #InnovateBC

— Tim Peake (@astro_timpeake) November 18, 2013

…And Chris’s Answer…?

(Chocolate! Lots and lots of chocolate :))

Whether we’re still dreaming about being an astronaut when we grow up, or counting down the days until liftoff, it turns out that we are united in our fascination with space. The International Space Station is certainly shinning proof that curiosity about the world around and above us (aka science) is a strong force for diplomacy.

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