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Personal Role Radios for the Jamaica Defence Force

I attended the UK handover of over 100 sets of Personal Role Radio (PRR) to Jamaica’s Defence Force at a press event involving Jamaica’s Minister of National Security, The British High Commissioner and Jamaica’s Chief of Defence staff.

The event took place at the British High Commissioner’s Residence, Trafalgar House.  The donation is the culmination of an 18 month procurement programme, which began with Jamaica’s Defence Force stating a requirement for robust secure tactical communications.

Personal Role Radio
Lieutenant Colonel Chris Gunning demontrates the PRR to High Commissoner Howard Drake, Minister of National Security Peter Bunting and Chief of Defence Staff Major General Antony Anderson.

They wanted something simple to use, compact and lightweight with rechargeable batteries for greater than 24 hours coverage. PRR seemed to fit the bill and after initial demonstrations in London and some trials here in Jamaica, PRR was selected.

The system comes with a spares package and a Fixed Base Force Protection System (FBFP) to increase its operating range five-fold.  I am pleased to say that PRR will considerably enhance the JDF’s ability to operate in a tactical environment securely and with greater situational awareness.

It is a step change in all informed communication for Jamaica’s front line security forces and represents an excellent example of the UK’s growing defence partnership with Jamaica.

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