This blog post was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

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Bruce Bucknell

Former British Deputy High Commissioner Kolkata

Part of UK in Minsk

16th August 2013

Readers’ questions: the emotions of diplomacy

“How do diplomats behave if they get annoyed with a person during negotiations?  Is it possible for diplomats to show their feelings or is there some technique they use to switch emotions?” — Lika Akubardia

Dear Lika: thank you for your questions – and for all of those who responded to our competition.  I hope to answer some of the others in the next few weeks.

I particularly liked the theme of your questions as they made me think – about my professional life, about the skills needed for diplomacy, and the psychology involved in diplomacy.

Facebook Blog Idea Challenge winner receives her gift at the Embassy.
Facebook Blog Idea Challenge winner receives her gift at the Embassy.

Diplomacy would not work without some feeling involved, because negotiations are between people, not automatons.  A human that doesn’t show any feelings is difficult to deal with.  As I’ve written in a previous blog, diplomats need to understand other people.  It helps if interlocutors express some emotion as it shows how they think and what matters to them.

Building rapport is often needed at the start of a negotiation.  Expressing some positive feelings can build rapport quickly.  Diplomats are especially good at showing interest in other countries.  It is, after all, why many of us become diplomats – because we enjoy experiencing other languages and cultures.

Within a negotiation, expression of emotion can advance negotiations.  A fleeting show of approval or disapproval can signal progress or problems – if the parties concerned are keen to find agreement.

There is sometimes advantage in displaying stronger emotions.  You may have to establish your credibility with interlocutors, show that something is unacceptable, or that you have reached the limits of your negotiating mandate.  A short burst of emotion can show you care, or that it matters to your country, or that you have reached your “red lines”.

So I think it’s to mutual advantage in any negotiation that those negotiating – diplomats or whoever else – show some feeling.  However, the thinking behind your question is quite right.  Diplomats don’t tend to show their feelings, as there are limits to the utility in expressing emotion.

An outside trainer once said to a group of colleagues that diplomats are unlikely to encounter “emotional incontinence” in their career.  We are not paid to behave like Hollywood actors.

Diplomats represent their countries and the policies of their governments.  We expect to face others who disagree with us, and who may want to provoke us, or seek a reaction.  So, by the nature of our work, we are (or learn to become) patient, to wait for the right moment when the interests and positions of our government start to converge with those of others.

We follow instructions from our capitals.  As with other groups of professionals, we have a bond with other diplomats.  We understand the constraints they operate under.  We don’t take disagreement personally.

Rather than show emotion if we get annoyed, we are more likely to be asking ourselves why a person is behaving in such a way, the reasons for their remarks, or whether they are simply expressing themselves in their normal manner.

And as I’ve alluded to above, the time factor may be important.  A negotiating position is weaker if one side needs to make an agreement quickly.  An expression of emotion can betray the pressure that you are under.

And then there’s the end point.  Negotiations usually conclude with a written agreement.  Diplomats draft agreements and negotiate the wording.  That’s best done with a clear, analytical brain, largely emptied of emotion.  But we also need to understand and take account of the psychologies of the peoples affected by the agreement, and use words and phrases that are acceptable to others.

I don’t think it’s disastrous if a diplomat completely loses their temper.  It does depend on the context.  There are cases when heated arguments ended negotiations that were going nowhere, and which led to useful cooling-off periods (the negotiations to end the conflicts in the Balkans in the 1990s for example).  Diplomatic negotiations are rarely simple and often need a series of formal meetings to come to a conclusion.

I’m not aware of any particular technique that diplomatic colleagues use to avoid showing strong emotion.  Much of our time is spent researching, double checking and explaining the positions of other countries, or our own, on specific issues – either in capitals, or where multilateral negotiations are taking place.  Emotions rarely come into play.

Finally, it’s worth considering the results of negotiations that we diplomats are involved in.  The best negotiations and resulting agreements are those where both sides feel they have gained something – or the “win-win” feeling.  That is more likely to be achieved if the negotiations are conducted in a friendly, positive and forward looking manner.

In sum:  it can be useful to show emotion to check the progress in negotiations, but emotions are better kept “in check”.

9 comments on “Readers’ questions: the emotions of diplomacy

  1. Dear Mr. Bucknell,

    thank you for sharing your thoughts and experience. I’ve a quick question for you. How useful might the following if-you-get-annoyed-with-a-person-during-negotiations technique be for a diplomat?

  2. Bruce,
    Thanks for an interesting post. Do you have any good stories of diplomats losing the plot – a la famous Khruschchev banging his shoe at the UN – that you can share – appropriately anonymised of course?

    1. Hello Russell: Khrushchev was not, of course, a diplomat – he was a politician. The skills needed by a politician are not necessarily those needed by a diplomat.

      I don’t have any good stories. I have seen diplomats lose their temper and even shout at others, but not in formal meetings, conferences or negotiations.

      One story about me: early in my career at a reception, I laughed at a comment someone made about the devaluation of a country’s currency. I didn’t realise I was standing next to someone – not a diplomat – from the country in question. They took me aside and lectured me angrily for some minutes about my stupidity, insensitivity and rudeness.

      I can’t remember how I reacted, but I should have thanked them for the lesson. From such small moments, I learnt the importance of controlling emotions, expressions and thinking carefully before I speak.

  3. First and foremost, when one is appointed as a ‘Diplomat’, one is seen as a matured, resposible and tactful enough somebody. Thus, things should done accordingly, to oversee the affairs of his country in other country(s). In this case, loosing control on emotions should not arise at any level as a good representative of his country. The Diplomats are to see that things are in good shape, (not with bad emotions) their country(s) and other country(s) are in good terms and in order as per trades, investments, immigrations, treaties etc.

  4. Dear Bruce,
    your quote “HOW DO DIPLOMATS BEHAVE IF THEY GET ANNOYED WITH A PERSON DURING NEGOTIATIONS:::?” is REALLY not easy for me to answer. For I ´m just no ambassador or diplomat like you. So I only can speak for myself. After 20 yrs. with DAN-AIR London I do hope , that one of the best answers is: Treat everyone the way of which you wanna get treated. Keep psychology in your mind and be honest. Be carefully with “emotions” . If not- they can destroy the entire – postive – atmosphere within 2 or 3 minutes. To conclude alittle joke: What is the difference between a terrorist and a diplomat ? You can negotiate with a terrorist.
    Best wishes, ein scheenes Wochenendle, Ingo-Steven, Stutengarten

    1. I think your joke would be a good illustration of the risks of using humour in diplomacy.

  5. Mr.Bucknell, thank you for answering that question. I am happy to hear from you that emotions shouldn’t interfere with the main goals of negotiation. I also agree that for those who represent country’s interests calmness and patience are vital, especially when situation is tense. Maybe that is why there are not many women diplomats?

    1. Thank you for your comment. I particularly like your last two sentences because I’m not sure what you really think. But that’s often as it should be in diplomacy.

      As of earlier this year, although 43% of our staff are female, only 23% fill senior management positions, and 19% are diplomatic Heads of Post. We are committed to diversity because we represent the United Kingdom, a very diverse nation; and because good organisations need a blend of different people, with a variety of skills, approaches and ideas.

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About Bruce Bucknell

Bruce was the British Deputy High Commissioner in Kolkata from 2016 to 2019. Previously he was Ambassador in Minsk from July 2012 to January 2016. Bruce grew up on a farm in southern Engla...

Bruce was the British Deputy High Commissioner in Kolkata from 2016 to 2019. Previously he was Ambassador in Minsk from July 2012 to January 2016.

Bruce grew up on a farm in southern England and enjoys walking in the countryside and visiting wild places.

He studied modern history at Durham University, and takes a keen interest in the history of the places he visits.

Bruce used to play cricket when he could see the ball. Now he enjoys watching cricket and many other sports in his spare time.

He has had a varied career in the Foreign Office. Between his postings to Amman (1988-91), Milan (1995-9) and Madrid (2003-7), he has spent much of his career in London mostly dealing with Europe and Africa.

He is married with two grown up sons.