Tag: United Kingdom

26th February 2016 Geneva, Switzerland

Fleur Heyworth

Not your typical intern

I am not your typical intern. I am about to turn 35, I have 2 children aged 5 and 3, and a previous career as a Barrister. I traded in late night briefs, daily court advocacy and negotiations, and challenging clients for the trials and tribulations of child rearing and home making. Eighteen months ago […]

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21st October 2015

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by Nigel Baker

Ambassador to the Holy See (2011-2016)

Against Extremism

The United Kingdom is built on values like democracy, respect and tolerance. These unite the nation, and help our society develop and thrive. They are supported by the overwhelming majority of people in our country. But these values have become challenged and threatened in recent years in an unprecedented way, by extremists seeking to spread […]

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7th July 2015 Geneva, Switzerland

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by Bob Last

Head, UK Mission Political and Human Rights Team

Magic Numbers

UN diplomats spend much of their lives fretting about securing exactly the right words in international documents. I’ve seen a whole day of negotiations conclude with only a comma added, to mutual back-slapping and a general sense of a job well done, and have spent weeks painfully debating the insertion of a footnote or an […]

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29th June 2015 Geneva, Switzerland

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by Bob Last

Head, UK Mission Political and Human Rights Team

Nessun Dorma

It’s been a tiring week. The middle part of the Council session is always hectic as delegates scramble to finalise the version of the resolutions that they want to table by Thursday’s deadline. But my sleep levels have taken a heavier battering than normal thanks to the Women’s World Cup, taking place in Canada’s far-off […]

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14th June 2015 Geneva, Switzerland

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by Bob Last

Head, UK Mission Political and Human Rights Team

Bursting the Bubble

It feels like we’ve hardly been away. I’m starting to suspect that someone has airbrushed April and May from the global calendar. The only clue that the months have been and gone is our hedge growing high enough to receive a letter from the estate agent ordering us to cut it by 10 centimetres and […]

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30th March 2015 Geneva, Switzerland

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by Bob Last

Head, UK Mission Political and Human Rights Team

Sad Farewells

Council sessions take a heavy toll on all things that are close to us. Our partners, our children and our pets all suffer from weeks of neglect. So do our bags. Any object unfortunate enough to go into my rucksack during Council time will undergo a period of inanimate purgatory as draft resolutions, cereal bars, […]

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23rd March 2015 Geneva, Switzerland

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by Bob Last

Head, UK Mission Political and Human Rights Team

Staying Healthy

By the end of week 3 of any March Council session everyone tends to look pretty frazzled. The combination of lack of time for proper meals, general neglect in the finer aspects of personal grooming and the knowledge that the session still has some time to go tend to take their toll. But this year […]

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17th March 2015 Geneva, Switzerland

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by Bob Last

Head, UK Mission Political and Human Rights Team

Statements of Intent

As nice as it can be living out here, there are many drawbacks to not being in the UK. It’s easy to lose touch with friends, to miss out on historic national moments and to forget about sending a card in time to arrive for Mother’s Day. Unfortunately, during the March session the only way […]

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9th March 2015 Geneva, Switzerland

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by Bob Last

Head, UK Mission Political and Human Rights Team

Lessons in History

While I was never the life and soul of all night parties – prone to having a little nap while others danced round me – I did at least used to be active and go out on a regular basis. These days, instead of thinking about finding new places to ski within easy reach of […]

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2nd March 2015 Geneva, Switzerland

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by Bob Last

Head, UK Mission Political and Human Rights Team

Marching On

I hope you’re feeling fit and strong in time for this session. As I don’t have much time for exercise these days, I’ve been trying to get in shape before the Council by pushing my household chores to my physical limit. I’ve managed to improve my  stamina, reactions and speed with new personal bests for double […]

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