This blog post was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

4th December 2013 Lima, Peru

Teaching men to respect women

  • By Lic. José Villalobos, specialist in masculinities and Executive Director of the NGO Grupo Vigencia (Effectiveness Group) and Project Coordinator of “Municipal Network of Male Promoters against Domestic and Sexual Violence,” carried by the Municipality of Carmen de la Legua Reynoso-Callao and sponsored by the British Embassy in Lima.
“Red Municipal de Promotores Masculinos contra la Violencia Familiar y Sexual”
“Red Municipal de Promotores Masculinos contra la Violencia Familiar y Sexual”

With the technical and financial sponsorship from the British Embassy in Peru, and in strategic partnership with Callao’s Municipality of Carmen de la Legua Reynoso, the Grupo Vigencia NGO began implementing the “Municipal Network of Male Promoters against Domestic and Sexual Violence” project in June 2013.  This project is a preventive community intervention to reduce men’s violence against women.

The project is quite innovative as it addresses the problems with those who exercise more violence (men), preparing and training Male Promoters to develop preventive actions with their peers (both aggressors and potential aggressors) and the families of the district.

In October this year, the First Municipal Network of Male Promoters against Domestic and Sexual Violence Workshop concluded, with presence of state authorities, civil society andinternational organizations such as PAHO / WHO.  There were a total 30 advocates who successfully completed the course, which was developed over 12 weeks. Male Promoters were trained by a team of professionals specialized in the subject of masculinities and violence prevention.

This first class of Male Promoters formalized its registration in the Public Registry of Peru and is recognized by mayoral resolution by the District Municipality of Carmen de la Legua Reynoso; it is therefore formally institutionalized as a social grassroots organization to work jointly with other social and municipal actors to perform preventive actions.  As part of the project, developers have an Annual Plan of Activities, the same that will enhance the work plan of the Work Plan of the Social Development Division of the Municipality.

The project has also implemented classes and training workshops on domestic, sexual and gender-based violence for the community; it has organized fairs, community violence campaigns and various events to raise awareness among all district families.  With this project, the Municipality of Carmen de la Legua Reynoso becomes the first local government in Peru to have “Municipal Network of Male Promoters against Domestic and Sexual Violence.”

As part of the global celebrations for the “International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women”, the multidisciplinary team of the Grupo Vigencia NGO presents to the international community this successful experience focused on aggressors or potentially violent men to internalize the idea that men are not born violent but a –still– macho society teaches us a false notion of dominance and power over women. The project also provides important inputs for future public policies in the fight against domestic violence exerted by men.

Note: The views expressed in articles and blogs of our guests do not necessarily reflect the position of the British Embassy in Peru.

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