10th January 2022 Skopje, North Macedonia
How can youth engage in the fight against climate changes and save the planet

Our planet is our home. We all know very well that we need to do something that will save our planet from climate changes and pollution. It’s very important to do this because we don’t have another planet. As I said we live under the same sky,we breathe the same air,we are growing and healing together in this planet so let’s do something to save our mother Earth. Climate change is the long-term alteration of temperature and typical weather patterns in a place. Climate change has also been connected with other damaging weather events such as more frequent and more intense hurricanes, floods, downpours, and winter storms. Young people are the ones we all hope will improve the current situation with climate change, so let’s all work together to make them sufficiently educated about them and have a desire to improve things in the future. The youth can do so much about the climate changes. First of all we need to have strong motivation to start with the plan for saving the planet.
Climate changes are such an important theme to talk about. All the environmental and climate change associations around the world are concerned about the negative consequences which occur as a result of climate change. As а part of the youth, I have several ideas that do not require a large amount of funds and which would help reduce climate change. First we need to educate the younger generations about the climate changes for example what is the meaning of this words, the negative consequences and who to stop it. In this education we can introduce workshops in which children will actively participate and give ideas on how to deal with climate change.
Secondly, we need to start using more renewable energy sources in households because with the resources we currently use we lead to a higher percentage of pollution and this increased climate change. For example we can use more solar, wind, wave, tidal and geothermal power. As students we can do so much. We can also focus on protecting the forests and oceans all around the world. We can do that if we plant more trees because every year 33 million acres of forests are cut down and also we can reducе the over-fishing. The youth can start a campaign in which all citizens from all over the world will participate and they would collect the waste every week and see more easily the
benefits of maintaining a clean nature.
Finally,we can also place more bins for waste sorting that will be recycled later because I think that recycling is not so common in the world and it is not given so much importance, especially by the youth. Replacing fossil fuels is also one of the way to stop the climate changes. Massive investment in low-emission energy generation, whether solar-thermal power or nuclear fission, would be required to radically reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
In these ways we would contribute to a greater desire of citizens to reduce climate change and the importance of preserving our planet. Best way for anyone to help stop climate change is to take collective action. Аs part of the youth I’m proud of all those who work hard to stop the climate change and save the planet. Let’s start taking actions not today,not tomorrow but now because every second counts,shall we? Let’s save our planet together because we can do this.
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