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Paul Madden

British Ambassador to Japan

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22nd February 2021 Tokyo, Japan

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by Paul Madden

British Ambassador to Japan

Farewell to the Foreign Office

I retire at the end of February, after 32 years in the Foreign Office, and 40 years in public service in total. Just another civil servant moving on from a job. But to me it feels a poignant moment. When I left university in 1980 I wasn’t seeking fame or fortune, which was perhaps just […]

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22nd February 2021 Tokyo, Japan

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by Paul Madden

British Ambassador to Japan

Farewell to Japan

I leave Japan at the end of February on completion of my term as Ambassador. It was also my first posting as a young diplomat, so it’s rather an appropriate place to be ending my career in. I have been fascinated by Japan since 1983, when I visited on a study tour, after winning an […]

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22nd February 2021 Tokyo, Japan

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by Paul Madden

British Ambassador to Japan

Sankyu (thank you) Japan: a farewell twitter campaign

As I prepared to leave Japan at the end of February, on completion of my assignment, I have been reflecting on my four years as Ambassador here, as well as the four years I spent here earlier in my career. I’ve been flicking through my photos. I decided to do 39 tweets highlighting things I […]

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3rd February 2021 Tokyo, Japan

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by Paul Madden

British Ambassador to Japan

Two Plus Two makes for a good discussion with Japan

The last time British and Japanese Foreign and Defence ministers met in the “2+2” format with their Japanese counterparts, it was in the splendid setting of the former Royal Naval College at Greenwich. This time, under COVID, it will take place virtually, from electronic conference suites in Whitehall and the Japanese equivalent, Kasumigaseki. But the […]

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4th December 2020 Tokyo, Japan

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by Paul Madden

British Ambassador to Japan

Okinawa – Japan’s sub-tropical island chain

The Japanese archipelago stretches around 2,000 miles from north to south. The Ryukyu chain in the far southwest, which includes the Okinawa group of islands, is almost tropical. It used to be a separate kingdom, a key part of the trading routes with East and South East Asia. Many ancient fortified palaces from that period remain.  But […]

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11th November 2020 Tokyo, Japan

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by Paul Madden

British Ambassador to Japan

Remembrance Day in Japan

On Sunday I took part in the annual Remembrance Day commemorations at the Commonwealth War Cemetry in Hodagaya, Yokohama. I was conscious that many similar ceremonies in the UK had had to be scaled down this year because of COVID restrictions. So it was good to see that, in Japan at least, a large number […]

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29th September 2020 Tokyo, Japan

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by Paul Madden

British Ambassador to Japan

Former British Consulate in Yokohama

The former British Consulate in Yokohama is a handsome stone building, reconstructed after the Great Tokyo Earthquake of 1923, just like the Embassy in Tokyo. Its location, amidst the downtown shops and offices of Japan’s second largest city, was once the bustling waterfront where East met West. Yokohama was one of several Treaty Ports, where […]

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17th August 2020 Tokyo, Japan

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by Paul Madden

British Ambassador to Japan

William Adams: the first Briton in Japan

If you have ever seen the 1980s TV mini-series “Shogun” you will be familiar with the story of William Adams, the “first Englishman in Japan”. It’s a fascinating tale. Shipwrecked in Japan in 1600, ship’s pilot Adams quickly won the confidence of the warlord Shogun, Tokugawa Ieyasu, advising him on many aspects of international affairs, shipbuilding and navigation.   He was to stay […]

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4th October 2019 Tokyo, Japan

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by Paul Madden

British Ambassador to Japan

Japan welcomes the Rugby World Cup

Well, the Rugby World Cup is underway at last. With four teams to support: England, Scotland, Wales and – together with the Irish Embassy – the all of Ireland team; and 50,000 British fans here, it’s a really busy time for the whole embassy. And following Japan’s historic victory over Ireland, the whole country is […]

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2nd August 2019 Tokyo, Japan

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by Paul Madden

British Ambassador to Japan

Japan in Northern Ireland

Many Japanese don’t know much about Northern Ireland, although the recent media reporting on the “Irish backstop” issue has made them more aware that the island of Ireland is divided into Northern Ireland, which is part of the UK, and the Republic of Ireland. Japan will shortly be welcoming teams from all the constituent elements […]

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About Paul Madden

Paul Madden has been the British Ambassador to Japan from January 2017. He was Additional Director for Asia Pacific at the FCO in 2015.He was British High Commissioner to Australia until F...

Paul Madden has been the British Ambassador to Japan from January 2017.

He was Additional Director for Asia Pacific at the FCO in 2015.He was British High Commissioner to Australia until February 2015. Prior to this he was British High Commissioner in Singapore from 2007-2011.

A career diplomat, he was previously Managing Director at UK Trade and Investment (2004-2006), responsible for co-ordinating and
implementing international trade development strategies to support
companies across a wide range of business sectors.

As Assistant Director of Information at the Foreign and Commonwealth
Office (2003-2004) he was responsible for public diplomacy policy,
including managing the FCO funding of the BBC World Service, the British
Council and the Chevening Scholarships programme. He led the team
responsible for the award-winning UK pavilion at the Aichi Expo in Japan

He was Deputy High Commissioner in Singapore from 2000-2003 and has
also served in Washington (1996-2000) and Tokyo (1988-92). Between
1992-96 he worked on EU enlargement and Environmental issues at the FCO
in London.

Before joining FCO he worked at the Department of Trade and Industry
(1980-87) on a range of industrial sectors and trade policy, including
two years as a minister’s Private Secretary.

He has an MA in Economic Geography from Cambridge University, an MBA
from Durham University, studied Japanese at London University’s School
of Oriental and African Studies, and is a Fellow of the Royal
Geographical Society. His first book, Raffles: Lessons in Business
Leadership, was published in 2003.

Married to Sarah, with three children, he was born in 1959, in Devon.