17th October 2024 Belgrade, Serbia

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by Edward Ferguson

British Ambassador to the Republic of Serbia


20. oktobar 1944. godine. Jugoslovenski partizani i vojnici sovjetske Crvene armije probili su se u Beograd, oslobađajući grad od nemačkih snaga koje su ga držale pod okupacijom od aprila 1941. Oslobođenje Beograda bilo je kulminacija višegodišnjeg gerilskog ratovanja na celoj teritoriji Jugoslavije. Niz ofanzivnih operacija partizana tokom meseci koji su prethodili bile su podstaknute činjenicom […]


9th November 2023 Skopje, North Macedonia

Matthew Lawson

Matthew Lawson

His Majesty's Ambassador to North Macedonia

Remembrance of WW1 Veterans in Skopje: Lessons for a United NATO Alliance

World War I was a defining moment in history, a global conflict that changed the course of nations and lives forever. It touched every corner of the world, including this very country where I have the privilege to serve as His Majesty’s Ambassador. Here, under the Macedonian sky, lies a significant site that has a […]

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17th November 2022 Belgrade, Serbia

Sian MacLeod

by Sian MacLeod

Former UK Ambassador to Serbia

Wisdom, Trust and Remembrance


Citizens look to their national leaders to govern responsibly and in the interests of their country. They hope that leaders will be blessed with wisdom and good judgement, and that they will exercise their authority responsibility.  In return, leaders earn the trust of the people they govern. In democratic societies people are free to make […]

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