Tag: Prime Minister Narendra Modi

7th March 2016 Science and Innovation Network

Ben Kitcher

AMRC Offshore Renewables Manager The University of Sheffield Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre

Opportunities for UK-India collaborations in advanced manufacturing

In December, we supported a visit of UK advanced manufacturing experts to Pune and Bengaluru in India. This included Ben Kitcher, who represented the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) and the University of Sheffield. Ben wrote an excellent blog (originally on the University of Sheffield website) capturing why this sort of visit is so important […]

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17th December 2015 New Delhi, India

Rita Sharma

by Rita Sharma

Head of Newton Fund in India

UK India Science and Innovation relationship soars to new heights!

Within a span of a few weeks UK and India relations in Science and Innovation received a new impetus by a number of high profile visits! In mid-November, Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited the UK during which he, along with Prime Minister David Cameron announced a number of joint research and innovation initiatives that address […]

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