23rd January 2017
Geneva, Switzerland

Last week the British Prime Minister Theresa May set out her plan for Britain’s orderly departure from the European Union. Britain’s transition in the WTO is an important and necessary part of this process. Ensuring that goes smoothly is one of the over-riding priorities of the Mission I lead in Geneva. British ministers in fact […]
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5th September 2013
Washington DC, USA
I had the fortune to spend summer on the beautiful shores of Lake Geneva representing the UK at the World Trade Organization (WTO), a 159 country organisation that governs international economic relations. It was a welcome respite from the heat and humidity of DC during the summer – several weeks soaking up the fresh mountain […]
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20th June 2013
Washington DC, USA
As a Senior Trade Policy Advisor here at the Embassy in Washington, part of my role over the last few months has been in helping to coordinate the delicate dance required in the run-up to the launch of a major international negotiation.
Read more on “Sticking” Together for Transatlantic Trade | Reply