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UK in North Macedonia

21st May 2021 Skopje, North Macedonia

Dragan Hristov

Dragan Hristov

Designer/founder of Ludus Sustainable Agender Label

The Case of Sustainability in Macedonian Fashion

INTRODUCTION Times are changing, fast and unexpectedly. Societies shift as historic events unravel rapidly before the eyes of the world. As consumer needs change, fashion has to keep pace and reflect these social and economic transformations. At least when asked, 88% of consumers now want fashion that stands for the environment as awareness about its […]

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17th May 2021 Skopje, North Macedonia

Кочо Андоновски

Кочо Андоновски

Програмски директор,ЛГБТИ Центар за поддршка


Одбележувајќи го Меѓународниот ден против хомофобија и трансфобија ИЛГА Европа ја објави новата мапа за напредокот кон еднаквоста за ЛГБТИ луѓето на европскиот континент, каде после долг период се нотира напредок во нашата држава. Многумина ме контактираа затоа што мислат дека нема никаков напредок, зошто ова го нотира ИЛГА Европа? Мојот одговор е дека да, […]

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10th May 2021 Skopje, North Macedonia

Rachel Galloway

Rachel Galloway

Her Majesty's Ambassador to North Macedonia

Media Freedom

We have all faced challenges during the pandemic that have impacted on our way of living.  Media workers found themselves on the frontlines from the very start. Journalists, photographers, camerapersons while doing their jobs put their lives at risk, reporting on daily events to inform and protect the public’s interest. Last week we marked World […]

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10th March 2021 Skopje, North Macedonia

Irina Tosheva

Irina Tosheva

Fashion Designer

Sustainability Sells

Almost everyone is aware that we need to live as much as we can sustainably. Fashion choices are a big part of it. Maybe you have decided to buy more second-hand clothes or tried to go one month without buying anything new. Or you have decided that from now on, you will only buy clothes […]

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9th March 2021 Skopje, North Macedonia

Vildan Drpljanin

Vildan Drpljanin

Lawyer and Project Manager, Helsinki Committee for Human Rights

The COVID-19 labour crisis and its impact on women workers

Results of the ‘Improved productivity through better labour legislation in North Macedonia’ Project “Globally, women will likely experience a significant burden on their time given their multiple care responsibilities as school closures and confinement measures are adopted, possibly leading to reductions in working time and permanent exit from the labour market. In some contexts, and […]

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8th March 2021 Skopje, North Macedonia

Ljupka Trajanovska

Ljupka Trajanovska

Analyst and Research Associate at Center for Research and Policy Making; MA in Gender, Violence and Conflict at University of Sussex

International Women’s Day- Will women’s safety ever be a priority and a human right?

The global campaign theme this year was announced as “Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world.” The successful managing of the pandemic by women leaders has highlighted the need for more women in decision-making positions globally, not excluding the Republic of North Macedonia. A recovery process will follow and without assessing […]

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16th December 2020 Skopje, North Macedonia

Arijeta Hadzi-Hamza Ismaili

Arijeta Hadzi-Hamza Ismaili

Executive Assistant to Her Majesty’s Ambassador and Deputy Head of Mission

20 GREAT years working for the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office

Two decades! I cannot believe it, but the photos I am looking at now prove that I ran a marathon at the British Embassy and I am celebrating with a cup of English tea my 20th anniversary. I opened my box of memories and I found so many things that brought me back into the […]

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9th December 2020 Skopje, North Macedonia

Даниела Стојановска Џинговска

Даниела Стојановска Џинговска

Дипломиран специјален едукатор и рехабилитатор и Советник за ортопедски помагала на Генералните Директори на Фондот за здравствено осигурување на РСМ

Единствената попреченост е лошиот став, но попреченоста е во општеството, а не во личноста

Попреченоста започнува тогаш кога лицето со сензорна,физичка или интелектуална попреченост ќе се соочи со предизвиците во социјалната/општествената заедница. Образованието е првата социјална средина за секое дете вклучително и за децата со попреченост и тие за прв пат излегуваат од својата семејна безбедна и сигурна околина. Пристапот до образование е неопходен за градење на општество на […]

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19th November 2020 Skopje, North Macedonia

Vaska Bojadji

Vaska Bojadji

Child Rights Specialist and Chevening Alumna

World Children’s Day-The Challenges of Children in the Past and the Children of Today

February 2010, Palais Wilson, Geneva I clearly remember the excitement of strolling in Palais Wilson in Geneva, where me and Elena – two seventeen-year-old girls, were about to meet the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child. This UN body is responsible for monitoring the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the […]

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15th October 2020 Skopje, North Macedonia

Aleksandra Cvetkovska

Aleksandra Cvetkovska

Program Director, NDI North Macedonia

More Women in Politics is a Must

In North Macedonia, we have fought the fight of gender equality since the country’s independence, and even though a lot has been accomplished, we are still far away from achieving full gender parity and equal opportunities. When I was asked, by the British Embassy, to write a blog post on women in politics, I welcomed […]

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