28th March 2012 Warsaw, Poland
UKTI Deputy CEO sees Polish Opportunity First Hand

Poland tops the opportunity rankings in Central Europe. We are the largest export destination and the biggest population with the longest road to EU convergence – the latter really matters in appreciating the full potential of Poland’s growth cycle.
Our UKTI Deputy CEO, Susan Haird, was in town last week for a two day market visit to learn more about the opportunities for companies here.
In an action packed visit Susan met with companies and business multipliers, including an event launching a new infrastructure group to maximise British companies’ presence, a shale gas lunch and a sustainable energy seminar to explore the opportunities in the potentially significant Polish energy market.
While in Warsaw, Susan also hosted the first ever inward investment seminar at the British Embassy – aimed at encouraging Polish companies to invest in the UK; a great occasion to build on Poland’s strategic trade opportunity with the UK – and held a meeting with GSK and Astra Zeneca to learn about the huge Polish pharma market. Susan also found time to meet students of the European school in Natolin – TGIF a great networker to end the week!
Visits by senior staff matter, they focus our mind on how we are doing and how we need to move forward. Here at the Embassy we are really looking long and hard about how we best help British companies to export their goods and services to this market. After all, as we set out to Susan on her visit, Poland’s only going to grow as a trade partner for the UK.
As an organisation we are looking again at how to build trade and investment into the heart of Government policy, to work more closely with our partners and to develop lasting links that see the number of British companies that export come closer to the European average.
A visit by a senior staff member also helps build relationships which can come in handy when promoting the market back in the UK. We were really pleased that UKTI Minister Lord Green came here in November – underlining Poland’s position as the most significant growth opportunity market in Central and Eastern European Europe – and we are working hard to make sure the UK knows about the opportunity here. Having people in the UK who can act as torchbearers for you is always useful.
Susan’s visit was a great success. And before, during and after it we have been working on getting the basics right: analysing the opportunities, networking with companies and Government here in Poland to unlock opportunities and overcome business barriers, hosting events and seminars to bring companies together, revising our offer and upgrading our services so that they are most relevant to companies. Our aim is to make sure UK plc. understands and unlocks the potential.
If you are an internationally minded business with a domicile in the UK we want to hear from you. We think we can help you make the most of the opportunity!