SIN Europe

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13th November 2015 Science and Innovation Network

Dr Emma Hennessey / Dan Carruthers

Dr Emma Hennessey / Dan Carruthers

Deputy Head, FCO Science & Innovation, London / Deputy Head of Mission, British Embassy Reykjavik

Arctic Circle: something for everyone?

The vision for the Arctic Circle conference is that it should be an Arctic version of Davos and therefore it caters for a wide variety interests. Despite being only 3 years old, the conference has grown into an event with almost 2000 delegates from around 50 countries, and with representation including princes and presidents! It […]

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16th October 2015 Science and Innovation Network

Dr Emma Hennessey

Deputy Head, FCO Science and Innovation

How science and innovation is helping to feed the planet

As the end of the World Expo in Milan approaches, Government and civil society leaders are gathering to mark UN World Food Day. Participating nations will show commitment to addressing the challenge of feeding the world’s growing population. It has been the central theme for this year’s Expo – and the UK’s message has been […]

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About SIN Europe

We are a diverse group of 22 officers working on science and innovation out of UK Embassies and Consulates across Europe, Russia and Turkey. We report on science and innovation policy deve...

We are a diverse group of 22 officers working on science and innovation out of UK Embassies and Consulates across Europe, Russia and Turkey. We report on science and innovation policy developments in our respective countries and run projects across a range of areas to improve and increase collaboration with UK partners. Our blog should give you a flavour of the kind of work we do and an insight into how science and innovation systems work across the Europe region.

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