7th August 2012 Bucharest, Romania
The following is a guest blog by Rhys Osborne, Head of Registry at British Embassy Bucharest
Last Friday I spoke at a Reception held to officially send-off the Romanian Paralympic Team heading to London in the coming weeks for the 2012 Paralympic Games. The reception, arranged by Sally Wood-Lamont, President of the Romanian Paralympic Committee and a GREAT Briton in Romania, was overwhelmingly successful. Over 120 guests attended and 22 media outlets were represented. Coverage of the event made the national 18:00 news. Olympic fever has reached Romania!

In my speech I highlighted the importance of the 2012 Paralympic Games and the promise that the UK made upon winning the right to host the games – to welcome the world to Britain in 2012 for ‘Everyone’s Games’. The London Paralympic Games will be the most inclusive ever, highlighted by the fact that that the Romanian Team travelling to London is the largest that has ever represented Romania at a Paralympic Games.

Along with athletes representing Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Team Romania will have the full support of the British Embassy and all of its staff. We wish them all luck and success in their endeavours and that they all reach the dreams that they individually aspire to at the Games.
(Please follow CampioniParalimpici on Facebook and show your support for the Romanian Paralympic Team)
Bine ai venit…
From the staff and pupils of St Thomas of Canterbury Primary School, Mitcham, Surrey…
A warm and very special welcome to to the team from Romania.
Romania holds a special place in our hearts and we hope the team will have a very happy stay in London.
We also wish them every success in their respective competitions.