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Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office Blogs

A GREAT British Science Day at Konserthuset this Friday

This Friday, December 6 at Konserthuset, the British Embassy in Stockholm will host a series of exciting events under the banner “Research & Innovation is GREAT”. We have world class scientists, entrepreneurs and experts talking about invention, discovery and innovation. It should be fascinating and fun.
We’d love you to be part of it. You can find more information here.


The first event is a seminar particularly for science and business audiences about advances in healthcare and life sciences. This will run from 1000-1530.

Running alongside it from 1100 till 1600 is a a fantastic public science exhibition featuring a Dark Matter 3D interactive display, a bionic hand from UK company Touch Bionics and exhibits from Stockholm’s own Tekniska Museet.

Then at 1600 you can join pioneering Professor Lord Winston and Lead Scientist from the CERN ATLAS experiment Professor David Charlton for an engaging and educational feast for scientists and other curious minds alike!

Come along for your chance to win 2 return business class tickets to London from British Airways!


Registration for the healthcare and life sciences business event is mandatory and can be done here. Registrations will commence at 9.30am.
Join us for a number of informative presentations, with guest speakers from the UK and Sweden, such as IVF pioneer Lord Robert Winston, British Ambassador for Healthcare and Life Science Lord Ajay Kakkar, Mr Ian Stevens CEO of Touch Bionics and the Director of Stockholm Brain Institute Edwin C. Johnson. The event will highlight the collaborative opportunities between Sweden and the UK in health and life sciences, and provide an opportunity for scientist and entrepreneurs to exchange ideas on ways to break the barriers to innovation and invest in science.

The public exhibition in the front foyer of Konserthuset is open to the public from 11am to 4pm (entry via Hötorget). The key elements of this exhibition will move to the main hall at Centralen (just by ‘Ringen’) over the weekend (09.00-19.00), so come say hello!

At the public seminar event between 16.00 and 18.00, learn more about the ATLAS experiment at CERN – one of the two detectors that discovered the Higgs particle, from Lead Scientist and ATLAS Spokesperson Professor David Charlton. IVF pioneer, Professor Lord Robert Winston will also provide insight into the importance of different forms of research and the significance of science to society. The Professors will be joined by some of Europe’s best science communicators – the ‘FameLabbers’, and BBC science journalist, Quentin Cooper as host. There is also an opportunity to win a return trip to London, thanks to British Airways! Share the event and follow updates here.

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