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Sarah Dickson

Ambassador to Guatemala (June 2012 - June 2015)

Part of UK in Guatemala

12th June 2013

Project visit "boys and girls in action"

Thanks to the support of British Embassy; the Violence Prevention Programme of USAID and Guatemalan businessmen, the Foundation Elecciones Infantiles, with the endorsement of the Department of Education, for the consecutive second year we continue executing the Programme Girls and Boys in Action.

The Programme looks for the formation and enforcement of human and democratic values that contribute to the democratization of the country, to the prevention of the violence and to the strengthening of young leadership. The programme is formed by three components: Qualified Children and Girls in Action, the Second National Convention of Girls and Children in Action, and the installation of a Young Observatory.

To live through the experience of the schoolboys, last Saturday the 8th of June, the programme visited the groups that benefit from these initiatives at the Villa Nueva Municipality. The event was attended by representatives of the Department of Education, the British Embassy and USAID.

Also were there businessmen who, under the concept of social responsibility, take as a priority the formation of the Guatemalan children.  Amongst these: Cemaco, Fundación Pantaleón, Banco G&T Continental, Avance, Cargo Expreso, Pollo Campero, Del Frutal y Agro América.

The exchange with the children was very productive. It was very important and positive for the children’s lives. The children demonstrated to be better persons and to be very satisfied with their participation; also the programme benefits the parents of the children and other participants who also received civil formation.

The family parents expressed his gratefulness for the opportunity given to their children and brought very positive changes in them as consequence of their participation in the programme Girls and Boys in Action.

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