This blog post was published under the 2015 to 2024 Conservative government

Paul Brummell, British Ambassador to Romania

Paul Brummell

Head of Soft Power and External Affairs Department, Communication Directorate

Part of UK in Romania

22nd July 2015

10 year internship scheme anniversary (IX): What our interns remember

Last week, our alumni were invited to answer three question before joining the anniversary party.  Their answers are listed below, as they probably sum up many of the thoughts included in our series of guest blogs dedicated to our internship scheme.

i remember


  • My first day at the British Embassy was also my 21st birthday
  • QBP2013, Pride parade, beautiful & awesome people
  • Playing foosball with the Ambassador (I lost! 🙂 )
  • Valentine’s Day Quiz at the embassy, how to put together an outstanding PPT , how to be a team player
  • Bonfire in 2008
  • Really amazing people
  • Cricket played by Commonwealth sportsmen for the first time in Romania, at the rugby stadium
  • Organizing events much as this one with wonderful Laura, the internship has been one of the nicest periods so far
  • My lunch with the Ambassador Barnett at the Thai restaurant, when I felt very special to have an hour with him in his busy schedule
  • The great time I had with the Trade team – Thank you so much Raluca T
  • Running 10k at the Bucharest Marathon along with Ambassador Harris and Peter Thomas
  • Doing follow up for 100 people for a reception
  • Going on a trip to Brasov with the Ambassador and organizing an event there; QBP 2005


  • How to write well ( thank you, press review!)
  • To take responsibility for my work
  • To aim high
  • How to work efficiently in a team to deliver results and to ‘market’ a diplomatic figure
  • How Bucharest can be magnificent and full of life in an Ambassador’s eyes
  • How to send a fax. It’s the little things that matter. Seriously, I learned how to work in a team and to take responsibility for my actions and enjoy the results
  • How to train people and help them grow professionally
  • How to do a proper press review
  • To think and dream big, to believe in myself, to write and speak diplomatically. It helped me grow.


  • Marketing & communications
  • Growing my corporate career
  • Working in an embassy; thank you for introducing me to such a beautiful world
  • Corporate strategy and portfolio management in bank
  • Working in a public policy think tank
  • Working with books and authors for a living
  • Striving to turn my hobbies into money-making occupations
Embassy alumni, July 2015
Embassy alumni, July 2015