This blog post was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

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Greg Dorey


Part of UK in Hungary

4th December 2011

"Sírva vigad a brit"

I leave Budapest today at the end of a 4 year tour as Ambassador.

I have been proud to lead and work with a great British Embassy team during an active period which has witnessed the Hungarian EU Presidency and a very full and varied visit by High Royal Highness the Prince of Wales and HRH the Duchess of Cornwall.

After a total of 7 1/2 years spent in Hungary, it’s understandably sad to be leaving this beautiful and complex country. “Sirva vigad a magyar”, they say (the Hungarian enjoys himself while weeping). Today, “sirva vigad a brit”! In mid-December I arrive in Addis Ababa as British Ambassador. I hope to keep up this blog when I get there. Those intrigued by British foreign policy and what it is that diplomats do all day can continue to follow my activities there. Your interest is appreciated.

2 comments on “"Sírva vigad a brit"

  1. Dear Alison and Greg,
    Hope you have arrived and accomodated yourselves in the new place, and now are getting ready for the new job.
    Any Christmas Carols there at this time of the year?
    I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous new year.
    Anikó Szelle

  2. Dear Sir,

    I am sad to learn about your leaving my homeland for Ethiopia on the one hand, and glad on the other hand that you are following the footsteps of a Hungarian ornithologist. Mátyás Gajdács spent 54 years in Abessynia and became a wealthy hunter there.
    Let me wish you well and reiterate your motto: “sírva vígad a magyar meg a brit is”. Mr Gajdács moved there in 1911, and a century later you will probably have better opportunities.

    Sincerely yours,
    Sándor Czuczor
    retired headmaster

    Ps: You were always surprised to see my Durham University tie in your receptions in Budapest. Well, this is a small world…

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