This blog post was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Jonathan Knott

Former British ambassador to Hungary, Budapest

Part of UK in Hungary

21st December 2012 Budapest, Hungary

The best thing I’ve done in Budapest

I helped offer a Christmas lunch to the least well-off in Budapest today. It was the best thing I’ve done since I arrived here. The Hungarian Interchurch Aid organisation ran the event, with support from local companies, and I went down with a small group from the Embassy to do what we could to contribute.

Having chatted with the organisers and done some media interviews to try to promote this excellent HIA work, I spent a couple of hours serving paprikas krumpli to those who had gathered at the event. I reckon we must have served around 700 people in all. Some homeless, some in low grade housing; some alone; some with young families. All in need. The life stories I heard were deeply moving and the situation of many tragic. But the atmosphere of the lunch was joyful. For many, as someone put it, this was their Christmas Day. There were no arguments or queue jumping (as far as I could see). Just good humoured sharing, despite the cold.

It really brought home to me the plight of many in Europe’s big cities. And how important it is for those of us who can to spare time or offer financial support for them to act. The members of HIA who were directing our work were inspirational. And to see and experience their dedication to the least favoured in society was humbling. I’ve signed up already to support the programme again next Christmas. This time helping prepare as well as serve the food. But I also want to become more involved personally in this work throughout the year. I’ll write about that as it happens.

In the meantime, if you live in Hungary, please consider how you can support organisations like HIA. And if you live elsewhere you might like to look out for similar opportunities to give a little back to society.

About Jonathan Knott

Jonathan Knott was appointed Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Hungary in March 2011 and arrived in Budapest in February 2012 to take up his post. He left this post on April…

Jonathan Knott was appointed Her Majesty’s Ambassador to
Hungary in March 2011 and arrived in Budapest in February 2012 to take
up his post. He left this post on April 2015.
He has previously held a variety of diplomatic posts at home and
abroad, several with a particular focus on commercial and corporate
finance issues. Jonathan has served in a number of positions in the
British Diplomatic Service since joining in 1988:
Before his appointment was Deputy Head of Mission and Director for Trade and Investment in South Korea from 2008 to 2011.Between 2005 and 2008 he held the post of Deputy Finance Director in the FCO.From 2000 to 2005 he served as First Secretary (Trade, Corporate Affairs and Finance Negotiator) in UKDel OECD Paris.From 1996 to 2000 he was First Secretary (Head of Political/Economic/Aid Section) in Mexico.From 1995 to 1996 he worked in the FCO as Deputy European Correspondent at the EU Directorate.Between 1991 and 1995 he served as Third later Second Secretary (Political / Press and Public Affairs) in Havana.From 1990 to 1991 he was Desk Officer in the FCO’s First Gulf War Emergency Unit.Between 1988 and 1990 he worked as Desk Officer in the FCO in the Anti Drugs Cooperation Department.
Jonathan holds an MA in law from Oxford University, and he is a
member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants. He speaks
English, French, Spanish and Hungarian. He is married to Angela Susan
Knott and has one daughter and two sons.

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