Tag: #Government+Macedonia

28th July 2017 Skopje, North Macedonia

Fiona McIlwham

Western Balkans Director, Foreign & Commonwealth Office

‘I leave Skopje optimistic’

When Foreign Secretary, Boris Johnson, met Prime Minister Zaev and Foreign Minister Dimitrov in Trieste at the Western Balkan Summit, he was impressed with their energy and determination to make changes and their readiness to take bold steps. He welcomed their commitment to tackle reform challenges at home, to reset relations with neighbours and to re-energise Macedonia’s NATO and EU prospects. […]

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16th June 2017 Skopje, North Macedonia

Charles Garrett

British Ambassador to Macedonia

Why we value UK-Macedonia partnership?

Earlier this week I had my first one-to-one meeting with Zoran Zaev since he became Prime Minister of Macedonia. It had been delayed by a week because of what we call ‘purdah’, the election-related silence in which British civil servants are not allowed to say anything which might influence voting or government formation. Given the […]

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22nd February 2017 Skopje, North Macedonia

Сер Алан Данкан

Министер за Европа и Америка

Кон мојата посета на Македонија

Откако Обединетото Кралство изгласа да ја напушти Европската Унија, често добивам едно исто прашање од луѓето кои ги среќавам надвор од земјата: – Што значи ова за мојата земја? Мојот одговор е секогаш ист – Британија ќе ја напушти Европската Унија, но ние не ја напуштаме Европа. Сакам оваа порака да ја донесам на мојата […]

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22nd February 2017 Skopje, North Macedonia

Sir Alan Duncan MP

Minister for Europe and the Americas

Ahead of my visit to Macedonia

Since the UK voted to leave the European Union, I am often asked the same question by the people I meet overseas: What does this mean for my country? Every time my answer is the same, the UK will be leaving the European Union, but we are not leaving Europe. On my first visit to […]

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