This blog post was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

19th September 2011 Ottawa, Canada

Science Salon 3: Cognitive Neuroscience with Dr. Adrian Owen

On Wednesday August, the Science & Innovation Network (SIN) at the British High Commission in Ottawa (BHC) hosted our third Science Salon (See the following for Salons 1 and 2), featuring Dr. Adrian Owen, and in collaboration with the Canada Excellence Research Chairs Program. Dr Owen is one of the Canada Excellence Research Chairs (CERC -in Cognitive Neuroscience), that were announced in May, 2010. He came to the University of Western Ontario (UWO) from the University of Cambridge in the UK, and has been fostering Canada/UK linkages ever since. The newly opened Centre for Brain and Mind at the University of Western Ontario has already announced a Canada/UK partnership which will allow for training/exchanges of Canadian (UWO) and UK (University of

Cambridge, King’s College London and University College London) Post-doctoral researchers!

An incredibly engaging speaker who is not hesitant to tackle complicated questions, Dr. Owen wowed the crowd assembled at the Queen and Albert Pub (Q&A) within the BHC, and kindly agreed to come back in the next day to do a video blog with us (below – full presentation from the event embedded at the bottom).

Dr. Owen is a man of many talents, while actively involved in research, he is also member of a band, called “You Jump First” (you can find lots of videos of them here), and in the UK was involved in science outreach through Guerilla Science (something he misses – perhaps another area to develop Canada/UK S&I relations ;)).

Well worth watching, Dr. Owen’s full presentation is below, so break out the microwave popcorn and get ready for a fascinating discussion on Cognitive Neuroscience!

 Dr. Owen was also recently featured in the Ottawa Citizen, and you can find his interview with The Agenda’s Steve Paikin here from earlier this year.

About Nicole Arbour

Based in the National Capital, I cover the federal S&T sector, national S&T organisations, as well as local industry and academic partners. I manage the UK’s Science & Innovation Network i...

Based in the National Capital, I cover the federal S&T sector, national S&T organisations, as well as local industry and academic partners. I manage the UK’s Science & Innovation Network in Canada, and our contribution towards the wider Canada-UK relationship. This year my focus will be working towards the delivery of the Canada-UK Joint Declaration and the Canada-UK Joint Innovation Statement. In my spare time I like to cook and spend quality time with my family. Find me on Twitter @narbour