Tag: climate

5th December 2018 Stockholm, Sweden

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by Mikael Allan Mikaelsson

PhD, Science and Innovation Policy Advisor, Europe Lead on Net-Zero Innovation & Climate Change

The Path to 1.5 degrees: The Role of Climate Mitigation Technology and International Partnership

This year’s annual gathering of the global climate community in Katowice, Poland, the 24th “Conference of the Parties” (COP24), falls against the backdrop of October’s landmark report from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) on the impacts of global warming beyond 1.5°C and actions required to curb average global temperature rise within […]

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16th November 2018 Calgary, Canada

Caroline Saunders

by Caroline Saunders

British Consul General in Calgary

Green Great Britain Week at the British Consulate-General Calgary

In October, the UK marked Green Great Britain Week and the 10th anniversary of the Climate Change Act. In Calgary, we marked it by taking a closer look at Alberta’s massive energy sector and the opportunities for the UK. The Canadian province of Alberta is known worldwide as the ‘gateway to the Rockies’ and home […]

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6th May 2016

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by Nigel Baker

Ambassador to the Holy See (2011-2016)

Pope Francis wins UK Green Ribbon award

COP21 conference, Le Bourget, France

The Green Ribbon awards are amongst Britain’s most prestigious environmental awards. They are awarded by The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM), the leading independent Chartered professional body for water and environment professionals, which promotes excellence within the sector. They have been presented since 1993, and aim to celebrate the greatest environmental achievements […]

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20th April 2016 New Delhi, India

Anirban Ganguly and Sruthi Chandrasekaran

DFID South Asia Research Hub

Linking climate research to policy: a regional dialogue

I was privileged to attend the dissemination event of DFID’s CRISSA (Climate Research and Information Services in South Asia) programme which remains close to my heart due to my role in programme managing it during my short stint with the DFID’s South Asia Research Hub in 2012-13. As I spent two full days sitting back […]

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19th January 2016

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by Nigel Baker

Ambassador to the Holy See (2011-2016)

Life Chances: Laudato Si’ half a year on

Pope Francis’s encyclical letter Laudato Si’  – On Care for our Common Home was released to the public seven months ago. A lot has happened in the interim. Most important was an ambitious new global climate agreement secured in Paris in December, welcomed and pushed for by the British government, at which 180 countries representing […]

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23rd December 2015 Paris, France

Beatriz Martinez

Beatriz Martinez

Policy adviser for Trade, Investment and Innovation, UKDel OECD, Paris

COP21: three trends towards fundamental change

Solutions COP21 event, Grand Palais

With considerable justification, COP21 has been widely hailed as a success. It reached a legally-binding agreement that aims to keep global warming well below 2 degrees, with a review-mechanism towards ever more ambitious targets, and financial commitments to support developing countries on their path towards environmental sustainability. This agreement is far better than most could […]

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11th December 2015 Paris, France

Kate Hart

Kate Hart

Development and climate change officer

COP21: the best things come to those who wait

The UK office during COP21, Le Bourget

This time last week we were at the start of COP21. The conference centre was smelling of woodchip (you can really tell how hard France have worked at making COP21 sustainable), there were still freebies being handed out, delegates were relatively smiley and positive (directly proportional to the quality/quantity of freebies and coffee, I have […]

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21st May 2015

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by Nigel Baker

Ambassador to the Holy See (2011-2016)

Church, government, business: a climate change alliance

This week I attended an important conference at the Pontifical Santa Croce University, on “The New Climate Economy. How Economic Growth and Sustainability Can Go Hand in Hand”. It was jointly organised by the Dutch Embassy to the Holy See and the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, and brought together leading political figures, business […]

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3rd February 2015

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by Nigel Baker

Ambassador to the Holy See (2011-2016)

Helping Pope Francis

The new Holy See Secretary for Relations with States, Archbishop Paul Gallagher, is well-named. When earlier this week Msgr. Gallagher met the ambassadors accredited to the Holy See, the Deputy Secretary, the Maltese Msgr. Antoine Camilleri, reminded us that the name Gallagher is the anglicisation of the Irish surname Ó Gallchobhair, meaning “foreign help” or […]

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