Tag: uk @en

15th October 2014

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by Christopher Prentice

Former British Ambassador to Italy

Green Growth Summit important for economy and climate change

On 15 October, today, ministers, businesses, experts and MEPs from across the political spectrum will come together for the Green Growth Summit to call for an ambitious EU 2030 climate change and energy package agreement at the October European Council. An ambitious package could pave the way for a global deal on climate change at […]

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5th May 2014

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by Christopher Prentice

Former British Ambassador to Italy

HRH Prince Harry in Italy on 18-19 May

‘A nation that forgets its past has no future.’ Churchill’s words are still relevant today. On the 18-19 May HRH Prince Harry will visit Italy to attend a number of events commemorating the Allied Campaign in Italy during WWII, focussing on the 70th anniversary of the Battles of Monte Cassino. We are honoured that HRH […]

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4th April 2014

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by Christopher Prentice

Former British Ambassador to Italy

The Queen meets Pres. Napolitano in Rome

Relationships matter. Yesterday I had the honour of welcoming HM The Queen to Rome for private meetings with the President of Italy Giorgio Napolitano and Pope Francis (on which Ambassador to the Holy See, Nigel Baker accompanied). I had the privilege of accompanying Her Majesty on the flight over for her fourth visit to Italy […]

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7th March 2014

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by Christopher Prentice

Former British Ambassador to Italy

A changing benefit system

On Tuesday 11 March a group of officials from different British government departments will be in Rome to meet their Italian opposite numbers, to explain how our benefits system has changed and how it will work for those coming into the UK. On this topic, it is important to underline that we are not trying […]

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14th February 2014

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by Christopher Prentice

Former British Ambassador to Italy

Spending Review: a hot topic in Italy

Spending Review often seems a very dry and technical subject. But bear with me. It really matters. Hardly a day goes by in Italy without the front pages of the national newspapers or headline news discussing the government’s intention to save €32bn over three years through a Spending Review led by Commissioner Carlo Cottarelli. Soon […]

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