This blog post was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

2nd April 2012 Washington DC, USA

A New Dawn for Sangin

I recommend you take a look at the latest blog written by Helmand’s new Head of Mission, Catriona Laing, on the recent DCC elections in Sangin.

Famous for its dangerous past where many British and American soldiers lost their lives, Sangin now boasts its first ever District Community Council elections where over 2,000 people travelled across the Province to come and vote.  This is the clearest demonstration of the changes in Sangin in the last year.  The freedom of movement, the willingness of the population to engage, and the total control and administration of this process by the Afghan authorities shows progress unthinkable one year ago.

About Richard O'Hara

Richard joined the British Embassy in Washington in October 2008 as Second Secretary, Afghanistan and Pakistan. His first nine months in Washington were actually spent working for the Offi...

Richard joined the British Embassy in Washington in October 2008 as Second Secretary, Afghanistan and Pakistan. His first nine months in Washington were actually spent working for the Office of Afghanistan Affairs at the State Department as part of an officer exchange programme. Before taking up his posting in Washington, Richard spent a year at the British Embassy in Kabul. In Kabul, Richard focused on internal Afghan politics, especially the preparations for the Presidential and Parliamentary elections in 2009 and 2010 respectively. While in Afghanistan, Richard had the chance to travel extensively, getting to provinces in the north, south, east, west and centre of the country, including spending several weeks in Helmand province. Richard also had the opportunity to return to Afghanistan in September 2010 to be an election monitor for the Parliamentary elections. During Richard’s career in the Foreign Office, he has also worked on counter terrorist financing and immigration policy.

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