This blog post was published under the 2015 to 2024 Conservative government

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Regional Programme Officer - South East Asia Prosperity Fund

Part of South East Asia Prosperity Fund UK in Singapore

10th October 2016 Singapore

UK’s support on the Low Carbon Agenda in South East Asia


The #GlobalBritain campaign is now in full-gear and this week’s theme on environment features what the UK is doing on the low carbon agenda in South East Asia.

It’s a perfect opportunity to introduce other work that the Cross Whitehall Prosperity Fund is supporting in South East Asia; where this year, over 30% of the funding in SE Asia has gone towards the low carbon agenda.

Beyond the low carbon agenda, the UK is also contributing by partnering with the United Nations Development Programme, helping to inform Malaysia’s efforts in formulating the roadmap that will identify key sectors contributing to a significant greenhouse gas emission reduction. In Vietnam, the Carbon Trust is assisting the Ministry of Natural Resources and Energy by facilitating the implementation of measures to drive energy sector mitigation as part of the country’s Intended Nationally Determined Contributions. The collaboration aims to produce an action plan that sets out high-impact priority package of renewable energy and energy efficiency policy measures involving sectors on solar, wind, waste-to-energy and energy sufficiency. Likewise, Ricardo AEA will be assisting the Myanmar government’s efforts in translating their Nationally Determined Contributions into action-oriented implementation plans which stipulate clear, effective plans amongst individual sectors.

The Prosperity Fund is also supporting the Carbon Trust as it provides technical expertise on renewable energy to Indonesia’s Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources in developing a framework for the regulation of renewable energy Independent Power Producers. This framework is expected to open up market opportunities on renewable energy. Similarly, a partnership with Robert Gordon University is looking to establish a South East Asian Marine Energy Centre with the objective of encouraging and enabling the adoption of Marine Renewable Energy across the region.

The geothermal energy sector is another area where the Prosperity Fund is active in Indonesia. The momentum is present given the recently concluded project where the UK provided advice to the proposed feed-in tariff system for the geothermal energy sector to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources in Indonesia, which could encourage greater demand for geothermal energy. Meanwhile in the Philippines, IHS Markit has partnered with the British Embassy in Manila in helping the Department of Energy in the Philippines in developing an energy policy roadmap that supports the use of liquefied natural gas  as a low carbon solution to the country’s power needs.

The UK has much expertise to offer and the Prosperity Fund is just but one of the many ways the UK is contributing. Read more about UK’s work, expertise and climate change initiatives here.