8th February 2021
Belgrade, Serbia
In this strangest of years, international cooperation has taken on a different aspect. Border closures, quarantine and testing regimes have never before been part of my daily diplomatic vocabulary. Though as a well travelled diplomat vaccination has long played a small but important part in my professional life. The world faces a common challenge that […]
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24th October 2016
Mumbai, India

In India it is believed every new activity should be planned on an auspicious day for future success. So when the UK Science and Innovation Network (SIN) organised a 3-day programme in Mumbai and Chennai for UK academics it fell (somewhat coincidentally) across Ganesh Chaturthi, Eid and Onam from 12-14 September 2016. Industrial biotechnology is […]
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24th June 2011
This post was published when the author was in a previous role
13 June saw an extremely significant meeting in London, co-hosted by the British Government and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. It was especially important for children in developing countries. On that day, an addition $4.3bn was raised to replenish the Global Alliance on Vaccines and Immunisation (GAVI). This will mean that GAVI can immunise […]
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