9th September 2011
My first blog as Ambassador to the Holy See
This is my first blog entry as HM Ambassador to the Holy See – indeed, the first time a British Ambassador to the Holy See has had a blog. At a time when the Holy See is itself hosting meetings of bloggers from all over the world, and the Pope is tweeting, I think it is right that this Embassy should also be engaging properly through the new media in an interactive way with what is, I know, a wide and interested audience out there.
I presented my credentials today to His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI at Castel Gandolfo, when I was also able to give an introductory speech on the bilateral relationship. Our conversation touched on many aspects of our relationship, including the importance of values in international affairs.
There is a very broad mutual agenda, flowing from the visit of the Pope to the United Kingdom last September, and the excellent work of this Embassy under my predecessor. We need to talk to and engage with each other above all because Her Majesty’s Government and the Holy See both have global concerns and interests, from disarmament to development, climate change to conflict resolution. As with any diplomatic relationship, we will not always agree. But there are many areas where we can work closely together, and it should be mutually beneficial to do so.
I hope that this blog will provide a window on what this embassy, and this Ambassador, does and why we do it. I will do my best to respond to ideas and queries, and would be delighted to receive thoughts on how to make this more useful and more interesting to readers. It is a privilege for me to be representing Her Majesty’s Government at the Holy See. I look forward to playing a role instrengthening our relationship, and having an impact for good, while I am here.