Tag: pride

21st August 2020

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by Matt Field

British Diplomat

PRIDE (In the Name of Love)

Last September, I counted myself lucky to join hundreds of others in the first ever PRIDE march in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Despite security concerns beforehand, it was a happy and joyful event, a celebration showing that this country is a home and open to all. This year there will be no physical event – a […]

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7th July 2020 Skopje, North Macedonia

Dragana Drndarevska

Legal adviser, Coalition Margins

Despite all the obstacles the fight for LGBTI equality continues

Last year, a Pride Parade took place in Skopje for the first time. The Parade was a protest and shall remain so until LGBTI people are able to enjoy all human rights and society is fully liberated. However, last year there were several reasons to celebrate. The Law on Prevention and Protection against Discrimination was […]

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3rd December 2018

Jonathan Drew & Nicole Davison

FLAGG at 20: reflections from the founders of the FCO’s LGBT+ staff association

Jonathan Drew: There are some things that need a very deep intake of breath before starting.  Like writing to the PUS, six months into being a diplomat, to ask him to give his blessing to the formation of a staff LGBT+ group. On a cold November night twenty years ago, with some trepidation, I wrote that […]

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9th August 2018 Berlin, Germany

Sebastian Wood

Sebastian Wood

British Ambassador to Germany

Flying the flag for diversity, respect and tolerance

We in the UK and Germany have come a long way over the past decades in the fight for tolerance, diversity and sexual equality. And we have achieved a great deal. Today it almost easy to forget that homosexual relations were illegal less than 50 years ago in both countries. Since then, many small steps […]

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6th July 2018 Vienna, Austria

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by Leigh Turner

Ambassador to Austria and UK Permanent Representative to the United Nations and other International Organisations in Vienna

#Diplomatsforequality – LGBTI rights are human rights

A vast parade of colourful floats and marchers streams around the Ringstrasse in Vienna.  More than 200,000 people watch and participate. Towards the front of the spectacle, 200 people – including 15 ambassadors – wave flags, dance and sing, marching behind a banner reading #diplomatsforequality. Welcome to #ViennaPride 2018. The three British Vienna diplomatic missions […]

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27th July 2017 London, UK

Christopher Kimber and Morgane Donse

Christopher Kimber and Morgane Donse

Desk Officer, Democracy and Equality Team / Head of International, Evidence and Engagement, LGBT Equality (Government Equalities Office)

Sexual Offences Act: 50 years on

Today marks 50 years since the partial decriminalisation of homosexuality in England and Wales, an important milestone in the UK’s own journey to full equality for LGBT people. Same-sex relations between men were against the law in England and Wales until 1967, when The Sexual Offences Act decriminalised private homosexual acts between two men aged […]

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9th August 2016 British High Commission, Kingston, Jamaica

Equality Jamaica / JFLAG

Why we celebrate PRIDE …

The following is a guest blog from the Jamaica Forum for Lesbians, All-Sexuals and Gays ( JFLAG ) an LGBT rights organisation in Jamaica. 2015 was a watershed moment with the first public LGBT pride celebrations in Jamaica. The theme then was “The Pride of a People: Breaking the Rules of Oppression…”  The week of activities […]

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20th June 2011

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by Greg Dorey


Budapest Pride Week

Some weeks ago I blogged about the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia. This week (11-19 June) the Budapest Pride Festival is taking place, with the annual March due tomorrow. The police have pledged that the March will be secure and safe (though there has been an announcement about a possible far right counter-demonstration in […]

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17th May 2011

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by Greg Dorey


International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia

Today is International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia. Why is it necessary to have such a day? Well, because same-sex relations remain criminalised in more than 70 countries.  Discrimination against LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) people because of their sexual orientation or gender identity continues to occur even in countries where laws exist to […]

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