This blog post was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

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Nicholas Hopton

Head of UK Embassy to Libya

Part of UK in Qatar

22nd October 2013 Tripoli, Libya

Blog Action Day 2013: Human Rights

It’s been a while since I last blogged. Since my last post, I have left Yemen and moved to be the UK Ambassador to Qatar. I am delighted to be serving in Doha at a time when the country continues to develop fast and play an ever-more important role internationally.

16 October marked Blog Action Day, a day when bloggers across the world post blogs on a specific theme. This year’s theme is “Human Rights”, an issue which is of vital importance to each and every one of us.

Whether you’re interested in football or not, you will have noticed recent media reports about the situation of people working on construction sites in the run up to Qatar 2022.

I welcome the Qatari authorities’ pledge to thoroughly investigate claims. Qatar has responded: the Ministry of Labour plans to double the number of inspectors to check companies to make sure they comply with the labour law. The Qatar Foundation, headed by HH Sheikha Moza, launched initiatives at the beginning of this year on workers’ rights, including annual health checks for low income labourers; tighter safety rules for construction firms and clamping down on companies flouting labour laws.

A team from the Building and Wood Workers’ International travelled to Qatar recently and spoke to workers. Sepp Blatter will visit Doha soon and has said he will discuss the issue with HH The Emir.

Human rights and the safety of workers are important to the UK and how we conduct our business. I firmly believe that the promotion of business and respect for human rights should go hand in hand, and we are taking a lead in this approach. The Foreign Secretary recently launched the British Government’s Good Business: Implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Human rights and business are not incompatible – in fact, human rights are at the heart of UK foreign policy.

There are UK companies already ahead of the curve on integrating human rights considerations into their business operations.  They understand the value for respect for human rights and that this brings business benefit in various ways. Our experience of the Olympics has shown us that we can protect the rights and safety of workers as well as delivering a worldwide sporting event. As Qatar builds to meet the challenge of delivering a successful World Cup, the UK stands ready to assist and support where we can. And I am confident that in due course Qatar will deliver a wonderful World Cup finals competition.

About Nicholas Hopton

Nicholas Hopton is former UK Ambassador to Iran, Qatar and Yemen. Nicholas is a career diplomat who joined the FCO in 1989 having studied at St Peter’s School, York, and…

Nicholas Hopton is former UK Ambassador to Iran, Qatar and Yemen.

Nicholas is a career diplomat who joined the FCO in 1989 having
studied at St Peter’s School, York, and Cambridge University (Magdalene
College).  He has also studied at La Sapienza University in Rome and ENA in Paris.
With the FCO he has also served overseas in Paris, Rome, Morocco and Mauritania.
He is married with five children.