Tag: образование

12th February 2015 Skopje, North Macedonia

‘We are all equal’ – learn and play around the country

There are some conceptions for educating children that when they are born, they are ‘tabula rasa’. According to this, children are like sponges, they import whatever we teach them as they grow up. Thereto, if children are tabula rasa, our mission is to teach them of everything that is good. To teach them to care […]

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12th December 2014 Skopje, North Macedonia

Education: Macedonia 2035 – the view from Mavrovo

Since I arrived in Macedonia, many people have spoken to me (usually with enthusiasm, though sometimes rather wistfully) about the role of Wilton Park in 2008 in helping to establish parliamentary procedures here. I have often been asked why we haven’t, given the success of the 2008 conference, done more Wilton Park events for Macedonia. […]

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