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A long but GREAT day

Ambassador Robin Barnett in the egg and spoon race
Ambassador Robin Barnett in the egg and spoon race

Olympics opening day began early! I was at Polish Radio at 0700, fortified only by a double espresso. The toughest question by far: “Can you explain the rules of cricket?” I noted that it was the only game which could last two hours or five days and included a tea interval. But I am already thinking about an exhibition game for next year.

Next stop was TV Polska. I thought I knew my stuff but was very glad NOT to be asked to describe the route of the cycling road race – or indeed what the weather was going to be like for the women! No matter how much homework you do, there is always something more to learn. But the enthusiasm of the interviewer for the Olympics was obvious.

1000 saw the Olympic flag raised at the Embassy. Many of our team have been engaged in promoting the Britain is Great campaign, supporting British Business or working with the Polish Olympic and Paralympic teams. So it was a great moment to celebrate a truly unique occasion for all of us.

After lunch with a top Polish politician, who was also keen to discuss the Olympics, we ran our own Embassy mini-Olympics. Three events in relay, the sack race, the egg and spoon race and the three legged race. My team didn’t make the final. Sadly, I dropped the egg in a desperate effort to make up ground in the egg and spoon race. But the passion to win was every bit as great as in London as demonstrated by a dramatic ending to the sack race.

The culminating event was very special. We gathered a range of key Embassy contacts together to watch the opening ceremony. What an experience! One of our guests told me that only you British have the nerve to make jokes at an Olympic opening ceremony. All agreed that Danny Boyle and the army of mostly volunteers had done a truly brilliant job at showcasing, in a humorous and entertaining way, how Britain has made its mark on the world – and how we will continue to do so!

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