6th April 2020 Vienna, Austria
Getting 391 British Nationals home safely

A plane approaches London Heathrow, appearing to grow larger as it nears the runway. As British airways flight BA0961 lands safely, a collective sigh of relief is heard at the British Embassy in Vienna.
In the last two weeks, the British Embassy in Vienna has helped 391 people get out of ski resorts in Austria to return home to the UK. This is part of the Foreign Office’s huge international task of getting travelling British nationals home, as international transport routes close.
On 3-5 April, a group of 129 seasonal ski workers, including British and Irish nationals, returned to the UK from quarantine areas in Tyrol and Vorarlberg. To do this, they needed to register with the embassy for special permission to leave a quarantine zone. We then worked closely with the Austrian authorities – local and national – to make the journey happen, including a police escort to the German border and alerting German police to their arrival with the help of our colleagues in Germany. From the border, we got them to Munich Airport, where they caught a commercial flight back to the UK.
Delighted to get over 100 British resort workers out of quarantine and on the way back home today 🇦🇹🇬🇧
A huge Dankeschön to all who helped, including @unserlandtirol, Land Vorarlberg, the Gemeinden, @MFA_Austria & @bmsgpk pic.twitter.com/alcPwbL6eM
— UK in Austria (@UKinAustria) April 3, 2020
Together with 262 British nationals and 6 EU citizens we helped leave quarantine areas on 27 March, on a flight arranged by their tour organiser and supported by the embassy, the latest travellers brought our total to 391 people helped to return home in a little under two weeks.

We are thankful for the excellent cooperation from the Austrian authorities, including the Federal Ministries of Health and Foreign Affairs, Land Tirol, Land Vorarlberg, the Austrian Police, the tourist authorities, British Airways and the many local districts who made this happen.
It was great to see the happy reactions from families who could finally welcome their loved ones back home.
@UKinAustria @LeighTurnerFCO My boy is back. Thanks for all the hard work that helped make this happen! pic.twitter.com/QaoxoG2ZXs
— Andy Worsick (@andy2407uk) April 4, 2020
Meanwhile Embassy staff will continue to support the few British travellers who remain in the country. If you are still in Austria but live in the UK, you should make your way home now while commercial options are still available. Please check our travel advice for latest information.
Transport options are decreasing as the Austrian government announced an extension to existing measures until the end of April. Metropole magazine has produced a useful overview in English here.
Finally, on behalf of all Brits in Austria, I would like to offer my sincere thanks to all Austrian health organisations. Like so many of your colleagues all across the world, you are doing an outstanding job. Thank you!
An dieser Stelle sei den österreichischen Gesundheitsorganisationen im Namen aller Britinnen und Briten in Österreich ein aufrichtes “thank you very much” gesagt! Wir alle wissen euren unermüdlichen Einsatz sehr zu schätzen! #staysafe #stayhome @bmsgpk @roteskreuzat pic.twitter.com/c3JsIce7mY
— Leigh Turner (@LeighTurnerFCO) April 6, 2020
Please continue to follow guidance from local authorities.
Stay safe and stay home!