Tag: United Nations

25th July 2024 Geneva, Switzerland

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by Bob Last

Head, UK Mission Political and Human Rights Team

Wearing Thin

Among my blessings in life is having an Irish mother-in law and I’m just back from a post-Council trip where my wife did some digging into her family history.  A good number of her relatives were refugees fleeing persecution in both Eastern and Central Europe from the late 19th Century.  Ireland was where they were […]

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9th December 2021 Geneva

Rita French

by Rita French

UK Ambassador for Human Rights and Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva

Introducing the European Human Rights Ambassadors: A Joint Blog

There is no doubt that COVID-19 has turned our world upside down. It has brought to the fore – and exacerbated – different forms of inequality. This is especially true amongst high-risk and vulnerable groups. Children and young people have been denied their education. Violence against women and LGBTI persons has increased. Democracy and the […]

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8th June 2021 Geneva, Switzerland

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by Aidan Liddle

UK Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the Conference on Disarmament

Responsible behaviours in outer space: towards UNGA 76

2021 marches on, and it’s time for another update on the UK’s initiative on reducing space threats through norms, rules and principles of responsible behaviours. Regular readers will be familiar with the story so far. The UK-sponsored resolution of that name (A/RES/75/36) was adopted by the General Assembly in December. Four key ideas underpinned it. […]

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10th December 2020 Geneva, Switzerland

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by Aidan Liddle

UK Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the Conference on Disarmament

Disarmament blog: space resolution adopted

Back in August, I posted a blog about the launch of our new initiative on outer space security at the UN General Assembly. Throughout September and into October we were busy consulting UN member states on the text – bilaterally, in small groups, and in consultations open to the whole membership – and making adjustments […]

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30th October 2020 London

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by Joelle Jenny

Director, Joint Funds Unit

20 years of Women, Peace and Security

Women peacebuilders in Georgia

Today marks 20 years since the UK led the first ever UN Security Council Resolution on Women, Peace and Security. It’s an important moment to champion the crucial role women can play as actors and decision-makers at all levels in peace and political processes. Women’s participation in peace processes is essential. For reasons of equity […]

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19th March 2020 Geneva, Switzerland

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by Bob Last

Head, UK Mission Political and Human Rights Team

Corona Council (24 February – 13 March)

I’ve long had a sense of foredboding about the 43rd session of the Human Rights Council. Those of us who’ve been around these parts longer than most tend to measure our life-spans in the number of Council sessions we’ve racked up, as well as years. I worked out some time ago that session 43 would […]

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6th August 2019 Geneva, Switzerland

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by Verity Robson

Legal Counsellor, UK Mission to the United Nations, Geneva

Inaugural Conference for Alumni of UN International Law Seminar

Shortly before the summer break, I had the privilege of co-hosting at the Palais des Nations the first ever conference for the alumni of the UN’s International Law Seminar (ILS).  Since 1965, the ILS has been organised at the Palais to coincide with the session in Geneva of the International Law Commission (ILC). Every year […]

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8th July 2019 Geneva, Switzerland

by Julian Braithwaite

Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the UN and other international organisations in Geneva

We all benefit when developing countries trade more

Last week, the UK joined countries from around the world at the World Trade Organisation’s (WTO) annual Aid for Trade Global Review, calling on our trading partners to help boost developing countries’ participation in the global trading system. Trade is a key driver of economic growth and can trigger positive changes in developing economies; helping […]

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8th July 2019 Geneva, Switzerland

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by Simon Cleobury

UK Deputy Permanent Representative to the Conference on Disarmament

Integrating Conventional Arms Control with Peace, Security and Development

Virtually all peace, security and development goals are severely hampered in contexts where arms and ammunition are not effectively regulated. It sounds like a statement of the obvious, but conventional arms control is not well integrated with thinking and actions on conflict prevention and management. I noticed this when I moved from New York, where […]

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19th March 2019 Geneva, Switzerland

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by Verity Robson

Legal Counsellor, UK Mission to the United Nations, Geneva

The Rule of Law in the Human Rights Council

The implementation of the rule of law, like human rights and fundamental freedoms, is a key means by which the power of the state is constrained. While human rights address the relationship between the state and its people, the rule of law governs the relationship between the branches of the state.  Its implementation ensures that […]

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