Tag: Finance

10th March 2017 Skopje, North Macedonia

Paul Edwards

Paul Edwards

Deputy Head of Mission

How do you know that the taxes you pay are being spent wisely?

Here’s a question for the average person in Macedonia: how do you know that the taxes you pay are being spent wisely? It’s a simple question but actually on that’s quite difficult to answer. Some might be happy to just trust those spending your tax money.  But others will want to be more questioning.  They […]

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23rd January 2017 London, UK

David Sproul

David Sproul

Senior Partner and Chief Executive, Deloitte

The UK is number one for inward investment

Now is the time to Invest in GREAT Britain is the clear message that the Department for International Trade set out in their new marketing campaign, launching this week. As the number one destination for inward investment, the campaign will use exciting and little known facts about the UK to demonstrate why so many overseas […]

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8th February 2013 Washington DC, USA

by Peter Matheson

Economic Counsellor

Financial Reform: The Long and Winding Road

Banks. Bankers. Financial Services. Bail-outs. LIBOR. Bonuses. You are probably a bit fed up of hearing all those terms. Haven’t we been talking about banks and the financial sector non-stop for five years? Isn’t this stuff meant to be boring Wouldn’t we rather be talking about Beyonce at the Superbowl instead? These issues are hugely […]

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3rd April 2012 Washington DC, USA

Rosalind Campion portrait

by Rosalind Campion

Counsellor for Global Issues

The best laid plans of mice and runners

When I saw my diary for last Wednesday, I realised that a snapshot of my activities that day would be the perfect way to answer that ubiquitous question posed by friends, family, old colleagues, and assorted others: “what do you actually do?” Business Minister Mark Prisk was visiting Washington and our plans for his visit […]

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20th March 2012 Washington DC, USA

by Peter Matheson

Economic Counsellor

The US and Great Britain: Different processes for shared goals

On March 21st at 12:30 London time (8:30 on the East Coast), the Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, will unveil his 2012 Budget to the British Parliament. The word ‘Budget’ comes from the French term ‘bougette’, meaning little bag. But rather than thinking about ‘little bags’, whenever I mention the Budget to American friends, they […]

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18th July 2011

Robin Twyman

by Robin Twyman

Consul for Business and Government Affairs

388 reasons why US investors agree that Britain is the easiest place in Europe to do business

Investment stock can be a more accurate and less volatile indicator of inward investment than flow, but the UK’s Office of National Statistics reported last month that the UK attracted £32bn in the inward investment in the first quarter of 2011 – it’s strongest quarter for over 3 years, and a huge leap from the […]

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