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Kate Robinson

Science and Innovation Advisor, British Embassy Berlin

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8th November 2024 Berlin, Germany

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by Kate Robinson

Science and Innovation Advisor, British Embassy Berlin

Ecolabels: a catalyst for sustainable food choices?

Insights from a Science-Policy Roundtable Enjoying good food is one of life’s great pleasures. Preparing and eating a delicious meal can be the highlight of a day; it’s emotional, cultural, and, of course, essential for survival. Yet every meal we enjoy carries a carbon footprint. According to the IPCC’s Special Report on Climate Change and […]

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2nd August 2023 Berlin, Germany

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by Kate Robinson

Science and Innovation Advisor, British Embassy Berlin

Light bulbs, defrosted freezers and heat pumps: how to support energy-saving behaviours in the home

Lessons from a science-policy roundtable The messages in the latest IPCC report on climate change are sobering, to say the least: human activities have caused the planet to warm by 1.1°C, causing widespread damage to both people and nature. We are all familiar with the narrative by now: there are low-cost options for mitigating and […]

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About Kate Robinson

Advisor on Science and Innovation topics at the British Embassy Berlin, with a focus on climate, energy and environment topics. As part of the UK Government Science & Innovation Network (...

Advisor on Science and Innovation topics at the British Embassy Berlin, with a focus on climate, energy and environment topics.

As part of the UK Government Science & Innovation Network (SIN), co-led by the FCDO and DSIT, we support collaboration between UK and German Government departments, Research Funders, Academics and Innovators.

My background is in climate innovation and in science-policy, having worked previously for the EU’s Climate Innovation initiative – EIT Climate KIC – and as an advisor on research, innovation and climate policy to an MEP in the European Parliament.