This blog post was published under the 2015 to 2024 Conservative government

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Rebecca Leshan

Regional Director for the UK Science & Innovation Network

Part of Global Science and Innovation Network

17th August 2016 Boston, USA

FUNDING: Fulbright Awards for UK Citizens

The UK-US Fulbright commission provides grants to UK citizens to study, research and lecture in any subject at an accredited higher education institution in the US.

Student Awards are available for UK students to pursue a postgraduate degree in the US, or to attend a US university as a ‘visiting student researcher’, or Scholar/Professional Awards fund academics and professionals to lecture, study and/or conduct research in the US.

The application deadline for academic year 2017-18 is Sunday, 6 November 2016, 12 midnight.

Visit for further detail and to apply.

About Rebecca Leshan

Rebecca is the East Coast (USA) Regional Director for the UK Science & Innovation Network, based at the British Consulate-General in Cambridge, Massachusetts. She joined the network in Jan...

Rebecca is the East Coast (USA) Regional Director for the UK Science & Innovation Network, based at the British Consulate-General in Cambridge, Massachusetts. She joined the network in January 2014, leaving behind a compulsively-organised laboratory bench at Rockefeller University, where her postdoctoral research examined the effects of maternal nutrition on offspring brain development and physiology. Despite her life sciences background, Rebecca

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