Tag: Cricket

21st January 2022 Kolkata

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by Amit Sengupta

Head of Press and Communications, British Deputy High Commission Kolkata

UK and India celebrate the Living Bridge of Cricket at Eden Gardens

‘Kuunganisha’ in the Swahili language means ‘bonding’. That’s exactly what I witnessed during the ‘Indo British Heritage Cup’ in Kolkata last month. The international cricket match was in its second edition and organised by the London-based Bengal Heritage Foundation (BHF). BHF works closely with British Council Kolkata and the Indo-British Scholars Association (IBSA) to preserve […]

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7th June 2019

Fr. Eamonn O’Higgins, L.C.

Fr. Eamonn O’Higgins, L.C.

Manager of The Vatican (St. Peter’s) Cricket Team

The Vatican Cricket Team: Sport and faith in action

A guest blog written by Fr. Eamonn O’Higgins, L.C., manager of The Vatican (St. Peter’s) Cricket Team, and Fr. Sameer Advani, L.C., co-manager. Cricket is perhaps not what immediately springs to mind when you think of the Vatican, but the Vatican (St Peter’s) Cricket Team has an important role in building bridges between faiths and […]

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7th March 2017 Delhi, India

Jane Urquhart and Leena Kukreja

Jane Urquhart and Leena Kukreja

Women in STEM: closing the gender gap

Growing up in Australia, like all kids, I was curious and inquisitive about the ‘science’ behind things. Encouraged by a school teacher mother and an engineer father, I coveted a plastic microscope and a chemistry set. But, like many other kids, I lost confidence in my abilities in science and maths. Growing up in India, […]

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3rd February 2017 Kolkata, India

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by Bruce Bucknell

Former British Deputy High Commissioner Kolkata

Playing the game

One of the clearest memories from my youth is of standing on a cricket field in early evening. The sun was relatively low in the sky but still high enough above the trees so as not to cast a shadow. There was a light breeze and the sunlight was reflected off the ground, which appeared […]

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14th October 2015

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by Nigel Baker

Ambassador to the Holy See (2011-2016)

Rome: the global home of religious encounter

All the media focus here at the Vatican at the moment is on the cut and thrust of debate at the Synod of Bishops, meeting on the issue of the family. Amidst the coverage of differences between bishops, proposals on pastoral practice and doctrine, and the views of the Pope, one important dimension has been […]

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22nd September 2014

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by Nigel Baker

Ambassador to the Holy See (2011-2016)

Christian unity and good causes: small steps, big results

As ambassador to the Holy See, it is quite rare that I get out of Rome for professional purposes. Most of the key contacts and institutions with which the embassy works are, naturally, based in Rome. Although I plug into the global Holy See network, I do that through the hub. So I have had […]

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20th November 2013 Chennai, India

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by Bharat Joshi

British Deputy High Commissioner, Chennai

CHOGM, and a childhood hero met

Life is – gradually returning to normal. The weight of 400 e-mails in the inbox is distracting, but I’m trying to use the week to better understand the operation. A great outcome on CHOGM, I think. It was a difficult decision to attend, but I think the Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary’s willingness to do […]

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12th April 2013 Los Angeles, USA

Dan Pasquini

by Dan Pasquini

Head of Press & Public Affairs, British Consulate General, Los Angeles

Cricket ‘Explained’

The history of the UK and the US is one of closeness and familiarity. From Britain, America got the very foundations of its culture: its language, its legal system and “So You Think You Can Dance.” We’re also each other’s strongest allies. But as in any good relationship, there’s still a little mystery. For an […]

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25th March 2013 Geneva, Switzerland

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by Bob Last

Head, UK Mission Political and Human Rights Team

Habemus Resolutiones

The session is over, the resolutions are all adopted and UN blue smoke has finally risen through the holes in the Council ceiling. After weeks of lock down without food, daylight or other things that make us happy, the Council delegates can start to think about a return to normality. But for those afflicted by […]

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28th February 2013 Islamabad, Pakistan

Exploring Faisalabad

Now, I’m not one who normally gets passionate about sport.  I could have been certain that my first blog from Pakistan, where I recently arrived as the High Commission’s new Press Attaché, would not have been about sport.  But, I am surprisingly doing just that. When I think of sport in Pakistan, cricket comes into […]

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