This blog post was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Mark Sinclair

Head of Science & Innovation, India

Part of Global Science and Innovation Network

16th December 2014 New Delhi, India

Looking back at 2014

The SIN India, Middle East & Africa team with UK colleagues at our regional conference in Mumbai, December 2014
The SIN India, Middle East & Africa team with UK colleagues at our regional conference in Mumbai, December 2014

With another very busy year drawing to a close, I’ve been reflecting on what we’ve achieved and what’s still to do. I can’t do full justice here to all that the team have delivered in the last 12 months but I wanted to share a few highlights with you. I’d also welcome your feedback on this blog as an insight to our work and the opportunities for partnerships between UK and India.

For me, two real highlights of the year have been the work of the UK-India Task Force in defining our shared grand societal challenges and the subsequent agreement to the Newton-Bhabha Fund as part of the very successful visit by UK Minister for Universities, Science & Cities, Dr Greg Clark. These activities have certainly kept me busy through the year but have also been hugely significant in shaping the direction of the UK-India S&I relationship and, through the Newton-Bhabha Fund, giving it a real boost. Now we just have to get on and deliver it!

Through all this, the SIN India team has been busier than ever, focused on delivering our business plan, identifying opportunities for partnering and collaboration in all our priority themes. And in so doing, have also produced some 55 blog entries! We are keen to share what we learn on UK and Indian S&I capabilities and to give you an insight into the collaboration opportunities we identify. Looking back at these blogs, you’ll see a blend of visit reports to institutions in India and the UK, highlighting strengths and opportunities; interviews with prominent researchers; reports of our events; and notes on key developments in S&I. In addition we have regularly updated our information on UK-India funding opportunities, which we know is always a popular feature, and introduced a forward calendar of events.

As I say above, I can’t do justice to the full range of work by the team but would point you to some of the important work they’ve been doing on healthcare and life sciences (see blogs on antimicrobial resistance, on ageing and assisted living); on manufacturing (see blogs covering advanced manufacturing, distributed manufacturing, 3D printing and low carbon vehicles among others); on energy (see blogs on offshore wind, on wave and tidal energy and on nuclear energy). With many more to come!

The objective for all of these activities is to achieve real impact whether directly through forming new partnerships that benefits UK and India, or by informing decision-making by our funding partners. We have a great track record in delivering outcomes (look out for the forthcoming S&I Network Annual report for highlights from the global team) and some of this year’s opportunities have already started to be taken up, e.g. through the Newton-Bhabha Fund, and we’ll continue to find ways to deliver the rest.

Whether you’ve been following these blogs and our newsletter all year or are a new reader, we’re keen to hear your feedback: what did you particularly enjoy and what would you like to hear more about?

The turn of year also marks a few changes in the team, the first being the planned departure of my deputy, Dr Tom Wells. We owe Tom thanks for all his excellent work with us but particularly for setting up this blog and redesigning our newsletter, and for ensuring enthusiastic participation by the team. We wish him every success in his new role in London.

All that remains is to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Watch this space for what’s coming up in 2015.

About Mark Sinclair

Mark leads the Science & Innovation Network in India and is responsible for strategy and direction of the network, focusing on the government to government aspects of the Indo-UK science…

Mark leads the Science & Innovation Network in India and is responsible for strategy and direction of the network, focusing on the government to government aspects of the Indo-UK science relationship. He has had an extensive career in science and technology across a number of UK Government departments, having worked in research, programme management, science policy, and as private secretary to the Defence Chief Scientific Adviser. Prior to arriving in India Mark led the S&I Network in Europe West, based in Paris, and before that the S&I Network in Boston, USA. Mark has degrees in engineering and an MBA.