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Peter Ricketts

Ambassador to France from February 2012 to January 2016.

Part of UK in France

21st May 2015 Paris, France

75 years ago: the evacuation of Dunkirk

Evacuation de Dunkerque, mai-juin 1940
Evacuation de Dunkerque, mai-juin 1940

This week end we are going to be commemorating the 75th anniversary of the evacuation of Dunkirk, one of those extraordinary iconic events of the Second World War.

Written version (continued)

Situation in 1940 was that Britain had sent an expeditionary army to help France in defending against Nazi agression. But by April or May, the forces had been driven back against the Channel coasts and there was a real risk that the entire army would be taken prisoner of war, which would have been a huge setback to Britain’s capacity to continue the war.

Prince Michael of Kent watching "little ships" flotilla departing for Dunkirk, 21 May 2015
Prince Michael of Kent watching the “little ships” flotilla departing for Dunkirk, 21 May 2015

So right at the end of the month, about the 28th of May, they launched the armada of small ships that came across from the UK.

In total, 340,000 soldiers were evacuated (including 120,000 French), in conditions where heroic courageous defence was needed largely by French forces to allow the evacuation to continue.

To commemorate that heroism of 75 years ago, a whole flotilla of “little ships” will come across the Channel again this week end, including some who were there in 1940.

There will be a ceremony in the presence of His Royal Highness Prince Michael of Kent, and there is going to be a big international parade with classic vehicles, marches and bands on the 23rd of May in Dunkirk.

This is going to be a ceremony to remember.