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David Lidington

Minister for Europe, London

Part of

FCDO Outreach

Читати біографію

19th May 2014 London, UK

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by David Lidington

Minister for Europe, London

Як зараз живеться кримським татарам?

Коли увага світу прикута до подій на сході України, можна було б легко упустити з поля зору те, що відбувається в Криму після його незаконної анексії Російською Федерацією. Але давайте подивимось на історію лідера кримських татар Мустафи Джемільова. Історія його життя надзвичайна. Ще дитиною він був відправлений у вигнання Йосифом Сталіним, а потім провів понад […]

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Про David Lidington

David Lidington MP was appointed Minister of State at the Foreign & Commonwealth Office on 14 May 2010. David Lidington was elected to Parliament in 1992 and is the Member of Parliament fo...

David Lidington MP was appointed Minister of State at the Foreign & Commonwealth Office on 14 May 2010.
David Lidington was elected to Parliament in 1992 and is the Member of Parliament for Aylesbury.
He worked for BP and RTZ before spending three years as Special Advisor to Douglas Hurd in the Home Office and Foreign Office.
His proudest political achievement was successfully promoting a
Private Members Bill which became the Chiropractors Act in 1994. He
believes that this piece of legislation has made a real difference to
many people’s lives.
He has a long standing passion for history, and has twice captained a
champion team on University Challenge, first in 1979 and then in 2002
when the Sidney Sussex team became “champion of champions” in University
Challenge Reunited.
He is married to Helen Lidington and has four sons.

Слідкуйте David