9th February 2016

How many reasons are there to like Istanbul?
Since I arrived in Istanbul in August 2012 I have featured over 500 #reasonstolikeistanbul on my @leighturnerFCO twitter account. The response has been mostly enthusiastic.
That’s not surprising. Istanbul is a spectacular city, with an epic past, a potential-packed present and, I hope, a brilliant future.
But all good things must come to an end. This summer, after four fascinating years, I shall leave Istanbul before taking up a new job in August.
I will be saying farewell (or as the Turks – sic – sometimes say: “adios”) to Istanbul over the coming months, with blogs about my favourite places or activities in Istanbul. I’ve already published one about my favourite quiet place in this most tumultuous of cities.
So look out for more #AdiosIstanbul blogs, and maybe tweets. I’d welcome your comments as always.
Follow Leigh Turner on Twitter @LeighTurnerFCO