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A tribute to Professor Sanjay Biswas

Portrait by Mrs. Sarmista Das
Portrait by Mrs. Sarmista Das

It was with great sadness that the SIN team learnt of the passing of Professor Sanjay Biswas over the weekend. He was a great friend to the team, and a tireless advocate for Indo-UK research collaboration. He was a truly special person, and we will miss him.

As people got in touch to share their grief and fond memories, it became clear just how influential and highly regarded he was throughout the research community. Tributes to this gentle, generous man came in from his many collaborators in the UK – from long standing collaborators at Oxford University to people he’d only recently met (and charmed) in London. We’ve shared some of these below.

“Professor Sanjay Biswas was my first academic contact in Bangalore. Together we delivered a high-level lecture series, celebrating 100 years of IISc and renewing links with the UK. We welcomed many people to Bangalore with whom Sanjay and his team went on to develop a lasting commitment to research collaboration. Sanjay made the planning and delivery of the complex IISc lecture series a huge amount of fun, and many meetings over many dinners enabled us to plan a range of additional activities to strengthen UK-India relationships, from three UK Science Minister visits to Bangalore, to partnerships with the universities of Oxford, Cambridge, Leeds and Edinburgh, and of course the relationship he pushed forward with the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore.

But much more than this, Sanjay was a true friend. We shared many conversations about science, politics, Scotland and the world. He was there for me when I was struggling in a new city, and he brought a cheeky twinkle of mischief and new ideas (balanced with an impeccable understanding of realpolitik) to my three years in Bangalore. Being able to introduce him to my favourite places in Edinburgh, after my posting had ended, was a real pleasure. Sanjay Biswas, you are sorely missed.”

Rebecca Fairbairn, former Deputy Head of the UK Science & Innovation Network in India

“I first met Professor Sanjay Biswas during a long midsummer’s day in Malmo in 2007, during which he gave a stimulating and animated presentation to European science policy makers on the way in which to engage with the growing strength of the Indian science-base. I was therefore delighted to renew Professor Biswas’s acquaintance in 2008 when I moved to work on science issues at the British High Commission in Delhi and I enjoyed three fruitful years working with him. Sanjay has played a pivotal role in the scientific relationship between the UK and India in recent years, most memorably for me, through co-delivering a high-level lecture series in 2009/2010.”

Chris Darby, former Head of the UK Science & Innovation Network in India

“Prof. SKB, as he was known, was a true pioneer of multidisciplinary research and engineering. An absolute taskmaster with a humane approach. A philosopher, guide and friend for every student going under his tutelage.

Having been his student was an experience that i can never forget. He made me learn that nothing is impossible, Take on challenges that others say cannot be done and above all ensure that you take any responsibility to its logical conclusion.

In fact my last interaction with him was on 9th Apr 2013 when he apprised me on his latest initiatives and wanted me to play a proactive role in the same. All of us should ensure that his legacy continues in the years to come and make his dreams come true.”

Dr Krishna Venkatesh, Chief Technology Officer, Centre for Emerging Technologies, Jain University, and former student

“What impressed me the first time when I was with a delegation from Leeds University was his ability to hold everyone’s attention with great ease. All of us huddled around him and listened to him in rapt attention when he spoke about his vision to make India less dependent on imported medical devices. His smile was very infectious. Prof. Biswas had this great ability to bring people from different fields and institutes to work together on a common goal – affordable medical devices. We have lost a great person.”

Sunil Kumar, British Deputy High Commission Bangalore

“I first came in contact with Professor Sanjay Biswas when he called me over to his office to discuss on building new links and strengthen existing relations between the IISc and the UK academia. Our first meeting was not a very long discussion but it gave a good platform to work on. Professor Biswas’ vision, ideas and support to the IISc-RSC high profile Lecture Series in 2009-10 was the key factor for its immense success as he managed to get many partners, not only within the IISc but also in institutions across India. It was a pleasure working with Professor Biswas who always provided great ideas and newer insights.”

Rajesh Parishwad, Royal Society of Chemistry

For me, Sanjay was one of the first people I met in Bangalore. Ever since, he has been a constant source of advice and good humour. He was infectiously optimistic and faultlessly generous with his time. Embarking, as he was, on a new national programme to create affordable healthcare technologies, his passing is a great loss not only to all who knew and loved him, but to everyone. He will be sorely missed.

If you would like to share a brief tribute to Professor Biswas, or pay testament to his work promoting Indo-UK research collaboration, please comment below.

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