UK in North Macedonia

A blog about the work of the British Embassy in North Macedonia

7th March 2019 Skopje, North Macedonia

Rachel Galloway

Rachel Galloway

British Ambassador to North Macedonia

Education, engagement and economy – my first visit to Shtip

One-hour drive from central to eastern North Macedonia, away from Skopje’s urban noise, you drive into a wide greenfield area full of agricultural land known as Ovche Pole. Its name in the Macedonian language means “plain of sheep” and it spreads left and right as a wide wave of green and wind. It is noted by Rebecca West in the famous “Black […]

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20th February 2019 Skopje, North Macedonia

Uranija Pirovska

Uranija Pirovska

Executive Director, Helsinki Committe for Human Rights in North Macedonia

Workers’ rights in North Macedonia

“Everyone has the right to work, to freely choose his or her employment, to be protected at work and to be provided with material security during temporary unemployment.” Article 32 of the Constitution of the Republic of North Macedonia World Day of Social Justice 20th of February is a suitable occasion to talk about workers’ […]

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13th February 2019 Skopje, North Macedonia

Miroslav Draganov

Miroslav Draganov

Programme Coordinator, Institute for Human Rights (IHR)

Judicial Council as a guarantee of the judicial independence

“In the eyes of reasonable, just, truthful and informed person, the behaviour of a Judicial Council member should be flawless” – provision from the Code of Ethics of the Judicial Council. All wrongdoings made by individuals, no matter in which capacity they are, and no matter whether they have been done intentionally or by negligence, have […]

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5th February 2019 Skopje, North Macedonia

Bardhyl Jashari

Bardhyl Jashari

Director of Metamorphosis, Foundation for Internet and Society

Open Data in Macedonia – towards a culture of openness

Macedonia is firmly set to use open data to continue its path towards more accountable and transparent state institutions. The current government has upgraded the already initiated process by not just committing to the Open Government Partnership, but also by drafting an Open Data Strategy with Action Plan, by adopting the International Open Data Charter […]

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20th December 2018 Skopje, North Macedonia

Rachel Galloway

Rachel Galloway

British Ambassador to Macedonia

Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much

I spend much of my time in meetings in offices with people who are involved in politics in Macedonia, or who work on research in civil society, organise public debates, draft legislation, or advise on official strategies. More rarely do I get to meet the every-day youth of Macedonia. So I was thrilled when a few […]

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10th December 2018 Skopje, North Macedonia

Rachel Galloway

Rachel Galloway

British Ambassador to Macedonia

Lighting the lights on International Human Rights Day

This year the 8th day of Chanuckah falls on 10 December, International Human Rights Day. Chanuckah is celebrated as a festival for children. This is the story we tell them. Long ago, the Jewish people in Israel lived under the rule of Antiochus Epiphanes. He did not want to rule over a place with many […]

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6th December 2018 Skopje, North Macedonia

Rachel Galloway

Rachel Galloway

British Ambassador to Macedonia

Everyone can be an ally for equality

Last week I hosted a meeting with nearly twenty people who work in various organisations in Macedonia on human rights issues and the support they provide to the people who are on the margins of the society unable to fully exercise their rights. I was particularly pleased that we also had among the guests a […]

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4th December 2018 Skopje, North Macedonia

How much is enough – can we end violence against women in Macedonia?

Changing the statistics by raising awareness: as part of the global conversations in these #16DaysofActivism to raise awareness to end the gender based violence, we have asked Marija Bashevska, gender equality advocate to tell us what kind of effort is needed to end violence against women. Marija is currently president of the think-tank Reactor-Reasearh in Action in Macedonia. She is […]

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6th November 2018 Skopje, North Macedonia

Glenn Stennes

Glenn Stennes

Retired member of the Canadian Army, President of the Macedonian Front Society

Bringing people together through history

“He lay out upon a precipitous hillside, under the light of a waning moon. It was very quiet; the guns, active throughout the night, were now dumb. On either side of him, in a silence only broken by their heavy breathing, the men of the battalion lay prone along a series of tape lines, laid […]

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